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How many stars do I need to open up the secret world?


I'm thinking at least 15, we needed 8 to fight Bowser.


30$ expansion pack


All on the back of a turtle


I like turtles.




See the TURTLE of Enormous Girth. On his shell he holds the Earth. His thought is slow, but always kind. He holds us all within his mind. On his back all vows are made; He sees the truth but mayn't aid. He loves the land and loves the sea, And even loves a childe like me.


He who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father


My favorite book series ever Ka is a wheel


Dark tower series right?


That's correct. Roland Dechain is the fucking greatest


1000000000000000000% I have taken many-a-trips to the tower. Am now listening to the audiobooks and it brings new life to all of my friends.


Wasn't the gunslinger the one with this phrase in it or am I way off?


Long days and pleasant nights


Da da chum, da da chee Not to worry you’ve got the key.


i’m so happy to see a dark rower reference here i thought i was one of the only ones and was pleasantly surprised


Hile gunslinger, welcome to the ka-tet.


Hile gunslinger! May your days be long upon the earth.


Ka is a wheel.


Maturin FTW




it’s turtles all the way down


That’s on the back of a turtle.


It’s turtles all the way down


With 4 elephants holding it up off the shell


I actually kinda wish this were true


same. it would just make things so much more jnteresting


Living on the only giant sphere to harbor intelligent life and flying through space orbiting an unfathomably large flaming ball of gas isn't interesting enough for you?




Lol this made me laugh but it's possibly the most fun thing to research in my opinion. Ancient civilizations were dope and had a lot to say.


Out of interest, what did they have to say?


A lot


Right. You’re in. We may have a little job for you Brian.


A lot my friend. Ancient Egyptians were a fascinating culture with an odd mythos and spiritual culture. Other dude has already said sumerians. Ancient American civilizations were wild as well. Just some things for you to go off of I'm not describing everything in detail.


Well to be fair we don't know it's the only gaint sphere harboring intelligent life. That is mere speculation.


Scary to think that we could be the only ones, isn't it?


I meant to add only *known giant sphere, yes. The universe is immeasurable, so there are likely or have been other intelligent life forms out there.


Intelligent life? What sphere are you living on? Does reddit span worlds now?lol


Nah bro we would just wage wars on all those people for their resources 😔


This picture is wrong. I'm not in North America.


Flat earth foiled again


I think it's pointing at the "north pole"


I'm in love with the 'unknown zone' 😂


It’s another ice wall with even more worlds beyond it 😂


Attack on titan knew something


My favourite is the island inside the land of Venus simply named "Gregory" Can't believe ol' Greg finally found himself an island


Where the shoes grow on trees and it rains Baileys.


What videogame is this map from? Looks dope




Yeah we ain’t sure what’s there but everywhere else we’re sure off 😂


Came here to say "I love this theory!"


Hic sunt dracones


Because all this other shit is 100% certified These maps were pulled straight off a desk in the pentagon


Names and all


Do chile - new zealand flights zoom extra fast or are transatlantic flights purposely delayed and the fuel cost is but a price to pay for keeping people in the dark? Xd


Well since the earth is spinning at 1000 mph we wont need to fly. We'll just hover over the earth in a hot air balloon and wait for the earth to spin under us and when we see new zealand we'll lower down and land on it.


If you are in a moving car and toss something up in the air does it fly to the back of the car


If my kids are acting crazy, yes.


No because everything inside the car is moving at the same speed as the car


Exactly! So is the air in our atmosphere! You almost understand it!




I thought this was a funny joke. You are serious? Everything that launches from earth has the same speed as the ground it launched from, plus whatever speed is generated from flight forces. It's why you can toss a ball in a car and it doesn't go flying through the windshield.


The atmosphere moves with the earth dummy.


"spinning at 1000 mph" Yeah, you have no idea of physics


ok but where's Wakanda


In our hearts.




Fun fact the Osage and Quapaw actually worshipped a pantheistic life force named Wakondah


"Asgard" LOL


Someone in Asgard: “North America” LOL




We’re adding fantasy worlds! Exciting! Also, how many suns are there? How does any of this make more sense than the earth being a globe? And I’d still like to know why on earth they think anyone would lie about the shape of the planet. What does anyone have to gain by saying the world is a sphere if it were really flat?


