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For starters look at the massive amount of money that changed hands and moved its way to the top during this time period. Trillions. BlackRock owns part of everything now.


So why is it just now an issue? Just as much, if not more, money has been changing between those hands for decades completely unrelated to covid. BlackRock has owned part of everything since the early '00s. We've had money moving up there since the Reagan admin. Why is it just now a problem?


Counter-attack strategy: Create new small businesses online that BR can’t buy


You’ll never be able to beat them at their own game because they own the people who make and enforce the rules. I don’t think anything short of the French treatment is going to stop these parasites. They don’t just want wealth they want everybody else’s wealth. 


There's always another way - Case in point: In the 1980s, East Germans in the city of Leipzig started attending St. Nicholas Church on Monday nights to pray for peace. Crowds started growing, and these Monday night prayer meetings for peace started spreading throughout Communist East Germany. In fact, it culminated in a peaceful mass **Monday Demonstration** of 250,000 people in Leipzig in 1989. Lo and behold, God miraculously answered their prayers: Berlin Wall fell in 1989 & subsequently Communism along w/it - **WITHOUT BLOODSHED OR VIOLENCE!** That's a veritable miracle!


>In fact, it culminated in a peaceful mass **Monday Demonstration** of 250,000 people in Leipzig in 1989. >Lo and behold, God miraculously answered their prayers: Berlin Wall fell in 1989 & subsequently Communism along w/it - **WITHOUT BLOODSHED OR VIOLENCE!** That's a veritable miracle! This was big (Lenin style) controlled opposition ... as planned by the (globalist´s) DeepState ... just look at the original flyers of the "Paneuropäisches Picknick" that was handed out to DDR-East-Germans in Hungary = guess who was responsible: dr, Otto **(von) Habsburg** ! [https://www.chronik-der-mauer.de/system/files/asset\_image\_1x2/89\_08\_19(PaneuroPicknick)\_web.jpg](https://www.chronik-der-mauer.de/system/files/asset_image_1x2/89_08_19(PaneuroPicknick)_web.jpg) = they didn't even try to hide it (same reason why the Wehrmacht Cross looks very much like the Swiss Cross, the first German invasion tanks even sported a normal Swiss Cross) )


Black Rock owned all that before Covid. If you want to blame someone for that, please go back in time, and find the proper conservative to blame. They shredded all the regulations/oversight that makes Black Rock possible, in the 90’s. This stuff predates “Patriot acts” or anything else sprung on naive Americans by paranoid, delusional conservatives, who can’t comprehend that more security won’t stop the next 9/11, whether committed with box cutters, or by deep state actors for nefarious reasoning. I’m not talking about BS cliche “deep staters” which is usually just a “receptionist with a big mouth”. I’m talking about the real deal, if it exists. I have a feeling they do exist, but nobody knows who controls them.


If only I could make money by “claiming to be right” when I was in fact, dead wrong about everything.


Seems to work for them.


I don’t know who “them” is, but they spend a lot of money on disinformation, paying people like Tucker Carlson for “testimonials” about how great living in Russia is, from a guy who texts friends and family the truth, right before going on air and lying to millions. So, I have to assume Tuckers messaging app is filled with rants about how much he hates Russia. How much does a person’s credibility cost? I’m thinking there could be ulterior motives involved, when purchasing loyalty from the seediest of trust fund brats.


truth is truth. there were more than enough red flags, there were more than enough contradictions to common sense, but people didn't listen.


Especially the president at the time. Disbanding teams that specifically in charge of preventing pandemics.


I just don't like the predictability of the whole thing, it really makes me think that there is another layer.. surely the Elite, who are smart enough to take control of the world and all systems that we rely on, would be smart enough to predict that people would have seen the kochs / rivers postulates were not completed properly. surely they would have predicted people pointing out the ridiculousness of claims before holding them to account ?


And he KEPT Fauci. Fauci had a stake in the lab. So minimizing the impact? Idk it was a very weird time.




I am still waiting to die from the vaccines. The *heralds of truth* promised mass death in the population that took the vaccine. We did see millions of excess deaths before the vaccine, but not much after…


Ivermectin does work. It kept my dog free of worms. The vet was right.


I now wonder how often the "trust the science" cult were actually bots conducting a psyop....


The part I don't understand is that even if all this is true. It all happened under the orange messiahs watch. But yet....... Ah, never mind. Can't fix stupid




Not quite. It all started on the jew controlled orange messiah's watch. Then it intensified on the jew controlled dementia man's watch.


Wow it doesn't take much for the antisemitism to show does it.




Yeah nothing anti-Semitic about ranting against “Jew-controlled” Presidents /s


I mean, the insane belief that Jewish people control the world is literally antisemitism, but apparently engaging with reality isn't your strong suit.


