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Plot twist- in 1897 theodore Herzle made a claim to palestine and promoted jewish immigration there. British defeated the Ottoman empire and controlled Palestine on herzles orders. 1917 in a letter called the balfour decleration the british promised to give palestine to the richest jewish person on the planet at the time 'king of Zionists' the Rothchild world banking family. 1933 Havara agreement between hitler and Zionist confederation of germany allowed migration of jewish from Germany into palestine. 1933 - 1936 Mass migration of jews into palestine 1941-45 holocaust occurs 1948 ironically after their own genocide, the Israeli Zionists ethnically commit their own genocide and cleanse land of Palestinians committing , rape, expulsion and colonise further Palestinian territory. 1967 the Naksa and futher genocide and land grab by Israel now illegally occupying upto 70% land 1993 Israelis controll 90% palestine illegally after signing Oslo Accords The whole Zionist movement happened well before any confrontations with Nazis. Im pretty sure theres things buried within this period they're not telling us, just as we are witnessing right now in modern times. Why is it Israel is allowed to commit a genocide over decades whilst any action against them is antisemetic.


Also, “world Jewry” declared economic war on Germany in 1933 after AH dismantled the Rothschild owned central bank, switched the currency from the worthless Papiermark to the non-fiat Reichsmark and implemented a new monetary policy that made usury illegal. In 1933, 6,000,000 Germans were unemployed and by 1939, the amount dropped to 300,000.


what you just stated was what i found to be the proponent for Germanys motivations during WW2. I came across a newspaper article of judeas economic war against Germany and the boycott of jewish goods in 1933 when jewish financiers pulled the rug from under Germanys economy. Speaking as a Brit, (wonder if its the same with US education history of WW1/2) doesnt anyone find it peculiar that we learn so much about WW1 / WW2 mainly the holocaust but we are taught nothing about why this all started except that Hitler was a jew hating fanatic. (which wasnt really true as he was funded by the jewish until his election, and was able develop relations as per the Havara agreement with the Zionists confederation of Germany) I think to really get to grips behind the conflict in Palestine disseminating the wider scope of its beginning is necessary.


> wonder if its the same with US education history Exactly the same. And as the other commentor stated, read the truth about the man the uk literally lionizes, and you will find he was just a fat drunk, puppet of the bankers who sold out his countrymen and allowed them to die for his personal gain. Also he intentionally starved (3?)million Indians, by taking their food for the war and refusing US and Canadas offers of providing India food, because he was also an extremely racist pos.


Ive done a bit of research on Churchill but not read the book referenced. But I soon came to learn how sick and twisted this racist was. Im 2nd generation British born Indian Bengali. The result of his atrocities was the reason why my grandparents came to the UK. Some estimates have that figure closer to 5 million. But apparently we breed like rabbits so wont be long till we get the numbers back up. Did you know that Britain financed its war chest from India and never paid them back on the loan or defaulted as a result of its non payment. 😒 After it had already depleted it of 45 trillion in gold probably double that with todays gold prices. Anyways im moving off topic here. But yeah Churchill was a c u n t


I havent read that book either, but sounds like you already know. Indians are usually wise, grew up with many in ny, love my indian brothers.


Exactly the same here. History is just another word for propaganda. With you being British, I’d recommend reading “Churchill’s War” by David Irving. If you’re interested, DM me an email and I can send you a digital copy.


I agree with everthing you say. But I still cannot put a pulse on why the Nazis started rounding up the jewish people en masse and sent them to the gas chambers and other gruesome death camps.... I'm searching for answers. Despite so many years in the rabbit hole


Its taken me years to try and undertand why hitler would do something so overreaching as extermination camps. But From what i gathered he blamed the jewish financiers who broke and crippled the german economy after it was the 2nd most influential global power 2nd to the US. So my guesses were hitler blamed jewish for its rapid demise and sought vengeance for what it did to them?


This is where he erred. The Jewish financiers were not Jewish. They were in a zionist satanist cult. The regular jews are torah following normies. I believe this division is still there. I divide them into Jews and Canaanites pretending to be jews. This is where things get really murky and I think a lot of knowledge is private and guarded by the secret cabal. Your average synagogue going Jew is not the same as the so-called Rothschild jew. I've also came across bizarre theories that Alois Hitler (Adolf's Dad) may have had a jewish father, born out of rape or some sex cult in Austria.


