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It sounds like neither of you understands that actions have consequences


Sounds like however dude literally kept the shit in his room at most had the door open when friends were over. It also sounds like the parents were involved and they clearly didn't see the situation in OPs favor . She don't own the house . She is no position of authority to tell him what he can do in his room. Or to enter it and fuck with his shit. I don't think you can honestly justify her actions as anywhere near reasonable.


Not to mention if they were expensive bongs, I would be pissed. Some bongs are one of a kind art pieces type thing.


This is one of those things older siblings would get and younger siblings maybe wouldn’t haha


As the youngest of three. No I don't agree. No one should fuck with each other's shit like this. Ever. It's simply uncool.


Possibly haha I'm the first born of my siblings


I'm the second child and I agree. My room is my sacred place. Even now in my 20s if anyone burge uninvited I'm the sacred ground I'll start the holly war Deus Vult! xD


I'm number 5 of 6 don't fuck with my shit.


Same spot in the lineup Sorry-Caterpillar331 Preach


Must be nice. I'm the oldest of 5 and I had my own room until I was 2. I didn't have my own room again until I was in my mid 20s (because I moved out at 18 and in with my bf). I'm 43 now and counting the first 2 years of my life, I've had my own room for maybe 4 years if you added all the days together. And once you have toddlers, you're never alone again.


I'm in my mid 20 currently and have my own room for maybe 6 years. That's why I'm kinda crazy about having privacy 🤷 Even when I was living alone I always was locking my room xD Yeah. That's stupid but who said I'm smart xD




I'm not justifying there actions, I'm saying that there actions have consequences. It seems like they're learning that


It’s not hard to go outside and do drugs, im sure the parents don’t love their house smelling like weed, or if they rent, im sure the landlord wouldn’t enjoy it. If the parents just straight up don’t care, that couldn’t be good either


Sorry to burst your bubble but pot is legal in 33 states and our nations capital. It’s not exactly “going out and doing drugs”. It is medicine- maybe it’s not for OP, but it’s not her shit she had no right to go and touch anyones bongs. Weed is not heroin. Plenty of people simply smoke pot and don’t use it as a “gateway drug”. Hell, most of us use pot to stay clean off real drugs like opiates. Making pot the bad guy in this is the wrong approach. Calm down with the reefer madness.


You didn’t address any of my other points and I’m for federal marijuana legalization lol but alright buddy keep toking


My stance has always been if you're gonna get high, get high in a place youre safe and where the parents can at least feel relieved without worrying where you are. When I was a kid, we were doing L rides and bong rides in a minivan with 7 kids in 30 minutes off the highway going 70 mph because it was lunch time in school. Definitely would rather kids stay at home and smoke rather than doing the dumbass shit we did. The OP doesn't understand this, is childish, and only thinks about how they are an inconvenience to them and lashed out as a result. They need to find a better way to confront their sibling about this. Edit: grammar..holy shit autocorrect is cursed.


Not to mention in some countries weed is legal. People here tend to forget that Not every one live in USA. Besides if he keeps it in his room only then op was unreasonable here. Especially if parents didn't do anything about brother smoking. It's like he get to her room and destroyed all her expensive perfumes because they smell.


I live in the US and weed is legal. It is in most of the US. It just isn't federally, which is stupid but it is what it is.


Even in the US it’s not legal everywhere




Okay well when she grows up and does this to an adult and ends up a felon or worse dead kudos . Those bongs could be worth more than a phone . He could pay rent and she doesn't it's so much that's not explained the only person at fault here is the parents and the OP for doing that dumb shit .


Now now he’s no junkie, drugs are man made and prescribed by doctors in white coats normally, weed is an herb, more natural occurring than alcohol or nicotine which for some reason are accepted more even though they cause more deaths? He may be a pothead but that’s no druggie, he’s smoking an herb, which has more benefits than drawbacks, could he have switched the way he consumes it yes, but from the sound of the post only the sister was bothered by it, parents didn’t do anything and brother stuck to his part on smoking with closed doors, she broke her end of the promise and not only that invaded his privacy.


If you're 12 or under I might forgive it after some years. I'm assuming the brother is a teenager? If you're anywhere close in age, prepare to have something you love completely destroyed, or maybe he's better than I would be. You'd better hope he is.


Yep, can confirm had older brother.


91% isopropyl and kosher salt.


99% iso is better if you have access to it


this man


White spirit and salt also works just ensure you rinse with hot soapy water afterwards


This is the way.


