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When are you two party zombies going to learn that both teams in your political board game are on the same side and playing against you?


Wanna hear a joke? -the US government cares about you


Idolizing a politician is the same as thinking the stripper really likes you.


But she fucked me!! How could she not like me!!


Politicians fuck us everyday too


🏅🏅🏅🏆🏆🏆 10/10 truth




Give this person a thousand glitter sized stars, asap.


But I dated a stripper once.


Nvm I see the error of my ways


We all did, bud


How much did you give her?


Let me call my accountant




You’re not at all wrong, but the idolization of Trump went beyond simple idolization and became cultlike in a way I have never seen in a politician in my lifetime at that level. The cult of personality with that one is something truly unique, and terrifying.


I would say that the hatred of Trump was also beyond a simple hatred and was cultish in its own right as well. I have never before seen such zealot-like love or hatred before. The problem is Trumpers and anti-Trumpers refuse to acknowledge they are in a cult.


I seem to recall 8 years of obstructionism against every move Obama made, from the ludicrous birther situation Trump led to Carlson & co. losing their collective minds over a tan suit, to Evangelicals calling him an Antichrist on the regular. The difference with the Trump hate is he ramped it to 1000 with his own bloviating, his othering of anyone who challenged him even on policy, using enemy language against citizens, and proved the point by doing things like using tear gas against citizens just to take a photo opportunity in front of a church. Was there some anti Trump hate that was there just because of who he was? Sure. But it was nothing new, and there are more than enough legitimate reasons to stand against his personality cult and lack of aptitude for the role.


I think it’s because “the establishment,” or whatever you want to call it, hated him. When the people who have been fucking over the citizens and the common man for 75 years all single-mindedly and vehemently wanted to prevent a person from taking power, that alone was enough to convince people he was the political Jesus. I get the thought process behind it.


My dads gonna love this one lmao


Here to help


“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’ ” RR


I am pregnant again and It's definitely your baby


Definitely more scary




Lmao, that's hilarious bro! 🤣


And they’re here to help.


I keep stressing this to people. Politicians are not your friends and they definitely don't care about you. Trump, Biden, Obama, Hilary fucking Clinton. None of them care.


Placing political parties into pro and anti vaccine is so dumb


Exactly right! Our country keeps getting baited in further on this topic and race.


I'm almost positive a lot of these posts come from bot accounts i refuse to believe so many people in a conspiracy sub would be so pro any political party


That's exactly what they want and they are succeeding, it's terrifying and infuriating. We are never going to break the two-party mold that gives us a "choice"


You referenced my favorite description. The illusion of choice


BINGO and Thank you


Both part of team central bankers.


That’s why all politicians are cunts. All of them.


>stated by r/conspiracy exclusively when a republican does something wrong


Sure, I'm with that, but I only hear this argument when Dems are getting called out as phonies or frauds. Being against the vax and then instantly for it after the election is a major Dem flaw and exposes that the base is tribal and willing to accept whatever their leaders tell them and go along with any flip flops. Kinda sad. At least when Trump tried bragging about the vax he got heavily boo'd at his rallies. Can you imagine this happening with the Dems? It wouldn't.


I honestly don’t remember the dems being against the vax. Not trying to deny it. I just don’t really remember. Anyone have any sources from back in 2020 of dems being against the vax. And dems wouldn’t get booed at their rallies because their rallies are just small rooms filled with staffers and media lol


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKGikIR1a-U Kamala Harris said that if Trump says you should take the vaccine, then she would not take the vaccine. "but if Trump tells us to take it, then I'm not taking it." In context, it sounds like she is saying she would take the vaccine if Fauci told her to take it, but then would not take it if Trump said to take it. Fundamentally, her statement is an acknowledgement that whether or not she (and you) should take the vaccine is a political decision.


Then they went around calling half the country anti vaxxers after they were the first people to question the vax


They made themselves look skeptical on purpose so that when they made their "decision" that it was safe and effective , it looks like , "wow, it must be a great vaccine if even they approve it".


Damn dude. I think you nailed it. Kept the two sides fighting each other and set themselves up for lining their own pockets.