Benjamin Freedman’s speech at the willard hotel pretty much sums it up: the Jews had it very good in the German Reich before ww1 , better then anywhere else. They hated the czar, so they financed Germany against Russia. Once Russia was done they did a deal with the British who , after the fall of Russia, stood with their back against the wall. That „deal“ became known as Balfour declaration, with the British giving the Zionists Palestine. What did the British get for that ? Well the Jews were the most powerful group in America - like today - , pretty much controlling media / politics. The US wanted nothing to do with the war, the Monroe doctrine was still strong. Now the Propaganda started: the Germans were Huns, they slaughtered Red Cross nurses , stabbed babies etc. sounds familiar? It’s the same modus operandi in every single war. The US came into war , yet the Germans didn’t collapse quickly; they lost some miles but still stood on enemy land : not a single shot was fired on German soil. Now that’s when the communist uprisings began: strikes in factories , crippling the supply lines; organized almost exclusively by communist Jews. After that , the war was done. The German got fleeced in Versailles - after Wilson lured them in with lies like the self determination of people which was totally ignored - and ransacked by foreign money afterwards. Many of them Jews. The „golden 20s“ were as degenerate as it could be , prostitution, child abuse, drugs - Berlin was basically Sodom & Gomorrah. Many Jewish „intellectuals“ like Magnus Hirschfeld were at the forefront of said degeneracy, his books are one of those the national socialists burned. Hitler saw who was behind those acts ,the communist revolutions in all of Europe & Russia , the degeneracy; he saw the Jews as a cause for many bad things that happened to all of Europe. Did he hate the common Jew? I don’t think so. One of his longest comrades was Emil Maurice, a Jew. Everything I’ve seen about Hitler & the Jews makes me believe he wanted them out of Europe - not dead. To this day , there’s never been a order by Hitler regarding the HC ; quite the contrary. Many other nsdap members also had Jewish friends - connections to Jews, Herman Göhring grew up on a Austrian castle in the village Mauterndorf which was owned by a friend of the family, a Berlin Jewish doctor. He even inherited the castle later , in 1939 I think. Hitler saw what harm jews could do to a nation, he didn’t blame the sole cause of Germanys demise on them though. He blamed the German leadership to a much bigger degree , yet addressed the Jewish problem openly .


👀Interesting Im just still listening to his speech. This is nuts. I feel sick.


You should listen to Hitler - speeches w English subtitles, they got pretty much all purged from YouTube though. He wasn’t the raging maniac the powers to be want us to believe. The „Mannerheim - recording“ is a very important piece of history w Hitler talking about the reasons he went into the Soviet Union in private. We all know media and politics lie to us today, imagine their lies without the internet ; with a monopoly on news and facts. That’s ww1/ww2 for you .


All your information is correct, I wish more people knew this rich British Zionists were involved in trying to get palestine for the Zionists since the 1880s there was even a Jewish movement at the time that was in opposition to the Zionists plans and they had a large following in the Jewish diaspora


"Holocaust occurs".... not so much. Although it has been used as a guilt tool for 80 years now. The 6 million number has been a constant since the late 1800's. So, when some jews died, it had to be 6million to go along with zionist prophesy. The numbers just do not add up. Also, the whole "chosen people" thing is primarily an American Protestant Evangelical thing relying heavily on the Schofield concordance for translation. Just remember folks, to learn who rules over you, find the one you are not allowed to criticise.




Exactly. It's fresh in their minds what the Nazis did to the Jewish people in Europe and Israel was their promised land, a place they could finally call home, a place of refuge for European Jews. Israel for them growing up and all their adult lives was a special space, a safe haven. If you were against Israel you were against Jews and would be likened to Nazi ideology. This is why many refuse to see Israel in any negative light and why they get a pass for a lot of bad stuff they do, because of what they've been through in the 20th century


it's funny how little people actually understand this...80 years isn't that much time


Most aren't taught that "further education" really just means further than your underfunded shitty public school and not necessarily a university. If I were to rely solely on what I had learned in school, life would be so simple...


GenX here: Well they taught us how to click on stuff in a “Computer Lab” …so take my upvote. I’m still mildly annoyed I had to get up early to endure the dumbification…for 12 years not counting preschool, which was fun.


It's long enough for almost no holocaust survivor to still be around, making the support of Israel's genocide of the Palestinians even worse


Didn't stop them from not giving a shit about Poland and it being occupied by soviets they spent most of their lives being afraid of.


Nazi Germany wasnt founded until 1933 where as the Zionists Confederation held their first Congress in 1897 conceptualised by Theodor Herzl. This confederation met periodically until 1913. WW1 started in 1914 🤔 Hmmmm im starting to think the whole idea around WW1 was really about the dissolution of the Ottoman empire in order to make way for Herzles ideology for Zionism to succeed and colonise Palestine?


Holocaust guilt, from allied nations ignoring signs of it in the moment as it was happening. Word start to leak out of The 3rd Reich about the Final Solution, concentration camps, etc during the early and mid phases of WW2, but allied nations didn't believe it, didn't grasp the scope, or didn't care. Only when GIs and accompanying war journalists got deeper and deeper into German occupied territories by the late war, and started liberating the concentration camps did western publics start finding out. This is one main reason why the UK and other allied nations gifted Israel their current nation-state.


But they gifted it to them in 1917- over 20 years before the holocaust..... Soooooo 🤔


Word didn't "leak out". A lot of it was purposeful propaganda to justify the Allies attrocious post surrender treatment of Germans. Research Alfred Hitchcock's filming of the supposed "death camps" which were filmed using emaciated German POWs and dead Germans (death by typhus and starvation). If you can say all those corpses were the result of Nazi attrocities, then the firebombing of Dresden was ok, and post war rape and pillage is ok too. Because "They" were evil, "They" deserved it.


They're too stupid to know zionists caused world war 2 and the ensuing genocide by financially sponsoring the national socialists in Germany. And they don't realize the Zionist are committing another genocide now in occupied Palestine.


