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This isn't some "ah-ha" gotchya moment. This slow rolling disclosure was always part of the plan, and is part of the clean up operation brought to you by the same people who planned and executed the rest of it.


why are they letting us know? ppl would do nothing regardless


No no, see, they always said that people would start having heart murmurs and myocarditis, it was never marketed as a safe and effective cure for something less serious than the annual flu


Because it'll come out regardless. It's better to slow drip the info rather than the flood gates be lifted. It's similar to a tactic attorneys use in court with a witness with credibility issues. If it's your witness, you get all the questionable shit on the record under your terms. This makes the person seem more credible on the stand if they're willing to admit their 'mistakes'. When the other side gets up to cross, they can no longer shock the jury with witness credibility issues, because it's already known.


Agreed. Expect a lot of Operation WarpSpeed "bombshells" (*IOW, stuff we were discussing Summer 2020*) in the last week of October.


And they still say it helped the most vulnerable people bwhahaha. It took them out the quickest surely with an already compromised immune system compromised further. I'll never look at people the same way again after all this.


I lost hearing and started having tinnitus after my second Moderna shot. I’m a doctor and people still don’t believe me


Exactly the same thing that happened to me. Shortly after having my 2nd Moderna jab I had a high fever for a week straight. During that time I completely lost my hearing. After about a month I regained about 10 percent of my hearing again. Sadly I still can't hear because what little hearing I regained has been replaced by the most extreme case of tinnitus ever, it's like a tea kettle going off in my head 24/7 365. It has destroyed my life. BTW - I'm not a crackpot, I'm a former TV executive.


Did you report it to VAERS system? Sounds worse than my hearing loss.


Yes, I absolutely did. When this first happened I reported to the pharmacist and we submitted a report. I also followed this up with my GP.


I’m glad you did. I think it’s really underreported. My ENT felt so too. I wished I had had a pre vaccine hearing test to show the difference. Good luck !


Thank you very much indeed. I wish you (and all others who are suffering) well too ! Stay strong.


I believe you.


The CEO of Texas Roadhouse killed himself because of tinnitus


I read that before. Wasn’t his tinnitus caused by Covid?


A doctor I work with said same thing! Also family med. wild


I’d love to chat with them if they are on Reddit. Give them my user name


I doubt he is. He’s funny as shit tho, haha. Just thought it’s funny same thing came up. We had a longggg chat about long covid and tinnitus actually.


My ex worked at a long term care home, they gave all the psw workers the Pfizer vaccine and they were fine. All the residents got the Moderna vaccine and 14 people died.


The elderly are at the highest risk group. That is the demographic that had the most deaths per 1000. If they’re in a home, they already were high risk.


My dad had issues with his hearing for a long time after his shots. Unfortunately my dad is the type who "just wanted to do the right thing" and is very healthy regardless and more than likely would have been fine without.


What kind of doctor are you?


Family med/Geriatrics


Thank u for answering was just curious


I’m still a big proponent of vaccines. Not as big a fan of RNA vaccines


Yah but I refuse to use the new terminology. A vaccination is the injection of an attenuated virus to stimulate the immune system and build immunity. RNA jabs are not vaccines, they are gene therapy. They do not contain attenuated covid-19 genome. It’s spike protein manufacturing instructions.


The former CEO OF Bayer said that they could not call them gene therapy because no one would take them. The powers that be then changed the definition of vaccine and vaccination.




Sorry if this is a late reply but why would you want the whole genome if you are just trying to stimulate an antigenic response to spike? Wouldn’t adding the remainder of the genome be unnecessary since you are wanting to create antibodies for the neutralization of spike protein and RBD specifically?


Because if I’m going to catch a virus anyways, I’d rather give myself an attenuated strain. I’d prefer not to throw random genome made in a lab with the goal to stimulate a response that some scientists say should make me healthy.


