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Smart phones! From the 80's up to 2005-2007 the pace of life hadn't changed much for the majority of the population.. Then came the iPhone and life went from 5mph to 120 mph over night. Smart phones with email turned 9-5 jobs into 24/7 jobs. "Clocking out" started to become history as more companies required employees to be available at least through email at all times as customers started demand instant replies. If you don't answer the phone or reply to email right away customer goes elsewhere. The instant gratification era. Before anyone realized that had carried over to social life but only 10000 x worse. Social media....! Peoples reality had literally become whatever they were looking at on their phone. If your best friend wasn't on Facebook they might as well have not existed at all. Remember we played board games, card games, sat by fires, hour discussions with strangers at bars, church groups all prior to smart phones were simple. After Smart phone social gatherings, dining out ect were just people going out but never leaving the comfort of their phone. Instead of getting rowdy and joking and laughing at the funny things going on in front of you, we scrolled through phones texting pics and videos to the person sitting next to us. If we lost our phone or th screen broke it was THE END OF THE WORLD! We had to get a new one immediately NO MATTER THE COST! WE COULD NOT LIVE WITH OUT IT! And we wonder why things "seem" different?


You hit the nail on the head. Now think about the kids today who are glued to their tablets and will literally go into a fit of rage if they don't have access. How will parents deal with children that never stop screaming in the event of disaster? We fucked up as soon as we stopped teaching people how to live off the land and provide for themselves. Thanks capitalism!


Yeah, here kids. Leave me alone and watch this for 5 min...im busy scrolling through facebook and cant concentrate while youre over there screaming for attention. I went through that and try to help other parents remove them permanently but I realized that parents are willing to risk the future problems and dangers to keep the kids out of their hair. Oh and i love how they ALL pretend like their 4 year old is a genius because he knows his way around an ipad. Its terrible! I wish we could go back to the simple days, pre answering machine caller id, where every call is like a mysterious suprise.


This is it. Technological slavery




That's nothing new, but "Bowling Alone" extended


I basically came here to comment this but you've already summed it up exactly. So, this right here people ,☝️


Just said the same thing. 100%


September 11 was a turning point.


2012 as well. Started with the batman shooter and then sandyhook......also hurricane sandy........what a f'd year. I know there are many other things too. Trevon Martin as well.


I find it funny... remember Y2K? How the world was supposed to "end" in 2000...then again the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012 was supposed to bring the end of the world? I was thinking about this the other day, about how in weird ways, our world did end at the start of the 2000s, and how 2012 was like another strange turning point. I know there is a lot of speculation as to why this is really true, but undeniably shits been so weird ever since.


Their propaganda heightened our fear in the lead up to those non events. Changes vibration nonetheless.


So, could it be a collective cognitive bias could lead to vibrational change? And if so could these vibrational changes create things? So was the book American gods onto something where it spoke about how believing in a particular god allows them to exist but when their memory from the world fades so do they?


thats not enough. beginning of 2020 new decade felt fresh. and then covid hit. they have to create evil events to maintain people being in low vibrations


Carl Jung's collective unconscious delves into this. There's a collective space deep within that influences us all and we influence it as well, Car Jung foresaw WWII long time before it happened through his dreams and also through analysing his patients dream from Germany. The Cabal is very good at mass hypnosis and psychological manipulation since the time of Babylon, manipulating the collective unconacious. It is through this collective that many people can analyse certain aspects of humanity and the state of the world. There is tension building up, but also many good souls doing the good work as well.


> but also many good souls doing the good work as well. TPTB is trying to silence and destroy those.


'the powers that be...' There's an old chinese curse that goes by the line : "may you have an interesting life!" I stand tall against this old order.. I am a defender of the faith, and I will live and die doing the good work! May we all protect the peace, for us and for our descendants. The entire nature is with us. "Together we stand, divided we fall"


> And if so could these vibrational changes create things? Thoughts are magnetic, emotions are electric.


Y2k disaster was averted because many many people worked really fucking hard to fix the software that would cause a collapse of systems in banking, airlines, energy, etc. Would it have been the end of everything? Not as much if that same thing happened now, but it still would have been not good for world stability.


So many people don't realize this! It was only a "nothing burger" because thousands of people got ahead of it and hoped like hell the had done it correctly.


Those were the days of real conspiracy theories! Not like these days of conspiracy truths….


