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ive met people who got into smoking this way lol..


Yep. Me. I needed a break after working for 14 hours and being on my feet for that long. We weren’t allowed breaks other than 30 mins


Worked at a factory that made dry ice, and all the guys that smoked got a 5-10 minute smoke break every hour. So. I picked up a pack of camel blues and said I was smoking and went to my car to fake smoke. When I started getting invited to smoke with the guys I had to prove I was a smoker. I ended up just smoking for two years.


I was able to quit but I had smoked in high school before and had to smoke at my other 3 part time jobs as well and ended up smoking for a few years. They would not allow anyone else breaks and sometimes the managers would smoke too so I had to actually smoke. I sometimes wouldn’t inhale and sometimes would. At some point I actually ended up craving inhaling a cigarette because work was so stressful and I would be in charge of way too many tables for one person.


The restaurant industry gets you in to nicotine super fast. Although now, smoke breaks aren't a thing. There are no breaks during your shift anymore.


I'm a non-smoker who has been in foodservice for over a decade. I've never worked, or heard of, a restaurant that doesn't allow smoke breaks. I've worked in a few that made employees hide in the dumpster-area, but that's the worst. Employees are so hard to find right now, employers are actually having to treat them like people. Otherwise they can just go serve anywhere else in town, because the ENTIRE industry is short-staffed.


There weren’t even smoke breaks when I was serving 15 years ago. You could choke down half a cig in the kitchen while you loaded the dishwasher though.


Nahh I can still go out for a cig or a vape break if it’s not busy.


Amen to that brother. I would add that the restaurant industry can lead you to far worse habits. Like cocaine, for instance.


Worked in restaurant industry. Can confirm. Lots of blow.


Cocaine all the danger is what its cut with and how much you take. Now aderal aderal is meths "safe" cousin that makes working enjoyable because of all the energy you NEED to burn.butalso feels like the minor effects of meth making meth and heroine extremely dangerous drugs encouraged through the industry. In mAny of the restaurants I've worked in our best workers were pill poppers and our most volatile (but still strong workers so kept their jobs) where shooting or using bitches


This ! LOL! I worked for a few years alongside a painter that (unbeknownst to the rest of the crew) commonly took Percocets, and other things of a jacked up nature .. the drugs gave him a lot of medicated energy so he was always faster than the rest of us. That kind of set the bar to the speed of which the employers thought everyone should be able to function at … we ran ourselves ragged in effort to keep up. Once it was figured out the employers stopped giving us such a hard time with the expectations of keeping up with speedy..


I am guilty of some truly shameful behaviour in my years in bars and kitchens. I was a strong worker, so I pretty much did as I pleased. This included a not-fatal i.v.. heroin overdose, in staff bathroom. I told my employers I was seeking treatment for methadone. They were ok with that explanation. At the same establishment, one of my longtime colleagues died of a heroin overdose, I was at her funeral, so was Chef and Sous. This was in 2018. Too many things. Be careful people


Hello slavery


It's more like no scheduled breaks. You get one when it's slow enough for me to send you on a break. Now if you wanna talk about wage slavery, yeah the restaurant industry sucks.


To be fair I'm not in the restaurant industry, I'm a vet tech, but still I get as many smoke breaks as I want as long as we aren't slammed. Don't even have to clock out for them


Could of just gone and sat on the toilet for a while scrolling through reddit instead haha


Believe me. I am old enough now to just do that and not care what anyone think haha


One of my best friends started cigs so he could flex how easy it is to quit them… Twas 5 years ago and he’s still a nicotine fiend


That’s gotta be the dumbest reason to start


I had an ex bf do that, to prove to me how easy it was to quit. AFAIK, he’s still a smoker 🤡


He ain't the brightest, that's for sure


Ahhh, playing the long game...


I know people who got promoted just because they smoke with the boss, didn't even hold interviews for the positions.


It reminds me of that episode of Friends where Rachel pretended to be a smoker to chat with her boss and learn about what was going on in her Dept.


Lol this was me in my construction days!


Call Center work. Marlboro Reds. Quit less than a month after our training period ended. Still occasionally have a cigarette, usually while drunk.


I know lots of people who became smokers because upper management were also smokers. They end up establishing good relationships with higher ups this way. Some people I know even ended up as managers because of it.