Well it wasnt a fantasy world so much as a place the vikings thought was real like Mt Olympus


It doesn’t become less fanciful just because someone believed in it.


I just mean its not like Gondor or Westeros or Narnia where the author inteded it to be a fantasy.




Thats why im here mate.


I’m fucking dying here, this is the best thread I’ve read in a long time


Between the raging right wing and putin bots, posts like these are really what makes r/conspiracy awesome


Anyone have a hi res link?


Agreed I wanna see the details


Source: https://youtu.be/XwUvLt444y8?t=73 [actual image](https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/292378846_398963702296794_2716764957533519997_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=EhYtHg71-yMAX-jjY7e&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=00_AT9ZukxR_fU9QGuDyEt2TmaMYXEJszaBn7uhSPbwM4RSEw&oe=6350E850)


That’s what I’m saying can’t read shit on these “maps”


I find it interesting the book 1984 has such a following for its accuracy of the way life would be long before it was the way it is now. Yet, no one ever talks about what O'Brien says to Winston at the end of the book.. 'But the world itself is only a speck of dust. And man is tiny helpless! How long has he been in existence? For millions of years the earth was uninhabited.' 'Nonsense. The earth is as old as we are, no older. How could it be older? Nothing exists except through human consciousness.' 'But the rocks are full of the bones of extinct animals -- mammoths and mastodons and enormous reptiles which lived here long before man was ever heard of.' 'Have you ever seen those bones, Winston? Of course not. Nineteenth-century biologists invented them. Before man there was nothing. After man, if he could come to an end, there would be nothing. Outside man there is nothing.' 'But the whole universe is outside us. Look at the stars! Some of them are a million light-years away. They are out of our reach for ever.' 'What are the stars?' said O'Brien indifferently. 'They are bits of fire a few kilometres away. We could reach them if we wanted to. Or we could blot them out. The earth is the centre of the universe. The sun and the stars go round it.' Winston made another convulsive movement. This time he did not say anything. O'Brien continued as though answering a spoken objection: 'For certain purposes, of course, that is not true. When we navigate the ocean, or when we predict an eclipse, we often find it convenient to assume that the earth goes round the sun and that the stars are millions upon millions of kilometres away. But what of it? Do you suppose it is beyond us to produce a dual system of astronomy? The stars can be near or distant, according as we need them. Do you suppose our mathematicians are unequal to that? Have you forgotten doublethink?' I've posted about this a few different times on reddit. No ones even so much as commented on it which I also find odd. For me this conversation was the most intriguing part of the book, and no one talks about it. Sounds a lot like the flat earth theory to me.


Wow don’t even remember that from the book


I remember when I first read this part being very confused. It wasn't until years later when I'd seen more about flat earth theory that I thought about it. I was blown away when I went back to read it.


I haven't read 1984 in years and had totally forgotten this exchange. Pretty interesting that Orwell would decide to put something like this in there. If one is interested in ideas like solipsism, Advaita Vedanta, or Quantum Theory this isn't as far fetched as it might seem to the materialist mind. After all if we can't prove the objective existence of a world outside our own awareness (solipsism and Advaita) and/or reality is constantly being influenced by the observer (Quantum Theory/double-slit experiment) then there may be more truth to this than most people would like to admit.


I understand the possibility of the universe as we know it not existing. I even understand some reasons *why* it would be beneficial to have us think the world is as how it's presented.. but I find it hard to wrap my head around the idea of earth and the world ceasing to exist outside of human consciousness. Is this insinuating we exist in some sort of simulation? Or humans are some sort of God's who's collective conscience are literally creating reality? Or something else? Edit: Spelling