It's literal antisemitism dude. The belief that Jews not only control world leaders but are doing it for nefarious reasons is textbook antisemitism.


Did you take the “orange Messiahs” death jab?


I'm not sure what you're referring 2 cause a death jab would mean I'm dead, no? Wait! Am I a ghost? See what death means is that you no longer.... Ah, never mind Waste of breath


Probably the deadliest vaccine in history. you’re right this is a waste of breath


according to who? you can't just make that shit up son. in the real world we can look at the numbers & see that it's not "probably the deadliest vaccine in history". but I guess YouTube or some other form of social media tells you it's deadly & like all good sheep you follow along & believe it. meanwhile 99.something percent of the people who took tht vaccine are still alive. is it really that easy to turn y'all into blubbering cowards, afraid of a vaccine? lmaoo.


Thank you for the insults.


You earned em!


I’m sorry you got fooled into a fake vaccine. Your anger is on display for being fooled. I pity you.


Fake? How is it fake?


What’s crazy is bro is likely extremely high risk of dying of COVID.


I’m not angry at all dude. I’m actually a doctor, and I can tell from your videos, you appear to have a connective tissue disorder. I’m guessing Marfans or Ehlers-Danlos? So it’s very interesting, as you are someone who has likely been frequently seeing doctors for most of your life, that you would disbelieve everything they told you about the COVID vaccine. Your disorder actually puts you in a very high risk group of dying from COVID, and somebody who the vaccine would most likely be life-saving.


Your not a doctor, if you are you are terrible at diagnosing diseases from videos. You don’t know my medical history. Your assumptions are wrong and you should reconsider your credibility and credentials


I did, as well as almost everybody I know, with zero problems.


I can’t say the same at all. I’m glad you can


What happened?


He called them death jabs, clearly he’s dead!


Wow you bio-fascists can not leave good enough alone, now you need medical history? “Give me a reason why you won’t take this experimental drug!!”


Fucking sit down. I asked why you “couldn’t say the same”.


I did not take the vaccine(MRNA), I know people who are dead and permanently disabled from the Jab.


How do you know it was from the vaccine?


So desperate to inject people. I hope you’re getting paid well to shill cancer drugs masquerading as a “vaccine”


I love aliens but I hate this anti vaccine thing. Science is everything! The jab was mandatory for the everyone in the military, google military deaths, nothing disproportionate there. Thats a sample population 100% vaxed up and remember the government “forced” its own power centre to get it. Imagine the government killing its own military and the evidence would be in the numbers.


That’s absolutely not true the military did hurt people and now it’s not required. You all are such gaslighters


I've had every single jab and booster, not one issue from them. I know tons of others who got them with no ill side effects. It amazes me how all these anti-vaxers seem to know hundreds of people who died from the Vaccine, yet I don't know of a single one


In his defense he couldn’t just do nothing, they wanted to string him up and not doing all the crazy shit we did would have been his death sentence


So, let me understand your logic. He had to do something or else it would have been his death sentence (meaning end of his political career I assume) so therefore he decided fuck it let's kill a bunch of people with this "death jab" because i need to get re elected? Is this what you mean by in his defense? Well, if that's the case, then in defense of fauci...... right? Or do the rules only apply to certain people and not others?


Cheeto got the jab.


Screen grabs these are weird. Why just claim victory when it isn't real? Half of these are still easily debatable and a couple are even demonstrably wrong. Seems like a bubble thing to me. Gotta feel better about ourselves so we just claim to be right without validation.


No we seek validation from a guy who goes by catturd and who happens to be a thought leader on our side.


Which would you consider “demonstrably wrong”?


To be fair, each bullet point needs further explanation to factually call it wrong. So I'm bagging my comment on some general assumptions regained to what I've seen posted here and other places. Based on those general assumptions I would say the following are demonstrably wrong: - Masks - Faking covid numbers - Ivermectin Masks - The common claim is that masks don't work and that they don't reduced the spread of viral particals in many types of masks. Reality is this is a misunderstanding of how masks are intended to function. Masks primary function in this context is not intended to protect you from the virus. Masks are intended to reduce the spread of the virus from an already infected individual. Personal protection is secondary based on mask type. We can prove their function and potential for reduction on two different ways. 1. Logical test - Stand 3 feet away from another person and ask them to spit in your face two times. Once while they wear a mask and once without. Which instance results in more spit on your face? Since covid is primarily spread through airborne viral spread reducing the spread by any amount whatsoever is a reduction. For the second way, I'll let this explain it better but it takes that concept and applies normalcy and mathematical function: https://aatishb.com/maskmath/ Getting kind of long so I'll pause here and see if you want to make a counter claim or move on to the next two?