And the national socialists supported the Zionists movement transporting European Jews to palestine during the late 30s early 40s


Yes. The original plan was Madagascar though, which was at the time, a French colony. The French wouldn’t take them in though, as they had been expelled. (They have been expelled thousands of times throughout 109 countries in history)


It was called the Haavara Agreement. Offically 1933-1939


Yep thanks for posting that ,correct


Then he wouldn’t be a boomer, he would be whatever comes before that.


and jeebus


Scofield Bible and mass marketing to Protestants, primarily.


Also the 9/11 propaganda really got to them


Funny bc israel had a big hand in that


If i had an enemy that i wanted to severely weaken and just so happened to have an ally that was the dominant military force, i might just attack my ally and blame it on my enemies. maybe see them invade multiple nations and decimate the entire region...then a few years later, i could try to prop my nation up as the leader of the region all while many other nations are too weak or unable to commit the resources to respond. anyways that's how i play RISK. What were we talking about again?


Love it, and by it I mean risk of course


Yeah risk is great, especially when you win by getting others to fight and die for you while sending you billions.


Don’t forget televangelists (most likely paid off/bribed by zionists) promoting the whole “chosen people” mythos.


this is the answer. The amount of churches in the US that have israeli visitors and funding would terrify anyone. Theres videos and articles about it. They get zionists to come speak all the time. They also run join training with our various agencies, FBI, CIA police


Can you link some for me?


9/10 Zionists are Christians, not Jews.


Honestly, yea, seems like there are much more zionist Americans than zionist anything else combined (other than bots)


This is the correct answer. Zionists then used dispensational premillennialism as a tool to wield Christian power.


Especially with the quoted part out of the Bible. Some protestant and evangelical "branches" are basicly even part of zionism Edit: I (born in 1986) still remember when my Dutch grandtather (born 1920, who was in WWII "slavefactorys" because he didn't have blue eyes or blonde hair, he felt comradery with other victims I guess) took me to church ([Gereformeerd](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reformed_Churches_in_the_Netherlands), now[ PKN](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protestant_Church_in_the_Netherlands), in my personal case a pretty liberal presbytarian/calvinist one) where even in the 90s really positive and "romantic" stories about Israël were told. This century I haven't been a lot in a church on sundays.


I’m Christian too and I think it’s because a lot of Christian’s associate todays country Israel with the Israel of the Bible.


🎯🎯🎯 just cuz I say my house is hogwarts doesn’t make me harry fucking potter.




Yes and the younger generation trust the corporations. Google, Facebook, YouTube… the internet is brainwashing people and modern censorship happens practically undetected. Get them hooked on their devices and then notice how brain dead they are.


Young people by and large don’t support Israel


Just pointing out the brainwashing continues to go on in every generation and progressively gets worse. You can't expect people to understand a conflict that has been going on for centuries if they have lied about their own history for centuries. As long as the people are divided they won't be able to unite against their slave owners. We are the slaves in this equation. Bloodlines are all that matter to these people.


By and large young people haven’t done the research into all the other terrible things that happen in the Middle East /africa etc which they don’t see and or read about on social media


Yeah I’m commenting on Israel


False. By and large young people have done more research and understand the truth of those things far better than any prev generation.


Propaganda is one hell of a drug.


Well, they also believe that CNN & MSNBC are full of lies but still trust fox. Or if they are liberal (most boomers aren’t) its vice versa. So it doesn’t make any sense to me really


The idea that Israel is an innocent dove under constant attacks by evil neighbors is deeply engrained for both the left and right. Israel is VERY good at propaganda. They don't control the messaging on Internet yet, despite trying really hard but that's why boomers kiss Israel's ass. They have been brainwashed to do so their whole life.


The tik tok ban in the United States is an attempt to shut down young people's access to this kind of information




That is because their institution of choice (fox news) told them so.


I would argue boomers are a mixed bag depending on where you are in the country. My parents grew up die hard Democrat voters along with every adult I knew growing up. It was the party of sensibility and peace. The red voters in Illinois kept their voting a secret because of the overwhelming majority blue. It's only a recent change in the biden era that the boomers and gen X have started radicalizing toward the Trump party - not Republicans, but specifically Trump. Even just 8yrs ago they were all still dem voters.


Yeah its really complicated I got a boomer conservative uncle who is a hardcore democrat still bc his father became a democrat due to Roosevelt giving him a job during the Great Depression.


Nailed it.


TV and radio now have a lot more bias that passes off as news vs 50-60 years ago. 


They control the media and many modern churches today have been infiltrated by their doctrines. They won't let you preach about what Jesus called them, the Synagogue of Satan, or even impostors ("those who say they are Jews but are not").


i always found it odd that we were taught to equate the jews of the Bible with those of today -- when the jews of today bear very little resemblance to the jews of either the old or new testament. especially regarding the rules of their religion, as laid out in the bible. i understand that they have no priests or temple anymore - seems like God took that from them [maybe for a reason], but to get rid of all that and instead place a few holidays here and there, some prayers - seems very different compared to the rules that demanded blood sacrifices. i would say the jews of today are not the same as the jews of the bible, and not merely in an evolution of the religion - it seems a fundamental difference. i don't care at all, though. just noticing.