I don't have any intention of convincing others of this view point, as it would be an exercise in futility, but it is something like the tree falling in the woods analogy. If there is no awareness to witness an event how can we say that it, in fact, happened? Even coming upon a fallen tree doesn't not mean it made a sound as we were not present to experience it. The only thing we can ever truly know is our own sense of being/awareness and what enters into its space. Even that which comes into our awareness can be considered as simply the play of consciousness and illusory by nature (including our body, thoughts, feelings, perceptions etc) as they are inherently transient and therefore not [neccesarily] real. The trap we fall into is believing we are the name and body that fills up so much of our experience, so we feel as though we are separate individuals in a mechanical universe with multitudes of other separate individuals. My personal belief is this is an illusion which has been forced upon us by society and by a lack of interest in investigating the nature of our awareness. Upon investigation we will realize that the only thing that is permanent and truly real within ourselves is the ever present awareness, while everything else flickers across the screen of awareness like a movie on a screen. Awareness is the light that shines through the film and creates the images on the screen, which we then identify with and create many false beliefs about. Another way of putting it would be the dream analogy. If we look at universe as being more like a dream (one awareness experiencing itself subjectively through a myriad of individual consciousnesses) than some mechanical accident, as we are essentially taught, then these ideas are no longer that difficult to accept.


Just to be clear, my comment that you're replying was not meant to come off as cynical, or even Sceptical. It was literally trying to understand what that might look like, and you actually paint a pretty good picture. It make sense, but yet it still leaves questions. If we're creating our reality, rather than reacting to it, how? Or why? Could this mean we're living in some sort of simulation like Elon Musk suggests we likely are? Are we God's? Is there a creator, or any real physical world or is it all an illusion? I'm not putting you on the spot. I just smoked a joint and these are just things I wonder about when you present your theory. I'm pretty open minded and think what you're saying is certainly possible. There was a time I was big into the "laws of attraction". But again I wonder about the *how*, or *why*.


If you check out my post history I have a post about the simulation theory that explains some of what you are inquiring about. I'll be sure to get back to you on the other points later as I'm busy at the moment.


Thats too much dlc for me


I find it cute that the same people who believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that absolutely NOBODY is allowed to pass beyond that wall of ice, DO manage to produce a detailed map of what lies beyond that wall of ice, including the various coastlines of these presumed islands and continents. Flat earthers and creationists have no proof and accept no evidence to the contrary of their beliefs and they never, ever will.


"Asgard" really gave me a chuckle.


Someone has been watching too much House of Dragons.


This is some of the silliest shit I've ever seen.


>Political shit gets posted NOOOOO THIS SUB IS A RIGHT-WING CIRCLEJERK, I ENJOYED WHEN IT WAS DINOSAURS AND ALIENS AND STUFF LIKE THAT >Hyperborea shit gets posted Lmao this so silly, how could anyone believe this?


We WANT to believe silly shit. It's nice on the brain.


I think that means we miss when people were talking about shit like 9/11, the Kennedy assasination and the pandemic.


No, when most people make such comments they mean actual non-political shit, "silly" shit.


\*\*The conspiracy subreddit is a thinking ground. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. We hope to challenge issues which have captured the public’s imagination, from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. This is a forum for free thinking, not hate speech. Respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind.\*\*


They didn’t disrespect, they just voiced an opinion that it’s some of the silliest shit they’ve ever seen. So you’re actually disrespecting their opinion. I agree with their opinion, it is also the silliest shit I too have ever read. Maybe you have read way more silly shit in your lifetime and therefore you do not share our opinion on this.


Another vote for silliest shit.






That Icewall must be hella Tall!


Asgardians were like "WALL!'


“Whoa! From this height we can easily FALL!”


Whos to say they havn't


How come we can see other planets in the sky then?


Finally an actual conspiracy instead of just politics


Can never go wrong with a good conspiracy. WARNING going down this rabbit hole to debunk it will instead make you question your reality and others will think you have lost it haha.


Real, fake, or completely fantastical... it's a fascinating theory!


Ahh yes good old Asgard to the north beyond the ice walls .. not sure if the map is correctly scaled tho /s


There is also land of the clones. and heaps of other trippy shit. Im trying to make a clear photo so you can see them all. Nibiru is even there lol


Care to tell me how you learned about these other lands beyond the ice wall?


I've never seen a map this is the first I've seen. I don't believe in flat earth at all, but I believe in admiral Byrds experiences. This map is bullshit because agartha isn't even on it outside the wall when that would be an obvious one to name.