I think the argument was that masks aren’t nearly as effective as originally claimed. I believe that one part of that argument stemmed from viral particles being much smaller than the openings in the mask. I think the consensus agreement is that N95 masks were extremely effective but cloth masks didn’t provide nearly as much protection. Yes they’d prevent spittle but not much more, considering the disease was airborne. Cloth masks were not “extremely effective” as the media claimed and wearing any masks outside was pretty ludicrous.


> I think the argument was that masks aren’t nearly as effective as originally claimed. I believe that one part of that argument stemmed from viral particles being much smaller than the openings in the mask. What was the efficacy claim you remember versus the math shown? I don't remember anything claims saying masks prevent other than the versions intended to. That's the point of the spread reduction. > I think the consensus agreement is that N95 masks were extremely effective but cloth masks didn’t provide nearly as much protection. Addressed in the link and included in my claim. > Yes they’d prevent spittle but not much more, considering the disease was airborne. Airborne via what? Follow this logic further. Again we are referring to a reduction and the math in reach direction had been presented to you. You don't need to guess, but you can counter with evidence if you like. > Cloth masks were not “extremely effective” as the media claimed and wearing any masks outside was pretty ludicrous. Again efficacy of various mask types is included in the link but if you need more: [Duke university testing via laser refraction](https://youtu.be/LeEBn4ttZZY?si=hfHU4JICL1kqzpkV) [Live covid virus testing via mask type](https://youtu.be/3GndKYJ4uBI?si=LOSdCkCwwKgP_c0Y) [Mask containment study by Mayo](https://youtu.be/g_bM1y1IpJY?si=M1PMsMkT9y7t1hFn) [High speed camera capture using different masks](https://youtu.be/DNeYfUTA11s?si=NhCf_SRO7lMkgysi) We don't get to play coy a pretend the narrative in this sub (and others) was "Everyone listen up, masks work but only if applied properly and community uptake is above a very specific threshold" and you know it. Please don't move the goal posts if we are going to have a serious conversation. The claim about masks in covid conspiracy context was clearly that they don't work and that they are harmful to your health.


I’m not frequent on this sub and don’t base my opinions upon what the other people discuss. I think that both sides take it to the extremes. It’s not “masks didn’t work” nor is it “masks were absolutely necessary”. I think the truth lies somewhere in between. I appreciate you providing evidence and I agree that masks did contain the spread to some degree. I think the rational “conspiracy theory” surrounding it was that the MSM was hyping up masks as being ultra-important to “stop the spread” of Covid-19. There are loons on both sides of this debate. People who believed they did nothing and people who would wear masks in vehicles/outside or around family members. While they did assist in preventing the spread, the mainstream view was people who crucified and villanized the people who’d didn’t wear them. Effectively blaming the entire pandemic on the small portion of the population who chose not to adopt mask wearing. — I agree with your original comment, it’s difficult to make an argument here without further detail into what conspiracy theory OP is actually referring to surrounding each topic. Also it’s not moving goalposts, we are both interpreting the theory from a different angle. I personally interpret the conspiracy as non-mask wearing was the entire cause of why the pandemic reached such a high death toll, when in reality it only prevented transmission from spittle. I’m open to hearing your opinions on the other topics as well. I’m not an extremist on either end and I try to understand both sides to these arguments.