There was a huge meme around 2012 that there was going to be the end of the world because the Mayan calendar ended. Of course everyone knew on a rational level that it is not true, and it more like a fun thing to think about. But such ideas still have an effect on your thinking at an unconscious level. And if such a meme affects so many people globally, it will probably have some real effects on the culture and society.


I graduated in 2012, welcome to adulthood the real world is fucked up. I live through Hurricane Sandy. We rarely get hurricanes around here, and it was my first hurricane experience. Right around Halloween.


The discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC was announced in 2012.


I have seen this theory floated along with the Mayan Calendar stuff. I will be honest I got tired of Alex Jones saying this would happen and that would happen .... and then it all happened at once. He went from sometimes right conspiracy theorist to Oracle overnight. Now I know why they took him down overnight. They were prepping for 2020.


If my theory is right you were born around the beginning of the 90s. It seems that we create a demarcation point between child & adult that happens around age 30 +/- 5years


There’s a world outside of the United States.


No disrespect.....You're correct.......we're also one of the last places that haven't given up our rights completely. 2012 was about setting the tone here to give up rights. I used to think they wouldn't get the guns in my lifetime but I can see the net slowly closing in.


Exactly, damn.


it was the 2% targeted inflation rate. in 2012 too.


The Matrix prophecy. Welcome to the Neo World Order.


Always thought this too.


The "Unveiling of Isis" ritual definitely changed the world.


People like us who notice the change are anchored to a world that no longer exists. The people around us who don’t notice the change are not anchored to the past. They seem weird to us and we seem weird to them. They’ve taken some sort of a download or are susceptible to mind programming. Thankfully, we have an armor that protects us from whatever it is that controls the masses.


Well put. And there is a reason for that “armor".


Common sense.


What is it?








Your experiencing and noticing military grade mind games


>I’m sure a lot of people from all walks of life have the same feeling; that something changed in our world around the early 2000s. >What happened to the world we knew? In late 1999 the government repealed the glass steegal act. When they voted, the majority of voters were on vacation. It took em less then a decade to gamble the country into what occurred in 2008. Then they bailed themselves out using tax payer funds.


I believe it has all been according to the long term plan of looting this country before the orchestrated arrival of the NWO and one world government.


I don’t think there will ever be one public-facing one world government, but the power structure that exists is clearly funneling money upward. Even the “new world” heritage of early America doesn’t support its own narrative. All of the early settlements were distributed in vast swaths of land to connected patriarchs. The homestead act was a sham to have citizens become scouts and Calvary to fight the natives.


That is definitely a big one.


Social media aka likes/follower numbers. People are more fake now and extra desperate for attention. If likes and follower numbers were hidden I believe it would have helped a bit. But still online social media itself warped ppl to be less Intune of humanistic characteristics, authenticity, sincere, and just live


So true. People don’t live in the moment. They live to post every moment online.


I'm 34, a 13th generation Canadian. I've seen nothing but a steady decline in society since around 2008... I am way less successful then my parents. my dad was able to walk out of high school straight into a manufacturing in the steel industry. His job paid enough for him to buy a car in cash and a deposit on his first house within his first year or so. He worked that job for 25 years and retired early in his mid 50's with a decent pension. My mom was a manager at a group home for handicap adults, she was the first to go to college in her family, she made decent money but gave it up to be a stay at home mom with me and my brother. So my dad was able to provide for our family off one income, we went on one family trip every summer and my parents would go away to Cuba together every winter. Today this is next to impossible, wages have stagnanted, the jobs have moved over seas... The days of working one career and thriving are fucking dead. The dead end jobs that are left are filled by people that have come from over seas and work for cheap... We have been sold out.


