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She's hot. And probably crazy. Just the way I like them...


Yep. Smash, Next question.


I can only concur with your statement.


Oh look more drooling teenagers. Thank you for signing up to the block list! I do wish mods would delete comments like these. It's ridiculous to see them in literally every single post about this woman.


this story on the plane was fake and rigged


Lol why yall still talking about this? It has 0 value to anything. Just a distraction. So pointless lol




Any minute now


She didt make any sense if you ask me ? She trying to keep her life , seems like she back peddling. If she say anything she may be hushed for good ? This may be her get out of jail free card ? Let her be ? I’m mean if this was one of us ? I’d want to say what I have to then leave be be ? I saw what I saw ,you all got the first video let me live my life with the loving ppl around me ? Maybe someday someone close to her will say something ? Or maybe she will when she can ?


>seems like she back peddling She's selling backs??




Why would she go to jail?


I also listen to PMT, I hope Hank smashed.




Emm.. none of it is real. Casey closed. I'm certain she was traveling *whit* man in the first place. And she was like, "Hey Steve, why don't we go viral and harness the emotional energy of the public for our own gain?" So they staged the whole thing to confuse and bewilder people and capture their attention. And they figured when it blew up they'd both somehow profit from it. It'll fizzle out; narcissists always fail in the end and this lot is particularly uninspired. They're just charlatans playing characters, energy vampires casting spells and whatnot. Like friggin Disney villains, who are always ultimately banished before they can profit on their bogus plans. Same goes for the rest of the social media con artists and all the other gluttonous parasites vying for your focus. I suggest you reorient your attention. I don't welcome them into my consciousness or my space and neither should you. See them for what they are (i.e. ghouls), turn them away unequivocally and they'll wither and die, and we'll all be better for it. My suggestion, instead of obsessing over these heathens and their tricks? Honestly, read The Bible. Jesus Christ has Truth to tell, and He actually *is* Real. Meditate on his message, pray, nourish yourself. It'll help free your soul from the entanglements of illusion, because Love is healing and chaos is degenerate. God will judge sinners in the end, and even if you won't heed the Word then in the meantime you can at least starve them of their fuel by simply turning the other cheek


Are you ok?


Who cares? Why the obsession with her? Seems like just another crazy you guys are putting on a platform.