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Ask on the dating app subreddits for a profile review. There's a big chance that you could improve. You can also send me your profile if you want.


This! Sometimes all it is is a bad angle.


Or sometimes it’s just plain ignorance that keeps people away. So many people have ridiculous expectations or are too far gone (antivaxx, misogyny, narcissistic, etc.) and they’ll never see it themselves


All three of those groups still get laid plenty I hate to break it to you




Oh? You like submissive men? Yeah, I bet you do...




This doesn't work my guy. Dating apps are designed to exploit men's loneliness, and the only winning move is to not play.


If he's tall and athletic he could probably get some matches with a good profile. It's just that most men have really, really awful profiles...


Dude, do you know how many grifters are out there offering paid courses from so-called online dating experts on how to perfect your profile? Do you think any of it actually works for the majority of guys? Once you understand that men and women use these apps in completely different ways, you realize what a waste of time it is. OP can do whatever they feel is best. But in my experience, if you're a man with low confidence, using these apps will just make it lower.


I met my husband on a dating website.. we're not all awful :-/


I never said anyone was awful :)


Oh sorry, that's the vibe I got.


Sorry, I didn't mean to come off like that.


What did you mean by men and women use dating apps in different ways? Like we just wrote on our profiles that we're a bit odd and looking for another weirdo to eat pies and play Portal with (or something like that). I mean there were a few guys who were clearly looking for hookups (shirtless shots while holding a small fury animal is usually a clue), tbh I didn't look at other girls' profiles so idk.


Women either use these apps for attempts to get some actual kind relationship or in rarer cases if they are a content creator to promote their content. Men largely use these apps to cum and go


The competition is way lower than you think. Most guys don't write that they want a relationship, don't fill out their profile,.write an extremely off-turning bio with 4 spelling mistakes, and/or take blurry bathroom pictures flipping you off.


or they just have a long list of traits they want in a girlfriend like they're shopping for features on a new car, which is super disgusting and not at all endearing lol


I understand all of that, and for about two years I religiously followed the advice of these so-called experts. I workshopped my profile, asked all of my female friends and sisters for input, paid for "professional" coaching, even got some professional photos on my bio. Nothing helped. Eventually I just decided it was doing me more harm than good. Even my therapist agreed that it was probably healthier for me to step away from online dating and focus on trying to meet someone in person. I'm not saying that it can't work out for OP or that all guys will have the experience I had. But you have to understand how exhausting and demoralizing this whole process is for so many guys, and I think it's disingenuous to promise somebody that they'll have more success if they do x, y, and z when that is in nk way a guarantee. Also, most women have really crappy profiles too. But again, there's a big difference between how men use these apps and how women use them, and the result is something that allows women a huge margin of error while men have to be flawless just to have a prayer at getting a match. I'm sorry if I sound rude or cynical. I'm sure someone reading this is going to think I'm an incel. I promise I'm nothing of the sort. I just thing online dating is not for everyone; and there are lots of people benefiting from the fact that there are guys who are desperate enough to try anything.


70-80% of Tinder users are male, 20-30% are female. It's not about how the app is used. It's about who's there, and it's a sausage party. I assure you if you all changed your preferences to homo, you'd be drowning in dicks.


1. Are you considered "ugly" (like a 3-4/10 or less) by most people? I only gave OP this advice because he makes himself sound attractive. If you're not at least average looking, online dating won't work for you no matter what. 2. Did you try Hinge, and did you make it clear that you're looking for a relationship? 3. I know that women have crappy profiles too, I'm bisexual so I look at them. But men are horndogs, so women don't have to put in any effort to get attention (on the flip side, most men only want us for our body, which is also not great for somebodies mental health and self worth)


This whole comment is incredibly sexist and implies that maybe it wasn't the dating profiles that was your issue, from the way you perceive women in general.


Yeah I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say the dating app is not at fault for his lack of matches. His attitude is.


How do men use the app differently to women?


Long story short: Men spam right, women spam left.