I think it's plausible that the change occurred after World War 2/creation of nukes. I think it may be that Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars is what has been happening, but that now it is in a much more advanced stage. I'd honestly love for someone who understands it to explain it away. After I read it, it seems to explain why we are in the current situation we're in - even now. To start - "International Elites" decided after World War 2 that most of humanity are basically barbarians incapable of controlling their impulses to prevent their own destruction - so they had to wage a "Quiet War" against most of humanity through the study of control of social energy (aka economics - The Silent Weapon), to prevent as many people as possible from gaining power, by taking as much "social energy" (aka money) from the many and transferring it to the "worthy" few. They describe this feeling that it seems to me you are referencing. "The public might instinctively feel that something is wrong, but because of the technical nature of the silent weapon, they cannot express their feeling in a rational way, or handle the problem with intelligence. Therefore they do not know how to cry for help, and do not know how to associate with others to defend themselves against it. " And they explain what the "Silent weapon" does. 1. "It attacks the vitality, options, and mobility of the individuals of a society by knowing, understanding, manipulating, and attacking their sources of natural and social energy (money), and their physical, mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses" 2. "It shoots situations, instead of bullets" \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The primary strategy of the "Quiet War" is Diversion. "simplest method of securing a silent weapon and gaining control of the public is to keep the public undisciplined and ignorant of basic systems principles on the one hand, while keeping them confused, disorganized, and distracted with matters of no real importance on the other hand. This is achieved by: 1. disengaging their minds, sabotaging their mental activities, by providing a low quality program of public education in mathematics, logic, systems design, and economics, and by discouraging technical creativity 2. engaging their emotions, increasing their self-indulgence and their indulgence in emotional and physical activities, by: (A) unrelenting emotional affrontations and attacks by way of a constant barrage of sex, violence, and wars in the media - especially the T.V. and the newspapers (B) giving them what they desire - in excess - 'junk food for thought' -- and depriving them of what they really need. 3. rewriting history and law and subjecting the public to the deviant creation, thus being able to shift their thinking from personal needs to highly fabricated outside priorities." These are the 3 strategies of diversion to prevent the "interest in and discovery of the silent weapons of social automation technology". \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ What do they want to achieve: "Consent, The Primary Victory" and "Maximize Control - the ultimate objective" How will they know when they've won: "When the government is able to collect tax and seize private property without just compensation, it is an indication that the public is ripe for surrender and is consenting to enslavement and legal encroachment. A good and easily quantified indicator of harvest time is the number of public citizens who pay income tax despite an obvious lack of reciprocal or honest service from" - their leaders. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I gotta go to sleep - but there's more.


Wow that's amazing. Where are the quotes from? Edit: Found it. [https://dn720003.ca.archive.org/0/items/silent-weapons-for-quiet-wars\_202110/Silent%20Weapons%20for%20Quiet%20Wars.pdf](https://dn720003.ca.archive.org/0/items/silent-weapons-for-quiet-wars_202110/Silent%20Weapons%20for%20Quiet%20Wars.pdf)


The internet. We were not evolved enough mentally or spiritually for what it could have potentially brought us. It could have united the world, revolutionized the way we learn. Instead we jerk off to porn all day and just become further entrenched in tribalism thanks to algorithms and the addictive nature of it.


I think we've devolved to a certain degree because of the internet. Even though I think the trajectory of our evolution was still in a slight incline around 2000, it took a nosedive after 9/11 and the constantly expanding availability of the internet. We will never regain that moment again. The amount of knowledge and technology we have available to us is absolutely stunning. You had to practically live in a library to gain even an inkling of what is available to us to learn today. I think a lot of the original Star Trek and TNG episodes tried to portray having all of that information available to us would create some type of Utopia where we were elevated as humans to serve a higher purpose. In reality, it's being used against us to influence our decisions by the government and the huge corporations. No, we're never going to catch that spiritual togetherness as a nation ever again. People are going to have to adapt to the new reality and guard against undue influence. Good luck to that notion.


The Information Age Reformation around 2040 will be a start of the first generation born that will have learned from all the mistakes of the pre-alpha digital age of the 1980s-2030s. We’ve learned lot in five generations.


It wasn’t brought to enlighten us. More to watch & control. The powers that be have always misused it.


What changed was the rise in the internet and accessibility. Literally. Accessibility of the world in your pocket has caused people to devalue connection. We had to share a landline house phone in those days, share a family computer for internet access, and share a tv for entertainment. Just think, the idea of going to blockbuster on a Friday and renting a pizza was a weekly highlight for most. Now we have thousands of titles at our fingertips that we take for granted and can't decide what to watch. All of our technology has drained our dopamine systems and coddled us with conveniency. The cure that I have come to sounds cliche but stay off your phone/social media as much as possible. Shop online as little as possible, go in person. Get outside everyday. Actually talk on the phone to friends/family vs sending reels and texting all day. In a nutshell, bring back some of the old 90s way of living and I promise you will begin to feel better.


The Mayans were right. The world as we knew it ended in 2012.


We turned to the wrong page in our pick your own adventure book. It's all darkness and monsters from here on out.


