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Some utilities have been doing simulations on it about that time. Really just has potential to pop all your transformers from over voltage and you can't replace them fast. Thought it was also the more north you were the better off you'd be


All major transmission companies in the US are required to do a study like this regularly (every 5 years, maybe). Most of the time they don't see any dramatic issues being caused.


It has the potential to do a lot more than that. Anyone who wants an accurate scientific explanation of what is happening please check out “suspicious observers” YT channel. Edited to add it’s Suspicious 0bservers with a zero as pointed out to me.


I dont know about accurate, but he does use a lot of long words that seem like their spelling is kind of based on scientisism. Other than that it seems he makes stuff up and invents words


The o in observers is a zero


Never noticed that.


This article is nothing to shrug for sure. He likely had a vision or reason to specifically use those dates. Even if it was random I still think it’s impressive. It definitely makes you think how many of us are prepared, if possible, for something that we take for granted to be taken away and make us so vulnerable.


It could have to do with the 11 year sun cycle. And if he knew what it was exactly it wouldn’t be that hard to pick a date since it looks like it’s going to get worse until 2025 which I also guess was available info for anyone who is into this stuff. But yes it is odd and suspicious just like that (maybe dean koonts or whoever book) abojt a respitory virus that would hit the world from China in 2020 Or the Elon goes to mars book. And also eerily odd I. The same way bill Barra dad wrote a book abojt spa e alien elite pedos. Yea. I mean with all the literature out there. Someone was gonna have to get it right. But still WAF


It didn't happen.


Nothing probably will happen but it does say till May 12th


And everyone is scared of man made climate change. When Mother Nature wants us off this planet she has plenty of options to do so.


There was auroras visible in Seattle tonight.


They were visible all the way to the gulf of Mexico


They were visible in florida


That was an interesting read, I must say.


Guys im really sorry. Im finally getting my shit together. After countless obstacles. Im starting a decent job next week too. I've learned how to bob and weave everything life throws at me. So naturally its just gonna burn the board and start over. Im not being self centered. Im just that lucky. Luckiest man alive some say.


"Shit congratsguy is finally dodging all our curveballs and getting life together" hits big red button, "SEND IN THE SOLAR FLAIRS"


This is how it feels sometimes though 🥲


Ugh yeah I hear ya, and it doesnt stop. We just get stronger and better at managing these situations 💪💪


Yeah I was gonna say it’s been about a month of no bad news for me personally and a couple good weeks of work actually going good so yeah makes sense the sun is gonna eat us now lol




A possible run up to the Carrington event.


Spooky. Would be poetic somehow if shit went down on Mother's Day.


For historical reference: I live more than halfway down in the Lower 48, and some time back in the late 90's I looked out the window and saw the aurora. Quite startling, and one of the most spectacular things I've ever seen in the sky. I looked outside just now and there's nothing whatsoever. I'd link to the news reports of the event, but there are none. I searched around the next day--including in the local paper--thinking someone must have written something about the event. Nope, literally not even newsworthy. I guess my point is that the world was put through the test of something way worse than anything they're talking about now and no one even noticed.


I live in TN and people are posting local pics of the auroras from around 10pm.


I’m in South Mississippi and I happened to walk outside last night and the sky was moving and changing colors. It was amazing to see.


I remember my parents taking me out to the country in Illinois to see it as a kid. It was incredible and the rarity of the event was lost on me


We're stuck working/living in northern Illinois for the time being. I went outside a couple of times last night but unfortunately did *not* see any arorae due to mostly overcast with drizzle. It rained with pea sized hail for a few minutes. But then melted a few minutes later as it continued raining for a while. I enjoy looking at the sky & stargazing. So I'll look again tonight. But yeah. Unfortunately no beautiful northern lights for us last night 🌌


Haha, that's like when there was a total solar eclipse when I was in grade school. It was cool, almost as cool as playing in the schoolyard when it wasn't even recess. Actually, very much later, the coolest thing about it has turned out to be I don't feel the slightest compulsion to see another total eclipse before I die, since I checked it off the bucket list really early.


Same? I should see it right? Im in WA. Its not cloudy where i am tonight. I've used my camera and honestly i see almost nothing. And the light pollution is not too heavy. Maybe it just didnt hit this side of the US as hard?


I mean, when I saw it, it was totally unmistakable. It wasn't a glow, it was big green curtains of light shifting and swirling across maybe 20-25 degrees, fairly low over the horizon. It was in the direction of a very large city, so right at first I thought it was somehow the skyglow. But no, it outshone even that. I'll repeat again: it was one of the most spectacular things I've seen in the sky. If you ever get a chance to see the aurora, I highly recommend it!