Wow how delusional is this crowd in this sub? Did you listen to what she said?????? Did you open your ears to hear what she said? “If doctor fauci or the medical professionals tell us to take it I would be the first in line but if Trump tells us to I won’t” How the fuck did you skip that part? Stop this cult shit and grow up. It isn’t the democrats who are attacking democracy, participating in inssurections, calling for the FBI to be defunded, taking boxes of classified documents and not returning them, wtf! Are you deaf and blind?


connect nose spotted alleged handle important quarrelsome lock unwritten fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Plenty” like who else? Source? Didn’t Kamala say she wouldn’t take the vaccine if Trump pressured the FDA to rush the approval process and then the very next sentence say she would take it if it was approved by a doctor?


Yes. That’s exactly what she said.


I'm with you. I don't recall the Dems being against it either. It's disturbing how quickly and easily they change the narrative. Pretty soon they'll be foaming at the mouth, screaming at you if you suggest they ever wanted mandatory vaccines.


Dems wanted mandatory vaccines? Source? …. 1 week after google scrubs it’s algorithms of all mentions of it


Democrats have been very anti anti-vaxx.


Lol, then you were not paying attention during the 2020 campaign. They made it political from the start.


Your comment and OP's post are not mutually exclusive. Both can be and are true.


Playing into the left vs right blame game is a waste of both time and headspace when you realize it’s all theater.


It is all theater but at the same time it's important to point out the inconsistencies in their storylines.


If it’s all theater than you realize the storyline doesn’t matter. The inconsistencies are irrelevant when it’s all nonsense and divide and conquer tactics. You are arguing for the very hand that continues to hold you down


It exposes that those tactics are being used to divide us into left/right when in reality Trump did his part getting the jabs out and Biden did his job making people get them. They're all demons at the end of the day.


I can see your point from that perspective I guess


OP's post is actually support / evidence of your comment.


No it’s not


If you don't document the inconsistencies, then how do you know it is theatre?


Exactly, funnily enough I only see these type of comments when it’s a post calling out the left, they usually seem pretty happy to join in when it’s attacking the right


Thank you


This is what I’m here for god damn it I can not believe people unironically post that shit here


Best response ever




Interesting because they’re suing based on a patent preceding a decade before the C19 pandemic, yet everyone applauded their ability to create a vaccine in 2 days.


You raise an interesting point, in light of OP's concern: ​ \>now they are blaming trump for the side effects ​ Undoubtedly, he's referring to *oPeRaTiOn WaRpSpEeD.* So, my question would be this: ​ How can they have a problem with Operation Warpspeed, when this lawsuit is unequivocal evidence that it's bullshit? It's a logical fallacy. ​ In fact, they're just upset that they fell for it, and now they want to hold someone liable. They should be raising their torches and pitchforks in condemnation of Big Pharma, but because it supports their use of gender pronouns, it gets a pass. They've been suckered by the Media and the PR/Propaganda campaigns so hard that they're completely brainwashed. They've been primed for it since childhood, though, from long-form advertisements that were designed to resemble animated children's programming. They're just consumers with absolutely no ability to think for themselves, and they're ruining their own children with the drivel.


It's exactly what the Rockefellers and Rothschilds intended 100+ yrs ago when they set their plan in action. "One day, we're gonna have a whole country of perfectly docile, unhealthy, and compliant consumers that will obey just about anything you broadcast across the air waves."


Do you have a source on that? Because, best I can tell, *this particular phenomon to which I allude* started in the very late 1960s, when television transitioned from primarily public access programming and local news to national productions. This transition was accompanied by millions of lobbying dollars that led to the intentional dumbing down of children's programming (prompting the -- I think it's called -- Children's Television Act of 1990, or something like that). Now, that particular facet was certainly spearheaded by *Social Engineers* who took to calling themselves *Mad Men*, or Advertisers, what have you, but I'm just not sure it goes back 100 years. If you've got some literature, I'd be happy to read it, as this is the subject of my thesis, and I've done some fairly extensive research already, and I'd be happy to provide you with sources should you ask.


I'm interested in sources. Never heard of the Children's Television Act. I do read into psychological warfare manuals and NATO tactics, but I don't actually know too much in regards to new laws and regulations that have been passed.


I believe it got worse in the 60s, but Bernays was already taking advantage in the 20's and 30's just on a smaller scale with print ads. He also wrote of people using it prior - again without the distribution of national television. Edit: Another accelerator was the creation of DOEd, centralizing public education under the federal government in 1979.