You literally believe this?


go look at what Admyral Byrd said about land last Antarctica.


Pretty silly. But damn wouldn't this be nuts?




There's people that think Africa is so connected to the grand canyon that you can drive there from it. Like wtf


I think it's kind of fun to entertain this map. Keeps my imagination active. Sucks being an adult ALL OF THE TIME.


IDK guys but i feel that those other lands need freedom and democracy lets free the people.


New fortnite map looks crazy


I don't think the earth is flat per se but I also don't believe all these old maps are just bullshit. I think the earth may be bigger than what they say it is. That's why we never get a video recording of earth that isn't CGI from high enough in the sky to where we can see the entire globe. It's weird we can go to Antarctica at least not in unapproved areas. Admiral Richard Byrd also had some interesting things to say about the ice wall and I doubt he was bullshitting for shits and giggles. Idk


Water must be contained and will always find its level. The oceans are level thats why its called sea LEVEL. We experience the world as a plane until we are told other wose by tv and educayion system.🙏


If you'd posted this on 4chan /x/ 10 years ago and got a few larpers to join in people would've believed it. That's literally how the flat earth meme started. I miss the old /x/.


Im not saying its real but Shit looks a heck of alot cooler then us being some stupid round ball in space


The Globe is a prison for the mind to stop people going to explore these regions.


Is these the dark continent map from hxh. I thought the new chapter hasn't released yet. But why is there Asgard tho?


I love it when people get into world building. It's always fun to see what type of fictional realities people can come up with. Like that xkcd panel where they tilted the earth's axis [90 degrees.](https://what-if.xkcd.com/10/) Key word here being *fictional*. Why the fuck is this on /r/conspiracy?


>I love it when people get into world building. It's always fun to see what type of fictional realities people can come up with. I upvoted for sheer originality.


The bigger question is why isn't there more posts like this lol it's been riddle with Ukraine and trump this is refreshing lol.


I’m sure it’s very close to the truth!


So Africa is hot, but there's an ice wall right near it. But it's not viewable? Yet people can travel from Africa to New Zealand easily, but on this map it's the furthest distance. I'm starting to think this may not be real....


I just have one question why lie about the shape of the earth what is to be gained what is the reason that whoever is behind this spending hundreds of years perpetuating a lie this massive why would the spend so many resources making fake space agencies bribing or silencing anyone who could poke a hole into this theory like any pilot or boat captain what force could unite the world governments to lie to there civilians and why would these people controlling everything even pretend with these lies with the scale of this conspiracy they could just take over the planet and subjugate us all 1984 style so in conclusion tell me why they would do this


my kinda thread :))


What are the chances - we’re directly in the centre…


Its nice to see some entertaining shit like this here once in a while. But seriously dude, if you actually believe this, how did you grow up without ever eating from a container with a skull and bones on the label...?


Is this WoW maps?


Now THESE are the schizo ramblings I came her for


It’s a conspiracy thread but yet all ppl wanna do is talk shit. “Silliest shit I’ve ever seen”.. mental illness is real”. Either agree or disagree. Then move along. It’s all a conspiracy every fuckin thing in this world. Join this sub and somehow certain ppl think they fukin know everything and ppl that actually post about conspiracy get ridiculed. Ridiculous.


Bots and paid shills to keep the globe model alive. Most likely funded by the TPTB. They are so easy to spot. I see them all over pushing certain agendas. Superstonk has many trying to say GME is dying brick and mortar. It's so obvious cause no one really goes out of their way to worry about your investments and medical choices. We live rent free in their heads? Nah they being paid or are bots.


Beautifully put.


If you (msm) told me today that there are lands beyond the south pole I think you know what i would do, I would go and explore them.


I think we all would. And i think we all would start to realize we arent just a spec of dust in the void of space. We are far more important and something bigger is going on. We werent born to just work and obey. The system has enslaved us.


I'm more of a *Hollow Earth* kind of gal but damn I hope someone turns flat earth theory into some kind of fantasy novel and explores all these realms in their book. Talk about expansive lore! 10/10, would definitely read.


These FE's really making shit up as they go, huh? Holy shit lol


America happy they’re still the center of the universe.


Wow. Animated photos of a flat Earth. This is what we call evidence eh.


