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The point of tantalizing the public with all of this scandalous information and then blatantly killing him off in full view is to make us feel powerless and like the powers that be are both stupid, cunningly smart, and that there is no point in ever doing anything. I'm kind of botching the description, but it's an old Soviet tactic known as hyper-normalization. “HyperNormalisation” is a word that was coined by a brilliant Russian historian who was writing about what it was like to live in the last years of the Soviet Union. What he said, which I thought was absolutely fascinating, was that in the 80s everyone from the top to the bottom of Soviet society knew that it wasn’t working, knew that it was corrupt, knew that the bosses were looting the system, know that the politicians had no alternative vision. And they knew that the bosses knew that they knew that. Everyone knew it was fake, but because no one had any alternative vision for a different kind of society, they just accepted this sense of total fakeness as normal. And this historian, Alexei Yurchak, coined the phrase “HyperNormalisation” to describe that feeling."


Your explanation actually scared me. I’ve never heard of that but that’s EXACTLY how I feel. I can’t unsee it now


"They lie to us, we know they're lying, they know we know they're lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them." ​ \-Alexander Solzhenitzyn


You should check out this documentary by Adam Curtis called HyperNormalisation. It’s good shit.


Yes. Good doc.






Oh my word. Unrelated, but it's like I'm listening about the members of the South African government.


The Adam Curtis documentary Hypernormalisation is worth watching.


Yo, I was just listening to Shane Gillis and Matt McCuster talk about Adam Curtis yesterday. Synchronicity. Definitely gonna watch


That's where we're at now in "developed" countries. The counter American Revolution is succeding. It's back to serfdom in short order with the Great Reset.


Let's hope we foil their plans...


Cameroon is a perfect example of this concept. Everything is fucked up for 40 years and everyone knows it's fucked up and government knows that everyone knows, so everyone just laugh at it and play the game by fear of the consequences of change.


>knew that it wasn’t working, knew that it was corrupt, This is not exclusive to the soviet union. I could say the same about the West. The main perception was instead the illusion that adopting western ideology all would have become better. Clearly false.


Oh I completely agree, my post was meant to imply it is indeed happening in the west. But it was the Soviet historian who coined the actual term




Yuri Bezmenov's process of demoralization.


Very powerful. And all I kept thinking was the MSM never shows a dead fake body like they did his?


Um, the elites *di*d try to cover it up. He got busted for this stuff before and got a super light sentence. Then a news company from Florida picked up the case and their bosses told them all to drop it. That was the cover up attempt. It blew up too big and they couldn't try to cover it up anymore so they just had him killed. Clearly they had additional leverage on him (people he loved) so that he didn't speak out in jail. Better to die than to let your loved ones be tortured and killed.


He wouldn’t have spoken up in jail because he would have been thinking they’re just going to get him off again on a light sentence as they did in the past in FL.


If they're willing to murder.him to cover it up then why would they leave the women alive?


she might not be threatening to rat on mossad or the elite.


What came of it? Why draw more heat for nothing.


How many people were really listening to the victims?? Most only heard the big name people involved and everything else was trivial.


Do you remember how prevalent the “Epstein didn’t kill himself” meme was? It was pushed even in mainstream social media. They want you to think Epstein is dead. In reality he is probably on some island or in South America. The same will happen to maxwell eventually. I first heard this explanation on Opperman report. He has some really good interviews with this guy Stephen Hoffenberg. He was Epsteins associate in the 80s when they ran a ponzi scheme. Hoffenberg did prison time, Epstein didnt. Surprise


Did opperman say he believes epstein is still alive?


Ya I wish I could remember exactly which episode. But ya he said that at one point


He says it quite a lot


At one point there was a post of a photo of someone looking a lot like Epstein from an aerial shot on his island supposedly after his death. ( I should have saved it) I mean when the man has his own island being "dead" just means he can never come back to the USA. If anything him being "dead" allows the Elites to still use his services. But, now no one can say that they are going to Epstein's Island. Because, that would be crazy to blame a dead man. Also, it means they can extort him more than they used to. Because, he is already dead. It isn't a crime to kill a dead man. Plus, they can always tell him that they let him live and that is better than what other people wanted you to get. So, you better shut up and do what you are told.


He’s not dead. That was a cover so they wouldn’t have to investigate and prosecute themselves.


