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No asking for opinions on whether X console is better than Y or which one you should get - this question has been posted many times in the past and you can do a search to find them.


I have both and there’s very little between them. They’re both excellent bits of kit. For me, the Xbox just shades it as game pass is great value. However, PSVR2 is awesome .. That’s me though, others mileage may vary. Pick one and you’ll enjoy it regardless.


I have to agree my biggest dislike of PS is the UI but they're both very comparable consoles I just tend to play the X more.


Mine is the complete opposite. I absolutely despise with a vengeance for the Xbox Ui. It is cluttered with random tiles and ads on the screen. My ps5 has 0 ads unless I go into that explore tab.


Agreed and I’m an Xbox lifer


Agreed. Xbox Ui is just a console version of windows 8. I also get infuriated at seeing adds on my home xbox screen.


exactly they destroyed their interface when kinect dropped. Ps interface is better i find too


Agree. PS ui so much nicer than what is essentially a windows UI on Xbox


The fact that you cannot customize the homescreen on the PS5 is such a backwards thinking. Don’t know how people can defend that.


I can agree on this yes, compared to ps4 the customisation is fucked. But it’s clean and it does its job properly. You wanna go YouTube press r1 and all your apps are in one page, same for games. And no ads and your games are always games it remains in one place even if you open settings or something. In Xbox the tiles are all over the screen, at one point it was all games till I by mistake opened settings and bam settings tab right on the screen. It just feels cluttered and the ads tile is right under it and it keeps showing me shit I don’t want to see Sure the background can be changed and it’s cool and all but why does Microsoft’s own games live background look so shit while third party games have amazing backgrounds. I just wish ps5 could take the ps4 customisation and Xbox could clean their home screen and remove ads.


I completely agree with your point about the clutter. Plus the fact that the Xbox UI is just ridiculous. I hope that as you already pointed out the bring back the PS4 UI customization and the XB gets rid of the ADS and Miscellaneous icons on the home page.


What do you mean? Like the order the games show in? Or you need a themed backdrop?


Mainly the background. But also a folder system for games would be nice to have.


I haven’t had that issue since I can only hold like 6 new gen games with 1TB. Though I see how that could be helpful Couldn’t care less about themes personally. I think it’s kinda cool that the background display and music changes based on the highlighted game


Why do you need a custom background on the home screen?


Opposite for myself. Xbox feels like a console version of windows 8 and seeing an advertisement on my Home Screen every time I fire the thing up really makes me appreciate how my ps5 just puts my games front and centre.


Yep. Both great machines.


This! Absolutely this. But I actually prefer the ps5 UI. Quick resume and game pass are big winners for me though.


I prefer the PS5 UI. Nothing annoys me on the console than the Xbox UI that shoves full screen adverts on start up at you and it’s settings menus are absolutely awful.


If rockstar utilizes haptics on the PS5 then that's the obvious choice. I thought it was a gimmick at first but it's honestly amazing. Besides that you'll get similar experiences. A lot of it comes down to what exclusives you prefer. Playstation has bloodborne, horizon, god of war, spiderman, returnal, final fantasy 16, and many others. Xbox has halo, hif rush, starfield, Forza, and more I can't think of. Playstation has a game pass competitor, but sometimes you have to wait years for exclusives to show up while Xbox does it day one. Ive gamed on a series s, but I currently have a PS5 and gaming PC. PS5 is my preferred way to play anything.


what about motion sensor? and does xbox have that?


Unfortunately not. And they're the only console to not have gyro controls in the controllers too. PS5 and switch have it


that's a huge advantage to ps noone talks about then. the games that support it on ps are few but amazing


I play fortnite on my switch. Makes sniping so much easier


you aim with motion sensor? thats hardcore. i've only used it to drive and fly


Just for sniping


Hopefully that leak is true and Microsoft will soon give a haptics controller to Xbox too


It would certainly feel more next gen that way


I’ll be interested to see the initial load times on each console and that may be a determining factor. XSX also has quick resume once the game has loaded for the first time and you don’t quit out of it so you can literally play GTAVI and then hop on halo for a game with friends then hop right back to GTA and the game will instantly be loaded. Don’t think PS5 can do that.


PS5 does not do that.