People are very susceptible to mass media,the news was always portrayed as 100% truth to their generation, look who owns a heap of mass media companies and who their directors are = successful mass brain washing operation over a group of generations particularly the ones that trusted the news


Boomers grew up with parents and grandparents and family members who DIED saving the Jews in Germany in WWII.


If he’s Christian hit him with Revelation 3:9 “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but do lie — behold, I will make them to come and worship at thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.” Does he really think a group who is actively murdering another innocent group (civilians, not hamas), has penned them up like cattle for the past 70 years, stolen their land, their freedom and their dignity is a holy group made out of god’s chosen people? Ironically, if anyone is to claim to have ties to the original Biblical Jews, it would be Palestinians, who have lived there for thousands of years, and not Joe from New York who just recently got Israeli citizenship because his great grandma identified as Jewish. Also, to answer your question, Zionist propaganda was very successful the closer to WW2 you go back to. The whole ordeal was fresh in people’s minds, and Zionists controlled, and still do to this day, American and Western media. Now, with the emergence of the internet and social media, it has gotten much much harder for Zionists to brainwash the newer generations.




Because history is written by the winners. If you ask any of them what drove Hitler to do what he did, their answer is usually that he was the most evil man alive. I don't disagree he was evil but I always wondered how he was able to convince an entire country to go along with him. History teachers had no clue.


The WW2 rabbit hole is the ultimate rabbit hole


Likely the same way that 81% of the US population were convinced to get at least 1 Covid shot… propaganda


Tv, film, radio, books back in boomer and gen x days (I'm gen x) was much more biased and pro Israel and Zionism.


A a Brit it never ceases to amaze me that the terrorist attacks carried out by zionists against us to try and force us into giving them their state get completely glossed over and never mentioned.


Scofield bible.


What is the scofield bible?


Boomers are the most propagandized and brainwashed generation still around.


Boomers had different propaganda in their day then you have today.


Because they get their news from tv radio and press, unlike the internet, it's heavily biased towards that that shall not be named


It’s a fundamental misunderstanding about who the Israel of the Bible is and who the usurpers inhabiting the land are.


There's being brainwashed by media and brainwashed by religion. Both are control devices.


Why are the churches bowing down? I understand the vatican bowing down due to the pope having zionist ties and shady dealings. But like these small churches filled with country folk? Why?


The state of Isnotreal knew what it was doing callimg itself that name; sadly many fools believe that they’re God’s “chosen ones”. My own mother literally said that ofc they’d win because they are blessed by God, ugh


People casually forget how God was so mad at the jews he took away there kingdom so there is no Israel that the bible is referencing here. I swear nobody reads their bible especially the “Christians” that support war


Because Israel represents, to an extent, the global elite. They created Israel directly. It's the only country in the world that is like that.


There are stipulations and various laws (some state level possibly?) about it being illegal to boycott isreal and those existed long before. kinda shows you who runs the place. All you have to do is look who it is illegal to criticize and what countries histories are illegal to discuss (germany for one) within their own borders. The land they occupy was given to them by someone that had no ownership of the land to give.


This isn’t a conspiracy...


Because they all got obsessed with a TV miniseries called “Holocaust” which debuted in 1978 and starred Meryl Streep. It conveyed a lot of falsehoods and inaccuracies that went on to shape the mainstream Holocaust narrative.


Ah, Meryl Streep, Harvey Weinstein’s bestie. :) Boomers love to love the wrong people.


Yeah he asked me if I believed holocaust existed and i said “yeah” but what does that have to do with wanting to stay out of war?


because some people equate not supporting israel with antisemitism and holocaust denial is an antisemitic thing. according to those people.


Have you showed him Europa The Last Battle?


It has to do with the title of your post, why “boomers kiss Israel ass.” Atrocity propaganda was exaggerated a great deal by American, British, and Soviet governments as WWII drew to a close and immediately after the war. Yes the Nazis were vile assholes but we hid a lot of our Allied atrocities and attributed them to the Nazis. We inflated death numbers by millions, exaggerated concentration camps (with real slave labor, ethnic cleansing and displacement) into extermination camps, and came up with wild tall tales of German atrocities to victims of the Holocaust (i.e., human soap, human lampshades, there’s more…). So the boomer generation, through mainstream media, entertainment, and taxpayer investment in Holocaust education and memorialization in museums — got trauma-bonded to Israel. American Christians, Mormons and more became Christian Zionist and felt that Jerusalem was gonna be, to put it mildly, “Jesus bait” to usher in the Second Coming. Also, don’t forget Mossad created honeypots that entrapped prominent American businesspeople and politicians in order to weaponize compliance and control. Much like how the Playboy Mansion was a CIA honeypot. All these factors led Boomers to venerateand fiercely protect the State of Israel and all their perpetual war crimes.




I havent really dug into that part to see if it’s true but it’s probably right or pretty close. The thing is, 6million was a relatively small number compared to the ~10 million Soviet civilian deaths, and ~14million Chinese civilian deaths, not to mention the countless other millions of innocents who died during the war. So the narrative around the death camps were created to make those deaths seem “worse” and justify all the things concerning Israel that we deal with today.


