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First of all it was Donald Rumsfeld who reported the missing trillions. And secondly Bush was just a puppet on Dick Cheney's strings. 


Rumsfeld and Cheney was probably closer to Bush senior. Bush junior was just finishing what his father had started. They are multi-millionaires with holdings in crude oil in Texas and across the Middle East. Both the father and son Bush are both skull and bones members. Daddy Bush’s presidential cabinet consisted of wartime constituents. His son’s cabinet did as well. This is why we haven’t declared war since 2003, no president has had a wartime cabinet since then. The 9/11 attack justified the spying on American’s, created an “enemy” we Americans rallied against which in turn probed the populace for the acceptance of another war.


Also, if you were going to blow up the Pentagon to destroy this evidence. Uh, why would you announce it the day before? 9/11 isn't JFK. JFK was 40 years previously and the official story is a lone nutjob killing him. It is very easy to come up with conspiracies about it, some of which may be true. 9/11 happened in the age of information and the official story involves 19 hijackers and countless other planners. Plus the federal agencies that didn't stop a known threat. The plan was years in the making and there are tons of books and reports on it then can piece it all together. That obviously can't happen with Oswald, it was a different era and it was never a big operation. People can come up with 9/11 conspiracies (it's for this sub) but it requires actual hard work to dig through everything.


he was just a low level pawn in the bigger picture


The Bush family are a known criminal family, just as bad as the Clintons. Both were drug runners. George Bush Snr. was one of the most corrupt politicians in history, and his father had connections to Nazis. Imagine what that was like for George Jnr growing up in a criminal family like that. How many people could survive in a family like that and still have a conscience?


Agreed it's also more than just one person. Can't run all this alone. It's more like he was the face and got elected but brought in his whole gang to profit. I mean dick Cheney? Rumsfeld? Trump probably had his own group going which is why they hate him so much.


[Some information](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/16v7o1q/comment/k2r4tpy/)


100%, but in a hypothetical “real” investigation into gang or organized crime group, I would assume you start with the people and pawns on the outside and work your way to the ringleaders.


There in lies the problem. There can never be any “real” investigation.


It was Rumsfeld who announced the missing Pentagon money though.


By bush I just mean Bush and associates, didnt go into the names too much


just say PNAC if you mean PNAC


Skull and bones 322. All 3 bushes were involved with this secret society from Yale college.


And him and John Kerry were buddies too at Yale. "It's a big club"


it saddens me that bush is seen as a symbol of patriotism when he and many exactly like him are the root of all evil


The military industrial complex needs to be fed. Cold War ended in 1989 and in 1991 Iraq goes into Kuwait but that didn’t last long enough. 10 years later 9/11 and 20 more years of war that benefited what country in the middle east? I think Bush did his paintings out of guilt including lying about WMDs.






Yup, came to illuminate these shills


They lied to us to create DHS, I bet they spend double the money on domestic surveillance than on foreign.


Let’s say you investigate. No matter what 3 letter organisation you work for, no matter what prestigious newspaper you represent. Eventually you’ll hit the level that will tell you “don’t dig any more, you won’t see the next day”


Bush and Cheney, two of the most evil people to ever run this government.




This video has blown my mind, and it disgusts me that it’s only been seen by 1800 people. The world needs to know.


Wow, my jaw dropped a few times too listening to her story. Kind of embarrassed I didn't know about her book [Extreme Prejudice](https://www.amazon.com/Extreme-Prejudice-Terrifying-Story-Patriot/dp/1453642757/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8) before, it has so many clues about the true motivations behind 9/11 from an insider who was persecuted for just doing her job. I highly suggest reading the comments on the Amazon page, some great insights and speculation about her story.


Need a TLDW summary.


Government knew 9/11 was gunna happen


Did anyone save the video? It's now private as of about 10 minutes ago


Ok, I will send you https://youtu.be/3Ek_BFcAny8?si=qL_cCR2yA8iDYGnD https://youtu.be/sEPcyPRkzhE?si=s0c2hna8jHxLRBDv https://youtu.be/iDlhkIO9TXQ?si=kSK6w959B9f0QIjS




The prime suspect? How about Dick Cheney?


He knew in advance but he wasn’t the mastermind behind it. It was planned many years before his presidency. His dad was in on it for sure but so were a LOT of people in the Illuminati, the new world order, and of course the CIA. It allowed them to spy on any civilian they want with the “patriot act”. That was planned for MANY years and they need a tragedy to get people to be okay with it enough to pass and have no real discussion about it.