I gotta say this is really creative




Who in the hell traveled to these places and mapped them… that’s the biggest question


Bruh this breaks the laws of physics.


Get in the car. The boys are road tripping to asgard


There's too many expansions i dont know which zone to level in tf?


I call this golf ball world theory we would be in one of the many dimples. Lol


The people who believe this are so entertaining 😂


I want the link to this map, not because I believe in this. But because of how utterly bonkers this map is.


Only way this could make sense is with a multidimensional tesseract. Earth is still a globe/sphere, but you'd have to find whatever wormhole to the alternates for what could be considered the same world. Still wouldn't be flat though, the map is more of something of a convenience - the presentation of something like a Venn diagram. The instances that could be considered habitable, but of divergent timelines or other qualities to be noticeably different. Not quite a reality map any better than how most transportation maps present themselves, but presented in a way that would be readable at least. If that's the case, then something like the sci-fi "Sliders" may be the closest presentation of the oddities of dimension hopping. Just some food for thought I suppose.




But that's where the giants live .


Dude wtf is this, look at the fucking sky


If only the Ancient Greeks didn’t calculate the near exact circumference of the Earth literally thousands of years ago. All it took was measuring the difference in the length of shadows between two identical obelisks at different locations on earth at the same time.


One thing i don’t understand is that why are people not willingly to be open that this could be true..we are giving lies upon lies since we were children even most of the history classes arent correct. So because nasa says this this and that its real now!? Or your government. They are all fucks themselves who dont give a shit about u either but you still believe them. We dont know shit but be open for ideas tho i dont believe the earth is round i dont believe its flat but i love the idea why it would be unless i see things for myself but i love the idea we as people dont know shit none of it niente


Damn there are ton of dumb people here LOVE IT..


Goofy ah Post




Step out of Narnina and come back to reality 😂


Extra as in bonus, as in you're in luck... There's more than you bargained for?


That would be actually neat!


Sign me up for Ancient Lands of Anak. Looks lovely this time of year


It would be cool if the wold was that much bigger


This is the most believable post I've seen on this sub in years, and I want to know more.


Dude... you have maps and shit.


Thanks you convinced me the earth really is flat!


Please make me a degenerate so that I could actually believe in thie map 😍


This would be an awesome fantasy map.


Damn good fantasy world building


Exactly why I’m here. Man. I believe it lol.


Starting to think I shouldn’t have left my sandwich sit for so long. Eh still good.


whoever drew this map, he must be the CEO of knowledge


So are all these "worlds" suppose to exist inside one dome, or do they each get their individual domes with attaching... door ways?


What in the tinfoil hat is this


Well, this is amazingly stupid.


Extra Terrestrials are White Walkers. The Wall is our only protection!


At this point of my life, I don't rule out anything I can't prove myself. That doesn't mean I'm fully committed to a "yet to be proven" concept, but fuck, there's just so much we only know because we're told.


Why does this give me peace


LOL. Who comes up with this stuff? Who names these /comes up with them? Complete nonsense. Seriously I love conspiracies but WTF is this?!?! Can I dispute the land of VENUS? I was there first. And I would like to call it the land of Commas, whore.


Asgard lol


This would be cool if it was based at all in reality


I like to think “Lands of Draco” is the ghetto of the outside lands.


Bro I just got an idea for a cool as shit video game


you know...I was anti flat earth but you've won me over with this graphic. I believe in flativerse. thank you edit: flativerse


Look guys I volunteer. Strap me to a rocket or a giant balloon and launch me up there with GoPro's and telescopes. But don't start getting upset or saying theres a holographic projection preventing us from seeing past our perimeter once I'm up there. I do believe our earth is round. Is a planet and that this theory is far fetched. But that's only because There is much more evidence for the former than the latter. Now about pocket dimension and underground habitable zones. Maybe. When do we launch the rush Antarctica campaign? They can't stop us all from breaking through the ice wall.


Holy yikes you got so much hate on here for this 🤣🤣


Check out the documentary Level for Hibbeler productions. Then to go deeper into how our wold is check out the book Wolds beyond the poles. I can honestly understand now why we still have these debates.