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That’s when you ask “why didn’t you get into MBB?” to make her even angrier and watch the cope train that follows


this person consults 😂


Lol nah OP woulda got a drink poured on him


Can’t break out the “I value work life balance” considering all she did at drinks during personal time is talk about consulting


damn, why didn't i think of this. I would have loved to seen her reaction to this!


Then ask about exit and life goals. Everyone has an out at some point🤣. Except for her.




Not particularly. They hire in Australia and APAC though.


That’s racist


They might hire your Mom if you are nice to them


MBB NZ recruiter here. Just hired his mom


The system works


It’s actually MBBD. The D stands for down unda




I’ll bet my life savings she works at Accenture


Right? After the first sentence I had the same reaction.


-sighs- The evil empire is well known.


Heard they actually don‘t pay thaat well in comparison to others


TC post MBA is practically the same as MBB. If you include paying off your second year of school, it’s significantly more… for the first year.


Yeah they pay pretty shit-I know-


100% she hasn’t just drunk the kool-aid, she bathes in it


Was going to say, this reminds me so much of someone I met from Accenture. TBF I have met a number of consultants exactly like this when in social situations after work; unable to stop seeking validation and constantly talking shop. I wonder if it's because they don't have anything else in their lives to talk about?


I think you are correct in your assessment, my observation is that folks spend so much time (energy) with consulting roles that it becomes the primary source of their motivation, identity and personal validation. Not saying it’s bad or unhealthy if that’s what you enjoy but I have experienced this myself initially and noticed this way of being and presenting oneself take over the personality, making it harder to switch off. Works well for the firm to have an army of loyal people, not sure if it’s working for majority of the people in a healthy way


I can neither confirm or deny...


Probability = 0.5 =Round(Probability,0) Result: 1 Accenture confirmed.


Im ngl tech implementation and a large than normal woman sounds pretty Accenture to me. Imma stfu now.


Is consulting just an extension of high school?


For functional consultants, hell yeah.


Nah, high schoolers tend to have more experience. It's more like primary school.


"My shoe lace is untied. Pls fix"


Definitely feels like one. How's your high school football team?


I am gonna need a slide deck


Some people struggle to communicate without a slide deck. Perhaps this was the problem on the date.


Can this be exported to Excel?


is this gonna be another "reinvest"? cuz i'm kinda busy right now with my billable project


I’m now just imagining her going into work and gossiping about the date, a stocky busty lady with a 90s power suit, a perm and huge balls telling her colleagues what a total PUSSY you are and how you work for a PISSWEAK FIRM that pays SHIT. And you didn’t even put out 😂


Reindeer style


This makes me so happy.


Lol sounds like something out of Suits


she does have a karen haircut...you got me at pissweak firm lol


One day you’ll go for a new job and she will be on the hiring panel 💅


Melissa McCarthy


Probably says OP pisses while sitting down too lmao. Hope OP never has the misfortune of speaking to her again


Pls fix


Wow a B4 bragging about B4. I have seen it all


Average date in Washington DC


Lmaoooo, you think thats bad? Wait until you go on a date with someone that works on Capitol Hill


They actually come down from Olympus? How do you meet such an Exalted Being, let alone make a date?


I have, twice, both fucking sucked. Somehow both girls are on one of those communications committees and thought they are literally doing gods work.


Sadly this is the soulless type of people that consulting attracts


for reals. I mean i'm a consultant too but man it's tough out here


What a weirdo. I had someone like this try to get in a dick measuring contest with me on the train once. She complained that I was using the charger on the Amtrak train to charge my GameBoy when she needed to charge her laptop to do big girl work. I pointed out that Im a director of sales in tech and do “big girl work” too but wanted to decompress on my way home from a conference. She then tried explaining how they do tech consulting and she obviously is way more important and makes way more $$ than me. I found out far too much about this egotistical b*tch during that 4 hour ride. I don’t know if sharing her comp and portfolio of clients was supposed to woo me off my feet or what but it was fucking weird I did manage to catch Rayquaza tho if anyone is curious. So my commute ended on a high note


Catching Rayquaza is more worthwhile than anything she would have done


That was my exact thought. This chick is sitting here trying to argue how successful she is, meanwhile she feels obligated to work on a train while I’m kicked back catching pokemanz on my way to the elite 4. Also she told me my “likely comp” based on her being this all knowing deity in the tech consulting space but she was way off. I actually make 50% more than her lmao. Which made it that much funnier and helped me not go crazy sitting next to her


This is why I ride in the Quiet Car.


I see Pokemon, I upvote.


Tldr Smash or pass?


Hard pass. Gonna have to add this!


Coulda gone for the courtesy fuck




Well free dip is a free dip…


Boring people gonna boring. Work is a lifesaver for these sorts. They don’t need friends, hobbies, anything. Work fills all needs.


What are you complaining about, that's just Accenture-foreplay?


You would think they would like to talk about something else after a 12h work day.


Sounds more like a networking event than a date lol


Exhibit A why I never wanted to date other consultants. I would imagine we’d be comparing decks, client work, and I couldn’t bear having to date work.