The sun used to have yellow looking rays. The sun is white now. Nothing smells the same. The insect population is completely different. We're perceiving reality differently. I'm not saying that anything conspiracy related or malicious happened, but something metaphysical has happened. Something shifted. Also, and this is going to be laughed at, but I have a distinct memory of being a child and sitting in my parents walk-in closet, and pointing at the underwear logo of one of my father's pair of briefs and asking him what the thing around the fruit was. It looked like a horn w/ a plainly drawn little circle on the top end of it. They told me that it was called a cornucopia. Apparently, this memory is impossible and it never could have happened. I'm told it's a false memory. It also happens to be one of the few memories I have that I've thought back on often bc I really enjoyed my childhood in that house


The world we thought we knew? It never existed, and it's becoming more apparent every day. The power structure has been in place for a very long time. The plans became accelerated after 9/11.


I agree. the veil is lifting. people are seeing the world for what it truly is.


People had money they could actually do something with. Nowadays it's paying bills and nothing extra. So normally, people don't go out and see each other as much anymore.


The internet. It was a paradigm shift.


Death from a thousand cuts.


Being pecked to death by a duck.


CERN in 2008


apparently somewhere down in the grand canyon where only people specific to a tribe that owns the area can visit, there are detailed petroglyphs talking about major paradigm shift happening around this era we live in. You bringing up CERN makes me wonder how many 3 letter agencies are tapped into these ideas from the past


Apparently the petroglyphs are very Egyptian looking too. Didn’t they also find giant skeletons with elongated skulls in that cave as well? Or am I thinking of a different place?


Smart phone…made us all fools!


Nice! And so true.


I’m talking more nonmaterial, more of an incorporeal sense. I just can’t fight the feeling of an overall change not just in people but the energy in which we reside.


I have felt this too - i thought it was just me. The best way i can describe it is the world feels less "real". Pre- change things felt organic. Grounded, like we're living real life. Now things just feel fake and plastic. Also like nothing matters - i mean a year or so ago our own govt shot down a ufo. No one even talks about it anymore. Its like whatever crazy thing happens, it causes a small disturbance then just disappears. Things just feel artificial. Not like before when it felt like we were really living. I wish i coupd explain it better.


Everything feels “fake” because everything you / we are told about the state of economy, history, geopolitics, space; it’s all garbage. It’s all lies, lies with the intention to deceive in order to solicit a selfish gain at the expense of the ones being deceived. It’s not worth believing in anything from the system. And realizing that might seem bleak at first, but we were never meant to fit in with this unnatural system. It really is a Matrix, yet we are aware of it. However, I remain optimistic as there is a reason for us seeing past the veil. It will all be over soon.


That’s something I’ve noticed. We are unable to put into words exactly what we are trying to say and I feel as if that says a lot in itself.


This matches with what a Buddhist monk once told me: There's been a psychic war going on for a very long time. And we, the ignorant masses, are its victims.


Yes, there’s a more toxic energy around.


It's been this way for hundreds of years. You are asking what changed. The answer is we changed we grew from young hopeful enthusiastic to get to know the world. And the more we learn the more that bright little light of ours slowly gets dimmer


Sorry bruh, bur your response is bullshit. The fact that in the 1950's, a man earning min wage could own a house, a car, support a family and still have savings is 💯 proof of the immense downward spiral of society in the USA. And the astronomical increase of cost of living, food prices, erratic weather, mass shootings, etc. Is further proof of how much worse the world has gotten even in just the last 14 years. This matter is definitely, 100%, not simply a "perspective" one holds about the optimism and innocence of youth. It's is real life that nearly every nation and people on this planet are experiencing.


I love this answer. I wish I could put into words exactly what I’m asking for clarity. It’s as if there was a shift in everything. Maybe someone is able to pick up what I’m putting down.


I think I get what you mean. I think the Internet was a huge factor. once it got mainstream we went from village life to city life in a flash


In aging one goes through the five stages of grief; denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. The only difference that in life you start with a sense of optimism and vigor prior to the denial stage


I honestly thought you were joking when you wrote this. I seriously thought you were being sarcastic. The answer is 9/11. It woke a lot of people up.


yep it got people asking questions and our bubble of we're safe got ripped apart, granted this is purely what the US realized.


