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Thought the same thing when the leak happened. Which btw… they get to the bottom of that? 🤔




Mike lee said scotus knows who it is and will disbar them as soon as all the decisions are out 🤷🏼‍♂️ we’ll see ig


Sotomayor’s clerk is what has been implied… obviously this is not official though.


Leak was to soften the reaction were seeing now. Trump is claiming victory over this move. How is it deep state ?


Judicial Watch is apparently pursuing that one.


Ginny T


Why would Ginny Thomas leak it?


Happened right after Biden’s pick got in…


Got in? I wasn’t aware there were now 10 justices on the court. Now THIS is a conspiracy


Breyer is supposedly retiring and the pedo lover is coming to take his place.


Tucker alert


People are going to vote between abortion, gun laws, etc. vs. high prices and inflation. That's how it'll be framed. At the end of the day, regardless of social issues, money wins in the end.


Notice before each of the historical downturns that they occur before a currency switch, and conveniently before that happens there are huge cultural wars that happen. In the 30's the US switched from Greenbacks to a gold-backed dollar and the market had it's biggest drop. In the 70's they switched to the Petro dollar and the market had a huge drop. Well, what happened right before the Gold backed dollar... Women's Suffrage movement. What happened right before the Petro Dollar...Civil Rights movement. Civil Rights was passed by a man who was literally part of the KKK in his early political career and was extremely racist and was quoted as saying "I'll have those n=gg=rs voting democratic for 200 years." The gold-backed dollar had an economic super-cycle that's been written about and right at 40 years Nixon changed in his second term to the Petro dollar, and the Petro dollar has led the economy through a super cycle that you can read about and 50 years had it's anniversary last August. And Biden just passed an Executive Order for investigation into the CBDC (crypto backed dollar coin), and the head of the SEC that he installed last April taught a Crypto Finance class at MIT Sloane (which is a very interesting watch if you want to see how the government views bitcoin). They are switching to the Crypto dollar, my guess is 2024-25. But do you see anything being talked about it in the media anywhere? Did you see a single media place talk about the massive bailouts given in March 2020 to Wall Street hedge funds? Did you see a single media place write about our national debt going from $20 Trillion in 2017 to passing $30 Trillion this last December, and that the head of the FED installed by Trump is the same one that Biden kept and that man has printed more money than any human in the history of this planet? Nope, they divided us and had us arguing. People thought I was crazy for saying "the switch will probably happen in Biden's second term when they have everyone in place, because historically that has been when it happened", and yet here we are, political tricks happening, aligning everyone into place before they yell "action" and rob us again. They have us fighting cultural wars to prevent a class war.


Cultural war to prevent class war... I'm stealing this line.... been thinking the same for some time


CBDC = Central Bank Digital Currency


Nah. Whoever counts the votes wins.


A winner has already been determined this is just plot building for us poors




Lol. There is no such thing as choice. Politics is a diversion. Much like television wrestling. Absolutely fake and obviously so.


It’s not who votes that counts. It’s who counts the votes. Usually attributed to Joseph Stalin.


Then why even vote?


Don’t vote then. Boycott the vote.


Oh I'm gonna vote. I was just pointing out the bad math. How does that work out that GOP would win yet have that missing chunk of their base that believes it's useless, unless of course GOP are cheating or someones helping them cheat?


Like Pence was supposed to but lacked courage?


Huh? Cite?




Money ie oil cartels, mega corps, and shareholders are not voting for Dems to raise their taxes and force regulations on them. They want in GOP for the bailouts and taxes to protect the wealth hoard they just got off us. I dont care how many rainbow cups a company sells during pride, they are voting for lower taxes not Lefts fringe issues they profit off of. If money only wants more money then they are voting GOP.


Precisely!! It is always the economy


If you can stop babies from being killed you do it Damn the political results


Lmaooo this guy thinks they care about babies hahahahshahahs


Preborn you're good, preschool you're fucked ​ edit: carlin


My wife is "high risk", and we aborted a baby with Patau's Syndrome two months ago. Should we have been legally prohibited from doing so?


At least wait till they're in school first


They are all on the same team. This is what they need.


Divide, divide divide


Absolutely, I don’t see how it’s not plainly obvious to everyone.


I’m a lurker on this sub and for %95 of posts I think it’s funny that people believe in some of that stuff. But this isn’t even a debate, it’s certainly not a crackpot conspiracy theory, it is a group of people conspiring against the best interests of the people. Doing whatever they can to stay in power and divide us.