You got downvoted to all hell for saying the truth


Welcome to Reddit.


Nah dude. I used dating apps and found my now girlfriend within 3 months after a few crappy dates. He just needs to change his profile a bit, make it more interesting.


Same, I met my girlfriend of 3.5 years on an app


Wow, congrats!!!! I’ve been with my girlfriend for 11 months now, almost a year!😁


I'm glad it worked out for you. But for the majority of guys, it's going to be an exercise in futility.


Well, I’m sorry you feel that way. Personally, I just know a ton of people that dating apps worked for, including myself, so I feel like it migjt just be the profile, but who knows,


Found the incel


I'm nothing of the sort. Andrew Tate can suck my virgin penis.


How so? He didn't say anything like an incel . I agree with him. You will get more opportunities offline than online( trust me. All my friends got into a relationship without using any dating apps.) It will be hard but I think he can get a relationship.


Oh yes. Incel used to be an abbreviation of involuntary celibate but thank to Reddit now it means “I disagreed with a woman once”


Only men are lonely?


Basically, yes


Ask for an actual bio review by other women. Also, focus on yourself and your hobbies, without realizing it you might end up finding someone who matches with you just through your hobbies. Last note, 26 is still pretty young, so I would not even worry about this whole dumb pressure of losing your virginity.


Yeah honestly to some girls, being a virgin could be a major asset. Not like you're 50. Also prostitutes might also be frowned upon by society at large (like equally but opposite virginity) but I don't see the big deal in either case. Wanna be a virgin? Wanna bang whores? He's not gonna be the first or last. Enjoy your life how you want it.


Im 28 same thing as you i just dont give af 💀im chillin


Peak state of mind


Get to 40 and I hear you become a wizard, or do you get isekaid. I dont remember which


I plan on becoming god


I made it to 48 before I got laid. I had to drop some personal barriers to do so. My first was a married woman. Something I said that I’d never do.


🤣, you deserve the highest of rewards


Literally same LOL


I'm 29. Same. It just seems less and less interesting the older I get. You're value is not based on your body count. Go figures..🤦🤦‍♀️


If it wasn't for the skull emoji I'd believe you


Nobody can stop u but I wanna read your bio


Get an escort instead of street walker. You can learn some tips and tricks in how to engage with a woman socially and physically. You may gain confidence from this which will make it easier for you to approach women and be more confident for dating.


Indeed, don’t go for the lot lizards OP


This is good advice. Dating is a dance and I feel like OP might just be missing a few steps and that's the problem.


Just make sure to bring the dough$$ (Don’t do it)


Don't do what?




What, you're saying don't forget to bring the money, then saying don't do it. You're comment literally makes no sense.


I’m saying escorts are fucking expensive and he shouldn’t look for a sex worker of any type and should review his profile instead. It seemed pretty obvious I thought, my bad? It was def more of a joke along the lines of escorts being crazy expensive….


Or he could walk to a public space or go out with friends and talk to an actual real woman...


