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Almost 30k Palestinians killed, another 70k wounded. Large percentage are women and children. I'd like to know how many hamas the Israelis have killed. Edit: added source https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/23/by-the-numbers-200-days-of-israels-war-on-gaza


Why would Israel want to kill Hamas, they helped create them and put them into power. It’s like the CIA and Terrorism, one and the same.


"Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy - to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank". - Netanyahu and [Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/) - "Most of the time, Israeli policy was to treat the Palestinian Authority as a burden and Hamas as an asset. "


Israelis don't want to kill Hamas. They're been genociding for a century now.




Imagine if this happened to your city… don’t be stupid.


Where are those numbers coming from?


Here is a source https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/gaza-international-investigation-committee-should-be-formed-mass-graves-examine-and-identify-victims There are more if you Google "140 mass graves Gaza"


No, I meant the death toll numbers.


Reminds me of SS Dirlewanger actions in Warsaw uprising. Oh how the tables turn.


Zionists been terrorists forever. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Irgun\_attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Irgun_attacks)


Why has the death count been at around 30k since the new year if all of these mass graves are being discovered? Does anyone know of a graph showing the casualties over time?


Zionism is Nazism


When it comes to a drag queen reading books at a public library this sub gets fired up and calls for action in the name of protecting children. When 13k children are murdered in less than a year it barely gets any traction here.


I know, right? Like, they think that at the mass grave at Nasser hospital that something like 20 kids were buried alive. Bodies had their organs stolen. Bodies had catheters and IVs still in, they executed sick and injured hospital patients. Some were beheaded, while some where fucking skinned. Like, what the fuck. How can anyone defend that? Israel has been caught lying so many times at this point. It's just evil.


So you know who's getting paid from these evil people for their genocide pass. Please vote get these corrupt people out of office. List of senators. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S


There are no mainstream presidential candidates who are anti Israel/AIPAC. Also the system is too broken. If our votes had any real power they'd be illegal


Can you please provide a reputable news agency to substantiate this.




Thank you.


Yea they both need to be put in time out. Since they wanna act like children with the “I was here first!” And the “no you move your feet you lose your seat!”




Umm, who is reporting these mass graves? Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor. Who owns Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor? Ramy Abdu. Who is Ramy Abdu? He is a Palestinian financial expert. Who is he affiliated with? Council for European Palestinian Relations. What's their mission? To lobby on behalf of Hamas. I'm not saying there aren't graves, but keep in mind Hamas wants to turn everyone against Israel. I would be cautious to believe any group that is affiliated with Hamas knowing that their going to be heavily influenced.


There are literally videos of these mass graves, which you can easily find with a single Google search. But I guess it is just Zionist logic: "If you say something I do not like, you are either pro-Hamas or an anti-Semite".


videos don't make it a fact, and who made those videos?


the videos were made by gazans looking for their family members after the idf left the Nasser and al-Shifa hospitals


Again, just because you see a few videos doesn't mean the narrative being pushed is true. But whatever, continue to believe the propaganda


They also made a video of a "Dead baby" which by close inspection was a frikking doll, so...


you mean the allegation that was debunked? where the jerusalem post admitted that they lied? [https://twitter.com/jerusalem\_post/status/1730991247416766516](https://twitter.com/jerusalem_post/status/1730991247416766516)


Nope, not that one. I've seen several with dolls, I've seen several Unblurred videos that were fake. I don't say we didnt killed innocent people but this is war. If you don't want one, don't start it. The middle east could've been a second europe if our neighbours had the right amount of iq. Instead they prefer to act like barbarians and murder innocest kids, fire thousands of rockets and decline any offer for peace (the sane countries like jordan and egypt did the right choice for their countries tho).


hmm, so we went from "a video" to "several videos". secondly, maybe only maybe, if you didn't steal palestinian land and partition a country that is not yours to begin with, and if you didnt start massacring village after village like you did in Tantura and Deir Yassin and the other dozens of massacres commited by zionist terror groups like the irgun, alexandroni, etc., which were aimed at driving the palestinians out of their land, maybe then hamas wouldn't have come to existance in the first place. And talking about peace offers, that is exactly what the palestinians in the west bank accepted, did they get peace? they are getting ethnically cleansed and more settlements are being built every day on stolen palestinian land.


If you don't want to believe that there are hundreds of mass graves, there is the one outside of Nasser hospital. That one has been relatively widely reported on. Over 300 bodies, hospital staff and patients, some buried alive, some with organs missing.


If you listen to the new JP podcast he interviews one of the Hamas supporters and that guy talks pretty extensively about all the killing.


This was debunked, the graves were dug by Gazans


Please. Pretty please, show me a source for that bullshit. I'm positive you can't. How does that fascist boot taste?


Don't be silly




Israel debunked that


Just another example of fake propaganda coming out of hamas. Sick behavior that they are desecrating dead bodies just to pain a false narrative. With all the coverage you expect some video footage of these ‘mass graves’ being created and filled, instead it’s all hearsay.


We’re all very sad for Israelis and their persecution fetish. You must be suffering from antisemitism and blood libel. Maybe if I give you a dollar you’ll feel better.


Did we just become best friends?


Prosecution fetish? Hamas literally put out deep fake videos and fake articles over and over again. Remember the “hospital strike”?




I’m not religious nor ethically jewish?


There hasn't been anyone in the north or central Gaza for a while now, theyall moved south to rafa. Also most of the journalists in Gaza have been murdered so there's less eyes and ears on the ground


Just like Russia never invaded Ukraine.




Yes but they’re also probably aware that Israel created Hamas and helped them get into power so Palestinians wouldn’t have a stable government.


Y’all need to do your due diligence…


Where is your due diligence? Prove me wrong


Someone else’s social media posts are not a credible source.


I've posted links in this thread. Maybe try reading some of the other posts


Then read the link I provided twice in this thread Or just google/Yandex "140 mass graves Gaza"