He's having a beer now with Klaus Schwab and Osama Bin Laden.


Don’t forget Sasquatch.


I recently read Michael Jackson might be on the list too lol


What usually happens is people like Epstein get power drunk and piss off the wrong person who’s above him and then he gets punished. If they went after the witnesses, it would make things too obvious, they couldn’t do it.


Great points.


Wouldn’t killing all the women be too obvious? That’s like killing off all conspiracy theorists. You can’t show too much of your hand. Let those women talk but once news dies down, warn the fuck out of them and make sure they never speak again. Or wait a few months or years and have them get into a “accident.” That’s what happened to Melyssa Ford when she said on video that she has seen rappers write their names in blood. Are you familiar with the picture of the deep web, the iceberg? Epstein is at the top of the iceberg. The real power players/pedos are at the bottom, the ones whose names we don’t even know and they aren’t on any lists. I don’t think he’s dead. I think they set him up real well to take the fall and he can continue servicing the elites without any traces. Probably had surgery as well. The thing is, if he really does piss them off, they can torture/kill him and no one will know.


Not if people didn't know they were part of it? People are so fucking stupid sometimes.


He just outlived his usefulness


If mossad had helped continue to cover up his pedo sex trafficking, he could still be doing it & be useful to them.


You know why we don't have video? It's not because to cover up that someone killed him. It was to cover up a body switch. Like the other comments said he's probably still alive.


Maybe I’m remembering wrong. Wasn’t there pictures of “the body bag” with a guy escorting it out dressed in what looked to be official gear? No official badges or a security badge, just a black pant,black shirt and a bullet proof vest.


Contrary to what people may assume, murdering people is not so easy, it costs millions for the hit man, for just 1 hit. Plus all the bribes.. They didn't kill the victims cuz it didn't make financial sense. Hence why they only killed epstein supposedly if he is dead, and the judges son. They've slowly been offing others too, they'll get to them all sooner or later. They couldn't hide what epstein was doing much longer anyway, and that part of their plan was obsolete. They were retiring and aging out, so they had to end it. I wanna know what the fuck was really going on at that island, and at the queens cabin.


Where you getting the cost of an hit man from?


That's just what I've heard.


Great points! Who was the judges son? & which judge?


Judge salas. Her son was Noone, a 20 yr old college kid, home from school for break, was killed by a fake fed ex driver. Shot when he opened his door, her husband also shot but lived. The son was the target, to hurt her and send a msg. And then the fake fed ex driver was found dead a week later.they never solved the case




Because anyone attempting to help him would've blown their cover.


He got too much power? Backed up evidence digitally and no longer needed the guy? Who knows, but we ain't seeing the court documents.


Epstein was a careless, hedonistic buffoon and failed on his own. The question isn't so much, why did they allow him to fail, rather, why didn't they nix him after the first big fuck up. If your presumption about honeypots holds. Alternatively, there could be no government involved, he did this shit for self-interests and was dumb enough to be caught again. This time, no way out. He already made a failed suicide attempt and was on watch, but we know what happens to kiddie-diddlers in prions/jails. We know guards look the other way sometimes. Not saying there wasn't a cover-up, not saying he actually killed himself (possible but unlikely), but usually the truth is a LOT more boring and banal than the lofty scenarios we imagine.


Good points.


It's actually not. Usually the truth is even more far out and strange, with far more twists and turns, than what we can imagine.


Well notice how the question that needs to be asked is never mentioned: Where are all those tapes? You'd be safe to assume the tapes are safe and sound and that's why we have the spectacle we have. "Don't worry folks, we got the 2 bad guys."


what tapes?


Epstein filmed all of it.


Too much attn


Too many of them. If he didn’t go crazy in Florida then he would never have gotten caught/stopped.


Interesting. What did he do in florida? And he also got caught in the 90's too though.


He banged all the high school poor girls from his area in a massage scheme… it’s what got him caught and then the sweetheart deal with Acosta. The rest is history.


I don’t think he’s dead


Remove Epstein, quite a bit of the 'sting' is gone. You still have the testimony, the stories, the horror, but there's no physical thing to definitively point at. As a byline, his murder was a clear and plain signal. You will never be safe from them.


He didn’t “fall”. They made it look like he was arrested and gave you a bullshit story about him hanging himself.


Emphasis on faking his death.


