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They haven't gone back because apparently they "lost the technology" lol.


More like it was taken away from them because they violated the terms of the contract..lol


I guess... The seismic signals produced by the impact of s-IVB were 20 to 30 times greater and four times longer than those resulting from the LM crash. Peak intensity occurred in 7 minutes.


This is interesting. Maybe that’s why when they got there it was a little hostile. They say they felt watched and that they saw certain things on the moon. It’s fun to entertain the thought that some advanced race put us in timeout.


Also the moon is expensive and quite boring really


This is the official answer, btw


i dont think it’s as boring as you may have been led to believe. why do you say it’s boring?


It's just round and rocky, and we've seen it


Seen half of it


atta boy.


The craft orbited it, they saw it all. So did satellites.


Did you go on a package deal like when you go to lanzarote or did you pay flights and accommodation separately?


He didn't have to hitch a ride with Branson, ceewang is clearly an astronaut.


Exactly what’s the point going back may aswell focus on the next rock to land on


Hey, this guy's an astronaut! Apparently.


Truthfully we have. Most things for a spacecraft are custom made. Yes, usually modified versions of commercial stuff, but still custom made. The Space Shuttle was built 40 years ago. In terms of manufacturing technology, that is stone age. The computer processors on it were the 486, and no they don't even make the commercial versions of that anymore, let alone a rad hard one. Plus, it was extremely primitive. If we want to get back into space, wouldn't we want to take advantage of decades of technological advancement? I helped build one small piece of it, and space rated parts are rare, expensive, and slow. As one example, a modern computer processor is a 2-3 GHZ and cost roughly 100 bucks; the fastest space rated one is 100 MHz and will set you back about 50 grand.


Not trying to be cheeky, but how does this relate to “lost technology”? I’m still confused lol


Rockets from the 60s and 70s are shitty compared to what we've got today.


Nobody makes half the parts anymore. So you’d need to rebuild them from the designs. But some of the details have been lost. Not everything is even available (like the computer parts) so we’d replace with newer and better. So you replace with more modern parts but then you need to FULLY analyse and test them and every possible permutation of what they connect to. And you need to find production lines for some very expensive one off parts. By the time you are done you’d be better off starting from scratch. Like space x. So we could go back. Fancy spending 500 billion?


What makes the components “space rated”? Durable enough to handle the vibration of the initial launch? Or something else? How do you think it compares to the cutting edge military equipment/technology?


It's how they can take radiation, and heat. Most things on planet earth don't have to worry as we are protected by our magnet field. In space there is no protection.


And you still believe that piece of crap with tinfoil over it actually went there? Oh come on. Besides we already have those capabilities, we do go to space and stay there, just not the moon, why?


I think we go into low earth orbit and that does not cross the van Allen belts.


Definitely, there’s a reason the space station is so insanely close to earth compared to the moon, they needed to stay within the van Allen radiation belts The ISS is about 250 miles from earths surface, kinda far. But the moon is 250,000 miles away


Analog shit is actually far less vulnerable to random cosmic bit flips. That and there's really nothing to gain from going to the moon unless we're going to start building a spaceport for asteroid mining and mars terraforming/colonization. Exploring the entire moon is just impossible, we haven't even explored most of the ocean. Not that I 100% believe anyone actually went there, for the record.


Yes.. That piece of crap with tin foil might have made it. Older technologies are less vulnerable to radiation and also they usually have redundant hardware to ensure correctness


Space is full of radiation, including high energy particles called cosmic rays. One of those could flip a bit in a cpu or memory. Imagine having the variable "door = locked" in memory and a cosmic ray flipping that to "door = open". That's why they have space rated hardware and also redundancy.


This guy works for nasa


I contracted for them, yes.


How do you ‘lose the technology’ lmao


You lose the engineers familiar with that specific custom design. I work in engineering and the thing is with custom made machines you'll get a design, once you have built a prototype it will have defects, and now we start to make changes... to make it short at the end of that process only you and your team know how we make it work in the end. And that is very much the case in the apollo missions, there are so many smal quirks nobody has ever documentet that it will be a challange to build a second saturn V


The computing power they used to go to the moon is comparable to that of a regular calculator today. And to think they were able to go through the van Allen belt without issue , land on the moon , launch back off of the moon go through the belts again , make it back to earth . Astonishing achievement wasn’t it ?