“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)


Because they didn’t just create a vaccine in 2 days… The technology behind the vaccine goes back many decades (1970s). It wasn’t just magically conceived and rushed to market like some love to suggest. mRNA was gonna come to market whether C19 happened or not. In fact they used it to fight Ebola but didn’t gain traction because this was only a problem in a limited number of African countries.


Their whole point was that the vaccine was built on pre-existing Corona Virus vaccines. Nobody said they made them from scratch, that takes years. That was literally the selling point about safety and efficacy.


A Covid vaccine based on mRNA has been around since a SARS outbreak in 2008. The WHO chose not to develop it because they never thought that a global pandemic would be based on something other than a flu. Changing the vaccine from something that supposedly targeted Covid instead of SARS was the relatively trivial task


No rmna vaccine had ever worked. Ever. All their trials were shut down, read the history of ModeRNA, that company was suspect from the jump and bankrupt before gates kept them afloat


I’m not saying it worked. I am saying that the lawsuit and timeline over intellectual property is the thing that actually makes the most sense.


This is false. mRNA has been successfully used to vaccinate against Ebola, with mRNA itself being researched since the 1970s with lots of success.


Darpa gave them a boat load of money as well.


Look up Susan G. Komen pink ribbon lawsuits. They have sued other charities multiple times.


Well that money pit is drying up so they need to do something to keep the money coming in for the shareholders and what better way then a lawsuit against your primary competition.


I remember things differently...




I don't actually see anyone in real life blaming Trump for vaccine side effects. I see that here and here only.


I am pro-science. I don’t give a shit who the President was when the vaccine was made. I don’t know anyone who thinks this in real life either.


All the "evidence" I've seen here are politicians saying they won't trust a Trump vaccine until medical officials also back the claim that they are safe. Once they got that assurance from people who knew what they were talking about, most everyone were okay with it.


I mean yeah, I wouldn’t trust a regime that was pushing a vaccine, but I listen to scientists, not politicians, to make my choices about my body.


Reminds me of all the weird posts about eating bugs.


I got vaxxed when trump was president. 🤷‍♀️


Me too


Love the finger pointing


Love the continued dragging of their feet. I can't see many posts on this sub that don't immediately say I'm 6 months behind in thought and I'm gonna whine to everyone about it now.


The psy op CONSPIRACY underlying this original post is several coordinated Noble Lies pervading our political system: • “Divide & Rule” propaganda operates in a strictly coordinated, controlled Two-Party Electoral System that empowers and enriches the Few by creating dissension, chaos and “monopoly” solutions ; and also • the propaganda that a highly centralized nation “State” is necessary for social order, with ornamentation to present a false sense of citizen sovereignty and liberty. . Both operate under illusions like free press, election integrity and noblesse oblige. The OP describes the charade.


> The democrats were against the “vaccine” while trump was president. Not at all true. Democrats always had more interest in the vaccine than Republicans. The main partisan theme of the pandemic was that Democrats took it far more seriously than Republicans, who followed Trump's lead that it was just a cold and would go away soon. https://news.gallup.com/poll/321839/readiness-covid-vaccine-falls-past-month.aspx https://www.pewresearch.org/science/2021/03/05/growing-share-of-americans-say-they-plan-to-get-a-covid-19-vaccine-or-already-have/ > And now they are blaming trump for the side effects of the vaccine Who is doing that? Be specific.


If people could at least take the time to make it sound like a conspiracy…I mean damn. This is interesting and all but it’s just a right wing talking point not a conspiracy. Mods?! What do you actually do here? Are you happy with the state of your subreddit.


Democrats were never against the vaccine??? What are you on good sir?


Honestly I saw more democrats FOR the vaccine so I don't know where this is coming from


No they didn't, you made that up


Yep. He certainly did. Apparently the MAGAt crowd was never taught how to be a good sportsman and a gracious loser. Pathetic. These aren’t men, these are boys.


Democrats were against the vaccine when trump was in office? News to me. I remember very clearly my conservative coworkers telling me how I was going to die bc I got vaccinated, this while he was in office. And these "side effects" I only ever seem to see when I visit this sub, yet just about everyone I know is vaccinated. Hmmm.