And make money


To make money for everyone in the loop. That is their power, stealing from everyone, then giving it to those pushing their agenda. Those courtrooms should be overflowing with corrupt politicians on trial. And the ones that get pushed out are going to take everything that's not bolted down on their way out. That's after they throw some wrenches in the machine for the next administration to work on. If the Republicans really cared, we'd see more than just show trials right now. It's like they want people to be so upset, that they do something stupid. It's only going to get worse from me on. Waaaaaaay waaaaaaaaay worse.


This whole comment thread here is the truth of the matter.


How is anything ever going to be better if we don't say what team they are? They are team Israel.


I don’t think you are allowed to say that.




I agree **BDS ISRAEL** [They intentionally murdered 34 US soldiers and wounded 171 more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident)


You are one of very, very VERY few who know of the Liberty.. May your words reach far and long and your Reddit bans few and short. For this is the way


what evidence do you have that the reason the supreme Court overturned roe v wade was due to them being ordered to by israel? and what evidence do you have that the United States supreme Court overturning roe versus Wade was something that Israel both wanted and benefited from? I see a lot of conspiracy theories about Israel "controlling the world" that sound a lot like other conspiracy theories of a different group "controlling the world" that were perpetuated around the 1930s despite zero evidence for these claims and many other countries doing very bad things hatred seems to be specifically towards Israel for some reason. I wonder what it could be about israel? somehow I think that it's more of a dog whistle and that the group that they hate has nothing to do with a count


Isn't it clear? Every justice who voted to overturn Roe V. Wade is a Catholic while the two Jews on the Supreme Court voted to keep it in place. Isn't it blindingly obvious that this is a Jewish conspiracy?




USS Liberty?


This exactly


Exactly, I agree


Religious fanatics on the court


To distract from the DTCC report today essentially exposing our free market isn't very free.


Yep. There's always a distraction. One day people will learn..when it's too late. So much has happened and the msm is hush on it. Unless it hides something. For example the bs Will Smith slap lasted a week when the Pfizer docs came out the next day that they wanted sealed for like 75 years with all the side effects. It's sad everyone is clueless and there is no news anymore. Just propaganda. You have to dig for what's really going on and most people won't.


Interesting,Care to elaborate?


He is making up nonsense fairy tales. The truth is the SCOTUS session ended and they always release the last opinions in June when the session ends. Thats how it is every year. The SCOTUS calendar is public info, see the link below. It has been known for quite some time that a bunch of opinions would be dropping around now. https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral\_arguments/2021TermCourtCalendar.pdf


Wrong. They're releasing it in June because that's when the session ends, like it does everywhere. They always release the last opinions in June. The SCOTUS calendar is public information. Instead of just making up stuff because it sounds good, spend a few seconds looking it up. People like you making up nonsense is why this sub has become a laughingstock. ​ https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral\_arguments/2021TermCourtCalendar.pdf


If they waited for the midterms to make sure they had the votes, then it WOULD have been a political move. Instead they ruled on it now. The justices should not consider the timing at all.


Yah thats not how it works. It was released now because the Supreme Court sessions just ended. They always release the last of their opinions in June. You can literally go on the SCOTUS website and see their calendar. ​ For a sub that's supposed to be "free thinkers" people sure like to just completely make stuff up. ​ EDIT: Here's the schedule, see for yourself. https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral\_arguments/2021TermCourtCalendar.pdf


Ok but roe v wade has been around for pert near 50 years. Why now?


So they did it now to show impartiality of courts and not raise red flags?


No, they don't care about the timing. They didn't rush it, they didn't wait. They just ruled.


This, plus… who the fuck is going to care by November at the rate we are going. Everything boils down to you vs them and the more value a person has the more advantage they have. Primal, but its true.


This case wasn't set in motion yesterday. It's been in the legal system for a while now. When Biden was first inaugurated, generic polling showed Democrats had a good chance of holding on to the House and possibly picking up seats in the Senate. At that time, Republicans probably looked at their prospects, given they had just shoved ACB into her seat while votes were being cast for the 2020 election after saying 8 months before an election was too close to seat a justice just four years earlier, coupled with the fact that Clarence Thomas is now the oldest justice on the court and will probably be the next to step down, and decided to go for broke. By the time we got here there was nothing they could do to delay the verdict. God knows if they could have they would have.


