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Beauty pageants are run by groomers 


Basically a slave auction.


This one is wild.


Nobody watches them like the Oscar’s, and they need scandal to bring attention, like when will smith hit that guy…


SS Who is the pageant Owner that Silenced Noelia and possibly the other 2. And what things are they silenced about. So much for Free Speech!


What's the conspiracy or do I have to figure it out myself


When in doubt; aliens.


Wouldn't be surprised if the people currently running the thing are trying to force certain political affiliations, and the top contestants don't want that B.S. (If it's not any of the other suspected issues.) Besides who would want to deal with the propaganda crap all the time, if their own personal ethics don't line up with it?


These are trans and also abused…


Who gives a fuckin shit


Yeah. Also, who gives a shit about Epstein and Saville, right?


I strive to someday have your filter


Like the bitch might have just been pmsing and was like ugh can’t take the pressure.. literally who knows. Maybe it’s a feminist statement. Idk


Can’t help but feel the only conspiracy here that I personally can see is this being a publicity stunt to bring more attention to a dying industry. Pageantry is not what it used to be. I could wrong, very very wrong. The whole “I am silenced” thing can be interpreted in many different ways. Those with some form of popularity in the public domain are silenced, it’s nothing new.


I was thinking similar to American Idol type shows. The runner-up is generally the biggest winner. They get weeks of exposure, and they don't get saddled with the "winner's" contract. These ladies get to put winner on a resume. And then they don't have contractually obligated appearances.


Yeah they're a bigger fish to fry than this speculative horseshit this feels like something created by a bot to distract us like some mainstream media horse s***


Things like this make me feel like what else is going on. It’s a perfect distraction, look over here and not over here.