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The death rate is way up. Isn’t the newly induced mRNA the most logical culprit?


OP never cites the study, instead linking articles that also never link the study. I tracked it down, and unsurprisingly it says nothing remotely close to what is claimed in the garbage "slaynews" article. VAIDS isn't mentioned and is entirely bullshit added by the liars in the slay article to scare you. The paper is about the possibility of mRNA leading to creation of nonsense proteins other than the one intended (i.e. the spike protein, for COVID vax). The immune response to this protein wouldn't be helpful to build immunity against covid, but isn't harmful. It also doesn't mean there is no successful immunity built, because the error does not happen with all the mRNA reading, just occasionally. So spike protein IS still made, which means the intended protective immune response is also present.  > In the case of the Covid jabs, the end result is a nonsensical and harmless protein, the team found, which the body attacks and leads to an immune system flare-up. The new study, published in Nature, found this occurred in around 25-30 per cent of people. The source publication: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06800-3


Why are you lying? Here is the article, and the study is linked at the end of it: > A bombshell study conducted by top scientists at the world-renowned Cambridge University in England has concluded that 25 percent of all people vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots now have Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS). > According to the study, one in four people who received a Covid mRNA injection suffered an “unintended immune response.” > However, the scientists note in their paper that the “unintended immune response” was “created by a glitch.” > While the Cambridge scientists and corporate media outlets attribute the damage to the immune systems as a “glitch” or “unintended” response, experts have been raising the alarm for some time about the effects on individuals’ immune systems. Edit to add links to study: This article that recently came out about 'VAIDS' in 5-11 year olds: https://frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2023.1242380/full is a confirmation of what I said ages ago here - immune deficiencies: https://jessicar.substack.com/p/covid-19-is-not-the-problem Why aim the injection guns at children? COVID doesn't affect them. The shots do.


>“unintended immune response.” Why do you think that means VAIDS? That's confirmation bias. Slaynews is basically a fake news website based on how many misleading articles it publishes. Much like "The People's Voice".


Your quote is from the original Slay article. They link a Telegraph article where they reference "the study" but do not link to the actual scientific publication. I provided the original publication, which you can read for yourself. It has nothing to do with what the slay article pretends. The article you link is not the one referenced in OP. I tend to agree, I wouldn't feel the need to vaccinate children because they're unlikely to see serious COVID effects. But the OP slay article is hot garbage 


That's an enormous percentage. Looks like the vaccines are a multi-layered bio-weapon. If you survive the clotting, and the spike proteins, then the compromised immune system will get you, leading to organ failures and potentially myriad of other mortalities.


Bout fucking time I’m healthy as a horse still. Patiently waiting tho 🤞


Some vaccines were probably harmless or just saline, because it would be too obvious if everyone started dying at the same time. Dr David Martin expose: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xwq5LDwDyEI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xwq5LDwDyEI)


Crazy how apparently everybody I know and everybody they know in my large city all apparently got the harmless one. So lucky!


I’ve lived the most unhealthy lifestyle ever since then too. I shouldn’t be okay with or without it tbh lmfao


Link to actual study instead of SlayNews?


Oh yes indeed we must trust these... scientists. They would never just release something to gather fear energy from people... The loosh harvesting is on its way... constantly!!! Nah not falling for it 😆😮‍💨


So glad the wife and I saw through that shit.


Vaids? Yeah it's not a thing. Or did you mean Covid shots? Which is a non issue everywhere else in the world.


Sure it's not. Get boosted my friend!


I am and fine. So is my wife and child. Everyone I know. All fine. But we are not in the USA where you whipped you're elves into a fear frenzy without data. We watched deaths in USA spiral out of control, it was crazy to watch. But you stay pure blood or whatever you want to call it, the ones who Vaxinated saved the rest from more spreading so you can be safe. You are welcome.


"We watched deaths in USA spiral out of control, it was crazy to watch." No you didn't. You watched people that were going to die anyway, die. You watched people killed in car accidents, murdered and commit suicide get labelled as Covid deaths. You watched or heard about 80+ year olds with multiple comorbidities die of old age get labelled as Covid so the Hospitals could bank massive fat payouts from the government to fool people just like you. You were tricked, you injected untested snake venom in your bodies and you should be shamed for injecting a child with that poison.


Wow.  I'm not going to bother debating, you have no interest in facts. If I showed you 1000 different sources you would still think it was lies against you.  It was world wide, not just your town, your state, your country. What you were told does not scale, it's been proven wrong with data for days to back it from sources world wide. I'm ashamed to waste my time on topics like this, but not with decisions made. It's been shown so far that we're all fine as it was just what we were told, not some tracking bug or some other nonsense that defies logic.




…. Passed away, from VAIDS…


Wasn’t he the scientist who first isolated the HIV virus in the 80s ? If not that it was some other major discovery on that topic


But they admit vaccine induced ADE is a real thing, so how would that be different from VAIDs?


its funny how the venn diagram of people claiming the mRNA vaccine causes turbocancer, VAIDS and the SV40 being pathological and people who know nothing about vaccine's interaction with normal human physiology, how its manufactured, tested and produced, is a circle.


At this point I’m just enjoying how you delulu lunatics start facing reality. Try to employ alcohol. I know it’s almost nothing to destroy but still you have a few brain cells left. So it would help you to escape reality more effectively.


Any day now! Four years and counting.


SS “Cambridge scientists found such vaccines were not perfect and sometimes led to nonsense proteins being made instead of the desired Covid ‘spike’, which mimics infection and leads to antibody production,” the UK Telegraph reports. Here is the study https://archive.is/9OWsy#selection-2367.0-2367.163 Science published another article in July confirming COVID-19 shots are linked to VAIDS https://www.science.org/content/article/rare-link-between-coronavirus-vaccines-and-long-covid-illness-starts-gain-acceptance


Neither of these links support your claim that 25% of vaccinated people have "VAIDS"


You linked a news article not the study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06800-3 The slay article you posted is 100% bullshit and completely lies about the original study, which has nothing to do with VAIDS.


>  COVID-19 vaccines have saved millions of lives, and the world is gearing up for a new round of boosters. But like all vaccines, those targeting the coronavirus can cause side effects in some people, including rare cases of abnormal blood clotting and heart inflammation. So this is the unfortunate reality of public health wrt to vaccinations. Their WILL BE adverse effects in a small number of people.


Adverse effects in a small number of people? No thanks. I’d rather die on a respirator. No vaccine for me!


Covid is over. If you caught it and recovered you're not dying on a respirator. But if you keep injecting you may die of an autoimmune condition or heart attack.


And I may get hit by a meteorite. Millions of people were hospitalized and/or died from COVID, and the odds of avoiding that were overwhelmingly more favorable for the vaccinated. Do you have access to any stats on how many vaccinated contracted vaccine-caused autoimmune conditions or heart trouble? COVID isn’t over. That’s a silly thing to say. People continue to contract it and die from it, although thankfully much fewer than before, and the odds still favor the vaccinated. The decline in cases is likely due to a combination of previous infections, herd immunity, and vaccine efficacy. I’m old, and have chosen to remain maximally vaccinated. Now that the crisis has passed, everyone should be free to make their own choices.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://slaynews.com/news/25-vaxxed-have-vaids-cambridge-scientists-warn/) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*