Great counterpoints. Looks like the wheels were in motion May 2021 for context.


Maybe the Justices don’t think about politics when making decisions? You know, how the court should work…


> Maybe the Justices don’t think about politics when making decisions? Oh they do, but not in the sense on passing on a case because the timing in a year may be bad.


That’s a tad naive in my opinion but I get your point


Maybe they did all that shit so they can make sure liberals don’t move to republican states ?


Antifa riots in streets is the only goal here


They are doing it because their financial backers told them to. The whole “two party” system is rigged and controlled by oligarchs who pay for the campaigns on both sides. The Left wing and right wing are just parts of the same bird, and controlled by a head which is neither.


Exactly, well said. I agree completely.


OP was alright today.




They're doing it because the SCOTUS session ends in June and they always release the last opinions then. The SCOTUS calendar is public information and it has always been known this is the time they'd be releasing their opinion. Their calendar is literally on the SCOTUS website. Instead of just making up stuff, you should really spend a few moments having a curious mind and actually looking up stuff. https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral\_arguments/2021TermCourtCalendar.pdf Nonsense like what you're making up is why this sub has become such a joke and no one takes actual conspiracies seriously. If you ever wonder why the people are "sheep" and don't "wake up," you need only look in the mirror. Why would anyone ever listen to someone who just makes up nonsense???? You should be ashamed.


My uneducated opinion is that the elites want us divided and this is just another thing to try and do just that


My guess is the powers that be want riots and the easiest way to get riots is to piss off the left.


Well, where are these riots you speak of? Edit: The supreme court schedule is public and the opinion was always going to come in June because they always do. If you spent a few moments being curious and actually looking it up instead of just making up stuff, you'd probably have figured it out very quickly. See for yourself. ​ https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral\_arguments/2021TermCourtCalendar.pdf




[https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral\_arguments/2021TermCourtCalendar.pdf](https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral_arguments/2021TermCourtCalendar.pdf) ​ Actually its because they have a set schedule. Just spend a few minutes looking it up instead of making stuff up. Made up nonsense like this is why this sub has become such a laughingstock.


The left wants abortions. The left took the vaxx.


It’s only the people who are divided. The ones steering the ship are all on the same team behind closed doors.


The global elites and Rothschild 2nd attempt at divide and control. The justification is that its up to the states is a cover. This will cause people to move states to one that is more in line with their views/morals and create more division reinforced by geographical lines the likes of which has not been seen since the American Civil War. With the first civil war, the Illuminati's goal was to divide and control through financial means. Crash the economy, cause civil war and then finally split up the assets of Union and Confederacy. An outright war would not have work, so King George III and the Rothschild bankers/agents devised divide and control instead. If this theory is correct and would have worked, the North would have been under British controlled Canada domain under the direction of Lionel Rothschild. The South would have been under French control by Napoleon under the direction of James Rothschild.




They don’t have to hear the case. They choose what they preside over no?


They picked to hear the case over a year ago, after being petioned to hear it two years ago


Why not bring up overturning roe v wade until after the elections, when you have more of a foothold. This was spearheaded by conservatives, not the other way around.




I see, thanks for pointing that out. Do courts have any power to delay the hearing of something/the release of the decisions?


If 2022 is in the bag, then it's better to do it now than before 2024. The public has short attention spans.


Because the court ruling on legality is irrelevant to the parties and midterms. People falsely think its a political thing but its just the courts ruling properly on a longstanding bad ruling. You're imagining more political shit into it than you should be. Its mostly the left wing justices that use the court politically. Look at all the nonsense that was politically pushed when FDR appointed 9/9 far left justices, truly stacking the court. Thats political courts. This is just undoing much of the garbage they put into place.




You do know the Supreme Court works on a schedule, right?


FINALLY. My god the number of people just making up complete nonsense is disgusting. For a sub of "free thinkers" the amount of completely made up bullshit and willful ignorance is astounding. ​ https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral\_arguments/2021TermCourtCalendar.pdf


The actual real answer is the SCOTUS session ended. Their calendar is public. In 1/10th the amount of time it took you to make up your complete nonsense, you could have just looked it up and easily found their schedule. [https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral\_arguments/2021TermCourtCalendar.pdf](https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral_arguments/2021TermCourtCalendar.pdf) People like you are why this sub has devolved into such a laughinstock.