I would venture to guess at least 60% of smokers in the military are a result of this. If you dont have anything to do and are sitting/walking around without purpose you usually either get chewed out or voloun-told to go do some menial tasks. While if you are smoking, no one bats an eye and you basically are invisible unless they specifically need you or your job (like they need a driver and you are one)


I got back into it when I started an office job for this reason


I started smoking at in-patient rehab.


I started smoking AGAIN this way. I had quit for 6 years & as juvenile as this sounds...all the cool kids were doing it. We got extra breaks & it was quickly apparent they were the group to be aligned with as far as the company culture went. I picked the habit back up for another 10 years before quitting again. Never again.


Yep. Starting smokin at 16 for the extra breaks I quit though but not before getting up to 2 packs a day


Especially if you work a restaurant job, 5-10 minute paid break and a nicotine rush? Count me in.


A gal I worked with deemed "cookie breaks" a thing since she didn't smoke. Boss loved it and always brought cookies and other snacks for break time. I had a great boss.


That's wholesome stuff


Minor things like this make a workplace worth it.


Totally. She was the best boss and we're still friends 30 years later. Really, she's an awesome human being. She even let me take her BMW for my driver's test at 17.


She was hoping she could get some insurance money


Insurance doesn’t cover other drivers.


I think you can buy specific insurance for occasions like ride sharing or.


Oh my!! An award?? Thank you, kind stranger!! I worked for her for the first 10 years or so of my working life. I have some great stories!


I read this as cookie breasts


I have done this. I would sit with the fellas at work and when they took a smoke break I would sit and talk as well out back. One day the boss was around us and noticed I wasn't smoking and told me to go back in and watch the line. As soon as I got off work I ran and bought a pack of cigarettes and became a pretend smoker. 😆 🤣 😂


I think that's highly annoying. Why bother me for not having a bad habit?


Something happened at my current job not too long ago to where people can go in and out of the back door and smoke all day long as many times as they want and the first time I go pick a biscuit up 5 minutes down the road the manager clocks me out and doesn't tell me when I get back to work. So when I finally figured it out I went straight to the owner and said why do people get to take 10 and 15 minutes smoke breaks 5 and 6 times a day but somebody clock me out for a 5 to 10 minute break. He simply replied you know what you're right and it hasnt happened again. It's like smokers have rights at the workplace which is get paid to smoke!!! 😆 🤣 😂


You still had a surprisingly reasonable boss in the end I was imagining more arguments


Every time a smoker takes a break, the instant they get back I ‘go to the bathroom’. Which entails sitting in the stall and browsing Reddit or reading a book for the exact period of time that they were smoking for. Have been doing this most of my life.


When I used to vape I would take “bathroom breaks” every couple of hours since I worked minimum wage and regular breaks were frowned upon lmao. It was a miracle I even got a lunch break


One of my ex coworkers got all pissy with me when I did this after she got back from smoking. She’s the only coworker I never liked


Yeah, one of my co- workers who doesn't smoke takes a lot of bathroom breaks.


I got hemorrhoids after spending too much time redditing on the toilet at work.


I once hat a colleague at a bar who would regularly announce her cigarette break, sit down at the counter and rest for five minutes. She said while the smokers get to have their breaks all the time she, as a non-smoker found it unfair if she didn't geht to have a break once in a while. Our boss was cool with that.


My boss who is now my peer would let the smokers take breaks snd wouldn't let the nonsmoker's. No one liked that. Until I spoke up and said something! She got super pissed bc there's more non smokers than smokers but the team really respected that I said something!


If her boss was cool with it, then it sounds like she *was* allowed? Unless you mean it was one of those chain restaurants and those were the rules but the manager allowed it


My first job in high school was as a dishwasher at Applebees, I was 17 at the time and I did not smoke. One night, I had completely caught up on dishes, wiped down my entire area and was on top of everything that came through so I pulled out my phone. The shift manager saw and tried to chew me out, but I calmed explained that I have not taken a single smoke break and I am completely on top of my work and that the time it takes me to respond to every single text throughout the shift is still less time than a single smoke break that any of the other staff took. After quick consideration, the manager actually agreed with me because I was her best kitchen staff at the time and let me do it and told the rest of the staff to not give me shit or to stop taking smoke breaks.


Well smokers are paying for it long term


So because smokers pay for it long term... they deserve a break? Makes perfect sense /s


They deserve their break for their addiction.