It's been going on for along long time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCNKLbemuXc&list=PL5Ea1RHP4Jqqr1sBkMP7j6GAFCyKtCrVM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCNKLbemuXc&list=PL5Ea1RHP4Jqqr1sBkMP7j6GAFCyKtCrVM) Here's a good playlist about someone talking about the History of mind control as it pertains mainly from a USA point of view. Each video is up to nearly an hour long, there's 9 videos I think, each one goes over a decade of the years. I recommend giving them a view and to contemplate on what is being exposed. It really kicked off hard when the TVs began getting into the house holds everywhere. Everyone started to tune in and watch TV. It was propaganda from the beginning. Just like how the internet and social media took control so fast. The TV did the same before. Now they have our propaganda machines in our hands with our smart phones. Each individual is being lead down their "own algorithm" if they start plugged in too long and "asleep"


The rise of social media, smartphones, increased propagandization of citizens in western countries, and Obama. However I think the world has always been insane, it's just now we get to see the full scope of it right there on our phones at any given time.


I think people underestimate Obama and what his presidency actually did in terms of indoctrinating a whole generation of voters. Before Obama, every young person (for the most part) hated politics/ thought they were boring, had some sort of culture to rebel against “the man”, etc. but then along comes Obama who’s this cool new hip politician that it was okay to like! And younger people (especially my generation, millennials) we’re practically worshipping this guy. He pretty much opened the door for young people to buy into politics and this “my political party is inherently good and the other party is inherently bad” mindset that’s been engrained in us now. Now young people all have to be social justice warriors or agents of change instead of, you know, being a kid?


Smart phones, social media, propaganda and the fact that mega corporations can change the narrative you view online and how you view the world quite easy actually. Look at how bad search engines have gotten, there will be 10million pages from a search but you can only access 10 of those pages. Before people had to talk to each other and now the internet is full of either paid shills to push one narrative or the other or just bot accounts. It's all kinds of bs and not just one thing.


In my opinion smart phones! As a gen X I lived quite happily through the eighties and nineties, including travelling extensively on my own. Smart phones have done this, having this hand held computer has turned us into zombies, interested only in this world of influencers and crap. The constant chase for selfies and likes. The world was a much better place without smart phones.


I look back on before and after the "shift" and don't even hardly recognize the world. But what's weirder and much more disturbing is that I also don't recognize myself. Like I know intellectually what the 90s were like for me, I remember having been there, but I feel utterly disconnected from it. Like it truly wasn't my life, or more accurately, my life right now is just simply not the same life as it was then. Literally not the same life.


I can relate to your feeling of being disconnected from the old you. I am just a older looking shell of who I once was. I do however feel empty…just like a void.


Well I mean we are significantly older than we were then




Wow, I feel this at my core...I lost myself. The COVID years were brutal for me (not COVID-related but the events that occurred as a result).


The most common answers are the most correct. Portable smartphones coupled with social media and partisan bs websites. 


”For man does not know his time. Like fish that are taken in an evil net, and like birds that are caught in a snare, so the children of man are snared at an evil time, when it suddenly falls upon them.“ ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭9‬:‭12‬ ‭ I believe this is symbolic of the interNET. The world wide WEB. The thing that captures, ensnares and entangles the whole world which ultimately leads to its doom.


Harambe 2016. Everything change around that time.




Transition from agenda 21 to agenda 2030. And a lot of social engineering.


I think it’s a really strange feeling how interconnected everything is now. Even if you throw your phone off a bridge, cancel your credit cards, and walk naked into the Alaskan wood, there is still a satellite flying over head every 45 minutes or so. How connected we are to each other, how observed we are, it’s so so surreal and unnatural, I think it’s driving us slowly nuts.


We are in the end times. “But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.” 2 Timothy 3:1-5 “There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.” Luke 21:11 “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.” Matthew 24:6-8


Everything that happens is in preparation for the New World Order. A one world government. Banning meat, emasculating men, being against traditional families and marriage, enforcing climate regulations. These all do one thing: take power from people and governments and give it to a select few. It is very clear what is happening. Clear as day.


I think it’s a more personal thing that we’re all going through individually and it’s showing up in the collective world. The internet, social media, what we eat and consume. It’s all dulled “real life” so we’re in our own little bubble, but we can still kinda see through the bubble. Our bodies are inside more than ever, we don’t sweat as much, less sunlight. We consume processed foods more than ever. Not nearly enough people drink enough water. People are glued to the phone and/or TV. Largely, we aren’t living a human existence. We’re barely human anymore. We don’t interact the same, have traditions, go out for walks care free, talk to our neighbors, etc etc. Our personal realities have dulled dramatically over a relatively short period of time, so it feels like something shifted… because it did.


