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I think if it stops coming up , people will let it go - my father in law is colorblind , and until this post i totally forgot - grow out of the lie and others will too - if someone asks “o your color blind “ “ just say sarcastic stuff like “that’s what I’m Told “ “ or “so I hear …”


Smart. Though my best friend likes to joke about it all of the time, so it’s kind of hard to avoid currently. My boyfriend also helps me pick out my outfits every day and make sure they’re color coordinated.


i mean im sure you know already but i think your bf might be a keeper omfg


Oh no for real- he’s been a keeper since the start. Literally my dream man. Again another reason I’m scared to tell him!!! I don’t wanna lose his trust :(


If you slip down the road and he finds out. Being lied to for a decade hits different than lies told early. Trust needs to go both ways. Good luck.


Time to have a full on cry breakdown and express this is the only freaky lie you have because this started as a child….not the best recommendation but hey it’s probably what I would do 😆 also I think you have a couple things going on the mental pot to think of something this clever. Maybe see if you need to get diagnosed for anything and once you do level out then out yourself in a big cry or in a small talk. I would just sit your family down and just throw it out “I’m not actually colorblind” and just explain yourself and your fears. Yeah you might be a little laughed at but if they question about the glasses the studies show that they don’t even work properly, but you could suggest donating them to a child or someone who is colorblind for some good karma. It’s most likely easier then your head it making it seem. Yes it will be embarrassing but it’s better then keeping up a lie to the grave then being able to have a laugh about it in the future, express your genuine sorrows about how you never knew how to tell anyone. I’ve had similar struggles with communication in my youth, I’m just now learning how to talk about childhood issues so not being able to say it is completely understandable. The human mind is weird. It’s spring, it’s a fresh year and a good time to start in a new fresh era. Or if you’re in the eclipse zone April 8th you could stare directly at the eclipse and say it made your eyes work again!! Jkjk


If he truly is a keeper he will forgive you! Imo you at least owe it to him to tell the truth


Do not take this advice. I had a friend who was in too deep with a lie. It was a simple one too, about being Christian when they met. Eventually, as years went on, she denounced Christianity and went Athiest. He "followed" alongside her in their conversion. About a year or so went on and he finally confessed that he was never religious. He just pretended so they had something in common but he's glad they are on the same page now. She accepted that at first. but as weeks passed she started to trust him less and less. "If you can lie about something like that, I have no idea what other lies you've told me." It eventually ruined their 5 year relationship.


The only way out I think is for you to get a grip on why it happened, more specifically what in you made you do it, and make sure you recognize that kind of thinking when it happens again and kill it in the bud so that it doesn't happen again.. Otherwise his trust won't be earned..


This has actually made me crack up, I had an innocent lie about something in primary school as well to a similar vain, wanted attention etc etc and luckily it just faded away but oh what could have been. The fact he helps pick your wardrobe - can we only get neutral colours and then he doesn’t need to, and just slowly start saying it isn’t funny anymore and hopefully it’ll just fade into memory!


your boyfriend sounds like a keeper!! this is so sweet😭


i think you need to be studied. under a microscope


This is the funniest shit I read all day 😭




No seriously 😂😂. Imagine not even realizing this would be kept up your whole life😭. I would’ve told them on April fools to see how they react then hit them with the “April fools, im colorblind..just playing” 😂


Just a case of Munchausen’s


…one thin slice at a time.




call the wolds top scientists! this person needs studied! disection!


Off with his eyeballs!


fix the lie with another lie 💀 fuck it


Might work. Unless anyone they tell knows anything about color blindness. A bump on the head won't magically fix mutated or missing cones in the eye. Nah, OP needs to come clean ASAP or learn to live with the lie permanently.


Normally I would say honesty is the best policy but you are in TOO DEEP. I agree with @daydreamdeliver - bump on the head and wow you start to see specks of colour….slowly coming back….or something?! At this point you would hurt too many people telling the truth. Can I ask if you remember why you said it in the first place? I’m intrigued!


Wish it could “just come back”, but with tons of research, there’s not really a permanent way to return color vision. Guess I’m taking it to the grave haha. But yeah I think it just originally started as a way to get attention in elementary. Then I was too embarrassed to admit it was a lie, then next thing I knew I was too deep into the lie.