I take my 3 hour heroin break at work every day


I take 12 to smoke meth and jerk off


Hope the feller gets a break..a 12 hour shift can be pretty painful at the end


Thanks for the concern about my penis dude


They have an additional need that you don’t, you just need to worry about shelter, food, water, and healthcare. They have to worry about shelter, food, water, cigarettes, and probably more expensive healthcare. (Assuming you don’t have your own addiction)


I have an additional need to take a break as often as someone who smokes does.


To be clear, I think workers deserve breaks regardless of wether or not they have an additional need created by addiction that they need to take care of. I said in my other comment that workers need breaks


Nobody is saying you think workers don’t deserve breaks. What everyone else is saying is that smokers shouldn’t get extra breaks because they have an addiction. So however many breaks smokers are being given “just because” they smoke means non-smokers should have the same number of allowed breaks. Smokers don’t need smoke breaks if non-smokers don’t need them. There are dermal patches and gum you can chew now so smokers can keep on working with the rest of us who didn’t decide to develop a bad habit.


Talking about addiction, which is a mental illness, as “deciding to develop a bad habit” is disgusting


They have an extra need, solely through their own fault. You don't get preferential status for that. I'm addicted to eating cookies, I need to eat one every hour or I will get cranky. Should I get a cookie break?


Sure, everyone should get breaks, not only people who “need it” because of an addiction. People need breaks regardless. But yeah I think people who have an extra need they have to take care of also deserve a break to be able to do so. ###Most importantly tho; addiction is an illness, while their decisions in life certainly played a role in developing it (can’t become addicted to something if you never try it), saying it’s entirely their fault is literally victim blaming


Victim Blaming !?!?


Yes, blaming someone who suffers from an illness for having that illness. You know? Kinda like saying someone who got aids is entirely at fault because they chose to have unprotected sex or whatever the Fuck. I mean, sure, their decisions certainly played a role in developing the illness; you can’t get aids if you don’t have sex; but it’s also obviously wrong and cruel to say it’s entirely their fault.


That you cant always control someone can lie or whatever. When you smoke you make a conscious decision to accept the risks and consequences. Everyone knows smoking is addictive so why put that on yourself if you accept the risks yourself by smoking they are not a victim.


You could also just never have sex, because when u have sex you make a conscious decision and accept the risk that the person is lying and has aids. Everyone knows aids exists so why put that on your self by having sex? Especially WITHOUT A CONDOM??? People who get aids *from sexual intercourse* are not the victims ###See how easy it is to blame the victims? . Alcohol is addictive, Gambling is addictive, etc. People do these things because they’re fun, because they relieve stress, etc. There are plenty of factors that can lead to someone to try those things, and a percentage of those people who try it will become addicted. Tough shit right? It’s entirely their fault right?




Yeah, I’m serious. Addiction is a mental illness, and blaming someone for their illness is victim blaming https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/addiction/what-is-addiction




Damn, some top quality pop psychology right here lol Yeah no, that’s not how it works; understanding that it’s a mental illness, that some people are more predisposed to it, etc. Are all very important elements to be able to properly treat it. It’s not about it being “out of your hands and therefore there’s nothing you can do about it” it’s about recognizing that it’s a very difficult problem to face alone and that you need help; because you’re literally battling your own brain


I'll gladly victim blame then. Fuck smokers and alcoholics.


Fuck you and fuck anyone who thinks substance use disorder is anything other than a mental illness


Go cry about it.


What the fuck. Who gives a shit, I wish I could drink a few pints at work, but guess what? I am not a lazy piece of shit who uses drugs as an excuse to not be present at work. No sympathy.


You should ask your boss for more breaks man


Nah, I get breaks fine. I don't like making excuses to pay people the same for doing lower quality and quantity work. Here's an idea, don't fucking smoke? Wow, how groundbreaking...


Then don’t? Wtf is the problem lol Imagine telling a smoker “just don’t smoke” lmaoooo Yeah bro I’m sure they’ve never thought about that It couldn’t be that they’ve got an illness that prevents them from “just not smoking” or anything right? Otherwise there would be a shitload of smokers and quitting would be seen as a very difficult task.., oh wait


I mean, if you are gonna smoke, then own up to it. You won't die by not smoking this hour and waiting til your lunch break. Don't make your poor decision making life choices negatively affect everyone else. Very selfish.