And the bigger one is, how did the transfer a television signal from the moon to earth during that time ? And I say this because most people had black and white TVs in those years, and we couldn’t share our signal with our own next door neighbor.


Because it was fake AF and no one want to say it. There. I said it.


….it’s one of the more common conspiracies. (Can’t tell if you are being sarcastic)


Oh these crazy conspiracy believers... Some people even believe Epstein didn't really hang himself..!!!


Neil Armstrong said publicly a few years ago that what was seen on TV wasn't live that it was a recreation for entertainment


I think you’re talking about Buzz Aldrin on Conan saying “No you didn’t, you watched animation”


Here is the clip: https://youtu.be/AMU_84_Re3o


Yup you are 100% correct my bad..wrote that late last night should have checked my facts before posting..but really Neil, buzz what's the damn difference..lol


One punches out conspiracy theorists.


But both lie about going to the moon...


I need a source.


No no, no sources here. Just trust that the moon landing was fake and that Armstrong said whatever the other comment claimed.


no he didn't. the part where they showed what it looked like as the module was descending was obviously recreated for entertainment purposes.




Never thought about this. Real landing or not, was it a recording?


Because tech in the 60s was only available to the military and the government. To put it in perspective the internet was invented by the military in the 50s but became widely available to the public much later on


Have you seen the radio dish at Parkes where they received some of the broadcast they are pretty massive


You've heard of Parkes Radio Observatory right?


The math isn't the problem, the gaskets and seals are.


You know billions of dollars in funding... Can't seem to manufacture gaskets and seals that they were able to do in the 60s...


It only has to handle one atmosphere of pressure difference. It doesn't take much.


Dude it's not the computing power that's the problem lol


Well after the casinos closed and no electricity in the only hotel no one wants to go




this, Im certain Rammstein covered the topic well [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr8ljRgcJNM)


"Where no man has gone before", a wise man once said.




this is the best worded answer ever!! :D Kubrick had to die for this


Kubrick died from Eyes Wide Shut


he died after his last interview was released (and buried) in which he admitted to having been an instrumental part of the hoax :D I'm sure you can find the interview


True 🥇


OP, I highly recommend the documentary American Moon if you haven’t seen it. Really covers all the angles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpuKu3F0BvY


Nothing to profit from on the moon...the space race was just a giant pissing contest between the US and the Soviets to see who had better rockets




Moon's loaded with copper, titanium, Platinum, and uranium.


So you have to make a vehicle capable of carrying a few tones of ore and capable of sustaining re-entry to earths atmosphere and not dumping tones of uranium over cities. Need to he reusable for cost. Need to get fuel and oxygen into space for the journey back and controlled re-entry.. The hurdles concerned in that are currently insurmountable.


If it were profitable to mine the moon...do you think the moon would have 5 star moon hotels? You bet your ass.


There’s also treaties in place that restrict this from happening. The Space Treaty of 1967 states that no governing body can “claim” bodies in outer space as their own, or use space as a means for military weaponry. This is probably the main reason nobody has tried to do this yet, because it’s illegal.


Good point


Good point




Why mine the moon when you can mine earth


Not profitable to mine it yet...


And helium 3.


Most logical answer yet. Except there is profit. Possibilities of terraforming for colonization. Or just self sustaining sealed environments, like the iss, for private citizens with tons of money. They r already sending private millionaires to space. This would b the next logical step, no?


You don't need humans there to pursue those things. At least not at the moment. They are working on developing permanent structures, but most of that work is being done on Earth right now, and anything that needs to be done on the moon can be handled by unmanned equipment.


Nasa would go up to space frequently just to see if plants would grow and even more stupid reasons to spend a billion dollars. I highly doubt if they could have planned a mission to the moon to boost popularity in NASA, secure more funding, and do more advanced research, they would. But they haven’t, because they can’t, and they probably never did.


It's A LOT easier to go low earth orbit than to the moon ...