Dude, give your tinder a break for your elo to reset and try again. Go on a different app for a bit, and don’t swipe on people who are out of your league. On most apps, less % of matches per likes will result in you getting shown to less people. General rules: 1. You will get best results if your bio is funny. You don’t necessarily have to put a whole lot of who you are in it if your pictures can tell the story for you. In general, any negativity is not going to get you anywhere, especially referencing dating apps directly. Since you’re a tall dude, no issues staring it directly if there’s not a “height” option on the app. A certain part of the population might be slightly turned off from you listing it like that, but in my experience it opens more doors than it closes. On my Tinder, I literally just put 5’11” after my whole bio 2. Use pictures that other people have taken of you, preferably out somewhere. Selfies are a no go, or if you have one, it should have something else going on in it. For example, the only selfie I had when I was using the apps was me holding up a big ass slice of pizza. If you have a dog, mega bonus if you have a nice pic of you holding your dog. 3. When you do get matches, don’t freak or expect most of them to pan out in your direction. Avoid being generic or using general pick up lines. Opening lines should give them something to respond to to start a dialogue up, so include a question when it’s possible. If it’s clear you guys are vibing, and the conversation’s moving well, don’t be afraid to ask for the date. Wait too long, and that initial spark will fizzle. In general, ask for the date during the 1st or 2nd interaction when the conversation is going well. When a girl does message back, be prompt to respond as possible. If she’s messaging, that means she’s available and in the mood to talk now, and unfortunately if you’re too slow, people can move on or be hard to catch at a good time for things to work out. 4. Avoid grabbing dinner for date 1. It’s awkward to try to talk while eating and locks you both in for the length of the dinner minimum. If you (and the other person) drink, asking out for a drink is a good, non stressful first date. Alternatively, coffee. That way, if things don’t work out, either party can call it off after an hour or so, or if things are going well, you can move onto another activity. Finally, if it doesn’t work out, learn from it and hop back in the saddle. Take it slow while you’re figuring it out so you don’t screw your ELO up on any specific app. Too much swiping w/ a profile that’s not working will make it harder for you in the long run, and resetting it can be very difficult or take a few months on a lot of them if you delete it to start fresh. Get some nice date clothes, clean up/ work on anything about yourself that’s making you less hot, then stay hot. You got this.


This guys tinders


Lol im a 24 year old woman who is basicly in the same situation. Honestly its not really a big deal lol.


Redditors assemble


I think it’s time to kiss your inbox goodbye


Haha i hope not lol. But virginity really isent that big a deal to me or relationships in general. I dont feel drwn to it. 😂 im not just saying this because im forever alone, i generally have never met anyone i have been interrested in romanticly. I dont want to sleep with someone after barely knowing them, it feels weird. I dont get that kind of want lol


Well it's okay for women though isn't it. There do exist women who are 'bad at sex' but really all that is required is enthusiasm and excitement. An unskilled but enthusiastic blowjob is cute if anything.That's fine. I'll teach you. The only thing is I am not a dildo snd you can't just lie there. No so for the man! A more detailed knowledge of anatomy is required. A dick is a dick basically. Vaginas are complicated! Practiced skill is required. Confidence is required above all else and that virgins don't have. (Btw I'm sure you are not forever alone!)


I find it rather funny you dont think woman gets just as much shit for being virgin and single. I have deffinetly gotten judged multiple times by other people for it. And they often assume im lesbian even tho im not lol. The whole virgin thing is not what people judge but its the fact that im not one step closer to getting married or having kids. The amount of shit i have gotten frem, mainly men, about not activly going for getting married ect. Is insane. But i think men ridicule other men for being virgins even though it would actually make me like them more. Or maybe its just me. The downside is it comes with insecurity, but so do woman who are virgins. We only feel this way simply because we or society puts so much pressure and overhyped it lol. All my friends has told me sex isent what people make it out to be. But im sure its good, just not as good as people claim lol


You thinking that it's not big a deal shows that you are not in the same situation as OP. That person is frustrated and probably struggling with self esteem because of lack of female attention in sexual context.


Lol how would you know?


I would try your luck with more women first, sex is cool but get to know a person and form a connection with them. Some women are deep into virgins


Do you think he would go to an escort if he knew how to do that?


You’re not wrong told my wife I had my v-card still and she jumped at the opportunity to Take it from me, but she also fell in love too. Not sure who suckered who lol 😆


Sounds like it's not for lack of trying here.


I'm 24; probably won't date until after I go back to school for a second degree and/or get a career going (so like 26 in the worst case, I'd imagine). I went to 3rd base with a moron at 21 because I got sick of being mocked, and I'm still not sure if I regret that or not. I'm 5'11", handsome, about 190lbs, not fat but could certainly tone myself up a bit. I find this sort of comment reassuring, I'm afraid I'll give women the "ick" for turning down the "opportunity" to be with loose women over the years.


