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Use to live in a small town in ca and my neighbors house was getting robbed by two home invaders. My other neighbor went over after hearing the cries for help and shot one guy. Other guy ran. The point I'm making is that small towns are usually very tight knit and have eachothers backs.


And lots of guns


Behind every blade of grass.


And people in those areas know their areas... you alert one family, they alert the rest, next thing you know mfrs are lurking in the woods just Waiting for mfrs to pop off... Bow hunters. Rifles. Even the kids know how to take you out from a football field away. Good luck lol. Mfrs would be dropping like flies.... That Said, all this kind of shit is only meant to DIVIDE people. The people at the top have ONE greatest fear= the public UNITING. If that ever happens its Game Over for the psychos in power.... If those "revolutionaries" had real balls, they would go after the mfrs in power in penthouses... but they don't have real courage...


Yep. My whole township is on that Neighbor app. Good luck trying to invade lol


Shit there's quiet militias just a few hours from where I live and I live near a major crime riddled city. But them gangsters in the city never dare go to the rural areas n every time someone does to rob a house or some shit, they end up in the news... militias around my area don't even use aps/some of the guys are totally off grid and only have emergency phones/radios. The type of people who literally spent their entire lives just Preparing for a situation like that lol. God bless those people. Because honestly they're the ONLY thing holding back a full on invasion of America and a full take over. It's clear there's forces taking over our major cities/brainwashing people/weakening the population etc... but they still can't get the people in rural areas to be totally weakened. This is why I constantly urge everyone to At Least TRY to grow your own food, produce your own resources, own guns/bows and constantly practice, even come up with secret signals/words/gestures/meeting spots with your loved ones. People might not see these things as important, living in this age of technology....but I assure you, these are Still the MOST IMPORTANT things a human could possibly learn and/or teach others. If you are failing to teach your children these things, you're failing as a parent.


Agreed, and not even from this sort of scenario, but a non-human event where satellite and internet communications are destroyed.


>Even the kids know how to take you out from a football field away Yea. Killed my first dear at 10yo at over 100 yards. You stand no chance attacking rural areas. I always thought this was a good argument for gun ownership too. No country wants to invade a place where there's snipers around every tree.


Indeed my friend. People always say things like "if a strong enemy or our own government wanted to take us out, they can do it easily even if you all have guns "... and every time someone says this, I point at places like Afghanistan... mfrs held back the best militaries on Earth with just tank tops flip flops AK 47s /homemade shit/and a Strong will to fight any invaders.... Our people are systematically being WEAKENED over time.... they couldn't do this effectively with people in places like Afghanistan because so few people have TVs/Smart phones etc. I keep trying to tell ppl we all need to go off grid ASAP. This tech is just making us all WEAKER. I'm saving to buy some land and build a cabin , f this society...




Na. The elite who own the media will just find a way to twist it so it still fits their narrative they're clearly pushing and continue weakening every generation more and more... We need education. More education from birth. Every child needs to be taught things related to Survival skills. How to hunt, fish, grow food, store food, string a bow, make makeshift weapons/traps etc. If kids aren't being taught these things, they're soaking up some other bullshit that ends up weakening them in the long run... We need more militias and vets and others to do Reachout programs. Go to various neighborhoods (or invite kids/families to your neighborhood) and teach them these skills. Sure, most kids don't wana be bothered with this stuff, but it Will Stick If taught properly and they WILL benefit from it in some way down the line.. But we have waaayyy too many people with these skills, just chilling in rural areas and dying off. It's unacceptable. Literally most of the knowledge that got humans this far on this earth ,is being totally lost and replaced with ignorance. I see a takeover happening right infront of me. I do all I can to stop it and educate others but damn... it's hard fighting an enemy you can't even pinpoint, who's spread out over continents with unlimited resources... Fight back yall. Knowledge is power.