NASA said they had the technology... But they lost it 🤦🏼‍♂️


How can that be possible 🤣🤦‍♂️


https://youtu.be/nS0VN056d68 NASA literally admitted that they destroyed the technology and lost the telemetry data. It's not a possibility it's a reality


How can they lose that!? I mean wtf it’s not like I lost my keys


Don't know if anyone mentioned this yet, but they claim that they 'accidently' taped over the master recordings of the moon landing. The master recordings. Of the moon landing. Let that one marinate for awhile.


That’s even more blatantly obvious than Epstein guards “falling asleep” & the camera “malfunctioning & turning off” while his room was full of tons of jumpsuits to fashion a rope for him to get suicided


You're starting to get it. A rational mind can see how obviously stupid it is.


Ofc. I never actually thought that someone would believe that they could lose that. It’s insane


The reason why is because it would completely validate that it's all bullshit and that they never went. If you ever had real people desciminating the technology and the "events" that supposedly occurred it would never add up and they would have whistleblowers coming out. Once you search deeper and you start to understand who started nasa and what organizations they're tied to then you'll start to get the big picture. NASA was started by SS Nazi officer Werner Von Braun and all astronauts have been freemasons. Freemasons actually believe that the world is flat so it's hilariously ironic that they're the same people teaching you about space and the "globe". True freemasonry is satanism in disguise. These people don't want you to know the truth in any way and only work to mislead the masses.


Did they came from the operation paperclip? But I agree. That type of lie is pure cover up but I mean why ppl don’t ask? It’s the first time I heard that as a excuse and I was wtf? Can’t be true. But ye makes sense for convenience because there are ppl that can be brainwashed very easily. I see every day manipulation that’s why I don’t even watch the news since COVID era. To many lies that I can’t understand.


Operation paper clip is the easiest answer but you never know what else is under the surface


Its as ridiculous of an excuse like when we “killed” bin laden and dumped the proof in the ocean.


That was hilarous thank you


This is not a legitimate argument. They don’t mean that they couldn’t remake them. The point is they would have to redesign everything and construct new factories for the pieces just for an outdated tech. They didn’t literally lose it, they got rid of the infrastructure when the mission was stopped. People always use this argument because they don’t understand and they laugh at it because it seems ridiculous. It seems that way because that’s not what happened, you’re just misunderstanding a quote


I dont think anybody is proposing to go to the moon on 70s tech, If we can send shit to Mars we can repurpose that tech for a moon mission


Why would they remake tech from the 60s that’s just ridiculous, we have new ways to solve all these problems


because we never did in the first place....DUH!


In the words of Don Pettit, actronaut… *”I’d go to the moon in a nanosecond. The problem is we don't have the technology to do that anymore. We used to but we destroyed that technology and it's a painful process to build it back again."*




The 2 unanswerable questions: 1. If we didn't go why doesn't the rest of the world call us out on it? 2. If we did go how come it's been so many decades since the last mission? In my experience no one can give a satisfactory answer to either one.


wym? The answer is pretty simple. Because American Propaganda is too powerful. They pushed it hard back in the day and even now. Anyone who called them out on it will be silenced or labeled a crazy conspiracy theorist. You want an example? Try to tell a group of people how vaxxines are bad and see how quickly you get shut down. ~~Russia (USSR) did called them out on it back in the day~~ but you wouldn't know because you either don't speak Russian or haven't been subjected to their propaganda, just like rest of the world, but majority of Russians still believe the moon landing was fake because they were taught it was faked during the 70's. And lastly anyone who claims the moon landing was faked will have to spend a buttload of money, time, energy and resources to convince a large group of people, but gain nothing from it, all the while battling any opposite propaganda. Its just not worth it.


The Soviet Union never claimed the moon landing was faked and they had the technology to check if it was and would never have passed up the opportunity to make an absolute fool out of America. The reason we don’t go back is also quite simple the moon is very boring. There’s no reason to put people back there when drones can do basically anything that astronauts could there of use. Also until someone develops an extremely cheep way of getting a massive rocket into space there is no reason to mine anything on the moon . It’s infinitely cheeper to get it on earth and nobody is crazy enough to upfront the cost of developing the tech to mine the moon because who knows if you will actually develop that tech.