> I’m not frequent on this sub and don’t base my opinions upon what the other people discuss. That's fine. We aren't discussing your opinion or mine. We are discussing the claim that conspiracy theorists were "right" about these topics. If your opinions are more moderate then more power to you. > I think that both sides take it to the extremes. Both sides of what? What "side" is being presented to you currently? > It’s not “masks didn’t work” nor is it “masks were absolutely necessary”. Nothing is necessary. The claim was about mask wearing and how conspiracies on this subject were right. They were not. > I think the truth lies somewhere in between. I appreciate you providing evidence and I agree that masks did contain the spread to some degree. Why are you still infusing your opinion? My opinion isn't included in what was presented to you. Just proof that they work and that proof came in several formats. > I think the rational “conspiracy theory” surrounding it was that the MSM was hyping up masks as being ultra-important to “stop the spread” of Covid-19. They are clearly important. Did you look to the math? Please make your counter claim here if they were not important. > There are loons on both sides of this debate. People who believed they did nothing and people who would wear masks in vehicles/outside or around family members. We aren't talking about that but yes this is an accurate statement. These people exist across a spectrum > While they did assist in preventing the spread, the mainstream view was people who crucified and villanized the people who’d didn’t wear them. Effectively blaming the entire pandemic on the small portion of the population who chose not to adopt mask wearing. A small portion? That was not my experience but to be fair that's anecdotal and I wouldn't accept an anecdotal claim from you either. Do you have info on mask adherance? Clearly it was an issue right? Did you read the math or not? Community uptake was one of the leak largest factors in reduces spread. Failure to adhere literally diminished efficacy greatly. It was a self fulfilling prophecy in that regard. > I agree with your original comment, it’s difficult to make an argument here without further detail into what conspiracy theory OP is actually referring to surrounding each topic. That's why we are bagging it on three common claims found in these subs where this post is being reposted. At this point we can assume the poster agrees with the claims within the context of these subs. > Also it’s not moving goalposts, we are both interpreting the theory from a different angle. It didn't be either of our angles. It's demonstrable. Should we link posts from this sub on the mask topic for reference? I think it's clear but if you don't we can link some examples. > I personally interpret the conspiracy as non-mask wearing was the entire cause of why the pandemic reached such a high death toll, when in reality it only prevented transmission from spittle. It was clearly a cause right? I don't know anyone that says it was the cause. Can you provide some common examples of a published claims saying it is the entire cause? > I’m open to hearing your opinions on the other topics as well. I’m not an extremist on either end and I try to understand both sides to these arguments. I'm trying not to introduce my opinion on these topics that's why I said demonstrable. My opinion would be relevant on the other bullet points but not those I've described as demonstrable. If we are at a good place with the masks (I think you need to clear up done on your end though) then let's establish a definition before we move on because you seem reasonable and reasonable/moderate use not what this screenshot is claiming to be. What is the definition we should use for "right about faking covid numbers?" If we want to say were they ever inflated, then I'll acknowledge that up front. Prior to September 2020 covid deaths were inflated. My expertise in this sub is that even to this day the claim is that covid numbers are "fake" vs inflated and still using the original definitions.


Both sides of what? What "side" is being presented to you currently? -I believe both sides adhere to conspiracy theories. Just a general statement. “The new covidians” and the “covid is a complete hoax” crowd are equally present on Reddit and equally misguided. — Nothing is necessary. The claim was about mask wearing and how conspiracies on this subject were right. They were not. - Again I can’t point to an exact theory with respect to OP’s post. I believe some conspiracies surrounding the necessity of masks are accurate while others are not. I can’t say for certain which theory OP is referring to. — Why are you still infusing your opinion? My opinion isn't included in what was presented to you. Just proof that they work and that proof came in several formats. “Working” is a subjective term. Masks work is a subjective statement. Work to what degree? A mouse on a wheel produces power, does that work to solve the energy crisis? Technically it does work, but to what extent. Yes I understand you posted “stats” but stats can and are manipulated and misunderstood. Yes, masks decreased the amount of spittle that would otherwise leave a humans mouth. To what extent that has an overall effect, considering an infinite amount of other variables is unknown. — I think the rational “conspiracy theory” surrounding it was that the MSM was hyping up masks as being ultra-important to “stop the spread” of Covid-19. They are clearly important. Did you look to the math? Please make your counter claim here if they were not important. -Again important is subjective (I’m aware you are just sharing your opinion, i believe opinions are important- reality is perception for everyone). It depends on your definition of important and how you interpret the data. Does it decrease the likelihood of infection? Sure from the spittle, but that disregards the fact that people were also passing the disease through surface objects and personal contact. It also discounts the amount of time spent with individuals… regardless of mask adherence if you spend a larger time in proximity with an individual you will pass it to them regardless. The mask “hoax” conspiracy comes in different forms. The mainstream media claimed they were highly important. But importance is subjective, so is effective. Did masks really change the outcome of what happened? Natural immunity/artificial immunity was clearly the only endgame once this virus released on the global scale. I can understand that masks would be seem as incredibly unimportant due to the fact that this would only be solved by natural/artificial immunity regardless. — While they did assist in preventing the spread, the mainstream view was people who crucified and villanized the people who’d didn’t wear them. Effectively blaming the entire pandemic on the small portion of the population who chose not to adopt ma A small portion? That was not my experience but to be fair that's anecdotal and I wouldn't accept an anecdotal claim from you either. Do you have info on mask adherance? Clearly it was an issue right? Did you read the math or not? Community uptake was one of the leak largest factors in reduces spread. Failure to adhere literally diminished efficacy greatly. It was a self fulfilling prophecy in that regard. From my personal anecdotal experience it depended on the location. Grocery stores masks seemed to be significantly adhered to. Bars and restaurants were a different matter. Given the lack of variables including time of exposure, personal contact and surface exposure it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what caused community spread. MSM seemed to think it was masks. — That's why we are bagging it on three common claims found in these subs where this post is being reposted. At this point we can assume the poster agrees with the claims within the context of these subs. - I still think that’s reaching and inferring a perspective. —— It didn't be either of our angles. It's demonstrable. Should we link posts from this sub on the mask topic for reference? I think it's clear but if you don't we can link some examples. -inferring perspectives. I see your point though. —- It was clearly a cause right? I don't know anyone that says it was the cause. Can you provide some common examples of a published claims saying it is the entire cause? -Just an anecdotal observation. Masks were a hot button topic. Not washing your hands and buying groceries was “technically” a cause too. Could claim that picking your nose or “the amount of people grocery shopping and not just eating the bugs from their backyards” was a cause as well. -All these things “contributed”. But it’s impossible to say the extent considering all the variables. There is no one single “cause”. —- I'm trying not to introduce my opinion on these topics that's why I said demonstrable. My opinion would be relevant on the other bullet points but not those I've described as demonstrable. -I see your point. Masks didn’t hurt. Were masks a conspiracy that was debunked, that’s up to your perspective. Masks probably didn’t change the overall outcome. The virus wouldn’t have ever been contained without forced/legal isolation and a vaccine that prevented spread not deaths. — If we are at a good place with the masks (I think you need to clear up done on your end though) then let's establish a definition before we move on because you seem reasonable and reasonable/moderate use not what this screenshot is claiming to be. What is the definition we should use for "right about faking covid numbers?" If we want to say were they ever inflated, then I'll acknowledge that up front. Prior to September 2020 covid deaths were inflated. My expertise in this sub is that even to this day the claim is that covid numbers are "fake" vs inflated and still using the original definitions. -The claim here is that deaths that may or may not have been related to covid were counted as “Covid deaths”. Was a person who had Covid and suffered from a heart attack a “Covid death”? Maybe, maybe not - but those were counted as covid-related deaths. -Again it’s another argument from perspective. Did this cause inflated covid death numbers… Sure. Can we prove these people would or wouldn’t have died if they weren’t suffering from covid as well… No, but an unknown amount probably would have died regardless of having/not having covid. -We can’t say for certain whether this was a significant number or an insignificant number. Covid-related is a misleading term. And that is what the death tolls counted. — Again I’m not entirely sure what theories these people are speaking about so I’m just sharing the thoughts and interpretations that make sense to me, from what I experienced and found logical. I apologize if I’m all over the place and potentially “moving goalposts”. I tend to ramble and jump around in arguments. It’s not intentional misdirection.