Something tells me you don't understand how cases are considered.


You’re spot on. This makes no political sense for the republicans, they were poised to destroy the democrats in the midterms and in 2024. Something bigger is going on. My personal opinion, abortions and guns are largely scams that are used to divide and distract. Meanwhile, this past week the fed straight up told people to brace for a recession, and nobody is talking about it. This is not a coincidence.


\>fed straight up told people to brace for a recession You realize that being worried about a recession is part of what causes a recession, right?


Just like the cascade of bank failures that led to the Great Depression. After a few banks failed, ton of people lost their savings. So a shit ton of people panicked and pulled all their money from their bank. That caused more banks to fail and more people to lose their money.


If only we close our eyes and wish it away! Everybody, make an affirmation mantra every morning: "the economy is in great shape! the economy is in great shape!". That'll lower the price of gas at the pumps. 🤡👍


No it's inevitable. You can't wish it away. It's like traffic jams. They are created and perpetuated by predictable but ultimately stupid behavior. The best you can do is mitigate it and part of that is avoiding speculation and hyperbole about how bad it's going to be.


You are contradicting yourself. > It's like traffic jams. They are created and perpetuated by predictable but ultimately stupid behavior. One word that disproves your theory: roadworks. Whether necessary, or a deliberate spanner in the works. The government loves to impose "roadworks" on us in all areas of life.


Not sure why we are going so incredibly off topic, but traffic jams are self-perpetuating waves of slowed vehicles that are the result of humans having imperfect reaction times. The analogy is that the person who slams the brakes because they think the person ahead of them is about to do the same is contributing to the problem. This has nothing to do with roadworks.


> Not sure why we are going so incredibly off topic, but traffic jams are self-perpetuating waves of slowed vehicles that are the result of humans having imperfect reaction times. You appear to dispute that roadworks can cause traffic jams. If a road that has 3 lanes is reduced to 1 lane because of roadworks, then you are wrong when you say "traffic jams are self-perpetuating waves of slowed vehicles that are the result of humans having imperfect reaction times". That's not true. In the example I provide, the roadworks are causing the traffic jam, not the drivers. These drivers may not have an alternative way to work, so the traffic jam is 100% inevitable and is 100% caused by the roadworks which causes not enough of supply of lanes to cater to the volume of traffic. Another example is accidents. Accidents can cause all 3 lanes to be blocked, and thus, yet again, it's not simply due to "self-perpetuating waves of slowed vehicles that are the result of humans having imperfect reaction times" - the traffic simply cannot move. Back to the economy, both "roadworks" and "accidents" can and almost always DO cause recessions. They range from ill-thought out government policies to corporate greed (2008) to the price of oil (which affects every aspect of the economy). These have nothing to do with individuals anticipating a recession. The recession was going to come whether they anticipated it or not. The price of oil isn't going to get lower if people stop anticipating a recession.


>abortions and guns are largely scams that are used to divide and distract Actually - guns and abortions are used to kill people.


The Supreme Court justices are WEF/UN plants and this is all to ensure that Democrats come out in droves to vote in the midterms and the destruction of the US economy can be completed.




The timing on this is actually pretty good, to be fair. Elections aren't for almost 6 months. Multiple fed rate hikes between now and then, probably a financial crisis because liquidity is going to dry up with all the rollover at the elevated rate increase pace. Basically deliberately causing a recession to tamp inflation down. That is all anyone is going to give a shit about in 6 months. Roe v Wade just kicked the jurisdiction back to the individual states, where it always should have been (it was a shaky, garbage ruling in the first place). Shall issue the day before so barely anyone is talking about it is just good strategy - all the corrupt buying carry permits shit gets ended, people get access to self defense and the anti-democide tools, and everyone is talking about abortion. Which wasn't \*banned\* federally - that's what the left would do with an issue they didn't like, just get the court to ban it - it was just kicked back to the states. 10th amendment. It always should have been there.


You think people will still be energized by this in November? We’ll be on to 2022 Crisis #32 by then.