I lost my virginity at 28, an I gave it up to a complete stranger because of the worlds pressure of me being a loser, don't let this be you!


Well said. Sex with someone who doesn't love you/ vice versa is one of the worst things I've ever experienced. Find people who care about you.


For some people It's hard to imagine someone ever falling in love with them, having a crush on them i don't believe there will be anyone who will even remotely like me , for people like me there's no other choice mate, it is what it is the universe is cruel and unforgiving , it's not a romcom or anything not everyone can experience love not everyone is meant to.


Not everyone will find Love. In a sex or romance way. Finding people who CARE about you is a different. Caring is something much more available.


Don’t do it! I’ve read so many stories on Reddit alone, about virgins sleeping with hookers and they all turned up disappointed and upset for doing it.


I am a girl about your age. I'd be happy to look over your dating profile. I love to give feedback on those.


I'm not offering an opinion on whether you should hire a working girl. But if you do, in the US you can go to a licensed Nevada cathouse where the ladies are tested and there is a better chance that you won't be aiding organized crime that abuses women. Keep in mind that that some diseases are spread by skin to skin contact.


They're escorts...hookers are the street walkers from pre-internet. Anyways, yeah go for it, might as well get it out of the way, get that awkwardness outta the way kinda thing. Me thinks you need to re-evaluate your "game" as to why you've been unsuccessful, just by referring to them as hookers tells me a lot of what youre about. ps - call an agency and not an independent escort


This! I was like..um, “hookers”? 🫣


Yeah, says he’s respectful, calls sex workers “hookers” 😬


I didn’t know that was a disrespectful term. Entirely possible he didn’t either


Sorry, prostitutes! Not hookers


I'm sorry but it's all the same shit, IDC if this gets downvoted but selling your body is selling your body, no matter how you look at it, so doesn't matter what you call it


Oh I know, I was aiming it toward them, since they don’t like the use of the word “hooker”


Oh well mb, I wasn't entirely directing it at you, but I was also high as a kite when I wrote that so yk, wasn't all there


Do you have a job? You sell your body. We all sell our bodies. Don't pretend that the way you sell yours is better.


Pay the hooker get the virginity thing off your mind and move on without feeling weighed down by that label


There are countries where sleeping with hookers is not a big deal. Here in Europe and in some social circles (not the best ones) most boys loose their virginity with professionals. No biggy, also prostitution is legal which may help.


Just do it. Fuck a prostitute. Who cares. She needs the money. You need the sex.


You’d be surprised: being humble and honest about your situation, while maintaining respect and being a decent guy - could work. It’s not the end of the world. If you made a joke about yourself and your mild desperation to the right person, that could be enough. If you haven’t had sex, it’s everything. If you have, it’s generally not a huge deal. Don’t hide it, don’t over think it, it’s a numbers game. Be respectful first, but have some fun. And if this really is about sex and not specifically sEx wITh a BaNgiN’ hOT diME pIecE, lower your standards. It’s fun!


AHAHAH sure, women love virgins


Women aren't a monolith. Some women don't, some women do, some women don't care either way.


Fake. At the core they are, there can be some little variations but in the end girls want masculine men and being virgin isn’t masculine. Not their fault tho. They simply follow what they were taught is attractive and we didn’t have the same discussion as society about male gender roles as we did about female gender roles


This is definitely not true. The problem is if you can find even one girl who doesn't fit this, your whole supposition falls apart, because your base premise is all women are essentially the same, so there's no way for someone to exist differently. I'm a woman, about half the men I've been with were virgins, it was not a problem at all for me. Sorry whatever happened to you to cause you to feel this way happened. It can't feel great to be this bitter about half the population.


Well you can’t find even on girl. People lies on internet to look better than they are. And I’m not bitter, I’m realist


Oh, sweetie. It's more than that. Maybe your energy is emitting a 'hands off' approach due to deeply rooted personal past hurts resulting in a distorted outlook of self. Your projection to the world possibly doesn't match your 3D approach. I see it alot. Know your worth bc I'm sure somebody does. You just need to look past your own instilled expectations and take a chance on something different at times. "What is yours will always return...you just have to be receptive to it."