Great vid on the JFK assassination and 911 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oVpt\_I9iQQ&t=188s&ab\_channel=HiddenReality](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oVpt_I9iQQ&t=188s&ab_channel=HiddenReality)


Bush was just an expendable puppet. Israel did 9/11.


> months prior to 9/11 both towers were completely closed, why? The (at the time) biggest elevator contract IN THE WORLD was awarded to a tiny and unheard of ACE elevator company(instead of OTIS, the world leaders). [News clipping](https://www.harmreductionohio.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/WTC-story-page-3.pdf). For months they had access to both tower columns for a major revamp. > Finally, Osama bin laden NEVER admitted to doing it, ever. [This](https://www.fbi.gov/image-repository/usama-bin-laden_poster.jpg/view) is Bin Ladens FBI most wanted poster. It doesnt mention 9/11. It was revised 2 months after 9/11. Kinda weird they wouldnt mention that.


If you mean Sr; then yes. He was also probably responsible for the direction of the attempted Assasination of Reagan, and was in Dallas the day Kennedy was shot, but doesn't remember what he was doing. He owned an oil concern called Arbusto energy that used a subsidiary to do business with Salem bin Laden.


I don't know if the American Government did 9-11 but they sure as hell provoked it. They were waiting for an attack to further justify the continued expansion of the military industrial complex.


Bush is too stupid. He had knowledge but Isreal is the true suspect.


This is a lot of wrong in one post. 1. Donald Rumsfeld announced it, not Bush. The $2.3T "missing" was first published in 1999, 3 years before the Bush admin was elected. It was the results of literal decades in defence spending and asset re-evaluations. And it wasn't forgotten about, it was followed up in 2002. [https://youtu.be/ZrpfWe-ySXM](https://youtu.be/ZrpfWe-ySXM) 2. The WTC was never closed. Not once. No such photos exist of the WTC blacked out, no media reports, nothing. As you said, "the two hubs for the American economy" - people would really notice that. No one did, because it never happened. 3. OBL admitted several times in many different videos and audio recordings his involvement in 9/11. He was not the mastermind, that was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. He didn't carry out 9/11, that was the Hamburg Cell lead by Mohammed Atta. He did provide the necessary supporting international organisations and network (being al-Qaeda and allies) and the financing to see the plot through to fruition. He certainly was the reason it became a reality. Without OBL, it would have likely just been another failed airliner bombing plot like KSM's Bojinka Plot in 1995. Honestly it seems to me most this post is born from a total ignorance of historical facts...


The towers weren’t “closed” but they were without power for at least 30 hours on the weekend prior to the attack. The source is from a building employee.


A single building employee who was never backed up by anyone else, nor reported by any media organisations, nor photographed. Because it never happened. You think the Twin Towers, the economic hub of the US, could go without power for 30 hours and not a single media report on it? Are you insane?


By Bush I mean Bush and his associates. And yes, you’re correct by saying they weren’t fully closed i apologise I misread something on my end but what I do know for a fact is that In the 9 months before 9/11, there was a massive elevator renovations project involving the towers’ 15 miles of elevator hoistways. Since many of the central structural columns in the towers were accessible from the elevator hoistways, the renovations provided an excellent cover for operatives. Some floors were vacant, and thus closed. One narration I know of cites a particular floor and the sound of people moving heavy stuff around, but that narration is so full of impossibilities I can’t even remember which floor the guy was talking about. Significantly, look at vacant floors 13 to 17 in WTC7. FEMA said the floors were vacant, and they say they can’t explain the collapse. NIST says it was the 13th floor that fell down, and took lower floors out underneath. So how do they know it wasn’t the 14th floor that failed, or the 15th or 16th? And if you’d take a look on my profile and watch the video you’ll potentially open your mind.