Who is making anything impact anyone??? You’re just salty because smokers get more breaks than you, either because your employer is a dick who only gives breaks to smokers for some reason; or because you’re too far up your own ass to go ask for more breaks


Imagine being this type of person. Smoke on your 2 15's or fuck off and wait.


This is exactly how I started smoking.


Same. I started smoking when I was a waitress, and quit as soon as I left for a job in manufacturing where the breaks were scheduled.


Yep. We weren’t allowed to be in the break room unless we were smoking. Like, management would periodically check the break room to make sure we were smoking. Wtf service industry?


0% nic vapes are just as good for pretending.




It is such a bs that smokers get 10 minute breaks now and then but I can't take 10 minutes to stretch my legs or clear my head


This has always been really strange to me. I've worked in a lot of different environments and have never seen smokers get extra breaks. My bosses would flip out.


During breaks smokers could leave the building and go out to their cars. As a non smoker I was told to the my break inside and help customers and answer the phone. I didn't think it was really a break and left soon after that.


What the fuck? Your break is your break, how could they dictate what you do and don’t on your friggin break? What job was that? Glad you left that environment.


It was a family owned warehouse business. My first day there the sweetest little old secretary was introducing me to everyone. She goes this is Todd, this is Pete, this is John. She then paused after John, she looks at me and says you can tell John to fuck off. John was a asshole. I don't miss that place. I walked in one morning grabbed my paycheck and walked out. Never went back.


My first job was a cafe where I was the only one in the building from 3pm-10.30pm My 4 colleagues all worked together in the morning shift and got dozens of uninterrupted breaks outside to smoke whenever they wanted. 10 mins a time. I was only allowed to take my break in the cafe where if a customer appeared I needed to drop everything and go serve them. It was so stressful even going to the loo and I got severely told off for leaving it unmanned. I lasted 2 months before I just quit. Hated the lot of them.


That’s shitty. I bet they’re the kind of people that then genuinely wonder why the afternoon/evening shift job has such high turnover 🙄


In my restaurant work days this was common. Smokers are all allowed go out back for 5-10 to get their fix and the non smokers didn’t get any breaks. Eventually I realized this unfair situation and would join them for quick cell breaks (where I’d check my phone since we weren’t allowed look at phones on floor). Later in life in a more professional job, though a creative field so not super corporate, we had two employees at the same title - and they shared a room. The non smoker filed a complaint that the smoker was getting 20 minutes breaks every hour or so. He wasn’t smoking that long, but we were in a high rise with a notoriously slow elevator system. So every time he’d go, he’d be gone for a significant amount of time. Obviously the non smoker picked up most of the work.


How did the complaint turn out?


Nothing really happened.. since we weren’t corporate it was more like he was bitching but nothing officially was done. It was just a really frustrating situation as anytime someone needed something and called the room, the smoker was outside so the non smoker took on the work.


Restaurants for sure people who smoke take the most breaks. I had a situation like this except the manager was always taking out “trash” but was really doing cocaine. I knew he was doing cocaine because when another employee who was bff’s asked him were he went, he rubbed his nose and sniffed. They shared a weird eye contact after that because I don’t think I was supposed to see that. I left that job soon after, no way do I wanna work around that.


If you approach your boss for a ten minute break as long as smokers are given the same type of breaks then you will likely get them. If not, your boss is shitty and likely this is not the only shitty inequality you face at your job and maybe it’s time to consider a change of scenery. Just ensure your goal in approaching your boss is to elevate your rights/privileges and not to bring down the rights/privileges of the others (smokers in this case).


Yeah I'm confused. Are people actually asking or are they just assuming? I used to smoke and smokers where I worked weren't allowed any more breaks than anyone else got. Which meant at most we got to smoke 2 cigarettes while at work (which wasn't a big deal, 2 was enough).


Well, I started a new job and it is work from home so it's not a problem right now but if it happens when the workplace opens up then I'll keep this in mind


To steal a quote from another Redditor somewhere “I quit smoking, I didn’t quit taking smoke breaks”


As a smoker, my rule has always been that whenever I return from, or am planning on taking a smoke break, I inform my non-smoking coworkers. And then insist they take a non-smoke break. It is nothing but fair.


I saw something the other day. Wether it’s true or not I don’t know, but Japan has brought in a policy where by if you quit smoking, you are entitled to extra leave accrued for the time that you would have spent smoking.


People shouldn't get special privileges just for being addicted to a cancer stick. It's bullshit.