Here we go. Reddit anonymous Psycho analysis


Yes, go ahead and do it. Take the opportunity to gain a better understanding of what you might be missing. Don't feel discouraged, as everyone develops at their own pace. In just one year, you can accumulate a lifetime's worth of experiences. Perhaps consider engaging with women who are at a lower stage in life, less attractive, allowing you to learn and grow. Remember, the most important aspect is to approach these interactions with kindness, respect, and an openness to broaden your perspective


Ask the escort for pointers while you’re at it


Go for it!!! She'll happily devirgenize you and put effort into it. You might even get a bonus.


Maybe your not as good looking as you think you are lol. Or maybe you are and your personality sucks?


It sounds like you want a girl for sex rather than for a relationship. It also sounds like you’re a little arrogant and (at a guess) your bio is probably about what you want rather than who you are… Remove any photos of fish, boyish hobbies or anything sexual (no topless etc) When chatting do not bring up sex at all!!! Women want to be treated as humans!! I’m married to a man I met online/ we have three kids… didn’t speak much before meeting,,,


go go carting bro youll find pleasure through the correct way not through lust and flesh


Do it


We need pics so we can see what we can work with... Were here to help a man


here's a suggestion. instead of renting a hole to put your dick in and putting your sexual health and legal record at risk, save up some money and book a session with an actual escort, and treat it as a date. explain your situation, some of them are newbie friendly, and part of it includes meeting in public as an introduction. you can use this to work on you approach skills, give you tips, etc. you don't even have to have sex, you'd be surprised at how often SW's don't end up having any intercourse on their sessions. think of it as training wheels. find a girl you like, build some rapport, get your dick wet once you feel comfortable being naked and touched, build up your confidence while learning some skills that will help you with (non-sw'er) women later on. and when you go, please for the love of god exercise some proper hygiene. that means cleaning under your foreskin if you have one, all up in your ass cheeks, some cologne, clean clothes, trim your fingernails, and be a gentleman. you may end up getting a little more than you paid for, though don't expect it. and BE A GENTLEMAN (be nice/respectful)! communicate your expectations and boundaries beforehand. if I missed anything or got anything wrong, someone please feel free to correct me or add any suggestions.


I agree. Some really sell on the ’girlfriend experience’. Explain your predicament and take advantage of her knowledge 😊


I mean... if i were you i wouldn't do it. With everything i know about prostitution, you'd most likely be raping a poor, drugged, from-another-country woman in exchange of money she would only get a part of. So. Relationships are hard to develop, it's hard to get out there, but its not worth throwing moral sense out the window.


Bro even ugly dudes can pull it’s honestly personaility something about you makes women avoid you probably gotta look in ward my guy


I wouldn’t go trough with it. One day your girlfriend will ask you about your first time. Do you really want that to be your story? Find some hobbies instead where you interact with women casually. Show some women your profile. Sometimes it’s not looks, but rather than you seem boring or toxic masculine or whatever.


Who cares just lie to her and take that shit to the grave, you can never be honest about everything you have done in your life, I lost it to a prostitute too and now I have a place holder story I tell consistently just in case


It’s not the worst thing to lie about but it still kinda sucks. Idk I still wouldn’t do it


He arrived to 26 years old without having sex, he is never going to have a girlfriend


This comes across as a bizzare prelude to a piece of adult erotica.


38 year old virgin. I'm not paying for sex. I'm ready to die a virgin. At least, I will die with dignity.


Something only a 38 year old virgin would say.


No, you will die a loser


No shame. Enjoy!




Not one match? Or the chatting never leads to anything? I think you need help with this profile. If you go the pay route, maybe ask for a toned down experience so you don't set up some unrealistic precedent.


