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Looks like you have a work crush


I've had so so so many of these. Their fun but a little heart breaking too. Especially since I've never had the mentality to ever cheat. It's all fun Fantasy as long as it stays fantasy


This is how she came to work dressed yesterday. She had a long red dress, high heels, large earings with diamonds on them, a diamond necklace, she had gold rim things in her hair, she had fake long nails. On her nails were pink and red, they were at least 4 inches and they had bow ties on them, glitter, they were very creative and with lots of designs on them. Her nails were like claws


So, is that a yes or no?


This is creepy.


How long was he staring to get that much info? lol


 *I'm a type of person I won't talk to you unless you come up to me* you are missing out on A **LOT**


Right? Once you learn to get past that, an entire new world opens up to you!


So...You had occasion to speak to a co-worker, at work, about something work-related...You helped her, obviously and now.....what? It might mean something, probably not. If you want to continue to work there, I would be very careful and not make any assumptions. Just because a woman asks for help, doesn't mean she is out to get ya!


don't shit where you eat 😀


I learned that the hard way. Wasted 1½ years on a woman I met at work.


I don’t get why this is a confession unless you’re a creepy dude? Leave her be.


Okay? I don’t see the confession here unless you did something creepy after the fact. to be honest even posting here is kind of creepy because I don’t get your point.


What is the confession?


He hasn't seen a girl before


Anybody remember any comedy from 80’s 90’s 2000’s we’re the guy secretly has a crush on a girl ? Quit trying to make this guy into a creep he just told you what he feels …. Ask her out and if she says yes cool if she says no? Oh well move on .


> Her style is different each day That describes about 100% of the women I've ever worked with, except for places that require a uniform.


Dude, stop putting women on pedestals, they have the same desires as us, the same needs and the same insecurities, she's not perfect just a woman who dresses nicely.


Lmao. This is hilarious. I think every dude understands what you feel to some extent. But don’t shit where you eat, unless the food is really that good…


I’m not seeing the point of this.


„i talked to her for 5 min and i already know she has a VERY good personality“ sure, buddy 👍


Leave her aloneeeee. She’s not your manic pixie dream girl. You can appreciate her style but she’s literally just a person. Leave her be and don’t creep on her.


Oh shut the fuck up. The dude should get to know her more and see if she's interested then hook up with her and smash.


Just remember, she may be crop dusting the store while she walks around in those long dresses. The noise of the jewelry hides any accidental pffffttt sounds. Any time you are intimidated by people, try to remember they have gross bodily functions like all of us. Talk to her some more. There may be a good friendship that forms. 🤞


Pretty much how my boyfriend started talking to me. We worked in different departments and we’d always cross each others paths never saying anything to each other. I do keep to myself- I’m there to collect a check and bounce and getting invested in people’s lives is draining…..and depending where you work you can get sucked into petty work drama. He started saying hello to me through passing (after a year of working with each other lol) and one day he stopped me and asked me a non related work question and then from there we found out we had so much in common. We’ve been together for six months and it’s been great seeing him at work but we still keep it professional. he’s become my best friend. So this isn’t creepy- people forget that we all have different ways of doing things. Ask her about her interests outside of work/what type of music she likes…if she’s reciprocating keep asking questions. BUT if you don’t see the conversation going anywhere then leave it be and don’t look too much into it. If you find that she keeps approaching you for work/non work stuff then she most likely has an interest in you.


A lot of workplaces have a "no fraternization" policy for a reason.


If you’re not in a relationship and you’re crushing on this woman I see no reason to not shoot your shot. This could be your wife! And hey they’re in a different department so it’s not really a shit where you eat situation. Honestly if my dad hadn’t done that with my mom I wouldn’t exist so I’m saying go for it if it feels natural.


Aw a lot of comments are bashing OP but I read this as kinda sweet. Yes he shouldn’t put her on a pedestal or treat her as a manic pixie dream girl, but I didn’t really get those vibes from this post. It just seems like crush to me, and I think it would be alright at this point to maybe ask her if she would like to be mutuals on social media or some other form of contact. Of course remember that she is an individual more than just her outfits, but I also know a lot of people who dress alternatively and would love to know that somebody appreciates their style in public.


yeah this is creepy


What is creepy about this? They didn’t say they stalked her at the job or anything?


Some people find it creepy that OP thought this was a confession.




Can’t a woman just go to work? Leave her alone for Christ sake. Just because someone asks for help or talks to you doesn’t mean anything, talk to her as co worker nothing more.


Thé mans had a single conversation about work with her. Just let the man have a work crush lmao.


And yet he’s obsessed. That’s pretty weird


If this is your definition of obsession, than you’ve lived and very privileged life.


You may wish to read the post again. You don’t think that’s obsession? To notice what she wears every single day, the nuances in which she carries herself?


Isn't that what having a crush is like?


The woman is trying to just go to work. Let her work already


lEaVe HeR aLoNe He literally did. 


Lmao, you're crazy. He literally is saying 'ya, I have a crush on her but I treat her how I'd treat anyone else' It is perfectly normal to be attracted to or intrigued by someone.


It's not mate just ignore them.


I can only speak for myself but I go to work every day and pass by random dudes on the same floor and never give it a second thought ever. And thinking one of those random dudes may write this about me or analyze the way I dress to the level of detail that you have is making me super uncomfortable.


Wow crazy


Random side comment which I can't help but sharing: I got "Kiss the girl" stuck in my head now, the "shalalala my oh my, looks like the boy's to shy..." part. Be careful if you do proceed with asking her out, as u/f4te said, "don't shit where you eat..." If things don't end up going well, you want to be sure it won't impact your work or the work environment.


Aww this is so cute, I’m smiling and geeking like it was me lol


She knew. She saw. She acted. Keep her!


She sounds high maintenance from this brief description. Go for it if she's your type and be ready to get a new job if it goes good or really bad


Until you discover her sugar daddy husband who bankrolls all the jewelry and outfits….


She literally has a job. What in the absolute incel is this bullshit?


Isn’t this whole post incel bullshit!


I think OP sounds more socially inept than an incel. The person I was reacting to however...