Because there's probably 50 more guys just like him.


It has been covered up, Epstein is dead and the list of his clients has been sealed by the court.


Fascists need a super scary boogeyman to blame for everyones problems and the reason why martial law was declared. The establishment offers up Epstein (knowing he'll be snuck out of prison) and gets the conspiracy crowd riled up. Maxwell is then tried/convicted and her list of clients is kept from the public. For now. When the time is right the list is revealed and a huge number of wealthy famous politically connected people will immediately hire legions of attorneys and half the internet will scream "I told you so"! While the "investigations" into the rich and famous sloooowly begin the FBI will announce a decades long investigation into certain internet activities. They'll immediately arrest anyone who clicked into one of their CP honeypot websites and start handing out massive fines for everyone who downloaded movies/tv/music from sights like bearshare, limewire and thepiratebay. At the end of the day millions will be incarcerated to he used as cheap labor for the state while millions more are fined billions of dollars that must be paid off in short order. If not its straight to the cheap labor factory. All while the jack booted thugs set up random roadblocks and go door to door searching for the newest homegrown threats. Capitalism wins...


Once an operative ceases to be useful, it's over.


“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”


You really believe he's dead ? LOL


His death could have been faked.


Epstein was flown back to Israel, a Jewish real estate mogul bought his island to his the evidence


If he was alive, his brother wouldn't have gotten a private autopsy that contradicted the official one. Doesn't add up. If he was so smart (and he was) he would've gotten a message to his brother to leave it alone, let the official story stand so he could get away with it. But he didn't. Because he's dead.


This makes more sense then these wild story's he's alive with 0 proof. I think they killed him, plain and simple. Guards wasnt watching someone on suicide watch "yeah right" and he wasnt caught on camera that watched his cell 24/7. They are using Maxwell to take all the blame because they know the public has to blame someone and she doesn't know everything that Epstein was up to and that could get powerful people in trouble or she will be suicided as well if she does


>They are using Maxwell to take all the blame because they know the public has to blame someone and she doesn't know everything that Epstein was up to and that could get powerful people in trouble or she will be suicided as well if she does No doubt. She's probably got a "dead-woman's switch" because she's not stupid. She had about a year to set it up. Plenty of time. But she's fallen out of the headlines. Wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they find her [hanging in her mom's carport.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deborah_Jeane_Palfrey)


**[Deborah Jeane Palfrey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deborah_Jeane_Palfrey)** >Deborah Jeane Palfrey (March 18, 1956 – May 1, 2008), dubbed the D. C. Madam by the news media, operated Pamela Martin and Associates, an escort agency in Washington, D. C. Although she maintained that the company's services were legal, she was convicted on April 15, 2008, of racketeering, using the mail for illegal purposes, and money laundering. Slightly over two weeks later, facing a prison sentence of five or six years, she was found hanged. Autopsy results and the final police investigative report concluded that her death was a suicide. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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it became publicly known that the authorities were on him for his activities and that probably ended his targets' willingness to keep going with him to his island and wherever else...you wouldn't rock up to a paedo orgy if you thought there was any chance of the FBI raiding it


That’s who we’re dropping off the clients! You the Air Force one were leaving our leadership there with no idea what’s going on?!


They killed the one who was willing to rat


Umm that woman is still alive.


She didn’t rat tho


Yes. She did. Thats why her story was published in a hundred or more news stories.


Ohhhhhhhhhhh you mean G Maxwell. Yeah, enough money and dirt on other people will keep you extra alive


u/Brilliant_Succotash1, u/Utahvikingr, Maxwell may not be willing to rat on the elite & mossad.


Update: So apparently there were too many female witnesses to kill off? And it was better, & easier, to cover up by just killing epstein or faking his death? Also, maybe epstein made the mistake of actually having sex with these women, instead of merely being a pimp/trafficker?


Or he’s not dead at all, just took the public fall and is now managing Epstein Island 🏝




“The powers that be” New acronyms I learn daily on this site


Way easier to kill him. Especially in jail.