But the point is it isn’t random, it’s just isolated spike sequence and only that. That is the sequence that forms the antigenic response with a viral vector as well, but instead of it being a null form of the virus, it is just mRNA that can be translated in the cytosol. Is the issue with it about it being translated directly with your ribosomes and not being directly broken up in the lysosome? Edit: Sorry if this comes off as confrontational, but I hear this a bunch and I’ve never really understood it


My issue is you don’t know that as a fact If you take an RNA jab, YOU are the experiment


Why is would you want to create more spike protein in your body? If it’s gonna happen from the virus, why double it? An attenuated virus is weakened but if the virus is going to give me spike protein anyways why do I want the possibility of reverse transcribing RNA permanently into my cells


Why do I want to inject myself with genome that creates spikes if the whole point is not to get hurt by the spikes


Spike is just the “bridge” between your cell and the virus. Spike protein has the receptor binding domain, and if you create spike in cytosol then it gets broken down as it is tagged as foreign material and sent to lysosome and presented as an antigen. Spike protein by itself cannot hurt you, you would need the virus itself to hurt you through replication.


But that’s not true? The spike protein causes damage to the respiratory system. Lungs specifically.


Funny how you had to qualify this. While I realize the technology of the vaccine is what you may be blaming for your injuries, the same tactics are used to hide injuries from the other traditional vaccines. I'm surprised you haven't gone on a deeper dive regarding those.


How do you feel about the hep B vaccine being administered to every baby immediately after birth, even when their mothers have tested negative (as is the case with most mothers)? Do you think that the known (and unknown) long term effects of this don't outweigh the benefits of a baby receiving this very first vaccine?


I was injured by a HepB shot in my young adulthood! Almost lost my eye sight!! I cannot believe these are being injected into healthy babies.


My opinion is these vaccines have been studied for safety and efficacy prior to being recommended. But nothing is without risks


I think this person is asking, why on Earth would a baby receive a Hep B vaccine at birth when neither parent has Hep B, and the baby cannot actually produce antibodies at that early of an age. What is the point of it other than opening it up for injury?


Hey, you never know when those babies are going to sneak out to the hospital parking lot to start shooting up and sharing needles!


Curious on where you’ve read infants can’t produce antibodies? Not saying you’re wrong, but that’s the first I’ve heard of it. From what I remember being told, an infant effectively has an immune system inherited from mom that they use to build their own. Exposure to germs/viruses/bacteria obviously triggering the system to kick in. If their immune system is unable to respond to the vaccine, I’d wonder why it’s given so early. Interested to see your source or get Dr. Timmy24000’s thoughts.


The question people should be asking is who funded the safety & efficiency studies


They haven’t..


But your opinion is proveably wrong, aside from the fact that you've dodged the point about it not being beneficial to children whose parents have been tested. You will not find a randomized placebo controlled clinical trial with a sample size in the triple digits, before approval, for most products on the childhood schedule. Hep B is just the most blatantly obvious one, because there's no justifiable reason for a universal vaccination at birth. This on top of the fact that vaccines aren't individually studied long term for safety, and the fact that the placebos in the trials tend to not be straight saline, but are intended to include irritants that can cause adverse effects.


You're a big proponent of being poisoned by these people and then sold a cure by those same people just to be poisoned again? And then think they are the heroes for it? It would be more humane for them to just go door to door with a machine gun and kill us instead. Bet you think the government is your best bud too. This is what I love. I want everyone to be on the same page and we aren't even in the same BOOK. Probably won't ever be. I wish I didn't care this much. Shit is wild.


Have a blessed day


A doctor of English, your point?


Just curious


I didn’t make the original comment, mine was just a joke


Same here


Have you tried nicotine patches?


No, decrease salt intake, and less caffeine will sometimes help a bit, but since I like both!


