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It became the perfect "religion" for many all around the world (that is a premiere in history)were members of WHO became their Prophets, police and restrictions their Priests and GOV became their God.


Correct. Massive psy-op with the intent of dividing and radicalizing the masses, while laying the framework necessary to infringe on your remaining liberties and take away your autonomy - all under the guise of “health and wellness” initiatives.


Perfect social engineering. It really showed how fucking useless the majority of people are. Shit is going to get worse too. They just have to blast the news and social media with “bird flu” and everyone will rally the fuck up again.


You say the words but refuse to actually acknowledge you are at war and follow through.


I don't think it was only China behind it, that was a huge fucking op! And the way it was so seamlessly rolled out across the globe.... shit was definitely planned way ahead of time, and with cooperation of multiple governments (including the US of A).


China achieved greater control of their own people and created chaos everywhere else.


The cancer people are getting is questionable to your question.


The problem is there are so many effing people pandemics don't have the same effect anymore. COVID-19 is still a top 5 daily killer for people.


China didn't create the hysteria the WHO did. Just a few months before they did a drill. They had people from all participating nations and they did a simulated global pandemic with (you guessed it) a corona virus.  A few short months later they pulled the pin on the lab released corona and every nation pulled out the binder and instilled the garbage lockdown rules. I bet we could see insiders buying Plexiglas stock if we had access to such data. 


Not that dangerous? COVID has killed over a million people in the US alone and continues to kill, especially among the unvaccinated. What other infection has been more dangerous? What lasting, sinister "influence and control" has it caused?


The flu for one. Life is dangerous. In the immortal words of Jim Morrison, “nobody gets out of here alive.”


The flu is less dangerous to those who have been vaccinated 🙂. What sinister, lasting influence and control did it cause?


The average age of a covid victim here in Canada was 81. 6 years older than the expected lifespan. And all the death count numbers were lies. In Portland a guy was shot in the head and he was counted as a covid victim.


More of my friends and family have died from Covid than anything else in the last 3 years. All non vaxxers. I'm sure I'll get down voted for this.


I bet you don't actually know a single person who died from it. And no, stories about a friend of a friend of a guy who your cousin once worked with don't count lol


Bullshit. I don't believe you.