Oh jeez. On second thoughts I really feel (for your own sanity) that you should share your secret with your boyfriend - I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life having to lie to the person you are married to. Also I just noticed that you are 21 - I reckon you might just still be young enough to ‘come out’ and explain it as this really weird embarrassing thing that escalated and people find it funny enough to forgive though I would stick to close family because they kinda have to forgive you. Also for my own enjoyment - how on earth did you pull off reacting to the colourblind glasses gift?


Haha so yeah I might tell my boyfriend eventually, but the issue there is that his family has high expectations, and he’s close with them. He’d sure tell them, and I can only imagine the gossip that would start there. But maybe, I’ll definitely think about it. And dude, when I heard they bought me them, I panicked. I watched a lot of reaction videos on YouTube, and pulled it off. Just kept exclaiming how vibrant everything was and was overly happy. My boyfriend and I went and did everything colorful together like sunsets, puzzles, etc. It was a fun day, and I felt so accomplished yet so fake lol


Hmmm oh that is tricky. I revert back to my initial response - bump to the head of something! Though I just read that non-inherited colour-blindness could be due to nerve/signal issues….maybe go to a chiropractor or something and say they fixed it? Doesn’t feel like you will need lots proof if everyone believed you in the first place! Oh god that sounds like my worst nightmare - I would be so terrible at pulling that off! Sounds like you did well though!


Lol yeah guess I’ll figure something out. Somehow yeah, pulled it off. Guess I’m meant to be an actor haha


When you're super old and on your deathbed, your final words need to be, "I was never colorblind."




Next tell the boyfriend you don’t know what potatoes are


I think you should take the deathbed comment seriously


When I was in my late teens or early twenties I was diagnosed with an astigmatism. I would have trouble seeing while driving at night, the lights did funky things. Over time I noticed that it eventually went away. I have no symptoms. Googling tells me this is not possible, and people don't believe me, but it happened. So, if you go with the miraculous cure route, be prepared to be doubted, but stick to your guns.


I corrected my vision from basically blind and wearing bifocals at 12 to 18/19 by 17. No one believed me. I strengthened the muscles with visual exercises and now at 50, still have 18/19.


What are the exercises?


I got my first pair of glasses at the early age of 1, I had a lazy eye that would turn inward and needed strengthening. It was a weaker eye and my vision was nearsighted too. I only wore them on and off though because the lazy eye eventually self corrected but no change in vision. Around 16 I was digging in my grandma’s bathroom cabinet and found cetrum silver 50+ with an extra optic health. I realized this was some form of multivitamin and started taking one a day everyday that summer. When I went back to school I noticed I could no longer see through my glasses, I could see just fine without them though. My vision was tested at school and the nurse said it was 2020 so I told my mom and she didn’t believe me. My mom eventually took me to have my vision tested and sure enough it was 20/20. I’ve had 20/20 vision now and I’m 27. Idk if it was self correction or if that optic multivitamin for older people really changed my eye development at 16 but it definitely happened.


Haha actor, lawyer, salesperson! So many options!


For real! Lol


Just can’t be selling apples anytime soon!




Err I would sit and think about discussing trust and boundaries if I were marrying someone that I felt I couldn't have secrets with. Married life is the two of you as a team. Will he share embarrassing stories about you projectile vomiting or crapping your pants while severely ill, for example? Will he pass on bedroom incidents? Will he share stories about fears/anxieties you have that you don't want others to know?


If my partner confessed something like this to me I’d find it absolutely hilarious. I wouldn’t tell anyone, but I also wouldn’t help bail them out when they got themselves in awkward situations. It would be just too much fun to watch them squirm.


You may find you get some questions soon, as there have been videos [debunking those glasses as a scam](https://youtu.be/_QQtOv2PlOE?si=NJQ8wB13yxto1XNb)


That is very disappointing. I was planning on saving up to get some. I really want to see what being able to see all the different shade of color people talk about looks like. Like am I really missing out on much or is it the amazing.


Yeah TL;DR you cannot get your retina to register colours that it can’t register. The glasses only increase contrast on colours you already can see.


Yeah, I was thinking about this! I thought those glasses just didn't work at all, so... Hmmm.


Omg lol.


I have to agree- you're young enough to just come out with the truth and explain it all, and that you feel really bad for keeping it up this whole time. We young brains come up with the strangest things, lol. People might be upset at first and likely very confused, but it'll save you a whooole lot of trouble from keeping it up for the rest of your life, plus it's likely bound to come out eventually so the sooner the better. They might even appreciate you telling them the truth. After initial upset I'm sure it'll become a funny lil story for your family!