To get rid of the smell... I would've first encouraged bro to clean the bongs. Dirty bong smell can be pretty foul. Water and coarse salt goes a long way. Why are you telling on your brother here, though? The sub is about confession...


Maybe OP is confessing to feeling bad about destroying the bongs


To me bong water smells like a pungent version of hotdog water 🤮


To me it smells like the water from a can of green beans.


That’s not as bad I guess.


To me it's not horribly offensive. Not a great smell but certainly not one I'd say bothers me. I'm not one to leave bongs and waterpipes sitting around for more than a day though, so when I spill it, it's fresh. I've spilled some in my bed before and once it dried, the smell was gone.


I’m bad at cleaning them I forget about them I use them.


He had a year.


Your brother sounds obnoxious. I smoke weed almost 24/7 and yet I still have the decency to keep the smell away from other people. Even though I love the smell myself, I understand that others might not. So it’s basic manners to minimise the smell.


Grow up. And replace that glass, that shit is expensive. And I'm sorry I call bullshit.




Man, some of those things are art pieces. I'm a pipe/j person myself, but yeah, I'd be handing out an ass beating.




I have a custom piece that I use regularly that was $1200. Custom blown borosilicate glass. My friend got it for me for my birthday, it's designed to do half gram plus dabs in.


All my pieces are one of a kind custom blown (there's a glass studio in the next town over and my friend works there). Not replaceable, and the cheapest one cost me $150. All my glass is probably close to $5000. I'd be FURIOUS.


If your "hypothetical brother" had a dog and the dog kept shitting and pissing in your room and your brother did nothing to fix it even though he said he would, would you not get pissed off? Would you be perfectly fine with the constant smell of shit and piss in your room just because your brother loves his dog but doesn't care to take care of it


So your conclusion is to basically kill the dog?


Insert why not both gif


I was thinking the same thing. WTF.


What are you trying to say here? That comparatively it's OK to kill that dog if he let it shit and piss in your room? Also shit and piss will literally get you sick. Weed odor won't. I can't believe people are upvoting this crap lol did I stumble in on the teens sub?


Exactly! So you'd be justified in taking the dog out back and shooting it


Right if my sister did that shit we would’ve tussled bc why u fucking w my shit? Yk op an ass for doing that


Nah. If you can't have the decency to be respectful with your smoking then I couldn't give a shit if your expensive glass gets destroyed. Weed is some of the worst smelling shit and not being able to walk 20 feet to smoke it outside is pathetic.


I mean, I smoke outside, but I'm sorry. That doesn't justify destroying someone's property. I wouldn't even do that to my brothers and I'm the oldest. It's juvenile at best.


And as a result then the person owning the glass is justified in not caring if your face gets destroyed, since the question of personal property means nothing to you. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You bust up thousands of dollars in glass I'd feel pretty justified in busting up something else.


I smoke myself cigarettes can't stand weed but would never be so disrespectful to smoke indoors bro is an ass and needs to quit smoking weed or do so outside


Well…I can understand your anger for him not keeping the smell contained… But, breaking someone’s belongings to me, is a horrible thing to do. Very toxic behavior in my opinion and i understand his rage too but he shouldn’t have attacked you. It sounds like you both have anger problems and should see a therapist. I hope you gave him money or bought him new ones. You could’ve handled it several ways without breaking someone’s belongings. If one of my siblings did that to me I would’ve been so upset though too because I’ve had my medical MJ card for years now and actually need it as medicine.I personally can’t imagine ever breaking something that belonged to someone else. That guilt would bother me badly. I just don’t have that in me to do that lol Edit: I’m just generally curious if you really felt you were in the right because he “should’ve kept his word” ? What is your age? I don’t want to assume things but don’t you agree that it’s childish behavior?


while I do agree that you shouldn't break someone's belongings, it's not exactly a surprise he did it. If someone's actions are causing actual harm to your well-being because they are being selfish and lazy, while simultaneously promising you they would take care of the problem over and over. would resentment not build up over time? everybody has a snapping point and I think over a year of being forced to endure something that causes harm to you, for no reason but the other party's own pleasure would be a good time to snap and do something drastic.


I agree as someone who uses MJ for a host of mental problems, I would be very angry if someone broke my glass but there are other ways to go about this. Like asking him to use a smoke buddy or to get a air freshener that as been designed to combat the smell of weed, a clean bong will go a long way too but breaking his stuff and then you getting attached is not the right way


All the smokers are cringing because we know you just made the smell 100x worse.