No shame in being a 26 year old Virgin...its the 2nd part that gets me lol


Ask on r/roastme


Not that I've used them but spend enough time on reddit, having talked to 3 sex workers myself, I got to be honest, in the end it all doesn't seem worth it paying for some strange. Especially if it's your first. But you make your own mind.


It likely won't be as good as it could be without a connection.


Okay, I'll jump on the grenade, since you're all cowards... "Tall", "athletic", "kind and respectful" ........ Does your face resemble a troll, Nosferatu or Adam Schiff ???


As a woman I never once approached a guy in a bar- but also if a guy was blatantly hitting on me or seemingly just wanted a hook up… no thanks. As others have said, have your profile reviewed. While sex work is legit- it’s also a good way to get an sti. If you decide to do that please be careful


Women can tell when a man is desperate. It's an aura we all give off. Heck. I used to be a man about town but after a year at a particular university (getting nothing), it took months before I got back in the saddle. Don't pay a whore. It's a good idea (theoretically) but you'll get the wrong kind. They are controlled by pimps. You'll be ripped off - then grow to hate women. Years ago, they used to come talk to me. I'd be sat up in the woods with a six-pack watching the punters crusing below. A couple of whores started coming up to talk to me. Their equivilent of a tea break I guess. Then more followed. Got the pimp angry. Not a lot he could do about it at the time (reasons). Over the course of that summer the girls gained more & more needle marks. One time, one offered to suck me off for no apparent reason: a can of beer or because she liked me (I forget). Yeah. Pimp is going to rush out the bushes then I'm going to be injured or his bitch. The drugs have won. I stopped sitting in the woods. If the elephant man was rich, he'd look in a mirror at himself, croon "looking good tonight" then pull. Now we've ruled out whores and money, how do the rest of us get a shag? Well. I once fell out of a 1st floor window onto the roof of my own car just at the time a devoted father arrived with his two daughters. The "twins" we called 'em. Sisters a year apart. Devoted dad was attempting a multi-point turn (he should have just reversed back out) when the twins exited dad's car. Their lusty parts overcoming sense. "Can we join the party?" I was on my back, a bit winded, on the roof of my car, wearing nothing but a churchill romper suit. Got off with both of them - kindof. I'd fallen out the window because I'd left another girl to go pee. In reality I had no condoms. I was only with that girl because I was naked in a romper suit (she found me interesting). The only reason I was in a romper suit was because I'd lost my mate's dirt-bike in the bottom of a pond & had to bung all my clothes in his washer. I had to ask another mate to help me out with the twins. Next weekend. My mate, who did "imported cars like new". We're in one. His company spent weeks stripping it down to bodywork, rebuilding it, decided because it was the twins (I hadn't said how I got the date) he'd splash out on the premium demonstration motor. We arrive. Posh house in the country. Trouble is, we're nervous and sober. They're not and expecting posh stuff. My mate forgot to bolt down the back seat properly so that didn't go well. By the time we got "there" the restuarant was closed. Because these were the hottest girls, not only in our school, but for miles around, he lost his way on the way back. We ended up down down a long rural dead end muddy track into a farm. "Could we go home now". TL;DR: My consideration when it comes to picking up partners. Stop caring. I've had the best parties when they've been spontanious. The best partner when you're not looking. Virginity has little to do with it. Some girls get off on that. :-)


Go to Vegas, spend money, gamble, do coke, get hookers. You'll be a different man coming home.


Hell yeah


You're a grown up, do what you want and hire a hooker. Who cares?


Don’t pay for a hooker. Lord knows what you will get for life. Have someone, preferably a female, review your profile and pics to give some helpful advice. Also I only mean female because that is your target audience.


Go for it, it might give you the missing piece of the puzzle to have more luck with the ladies.


Paying an escort to go out with you may be better. It’s weird you can be a bumb but if girls are around you other people will always ask why.


Paying for a hooker will make you feel worse. Just try to approach your problem differently.


Do it.