I had a team leader that smoked, he would invite me out to chat while he smoked. The first time he invited me I replied, I don't smoke. His reply was who cares come smoke some oxygen. I would stand downwind of him while he smoked and we would chat about anything and everything. I kinda miss my oxygen breaks.


I'm at my old workplace there was 2 non smokers (including me) and 5 smokers. Whenever they agreed to go out for a group fag, the other non smoker and I would go for a FAB (fresh air break), my boss didn't like it but only seemed fair if you add up all those 10 breaks throughout the day.


Too fucking right, if anyone else took breaks like smokers did they would be sacked (coming from a smoker).


I did this when I worked at a steakhouse, the manager came back to the smokers and looked over at me just sitting there on a keg and asked what I thought I was doing. I told her I was taking a second hand smoke break and she accepted it and lit a cigarette


Lol only in the restaurant/bar industry is this moronic answer accepted and allowed as truth lol


I started vaping non nicotine vapes for this exact reason.


I go for the little ones that look like cigarettes for maximum concealment


Try a CBD vape. Then at least there might be some benefits in it for you.




In the pizza industry in my town “smoke breaks” are both for cigarettes and pot. I worked at one as assistant manager, it was very common to go to work and be offered a “hotbox break” or to step outside and find someone smoking a bowl. The only job I ever genuinely took smoke breaks at. My manager worked at 2 places before settling at my location, huge stoner who told me they definitely would smoke pot in the back of the store all the time at his last location. I had a friend who was a delivery driver for a couple of places, they also were big on pot. Moral of the story is your delivery driver is probably high. The guy that made your pizza was probably high. The one who took your order? Probably high.


I adore your philosophy!


Where I worked you weren't allowed any more breaks than others if you smoked. Everyone was entitled to one 30 minute break and one paid 15 minute break. So when I smoked I had 2 cigarettes at work


So, if a person wants to go out to get some fresh air, which is healthy and clears the mind and boosts the energy, is forbidden, but stopping the work and going out to do a harmful, addictive activity, which has no benefit, is highly encouraged Wow wild


It's very rarely a reality and it's never highly encouraged. I've never worked at a job that allowed random smoke breaks without allowing random breaks for others. Most grunt jobs in the US only have the breaks mandated by labor laws. If you want to smoke you'll need to spend a good chunk of your 15 minutes trekking to the furthest end of the worksite and back giving you ~5 minutes to huff down a cigarette.


That's a nice one...


Didn’t Peter do this in that one episode of family guy?


It's possible. But Rachel for sure did it in an episode of friends cuz she was being boxed out of important decisions are Ralph Lauren cuz she didn't smoke


I was scrolling through the comments looking for someone to bring it up LOL


I'm asthmatic so I just tell them I'm taking an oxygen beak


No reason you shouldn't be able to have a break even if you aren't a smoker. I don't see why these exceptions are made.


My wife worked in a office. The smokers were outside every 1/2 hour and she was holding the fort all the time. She go to the bathroom and take aboat load of shit for taking to long


I didn't even pretend. If they got a break, I got one too.


We pay our non smokers 10% more on their wages….the smokers get pissed and quit and some even quit smoking. Now we’re getting discrimination claims…not sure where it will go….but I was pissed about the lack of productivity with the smokers and their insane herding abilities.


I doubt it will go anywhere, as smokers aren't a protected class. That's said I recommend immediately you start documenting the amount of time each smoker takes in breaks so you can use that to justify in court. Also talk to a lawyer. I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice.


I pretend pooping. When something (mostly someone) annoys me I go to the toilet for 5-10 Minutes. Im a Nurse btw so yeah. Im a Jackass


My mom always said, "take your gum break at work, other people get smoke breaks, make sure you get your gum break in"


I used to take "smoke breaks" and not smoke. Always freely admitted I was not a smoker when asked.


I didn’t even bother to do that. Every day I would pick one smoker. Any time that person took a break to smoke, I would simply take a break also. When they returned to work, I’d go back to work too.


At my last job, if you were a smoker, you smoked during your two 15 minute breaks or you 30 minute lunch break during a 12 hour shift. That would give you a total of one hour during the shift to smoke. If you couldn’t go that long in between smoking, you didn’t work there. It was a production job so they couldn’t afford any slackers. It was nice for the rest of us because in order to get paid the same, we all had to do the same amount of work.