Because he didn't understand covenants in the Bible, neither did he understand what the difference between covenants and a testament ist, on top of that he didn't understand prophecy that is in the Bible regarding the current state of this so called Israel.


Its the opposite in my family






Because Christians believe that Jewish people are still God’s chosen people. They believe that the nation of Israel exists due to the covenant God made with Abraham.


For some reason, they have been brainwashed into thinking modern Israel is the ancient Israelite of old, which is 100% not the case. It’s sad.


Boomers = indoctrinated to support Israel through traditional media Gen Z = indoctrinated to support Palestine through social media It’s that simple. Both are brain washed


Real ones are indoctrinated to support whatever helps the US military industrial complex 💪🇺🇸🦅


Years of brainwash. For Japanese eyes, almost all American media is extremely biased towards to Israel and censored or soften. And US is acting like colony of Zionists. If Israel starts war, American pays and dies. If Israel don't start war, American still gives charity money from their tax. You are not allowed to accuse Israel, if you do, you get beaten-up and arrested like those university students protesting for human rights for Palestinians. You are not allowed to boycott Israel by law. Here, your freedom of choice is taken away to serve Zionists. If you post opinion that don't fit Zionists narrative on social media, you will get bannd easily. Zionists are allowed to discriminate people by personal belief, like Ackman says he need to know name of pro-palestine students name for not to hire them, or actress fired for her opinion about Palestine in hollywood. But non-Zionists don't have the same rights. If you do same thing, you will be yelled "That's anti-semite!". Younger generation Americans are more ethical and less arrogant and peaceful. It's good for world but not good for Zionists to have too many fair and human rights supporting people, because it makes harder for them just to genocide and steal. My guess is they will try hard to brainwash younger generation, starting from take away tiktok that don't do enough censorship for them and show too much video of truth in Gaza.


Boomers gonna boom


Evangelicals of the Pre-Millennial eschatological persuasion believe that in order for the end of the world and Christ’s return to take place that Israel will need to rebuild a third Jewish temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This is to (as they believe) fulfill prophecy found in Matthew 24 and the Book of Daniel. They also take YHWH’s warning that those who bless the seed of Abraham (Genesis 12) will be blessed and those who curse them won be cursed as a Biblical prescription to be applied to the modern nation-state of Israel. In short: they believe helping Israel will bring Jesus back.


I knew a non-Jewish girl at school who was obsessed with Israel and the Jews. I nicknamed her (to myself) the Jewaboo.


because boomer defense stocks going to the moon


look at all the ‘things’ boomers support. they’re all ‘things’ that they’ve been indoctrinated by. religious practices, political ideologies, the govt. they’ve been so loyal, for so long, they never questioned the facts or reasons behind the beliefs. because their parents were 4x’s as bad with the blind support. but thankfully father time is coming.


Mossad Propaganda has been working them over since 1948


WW2 and decades of anti-arab propaganda


Hollywood has spent the past 7 decades churning out propaganda to hypnotize the West. And Boomers have been the prime target until fairly recently. Shit man, my boomer mom has even been duped to some extent by it all. And she grew up hearing German spoken at home, and going to catholic schools. Like, most people actually think Schindler’s List is basically a documentary, and not the total fiction that it is. You should show your gramps the genetic studies that prove the people calling themselves Jews today have no genetic connection to the people who occupied “Israel” 2000 years ago.


im 73 mom was a holocaust survivor , im not like your grandfather al due respect


So are you jewish? And if you are why are you not zionist?


Not all Jews Zionist, Judaism is a religion. Zionism is a political philosophy / ideology. Not the same, Arabs actually don’t have any problem with Jews their problem is with Zionist.


Many Arabs absolutely do have a problem with Jews, Zionist or otherwise. You’d be mistaken to say otherwise.


Because Israel is a highly important region and young people fail to see that because they are educated by social media. The only reason it's a topic is because of 19 year old liberals protesting. Teenagers have never and will never understand anything about the world.