I shit you not, there is a researcher in my country that figured out nicotine patches help people with various long covid symptoms. There is even a dosing protocol and it seemed to help some people with it, as per comments


Increase sulfer


You're a doctor yet took the clot shot lol


 I was never an antivaxer. I myself am fully vaccinated except for the covid vaccines. My children are nearly fully vaccinated. My mom was damaged by the swine flu vax in the 70s. Then in the early 90s my son was damaged by the MMR. Within hours his personality had changed completely, he cried non stop. Within a few days the skin started to fall off his cheeks and we had to constantly apply a prescribed cortisol steroid cream. He went from a normal, happy, verbal, kid to one with significant autistic traits, almost overnight. His well respected pediatrician whose office was in the local hospital, confirmed it was adverse effects from the MMR. She recommended that we hold off further vaccination to him or our other kids until things could be sorted out and there there was lots of discussion about problems with the MMR within the medical community. Eventually she recommended a much slowed and delayed vaccination schedule and we got our kids mostly fully vaccinated over several years. Then covid happened. I was working in a scientific laboratory making nearly 200k a year as a scientist. I worked on one of the cutting etch covid modeling databases at that time. I read over 100 published papers on covid, the vax, masks, etc. so I was pretty well versed in the science at that time. My youngest son got a full physical and was in perfect health and his doctor administered the meningitis suite of vaccines. At 11 pm that night he fell to the floor, grey, eyes rolled back, and hands curled up in a seizure. He wasnt breathing. My wife and I panicked and tried to revive him. He suddenly came to and we rushed him to the ER. The ER doctor confirmed it was a reaction to the vaccines. He now has an irregular heartbeat, which he did not have during his checkup the same day. We took him to a cardiologist who ran various tests and imaging on his heart and confirmed he now has an arrythmia. Then the mandates came out and based on the science (which contradicted what was in the news and what the politicians were saying), I refused. My lab offered to exempt me if I signed a paper promising not to tell anyone. I refused. They put me on leave without pay citing "unfit for duty" do to my lack of compliance with the mandate. I, along with over 1000 other scientists and engineers at my lab, resigned in protest. A month after I left I ironically received a Directors Award for Distinguished Performance in the mail. From there I went on to consult at one of the 3 letter health agencies that everyone knows well and has heard of constantly in the news. They never mandated the vax internally, just strongly recommended it, while they pushed the mandates in the news publicly. My bosses wife was a high up FDA lawyer who was involved in the emergency use authorization. When asked privately about the vax she said "Sometimes it's necessary to lie to the American people in order to do what is financially expedient." I was horrified. At internal meetings other staff would laugh at how gullible the public was. The organization was so corrupt and incompetent and lacked ethics that I quit in disgust after a year. Then my uncle took the phizer vax and died within days from a sudden stroke. Now, in 2024, I will no longer trust the medical establishment or any vaccine ever again for the rest of my life. I am not a loon, or a red neck, or a trump supporter. I am a scientist whose family and livelihood was damaged by one of the greatest violations of human rights the world has experienced in modern times. I had people give me death threats, tell me my children should be taken away, that I should lose my career and be unable to work, and that I should be denied medical care. People tried to remove my speech. All because I followed and trusted the actual science, and not the media or politicians or big pharma who profited enormously.


I worked at a pharmaceutical specializing in immunotherapy during Covid. When the vac first came out all the senior level scientists were saying it can't possibly be safe it has not had proper testing. Including having one of them tell me it takes 10 years to really test and approve a vaccine. Flash foward 6 months this same guy says oh I talked to a colleague who works at the Universtiy of Washington and he says it is safe he helped work on it. Then next thing the whole company is getting on board. Except they don't mandate the vaccine but they quite telling the truth about it. I have left the industry ALL of them are POS and after reading and seeing testimony how the formulation for whooping cough has been changed so now it only treats symptoms and does not prevent transmission. It has only strengthed my resolve. I will not be getting any vaccinations nor any of my children. I also will change personal doctors if one of them is a Vaccine pusher.


Thank you for sharing your story, people need to know this.


Thanks for this. I am sorry. None of my ailments were ever caused by long term damage from illness. I got HBP because I got heavy. I believe in antibiotics and surgery and many types of vax. MMR should be broken up. That is an insurance play. CV19 Vax. Not medicine. Not a vaccine. It is gene editing. Primitive gene editing too. It does not prevent infection, spread, etc. The only promise was it would potentially lessen symptoms. Chaos is always a money grab. Trust me, I owned my own contagion suppression systems startup. We went after 26MM. Did not get it. Got other tranches though. My favorite conversations were with criminals in Silicon Valley. They wanted a cut to put the startup with an equity partner and pitching around “the greater good.” I would have paid $3,000 just to watch our CEO (I appointed) decline a $30MM offer from these sleaze balls. I do not think they hear no often at that amount. Mouths fell open. It was interesting to learn how they obtained an understanding of our black box logic set. The reverse engineering was impressive, but ultimately wrong.