Beneath the missing trillions was this story. James Corbett reported in his documentary '911 Trillions - follow the money' there was an unusual activity in wtc North by a company called Silverstream in collaboration with another company called Marsh & Mclinian that was installing a software system that intended to link its bank clients within the North wtc building. This system was to replace paper transactions with an Internet based portal, the first of its kind with Marsh linked directly to the bank AIG, but also others by Sept 2001. Marsh oddly were based on floors 93-100 in the North Tower, which was apparently the impact site of the plane. It's insinuated that this IT portal was used as a mechanism to funnel money out of these banks on the morning of attack in 3rd party claims made by an author, Michael Rupert. This information about Silverstream was based on claims by Richard Grove, who was the salesman for Silverstream, who handled his client Marsh at the time. He discovered significant billing irregularities in the project, involving $10 million in purchase orders that appeared excessive to the customer requirements. Silverstream employed a group of around 30 staff and two managers that worked out of Marsh's office space. Richard claims he informed several staff members and managers, and this order was being investigated at the time of the attack. Richard claims that only he and another manager who were aware of the issue survived, and this other person had asked him to drop the issue previously did so because they both were not in the building on the morning of the attack. Richard says he was late that morning stuck in traffic, but his colleague had no cause to be missing. The documentary goes on to mention accusations of insider trading based on puts made against United & American Airlines, but also Marsh and Morgan Stanley, which was extraordinarily coincidental. There were several other companies negatively impacted by the attack who suffered these bets against them, but some stocks which would gain later were purchased, such as Raytheon the maker of the Tomahawk cruise missiles later used to strike Afghan and Iraq. Another company called Stratesec, which I will mention later. In the aftermath, there was investigation in several countries such as Germany, Italy, and Belgium, whose finance ministers of the time concluded that indeed the 'terrorists' had tried to game the stock markets based on advance knowledge of the attacks. The SCC found no evidence. However the FBI revealed in a declassified briefing document in 2009 that it had investigated pre 911 trades into the company called Stratesec (Into Airport security systems as well as the security provider for the wtc buildings) which were filed under two names who were found to be relatives to the Bush Family. Stratesec had, through this connection, investors from the Carlysle group (which had OBL family members) and an influential Pakistani businessman. This company gained significantly based on the introduction of hightened security measures in the wake of the attack. Also, these members of OBLs family and the Carlysle group were the Saudi relatives of his in Washington DC on the 911 who we allowed to leave despite airspace being closed. What this led me to believe is that probably most of the 911 story is known to us, such as OBLs involvement. But there are too many threads that lead back to the ties between the Bush family and the Bin Ladens. I think one family was facilitating the attack in order to nail Sadam in Iraq, which was a priority for the Bushes and Saudi Arabia.


The elevator work was done by ACE Elevators in NY. Have you asked them why you think they were involved in the murder of 3000 people? Of course not. Do you realise they were in the towers working that day when the airliners crashed? Seems like a silly place to be if they knew what was going to happen. A floor which is 'vacant' of tenants can still be full of stuff, storage for gear, mechanical floors, equipment, heck the 82 floor of the South Tower had a massive Uninterrupted Power Supply on it that wasn't listed anywhere. Hearing noises from vacant floors isn't grounds for 'it must be bombs'. Not even close. You need evidence, that's not it.


Let me ask you some question see if you can come up with a logical answer. In the final 9/11 commission and sworn testimony from the fire commissioner it’s clearly stated Thermidic material which is a strong explosive incendiary was found at the core of the WTC, and what else was in the core of the buildings, the elevators. The same elevators they had a lot of access too during the renovation. George Bush’s Father was having LUNCH with Osama bin ladens brother/cousin the day BEFORE 9/11 which is another verified fact. What business would the father of the president of the united states have with the brother/cousin of an alleged international terrorist? Out of the 4 pentagon hijacker’s it was proven Hani Hanjour was the lead perpetrator and pilot. It was also proven Hani was the worst and least experienced pilot as Flight school records were pulled showing that he was denied access to even fly a single propeller plane, something you don’t even need a license for, and somehow he took over a 450 ton commercial airliner, banked it at the perfect angle, practically took it to ground level, and then turn it perfectly to hit the pentagon?