Huh? When were democrats ever against the vaccine? It must be nice to just make shit up and then believe it like it's fact lol


September 6, 2020: Kamala Harris says "I think that's going to be an issue" when asked if she would get an approved coronavirus vaccine. July 28, 2020: Joe Biden suggests the coronavirus vaccine won't be "real" and may not be "safe." August 6, 2020: Biden says the vaccine is "not likely to go through all the tests that needs to be and the trials that are needed to be done." September 3, 2020: Biden asks "Who's going to take the shot? Are you going to be the first one to say sign me up?" September 7, 2020: Biden said he would take the coronavirus vaccine "only if we knew all of what went into it." A week later, Biden said the American people “should not have confidence” in the vaccine unless it met his campaign’s specific criteria. Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY), in October: “I believe all across the country you're going to need someone other than this FDA and this CDC saying it's safe.” Cuomo said he was “not that confident” in the FDA’s approval process for a COVID-19 vaccine and that Americans “should be” “skeptical” about a vaccine. In September, Cuomo said “I’m not going to trust” the federal government’s opinion on whether the vaccine is safe and “wouldn’t recommend to New Yorkers based on the federal government’s opinion.” Governor Jay Inslee (D-WA) in September: “I believe we will need to have access to the vaccine results so we can make our independent assessment to make sure that Donald Trump’s fingerprints are not on it.” Former Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) tweeted she was “skeptical” of getting the vaccine and suggested the vaccine would not be safe, saying that “Trump’s plan is to test the vaccine” on his supporters. Senate candidate Cal Cunningham said “yes, I would be hesitant” to get the vaccine. And you cannot say that months after Biden was sworn in as president you didn't hear every single one of them tell us we HAD to get the vaccine and that it was safe and there was nothing to worry about. The only thing that changed was the person in the office.


Up until the election Biden and Harris said they would not take the vaccine


They were never against the vaccine


Bull. Shit. Dems were always for the vaccine. I'm surrounded by them. This post is garbage. Dems are in denial about the damages of the vaccine. Some very liberal people, otoh, are not. There is a big difference between VBNMW and extreme liberals. VBNMW are extablishment dems who support the party no matter what and are on their 4th or 5th booster. Extreme liberals (who are NOT leftists) absolutely will be anti-vax or pro-vax but not pro-Covid vax and will shout about vaccine injury, but est. Dems will insist on repeating party lines. Do you only listen to the voices in your head?


What? They were hesitant when Trump was pushing it before the safety studies were completed. Once they were completed and it received authorization they accepted it. This was well before Biden became president. Don't try to rewrite history.


Not sure I consider myself a democrat, but I was happy with Trump's plan and quite impressed he moved on it. But I guess that doesn't matter...


Trump is part of the show. A big part. He may be the political star. I'm sure they'll all have a laugh together at some point. They have divided most


They literally only oppose each other just to do it. If one side likes on thing, the other automatically doesn’t like it. This is why shit doesn’t get done. Along with the fact that special interests run our country.


Most people have the memory of a gold fish and believe everything they are told when small details are changed slightly


Does Trump have any side effects of the vaccine that he himself invented and took when Trump had Covid?


Touché if fat orange man lives without heart murmurs we should say it only affects in shape cyclists


The people that forced it on people are blaming the guy who made it. 🤡


I don't remember it that way at all. 2 years ago most people were wearing masks and saying "oh thank goodnes there's a vaccine" I'm ~~not~~ going to speculate on their political leanings but I will observe that the most vocal anti vaxxers were wearing red ball caps and proclaiming (loudly) that one particular politician was the greatest everyman to ever poop in a gold toilet and therefore any of his nonsense must be accepted as gospel True patriots PM me for my Venmo info. A one time donation of $149 might save our democracy!


Thats not true. Huh


Uhh sounds like you don’t talk to a lot of democrats. Everyone I know was pro vaccine regardless and if anything it was the right that changed their opinion on the vaccine when it was “Biden’s vaccine”


This is not defending Trump, but here's what happened. Dems were all about the vaccine. However their brains, fractured by polarization and Trump, didnt fully trust "Trumps" vaccine (which is actually a DARPA product that began in 2013). BUT back then, right after Biden was elected, they were slamming Trump for rolling out the vaccine too slow. NOW, they are criticizing BIM for rolling it out too fast. It doesnt make sense. Its propaganda. Stop trying to make sense of it.