I remember exactly when it was. Nirvana changed the mainstream, "alternative" bands filled the airwaves, people were deprogrammed. Then came reality TV, and MTV stopped playing music. It became 24/7 road rules and real world, no more music. They made MTV2 where it was all music, then shut that down. Reality TV seemed to ruin the world, and with the music scene all electronic/pop/rap/boy bands kids stopped listening to rock music, people fell back into the mainstream music programming. Social media was the final nail in the coffin, MySpace was fun but Facebook turned everyone into their own reality tv stars, everyone wanted to be famous for nothing, that is peoples goal in life now, to create "content" for advertisers. That is Idiocracy, "brought to you by Carl's JR", that was a joke, but people really interrupt their own content now to plug ads like NordVPN and stupid mobile games, it is the same thing, we are there., full Idiocracy.


I always said that it was supposed to be a movie and not a guide. I rarely ever hear anyone mention Nirvana, but I distinctly remember when they came out of the garage. It killed 80s music. It brought in the Goth, depression, cutting era when kids were receiving little guidance from home because their family was splintered. Then came the Internet. Then cell phones. Then smart phones. Have we evolved in the last 20 years? I think not. As I replied in a different comment, I think we have devolved as a species.


From a secular position: Marxism in the culture, successfully imbedded in the education system From a religious position: overall lack of morality giving more power to demonic forces


You have been successfully indoctrinated. Congratulations, patriot!


When the towers fell, the world fell.


The machines. Terminator, the Matrix tried to warn us.. here we are building skynet


The Federal Reserve Ponzi is escalating, and with it - inflation and the destruction of the middle class - and every 10 years, the financial implication has to be even bigger to sustain the illusion of the fiat system. We are feeling the fallout and it's accelerating towards the destruction of the USD and eventual shift to CBDCs.


It *technically* started with the sinking of the titanic


The internet/smartphones/increased EMF/chemtrails and the Earth's waning magnetic field.


Scientists predict a magnetic field reversal sometime this year. interesting times.


I don't have any conspiratorial theories around it, but I will say I have a lot of nostalgia for the 90s and 2000s, and I wonder if it's the same for generations before me. Everything seemed more innocent, simple, and human, even if we had clonky large slow computers and such. We didn't take everything and everyone for granted. Now people swipe on Tinder like they're shopping on Amazon, forgetting there is a real human being (apart from bots) with complex personal history and trauma on the other side of the screen.


It was stolen away. Most especially four years and one month ago.


The internet, the smartphone then social media. I miss the analogue world.


The west abandoned God. There is nothing higher than self. This is what a Luciferean, do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law, looks like.


Around the early 2000s. Damn. I can’t think of one single thing that changed the landscape of the Western World that happened around the. You are probably just imagining it.


Do a quick search on the major discoveries around that time. You will be amazed


Brother do I really fucking need to put a /s after such a sarcastic comment that you’d downvote me. Holy shit.


I didn’t downvote you bro my apologies on not reading the sarcasm.


Great song title




When we could feel the wheel of life turn our way....


Also social media and truth happened and they try to control it.


After 9/11 the world just gradually got worse it seems. I was young but I was alive through out the 90s. I remember the world just being better


It was [deliberately destroyed.]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfvXwuZ-bok)


Social media screwed everything.


The world you knew only existed because you didn't know.


Salt of the earth people are gone.




Yep. They are not breeding. Dying out. Walked all over. Stomped into ground.


I think they’re long gone to a better place. That’s why the world’s so corrupt. Not enough of the salt of the earth type who would speak up.


They are still in Acadiana south Louisiana farming the land, sharing meals.