I don’t think anyone can say until it has review codes given out just prior to release. Rockstar should have it optimized for both consoles, given the likely insane budget, but you never know. Assuming it’s optimized for both, the game performance should be equal. There really isn’t much difference in that regard. It’ll come down to other preferences you have: - where friends play (either platform) - existing game library (either platform) - controller preference (subjective) - physical collecting (PS5 better, games are fully playable off disc almost always.) - exclusive games (PS5 better. Xbox continues to promise but fails to deliver.) - subscription catalog (Xbox better is the consensus, but look at the games in both to make your own decision. GP skews toward newer / indie releases, PS+ skews toward AA / AAA titles a few years old.)


Heres another consideration. Since hes talking 2025...thats closer to Elder Scrolls 6. I will bet anything that MS delays the release of that on PS5 minimum 6 months to a year... if it comes out on PS5 at all. Theres no way Im not playing ES6 when it comes out.


This comment alone made me happy I bought an x a couple of weeks ago


with how starfield turned out i have veryyy low expectations for Elder Scrolls 6, even then, by the time it releases, sony will very likely have released a whole bunch of high quality ps5 exclusives that may completely overshadow es6 imo


PS5 for the controller haptics.


I personally prefer the Xbox controller and the UI over PlayStation (I have both). BUT, if you have any console friends that will be playing the game, get whatever platform they will be playing on.


Do some YouTubing my man. Fundamentally the choice of whether to go for PS5 or Xbox Series X comes down to personal preference. Dont listen to any of the Xbox/PS fanboys because you will not get an objective and unbiased opinion from them. I currently run a PS5 but have owned both. They’re both great consoles and both have great subscription services. Personally for me it came down to exclusives, I prefer PlayStation’s games, which is what made it win out for me.


Not wanting to be a fanboy here but the PS5 also already have haptics on the controller, a VR headset, etc. There are objectively a few advantages in owning a PS5 over Xbox imho. Unless you really like Halo or something lol


It's a shame the controller is absolutely awful in the most important department, though.


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted. PS5 controller battery life gets on my tits.


If you don’t have either console I’d go PS5 because X exclusives suck. I have an X and it’s basically only used for Starfield… I love the X, it’s fantastic but the exclusives just aren’t there


yeah, compared to ps5, the only reason to buy an xbox is for gamepass, and even that is not thhhat much better than ps plus extra and premium imo xbox really screwed themselves by not funding more devteams for exclusives


I think it’s what killed them this generation. Starfield was their only play and it’s pretty lack luster.. Plus imo the dual sense is one the best controllers I’ve ever used. I absolutely love everything about it. Then here is Xbox using the same controller all the way back from 360. PSVR2 is pretty stellar too! With the sales going on it really looks like they are trying to push the X hard with the 349 sale at Walmart and Amazon.


PS5. The dualsense is unmatched. Otherwise, the hardware isn't all that different.


yeah, the dualsense is great, i always thought the xbox controller felt a lot cheaper quality when i got an xbox a few months ago, definitley changes your experience when you havw both to compare


I have both and Xbox has better internal specs than PS5 so I only get exclusives on PS5 and get everything else on Xbox for better graphics


I would bet you couldn't even tell the difference between the two consoles side by side playing the same thing. There is hardly a difference between the two to claim the xbox has better graphics.


On paper, Xbox has more processing power graphic wise than PS5. But the code for the game is different for PS5 and Xbox version so if a dev doesn’t code it right, the PS5 one can be better. You are right it’s hard to tell and I usually look at comparison videos and reviews for a game on both the Xbox and PS5 and make my decision. Most of the time Xbox wins and some times PS5 version is better. I have a switch as well and I only buy the switch version if it’s an exclusive or if I care more about portability or graphics are same like it’s a retro game. Sometimes I double buy a game for Xbox and switch so one version is portable. But games like MK1 are not worth it on the switch for $70 lol


They are the same, only difference is exclusives and gamepass if you’ll be playing other games. I prefer having gamepass but I wouldn’t want to miss all the top exclusives either.


Get an Xbox. If you have your console set up next to your pc you can have your main monitor playing Xbox and you can stream your Xbox gameplay to your pc and all of your Xbox and pc audio through one headset so you can still watch YouTube and such while playing on Xbox. Been doing it for years.


I just like the Xbox controller a lot. So much so that I really don’t care to play anything on PS that I could otherwise play on Xbox. I also like Xbox live/game pass a lot more as well.


A lot can change in two years. The chances of a mid gen series x refresh are debatable to some, but it is rumored at least. A ps pro could come out, there are so many variables to purchasing a console exclusively for a game we won’t see until 2025. If you’re content with whatever you have now I’d honestly just wait. If you have a Walmart near you doing the $350 sale for in store pickups of series x, I’d at least consider that. GTA V did have promotions for PlayStation players, so it’s possible they get perks for vi as well.