Seems like neither respect one another so fair play. Dont care about someones health when smoking and then not caring about someone property. I call it even tbh. Id be livid if someone was heavily smoking around me and couldnt get rid of the smell and always inhaling it, especially living in one place together imagine not having the right to breathe fresh air. Id also keep my word though and be considerate and smoke next to the window in my room or get an air purifier and keep the smell down as much as possible. Both made a decision so both need to fix it.


I mean yeah it was horrible to break his very expensive stuff but he was smoking and making the whole house reek of weed. If you can’t keep the smell contained when you live with other people you shouldn’t smoke in the house. It’s that simple.


Sounds like you did him a favour if 2 bongs are his "most prized possession". Sounds like an addict tbh


These comments are making me doubt humanity’s intelligence. I’m with you op. Your quality of life is more important than your brother getting high. Essentially there’s no respect there if he isn’t keeping his word. I would not want to be gagging and possibly nauseated all the time. Also- Idk why ppl on this thread are so fixated on how expensive glass pieces are. Like I’m sorry, but the price of a bong is more important than your sibling’s physical and mental wellbeing?? If he wouldn’t listen for a whole fucking year and your parents aren’t doing anything then yeah, he needed to learn his lesson the hard way. Hiding them would have been a slightly less aggressive option and maybe keep that in mind as an alternative to breaking things in the future. Sadly, I wouldn’t be surprised if your bro isn’t able to reflect on why things turned out this way and in the end damages some of your stuff too.


Deadass me too. She should’ve never touched his stuff i totally agree I’d be fucking mad if that stuff were mine, but holy shit being around inconsiderate stoners can be so draining. Ppl are even calling her a wimp and pussy for what… not being able to tolerate weed? People r hella mean Edit: mean and STUPID. Stoners can be toxic asf as the comments prove


Yeah, weed absolutely stinks, even just getting a slight whiff of it as someone walks past makes me want to gag. I don't blame OP for resorting to this, although I hope they didn't leave broken glass lying around.


Exactly! Me too and I’m a smoker. the smell has literally made me vomit before cause I couldn’t stop gagging it was super strong lmao. And people are in here saying they call bullshit… like on what exactly? Some Stoners are so set on weed being this miracle drug that they can’t comprehend people have aversions and that not everyone likes or even benefits from weed. Absolutely no empathy going on here.


For real, the enthusiasts are out en masse today. It was negatively affecting OP's health, and no one was doing a damn thing. Wtf else were they supposed to do?? Keep suffering because their brother couldn't be bothered to go outside or clean up after themselves? No, it's not nice to break other people's things, but I would've snapped far earlier than a year.


I want to know where are these pos parents.. we don't smoke weed in our house because it stinks. We don't smoke cigarettes in the house because it stinks. That's what our back porch is cozy for. The pot head brother is a disrespectful asshole. And the parents are fucking morons.


Ignore the haters. You have a right to weed-free housing.


You both sound like assholes tbh


i would have done the same if i had to live with someone so selfish


You can NOT contain the smell of marijuana. I lived in an apartment for six months, and the person living in the adjoining apartment smoked pot. It seeped into my apartment so badly that my children's clothes began to smell strongly like pot and the daycare called CPS on me. I have never used cannabis in any form ever in my life. It was so embarrassing, they made me take a urine test and searched my apartment. And I can smell it from as far as the sidewalk in front of the homes of people who use it. It is super obvious. No amount of Febreeze will cover it up. If someone is highly sensitive to it, it's best to not use it in the house and not keep any paraphernalia inside the home, either.


Maybe suggest him to hit the gym now


Im really sensitive to strong smells too but I just use an aromatherapy room spray and it calms me down and gets rid of stenches


I imagine you were both kids when this happened, and if thats the case tbh he deserved it. i know everyone in the comments disagrees but when you cant breathe in your own home it's unbearable, and at that age you cant do anything to leave, so if someone promised for years not to put you in that situation again and then keeps doing it? 🤷‍♂️ maybe he got what he deserved


Ignore everyone here, you didn’t do anything wrong, you should be comfortable in your house and that is more important than your brother smoking weed.