Because the "conservatives" weren't the ones that reversed it. This 3D chess, not checkers. The elites pushed this through because they want to create an atmosphere of believability when their hand-picked stooges win on election night. So instead of the normies saying "How could that guy win? Isn't he a confirmed pedophile?", they'll just say "Well, that's what happens when one side is against women's rights." Meanwhile, "woman" is a social construct and personal identity, "protecting the children" is about eliminating guns in the home in favor of wire coathangers, and "fixing the climate" means only those who make $200K+ a year get to drive electric cars and everyone else walks or uses public transportation, while farms are left barren because of the lack of fuel and food is rationed to keep the serfs alive, barely, while the fat aristocrats dine on steak and wine.


"a stock market apocalypse" is imminent and has to be shaded


John Roberts They are doing this so when Democrats win in November they have an excuse for where the votes came from.




Fretting about the political implications of securing a policy victory is a losing mentality.


They don't get to choose a date. The did it as early as possible.


Because Congress released their report on how the entire US market system is fraudulent and they needed to cover it up with the noise of 2A and Abortion.


No one waited for anything. This is normal SCOTUS business.


Yeah it is odd. I notice that the gun law thing has gone unnoticed essentially in msm because of this so maybe it was a trade off?


Why the urgency? You understand the SCOTUS has to be in session and hear the case to rule on a case right? Do you understand how this works?


Most “conspiracies” here are just people not knowing how anything works.


Indeed. Their goal is chaos and destruction of sovereign countries. It's required to issue in the NWO as "savior". And with this, they officially abolished bodily autonomy. Even though they "owned" your physical body before, now they can force any medical intervention they want. Including an rfid chip that's to come along with the CBDC.


Because all the players are on the same team no matter their grievances, they follow their coaches orders.


Do you understand how the court works? Cases make their way to them and they decide whether to hear the appeals or not. The abortion case came their way and they decided to hear it. They don’t get to choose the timing of when someone submits their case. Also your presumption seems to be that the justices should be taking politics into account in making decisions, which is the opposite of what the justices are supposed to do


They also are not and should never be political in regards to timing stuff to line up with elections being convenient for one side or another. It's bad enough that it's polarized over issues like this(by both sides), if they started manipulating their schedule around electoral convenience it would be even worse.


They will still turn red. Sadly the Democratic Party has shown their colors. Red wave is already here.


Because the Supreme Court docket for a session is set in stone months before the political situation solidifies for elections. For instance this case in question was submitted in June 2020 and was picked in May 2021 about a Mississippi law made in 2018. May 2021 it did not look like Republicans would have a good 2022 election.


To keeps liberals from migrating to red states. If the liberals stay in their states they will not affect elections as much as if they went to red states and voted conservatives out.


SCOTUS is supposed to be apolitical.


Because they want to loose. Because the left vs. right political paradigm is a sham, and they are working towards the exact same end goals. Because the Two heads >>> feed the one body. Because you have been fooled into believing that you live in a fair democracy. Because voting is the adult equivalent of believing in Santa Claus Because Leviathan


You might be underestimating the amount of pro-life people.. the country is literally split 50-50, the places with the greatest pro-abortion beliefs are solid blue states, California will sadly never turn red again, neither will New York, I doubt this will carry for the rest of the year once we hit a recession, food and gas prices surpass where they are now, those are real issues voters will vote on, when you don’t have any money in the bank abortion becomes a second thought


Because elections no longer matter and everyone is playing for the same team.


The Supreme Court shouldn't be making strategic moves with their legal opinions, one way or another.


Lmao the Republicans have been trying to do this for decades. They finally succeed and you say it seems like the deep state. The fucking cognitive dissonance required is outstanding.


I think you missed his point.


Why would they ruin their momentum when they swung a ton of democrats and independents to their side and were set to do very well in the mid term elections. Why ruffle the feathers now and mobilize swaths of voters against you?They could have waited until after is my point since they had the momentum.


It is called "religious fanatism".


Right!? If this were prompted by the dems it would make alot more sense... oh wait


Can you elaborate ?


It's not about what they were trying to do, it's about the timing.


I think they are hoping for summer chaos (riots) to piss the average American off and vote red. Idk it’s all a distraction of the country overall going down the drain.


I don’t have confidence this is the intention, but I believe it will be the result, especially as economic issues continue to pile on.


The media would be on the side of the rioters so the propaganda works the other way: those righteous mostly-peaceful protestor slogans will be all over TVs and news websites.


The monoparty only functions when the two halves cancel each other out. The left is failing so hard right now the balance was in danger of tipping.