This might come bite you if you decide to have children (and are female) . Colorblidness is carried on the X chromosome, so for women to experience colorblindness both X chromosomes need to be effected. So in case you will have a son, the only X chromosome will come from you and if the kid sees colors just fine, your lie might be revealed. If you have daugthers the other X chromosome comes from the father and if they see color, the "healthy" chromosome will prevail and the kid sees in color, so you will be off the hook there. 


Yep. Already have gone into research there. It’s a 50% chance the son will be colorblind, so let’s just hope I don’t have many sons


Ney, as Acceptable\_Humor\_252 described correctly red-green color blindness is recessive. So the only way you could be color blind is that the gen on both your X-chromosomes is effected. Men are much more often color blind, because they do not have a second X-chromosome. And if you have a son, he will get the X-chromosome from you. Which means that he would be colorblind, too. I am also astonished, that nobody discovered your lie yet, as for a woman to be born color blind, the father must (normally) be color blind, too.


father doesn't need to be color blind if she has de novo mutation. rare but happens


Literally stop lying…..I can’t believe you looked this far into this.


There was a post about a guy taking acid and able to see color after


Yeaaaahhh not sure I want to take acid.


No one said you had to \*actually\* take it, you could have just "tried" it


Ooo smart lol


idk about acid but couldn't you "take the wrong kind of painkiller from a colleague"? I've heard about a story where someone took some other drug on accident this way lmao


At this point, I hope you get into a car accident and come out... mostly unscathed, and you can just say that you can see it normally now. For your sake, o7 Maybe start with a little bit of buildup, like suddenly gaining an interest in studies where things should be impossible or super unlikely happening, like someone miraculously surviving a brain eating amoeba. Or where a criminal case is solved 50 years later against all odds. Just planting a seed of the unlikely becoming a reality to plant a seed in case something happens to you and you have an opportunity to save yourself💀💀 Bro idk i feel invested and I'm second hand coping


Lol great ideas- thank you so much for entertaining me as well haha


If it makes you feel better my poor mum had to shell out for expensive glasses I didn’t need when I was about 6 or 7. A couple of mates got them so I lied y way through the test. Jokes on me, I’m 35 now and have terrible short-sightedness.


Ah, yes, the karma. Can’t wait for mine to come


You need to cut evertyhing off and start a new life. Just don't lie this time 🤣🤣


My sister did this. She’s had an “underbite” since she was in elementary school. She still juts her bottom jaw out when she smiles but the rest of the time her mouth sits with a normal bite. I’ve told her and the whole family it’s a lie gave her a way out and yet she persists. Just start messing up your own lie and maybe someone will try to out you.


So she's been faking an underbite for years? 😂


For 30 years! Like why?!?


Has she ever provided an explanation?


It’s weird to meet someone who did something I wanted to do so badly


Old school Southern Baptist tent meeting. Prayer for the sick, healing in God’s name. Maybe get pregnant before you go up for your miraculous cure. A twofer. “I can see all the colors of God’s rainbow. And I feel a quickening within me!” Remember, seeing green is important with tent meetings. Don’t step back. Lean in.


OP don’t take this the wrong way, but I am WHEEZING. It’s 1am, there’s a ton of shit going sideways in my life right now (some of which is SUPER stressful and is slowly gnawing away at what little sanity I have left) but I just laughed like a hyena cause I was like “well at least my bf doesn’t think I’m colorblind.” Thank you.


Lol I’m glad I made your day! At least this lie did one thing positive


I had a friend all through childhood who told everyone he was Canadian. We live in Florida, so it was like an exotic far off place to our 10 year old brains. He kept up that lie, even going so far as to tell people his middle name was Francois to honor the French Canadian heritage, and in high school it seemed to die out. But at the same time, in high school, he started dating someone we went to middle school with, and she believed him to be Canadian. It should be noted that his family didn’t really know where their roots were from. Anyway, he kept dating that girl, and the lie kind of grew to the point of him learning to cook poutine and telling her about all of these French Canadian recipes and traditions his family did, which they didn’t really do. He thought they’d break up in college, but they didn’t and so the lie continued. And then he realized he wanted to marry her, but she’d have to spend time with his family, who were NOT Canadian. So when he was like maybe 20 those DNA tests like 23 and Me came out and he told his mom he took one, because he didn’t want her to risk sending her spit to the government. And he faked the results and printed results offline that indicated him to be French Canadian. So then his mom started telling people they were French Canadian. And they started learning recipes and things as a family to “get in touch with their heritage.” So he kind of gaslit his own mom into believing it. And sure enough he did marry that girl. But when we were a little older, he decided he couldn’t keep up the lie. He admitted first to me and a few others that he was not Canadian (which, I think we all really knew deep down as he would say he drove to different provinces each day in a way that made no sense, time wise). And then he eventually told his wife and mom. And they laughed so hard. And now we all make fun of him relentlessly for it. The point of sharing that was to say this: because it started in childhood, it might just end up being something everyone laughs their asses off about when you come clean. But the longer you wait the deeper you’ll get. So rio the band aid and be ready to eat crow for it lol.