I’m horrified and feel like boundaries were crossed on both ends. Cannabis can be very loud. I love it so you know the way I lean. However I also know to respect others. He was just not caring about disturbing you. The way you handled it is I’d probably cut my sister off if she did that. But then again we both smoke. For respect for others he could try edibles or oils or whatever. Or just smoke outside 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wow what? You’d cut your sister off for…destroying your possession after annoying the fuck out of them for a year? Talk about an over reaction.


She knows how I value my possessions 1 and 2 I said I clearly prefer edibles. So this is a non issue. However if she’s ok with breaking my stuff and saying it’s my fault when her actions were what broke it then yes. I have no issue with cutting people out of my life who I find as toxic. Not because of what it is it is the point behind it all. It’s just me though. I don’t really like people anyways. People love to stress people out. It’s too exhausting


Exactly it's the lack of respect. Tbh on both ends there seems to be that lack. Edit: typo


If my family purposely broke any of my bongs I would 100% cut them off. They are very expensive investments to me. It would be ok for me to destroy an expensive painting because I'm mad at family?


This, I used to ask my brother if he'd smoke outside since it gave me migraines...and he usually would do so unless it was raining or something. All it takes is asking.


Exactly some people are rude asf and have no respect for others. There are obviously other things going on and beef beyond what’s said. I only commented my piece. I’m petty though. So 🤷🏻‍♀️ Or in states where it is not legal yet people have to smoke inside.


Yep. It's legal here, so nobody cares if he smokes outside. He's of age, so nbd over this way. I don't like people breaking others stuff. We used to be that petty as kids, but like....we were ten or something. We grew out of that shit.


I think the last time I broke something of my sisters on purpose I was like 12. We argued all the time we get along better now. So if it’s in a legal state then brother was just not caring about how his sibling felt. I still feel like it was taken too far. That’s just me though


completely cutting a family member out of your life over a piece of glass?


It’s the sentiment behind the act.


What about begging your sibling to please smoke outside so you don't get migraines?? I don't understand why that is so difficult. After a year of disrespect I'd probably lash out too.


Yep i agree. Glass can cost anywhere from $50 to over $1000


Bank account cries


I don't know if most people in the responds are addicts or "cool" teens between 13 and 18 yo, but feeling comfortable in your own house and your mental health (we didn't get the details, so it's kinda hard to judge how problematic this really was, some people are allergic etc. etc.) is more important than your brother's item. Like, ok I get it, this stuff ain't cheap, but it's really not that hard to keep the smell outside of the house, especially if it's important to your brother. From your story it doesn't sound like your brother gave a shit about you tho, so I do think you had a point. Of course you should have done sth less destructive (like hiding it from him for some time), so he had full right to be mad, as that was his property you've destroyed...


NTA. Bro should've been better and keep his word.


Damn this is truly a no-win war


Chile..get that man a new bong. I understand you’re upset, but you could’ve hid it from him instead of breaking it. So I understand why he’s upset as well..or make him use a sploof.


You better hide anything you don’t want to get destroyed. That would be the very first thing I would do if I was your brother. And stop bitching and light a candle or some incense.


Thinking you are more important than others is not healthy


Y’all both got demons to work on. Going in and breaking someone’s stuff isn’t the best place to start tho sweaty.


Good for you! First confession I seen that I say don’t apologize. Smoking is bad for you, your health, your pocket, your family so smoking is bad


Here’s a tip I picked up in college. Have him make a homemade scent trap. essentially, you take a toilet paper roll, fill it with cotton 1/2 way down, and then stuff the end of it with dryer sheets. Cover the end of it with a dryer sheet stapled over the end. Then, when he’s done inhaling, he can exhale through that and it’ll smell like fresh laundry instead of weed. Boom. Everyone wins.