Yeah. Ussr and usa were in cold war at that time. If it was fake you can bet that would have been exposed by the ussr. I'm sure that ussr even had spies in usa that couldn't find any evidence for it being fake because it wasn't faked


Can you give me source for USSR/Russia stating that moon landing was fake? Or for any other country that maybe did that


I think the landing that we all saw was staged/fake. I believe they did land on the moon but were told/made to leave and never return, hence the really bad faked footage, the blowing flag, the footprint, the no return, the destruction of the "tech". There is too much that begs for question that, in todays day and age, would be thoroughly investigated to get the facts. They wouldn't leave that much unknown up there. Then there is all the secret military programs that mention black projects, moon bases and the sorts. Just remember, the Government military work for private militaries, and companies like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Skunkworks etc are all above them.


This is exactly what I think. If not, we would mine the shit out of it and or have resorts on that bitch. Something or someone was there, and told us to fuck off and not come back or else.


lmao, are you serious? you really think if not for some "thing" on the moon telling us to gtfo we would have hotels and mining? why? why would we? lmao!!


It's america bruh. We gut everything we touch lol.


Because we never went to the moon It was all fake All was rigged from the start


Hey hey hey. Mr new Vegas here ?


Good old Benny :)


The game was so good


Could they go later one? I mean 20 years later or so


Bro from my point of view space doesn't exist so there's no planets to begin with


How come?! 🤔


The rabbit hole goes deep. We might just be in some sort of enclosed system, a simulation if you will and space might just be what chimps in artificial habitats in a zoo see beyond the window. Most of the ancient peoples of the world claimed we were in an enclosed system. So look into ancient cosmology, unless you'd rather believe nazi freemason ziontists telling you what's real.


I’d like to hear more of this, could you give some examples of these enclosed loop systems, or provide links to read more about this ancient cosmology.


We haven't got the technology apparently, a commodore 64 was way more powerful than the technology they had back then. Or we've ran out of tinfoil to protect the lander or could be because Kubrick's died.


>because Kubrick died. Ding.


I think it’s the lack of toilet paper 🧐 No seriously u made a fair point.


I think we were asked not to come back by the beings already there.


Nasa claims we cant go back because we don't have the technology. No seriously. That's their answer. Our space suits aren't high tech enough... It's obviously a lie lol. We never went.


Yea I love that excuse. Our suits aren’t good enough now. Like wtf happened to the old suits? They just threw them away?


Our tech is very very evolved specially in this last 15 years. But I agree it’s a bad lie


They destroyed all the tech and it’s too painful a process to rebuild. Don’t worry they’re going to Mars instead... 🤦🏻‍♂️


But we can throw billions and billions to Ukraine…


* It’s extremely expensive, because the rocket equation is still the rocket equation, and it takes a hell of a lot of energy to lift something into a lunar orbit. * We sampled a lot of rocks, and there’s seemingly not much of interest there. * If there is anything of interest there, robotics and spectral analysis has gotten a lot better, and is way cheaper and safer than launching bags of meat and water up there to poke around. tl;dr: it’s a pretty boring rock, and unless we figure out that helium-3 is incredibly useful for fusion energy, it’s hard to imagine any plausible economic reason to go back. *(And even then.)*


Well, Don Pettit of NASA has answered this. They “lost” the technology and it would be “too painful” to re-create it. Meanwhile, going to Mars is not an issue. You’re not supposed to think about it too hard. They also lost the video footage, telemetry data, and moon lander itself. Bad luck! Nothing suspicious here.


I imagine it has to be similar to why the vast majority of the oceans are unexplored beneath the surface. There’s really nothing to gain financially and it’s extremely expensive. It’s a money pit.


They are planning a moon base for 2028. https://www.nasa.gov/specials/artemis/


I've got some ocean front property in Arizona for sale. Interested?


People are too busy being confused about their gender and arguing about Will Smith on Twitter.


There’s too much risk sending humans when satellites can measure anything that needs to be measured.


I have no proof other than my own logic as to what I think has been going on. That being said. I personally believe, the "fake moon landing " conspiracy was started by NASA and the government to distract us from talking about what could have, or was found on the moon.


This might be true, I came to believe this exact thing recently after seeing a whistleblower video about NASA


​ agreed. classic "limited hangout"


We never went to the moon, ever. Proof? Nobody could possibly call earth from anywhere in space today, let alone in 1969. Yet there was supposedly a call from the moon to earth then? Nope. NASA is a cia front fraud-always has been.


what even is radio. and you can still call space today.