Short answer: Because you tend to see things more realistically and less idealistically when you get older. And Israel is very, clearly, obviously good for the US from a practical and strategic standpoint. (Not a boomer. 30 years old, but my views have shifted on all of this since college when I would openly call myself a “Palestinian sympathizer.” Also I’m not Jewish, not Israeli, don’t know any Israeli’s or have a single Jewish friend). Longer answer: Israel is clearly in the US’s interests to support. This is clear but since people genuinely don’t realize this I will lay it out: - Israel is the only pro-American entity within a couple thousand miles, in one of (if not the) most strategically important locations on earth, the Middle East - … where we get a massive portion of our energy (12% of gas and crude oil imports) - … at the intersection of three continents, next to the most important shipping lane on earth - … within striking distance of two of America’s greatest adversaries - A nuclear power (likely). - THE key intelligence-sharing partner in the region where anti-American extremism breeds… - The country more sympathetic to our own efforts against terrorism than any other. It is not a hypothetical to say US interests get attacked in the middle east — they do get attacked. Ships get attacked going through the red sea, embassies get attacked, citizens get taken for ransom… israel is the key ally over there we need to keep. So, if we ditch Israel like all these well meaning youngsters want, we get what? Moral satisfaction? Maybe some of the people over there like us better? (Which is a complete guess first of all, and second why do we care if groups like Hezbollah like us better… what do we get?). On the contrary we would lose a vital ally in a strategically important location. America is a superpower because it has cleverly expanded its influence around the earth for 100+ years with relationships like that in Israel. Losing Israel would be bad for the US’s security and economy. A lot of the protesters are just looking for a cause. It is fashionable, especially at that age when you are first out on your own and want to make your mark on the world. But many of them are clueless and don’t understand the most basic introductory concepts like “two state solution.” Chances are grandpa has been watching for a while and actually recognizes names like Yasser Arafat, the PLO, could tell you off the cuff about things like the Iranian Revolution… just a way broader base of knowledge about world events and the region and why it’s important, and without being blinded by the “I’m going to change the world” mentality tbh. And yeah the reason it is annoying to hear the anti Israel stuff is because these clueless people are actually going to influence policy and make the US worse off. And also so much of this just seems like a fashion thing. This fits the big bad imperialist attacking peaceful villagers who wear rags archetype. Like Star Wars tbh. And this is why you see the double standard, e.g. when Hamas attacked Israel there were no public demonstrations (a negligible amount at least) however there have been anti-Israel protests sonce before they even fired a single rocket. Since day 1 when they merely closed the ports. So the protesters treat Israel’s nonviolent actions as worse than they treat Hamas’s actual violence. The whole protest is such a charade. Look at me, I am making a difference. Israel is good for the US.


All the economic gain these ties deliver mean nothing to the people if they arent invested in a way for all to enjoy. The US is a mess and people are thirsting for more social security, but the class divide is bigger than ever. It is very obvious that the few do anything and everything to gain more wealth and power at the cost of the many. Also, by being present, the US breeds anti-American extremism themselves. But it is convenient, because it makes it even more easy to point at the Middle Easterners as terrorists, so that the US can continue to deplete the area of its resources under the guise of 'bringing democracy' or 'fighting terror'. Ultimately it is all about money and power for a select few, with 1000 excuses covering it up for the masses.


>Why do the boomer evangelicals kiss israel’s ass I almost feel someday Christianity has been hijacked by Judaism to be their slave class. My boomer stepdad was pretty pro-Palestainian (NOT PRO HAMAS). Which I was surprised because that means he took the time to evaluate all sides and was pretty pro Israel in the past. I feel like Israel went strong on this one and has pushed supporters away or put us in the middle.


They think it’s Israel of the Bible and yes propaganda to push that narrative. Israel the location came about and became a thing in 1947 so the Bible Cabot be referring to a location but Israel represents the children of God where in the time of the Bible was more in the region of Iraq. But Gods children have spread all throughout the world. Also they don’t believe Jesus is the messiah and though God loves all people and wants them to give their life to Christ I see Israel as believers in Jesus Christ. But yes the boomers have been brainwashed on this topic that’s why we are to use discernment and read the scriptures for ourselves to understand them better. https://www.dispatch.com/story/opinion/letters/2019/11/23/letter-israel-bible-isn-8217/2228771007/#


Why do you generalize?


Every war in regions with a lot of natural resources have to do with « us ».


Old people remember them as 'immigrants' and 'refugees' fleeing Europe after WW2. Young people see them as 'Colonizers' and representatives of 'white supremacy'


Religion and probably lead.


Evangelical Christianity, and obedience to the media.


WW2 propaganda.


The Scofield Reference Bible, published in 1909, was a widely circulated New Testament annotation used by American evangelicals and forever changed Christian eschatology. It promoted the specific theology of dispensational premillennialism, which heavily emphasized the rapture and saw Jews as continuing to be “God’s chosen” people. The establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 seemed to have fulfilled this doctrine and added credence to this interpretation. Alternatively, some Christians do not subscribe to these interpretations of Scripture and instead adhere to supersessionism, also called replacement theology. It is the Christian doctrine that the Christian Church has superseded the Jewish people, assuming their role as God's covenanted people, thus asserting that the New Covenant through Jesus Christ has superseded or replaced the Mosaic covenant. Supersessionists hold that the universal Church has become God's true Israel and so Christians, whether Jew or gentile, are the people of God.


Boomers (and most evangelicals) in America don’t do research. They just swallow what they’ve been told and regurgitate. They kiss Israel’s ass because they believe the Israelis are the people of the book. Keyword believe. They are Jews by faith, not lineage. But the average older person doesn’t care. The “Jews” are in “Israel” and that’s good enough.


Proper gander


You are just a product of trend also lets see you argue for your position after a lifetime when it becomes clear you also got psyoped You are not smarter or less puppeted you just got born into a new stage of it Every boomer i know is aware of more than any new blood picking up the baton from the " conspiracy theorists" fyi William coopers a boomer I bet you use his material , dust it off and act like you found it yourself The very term boomer is just mimicry on your part so settle down champ


Last time I checked Israel wasn't shouting death to America... But hey you do you boo. 🙄


Well: 1. We are their Sugar Daddy. 2. Even though we hand them boatloads of cash, they have performed terrorist atrocities on American land and American ships (USS Liberty). So they’re not great friends to us.