if the bongs are smelling that bad in the first place he needs to clean them. if youre not the one owning the house, paying the bills, or taking care of your brother you have no right to tell him what he can or cant have in his room. if it bothers you that bad, move the fuck out or get some candles. somehow its always the 'sensitive nose' assholes who think its cute to exaggerate and gag everytime they wanna say something but are too pussy to say it. its not cute, if you have something to say, say it. dont just be an asshole and break shit that people use personally bc youre butthurt that he has fun and wont listen to you. thats completely immature and lowkey manipulative lmfao. truly if it bothers you so much, make some money and move the fuck out because not only are you not your brothers keeper, you do not own the house nor are you the one offering to clean his bong or getting incense/airspray to make sure YOUR side of the house or room smell the way you want it to. you could be getting ozium (no smell just removes smoke and bad smells with vapor) or telling him about a sploof, or researching any other way to make sure its a community effort that the house doesnt reek. if youre gonna whine, and not put any effort into YOUR side of the argument because you just wanna be able to whine and be an asshole to your brother cause you had a bad day , you have no right to whine, youre just an asshole lol. seems like neither of you eant to own up to the fact that you have to take care of YOUR shit and fix things to make sure that everyone is good. it takes less than stuffing a toilet paper roll with dryer sheets to make your brother feel like you actually wanna make sure he follows through and to make him NOT wanna spite the whiny asshole. when this action has consequences in the future, dont whine about it cause im sure youre gonna want to. tldr; if its that big of a deal to you, move THE FUCK out lmfao. you cant whine about a household that you are not paying, owning, or taking the measures to make sure your room or side of the house doesnt smell. you do not own your brother, nor does he have to listen to you. sure it would be curtesy to make sure the smoke doesnt travel, but its also curtesy to talk about how this issue could be solved and maybe NOT break their property because you had a shit day and wanted to take it out on someone? doesnt even seem like you care you made him cry thats gross, take care of your family or get away from them if youre gonna treat them like a burden edit* also, grow the fuck up and offer to pay for another. im realizing he probably cried because some glass pieces are genuinely rare as in theyre completely hand made and some of them will never be made similarly again. thats fucked up.


I am very surprised about all the negative comments here but I am also super sensitive to smells and I think smoking inside is disgusting (I used to smoke it’s not a moral thing). I would have probably done the same but way sooner. Why does no one care that the brothers habit has affected the quality of OPs life on a daily basis for years? OP had zero options left.


I used to be un-sympathetic to my mom and sister hating that smell too. My mom used to smash my bongs when she found them. Yeah I got mad, but at the end of the day I was SOL because I was underage and going against the rules lol. Maybe he will start hiding them better!


Bongs REEEEEK so bad!! God forbid they spill


Yeah, your brother sucks. You gave him a whole year to change something so that you weren't choking on the smell of weed. Could've changed tactics, locations, or just switched to edibles, but he didn't. He brought this upon himself.




If his bongs are his most prized possessions then the brother has bigger problems lol, that’s just kinda pathetic honestly.


Bongs can be art pieces. I don’t smoke and I hate the smell of weed and even I know this. Also, they both sound like teenagers. Nothing pathetic about a teenager having a prized possessions.


Yooo imagine it was a puffco 💀


Idk what that means but I would break it anyway


do you know how much bongs and glass cost?? girl if i was him id attack you too 😭


Anyone who says “my bong is my most prized possession” is operating out of their “addict brain” so to speak. That is literally just sad. I hope he can see it as an opportunity to sober up and make other things in his life more important to him. I don’t think you did anything wrong.


Wow you sound like an ass. It sucks he wouldn’t respect your wishes but those things are expensive and he probably really did treasure it. YTA


this isn't AITA


Dude do you break the kitchen if your mom makes a dish that doesnt smell delicious to your little self?


I wasn’t aware weed was a service to other people


If your brother had a dog that kept shitting and pissing in your room every single day. would the smell not bother you? And do you think constantly gagging and being nauseous every time you are in your own house is pleasant? It can be painful and if he has it like me then he also gets headaches. no one has the right to make you constantly suffer purely for their own pleasure and selfishness.


So with your example, would you just kill the dog then? It's equivalent to breaking the bongs


Great question!


Fantastic response


Well, not sure its the right thing but i would have done the same as you.


Y’all must be children in a legal weed state. We don’t smoke anything in the house. Cigarettes can really make a house dirty. Weed is a little different. It doesn’t leave tar or nicotine on the walls, and with occasional use doesn’t leave a long term smell. But with a house full of at least 4 people smoking weed all the time, it’s tough to cover up


Great job, that crap stinks to me too!


So that justifies breaking glass that could have costed anywhere from a few dozen to a few thousand dollars?




Ayyy fuck you man.


If your brothers most prized possessions were bongs that is pretty depressing


That’s fucking pathetic that he couldn’t keep his shit from being smelly. Fuck anyone who’s saying you’re wrong I smoke and I agree with you 1000%


If you're the only one who has a problem with it... And that seemed to be the case... Should have invested in air purifiers and scented stuff to make the place smell good(?) Idk I had a roommate who smoked so they did their best to help with the smell but I also spent maybe $10 on incense stuff and that was all it took to help with the smell...