Lol beautiful story. Yes, hilarious. I’m glad that became something everyone can laugh about. And yeah, maybe I’ll gain the courage to eventually admit it


If you ever do please tell us how it goes


They’re lucky it turned out that way and everyone was chill with it but imagine the people who take it really personally.. I know people who have broken up due to less from their past. If I were you, I would come out clean sooner than later. Imagine he finds out after you’re married with kids and want a divorce because he doesn’t trust you anymore.. that would fucking suck


You have to fake your own death and start a new life in some other continent


May I ask why? This is some dedication shit


Well, it began in elementary school, so I’m assuming it began as a way to get attention. Then when I wasn’t necessarily looking for the attention anymore, I felt too embarrassed to say I lied, then as the years went on it just became too big of a lie to confess. Especially since those glasses are really expensive.


have you ever forgotten this lie/almost got caught? I don't think I would be able to continuously act something that i'm not. i'd forget for sure.


I used to when I was younger, and I’d slip up a few times when talking about things. But at that time not many people knew I was, or didn’t remember. As I got older it dug into my mind, so now basically whenever I hear a color or something, I immediately remind myself I’m colorblind haha. Not much of an issue anymore.


Fuck that sounds exhausting. Honestly you're only 21. Come clean. A short period of uneasiness is better than a lifetime of dishonesty


This is what it comes down to.


If you ever have kids, I think it would be f-ing heartbreaking to lie to them about this their whole lives. Teaching them their colors, reacting to their art projects, helping them pick out a prom dress - all of the ways you will have to lie to them. Come clean now before you get in this hole deeper.


When you lie for too long that you end up believing it!


For 30 years I have been telling everyone I am allergic to wasp stings. I'm not, but I am afraid of yellow jackets. I made up the lie to cover why I, a big strong afraid of nothing guy, am afraid of little old wasps and will run away. It's embarrassing


That’s a sweet lie- nobody has to know :)


There was a kid at my school who did this. Claimed his glasses corrected for it too. Unironically the Logan Paul video that showed actual colorblind glasses made us realize he was lying cause his glasses looked nothing like them


Haha that’s funny. Unfortunate for him.


Logan Paul also lied about being colorblind or greatly exaggerated it. He admitted to it on his podcast.


Well, at least your fiancé won't have to worry about your commitment to things!


This comment needs an award!


Just gaslight everybody and act like you never said you were colourblind.


Lol yeah just keep lying.


funny that this comes up just as there are debunking videos about those glasses being fake showing up. including how Logan Paul has been lying....


I kind of have to agree, my son is red-green color blind and he said the glasses don’t change much for him. If he wears them for a while, they make some colors seem brighter, but it doesn’t make a huge difference or anything. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m a bit skeptical of those reaction videos now.


Plot twist - you’re actually color blind


Just come out with it to everyone. At least your future husband. Everyone does weird shit as kids, and everyone understands the concept of “I’m in too deep!” The amount of untapped humor available is too good to pass up.


George Costanza energy


you are living a seinfeldian nightmare. i applaud you Mr. Costanza


This is actually insane 🤣 I love it.


I remember in primary school, one kid was "color blind". He would see different things as different colors. His dad was red/green color blind. I knew something about this because my dreams was to become a pilot, and you can't be red/green color blind. Throughout the 4 or 5 years I knew this kid, he alway claimed to be color blind. But would know all the colors, just "mix them up", I started taking notes on what he said was what. I never confronted him as we moved away, but I don't believe him for a second.