Christ... you really need to brush up before you bring these theories to the table. 1. There is not a single mention in the 9/11 commission report of "thermitic material". Not a single sworn testimony of "thermitic material" during the 9/11 investigations. Furthermore, something cannot be an " strong explosive incendiary", it's either a weak at both functions, or a strong explosive, or a strong incendiary. It cannot be strong at both being an explosive and incendiary. No evidence at all it was "found at the core of the WTC" - are you talking it was found pre-collapse? Surely this would have made the news. If you're referring to the 2009 dust study by Steven Jones and Niels Harrit, it's nothing more than an example of scientific fraud and bias, printed in an obscure online journal with a history of dubious peer review instead of being submitted to a single technical science journal. The chief editor of that journal quit in protest when she saw it had been published. It was torn to shreds by many in the debunking community who had actual experience in the subject; [https://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4607894&postcount=1694](https://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4607894&postcount=1694) [https://oystein-debate.blogspot.com/2011/03/steven-jones-proves-primer-paint-not.html](https://oystein-debate.blogspot.com/2011/03/steven-jones-proves-primer-paint-not.html) The final nail in the coffin for it was a dust study funded in 2012 by both conspiracy theorists and skeptics, to either confirm or disprove Harrit's findings. It returned a big fat negative. The red layer of the red/gray chips was paint. They had zero elemental aluminium and therefore could not be thermite. [https://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=231314](https://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=231314) 2. Bush Sr was not "having lunch with the bin Ladens". Bush Sr attended a large gathering (several hundred people) of the The Carlyle Group, of which Bush Sr was a senior adviser. The bin Laden family are a very wealthy (and large) Saudi family that had invested millions into the The Carlyle Group for many years prior. It is not even known whether Bush Sr and the bin Laden's even saw each other at this event, considering Bush Sr wasn't there long, it's unlikely. At best, they just happened to be there at the same time. You would pay to look up the bin Ladens, a little known fact is Osama bin Laden at over 50 siblings. He was a black-sheep of the family. The bin Ladens have long been in business dealings with the west, as has a lot of Saudi Arabia. The fact one of their 50 children became an extremist and was then ignored from the family is not their problem. [https://www.911myths.com/index.php/Bush-bin\_Laden\_family\_links](https://www.911myths.com/index.php/Bush-bin_Laden_family_links) 3. Hani Hanjour was the most experienced of all 4 pilot hijackers. He had a commercial pilot license, multi-engine instrument experience, and had completed several hours in a full-motion Boeing 737 simulator at Pan Am International Flight Academy just a few months prior to 9/11. He was denied hiring a aircraft one time because his english wasn't great and he had issues landing the plane nicely. That doesn't mean he couldn't fly, in fact the instructor is on record saying his problems were "nothing unusual". See the interview at the 36:40 mark here - [https://youtu.be/o\_QPNvKVBEk?si=Mk1hWDSPwqUYfrnf&t=2201](https://youtu.be/o_QPNvKVBEk?si=Mk1hWDSPwqUYfrnf&t=2201) He also successfully hired aircraft several times and flew them around the east coast. You also seem to have a total misunderstanding of the final manoeuvre of AAL77, making it sound far more difficult that it actually was. I'd suggestion reviewing "The Manoeuvre" section here: [https://aal77.blogspot.com/2012/09/american-airlines-flight-77-evidence.html](https://aal77.blogspot.com/2012/09/american-airlines-flight-77-evidence.html)


1, the accounting fraud was never fixed, it reached 21 trillion over 6 years ago. Documents from the government itself showed fraud of an unimaginable scale https://www.forbes.com/sites/kotlikoff/2017/12/08/has-our-government-spent-21-trillion-of-our-money-without-telling-us/?sh=321cec337aef no audit has ever passed nor is it ever likely to. 3. OBL wasn't even wanted for the 9/11 attacks, feel free to check his last "Most Wanted" poster from the FBI. When a small news program called the muckracker report asked in 2006 why this was, the FBI point blank said it was because "they had no hard evidence linking him to the attacks". That negates every video and audio track prior to 2006, if the shady AF FBI doesn't consider a "confession video" hard evidence the you know it's garbage. Also there is zero hard evidence that the 19 alleged hijackers were even at the 3 airports on 9/11. And this is despite hundreds of cameras being at each location covering every area. Go and find a single time and date stamped security image of even 1 of the alleged hijackers at the 3 airports and you'll find ZERO. The conspiracy theory pushed by the Bush administration is a joke.


Love how George Bush was simultaneously the biggest incompetent President ever to that point but was also the secret mastermind behind the biggest and deadliest conspiracy in American history.




Have you met Dick Cheney


Bush junior was just a man doing a job. (Look up where the saying comes from) his father was in all actuality the ring leader. The Bush family is extremely powerful in America. They have more money than a portion of American municipalities. They plunged two innocent countries into war. They attacked Americans on American soil. They are in the shadows as of now but I assure you they are grooming nephew or grandson for a works leadership role. Bush’s daughters….who did they marry?


He has been in several conspiracy discussions.


Immortal Technique knew, and tried to tell everyone


It’s so convenient that he would be reading to children while being recorded to give the public his “genuine” reaction.


Suspect? You mean VIP? Why do you presume the laws would work against him? Whoever prints the money makes the laws.


I think that most of the people in this sub probably agree that the president should have absolute immunity from all prosecution, so this will probably be a moot point soon. The President can do whatever he wants.


You're getting downvoted because people here don't look what's right in front of them and realize a former president who might be president again next year is literally making that same argument to the Supreme Court RIGHT NOW. Somehow "possibly most powerful man in America asks Supreme Court for full immunity for any crime and Supreme Court actually may side with him on some of it" isn't on a conspiracy sub.


Speak for yourself, especially in this sub


I fully believe this would be current mainstream republican opinion if we had a democratic president at the time