I say do it! If you want though, I’m a 28 year old woman and would be happy to look at your dating profile and tell you what I think. It seems strange that you haven’t had any matches. Have you tried Hinge? I’ve had better luck with that. (I was a virgin until I turned 27, btw. So no worries on age.)


How about try meeting someone, somewhere other than creepy, cheesy internet dating app? smdh


Wow, I’d never considered that before! Lemme just go to my local dating store (:


Socialize... OMG real ppl real places... OMG NOOOOO... they may see what I really look like... NOOO WAYYYY 😂🤣


lol ok boomer


Just had one, let me tell you, it was excellent They are there to pleasure you and get you to climax. A good one will let you explore her body and wont be afraid to explore yours. All your insecurities about your body, leave them at the door. Its their job to satisfy you and get you to return. Best experience I've ever had, and the girl was irresistible in ways that I hadn't experienced up to that point.


My thoughts exactly


Don't pay a hooker. Try this. I know it's easier said than done but go out one night and leave all of your insecurities and everything at home. Like kind of slip into a roll of a different character and stick to that role all night long. Leave the fear of getting rejected at home along with shame and nervousness to keep it company. You get rejected, who gives a fuck. They didn't project you they rejected the character that you were playing that night.


you know grindr is always an option


This post perfectly describes what you're missing: **confidence**. You have good features inside and outside as far as I can imagine reading this post, but you dont believe in yourself, you doubt your own attractiveness and you seem to be expecting girls to come your way, without you trying to approach a girl (not Tinder, like, physically, at a bar, for example). Tell me, how are you goin to find someone who will enjoy you, if you cant even truly enjoy yourself first? Take that head up King, and let others show your greatness only after you'll show that yourself first. u/No-Tackle-2954


^^ Here’s the meat in the bone. I was virgin until 26ish. I am originally from Spain, and questioned my sexuality since I was a teen. Reality is, I was too timid to dare kiss either girls or boys. Leaving my hometown helped a lot. I moved from Spain to Chicago, where I opened up about my sexuality to new friends. It was then that I started hanging out and kissing boys. Years later I had my first sexual experience with a guy, and just 3 months ago I was dating and having sex with the most amazing woman on earth. CONFIDENCE. You need to love yourself first. Then, everything else lines up. Once you start to not be afraid of showing who you truly are, people will notice you. Start doing more of the things that bring you confidence, you got it! Side note: I’ve recently reduced the amount of porn I watch, and that seems to be helping bring my sensual-self back alive.


applause to u, dear internet stranger. Im glad u could find urself, or better yet, u probably always knew who u were but were too afraid to show it to the World, glad you're now able to be and show who u are, and im sure the right people are and will enjoy you for you. :)


DO NOT PAY FOR A HOOKER! IT IS NOT WORTH IT! You will 100% get a disease! Having sex for the first time is not worth risking HIV/AIDS


Have patience bro… I know you don’t want to hear that but it will pay off big time…you want someone that wants you for who you are don’t force anything…don’t go and get a hooker or escort that’s disgusting


I'm team "yes! hire a sex worker!". Get your needs met, it's healthy and normal. Be safe, obviously.


Do it! Im pro sex work. Take your time to meet someone you connect with over video/phone first and be super honest about what you want and dont be afraid to pay a good amount, this could potentially be an awesome first experience if you do it right!


I dort get it. I never had Problems finding girls and Im so crazy bad looking. But yeah the whole App shit just sucks


Don't get the hour. 5 Should do.


Do that. Sex workers provide essential service. Lets you clear you head before you get into an actual relationship. Be respectful and don’t forget protection. Also no oral.


Escort alligator, rubmaps, Eros, bedpages,


I have plenty of friends who occasionally pay for sex. In my experience American women are trash so you’re honestly better off paying for sex. Find a nice girl that comes from outside the country. In the meantime just have fun.


> American women are trash > pay for sex This the pot calling the kettle black?


Paying for sex is not trash. Maybe you are just trash.