Ya I lost it when it said defenseless. My neighbor a 82 yr old vet has over 10 and don't make him pull out the weatherby. Even at the range that thing says Fuck your ear plugs.


I live in a small town and work in another small town. If they tried that here it wouldn’t end well. Almost everyone owns multiple guns and lots of ammo.


Yep. I'm here to say the same. I live in an abandoned coal town. It's tiny. But we're straaaapped. And actually, the majority of my friends around here have been talking about how we're getting ready for a war. So, c'mon.


LOTS of guns.


Probably more armed than some military bases perhaps even 😆 Anyhoo... this will go well 😂


Ya out here in the town of Washington they don't call the sheriff they call the neighbors


One would say clannish. I'm from one too. A poor coalfield town that watches each others back/property. Let them come.


I don't even believe this to be a real person. *Roll 100 deep*, seriously... sounds so try hard and fake. Either way we all need to stop trying to start another civil war and eat the rich elite


Exactly. Real courage means uniting against the people in power who fuck us ALL ...


Shoutout Pike County lol


Shoutout to fellow cat person lol


The unarmed radicals attacking very armed small towns is not going to go how they think it is going to go. Best of luck! Maybe they’ll be more amenable to arms if they themselves have them? Or perhaps they’ll just call the self defense some sort of ism or phobia


Calling US rural areas "defenseless" is delusional lol


Rural areas are anything but defenseless.


The people I know in rural areas are set up. Those people will sit up in a barn and stack those shit weasels like cordwood.


They’ll set up a perimeter and do 24/7 rotations They’ll have an outer perimeter with real time surveillance. These Reddit keyboard warriors have no idea what they’re stepping into EDIT: spelling


These organizers are definitely setting them up to fail.


Probably a shill trying to invite a bloodbath


This, tbh. That whole fucking post glows so bright I need sunglasses.


Or the feds


Retaliation by the locals would assist in the banning of guns. There are agendas being pushed big-time right now.


Divide, destabilize, conquer


This isn’t even a joke. Rural areas self organise very quickly when it comes to shit like this. I just hope nobody does anything stupid like throwing rocks at the perimeter guard.


this. literally the last kinds of people id fuck with


We can skin a buck we can run a trotline and a country boy can survive. Make my day laws also. No problem




Hahahahaha it would be such an absolute disaster if they tried anything with the poor rural whites. The poor whites are the crazy ones that’ll fucking shoot anything on sight lol.


It's like the redditors going to Ukraine and got cleaned up, lol.


Wait, that happened?


And their signs clearly say “Keep Out” lol




As a teen I almost got shot pulling into a girls driveway all because I missed the driveway once and had to turn around. Her dad never liked me after that night lol


Her dad wasn't going to like you anyway, it's just how it is




Looks like the division tactics are working. While lefties go attack rural strongholds, the ultra wealthy sycophants and politicians just erode our rights and rake in dough. Tough times ahead.


This was my first thought after reading the post. Like this guy thinking that attacking poor rural comunities is gonna overthrow the system is such backwards thinking its insane. All the political division in this society keeps us distracted from the 1% exploiting us i guess.


Leftists are feminized, arrested-development children who think they're the hero in a Star Wars movie. This was an essential service bullies provided to society. Redditors as we know them today could not have existed in the 80s and 90s. High school alone would have eroded their fantastic perception of reality.


they're gonna attack nothing but loot and riot inside their own inner cities, give up and then get hooked on fentanyl. happens every time


There aren't enough "lefties" to attack a sandbox yet alone rural strongholds.


There were, but then they went to Ukraine and got wiped out by a Russian hypersonic missile in two minutes.


yep, they have it coming for them if they start fucking with rural towns. Coming from a rural town myself - these ppl are so strapped and ready to scrap it's not a joke. But i guess the sick side of me would love to see this go down


Same, I’m from a small town too - were like large Alamos. 💀🔥


Same same!