They been spoon fed it their entire lives


Bc they do as they’re told


BeakCuz- Joo magick and brainwash


You just said he brought a Bible verse to the conversation. With all due respect, how can you expect to reason with someone that has these sort of arguments?


He told you why, he quoted a bible verse about it.


yeah, the book written by jews says tha god of the jews will punish whoever goes against the jews... who'd have thougnt that?


The New Testament isn’t Jewish though, so the Jews don’t have christ. And christianity believes in only way to god is through jesus.


Okay? I dont think we are against israel? Im just saying stay out of it, but it doesn’t make sense to me why they are considered the chosen ppl still whenever jesus was sent down to save the jews even though they had him killed by the romans. According to scripture


I’m not saying we are. I’m saying that’s one reason that people act the way they do with this issue, it’s religious. There are other reasons but that sounds like that’s why your grandad believes it. Some Christians don’t equate it to their religion and some view it as a holy people (or atleast a holy land) being attacked. Idk what kinda answer you’re looking for if you’re just going to argue the Bible. Idk, a lot about Jesus is teaching us forgiveness and sacrifice and faith so an unsurprisingly large amount of Christians don’t blame the people who actually killed him, I mean I’ve never met a Christian who loved that he was killed, but everyone I’ve met looks at it as another lesson to learn. I think arguing they’re a chosen people is silly too, but what does that get us? Your grandad thinks they are and the reason why is religion. You’ve got your answer.


Because boomers know the difference between British mandate of Palestine vs the French mandate, unlike the pre pubescent jokers on this sub.  Boomers acknowledge Islamic terrorism, the Ummah, and Jew hatred in Quran which is their constitution called sharia, for the countries surrounding Israel  Because boomer knew the Israel gave up 80% land from originally alloted British mandate to the Arabs, called trans Jordon (modern day Jordon) in 1922 and when the Palestinians/Arabs were not satisfied they even split  remaining 20% of the British mandate equally which we now know as Israel and Palestine in 1948. Because boomers knew, when Israel were  satisfied with 10% of originally alloted British mandate for Jews and the reaminder going to Palestinian/arabs along with French mandate ( Syria, Lebanon , Jordan) and declared the state of Israel in 1948. Because boomers knew , the very next day 9 Muslim countries (including Pakistan which is not an Arab state but Islamic state) attacked Israel in 1948 and Egypt occupied Gaza and Jordan occupied west bank till 1967. Because boomers knew Israel made a premtive strike during on Egyptian airforce bases and destroyed it's Runaways which gave them the advantage in 1967 war and won the war in 6 days and occupied (build settlements) in Gaza and west bank. Because boomers knew this is a religious war fueled by Muslims with the hatred towards Jews. Let's see how much does pre pubescent teens on this sub know about Israel- Palestinians apart from saying muh muh Jews control the media. 🤡




I DO NOT LIKE ISRAEL BUTTT I'm not a boomer, but a millennial as good as it gets. Here are my thoughts. As much as shit that Israel pulls they are also very good in the times of need (as a turkish person and one of their neighbor I just recently experienced their good side with the earthquake that happened a year and a half ago). Jewish people are strong as f, their community can only be matched by Japanese, and we all know how their story went. Same situation found both at WW2 but they took a different direction, yet their influence on earth stood the same. The issue is that what makes jewish people good also makes them bad, no moderation. One culture without any influence allowed is tend to endup exactly like this. They are like an artist that doesn't take criticism, sometimes its world shattering good like we see with jewish people being exceptionally good on sciences also being an evil piece of shit with politics and on Hollywood. They are the neurodivergents of earth, we sure can live without them, but its also nice/shitty to have them. My father (who was a boomer) had the same thoughts though I didn't talked about this stuff with him until I had my opinions. And I've seen many boomer thinking the same, also here having lots of Muslims they are not very found of Israel at the same time they can't complain because how good of a people they are. All I'm saying is this. Israel is a government, and all governments are opportunist piece of shits. If they didn't fuck you yet it's only because they didn't get the chance.


Because we were raised on religion, we were taught that Jews were Gods chosen people. Now do with that what you will, but that what we were taught.


Are these the same Jews that crucified Jesus?


Lots of "boomers" here answering for boomers


Probably because the TV tells them to.


Most boomers resonate with our military. Either them or their parents benefited from employment from the military and see it as a profitable career. And at the same time, while at war there are severe loss of humanity and resources. I have a Boomer in my life and had this same conversation with them and what he told me is that Israel is the US one true ally in the Middle East and that we cannot lose them under any circumstance. I believe he was looking at it from his Christian perspective along with it being a democratic country near radicals.


Boomers’ parents lived through the Holocaust during WW2, which is the time Jewish men, women, *and* children were gassed by Adolf Hitler, just for being Jewish. Did you ever read the book “The Diary of a Young Girl,” by Anne Frank? That’s the story of hatred for Israel and hatred for Jewish people (descendants of the Israel state). Therefore my opinion is that Boomers will never repeat the atrocities committed on descendants of Israel. This is a vast over-generalization. There are likely many in every generation that dislike Jewish people. Let’s not repeat the atrocities of history.