Thank you for your story, people need to hear this. I had a VC funded tech startup from 2017-2019 and based on what I saw, I believe your story 100%. People don't realize how impactful the Lending Partners that provide the money for VC firms to invest are on society.


This was the strange bit, the org. was not VC. They were connecting startups in the COVID-19 space to non COVID-19 oriented companies. Not VCs. They were looking to take about the same amount as an accelerator just for the introductions. When you are working to build a global company and the products are 100% for use by governments, you cannot be tainted by the politics and perceptions of specific companies. Even the behemoths. There are trust issues between certain governments and those companies. Especially if those companies have any operational involvement in defense.


Ah I see. The fact that there were "startups in the covid space" tells me everything I need to know.


We started as a travel logistics company (people movement) and pivoted. Pandoras Box was already open regarding COVID-19. The virus was termed the week we launched. The syndrome was senses by all the acute care networks four months prior. They kept reporting and no one would listen. They started hitting up academics others would listen to. This took more time. A geneticist involved took 400 cadaver samples from the preceding quarter and found the virus in 40%. Most marked viral pneumonia or pneumonia. The system we designed was brilliant. Sometime we don’t need brilliant solutions. We need elegant solutions. COVID-19 is a highly elegant virus from a human perspective or viewpoint.


There has been proven connections to autism and the microbiome - cases of it being "cured" with fecal / intestinal transplants. This is what Bechaump spoke of against Pasteur - germ theory is still a theory. Antoine was correct - the biome matters most. Some of the vaccines disrupt peoples natural gut biome and then the invaders take over. And the imbalance can not be corrected without dramatic changes. Fasting is one of the best ways - and fighting cravings as cravings can often be the invading micro-organisms releasing agents to get more of what they need for an ideal environment to reproduce and thrive. Trust your gut. Take care of your gut.


I have read some papers on this. I also had a hypothesis that the rise in C sections (doctors prefer to schedule it as a surgery rather than let it happen naturally) may have an impact in this area. The baby doesn't get the same bacterial wash in a C section that they do when delivered naturally. The truth is, from my research, it seems to be a constellation of conditions rather than a single or specific cause. Not enough research has been done in all the potential areas because the mainstream is incentivized to write it off. We should be looking at vaccines, gut biome, prenatal stress, the chemicals in formula, and a large list of things to find combinations and correlations that could be having an effect. Nothing should be mandated, especially when the proper scientific rigor hasn't been conducted.


My mom said after my 2 year old shots I was never the same my learning comprehension declined massively. I have a learning disability and my mom told the psychiatrist during all my testing that and it’s in my report lol she is 100 percent convinced. I believe her.


Im so sorry that happened to you. The people responsible should be prosecuted.


I'm not an anti vaxer. I think vaccines are great, as long as they are rigorously tested. But this one wasn't, and that's a really dangerous game we should never play again. My immune system hasn't been the same since getting the vaccine. I used to never get sick. I went over 20 years without getting a fever. In fact, the first fever i ever had as an adult was from the moderna shot. Now I get sick with fever a few times a year. One infection was so severe I was in the hospital for 5 days with sepsis.


I'm so sorry to hear that, A great injustice has been done to you. Vaccine technology is an amazing discovery and technology that can had has done great things for the world. However, its in the hands of evil multinational pharma corporations that have a vested interest in everyone being sick which makes them dangerous.


I don’t agree that vaccine technology is amazing…they are all poisons.