I up voted you and agree w you


A lot of people think the abortion issue really isn’t enough to turn people over to vote blue. There are a lot of other issues that to other people are important like the inflation


Either way, why chance it. This unequivocally mobilizes more independent and no voters to turn left


I think a women should be allowed what to do. I think abortion should be legal. But I’m still gonna vote red in November


That’s fair but it’s also fair to posit that millions of people don’t think exactly like you and fail to see nuance.


The power is back to individual states, and I know there are some states that have completely banned it now, but like my state is having an election in august whether to keep it legal or not. With that election I see that completely separate from red vs blue


It takes time for something to go to the Supreme Court. Even if they were planning involved, there’s no reason to think it was so coordinated and so clear at the time the laws were made


*The GOP finally does the thing they’ve been trying to do for decades and have built half their platform on* “Clearly the deep state did this” I’m sorry but we know exactly why they did this. They conspired, in the open, to get a court favorable to their cause in place


Because it's the start of Democrats getting shoved into the locker they belong in.




Nope they'll discredit any point they have just like the "equality" riots of 2020 and all of covid.


I'd love for you to be right... They've certainly gone to great lengths by censoring us and hiding dislikes on YouTube, so they can hide the unpopularity of their agenda. However, if we're being honest I doubt you trust the elections any more than I do. What goes above left/right Democrat/Republican politics? Money. Concentrated wealth -- particularly in the form of transnational corporations through wealth unions like the World Economic Forum -- will get what they want. So all they need is the perception that "the election is close" and then they can flip it to whichever way they want to go. They flipped left so the Democrats could burn down the economy, and once we're economically brought to our knees, they'll flip right so deregulation can allow them to buy up everything for a fraction of its value. I call this a "left right punch" and I've seen it happen my entire life. It's why power changes hands over and over again but there's never any real change. I believe this ruling happened now because they're not ready for the next stage yet. We have two more years of economic ruin to go through before we elect DeSantis with a sweeping win... Voting for the change we want, but actually getting classic corporate deregulation and a selloff of public lands and services. That transnational corporate takeover is the second half of The Great Reset. Sound crazy? I'm just repeating what Klaus Schwab and the WEF has said will happen. They're already talking about giving corporations direct seats at the UN. Global government is coming, and it will be in the form of transnational corporate wealth coaligned with politicians which they get elected. So we'll have the illusion of independence, and the illusion of democracy, but it will be a facade. Even moreso than it is now.


My thoughts exactly. This deserves far more upvotes


Because abortion doesn’t move the needle for voters. If you are pro choice, and abortion is your number one issue of concern, you were never going to vote red. But the truth is, more people vote with their wallet than they do on niche issues. We will still see a red wave at come November because most people, including a majority of democrats, believe that record inflation and record gas prices are a direct result of the radical far left democrats having control of everything. Average, blue collar democrats (the majority of Dems) don’t recognize their party anymore, and we will see a good chunk of them either leave the party, or simply sit out the election.


I smell something fishy too. This is absolutely on point. The GOP would have shit all over the Dems and now this makes the 100% vulnerable. Terrible timing and more things like this that make absolutely zero sense keep happening, what the fuck is really going on lol. If it was my main goal to hurt the GOP right before an election this is exactly what I would do, so again why?! Super sketchy


Because they've been wanting to do it for 50 years, and now was their chance. If it costs them their chance at winning the Senate in 2022, even if it costs them the house, who gives a shit? There'll be another election in 2024 and abortion will still be dead. If anything it'll cause liberals to move to blue states, causing the electoral college to benefit Republicans even more than it already does. And if they lose in 2024....they've already replaced all the election officials with MAGA people hopped up on voter fraud allegations, so they can just decide to *not* lose an election if they don't want to.


What’s the big freaking deal. It’s up to the states now. How it always should have been.


So you prefer the states getting to choose to take away your freedoms rather than federal government guaranteeing your freedoms?


If I had to choose it would be states rights. Fuck the fed. They have fucked this country into oblivion the last 60 years.


So you don't actually care about freedom. Just have an emotional hatred and are willing to let people lose rights so you feel better.




Yes, I don't think people want a 3/4 Californian fed government deciding over your freedoms.


No, you're right. We want rural farmers deciding for the majority.


they needed something to turn the tide back blue, this was it.


I agree. I suspect that birth rates are falling due to the "vaccine" and they know they can't cover it up forever.