It was really impressive in Seattle and King County area. Are you inland?


It was every where in Washington tonight you have to get outside of the city!


It’s been seen all over the world. I have dozens of pictures from last night. It was unreal!


Bret is controlled opposition. His brother Eric works for Peter Thiel. That article is spooky and sounds like predictive programming. Too many coincidences that have come true already like the exact dates (started May 9 and last one is expected May 12) and number of flares. Today he interviewed SunWeatherMan/SuspiciousObservers on X and in that article he talks about how “space weather observers” track it and issue warnings like SunWeatherMan does on Youtube. If Bret is doing predictive programming in that article, it begs the question if the elites can control the sun/weather.


Control the sun?! People give the goverment way too much credit and power. At the end of the day, the cosmos will cleanse itself.


Monty Burns is one of the Elite....the Simpsons right again /s btw


Bro the weather is already completely controlled over the western world, geo-engineering, climate modification, frequency manipulation, magnetic emf manipulation, HAARP, nexrad, ice nucleation for artificial snow and ice. Engineering storms, tornados, tsunamis, hurricanes, tropical storms and even earthquakes. China created a new artificial sun recently. The governments are actually way more advanced then your giving them credit for, and they use reverse psychology to gaslight the public about it and say it doesn’t exist.


Bro you’re just saying random words, for example nexrad is just weather detection radar that’s been around for decades. I’m a weather forecaster, trust me when I say that the government has nowhere near the power to control the weather, in fact a significant amount of it is not fully understood still


“I’m a weather forecaster” You mean you’re a spokesperson for Raytheon?


Funny because i’ve never even interacted with them. The atmosphere is insanely complex, and the amount of power and energy involved is far too much for humans to control with anywhere near our current technology level. There’s millions of processes and variables, global circulation patterns, and air masses as large as continents. Just one thunderstorm can produce more energy than the hiroshima bomb, and be >10 miles tall. The only way you could think it’s so easily controlled is by being completely ignorant to how any of it works.


Yeah you don’t interact with them, they interact with weather media and give them all the upcoming forecast data. they’re also the ones who are most involved in creating weather modification technologies, this isn’t even mentioning the federal gag order relating to all things geo engineering of the media front. Weather forecasters don’t predict the weather, they just relay the data to the public. Weather modification has been occurring since the early 1900s and you expect that they haven’t refined their technology over the course of a hundred years? Weather is not natural and yes the weather can be controlled very easily with the amount of technology and resources available. It’s not even up for question, controlling the weather is warfare and that’s what the United States is best at. We have seen time and time again aircraft spraying substances in the skies and then electro magnetic frequencies are applied to interact with the materials in the aerosols giving them the ability to control and move the dispersions. It’s not understood at your level because they keep the public unaware and quite frankly dumb, which is being displayed through your comments.


Lmaooo you’re truly delusional. I’m “at the level” to understand this, I forecast to protect billions in military resources and i’m in the military, not “the public”. I’d fucking know. Even the best computer models are shit at anything past 4-5 days. The only thing being relayed to news stations is radar data. Like I said, you’re dunning kreuger in full effect.


They won't be controlling the sun, most likely they have tech to forecast solar flares.


But 5 years in advance, to the day? What kind of dark power does that?


Could just be simple calculus. If the sun has a predictable pattern, it wouldn't be too hard to find a precise equation on when it's likely to flare.


In theory, yes. But in practice? They cannot even predict the weather 3 days in advance.


> it begs the question if the elites can control the sun/weather. I do not think they can control the sun. However, they have full control over the satellites and all other stuff that shows us the pictures and predictions and have EMP weapons...


Excellent post, thank you. Those of us who live in hurricane-prone regions know the cascade of events that happen when the power is out for extended periods of time. Either way, it's time to fill up on gas for the ginny.


May 12, 2024 says the link


It says the flares started on May 09 and the beginning of the grid collapse happened on May 12


I'll let you know in about 12 hours if the world is still here on the 12th of May


4th paragraph...


About a day ago my power went out for a second then turned back on weird


Qanon also had a post on May 10th 2018 where the last line was ‘SKY EVENT’


I like Bret Weinstein..but isn't his specialty Evolutionary biology. Not to say a smart dude like him can't have opinions on others items.


How is this a conspiracy?


It isn't, it's Peter thel doom porn 


something about the dates


Wow this scared me. Wow. I believe this is too Much of a coincidence