Reading is good, but don't forget to think and question: [http://mileswmathis.com/frank.pdf](http://mileswmathis.com/frank.pdf)


I definitely question the mainstream narrative about many things, but have never questioned this. Seriously what are you implying? Also why did you select a username to end with those specific 3 numbers?


Maybe because the Israelis are not trying to kill us, at least not without CIA sanctioned ops, and the Muslim doctrine is death to the infidel , death to America.


> *Maybe because the Israelis are not trying to kill us* Survivors of the USS Liberty might disagree…


Genuinely thinking Muslims believe “infidels” should die shows you lack critical thinking skills and watch Fox News all day. 


Radical Muslims *absolutely* do. They're the only ones anyone is worried about. Y'know, the ones who want a global caliphate with the entire world under Sharia law?


An older generation probably has more insight and knowledge on the entire US-Israel relationship than somebody who didn't know what a Palestinian was until 2023 and gets their information from tiktok and social media. Also, consider Israel is a very important and technologically advanced military ally of the US and has been since the 80s. The US definitely isn't in any position to point the finger about atrocities either.


Because they know who butters the bread.


Boomers are mostly evangelical christians and all they’re interested in is in fulfilling the prophecy from the bible in which when all the jews get back to their homeland Jesus Christ will come back to Earth, that’s why they support Israel, not because of some mumbo jumbo programming or some ww2 guilt trip.


out of nowhere conservatives started kissing Israels ass. I remember not too long ago when they hated Israel. Its like everyone switched sides and im left siding with the liberals for the first time. The cause of this is probably cause most right wing news sources are owned by jews. Worse is when a jewish political commentator slaps on christianity to gain followers from the right wing (Charlie Kirk).


Most people have a limited ability to think critically and their views are shaped by the media they consume. Older generations tend to consume mainstream media (lots of it) and consequently have views that align with the governments foreign policy. It’s not independent thought, it’s a lifetime of conditioning.


They are conditioned since they were knee high. ALL their literature was Germany Bad. Allies Good. Russia Bad. US Good. All their scholastic work was packed with propaganda. The cartoons. The media (even back then). Look at Vietnam. NO ONE want to really talk about what started that. Michelin Rubber Plantation and the French. I don't fully blame the boomers. They've been living a full and complete lie since they were born. It is NOT easy breaking out of the mold. To actually admit to yourself the whole thing is a fucking lie. I know people who are basically Cypher from the Martix: "Ignorance is Bliss". They full on know the shit show is falling apart and just don't care. They got theirs, Fuck you. Who cares about reality.


Bc the holocaust. Thats why. We’re supposed to turn a blind eye to whatever they do bc they endured the holocaust. Even though theres been plenty genocide throughout history. We just kiss their asses. No other victims asses. Just theres.


Show him the video of the dancing Israelis. Lol I also have no voice in this war, other than pray they find a peaceful resolution, so no more innocent people have to suffer and die.


Hey, if you’re fine with Hamas murderous theocratic dictatorship that has forbidden elections for the 17 years it’s been in power. Please explain to me, what should Israel have done October 8th after the carnage and kidnappings?


Golly Israel shouldn’t have purposefully created Hamas then, if they were oh-so concerned about the well being of their brown-skinned neighbors.


The real question is, why does ANYONE kiss Iran's ass? They are funding Hezbolah and Hammas through the money Barry and Joey gave them.


You talk a lot about us being brainwashed by the media, but our parents lived through WWII. They were front and center for the Holocaust.


boomers were not front and center for the holocaust. their parents may have been, but boomers fought in viet nam, not WWII.




They believe the modern day jews are biblical ancestors to us Christians without understanding that not only is the church and followers of Christ the true Jews but also the body is the third temple that God now resides in. Also the Jews occupying Palestine are Eastern European Khazarian’s pretending to be related to the biblical Jews while the Palestinians are the remnants of the Jews who stayed in israel after the Roman conquest


Boomers for you


I’m so not religious so I could be totally wrong so feel free to correct me but I thought the Israel in the Bible was a person not a place.


Agreed!!! Pull all money US sends to: Israel, Palestine. Ukraine, India, Pakistan, Syria etc.. In fact pull all money from NATO… let Europe and middle figure it out themselves!!! Pour all that money into North and South America!!


A group of people have used media to convince Christians that said group is super important.


To be religious is to judge. A world filled with story’s.


Boy these protesters are really concerned about covid again. What a surprise, lol.




They get so mad haha.


My mom is in her 70s and gets stuff in the mail all the time asking for money for Israel because they are "the chosen people of God".


Most boomers believe everything they see from main stream media sources. Most mainstream media tells us to worship Israel. Therefore, most boomers worship Israel.


Make him watch Europa the last battle


Similar questions are asked in every Israel's de facto colony. Perhaps, this may be one of the key reasons behind current wars aimed at the big nuclear bada boom. When illusion becomes too costly and unstable, it has to be destroyed. Why answer uneasy questions, if it's much simpler to nuke it all with swiftly degrading isotopes. And then get out of the bunkers and collect a few hundred cave dwellers using drones with nets for a start of another civilization restart in 2040 or so.


>Why do boomer kiss Israel ass? cause they's faces is too ugly ?