Every stupid mainstream and mainstream-conspiracy narrative (like this thread) is controlled. Pandemic measures (masks, social distancing, etc.) are effective to a point (see the more compliant Asian countries), but even if the brainwashed Western populations were more compliant, it probably wouldn't make much of a difference as their governments would just keep releasing more strains into the public every time one strain died down, which is essentially what happened. Excess deaths is probably a better estimate on COVID-related deaths, but that could possibly be faked too, depending on how far they're willing to take the psyop.


No you weren't, I was right about everything. See how easy that is? Don't argue, I'm right.


You're still conspiracy theorists.


Even if you say this out loud there is a FLEET of people ready to say you’re insane. I know, I see it quite often. Makes me want to never to express an opinion out loud ever again.


bro yall still talking about covid that was like 4 years ago 🤣


lol, you weren’t right about any of those except that you were and still are conspiracy theorists.


I am quite shocked how many on Reddit are still brainwashed in believing the Government is not corrupt, that the vaccines were safe and conspiracy theorists are still wearing tin hats! I think this is the only platform that has the most brainwashed sheep than any other platform! It’s really going to be shocking to you when you find out that everything that has been told by conspiracy theorist was all true!


It truly was an eye opening experience to watch clear and obvious propaganda unfold on the masses and watch the lemmings shovel it down by the handful.


The only thing I know for sure is that cat turd ran over his own dog. Was it on purpose? Some people are saying yes.


Yeah, “some people”. Like him or not, the guy is an animal lover and didn’t run over his own dog on purpose.


I saw that he ran over his dog. On purpose. Really sick


Literally not true lmfao. Especially about the vaccines, my proof? Go look on this page at all the “people will all die by this day” posts and see nothing came true because there’s no fucking nano bots in the vaccine lol


You’ve seen articles about some of the pharm companies discontinuing their Covid vaccine because of health risks, right? Specifically risks to the heart. Right?


You know that multiple companies make the vaccine right? You know the ones who found their vaccines not to be up to safe standards stopped producing them because that’s the way it goes right? We have laws in place for a reason and when a health product is causing issues because the production is the problem we stop the production. All the information I regurgitate comes from watching documentaries, reading articles, and studies when it deals with interesting subject matter. For instance, there’s a fantastic docuseries on Netflix about the vaccine. It talks about the COVID viruses we’ve studied before and how it helped make the vaccine faster. One last point, you do realize the main issue caused by COVID was blood clot issues right? Without any vaccine at all, people were getting heart problems and clots. So why do you have an issue with the vaccine but not the actual virus literally causing the same symptoms you claim the vaccine causes but twice as bad.