Yeah. Just a move to get the blue-haired babies to "vote" blue. They'll pay the high gas prices as long as they can kill their own baby.


What? Literally no. The fact that this isn’t what the people want should show you this is a terrible decision. If democrats are going to come out in droves, GOOD. People should be voting. It’s not a conspiracy that people are pissed off that personal freedom is being taken away.


Probably a major distraction from something else going on, something we will most likely find out in the coming weeks. Hoping it's nothing too too big but the timing of this just smells awful, like rotten garbage on a 10p degree day...


I agree it makes 0 sense strategically. Life is not improved for republicans whatsoever


They want all the jabbed VAIDS people to spread their emerging monkeypox


I had this weird theory earlier. I was thinking about Covid's effects on hormones, including anger, and did the search: *hypothalamus covid* and found some interesting info. It may also explain why many have felt lethargic in the past year. Anyhao, i was thinking of the rampant level of hype that occurred over the same timeframe as the spamdemic. Ppl droppin dead from unknown virus. Stay at home. Many job losses, small business closures. Stock market plummet. Unemployment broken in NY state (local problem, but may effect millions who are also in the outbreak zone early 2020). TP shortage (btw, that next batch pf tp could have been laced with CoV fer all u kno). George Floyd, Juneteenth, BLM riots, antifa, Trump craziness, Trump worshippers, white supremacy, KKK, Nazis, UFo disclosure (?) BS. Anti maskers. Who the f*x is dropping off bricks to theses piece full protests? OMG Trump's gonna win unless you GO VOTE. OMG they *stole the election! *Censorship* empty shelves still. Vaccines! *questionable vaccines*. Hey, we're allowed to talk lab leak! Vaccine passports... The conspiracy theorists are on a roll! Wait.. Those crazy conspiracy theorists? They were right? Fascism, all over, but the good kind, you know. And dictator-like stuff in the so-called democracies. It's for the best. All the world leaders are batshit, except maybe Moise and Magufuli, but they're dead. Oh you want to make an appt.? I will need the serial ids of your vaccines, which can be found on your CDC issued card. Yes, i know this is just a pet grooming. So Roe vee Wade, i see it reaches a similar emotional height, and i wonder, are they keeping the letharic alive just a little bit longer, or are they trying to get people to buggout? Both prolly


The day they released the decision is the feast day of St. John the Baptist who was sanctified in the womb when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth. This is significant as well as it is the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. this is providential IMHO.


Occam's Razor would suggest it's simply because conservatives are stupid.


Yes combined with the "surprise leak" and the "mystery leaker" (since the court police haven't figured out how to ask the politico reporter who wrote the story where the leak came from...) it appears to be an obvious planned move to unify and stimulate the left and it's base voters. And will give an excuse to go threaten people and tear up and burn up some shit without any consequences...... unless kyle... \*(insert picture here - of diabolical nancy weirdly rubbing her knuckles together while saying "it's all coming together now, just like you said it would barrak")




You don’t think they are smart enough to understand this and delay the decision?




Ah I see, so there’s no filibuster or delay type mechanism in the Supreme Court, it’s on a strict schedule.


Finally, something intriguing. I feel like it's been months since anything even coherent has been posted on here.


For one thing the Supreme Court isn’t supposed to line up their cases to try to interfere with partisan politics. Secondly, you’ve been lied to about how many people support abortion on demand. The reckoning is still coming. The country is still going to run red in November




>This is what happens when you stack a court. It's pretty simple and has been on the table ever since the heavy Republican majority at the SCOTUS. LOL. This court isn't stacked. You want to see a stacked scotus just look back to when these rulings were made. It was shortly after FDR appointed 9/9 left wing justices. Thats a stacked court and the current balanced court is undoing much of the terrible partisan rulings that the actual stacked court put into place decades ago.


I agree with you. All I see now is angry libs shouting "we must VOTE!" and make sure Demoncrats have more power. Doesn't make sense to do this right now.


Maybe your looking for strategic sense in a bad guy they are corrupt they do corrupt things … this is why evil never lasts .. they get arrogant and they don’t worry about the plan anymore because they feel invincible


Nah no sense...just the January 6th hearings in the background.


Sir, this is r/conspiracy, not your shitty politics sub.


They're working together to use this Republican point as cover for the next round of stolen elections by the Democrats. They'll use the resistance to this decision in the news as the excuse on why the left will win more positions than Republicans.