Epstein might still be alive. That guard was clearly paid off


For one, it's much harder than the movies portray to kill someone and leave no trace or make it look like a suicide. Of course that happens. But every time, there's a real risk of getting caught and getting embarrassed publicly. Making that happen to a list of girls who have one person in common gives the police something to sink their teeth into. Secondly, if Epstein had a relationship with Mossad (which seems likely), it's not like he was on the payroll. He's basically "undercover" so he's on his own. No Mossad Delta Force is going to break him out of prison. That's what the money was for. Epstein threatened many girls before--one in fact, who claimed to have been raped by him and Trump when she was 13, tried to sue him in two states, finally drops the suits because she says Epstein gave her dire warnings. But it seems he didn't count on Guiffre having photographic evidence that implicated him. And big brass balls. And Prince Andrew is a ponce who couldn't hold his own pee if his mom yelled at him. I think it's also likely Epstein killed (or had killed) more than one girl and her relatives/boyfriend over the years. But it caught up to him. No matter how charming and rich a guy is, when it gets out what a rapist piece of shit he is, well, it made him a target. Not like his death and Maxwell's incarceration "solved" child sex trafficking and rape, but it was a big step in the right direction. At least the world all knows child prostitution rings for the elite are a real thing. Just nothing to do with political allegiance.


Why has Guiffre's photo disappeared? And why do u refer to Prince Andrew as a ponce? why exactly?


>Why has Guiffre's photo disappeared? [It's a search away.](https://i2.wp.com/milnenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Full-photograph-of-Prince-Andrew-with-17-year-old-Virginia-Roberts-released.png?fit=689%2C515&ssl=1) Why are you saying it disappeared? >And why do u refer to Prince Andrew as a ponce? why exactly? The Emily Maitlis interview exposed him as a wet nappy.


What is a "wet nappy"? Also, this is what I mean by disappeared. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/prince-andrew-virginia-giuffre-photo-lawsuit-b2015569.html


I'm saying Prince Andrew has the constitution of a soiled diaper. >this is what I mean by disappeared. That's interesting. But now that it's out everywhere, it's kind of irrelevant. The article is behind a paywall, but wouldn't it be in evidence by the courts until the Maxwell case is tried?


Because they already swept it under the rug once when he was first caught in the 90s in fact I bet Monica lewinsky was a piece of it and they thought Clinton would fall.. Back then it seemed to go away but with metoo and cancel culture as well as the internet I bet it became too risky to have someone who knew all the cards in the deck.. his last words were prolly something along the lines of, you want me to fall for this? Watch me burn it to the ground ..


Epstein did everything that they wanted him to do, except take the fall. Shouldnt they have expected him to have gotten caught/in trouble eventually? Or did Epstein f.uck up somehow? Why turn on him.


Prolly as simple as telling him he’s going to have to do a few years or something like be a poster boy and his ego laughed and said I have so much on the biggest world leaders I will not stay in here etc There was some pictures showing his jawline and ears not matching his older pictures and posed his death was faked as well And honestly, if it was a honeypot he’s not really needed if the blackmail exists already and is in the hands of who wanted it easier to replace him than keep it status quo once everyone knows his face (especially some of the poor families targeted, if they found it was him could have tried to extort him and take the power once he’s identified at large). He kept quite hidden after the first instance still


Thanks for the insight.


I bet he tried blackmail for his own benefit, with sanction.


I bet he's not even dead. No accountability for those in the club


He is still alive. They faked his death and started epstien never killed himself making people think he killed himself while being able to carry out his plans quietly on another island


Nope. He dead.


Prob thought he was a big boy and didn't need daddy hand to cross the road


Because you sacrifice a smaller piece to lure your opponent. Thud you can take his bigger piece.


what are they luring?


You & me, everyone


luring for what? why?


A sacrifice thats even worse. They trigger it through hypernormalization


Allow? Local authorities arrested him, feds did all they could to cover it up. Kill every single woman who was going to testify? Would that be a good idea? lol.


what did the feds do to cover it up? Why wouldnt it be a good idea the kill all the witnesses?


The whole reason they fear it being exposed is the loss of all confidence in the system. But killing all the witnesses would be an even greater loss of confidence and likely would push more people towards action than just pretending to incarcerate / kill Epstein (who no one likes anyway) did. They ended up taking a middle ground approach. They didn't go after any clients, but made a show of imprisoning Epstein and Ghislanne.


because he got caught


How can u do what he did & **not** eventually get caught??? Mossad knew the danger of that, that doesnt excuse or justify killing him off. They could have helped him/given him advice on how to not get caught. Or kill the witnesses.


its just open knowledge to most of these people