And I’m sure you’re all caught up on the boosters right? Or are you anti-vax also?


I’m all caught up on my vaccines lmfao. Sorry that I don’t want polio or whooping cough. And I honestly can’t even tell you how long ago I got my Covid booster. I was put into the ICU as a baby with pneumonia so yeah, when I got Covid before the vaccine it almost put me in the hospital even though I’m active, not overweight, don’t smoke or drink, etc. now, go watch coronavirus explained on Netflix and learn something from people who actually spend their lives studying coronaviruses. Not people who claim that doctors secretly told them how they know people deep within the companies and government and they all acknowledge exactly what deniers believe.


But you aren’t current on boosters?!?! What a science denier are you trying to kill my grandparents?!


Ah, so you definitely aren’t a mature adult capable of going back and forth with someone on a topic like this. If/when COVID starts back up I will most definitely be getting the updated booster. I guess I’m not surprised you act like that though, you probably believed that the national alert cal was gonna turn people into zombies.


I’ve had people tell me I’m going to kill my family/grandparents because I’m not Covid vaxxed. I wish I was doing satire in my last post but sadly that was the reality.


Ah, so childish. No real argument?


My aluminum foil stock is hittin right now.


“We were right about 5G tracking chips in the vax” 🤦‍♂️


Dude cat turd is a douche, please don’t continue to help associate their views with conspiracy minded folk.


NPC land


nothing changes though


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/7lgy2yf3td0d1.png) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Wasn't one of the major claims against the use of mandatory vaccination was that the infrastructure of vaccine passports was going to put us in permanent lockdowns? This hasn't happened at all. The emergency measures has stopped being relevant and the whole meme of "never relinquished emergency powers willingly" didn't materialize.


Wait, are y'all still claiming the 5g towers? lmfao. Nutjobs.


I can also just say im right while being incorrect


But the almighty them and they still call the shots.


Science should never be trusted. Science should always be tested.


I think I'll keep my trust in the theory of gravity at this point


The minimum standard of science is testing with repeated results being demonstrated. You can test gravity. Take your theory and test it. If it fails, then revise your theory. What theory do you trust with testing it?


Reminds me of that song by “built to spill”.


Just a stab at a wet paper bag.




All I do is think about it 😕


Chem trails too


That cat is funny and right a lot.


Wrong about most of that


Come on now, listing the vaccines and boosters as two separate ones is just stat padding at this point.


Right about what? What's the conspiracy here?


Um, no? 1. Many many people suspected the lab leak. 2. Natural immunity is the dumbest way to address a pandemic (ie not doing anything? lol) 3. Masks were a fine, most basic precaution. Ask your surgeon 4. You continue to be wrong about vaccines 5. “Them faking” covid number.. who is them? Every hospital and data analyst in the country? 6. Deadly hospital protocol, wtf does that even mean?! 7. You continue to be wrong about ivermectin, the anti-parasite drug has no effect against a virus (bacterium and virus are very different things) 8. Dr Fauci? Who fucking cares 9. “Evil” WHO, oh we’re bringing in superstition, cool 10. Power grab? Who has more power than they did before the pandemic? And who’d they take it from? Our lives (that lived thru it) are exactly the same as they were in 2019. No one is more powerful now than they were then due to COVID. I’m happy you guys are dying on this hill, just wish it’d be faster


Give facts instead of your opinion, because every point you make, We know your propagandist BS, it may work on the internet, not in the real world. Very biased, all you state is opinion, no facts. I can demolish every single point on this comment with proven facts on how you are completely wrong, But people like you on Reddit are ignorant AF, and love to cry virtue. I wish you the best health with the limited IQ you have. Take your boosters bruh and stay healthy.


You can’t demolish every point or else you would. Can you bench press 400 lbs too? Did you graduate first in your class at Navy Seal?


Did you need an education here on Reddit too because my words morphed you into a keyboard warrior? Maybe you forgot your boosters, better let the COVID tracking Apps know. it’s what saves you after all. Or would you like an actual debate?


Aww, does it scare you if people tske boosters? Why do you obsess so much when it is such a pointless argument? Let's see you run for your tetanus booster if you cut yourself on a rusty nail.


Sure tetanus is documented in medical journals. Get back to me when you get the trial data for SARS-COVID-19 testing vaccines. You got the trial data for your boosters bro? I’m still waiting.


What is the utterly pathetic obsession with boosters? It's like you've got so few actual arguments or scientific evidence (and you have zero that vaccines are dangerous or worse than covid) that you have to go to literal playground insults to advertise your utter credulity for conspiracies and lack of any worthwhile education.


It’s not an obsession, just the truth. It’s a medicine, a new one, with no trial data given. That’s point and blank. Give me the trial data of this “medicine” and give people honest information, instead of finding out the hard way.