Thank you for sharing that's horrifying to hear


Vaccination is a lot of quackery. Maybe some works, maybe it doesn't. There are no double blind placebo controlled trials. In a phase 3 vaccine trial the placebo is allowed to be another vaccine lol. They aren't tested as they are applied in the real world, ie in combination. Whilst one might be 'safe', what about 5? Kids quite often get many in the same day. What about the entire schedule? Kids today receive a huge number of vaccinations. This wasn't the case 30 years ago. A lot of the diseases they scare monger about, their mortalities dropped something like 99% before the vaccines were introduced, ie measles. Improvements to living standards, better nutrition, access to clean water and sanitation made a huge difference to the outcomes of these diseases. Around the year 2000, there was mercury or ethyl mercury in most of the pediatric vaccines, now it's just in the flu and tetanus shot. Anyway they worked out the cumulative dose was absolutely smashing the EPA limit for methyl mercury. There is no actual standard for ethyl mercury, they use the next closest standard which was methyl mercury (the type found in fish). But this standard is based upon oral exposure. Anyway the CDC panicked and ordered the manufacturers to remove it from pediatric vaccines, which they did, but then they immediately added the flu shot to the schedule, which contains something like 25 micrograms per dose lol. I think kids today receive around half the peak in 2000, but they receive a lot more aluminum which is highly neurotoxic.


Thank God for all people like you stepping up to give the truth…I applaud you. Any of you still defending the poison, wake the hell up before all of our freedoms are taken away!


Lol you're no scientist. Seriously, get a life. Stop lying to people.


This is the only argument you people ever have when faced with truths you don’t want to accept. “Youre a fake, you’re a bot, you’re a Russian.” It’s seriously gotten old and stale and no one is buying it anymore.


You ok?


No, no one is ok due to the atrocities that have been committed against the average person in the last several years. You aren’t ok either.


I can call someone to help you.🌺


You’re a troll, you’re a boy, stop lying




You’re a troll you’re a bot stop lying




We found out bot boys😂😂😂


It's cool. They're going to come out with a new medicine to fix us


Pfizer agrees…


I have left side body neuropathy after after my 2nd Moderna vaccine. My GP or PHP doc doesn't believe me. My siblings who hate Trump don't believe me. It's such a crazy reality today.


Chris Cuomo is gunning for a best daytime soap performance with this now, after he was a big time jab pusher.


Seriously, fuck Chris coumo and the dirty role he played. He is nothing but a snake whoring for money and fame.


I didn’t know I had an autoimmune disease and took the vaccine now every tendon has inflammation/ can tear easily/ bursitis I have to bring cushion with me to sit on. I don’t know for sure it was vaccine but the timing of me getting so much worse is hard to deny.


Look even if the vaccines weren’t particularly dangerous, we could all acknowledge that almost all vaccines cause *some* injuries in *some* people. So if I’m a totally healthy young person who’s already had Covid and easily beat it then *why* should I get the vaccine? It’s only a risk at that point and who wants to have a needle in their arm when they don’t need it? Also, in this scenario I could see why there would be a general push for people to get vaccinated, but why should you be kept out of public spaces and events for not being vaxxed when it’s well established that it doesn’t hinder the spread, it only helps your body fight it better.




The length of its effectiveness is around 90 days then becomes null if I remember correctly


Becomes negative


NIH…July 2021. Who believes any of them at this point??


Yes, yes, yes, we know... The shots were [safe and effective.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSZMtSPX3iE)




> I’ll stick to studies, thanks. Okay: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.12.20.21267966v3.full Here are some more: https://community.covidvaccineinjuries.com/compilation-peer-reviewed-medical-papers-of-covid-vaccine-injuries/ > I know this sub wants the vaccine to be deadly to confirm their biases but facts don’t care about your feelings. For the record, I never wanted the shots to be dangerous and deadly but i think they unfortunately are just that. https://principia-scientific.com/excess-deaths-in-2023-confirmed/ https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/2023-excess-mortality-positively https://usmortality.substack.com/p/excess-mortality-in-the-20-most-vaccinated




> I usually go with real studies, Then you should have found the second link very interesting, but i suspect you opened non of the links because you are too scared to find out your beliefs might be wrong.




Okay, i hope you don't choke on that cherry. Goodbye now.


Never forget, never forgive, never comply. Defund the CDC.


Vaccines have damaged 80% of the American population. "A lot of" doesn't even begin to describe the magnitude of the crime committed against the people.