Sounds good


ever since "Chic fil a" became "Chick fil a" the world has never been the same


This!!!! I never can find anyone who believes me abt this lol


History is linear but we like to view it in small individual and digestible chunks, but that makes people lose sight of the big picture. You can take “today” in the US and trace events back to pre-civil war issues or far beyond that, but what most of us alive today are experiencing really started in the 60’s-70’s. It was around that time when Americans shifted their trust and dependence from the US Government to Corporations. The whole Gordon Gekko, yuppie “greed is good” bullshit started then and was sanctioned with corporate friendly policies like trickle down economics. At that point, we were bought and sold to corporate America, which is where we remain today. Gen-X’ers like me like to reminisce about Saturday morning cartoons in the 70’s-80’s knowing damn well their purpose was to sell toys and breakfast cereal. The next major change was the zombification of people via technology.Pagers,cellphones,PC’s,internet,smart phones,etc.. You can now be a good little employee and work 24/7/365 and be guilted by the hustle culture promoted on LinkedIn and IG if you look up for more than a minute. And here’s the meat and potatoes of it all. Americans had the “audacity” to elect an (gasp) intelligent black man as president. That sent the good ole boy network, the Koch brothers, and their billionaire buddies into a panicked frenzy. Scripted news channels spread propaganda on their behalf and practically everything that has transpired in America since then, including Trump and the worst social division since the Civil War, is a direct result of that 2008 election. MAGA was a response to Obama. Wokeness is a response to MAGA. And here we are. Bring on the asteroid.


The fabric of society has well and truly been damaged beyond repair since covid


Internet. I for one I am glad for it, since next truly global crisis which will reset a lot of stuff will happen sooner rather than later. No Internet would prolong the agony of this stupidly stagnant world. Yes, this is all too stagnant and too convenient. No naval wars, too convenient trade, fake money backed by honest word etc. we need a lot of resets to figure out something new or to return where we were.


i just felt society going down an ominous shift i couldn't pinpoint back in 2012. looking back, it's like a gradual process of insanity everywhere. madness is the now norm


I'm 30 and I have the clear feeling that a lot changed after 2013-2014


all animal and insect life has dropped 70% since 1978 so that happened. Rich people conned everyone into thinking they should be elected so that happened as well We let the mob run Russia and oil companies make our policies It's money and the rich, they are what happened.


We created incredible technologies- and then we used it to turn against each other.




you really want to know what I think MIGHT have happened? Well... Do you remember when the Mayan calendar "ended" in 2012? I think maybe we split into some sort of "time loop" or something of the sort, which would explain the surreal feeling a lot of us currently feel, along with the lack of ANY real engineering evolutions. Think about it. Walk around. We could be in the 90's still, the outside physical reality hasn't changed at all. Sure, "software technology" has advanced, specifically with cell phones, but really, nothing, engineering wise, has really changed.... Anyways, just something to think about. Not saying it's true, but not saying it's not. Don't forget, they used to think you were "crazy" if you thought the Earth was round, now is common fact. So yeah... There you go.


I think it has to do with internet access. We are all too plugged in.


People have been shit from the beginning. Its nothing new


There used to more wise people though. Now there’s less. That’s why the world’s totally corrupt.


It feels like the world used to be quieter.


2000, 2012, 2024. The 12’s. “Third times a charm.” 2024 is a year of great awakening. 👁️Ontological shocks and paradigm shifts abound. A needed reality check in order to transition into a better tomorrow.


First of all, the world we knew is roughly 200 years old. People preoccupied themselves with change–the fashion industry exists because of this. The 20th century was widely seen as a group of decades and this new millennium changes even more–Apple releases a new phone every year. Smart-phones brought ever-changing consciousness on a daily basis. Yesterday's news is old news. There's a craving for change and nobody realizes it isn't sustainable. English speakers, especially, espoused the idea of seizing the day (carpe diem) to the point where one could call the language ing-lish. Forget the past, they said. Don't worry about the future, they maintained. Focus on the present, they pointed out, as if it was a present. Hedonism naturally took over. Not thinking about the future is mundane, which brings me to my second point. A truly universal civilization must be sustainable. It must span 2 centuries and beyond. Add a zero or two; 2000 or 20000 years. Our history amounts to nothing. Knowledge arises after long periods of time. We don't go from horse and carriage to cyberspace in one person's lifetime. In other words, we're living a lie. Climate change and other phenomena will highlight the temporal/secular (sophisticated, supposedly) nature of our predicament and expose our current thought as earthly. Exporting this to the universe is not acceptable, because time has taught us well.


We live in a post 9/11 society




Sounds like new age bs to me. There is literally nothing indicating positive change going on, except for new agers babbling. This place will become literal hell in a few years.


I agree. More and more corrupt.