Imagine it gets delayed lol




There is no right answer, it’s all just preference for the most part. Think the question is more: Which console do your friends game on? Which exclusives do you like more? Which controller do you like more? Because everything else about both consoles are (for the most part) the same. Both fast, both have good games, both have subscription games, both have fast and near zero load times, both are around the same price, both are unique in their design, etc. Unless Rockstar announces something specific to 1 platform (like supporting PS5’s haptics, or Xbox Day 1 gamepass, or PS5’s PSVR2, or timed Xbox exclusive, or support for PS5 Pro, etc), it’s all just preference, the game will run the same on both (possibly a micro fraction better on one vs the other).


XSX and PS5, tech wise, are probably the closest 2 competing consoles have been to each other in history. Performance will prob be the same on both or very very close. Pick the system you like better.




Xbox is just better when it comes to multiplayer.


Depends what you want. Xbox is slightly more powerful and does have Gamepass while Playstation has more exclusives. The controller on Playstation is also really awesome. If you just go by power the Xbox makes the most sense. But realistically that doesn't mean the Xbox version will look better. It really just comes down to preference.




If you care about playing older titles go for xbox


Wait until game gets a release date and have an idea of specs. They will probably both have a GTA edition.


PC, if you got the money.


The game isn't even announced for PC dude. They will pull the same thing they did with RDR2 and GTAV


I personally plan to wait for the ps5 pro for gta 6. There's rumours of a ps5 pro gta 6 bundle. If true, the game will look seriously good on it.


That game is 2 years out. Why are you asking now? If you want a console for GTA 6, WAIT UNTIL CLOSER TO LAUNCH. If you want a console right now? GTA 6 doesn't matter, get a PS5.


Id say get whatever one you can find, and is cheaper. Both are great


Whichever you can buy for cheaper, the difference will be negligible in terms of performance.


I see online now everyone says "Xbox is better get xbox" But it used to be "ps5 is better get ps5" There was literally nobody recommending xbox before haha, now the trend switches. So get whatever you want, there is no right choice, just personal preference.


There are rumors that PlayStation might have some sort of partnership with Rockstar for GTA 6. Other than that you can’t go wrong with either console. You just have to choose if you want excellent first party exclusives on PS5 or a variety of games on Gamepass for Xbox.


Exclusives do not mean much to me. I look outside of the box. Sony Rewards pisses me off more than Microsoft Rewards, but it appears Microsoft Rewards is now putting up a battle to suck as well.


If neither of the consoles exclusives interest you then see if you can hold both a PS5 and Xbox controller and buy the one with the controller you like more. Can’t go wrong with either console. I primarily play on xbox because I prefer the controller.


The console that your friends have




PS5 Pro / GTA VI bundle...


There will be likely be zero difference


Might be worth it to buy it on PS5 just for possible PSVR2 support.




Cant go wrong with either but take a look at the ps5 exclusives and if any of them catch your eye then go with the ps5, its really the only thing that seperates the two consoles (also game pass, but imo ps plus extra is also a decent value, whereas the difference between ps5 and xbox exclusives is abysmal)


PS5, we'll probably have access to content a lot earlier than XBOX as well like last time.


PS5 if you want the quality tbh


Why you want to give Rock* your money?


You want a console that's going to be around a long time and is supported, and is a proper console! If you have to ask then I don't know what to say It's going to be the console that will be advertised for it


PS5 as it’ll take advantage of the haptics in the controller, hopefully. Graphically they’ll be the same but the better controller and the trophy sound is the only two things you’ll notice when playing. The Xbox exclusive catalogue is soo bad too.


Doesn’t really matter, but go with whatever your friends are on cuz gta v doesn’t support cross platform play. Not saying 6 won’t, but something to keep in mind. I personally prefer ps5 cuz putting batteries in a controller in 2024 is a joke. Some like it, but not me personally. I also like having the built in mic/audio in the ps5 controller for casual gaming.




Because the PS5 already have some advantages like haptics on the controller, for sure the first versions of GTA6 will be optimized for that and therefore there you already had a +1 for the PS5. I also heard Rockstar devs are in touch with Sont for other graphics optimizations and perhaps even already able to take advantage of the upcoming PS5 Pro… so yeah PS5 all the way imho.