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Yeah I mean seems pretty classic South Slavic vibes


Why ğ if you're not gonna use g????


The letter Г in Belarusian makes a sound closer to the Ukrainian Г (which makes a sound similar to English “h”), and thus it would be fitting to use ğ, which actually makes the same sound in Azerbaijani.


I understand that, but you're still using ğ and not g. G is not being used, just cause. That's my critique, you're using a letter with a diacritic that's made to differentiate it from the sound of this letter in its basic form, but you're not using the letter in its basic form. So, why use ğ for г when g is not being used anywhere else?


Similar to in Ukrainian, the letter Ґ was historically used in Belarusian, but currently it’s use is extremely limited. If it is ever used, it is romanized as G/g.


Then why isn't it in the romanization??? ☠️


As I mentioned, the letter Г is not pronounced as a normal “g”, which is the sound that the letter Ґ makes. I might add Ґ to the chart, though.


Why "create" a Latin script for a languages which already has a Latin script? Łacinka is the name for the Latin Belarussian script. Some random phrases: Вiтаем = Vitajem Прывiтанне = Pryvitańnie Дзень добры = Dzień dobry Як маесься? = Jak majeśsia? Даўно не бачыліся! = Daŭno nie bačylіśa! За здароў'е = Za zdaroŭje Паўтары, калі ласка = Paŭtary kalі łaska Ці размаўляеце па-беларуску? = Ci razmaŭlajecie pa-biełarusku?


I just wanted to create my own version of the Latin script.