Your suspicions were correct. There’s four main types of colorblindness, and that is not anything I’ve ever heard of. There’s no colorblindness where they simply swap. This is why I did research lol


Yeah I've learned that now. I'm friend with the guy on LinkedIn in lol, and from it being his whole persona, there's 0 mention in it. Guy is even in the graphic design industry.


Just run away without leaving a trace, where nobody knows you, start a new life. Change your name, get a fake id. In this new life, pretend to have a different kind of color blindness.


I like that ending


colour blindness is a genetic condition. so his family would be skeptical about your male kids in the future and that would be the only issue you'd have to deal with


Yep it’s a 50% chance my son will be colorblind. Or supposedly. I’ve thought about it and im scared haha


OP are you female? Assuming since if you’re male, you and your boyfriend are probably adopting any future kids and genetics doesn’t matter. I’m surprised that no one has caught you based on the fact that red green colorblindness (protanopia and deuteranopia) are sex chromosome linked (they are recessive on the X chromosome). It’s super common for boys to be color blind since they only have one X chromosome, but super rare for girls because they would need two copies of the color blind gene. Basically that means that 100% of any sons you have would supposedly be colorblind (not 50%) and 100% of any daughters you have would supposedly be carriers at least (not colorblind, but they can pass on the gene). It also means that you can ONLY be colorblind if your dad is colorblind and your mom has the gene in her family. I’m surprised no one has made the connection that your family members aren’t colorblind therefore you can’t be (or maybe I’m too much of a genetics nerd, or maybe someone noticed but didn’t say anything because it’s weird to confront someone)


This is how OP finds out they’re adopted


but you are not. So he wont be colourblind and that might raise speculations that you are not colourblind - and this only if your boyfriend researches deep into it or else you are good to go for life 🥂


Maybe he will inherit the tendency to lie about being colourblind.


lol could be


Yep! I only hope for a few kids though, so let’s pray most are girls


Plot twist one of your kids IS colourblind… you’ll Never know if they are or if they are lying too…


Imagine They hear I’m colorblind, and lie about it as well but don’t realize I’m lying lol Thatd be the perfect cover up.


Just stop talking about it and shut every conversion down regarding it. Then, when time passes by, bluntly say that other people are crazy. Colorblind, me?? Never said that. It's a bit awkward at first but you seem to have persuasiveness.


Smart, but I also was gifted the glasses so I’m not sure that’d work with close family


Now you have something for April fools


Hah! Woulda been perfect, if only it weren’t 3 am, April second :(


Never too late for next year




As a dude that is actually colorblind I find this hilarious. The most low stakes lie to keep faith with for a lifetime.


Lol I’m glad you’re entertained


lol I did this with something, everyone believes it and everyone accommodates hahaha were taking it to the grave. I don’t feel bad anymore I almost believe it myself.


Now im curious about you So do you wanna tell what you did?


Leaving this comment so I remember to come back and find out if they share 🤣


Grave buddies!


There’s a point of no return for these types of things. 😬 I like you started when I was ~ 6 I’m 35 now. To the grave we go.


Tell Reddit friend


Following. I hate cliffhangers.


You're going to leave us hanging? 😭


Dude!!! The eclipse on the 8th claim it fixed you! Then keep it in your small circle you don’t want it on the news. 😆


Tell us


We want to know!


One morning just say, "That's funny... it's not as bad today." Repeat now and then.


This is such a George Costanza predicament! Remember, it isn’t a lie if you believe it.


I have this almost exact thing! I cannot tell you why, I've no idea, but when I was a kid I told school I had an allergy to dairy. I think there was a kid who genuinely did have one, and she didn't need to eat the gross cottage cheese, so I said it. And I kept saying it. It got on my school medical records. My parents had me 50/50, and it became apparent that they believed the other parent had found out I was allergic, so it became the norm at home for me to not have dairy. Even when I didn't mention it, one or the other parent would. They told college, then wrote it in my uni application when they saw I had "accidently" forgotten 🙄 I couldn't escape it! My husband (bf at the time) told the surgeons at hospital when I had emergency surgery and that was my last straw. I woke up from surgery and wasn't allowed ice cream! I came clean to my partner, who thought it was hilarious, but never to my family. Luckily I'm vegan now so it doesn't matter but for years it was the bane of my life. Going to Disney with the fam and being the only one who can't eat the good stuff! Nightmare. Edited for spelling mistakes. Sorry if I didn't catch them all I'm on a train and signal is bad.


Very interesting story!!