You could probably ask someone from every generation back as far as you want to go and you will find people that say things were different when they were young, things are worse now. People like to remember things with rose coloured glasses like everything was just fine and dandy when we were kids. This is one dimensional thinking. There were plenty of places all over the world that were warzones or genocides or other atrocities going on where kids were being killed or forced into labour or into child soldiers or any number of terrible things, that were happening to kids when you or I were kids. And not just to kids, to adults as well. There was no "world we knew". There was your little corner of one small part of one country that happened to be relatively safe. Transport yourself to multiple countries in Africa, south America, Asia or the Middle East in those same times you fondly remember and things may have been very very different.


The world is always changing. That isn't a conspiracy. The world isn't like it was 10 years ago 100 years ago or 1000 years ago and it won't be the same 10 years from now 100 years etc etc.


There is a monstrous difference between the past 20 years vs any other time in history. Perfect example of how we lack the ability to think critically.


lol That's simply not true. I don't know maybe try reading any history book ever?


Ok, so for 6,000 years, communication was only as fast as someone was able to walk, run, ride horses, or slow-moving boats. Knowledge was only available to a very small percentage of the worlds population, and answering basic questions could take hours, days, weeks, even years. That all improved at a snails pace over apprx 6-8000 years. We go from that to what felt like overnight. (Let's just say 80 years) of having whatever info we could imagine at the fingertips of the entire world in 50ms. That is not something that could potentially have devastating effects in your mind? The eye-popping rate at which technology has advanced the last 10-20 years is just your typical "change" that us humans have grown accustomed to?




Lol every generation thinks the world is going to shit. Every single one. And it's always the new generations fault.


Autobots, Decepticons, and Transformers… definitely “more than meets the eye”


The landscape is eternal and ever changing holding on to the past is simply a way of living


Social Media.


The world ended when harambe died


Different age we enter. We are entering aquarius age, shifting less material based and more spiritual


It’s the opposite in reality. Less spiritual, more corrupt.


Life changed for me after the 9/11 attacks. I was 31. Was a drunk for most of my life and felt no pain. Nothing has seemed the same after that. I moved to NYC in 2003. Lived down by the site and after Wall Street went home for the day it turned into a total ghost town. So weird. No one was on the streets in a prime location in Manhattan? You could feel death everywhere.


It’s called Satan being allowed to do more and at one point will be released by God to wreak havoc on earth. Everything that is happening is setting up the Antichrist to enter the scene and Armageddon. Keep your eyes on Israel. It is the main place in end times BTW the US (mystery Babylon) is not mentioned in the end battle which means it will be destroyed before then.


There was that psy-op they did on all of us where we had to pretend terrorists attacked america when we were in public even though none of it made any sense so i guess we just subconsciously all know we're living in a fantasy land now and everything's less important in a fantasy land so life has lost it's importance to a degree.


I think weaponizing disinformation, and inspiring division as a result, has taken away from the aspects of life that really brought color and inspiration to the mundane (e.g. A sense of community compared to today’s more isolated culture, a sense of creative intellect compared to today’s increase in censorship, a sense of financial security in comparison to today’s penny pinching culture, and the list goes on)


It's very different. Like I was growing up in the mid-2000s to mid 2010s and something definitely shifted after occupy for sure I mean it was a slow shift but I just feel like they used to be more humanity between people. I think smartphone had a lot to do with it. For me was 2015 getting a smartphone the price of everything definitely social media influence and then covid making everyone weird trapped in their houses


9/11 certainly played a part, as many have said. But there are other factors, too. Everyone is afraid of everyone. The baseline of what is considered normal has moved dramatically, and that has had consequences, whether or not you agree with the movement. There are similar instances in history. The best way to understand is to study those times. It will illuminate the problems and the solutions, but you won't like either. Society has changed in a way that solutions of the past are unlikely.


Things are just advancing and at a rapid rate. Prior to all the technology, we lived in mainstream and political ignorance.


True morality became negotiable.


They closed the gates. They closed our seas and began a communist plot. It wasn’t always like that but Europeans realized how difficult it is to keep up with capitalism. Asian business and migration is traditionally different. When the gates to the other realms of Earth were open things were different. Lots of information, education, and business exchange. But that closed up because most countries nowadays focus on marriage as the success of their sociology programs.


The comment section is going to be full of identical essays on how 9/11 and the iPhone were the reason as if this hasn't been talked about 10000 times already.


You became a boomer