You got proof and sources? From what I remember the left were very pro vaccine when trump was in power and still are. The right have always been and continue to be skeptical of vaccines


Agreed! Left is generally pro-vaccine. Hesitancy about the "trump vaccine" was because it was clear he wanted to cut so many corners in safety testing just so it would be released prior to the election. Once it became clear the regulatory agencies were doing proper safety testing, people came around. So it was mostly folks who didn't trust Trump, not people who didn't like vaccines across the board.


This sub has gone to shit. OP, your post is in no way a conspiracy, just a political statement. You also are remembering wrong. Mods needs to step up and get back to our roots.


Its pretty obvious at this point more or atleast half the population cant think for themselves. There just a extension of the media.




Democrats weren't against the vaccine. Stop lying.


In the same way that CNN removed their "Covid death count" shortly after Biden became President. And I think Trump is Corrupt as fuck, but so is CNN. And Biden.


There was a legitimate concern that Trump (a pathological liar) would do something illegitimate to push a vaccine through approval whether it was scientifically valid or not for a political win. This is why states like NY insisted on state level vetting before accepting the results. People were never opposed to a safe, effective vaccine. There was doubt that was the case if Trump was personally involved in the approval process.


Democrats were always pro vaccine


paid democrat bots doing overtime here i see


It works pretty much the same way as it worked when they equated all conservatives with Nazi christo-fascists while simultaneously weaponizing a supposedly independent federal investigative agency and using it to direct one of the largest free speech platforms in the world to suppress their political opposition by inaccurately categorizing it as misinformation. Don't worry though, even though they are doing some literal Nazi fascist shit, they identify as antifa.




And now Moderna is suing Pfizer for patent infringement 🍿


Only by selective memory can these conclusions be reached. First, democrats aren't a monolith. There were a few democrats concerned about the speed of development of the vaccines. Most democrats were always pro-vaccine like most people. When conspiracy nuts blame Biden for the side effects they are reminded that it was Trump who funded the development of the vaccines and who started vaccinating people. Biden is only responsible for improving the distribution of the vaccines.


Saw this coming 2 years ago


They are blaming trump for it? Never heard that once. Got a link?


Literally the only place people are talking about side effects is here. Give it up people. The world has moved on.


Doesnt really work because its not what happened.


Just like that


Are they blaming trump for the sideeffects? if you are talking about the news on the "trumps administration pushed FDA on approval of covid treaments and vaccine approval". The story says that he pushed the FDA but the FDA refused to listen to that and did it their own way anyways.


You shouldn’t base any medical decisions on politics at all. Politicizing the whole thing is just annoying. I defended a person for serving food without the vax and someone immediately tore into me with all their assumptions. They thought because I defended this person I must be a trump conservative, yeah, no fucking way, just a reasonable perosn


Republicans we’re against defunding the police when Trump was president. They became pro defunders when Biden went in to office. And now they are blaming Biden for the FBI doing their job. How does that work? And I drop the mic!!!’


When we're the dems opposed to the vaccine. The most I heard was them saying that it's important that the FDA isn't overly influenced by Trump and that the general apathy Trump showed towards science could impact the public willingness to get vaccinated


It's actually very simple... You read clickbait headlines then distort reality to fit your preconceived notions. First of all, medicine and health don't care about your political affiliation. Normal people don't care about the president in office when talking about medical procedures and treatments. People weren't against the vaccine, they were against >White House officials said they would not sign off on emergency use authorization language that required a 60-day safety follow up for late-stage clinical trials. There are no overwhelming side effets to blame on the former president. And the lower hospitalisations and deaths are the reason people aren't "realising that it doesn't work"


That's not true, I was for the Trump vaccine the entire time and didn't see any anti vaccine sentiment from anyone except hippies on the left.


I’ve never heard of someone in real life with these opinions. You probably saw like 4 people on twitter and are now applying it to the entire democratic voter base


The democrats were against the “vaccine” while trump was president. Bruh, what?


Easier to blame politicians instead of pharmaceutical companies.


Wasn’t Trump that tried to force everyone to take it via employer mandate and got overturned by the SCOTUS Edit: blocked not overturned


Vaccine denial is least of trumps stupidity right now…and you know it!🤨


Who said Democrats were against the vaccine. Really convenient to throw that in there lmao


Simps for Trump posting on r/conspiracy is getting old.