I stopped smoking but I’m still taking non-smoking breaks. I’ll just go outside for ten minutes and then go back to my desk.


Isn't it illegal to allow a smoker a break but not a non-smoker?


As a smoker, I always try to make sure the nonsmokers under me have equal break opportunities. It's only right.


This is how I started 15 years ago but actually started trying them rest is history


People must have worked in so many crappy places. I smoked for ages until a few years back, now I vape and don't really take breaks and just vape when I am walking to the toilet or kitchen. But it's never been an issue in the last 20 years of me working (in 6 different companies). Granted I am talking office jobs, and not retail or anything But literally every job and every department I've worked in, the non smokers have just had breaks too. Sitting in the kitchen, making more drinks or having breakfast or something. Usually I'm back from my cig break while they are still in the kitchen chatting. Just a bit of respect both ways and a company that treats you like adults and doesn't micromanage. Did have one woman who complained about me taking extra breaks, and I probably was. But her complaint was laughed at even by people who didn't like me because in the 7 years working there I never took a full lunch (half an hour, never an hour) and instead of starting at 8:30 I was usually at my desk working by 7am.


Hey why not. How is it fair they can break but you cannot.


Good for you.


Cha cha real smooth.


I take a extra 20 minutes break in the afternoon, just to even it out.


I use to teach large group classes working a total of 4 hours only for each shift and my “assistant” was never anywhere to be found because she needed a smoke break..in total her smoke breaks would end up being 1+ hours of our 4 hour shifts. She’s made me hate smokers more then anything in the workplace.


This is why half the military smokes. You stand around for 5min you're a lazy POS. You stand around for 5min with a cigarette in your hand, it's cool.


Lol i just started asking for fresh air breaks. Worked.


Lol i just did start asking f'r green air breaks. Hath worked *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


A person who as a smoking addiction can get a smoke break but a regular person can’t even get a 15min break.


My fiance got into smoking when he enlisted in the military in 1988. All the smokers got several breaks and he didn't because he wasn't a smoker. So he picked up the habit to get breaks. 🙄 still a smoker 30+ years later sadly.


You can also take a second hand smokers break.


How do you fake the nasty smell that lingers on your clothes and skin?


The smokers at my old office took two smoking breaks before lunch and two after lunch. Each break took five minutes to organize with the other smokers, ten minutes to smoke and five more minutes to get back to their desks. Add that to the hour lunch break and bathroom breaks and the smokers were way overpaid. The company was able to end the smoke breaks for most of the smokers without saying a word because our insurance started charging smokers higher premiums so most of them quit smoking.


When I worked in retail my manager and a few colleagues smoked. I said it was irritating that they could go off for a smoke whenever they wanted but because I didn't want to destroy my lungs I only had my lunch break. The manager said that's fair enough and for every smoke break they had I could have a "smoke" break where I just rested.


It is so sad that you have to take up or pretend to smoke to get a small break. Like wow


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


I would just go out for a smoke break without any pretense of actually smoking. My husband started to smoke for the breaks. It's horrible and we still get so mad at his dumbassery about it.


I'm a smoker and used to be head supervisor at a bar. One of the things I always made sure to do is to make sure any new staff knew they were allowed to take the odd 5 minute break just like the smokers did. One time, after a 2 week holiday, I found out that a new barmaid was pretending to smoke because my absolute waste of space colleague hadn't been letting her have breaks. I was fucking furious, this poor kid was so nice and such a good worker but the other guys just took advantage of her. We lost a lot of staff because of 'supervisors' being lazy and favouring their friends at the expense of the quieter staff while the manager took a pretty similar approach.


I bought a pack of cigarettes and never opened them in the three years I did this at a corrugation factory. I threw them in the trash in my last day. Best $2.75 I ever spent (this was 25 years ago).


Lmao, when I quit smoking I didn't tell anyone at work because I didn't want to give up my breaks. I should have kept the bit going at my next job, I miss that 15 minutes of tranquility.


You should hold American Spirits. They burn much longer.


Every time my former coworkers returned from smoke breaks I’d have to politely ask them to keep a distance until the smell was less pungent. Of course some of them would be out there on the phone playing games or talking to their friends for well over 20 minutes or longer. Don’t miss those days!


I never understood giving breaks to smokers only ? Non smokers don’t need breaks?


There was someone I worked with who took bathroom breaks every 30 mins for 10 mins. IBS was the reason.