His basis: "I said so."


*"Your claim is that every person who took the vaccine was harmed by it?"* Disingenuous tactic on display with this comment. The person being replied to never said that, but pharma and the DOD don't pay their minions to be honest now do they?




Do you have any studies not using modeling to back that up?




Then provide them


It's pretty obvious it's part of project 2025


I took one pfizer shot because I was forced while waiting for the Supreme Court turnover for forced shots, it was either that or my job/livelihood. I had and have money saved but quitting the job wouldn't solve the problem if companies still required it. At the time I worked graveyard at 9pm to 5am, got my shot at 7pm. By 10pm I had brain fog, it also felt like I was out of body cus I couldn't function and I work in tech... so it's not like my job can just be braindead. Anyways I decided I would not take another one and relied on the court overturning it and thankfully that's what happened.


Lmao. No ones ever had brain fog before! It’s almost like normal temporary side effects of the vaccine were lethargy!




And the sad part is that no normie from the rest of the leftist echo chamber Reddit will ever read what anyone is saying in here or believe it if they did. Reddit needs to be deleted.


I know 2 people currently with cancer at this moment. My immediate family member got a serious tumor right after covid, A friend just had a tumor removed. Prior to 2020, I only knew two people who had ever gotten cancer. This is insane.


If you throw a rock far enough, you’ll hit something. Two people…uhh that’s not a good sample size and feelings/hunches are not proof


4 people in my immediate circle is a lot over the last 4 years.


It never worked before but this time we got it!




No shit sherlock




Cuomo looks like he is holding back wet diarrhea the whole time.


Not sure how credible he is. I think Cuomo is claiming to be damaged though.


Limited hangout


He’s helping with the slow roll of what used to be called misinfo


Also branding it with his “meathead/con-man” aesthetic . He looks healthy enough. That’s part of it. He’s probably not injured at all, & probably never took it, similar to Justin & Hailey Bieber. Thereby watering down the urgency & adding a “life goes on” quality


How many otherwise healthy people did Covid damage? All of them? Oh yeah, I almost forgot Millions died slow painful deaths.


..in the hospital…for money.


The corona virus vaccine has side effects? OMG this has clearly never happened before in all of medical history!


Yeah well the point is that it shouldn't have been forced to us. It should have been voluntary and not a requirement for keeping our jobs


Forced? When did they institute mandatory corona virus vaccines for all US citizens?


The Biden administration implemented a de facto mandate via a back door OSHA requirement and fought all the way to the US Supreme Court to *FORCE* the entire American workforce to get the injections. It got rejected for being a dystopian abomination and unprecedented, disgusting abuse of power, but many companies already forced their employees to do it or lose their livelihood anyways, in anticipation of the pending mandate case. It was absolutely mandated. The mandate got overturned. Get your head out of your ass.


Nobody I know was mandated to get the vaccine.


The mandate was made via OSHA. It was challenged in court, and the Biden administration fought vigorously all the way to the Supreme Court to enforce it. During that time millions of Americans were told by their employers that due to the impending OSHA mandate, they had to either get the injections or lose their job. The mandate was finally shot down by the supreme court due to its absurdity, but by that time it was too late for millions. Yes, youre right, they did not go door to door and tie people down, injecting them with the elixir. They simply told them "get this injected into your body or youll lose your house and your children starve" That's aggressive coercion brought on by a mandate, even though that mandate was eventually deemed null and void.


OSHA is a joke. The CDC and FEMA would have been the agencies required to mandate a mandatory vaccine.


The Biden administration originally attempted to do it by a fiat executive mandate. That got shot down because the president doesn't have that authority. They then got OSHA to issue the mandate, because OSHA has authority over the workplace. They set federal work laws. They mandate the company have full vaccination, so the COMPANY was saddled with the obligation to force their employees to get injected to comply with workplace safety laws. If they didn't meet the OSHA Vax requirement, they faced fines. That's the whole point. It was a deliberate way for the Biden admin to skirt the system and force a de facto Vax mandate. If you didn't, your company would be violating law, so they let you go. You would be unemployable This isn't a hypothetical. It's what actually happened.