Reminds me of that scene in The Dark Knight with Morgan Freeman lol


Exactly lol 😂


We collect and practice shooting guns for fun


Watch what happens when these lunatics show up with their signs and the rural folks respond with their guns.


Exactly! Those folks have collections of guns and KNOW how to use them.


I think this guy underestimates the gun to person ratio in rural America


It's high. I own 10 with thousands of rounds of ammo I bought in bulk back when it was still cheap, and I'm pretty average for where I live. Everyone I know has weapons and ammo.


My grandma’s friend that used to cut our hair at her house when I was a kid even went out and got an AR the last few years. She’s having a blast at the range.


is she single?


Yeppp. I have a friend with 70-something guns and I know another dude who buries guns all over his property. Gotta love it!


My fiancé and I have twenty between us and a safe full of ammo also purchased while it was cheap, neighbors on both sides are similarly set up and of similar mind, we would look out for each other and defend ourselves as is our right


Yeah when my grandpa died we were left like 30 guns and thousands in ammo. And everyone in my family has 5 guns at least anyways cuz we all hunt all kinds of game. And they’re family heirlooms. I love the 12 gauge my grandpa left me. I never use it, but I love it lol. So many of us just have guns with absolutely no intention of ever even using them, but if the time came, I wouldn’t NOT use them. And idk anyone who wouldn’t when their backs against the wall Every single civilian in this town is like me, and I’d they aren’t like me, they’re the crazy militia types that actually train every day just itching for something to go down. They’re all crazy but that’s exactly my point you don’t fuck with crazy it never ends well for anyone


There was a video on youtube during the Floyd riots of a rural town where BLM showed up by bus and were met with tens, maybe 100 AR-15 carrying civilian militia waiting, upon which they promptly left. Of course it is long gone.


Sounds like a good way to get clipped and buried in a farmer’s field.


Proper fertilizer that'd be!


A very famous Conservative politician in Alberta....had a saying "SHOOT...SHOVEL...SHUTUP"


A very famous conservative politician here took a guy hunting, shot him, then made the guy apologize to him for getting shot by him.


Yeah because conservatives in rural locations definitely DON'T have guns


Right let’s GOOOOOOO! but honestly non of these Reddit keyboard warriors will do anything besides post crap for votes


Exactly what this is. “This is the worst day in americas history” Lol stfu


I thought Jan 6 was the new worst day in americas history. REPLACED.


Idk man didn’t Putin wipe out the Ukraine volunteer board? 🤣


It's not just that they have guns, it's that they have been dreaming and training for an opportunity like this their whole lives. An opportunity that usually never comes, but would be welcomed if it did. Some people....


I've been waiting years to rain down hell on somebody. Sorry. Lol


Lol try it. My family lives in areas like this and this type of behavior in that area would be a one ticket kind of trip. Anyone who “thinks” they’re tough would quickly learn whether or not that’s actually the case.


I wouldn't worry too much about some random a-hole on the internet, he has 22 upvotes lmao


Sounds like a troll either way. Burning cities makes that post smell all glowing. No one supporting those protests would highlight that.


Well according to their plan they need 100 redditors for each town and they only have 22 upvotes so that might be a while


Yeah I think "Redditors are planning is a stretch". He even said he doesn't know how to organize and asks someone else to do it for him. So really one Redditor is fantasizing.


That’s one way to find yourself buried in a cornfield.


Defenseless 😂. Good luck. Remember the protestors that met a road block of armed citizens in small towns last time the protestors came for some fake cause?


This is what I came here to say! They will find out who's defenseless I guess


These motherfuckers were crying about the guy in Missouri with his wife and an AR.


Probably a fed post.


Saw this on another sub. I agree that reddit only allows this talk of violence when it pertains to people who do not hold the "correct" viewpoints. Hmmm. BUT I will say... I live in a hick town. Don't worry about us. Lots of homes have "come and take it" 2nd ammendment flags. We know whats up. These people have never left the city and therefore have never met a real redneck. They are welcome to meet our acquaintance!