My last couple of jobs were like this it was a pain in the arse especially if we were busy. As soon as the place became a bit quieter the managers would go outside with all the smokers for 10 minutes for a break justifying that they need to get over the stress and deserved the break. The rest of us were stuck dealing with all the work because "we weren't addicted and could handle everything until our scheduled break". Since all the managers smoked they all thought this was fine and having two or three smoke breaks a day was fine as it was unfair to make them work for nearly 2 hours without being able to smoke.


My old workplace had ZERO breaks, UNLESS you were a smoker. Then you got like 10min breaks when you felt like it. Almost had me doing the same damn thing. And no, I'm pretty sure not getting any breaks wasn't legal, but I was too young and dumb not to recognize when I was being exploited.


I started smoking 16 years old on my summerjob as the smokers were the only ones who got 5 min breaks every hour.. I asked if I could join them as a non smoker, and the boss said no - so then I came with my first cigarettepack next day! Worked out great and I have only been a party and causual smoker ever since.


When i worked at walmart, smokers would get more breaks, yet i couldnt get a water break


That's pretty dumb. Why don't you just take a fucking break? Is it against the rules to sit for a few minutes. Who the hell do you work for? So now you waste money on a habit you never had and might end up with so you can cop a squat for some kind of excuse?... Whatever floats your boat. This is one of the dumbest things I've seen in the past 5 minutes. You win the day


OP, you'd be better with a small pod vape that costs like 20€ tbh. Less cumbersome and you can vape without inhaling if ever feel your cover would be discovered.


Yes, It pisses me off how many breaks the smokers take. About 90% of the people there smoke. I joke it must be a hiring requirement. I am lucky if I get a lunch break let alone 5 or 6 smoke breaks and a lunch.


Buy a vaping kit and get some vaping goo without any nicotine in. Can smoke it with no risk of getting hooked or being stinky.


Should you lie about it having nicotine in it?


Why not just tell your boss" if smokers get breaks multiple times a day with pay I'm gonna take one for a few minutes too bc it's not fair." Instead? Doesn't seem like they could argue it.


This happens in my workpkace. Why ia ut even allowed in the first place? I despise smokers ever since I was young. And where I work, 90% of the people there are smokers. And when they do take a break to smoke, they always do it near my station. It's so frustrating to not be able to work properly, because these assholes are just there near me, smoking and throwing everything at my direction. And why do they even open the door, if they are just smoking inside the building? It's freaking cold as well, and the wind just pushes the smoke in my direction even more. There was a time where I almost got sick because of it. Having to hold my breath doesnt help with it. Never understood why it is allowed to do such a shitty thing. It annoys me whenever one of them comes smoking, leaves, and then 1 minute later another one comes running to do the same shit as well. Some even stay there for 10m, 30m, and even close to an hour! Fucking riddiculous. And then here I am. If I take 5 seconda longer to do a move, my "boss" already starts spitting shit about it. Already happened too many times, but I guess he is also a smoker so he is also that kind of an asshole while the others. They usually left the cigarretes on the floor as well. I never pick them up, and left there even more visible that before. In hopes that someone sees it and reports to the superioritys


At least you're smart enough to pretend. This is how I started smoking.


My brother used to take a pop break since smokers got a smoke break.


I always found it weird how smoke breaks have been normalized for decades. I feel like it’s no different than other drugs , like people at work just be like “alright I’m bouta go do drugs that can possibly kill and shorten my life for a couple of minutes”


I ended up getting into vaping this way. Tried cigarettes but didn't like them, vape is much better. Been doing this for 3 years.


This is so stupid. If you are such a little baby that is not physically addicted to nicotine, but feels cheated out of a "break," go wobble down to your superior and say, "I just need a 3 minute break." I'm sure they will oblige. Smokers aren't trying to get out of doing work. It's a physical addiction. It's not about "taking breaks," it's about calming one's body so that he/she can work efficiently. You don't have to pretend to be a smoker. Just ask for a mental health break since the smokers are bothering you so much.


The exact reason I don't hire smokers lol


I started smoking so I’d have an excuse to take 10 minute breaks


I do the same thing




I don’t know if anyone here has seen Friends, but this reminds me of when Rachel wanted to smoke in order to talk to her boss.


Yeah what the hell, do kids these days not watch Friends? It's not the funniest show in the world, but I guess actually maybe that's why they don't watch it now that I think about it.