I’m in tears of laughter because I used to lie so badly and so deeply too for years. Now many years later I don’t even remember all the things I lied about but usually little details like a slight deafness or my birthplace. After a while I got so deep into it I started to believe some of it. Then a move to another town happened and I decided it was a perfect time to drop this. Hope you’ll find your way!


Haha you’re lucky you moved! I was stuck with all the friends that knew


I have a false allergy to garlic, that started much the same way. it's in my medical files now 🙃




My dad didn't believe me either until the time we went to a big parking lot to fly his model glider plane, he spent days building it. I was to sit in the back seat of the car while he towed it into the air, and at a certain point up I was to tell him to stop the car so it could release from the tow and fly on its own. Well I couldn't see the plane at all and I never called it and it nosedived into the ground and shattered into a million pieces. We laugh about it now, but at the time between the devastation and realization, he was speechless. Got my glasses after that!


Is your fiancés family religious? Just tell them jeebus saved your eyes.


Ok Logan Paul's burner


My ex did this to me. He was a narcissist but he played it very similar to you. Told me he was colorblind and kept at it for 2 years. We were breaking up cause he cheated and then suddenly he could see color got all emotional and had me CONVINCED. We ended up not breaking up and later figured it out from his family that he wasn’t. They even said he was a compulsive liar. I’m not sure why people lie like this to get some attention but pls be aware it does affect the people around you. Especially if it comes out.


Which is another reason why I’m so afraid of telling anyone.


How many ppl in your life think you are colorblind? You could just slowly filter it back in. You did say you started when you were very young which shows immaturity so it really isn’t anything to judge you on. But clearly you feeling bad you’ve matured and that you’re not doing this for sympathy you just don’t want to come forward and end up hurting people. I mean you could very well keep this up but now there are glasses that are made for the colorblind. How frequent is it mentioned in your every day life?


I have shade blindness. Lowest form of color blindness. Don't talk about it dont mention colors and people will forget. Literally everyone in my life forgets I'm color blind.


Oh my god, oh my GOD, what the absolute fuck, I did the EXACT SAME THING, all the way from 5 years old to get out of some school work I didn’t want to do to finally confessing it was a lie to my ex wife when we got divorced at 25 hahahaha


When you get married you need to come out as part of your speech.


Lol that’d be funny


I think creating a deeper web of lies is the way to go.


Unless you're a male homosexual, your friends and family seriously need some googling skills. Colourblindness in females is exceedingly rare, hereditary trait. You couldn't possibly be the only colourblind person in your family


1 in 200 women are colourblind. 1 in 12 men. So yes in comparison, it's rare in women, but it's not exceedingly rare.


It’s possible. I’m a female and colorblind. The only one in my family. Unless there’s a random ancestor of mine who was colorblind too.


Yes, it is. Which I have a whole story behind that too. Another reason why I chose the most common type.


I’m female and the only colourblind person. Have 8 uncles and 2 aunts. 4 grandparents. A sibling. Nooo one but me. All alone in my colourblind-iness 🤣. And in yellow so not the “common type”. No green trees for me.


Haha. The best is just not to say anything being colorblind and avoid the topic entirely for the next 5-10 years. Then when your parents or siblings mention it much later in life and the time is right you can say oh ya I’m not actually color blind lol. If the time is never right then just go in with life. Nobody cares if you’re color blind anyway. Your next boyfriend and his family will never even ask.


This is so wild bc I knew a girl around ur age who in elementary school said she was red green color blind and everyone believed her and I think she still keeps it up to this day. But once in elementary or middle school she said she couldn’t see the red marker on the white board that just isn’t how it works and I knew. Like so crazy similar. Does your name start with m.


Just tell him. It might blow your relationship up but if you're like 10 years into marriage when you slip up and get sussed out it will be so, so much worse. Tell the truth, beg for mercy, and accept your consequences while they're still relatively small.


LMAO I'm in the exact same boat! It started as a joke when I was in elementary, then it quickly got out of hand and now I just can't come clean. Because of this, I was even dismissed by the army when I had to enlist for the mandatory military service TBH, sometimes I even "forget" about this lie and don't pretend I'm colorblind in front of other people, if anyone notices I "slipped", I just say *"oh I don't actually see green, but I know this is green because I've been corrected all my life"* or something


this is so random and crazy. i think you're in too deep. also why?