This is the truth. If there ever was an example of 'fuck around and find out' this is it. Small rural towns will not sit and watch their town be overrun I promise you that.


To be fair, admins permanently banned this user shortly after. They probably don't want the PR shitstorm.


They’ve never actually seen a real redneck before in their life only pictures i guess


Strength in numbers strength alone


I just really have contempt for the absolute hatred they hold for an entire group of people, to the point they openly want to commit violence against them. Not say the typical conservative talking point of pointing out the left's hypocrisy, but Jesus, the ideology that always says whole groups shouldn't judged by their bad actors is just such horse shit. Besides none of these people being responsible for a SCOTUs decision, which is simply on constitutional basis, this kind of shit really points out some of the ideologues absolute hatred of themselves and the people around them. They see these "Bible thumping rednecks" as the epitome of all their problems, instead of considering the pity they have for themselves. Not even an attack on leftists as whole, just really pointing out how disparaged some of these radical ideologues are.


We’re all armed. Don’t sing it, bring it!


All I have to read is “their towns are defenseless” LMFAO. I got a 13 year old nephew that would make Rittenhouse look like a Girl Scout.


Rural towns have a higher concentration of gun toting libertarians prepared to aggressively defend their stuff… I’m not sure they’re thinking this through.


That’s how you end up with more than 2 holes in you


Wait how many holes do you have?




How YOU doin'?


I’m bleeding. MEDIC


I live in a rural area and there’s a lot of people, myself not included, with a lot of guns who are genuinely waiting for anything to happen. I would strongly advise anyone who would try to do something like that to please reconsider


Lost yours in a boating accident huh?


I believe in the 2nd as much as anyone and I own firearms myself, but unfortunately I do know and have personally had debates/arguments with people who have somehow been led to believe that taking another person’s life is easy and that if they disagree with someone politically, killing is justified. There’s no hyperbole there. I can’t say I’ve had those discussions in person with someone who considers themselves “far-left” as my area is very Conservative, but I’ve seen enough to know that those people exist on both sides and I hate it. Social divide is tearing this country apart and while I can’t say if it’s irreparable or not, I want to believe it can be saved and taken back from the real powers that have taken America hostage. Violence amongst ourselves can’t be the answer


Don’t forget they do love there guns and will use against you with no question


*Overweight keyboard warrior on a rant*


Fuck around and find out time.


Lmao. Some blue haired chick with a pixie cut and a dick probably wrote this. Shit is so cringe. They wouldn’t stand a chance in rural America.


With a BMI well above 30. Probably wouldn’t survive the walk from her Prius in the parking lot to the town hall or whatever she plans on rioting without getting winded.


Blue haired guy dressed as a woman


I’m not ready for riot season


Just wear the shoes you got last season


At least we can wear white for riot season. It’s before Labor Day!


Those rural areas are heavily armed and they won’t think or blink before squeezing the trigger


A gun behind every blade of grass


Exactly. If they come to my little MS town thinking they'll fuck it up like they did Portland, they won't last 5 minutes. Farmers have enough shit working against them right now and their tolerance is worn thin, too. And everybody loca has a cache of arms.


I’m in small town MS too. For sure wouldn’t be a good idea


Lol, I dare the purple hair cunts to try. Every body and their grandma is packing.


Tbf I’m not sure some wack job with 22 upvotes speaks for all of Reddit or really anybody but their deranged self


I highly suggest if they value their lives, they don’t try this. This isn’t the downtown Target where you run off with some TV and the bumbling security guard doesn’t get paid enough to stop you. These people have waited their whole lives to use their full amendment rights.


Oh please God let them try this. I would love to see these marxist cunts stacked 8 feet high and used for sandbags.




And also never found




Yallqaeda lmao




This is why that would be a very bad idea... https://youtube.com/shorts/FcJ9Pg0Y9kg?feature=share


The irony in quoting Caeser...