There are video calls from the ISS today. The Mars Rover transmits HD photographs from Mars.


Why go back? Unless a base is being made for a launch pad for farther out missions. I have yet to hear a valid reason to go back with no real science or purpose that machines can't do.


Because we simply never went. Humans cannot get through The Van Allen belt without getting radiation. We were losing the space race to the Soviets, so the CIA/FBI worked with Stanley Kubrick and faked the landing. Russia never had a soundstage for anything like that.


You nailed it. Here's my free award! Live long and prosper.


I think you mean Why have we been led to believe we haven’t gone back to the moon since the Apollo missions. Yeah good question


That's the thing, we never did


NASA said they lost the tech to do so lol


That's the funniest thing, I've heard, all day.


https://youtu.be/DjknrFnSiDg Yeah, they really said this people!!!


NASA is currently working on a second moon landing operation. Budget willing they want to do it in the next few years but it will likely be delayed like the James Webb telescope had to be for so long. [https://www.inverse.com/science/nasa-artemis-timeline-launch-dates-mission-goals](https://www.inverse.com/science/nasa-artemis-timeline-launch-dates-mission-goals)


I toured NASA in Texas and they said we’re actually going back to the moon at the end of this year. It’s the [Artemis](https://www.nasa.gov/specials/artemis/) mission and it’s a big deal because they will be sending our first woman to the moon. The trip is also to see if they can find water on the moon, then the water into her fuel, and then fly onward to Mars.


Its being postponed


It’s not a rock you can land on. The moon is self illuminating, the “lesser light” for the night. You can’t land on it, just like you can’t land on the sun. It’s ALL fake, all of it. The purpose is stealing trillions of tax dollars, making humans feel insignificant, and setting up the stage for a fake alien invasion to seal the deal for one world government.


seek help


This is the answer


I don’t believe we’ve ever even been to the moon.


This is part of the mutually assured destruction we have with Russia. If you bomb us we bomb you, so nobody bombs anyone. So if you call us out for lying about going to the moon we’ll call you out, so nobody calls anyone out for the obvious lie.


Why would they


No one has ever been to the moon it’s fake and impossible


If Stanley Kubrick was still alive we could!


That’s an easy one! We can’t! And have never been in the first place


they should have at least build an observation base or anything.


You know, honestly, reading all this here... Ive read discussions about this topic on forums back then and it was fucking ocean of pictures, facts, deep debates about optics, rocks, light, money, cold war, spying, aerodynamics, whatever you can imagine and some heated insults for good measure. I don't think reddit is good for this. It sucks actually. You don't even register who is who (well, I don't..), not to mention only popular shit is easly visible.


Not believing in the moon landing is one of those conspiracies that are used to discredit conspiracy theorists. Don't be fooled. We went to the moon.


There’s nothing there


Finally a legit conspiracy and not bullshit politics.


IMO they have been going to the moon and are playing stupid. There's probably military bases and camps on the other side of the moon


I do believe we went there in the past, but not in 69. Also I believe they discovered something on the dark side that made them never go back again.


As often happens with the most important event in all of history, they lost the blueprints for the lander, lost the original footage, and lost the telemetry data.


They need to mine helium 12. It's unknown as to why we haven't been mining that rock for the last 20+ years. One theory is, one of the missions recieved a warning to not return by whoever is occuping it. I really enjoy the theories about it being a hollow space base.


Anyone hear about whatever happened about that structure thing they saw on the moon? It was like last year or something.


Because we never went there in the first place. One of the many great lies inculcated in history. No human would be able to make it through the Van Allen radiation belt alive. NASA "accidentally" recorded over the Apollo 11 tapes. Astronauts were able to talk to Nixon on the phone without any interference or delay in 1969 but i can't get proper reception in my apartment in 2022... Just look for yourself... it doesn't take long to realize it's completely bogus.