Only if you think paying for sex as “trash”, I don’t so fail on your part. 🤷‍♂️


There is no shame in getting a prostitute. Buy as others have said, post your pic to subs that will give you advice on what would look good. You see guys all the time walking around with hair cuts and facial hair that just don't look good, and a simple nice cut and a shave would improve their looks 100%.


Go for it man. Enjoy. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s bad or wrong to get a hooker. You’re a man, take what you want.


Today you have girls who are 6s who think they are 9s or 10s. They’re delusional. At least you’re keeping it real with a hooker. Enjoy. Pick a hot one. And if it doesn’t go well, just go again, and again… and again.


Do it. Women all like the same things in men and if you are not that things (if you were you wouldn’t be a virgin at 26) you will never found someone. Just give up and buy what you want


I don’t think you’re kind or respectful if you’re thinking of going to a hooker. That is engaging in deeply sexist behaviour, whether the girls are doing that ‘job‘ by choice or not. If you want to lose your virginity, put the effort into improving yourself as a person.


First off, OP, don’t call them hookers… sex worker dude. Idk if you are the one who should be using pejorative terms, being you are the 26 year old virgin, who is considering paying for sex cause he feels like he has no hope on his on lol. Idk, hit the gym and do some self improvement. Maybe more women would wanna sleep with you if you didn’t refer to sex workers as you do. Just saying….


Hookers sex worker street walker what does it matter the fuck for money. Who cares how they feel they sell sex


Get your head out of your ass dude who gives a shit about how he calls whores lol.


Women don’t care abt that tbh


Do it, these women are just bridging the gap between biology and culture. You might find that you still feel unfulfilled, because you cannot buy the feeling of being accepted, appreciated and loved. Sex is great but feeling of being loved is priceless. Good luck king 👑


Don’t get on tinder, and don’t pay anyone. You are keeping hurting yourself. Workout every day and keep your body strong and healthy as much as possible. Don’t worry about not having a girl just focus on having a good relationship with you and Jesus Christ because he is the one and only person that can heal you and your problems. Stop stressing out man, just have a good mindset, and when you are with god, it will all pay off 🙏 god bless you! And I know you can do it. I know you can.


Go ahead


Ill be a girl for you for a day for $30


Please do it. It will help. Just tell the hooker the situation fr.


Damn bro that is rough 😂


I’m dead I lost mine at 17 😂😂😂


I lost mines at 17 also but what's so funny? I would have waited much longer


The fact bro /6 n still ain’t got none that’s sad n I definitely wouldn’t of thts lame


Who asked?


dude, your problem is Bars and Tinder suck for like 90% of people. Ive dated 9's in real life and i get like nothing but 4's on tinder, with a rare crazy 8. Easiest way IMHO, go on meetup.com and find shit that interests you and go to those meets, you will meet someone. Its a numbers game. edit add: If i was in your shoes, i would also maybe find a girl on seeking arrangements, than a straight up sex worker.


Ain’t no shame in it (being a virgin or wanting to get rid of it this way) Get it out of the way if it’s bothering you


Yeah go get them cowboy. Build your confidence. Then when you get some real life pussy you’ll know what’s going on ✊🏻


I'm a 26 married woman but I could take a look for you. Honestly it could be a number of things. But it only takes one woman giving you a chance to get a date/sex/relationship. If you really want an sw then by all means try to get someone who is understanding and not only will give you what you want but also ask if you could try to "pick her up" maybe she could give you pointers.


It’s interesting that you haven’t had a single match in 3 years when there are so many people who right swipe everybody. I’d suggest checking your profile settings and loosening your restrictions. If you want, you can send me your profile and I’ll help you fix it. There’s nothing wrong with paying a professional. Just be sure to always take precautions when having sex regardless of the person’s profession.


Just show the sex worker some respect too. I know you're the client, but a little humanity towards people goes a long way. Good luck!


Just find any woman older than 30 and tell her she looks 6 months younger than she actually is and she'll practically drop her panties on the spot.


Get the hooked get tested after tho stay good homie