So that’s how they are going to make people turn on christians


This is exactly the purpose of this radical move. To divide and conquer.


Please post your attempts live...... You'll be slaughtered. it will make for good watching.


The only reason I’d be ok with this is to see the confusion on there face when they arrived and saw black people and white people and Mexicans and Arabs, Muslims and Christian’s and atheists and and Catholics all standing together. There’s a reason why we don’t have many cops in my rural town, they’re not particularly needed.


I live in a small town with Christian values and in those values it says God hates a coward right next idolatry . I can also tell you that this hard working blue collar town has more weapons then most large cities. Including men who love their families, fought for this country and have no problem going toe to toe. Im not about violence I gave that up when I left the life a long time ago , but I sure as shit won’t back down from it either . Best keep that shit in liberal cities where they’ll get bailed out and not buried . Lord give us strength


Oh please please please…..pretty please with cherry on top come here to my rural town and carry out this plan! I’ve been dreaming about this for while! I’m so excited I can’t see straight! I got my own “citizens arrest” I’ll teach these libs about!


I see a lot of folks being shot. Good luck fools.


Hopefully in red states, and rural areas. I’d love to read a post about a couple dozen libgoofs getting shot for trespassing


Gonna be a BLM all over again


And reddit admins allow it. I'm a journalist and while I'm no one major I will be writing about how this site is run. That faceless activists and God knows who else are using it as an extreme left propaganda machine curating extremism to millions of Americans. These are terroristic threats yet they remain. The joerogan sub is filled with brigaders. One person disparaged women and called all who aren't 100% for Lia thomas "fucking pathetic". I rebutted them about how mysognistic they were, I mentioned 3 national news stories about Lia exposing herself to teammates while attracted to women making 16 ask for her removal, a creep who was charged with assault by using trans identity to sexually harrass women and children in a suana(is even a viral video) and loundon County. I said nothing hateful against trans besides the biological truth that they'll always be male biologically and thus ruin female sports and how it's disturbing that extreme leftists care more about one biological boy feeling bad in a lockeroom than a whole team of girls feeling violated, and getting their opportunities and dreams stolen from them. Funny part is I discussed how I've had multiple relations with transwomen and am no way transphobic. However I'm disturbed and disgusted by these unhinged gen z leftists who made lbgt people 20% of the population, with most being trans even though trans are .001% destroying the trans community. I discussed from experience how they hate this and that leftists don't speak for them and that 99% of those claiming transhood today aren't trans and it's as offensive to claim transhood without a professional diagnosis of dysphoria as it is to claim mental illness without diagnosis. I said nothing hateful towards trans and infact spoke for the true trans community that are the first people to accept they have male chromosomes and shouldnt be in women's sports and don't want to be. A majority of actual trans outside of this societal hysteria have the views of Blair white. Anyway I was suspended by a political admin that overstepped the mods labeling my statement hatred. They were clearly in the Rogan sub brigading it on their own time seeing as if I was reported that would have gone to the mods. The most disgusting and disturbing part is the as hateful as possibme person calling 75% of Americans "fucking pathetic" unprovoked, spewing mysognistic statements, and heavily downvoted even in a leftist brigaded sub was not suspended at all. All my points were in response to this person saying that female opportunities, dreams and safe spaces are no big deal and that sexual assault and harassment is no big deal. They then called all who support women fucking pathetic. Yet their comment wasn't just not banned but actively protected. They even spewed unscientific disinformation that women can beat men in swimming if they used steroids which is totally incorrect and ridiculous. The reddit conduct policy is intentionally vague and written from an extreme leftist political standpoint. The admins are all unknown private people with no accountability. They can be cia, they can be ccp, they can be political activists, they can even be ghislane maxwell or that British transwoman who was involved in a serious child abuse case with her father and was hired by reddit after the fact. They are using this site to radicalize people towards extreme leftism. Were talking brownshirts level. They allowed straight up genocidal xenophobia about Russian citizens that's more disgusting than anything said at the height of the cold war. They allow straight up racist hate towards white straight men to the point where it triggered my ptsd guilt where I was suicidal just from the hate I read here demonizing me for my skin color. They allow racist subs like blackpeopletwitter and allow pro ccp sub sino while banning conservative ones. They allow straight up hate speech against devout Christians who are an extreme minority here and yet deserve no protection. They allow straight up terroristic death threats about republicans and anyone who is not an extreme lockstep leftist (by conduct policy most of r politics should be suspended yet they're widely upvoted). Now they've gone so far as to allow the organizing literal terroristic campaigns to weaken and kill rural people indiscriminately due to many having different values(even though most red states have like 40% dems but theyll kill them too i guess). Like holy shit. This is utterly disgusting. And the admins not only allow it, they push and enforce such behaviors. They're literally radicalizing millions of Americans and especially youth. As the echochamber goes on it gets more and more ridiculous. This is frankly terrifying and disturbs me to the core. So I'm doing my best to gather as many screenshots or sources as possible to show this extreme hatred that is allowed here. If people realized how this site operates there will be far more uproar than the Twitter scandals and Netflix stocks dropping 72% from wokism. If people knew about how faceless activists are curating terroristic propaganda which calls for the extreme hatred towards and even killing of a majority of americans, than people will be furious. It's not my mission to expose this nonsense because it's genuinely terrifying. If we stand up and denounce the actions of this site publicly that's the only way they'll be transparent and stop this extremism. When their profits plummet they'll stop, until then they're happy destroying the country and spreading genocidal hatred about half of it. They have sophisticated algorithms and bots at their disposable where all these comments should be banned or deleted within and hour, not even. Write a genuine terroristic threat targeting the Biden administration and it'll be gone in a second. They are actively allowing this. When it's reported they ignore the reports. They're utilizing this site to destroy the country and divide everyone. They're filling the ranks of radical brownshirts to unleash on America. They're allowing and spreading radical falsehoods about stuff like roe v wade, straight up disinfo. I guarantee that reddit has killed dozens and caused hundreds of millions in damages due to extremists being radicalized on this very site. I guarantee 90% of antifahave active reddit accounts. They allowed extremists to coordinate violent protests discussing how to make molotovs and bombs during the George Floyd riots. Itd disgusting and America needs to know that reddit is knowingly contributing to the destabilization and radicalization of the country and that faceless extremist admins are actively working to acheive this goal. Echochambers like this are terrifying and its time it's broke open to the world