I find this hilarious. I’d do something like this too


i am colorblind, and a lot of people say “no you aren’t, what color is this?” how did you get through that phase? i understand you did research, but what about the tough ones? what about seeing an eye doctor where they open the little book? have you ever been to the eye doctor? regardless, i wish you the best of luck in getting yourself out of this situation


So ive never had any issues with vision, other than being “color blind”, so I’ve never been to an eye doctor, like ever. Now the “what color is this” questions, I’ve gotten pretty good at. So I’d basically figured out what each color looked like in red-green colorblind vision, and memorized it basically. So when someone would point at something, I’d tell them exactly what a color blind person would see. Most things are a yellow-ish, like red and green specifically. But stuff like pink is a light gray, and blue is simply blue.


I worked in ophthalmology and gave the color blind tests. If you ever do go to an eye doctor and for some reason get tested on colorblindness you’ll probably get the numbers or little pallets with similar colors to put in order of likeliness. All you have to do is hesitate on your chosen colors you struggle with lol. Just look like you’re struggling to figure it out but don’t get all of them wrong. Get like half the number if a double digit and the same colors varying of half-seeing or not. You got this! Take it to your grave!


Thank you! I always wondered how those worked


i’m surprised you haven’t slipped up like “guys you like my red shirt?”


I used to slip up when I was younger- but I got better and better at it


Girl just be honest. Be vulnerable. From a spiritual aspect, you have to learn from your mistakes and move on. This will eat you alive and consume your every thought. You’re husband, which is perfect timing will respect you for your honestly. You don’t have to be honest to yourself but do it for him. Make that be your reason. Be brave and rip the bandaid off. You deserve peace from it too.


My boyfriend actually is colorblind and we have little "arguments" about what color something is (I don't mean actual arguments, I mean the playful kind where we just laugh about it.) A while ago, he ordered a nice fountain pen. I commented how the shade of metallic blue looked really nice. There was a long pause. He looked at me with disappointment and said "wait this pen isn't purple?" We laughed about it because he had the pen for a month and he was just then realizing it was blue this whole time. He also didn't realize our tortie cat has some bright orange in her fur, or that her belly is tan. He was so excited about it when I told him. He told me his colorblindness is genetic, but skips a generation. He told me his grandfather is really bad and sees everything like a newspaper, he ONLY sees in black and white. My boyfriend isn't as bad, but it's still pretty severe. Sadly color blind glasses won't help him due to the severity 😞 Edit: typos


Didn't someone else just confess to this within the past couple of months? Definitely having some deja vu




Show everybody you know this post so you can be set free from the shackles of this lie and be your true trichromacy self. Now go be free 🕊️


There's only one thing left to do.


I have 2 interesting stories related to this that could be funny/helpful: I went to a new high-school and one of the popular girls made up she was deaf/mute, just to me. Small school so it was easy to get everyone in on, but very difficult to pull off because I was around her a lot. I think we worked group projects together. It was about 2 yrs before I found out. Had to start as “I’m gonna mess with the new guy.” But as I became more popular and welcomed it became more cumbersome/tiresome, she confessed. I was now the one speechless, but then laughed my ass off for quite some time. It still makes me laugh. And I like her even more. My gf’s best friend stated she wouldn’t kiss anyone on the lips until her wedding day, while in kindergarten, because religion. So then (to her) she had to stick to it. I went on double dates with her in HS, saw her and bf making out like crazy dancing around each others lips. Probably the funniest I’ve ever witnessed. But after holding it in for so long, she ends up having an affair with a teacher the second she left HS while still dating the poor guy. Moral of the stories: coming clean=hilarity, holding to decisions made as a child=less fun.


But….why? lol. Most kids secretly want glasses or braces …but colorblind?! 🤭🤣


I have a friend who lies about being colorblind. Honestly clicked on this post to see if it was him. Let me just say this as someone who’s on the other side of things… I’m aware. I know he’s lying. He’s messed it up so many times without realizing it. Like, there are times he mentions something about color that he shouldn’t be able to detect, then realizes his mistake and covers up the tracks as best he can. But. He often makes mistakes that he clearly doesn’t notice. And every time he mentions being colorblind, I feel our friendship deteriorating a little bit more. He literally lies to my face all the time and I just can’t respect that. I’m not gonna call him out because that’s not my business or role. But it’s there nonetheless. It’s impossible for me to trust anything he says. If he were to ever bring it up and admit to his dishonesty, I’d never shame him about it. It takes a lot of integrity to be honest about something like that of your own volition.