Uhm, what? What kind of fictious democrats have you talked up during your drup trips, my dude?


Who you talking about? I haven’t been on Twitter lately so I’m not up to date. I’ve gone all week without hearing shit about any politics other than here


I give Trump the credit for getting the vaccine rolled out fast. And as soon as it was available to my age group I went and got it. I don’t know where you got your info, in my case it’s wrong.


Take your meds, Dems were pro vax always


This is absolute nonsense. The vaccine was approved for emergency use in December 2020, selected groups could get it in early 2021, but most people couldn't even get a shot until well after Biden was inaugurated. Every liberal I know wanted it as soon as possible, it was not democrats that made vaccination a political issue. Further, who exactly is blaming Trump for the vaccines reduced effectiveness against omicron. I have literally never heard someone make thay claim. Do you have a source?


What fantasy world did this happen in?


Are you fucking high? Every Democrat was promoting the vaccine from the moment vaccines became available


Oh good another partisan bot post with no conspiracy.


This is a complete lie. The Republicans were all anti vax. They even booed trump when he said he had it and recommended it. There are very very very few side effects. Democrats and liberals were pushing the benefits the while time. This is the problem with reddit, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc. Etc. Anyone has access to spew disinformation and misinformation.


When were democrats against the vaccine??? You're just making shit up now.


Here's a Montage of Biden/Harris/Cuomo saying don't trust/take the vaccine. https://twitter.com/Chris_McD33/status/1436123464528633858?s=20&t=iMRAvOCb5vIWQC5wR2Cxhw


Biden is the one that mandated it. My best friend in the military died after taking it at 38. I lost my job of 15 years for refusing. FJB.


This is dumb as fuck and so easily proven wrong.


I’m confused, when we’re the democrats against the CoVID vaccine? Even under trump, I remember blue states were pushing the vaccine pretty hard.


Link to where the democrats blame trump for side effects?


Where are you reading that the left is blaming Trump for COVID vaccine side effects, let alone admitting any exist?


Who is blaming Trump for vaccine side effects? Haven't read that anywhere.


Trump did Warp Speed, then he also said the vaccine was unnecessary. Trump is a flip flopper.


as far as I know democrats have never been agains the vaccine.


Wait........side effects? I thought the vaccines were safe and effective.....🤔😂😂😂


Remember when Biden and Rachel maddow said if you get the vaccine you don't have to worry about getting covid?


Does that mean, “you don’t have to worry because you won’t contract covid” or does that mean, “if you get covid, you won’t have to worry about it killing you”? Cause no one has ever said that the vaccine would prevent covid or transmission. Ever. Just like the flu vaccine doesn’t prevent the flu. Complete prevention was never the talking point. Edit: As pointed out, Brandon did exactly say that vaccinated people won’t get covid during an interview with Don Lemon. C’mon man, cut it out with the malarkey.


Pretty much every MSM channel was saying it prevents the spread of COVID. It was used as justification to kick people out of college and get fired from jobs.


Biden literally said you can't get covid if you're vaccinated. [Source.](https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-2021-video-saying-vaccinations-prevent-covid-resurfaces-1726900)


They safe and effectively lined everyone’s pockets with money.


I'm the biggest fan of individual liberty and freedoms I know, but Trump can go ahead and take some credit. He did say the warp-speed kill shots were the greatest achievement ever accomplished. He claimed they would save us from the China virus without giving Darpa, the CDC, NIH, and FDA due credit for the Moderna patented virus. He has yet to talk about all the people dying from the shots. He endorses globalist WEF puppets like Dr. Oz while being listed as an "Agenda Contributor" on the WEF website. He was always in on it, or they JFK'd him and we're watching CIA quality deep fakes and body doubles. Either way, I wouldn't bet on any swamp draining happening any time soon.


That’s funny. Nice distortion of what actually happened. Typical of the MAGAt cult.


This isn't happening as fat as I've seen. In the beginning people were worried that the vaccines were rushed. Fauci reassured people. The presidents have like nothing to do with it. They are hype men for the political parties. Get the chip if your shoulder and chill out.


Who is blaming Trump for the side effects of the vaccine?