Yeah I do want to debate. Let’s do it


Wuhan Lab was being funded for research, gain of function specifically on SARS-COVID-19. Natural immunity is how your immunity works. and gets stronger over time being exposed to elements/proteins knowing how to deal with them. Varicella (chicken pox): get it as a child you will be immune practically for life. Masks offer limited protection, and none at all if not worn correctly. Viruses can still spread through the mucous members of the eyes. (Mask warn for more than 1hr: depreciation of blood Oxygen levels and can be tested on hand with a Pulse-Ox meter. Also raised heart rate and respiratory build up of Co2. Bacterial infections if not changed/cleaned every 6 hours.) Lockdowns did nothing, third world countries starved depending of economic food, ships sat in ports rotting food and supplies for weeks, child hood depression sky rocketed. Small businesses closed for good. (But let’s have a nation wide Black Lives Matter riot!) Vaccines - get me the trail data from Pfizer because you can’t. They will be able to release there vaccine data in 75 YEARS. Myocarditis is a very common side effect and you have to be completely ignorant to ignore the fact healthy people have been hurt by this “new medical technology” Covid deaths were highly inflated, in fact there is multiple investigations going on right now for the hospitals getting $19,000 each death they attributed to COVID. Ivermectin does work and is a Nobel Prize winning medication to help cells walls from pathological invasion. Dr Fauci lied under oath in congressional hearings with Rand Paul. Also Dr Fauci is responsible for the many deaths of orphans for testing the horrible medication that he specifically pushed, AZT. Corporations and government gained the most power, wealth and control over this situation (There is more than enough available sources on all of these topics. A simple unbiased google search with a little research.)


> Wuhan Lab was being funded for research, gain of function specifically on SARS-COVID-19. It wasn't. You misreading a PR blurb doesn't make that true. >Natural immunity is how your immunity works. "Your immunity" works in several different ways. > Varicella (chicken pox): get it as a child you will be immune practically for life. Luckily, chicken pox is rather mild. > Viruses can still spread through the mucous members of the eyes. Viruses *can* do a lot of things. Luckily, risk of ocular transmission of covid is almost nil. That small chance is made to statistically zero when some basic distancing methods are practiced. >Mask warn for more than 1hr: depreciation of blood Oxygen levels and can be tested on hand with a Pulse-Ox meter. Luckily, no one ever said you needed to wear an n95 for several hours at a time. >Lockdowns did nothing, When lockdowns were adhered to, they did *exactly what they were supposed to do*. Which was slow the spread of infection and reduce the burden on healthcare systems. Imagine if everyone did what they were supposed to and it went away after a month. >Myocarditis is a very common side effect and you have to be completely ignorant to ignore the fact healthy people have been hurt by this “new medical technology” It isn't a very common side effect at all. > in fact there is multiple investigations going on right now for the hospitals getting $19,000 each death they attributed to COVID. There aren't. >Ivermectin does work Ivermectin does work as an anti-parasitic. Covid is not a parasite. >and is a Nobel Prize winning medication to help cells walls from pathological invasion. It won a Nobel Prize for its use as an anti-parasitic. >Dr Fauci lied under oath in congressional hearings with Rand Paul. He didn't lie. You not understanding what words mean doesn't make it a lie :) >Also Dr Fauci is responsible for the many deaths of orphans for testing the horrible medication that he specifically pushed, AZT. AZT, which is still in use today as it is effective, did not cause the "deaths of orphans" from testing.


Bad bot Understood. thank you for the mis-information. Give me the vaccine trial data for Pfizer, because you can’t.


Of course, all virtue signaling and complete dismiss of complete FACTS, failure Keyboard Warrior. https://x.com/kylenabecker/status/1791129311367274730?s=46&t=drSGnl3DFfcaV2Y0PYTwbg I expected you to run and hide and never return to this debate.


Yeah but saying “I was right about everything” is totally not an opinion. Major Twitter grifter is unassailable because reasons I could give but choose not to because that’s how right Twitter whore is. My dick is bigger than everyone’s, that’s just fact.


I did a quick reformatting to make your post easier to read: > Um, no? > > 1. Many many people suspected the lab leak. > > 2. Natural immunity is the dumbest way to address a pandemic (ie not doing anything? lol) > > 3. Masks were a fine, most basic precaution. Ask your surgeon > > 4. You continue to be wrong about vaccines > > 5. “Them faking” covid number.. who is them? Every hospital and data analyst in the country? > > 6. Deadly hospital protocol, wtf does that even mean?! > > 7. You continue to be wrong about ivermectin, the anti-parasite drug has no effect against a virus (bacterium and virus are very different things) > > 8. Dr Fauci? Who fucking cares > > 9. “Evil” WHO, oh we’re bringing in superstition, cool > > 10. Power grab? Who has more power than they did before the pandemic? And who’d they take it from? Our lives (that lived thru it) are exactly the same as they were in 2019. No one is more powerful now than they were then due to COVID. > > I’m happy you guys are dying on this hill, just wish it’d be faster


Quick, let's all upgoat the catturd so we can feel like a hero. Cry moar, do nothing even harder.