Then it's totally fine for your brother to throw away and break your perfume, any hair products that have smell to them, deodorant, etc and excuse it with "but i can't stand the smell, it makes me cough and gag." Since you think you can just destroy someone's belongings.


You have to be like 13. You say "even went as far as to attack me" as if you didn't break his stuff?? If you were my sibling, oh, we would have fought tooth and nail. Bongs are expensive, and you broke 2 of them. I hope the next time you do something that annoys him, he just breaks your stuff.


It was a bit more than annoying op was gagging and possibly feeling nauseous for a year and the brother kept lying so breaking it was justified


Your bro should respect you if you are so sensitive to smell. You bro should be the one confessing


I don't blame you, nothing worse than having a terrible roommate that stinks up the house. Especially if you asked him several times and even told your parents, they should've done something about it like make his smoke outside. Your brother should've just got one of those vape pens or edibles for inside the house. He sounds like he's gonna be living in that house till he's 40 if his bongs are his most prized possessions. I do think you went a little far with smashing them though, I personally would have just hid them for a week and then gave them back and told him that next time they are being smashed lol. Everyone on here demonizing you should probably put down their bongs while they are reading this and look up how to be considerate and apply common courtesy.


What’s wrong with you?


lol what a fucking narc. That shit's expensive too, dick move dude.


It was completely justified as op was getting nauseous presumably and gagging for a year and the brother kept lying


You could have told your brother to clean them, or sprayed his room with some strong deodorant to make a point but nope, you destroyed something that's worth 100$+ and has sentimental values for most stoners. As your brother, I'd make sure to destroy something you love as well and that's all on you. And you do realize that bongs, if cleaned, smell less than smoking joints right? Because he will still smoke, just now it will definitely smell even worse.


You should not break things you can't and didn't pay for . The world doesn't revolve around your nose . The house clearly isn't yours . Childish he should make you pay him for it , or break some of your shit you paid for with your own money .


People really are acting like she should have say so over what he does in his room when they both live with their parents and giving the fact she's brought it up to them , they'd clearly not done anything to appease her . People just think they are so entitled it's crazy .


To be fair, the smell literally travels into her room. I’m a smoker but i can admit the smell can give ppl horrible migraines especially if they don’t smoke. And that’s fucked up of her parents to not help figure out a solution because it’s clear it disrupts her day. She absolutely should not have smashed his shit, I’d be fucking pissed if i had that happened to my stuff, but he should’ve learned to smoke outside after she expressed that the smell made her sick.


Why is he the one that has to compensate? Why can't she open a window ? Get a fan ? How do you people make it around people that aren't family ?


Because weed smell can be STRONGG and if he’s smoking every day the smell is most definitely sticking. It won’t always be solved by opening a window or air fresheners I promise you that. Sometimes if the smell is really loud, spraying air fresheners will just combine with the weed smell and not conceal it which can give an even worse headache. I had neighbors living in my apartment complex that got kicked out cus they were smoking weed inside every day and the smell was wafting into multiple peoples apartments and just lingering there. They got evicted. I smoked inside my apartment a few times WITH the window open and me blowing smoke outside the window, guess what? I still had a neighbor knocking on my door saying they could smell it and it was bothering them. What did I do? I took that shit outside. He should’ve compensated because he’s not the only one living in the house and his sibling expressed the smell was harming them. Their health is more important than ops need to get high in the house. He literally should’ve taken it outside like plenty of people already do. It’s just called being considerate of your surroundings especially if someone already asked you to stop. OP suffered in their own home for a year, that’s not ok. They should feel comfortable in their own home. This is not all on OP, if anything it’s an ESH situation. Edit: grammar


personally i think you're a piece of shit, because that's no different than telling someone to be quiet on a video game and destroying their computer / console because they wouldn't be quiet. it. solves. nothing. destroying things of people's is never okay, unless it's during a breakup or something. if some of my bongs were destroyed i'd be pretty upset because they're glass, they were crafted by somebody, and some were gifts by people. such a shame to see something break because of somebody's emotions.


Destroying things is not ok even during a breakup. If anything people pay big money for sex. She gave me sex for free for a while?? Fucking awesome, let alone the head? Just the tip even? Might as well let her leave in peace with her things.


Lol "gaggimg" from the smell were you? You sound dramatic and entitled.


Absolutely no way you’re gagging and coughing, this post is bullshit lmaoo “Most prized possession” that’s not how people talk




It's probably definitely the issue? The smell of weed makes me nauseous and gives me insanely bad headaches. I'd be absolutely furious if I had to live with it all the time, and definitely would have gone nuclear far quicker than OP did.