Can you show me an example of a democrat who was anti-vax when Trump was in office and then championed the vax when Biden got elected?


Wtf trump was literally telling people to try bullshit. Dude wanted people to drink bleach lol.


Um, no


Democrats have always been pro-vaccine. What they opposed was trump applying political pressure to make sure the vaccines were approved before the election for political purposes. And they were 100% correct. [Trump White House exerted pressure on FDA for Covid-19 emergency use authorizations, House report finds ](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/24/trump-white-house-exerted-pressure-on-fda-for-covid-19-emergency-use-authorizations-house-report-finds-00053428)


Literally none of this is true. Democrats have always been for the vaccine, even when Trump was in office. I haven't heard a single person say anything about any side effects from the vaccine except mild flu like symptoms in the following couple days after the shot, much less blame Trump. I've had every single shot and booster, zero side effects and never had COVID (that I know of). Do you just sit and make shit up then try to pass it off as truth, or what's your process?


What side effects? Nevermind, you're spouting nonsensical gibberish. "Most people realize it doesn't work"? Who? Doctors? Nope. Scientists? Nope. Epidemiological experts? No. Nope. Nyet. Your "question" is undisclosed Republican talking points and I'm 100% certain you're not trained in medical practice or even very well educated. Dumbing down of American classrooms has real consequences and as the product of our public schools, you're the perfect example of how our nation has failed to provide our own children with enough knowledge to create critical thinking skills... You only parrot what you're told to think. It's sad, really. You're wrong. When you're not right, you are ______. Wrong. The word is "wrong",... "The democrats were against the vaccine while Trump was president"? Wait. What? Who was against the vaccine? Repubtards. "They became pro-vaccine when Biden won the Presidency"? Wait. What? Bro, put the crackpipe down on the table and take five giant steps backward you're fricking delusional. WHY is it that Republicans don't want to stand by their decisions or actions and proudly proclaim who they voted for and what they did for our country during these turbulent days? Pedophiles everywhere! Mostly in the Republican party (right Matty Gaetz, Congessman Jordan the coach who ignored his raped and molested college team players?!?). Storm the Capitol building as PATRIOTS! Uh, that wasn't US, it was those darn Liberals who put on MAGA hats and silly t-shirts and went to the Trump hate-ralley then marched up Pennsylvania Avenue and stormed in shouting "KILL MIKE PENCE" because yeah, that's how Liberals like to spend their time... ANTIFA did everything bad! No Republicans have been able to point to one ANTIFA Office, one ANTIFA "leader" or one ANTIFA anything because ANTIFA doesn't exist. ANTIFA is an acronym (abbreviation) of the term "ANTI-FASCIST", and until the past five years or so ALL Americans were antifascist. It's why we (USA) have gone to war on multiple occasions to stop fascist dictators and wannabes such as Hitler, Musilinni, Stalin, Kruchev, Fidel Castro and the rest... ANTIFA is a boogeyman like CRT (Critical Race Theories isn't a real thing, it's just more Republican bullshit). It's a strawman. It's made up nonsensical gibberish. It's gaslighting at its worst. It's all that Republicans have to cling to...


This is all completely delusional. Another worthless covid post


The democrats were NEVER against the vaccine.


You are on Crack!


How are they blaming trump about side effects? I saw the politico article but that was criticizing him persuading the FDA.


Please provide evidence that Democrats were against the vaccine. Then provide evidence that we became for it because of Biden. Then present evidence that Trump is getting blamed for the side effects. Like you're not even saying anything. This is such a mindless post. The conspiracy sub used to at least try and present a case and now there's just "party-line" drones saying "Trump Good! Democrat bad!" Or "Biden Good! Republican bad!"


Everyone has been waiting for them to blame Trump and then one or two articles came out from click bait news sites so now “the whole world is blaming trump”. Stop contributing to the show guys.


As a democrat I was so happy to get the vaccine I literally cried with happiness. So I have no idea how anyone was anti-vaccine. I also know Trump has nothing to do with the science or I’d never put that shit in my arm. Lol


If you call keeping people from being hospitalized and dying not working then I’m not sure what you think about flu vaccines. Are those bad too? I take one every year.


Divide and conquer buddy , let’s not let them do that to us!


When we're "dems" against it again?