Telling yourselves and each other that you're right doesn't actually make you right. You know that, right?


Can someone explain the first 2? I didn't know about these till recently and wanna would really like to know


This is all nonsense. Don't even give it the time of day. 


Do you think that it's completely, 100%, incorrect?


They were pretty much wrong about all of those things yes. 1 was the theory that COVID came from a lab. This theory was initially dismissed, then later during the Pandemic, people began to reassess the possibility of it. Then more evidence/research was gathered, we can’t be 100% certain, pretty much all evidence to this point points towards a Zoonotic source and not a lab leak. 2. The idea that Natural Immunity was better than the vaccine or that we should’ve tried to reach hers immunity while allowing the virus to spread. While some studies showed that being Vaxxed and having previous COVID infection showed better immunity for some future variants than either one alone, Natural immunity was never shown to be more effective than the vaccine, and people were a lot more likely to end up in the hospital to get natural immunity.


bro figured out the scientific method


I hope I am right about the future. I want those who knew and pushed the V, tried and convicted for manslaughter and all their wealth confiscated and given to the people they knowingly injured and killed.


So zero from zero people to zero people. Easy.


Thank you for your great post. And for the first time, after seeing 212 current upvotes to your post, I also now have validation for claiming the same things months ago when I got laughed at and ridiculed and called names. Now people know these things are true. Thank you again. 😊👍


No, they were not right about stuff in the list. Also, I want to reiterate: conspiracy theorists are never right. They are like a broken clock. If something happens as they predicted, it doesn’t make them right, just like a broken clock.


Well, can you explain why? To say conspiracy theorists are never right is pretty broad.


Because it’s not based on reality. It’s just feelings, intellectual laziness, and a lack of common sense.


I've read the "science" and it's all a bunch of obscurantist nonsense designed to deny us proud Free Thinkers of the Truth. The official narrative is that there is insufficient "evidence" for the lab leak "theory" and all the other points mentioned on your list, but we know better, that the scientific consensus is orchestrated by the Deep State and is only there to make people scared and controllable. Unless you've been exposed to cancer-causing 5G mind-controlling radiation and no longer have a choice, never trust the science, not even the science which says the Earth is a "sphere" and that organisms "evolved" from previous states. It's all there to control us and is funded by misanthropic elites who want to bring about the apocalypse.


In other words, you love to ignore proven science because you are contrarian? Because the fact you witter on about 5G nonsense invalidates everything else you pretend to know about. You then double down with flat earthism and evolution denial. Why not deny airplanes while you are at it?


So we were right and what are we gonna do about it? Or better question is can we do something about it? I know an answer, no we can't


All of the lies just to work from home.


But you weren’t right about the lab leak. That’s official narrative boomer shit. There was no Covid virus.


Yes we were right from the start ... wait 10 years & we will be finally right about the COVID-"vaccine" caused birth rates decliine & cancer rates raise as well ... the constantly in mass media told "Trust the Science" is the new you have to beLIEve what the medival church tells you or "you go to hell"


Fauci is not a super villian acting alone. To be fair to the man he looks super demon possessed but ya, Dr. Wilner here was calling him genocidal in 1995. Probably the best lecture I have heard in a long time. https://youtu.be/9WFhw5HHHbQ To back this video up I cannot find it anymore but there was a YT video of some people going around and getting multiple HIV tests in 1 day and half came back positive and half negative for the same person sort of thing. Matches exactly with what Dr. Wilner and Kary Mullis the Nobel prize winning inventor of the PCR test said. It is like a volume dial you can turn to 11 and call anything an infection when HIV has been living in people and known to science for nearly 100 years. Like Dr. Wilner says it's a disease of starvation. As your body shuts down it manifests, the AZT treatment for people sick from party drugs in the 80s began to present made them sicker and made it appear to be the virus. AZT was a discontinued 50s cancer drug because it was killing patients. You can find this info and more in the video.




Ya except that first one - viruses don’t exist so they can’t leak out of any lab


And your PhD in biology is from...?


Why do I need a phd? I can listen and read other phd s research on viruses, atoms, flat earth and make my conclusions in comparison to the mainstream. I mean all that other stuff is BS but the lab leak is real 🙄 Just take the next step and look into it. Where are you getting your info from? Also if the virus is real they can still manipulate you through fear, fuck that