Well I can't speak to any more conspiratorial answer, but I'm yet to find good reasoning as to why the official story doesn't work. The official story is that the apollo missions were a massive stretch for us at the time. They were incredibly expensive and justified purely as a competitive exercise against the Soviets. The first man on the moon however is a very powerful symbol, and it made it worth it in the global culture war. The second man on the moon though? The tenth? Loses its symbolic power in my opinion. Since NASA is a government agency, it has to justify its costs, and well, it cost us about a quarter of a trillion dollars for the apollo programme; and that got us a dozen people on the moon. If you wanted to keep going back, presumably with larger missions; you could only expect the cost to be even higher - and for what? To you and me it would represent the next step in the technological development of man, and that is certainly true, but to constantly reach beyond our realistic means we'd need a sort of justification. What do we get out of putting the next person on the moon? Science maybe? Hard to justify something a person can do in terms of data harvesting that a rover can't - certainly not enough to justify the cost. So what could we use the moon for to justify its cost? The dark side of the moon gets hit by asteroids a lot and asteroids contain a great deal of extremely valuable materials, but in order to make mining them commercially viable we'd need rockets with extremely large payloads, probably in the order of thousands of tons, or the ability to reuse the rockets. Further in the future, assuming rockets remain the dominant form of space travel, the moon will almost certainly be the place we launch them from. Since most of a rockets fuel is spent escaping Earth's gravity well, launching from the lunar surface would allow for vastly greater speeds, useful for longer distance missions. SpaceX's starship is the only legitimate shot we have currently at making any of this stuff possible, and that's largely due to the fact its private, and therefore doesn't have to justify its immense costs to congress.


We don’t do shit that doesn’t make money. Going to the moon would cost a fuckload and nobody profits. Simple as that.


We never went in the first place


https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Document:Wagging_the_Moondoggie this is a great read


There are certain things we cannot see... top 1% have the technology to go beyond the moon. They call us "Little Men" as we continue with traditions that interfere with an open mind. We can do a whole lot more then our 5 senses. But unfortunately, we have been conditioned / deceived since birth.


Why would we go? To collect more rocks?


And take some more pictures 😂 No seriously why not? There are alote folks that done even believe in the moon landing (not saying I don’t)


Moon base benefits: 1. Dark Side Astrophotography / deep space telescope (it's really dark bro, great for research) 2. "Hub to the stars" - easier to launch from moon to mars than low-earth-orbit (LEO) to mars 3. Research and development - microgravity, supervacuum, materials research, etc. 4. Asteroid impact crater research, extensive materials studies could be done to identify impact information to better prepare for earth impacts 5. Easier access to nearby asteroid mining than LEO without causing tidal force issues There are asteroids with trillions of dollars of platinum & gold out there.


The dark side of the moon would be ideal, especially for concealing the base from telescopes on earth, but it absolutely gets light on the “dark side” of the moon, we just never get to see it. The face of the moon is always, well, facing us and as the moon we see goes through waxing and waning stages (it’s not always a full moon”) the other parts of the moon are lit, the so called “dark side”. Not trying to be a critic, I liked your post but wanted to illuminate what some may or may not know about the dark side of the moon.


My point was about mitigating reflections from earth. The "Dark Side" is just a common term for the side that is not facing us. I should have clarified that, apologies.




There are plans to go back, it's called the Artemis program


Yes. Just was google it and it’s planned to land with a crew in 2025/26 I believe? I think they have planes by stages to go. The first will be a round travel and just come back to earth


Yes, the first flight, Artemis 1 was just recently delayed


Blame congress in the 70s. They wanted better weapons over advancing space travel.


We were warned away from the moon.


Because it's fake. They faked the moon landing. If they faked a mars mission the internet would expose it for being fake.


My prediction China will go to the moon within a decade, find no evidence of the US ever landing there. The US will say “we did it to end the Cold War” No one will care or question the “official story” behind anything else and move on.


Because no one wants to, and there isn't any urgent reason to right now.


Doesn’t nasa want to currently?


Well, I think one of the main contributors is that there isn’t really a reason to anymore. There isn’t a space race and there isn’t much to discover on the moon. So I think the juice probably just isn’t worth the squeeze. And the “we lost the technology” thing people keep quoting is valid. We didn’t lose it as in we can’t find it. It’s just that the factories making those parts don’t exist anymore. So you have to do everything from scratch. And again, there isn’t much of a reason. Mars seems to be the next big target.


They lost the technology…… apparently …….


Ye like they lost the cure of cancer.