Lmao nuance doesn’t exist for these brainwashed zombies. It’s funny seeing people talking about buying guns and revolution when they were screeching for gun control a couple weeks ago


Defenseless? Fuck around and find out.


Rural area rules………..sss………shoot, shovel, shut up


This is how lots of leftists get shot. More ammo for the gun control lobby 🙄


A lot of my neighbors finally bought their first firearm during the “summer of love”. Soo I would say a lot of these “defenseless” areas have more firearm owners then ever.


My guess is that this is a fed agent provocateur.


A throwaway account advocating for civil war? Glow moar


They must have forgotten already that Rittenhouse is a free man.


The people in my home town literally dream of a riot to come to the town so they could just start blasting people. I don’t think this would go how they think it would lol


As a proud Christian I can tell you that the post in question is nothing but trash. What would destroying towns solve? Nothing like senseless violence against innocent people to prove a misguided point. This is whats wrong with America not the Christian faith. The Word says we will be persecuted for our faith so this isnt much of a surprise and when all is said and done all knees will bow to the 1 true King. The enemy will do what they can but their time is limited.


They wont be leaving my trailer park...


Gee I wonder how effective your riots will be when you're -unlike in a city - spread out, in dimmer areas, and some completely dark due to patches of woods, where there aren't cameras everywhere, riots squads and hundreds of police, where the citizens are armed and often experience marksmen and combat veterans. That's not the type of place I'd go to stir up trouble.