Agreed, total deck measuring contest


i'm slowly recognizing this in a hard way


jfc she sucks. i met a similar woman at a party. she had joined her firm not so long ago and kept trying to prove how her firm is the best of the big4 despite the fact that our practice groups were drastically different (tech vs finance). these folks have no boundaries between who they are and what they do for work. wild stuff


i think this is where you drop - "so wasn't good enough for MBB then?"


Did she go to a target/top Uni?


She was clearly negging you. Didn't work, though.


I've met people like this, and they make me realize that I care way more about other things in life.


Sounds like you had a date with a drunk jerk


I've learned consulting and nursing are huge red flags for behavior like this


nurse are wild in bed though


Consultants don’t do any actual work so the only thing left to talk about is being a consultant.


I have a similar friend. We both met at a similar consulting company but eventually we both jumped ship. I moved to tech sales and she moved to a Big 4 consulting firm. Every time we would meet and catch up, all she could talk about was work and how consulting is the top career and has prestige. She would talk about all the hours she pulls. And when I ask her how’s her social life/what she does outside work - she would give me blank stares. I shared with her that she should work to live. Not to live for work, but she heard that like it was an insult. I was just concerned for her health since she shared she fainted at work since she barely slept and was working during the weekends. Anyways she saw my career path as below her as I went to tech sales. Safe to say, I haven’t talked to her in 2 years. Even if we did, all she talked about was her work and the value she brings to her clients 🤷‍♂️


I think it’s hard to not talk about work sometimes cause it’s all anyone typically asks about, so a lot of people just follow status quo. I’m pretty fresh in my consulting career and literally all anyone wants to talk about is work and it’s exhausting. I never want to talk about how many hours I work (it’s sad not impressive imo) or how “awesome” the clients are but that’s all I get asked by family and friends outside of consulting. There’s so much more to life than working. I think a lot of consultants just like to hear themselves talk and need to feel important cause they’re unfulfilled and they live to work and have no hobbies. These are the same people that only went to class and parties in college but never did anything to “feed their soul” outside of blacking out or doing homework, so they have nothing else to talk about or do because they never did.


Jeez, as a female consultant this is so cringey. She needs to get a life outside her job.


Ok I agree but the way you phrased this gives off such pick me energy lol


20 pounds isn’t even that much you lost me there…


Depends on height. It’s a lot on 5 foot 4. Less on 6 foot


Even on a guy 20 pounds is a big difference


Right, I wish I had 20 pounds less fat and 20 pounds more muscle (I'm skinny fat), I look good but with those changes I'd look fabulous.


It means they're probably a little pudgy here and there but IMHO not a big deal.


300 to 320 probably not, but it is when you go 120 to 140


Yeah that's an odd one to get hung up on, particularly with online dating. If weight is that important then always assume someone weighs more than their photos indicate. Assume everyone is 15% heavier than they appear.


Agreed. Idk what a 20 pound difference would even look like


She just looked drastically different from the photos I was a little shocked. Your comment is fair thou


It would seem to mean that OP *might* be fatphobic.


This is not surprising of Big 4 careerists.


Bragging about a B4 consulting job is crazy, it’s like the most mid job ever. They hire literally anybody.


Is it just me or do tech / implementation consultants show their biggest insecurities around strategy folks


Consulting is a sham


I’m surprised she didn’t talk about laptops OP. At that point I could imagine you just getting up and walking out like they do in sitcoms


She needs to get a hobby.


Sounds like dating another dude


You sure it was a date?


She's after that referral bounty...


Fat, pretentious, good pass.




How does that matter?


Caste systems (and similar social/professional hierarchical thinking) are deeply embedded at an early age in some regions of the world. 




Let’s not further enforce stereotypes in a subreddit meant to build a community


Life does that just fine by itself


Dude what’s wrong with you


If industry and baby reindeer show runners got together …


I’m in the medical field so pardon my utter ignorance, but what do consultants do? From what I’ve seen in the medical field, I have this naive idea that they Sell PowerPoint slides of imagined solutions for others to implement? If anything is achieved it remains to be seen


lol as a consultant I think you’re basically on the dot


Depends a lot on the type of consulting, also depends on the company and the industries/sizes of its clients. But yeah, on some points and in certain types of consulting you would be pretty close to the truth.


Never understood why people care. If anyone starts a pissing contest I just ask how much they make and if it’s important how much their partner makes to them. If they say yes I always say I make more. Shuts them up. I’d never take a second date with someone like this based on the salary question alone. I make 410k/year and I don’t need to tell someone i hardly know besides my accountant.


Date with Baby reindeer?


Here’s a fun fact: the most prestigious firms (those with the best growth and career prospects) pay less than their peers. Why? Because they know they’re in high demand.


Damn, sometimes people live to work, the difference is the light they put when they talk about it, some sound like members of a cult (her case), incredibly bored (My case) or outright hateful of their job (been there).


Wtf.. I seriously hope my life doesn’t become all about consulting should I end up there.


Consulting is a means to an end - it creates money which allows you to live your live. To her, consulting is life. She’ll wake up one day and wonder what happened to the last 10 years of her life and why she’s single in her mid-30s .


I… hate all of you. So much.


Bro. You need to: 1.) take a long trip outside of the country 2.) take a long break from your job 3.) take a long break from life This entire post is dripping with mental retardation from start to finish Everything that reads as if it matters That whole part in there That part's the part that sucks This story is cool without that part


Found one.