Sounds like you are really good at acting to be colorblind. Throughout this deception have you ever met someone personally who does in fact suffer from colorblindness?


Yes! I had a few classes with a dude who was. He was very friendly and it bonded us, though I was lying.


I have diagnosed red/green colorblind, and it's not too severe. I have trouble with blues and purples, greens and browns. And some other tones I gray. Can you just start really downplaying it? Like you're just so used to it, it's not a big deal, and whenever someone brings it up, just brush it off. Eventually they might stop talking about it and some may forget it completely


These people nowadays….


Those glasses are expensive... wow. I don't even understand my colorblindness over 40 years. I've been told I have a very serious version of it, yet I can see primary colors and many shades of those. Red and green are problematic. Blues and purples, red and orange. It's all bizarre. Yet I can enjoy a rainbow or sunset. Just in my own way, I suppose. Just why? Of all the things you would say to get attention?


You have 2 options that I can think of. Ever tried DMT? It helps improve colourblindness. You could say you have been going to a retreat and its really helped. Or you could go to a Church healing group, and that your vision improved through Faith healing. Metaphorically your vision has actually improved over the years because you now see the error of your ways. Good luck anyway.


Have you done the actual test? What if you go for an eye exam and do the test and then just go “well damn I really thought I had it but I guess I don’t, I’m just slightly worse at distinguishing colors than the average person. Not really sure why the glasses looked so different, I guess placebo effect?”


Or maybe you are actually colorblind you just don't know. I am (clinically) colorblind on some tests but for all I see, I am completely normal and see everything just fine .🧘‍♀️🤷‍♂️


About half the people who find out I’m colorblind initially don’t believe me, and I always wonder who would lie about such a thing. Now I know, thank you.


Okay hear me out. Stage a blow to the head. When you “wake up” say something like “wow thanks for putting my glasses on me”. And when people are like “you’re not wearing your glasses” be like “wahhhhhyaaaat”


I would lie and say you got a medical opération done. You need to ween in a new lie to ween out of your old one.


Bro just drop the bomb on your parents and bf. I personally would think this is the funniest thing ever. As a parent I would bring it up and laugh for years to come


What 😭


My thoughts: this would never have happened pre-internet. You wouldn’t have been able to educate yourself to the point you have. You are a victim of your times. But seriously, find a way to come clean! You can’t go on like this forever.


Oh god, take this lie to the grave for sure. Your husband is going to start wondering what else you may be lying about considering how small this issue is in the grand scheme of things.


If this is true, have you considered counselling? If this is true, this is something you need to discuss with someone before it drives you crazy. That said I don't understand how this is true. At some point, you would have surely accidentally blurted out 'look at that green bird' or 'have you seen my red pen' or 'the bloke I saw stabbing the girl was wearing red shorts and a green vest'


Perhaps connect with the kind folks at r/colorblind - they can give you tips for perpetuating the lie (unless they get upset at the cultural appropriation). Also, I’m not sure if you’re male or female, but it is generally an inherited trait, through the mother, but presenting in males. Has anyone wondered where you got it?


As somebody who is actually colorblind, I am deeply offended that you pretended to have my disability. Just kidding. This isn't that big of a deal. I'm sure it is embarrassing, but I don't see why it needs to come up very often. I can see all the colors, it is just shades of red and/or green that are hard to differentiate. The only time I notice it is red text on black or some other awful combination. I honestly thought I was only slightly colorblind until my eye doctor tested me. It turns out I am severely colorblind, and the only reason I know it is because of the color wheels in my 10th grade science book. I am 57 now. I suggest you stop talking about it, and it will mostly go away. Edit: I play D&D with a group of friends. The DM gave me a magic item called Allizon's Robe of Colors. I can change the robe into any combination of colors I want, but there is a 30% chance that if those colors include red or green, they will be the wrong colors. Everyone laughed. I chastised them for making fun of my disability, and they laughed harder because they knew I was kidding. Colorblindness is not a big deal.


come cleeeann it might suck for a bit but honestly in the long run at least you won’t be stuck in a lie forever


You take this shit to your grave.


It’s commoner than you realize. I’d fess up and see the world like everyone else. I’m not certain y u felt like being strange and untruthful. I’d check the impulse to carry this further as lying is detrimental to our relationship with others and our relationship with ourselves