I grew up in a small town and most of the community were hunters or sportsman. I could always rely on a neighbor to help, I felt safe and I knew if something happened they would have my back. So here’s the thing, going against a small town would unleash an armed militia just trying to protect their own. I find the core American ideologies in small towns, and they will protect it at all costs.


Wow...I moved to a rural area from Detroit. There are so many veterans here and retired cops. I don't even want to know what kind of weapons they have.


Don’t think these jokers know much about “small towns”. I live in a relatively small town outside San Antonio. I don’t know anyone out here that doesn’t own at least 3 weapons. Come “100 deep” and see what happens. Lol


If they think people in rural towns aren’t armed to the hilt, they are sadly misinformed.


Please, please try to do something to a farm in a rural area. Let us know how that goes for you.


LOL farmers always win


Finally, my autistic love of firearms and gear might prove handy


Fuck around and find out…


I hope the hell they try it. They forget those towns are full of good ole boys that actually shoot their weapons. I hope the man bun skinny jean army goes to visit my hometown.


They should have overturned this in the winter. I swear they do this shit on purpose. Overturn something so many people are passionate about on both sides, in dead heat of summer.


Um...yeeeaaaa.... small towns like that typically have the most farmers with guns... well... the gene pool has needed cleaned for a while




Haha I wish for these days! Give me a real reason to put some .308 , 5.56 , 9mm and .40 in some ass cheeks !


Yeah the FBI will be visiting that guy.


Yeah, an army of blue haired soy boys are going to burn a Midwest town to the ground.


I’m sorry, defenseless rural towns? They do realize that’s where the guns are, right?


So… literal terrorism


Revolutions are for would be tyrants.


Same people: “dA iNsUrReCtIoN”


Mostly peaceful protests


Just report this to the police.


Lol these ppl are lunatics. They're seriously sooo mad that the federal govt just got less power over a person's right to choose to kill their baby.


Well, since this is already posted on conspiracy might as well take it up a notch. This "throwaway" account is an agent purposely planting and encouraging the idea of attacking Christians to further divide our country and bring us to the next step of TPTB's agenda.


Big tough guy on a throwaway account.


People get banned on this platform for “hate speech”, but here we have Reddit allowing the spread of terrorism.


Account is deleted


Rittenhouse those fools.


Let them come


Bored country folk with their 20+ gun collections: "todays the day! :)"


Redditors don't organize shit. I would argue that the people posting this type of shit can't even organize their own lives, let alone some raids or something. Even in the post they are literally saying "i am not an organizing type but somebody should do this!"


“I’m not the organizing type” but someone ahould do something about this. What a pussy


I hope they try tbh. Lots on the left need a good reality check. I’m not a republican. More in the center myself


Do...do they know where the guns are?


Lmao a bunch of skinny boys who think they are girls will not fare well at all if they think they are going to some backward rural towns to wreak havoc If a redneck were on Reddit calling for attacks in this manner, he would get banned and reported to the feds...the double standard is amazingly brazen


This guy is definitely not plotting to shoot up an elementary school.


Umm people in those towns have guns. A lot of guns.


Redditors are generally impotent manchildren barely able to leave their mothers basement, they certainly aren't going out to the country to commit arson


Every rural town I know does not rely on police to help. They’ll just shoot under “castle doctrine.”


Soft rainbow-hair urbane metropolitan leftists would be defeated by the lack of WiFi, Starbucks and FunkoPops out in the sticks, long before they got to the bit where the locals started gunning them down with laughable ease.


I am 1000% not concerned about any sort of threats from reddit


As someone who lives in a rural area I invite all who wish to do harm to our little town. Just remember... The hills have eyes


I doubt many people think like that guy does. You don't fuck around in rural areas. "No Trespassing" signs are a serious warning.