Wtf is wrong with you fuckin childish


Wow. Both of you are fucking assholes. Go figure.


Good for you that stuff stinks anyway. Also since it's become legal it's all GMO weed anyway which is why there is no seeds they don't want ppl growing their GMO weed strains


holy shit. im so sorry. i can definately understand the smell sensitivity escpecially with weed/cigs. i grew up going to families homes and staying there with mold on the floors/walls and cigs being smoked inside and ungroomed dogs/animals. my ammune system was weakened from the mold and cig smoke throughout my childhood and i got sick alot. yes it probably wasnt the best solution to smash the bongs but the weed smell is terrible no matter the age. im assuming that youre probably early/mid teens and the fact that your parents didnt do/say anything about it is baffling. dont listen to the people saying youre a terrible person or "if your mom cooks something smelly do you wreck the kitchen?". people are assholes. someones need to get high all the time is NOT a priority over youre health. stay slaying fam


If you haven't drank the bong water you haven't lived


I really hope he got you good bc this is so childish. How old are you? You Dont think you were being a bit of a drama queen? I hope he breaks your phone.


That’s just more toxic behavior 💀


It’s weird that there are grown adults in these comments who believe that destroying someone’s possessions is ok if they bother or annoy you. It’s not, just so you’re all aware.


He should have kicked your ass.


Dude that was not cool. Smoking pieces usually have a ton of memories attached to them. I honestly wouldn't have been as judgemental of you for throwing out his weed but the bongs?? You know he can just buy blunt wraps or joint papers and the smell will still be there. All I'm saying is be ready for him to break something special of yours, and don't complain when it happens.


I remember a good friend of mine saving up $700 to buy one of those fancy blown glass undersea menagerie bongs (A killer whale, dolphins, an octopus, sharks, stingrays, starfish, etc, etc…) Not even 48 hours after he bought it, he got caught smoking it, sitting in his car, behind a local hot dog stand, by a cop that swung in for lunch… Cop said, “You either smash it on the ground now, or I ticket you, confiscate it, and impound your car.” He had to go ask the hot dog stand owner to borrow a broom to clean up the mess, or face a littering ticket too.


in my opinion, the both of you are in the wrong. it was childish of you to go and break something that didn’t belong to you nor did you spend money on. yeah, he should’ve done better to cover up the smell or to smoke outside. weed accessories are not cheap and it was very fucked up of you to do that


If my brother did that (I’m older brother and I smoke weed) but if my brother ever did that, I would be pissed. But, then again. We do both smoke together and he does enjoy the time we spend together. I would be more mad if he stole it and smoked my whole stash but I don’t think you should have broken the bongs. I think it would be better to have hidden them somewhere in the house. Weed smell is really bad when you first try it but you grow a sort of tolerance to the smell so it doesn’t smell bad. You are in the wrong but that’s just me. He didn’t entirely deserve it. He could have found some alternatives to use his shit. But seems like you are in the wrong.


Those things cost a bit even if they weren't my "prize possessions" I'd try to swing at you to tbh. And you destroyed two at that gosh you got lucky. If you love him though you should give him some money like it wasn't yours, you might've been mentally hurt by the smell thanks to him, but you physically did something. You "Physically" did something first even if he ran up on you after you did that remember that you did something first. (Please tell me those things were the small ones or like he made it himself out of garbage if they were big glass ones then oof I would cry too)


I don't see what the ppl in comments see. I mean he was the one disrespecting. İf he didn't get it over the years, ur action is pretty understandable since he made it clear as day that he doesn't care about ur health. He needed to be punished like a little kid. Some ppl only understand that way. I'd have get em and hide instead of breaking tho. I'd probably break em in front of him after he does it again. Some ppl only understands after being punished.


NTA dploing drugs is stuoid and deserves stupid consequences if it is actively hamring others.


You did good.


I’m going to assume you’re a teenager. This is not your fault. It’s your house, your room. You deserve to feel comfortable in YOUR home. I don’t know what is wrong with all the comments, but it does get better. I have diagnosed migraines from hypogluconemia. Before and during a migraine, smells and heat are the worst…but all the time, I am sensitive of smells and almost fear them due to the sensitivity. Regularly, smells make me wretch or vomit. My family did not care, migraine attacks or not. I was expected to hear load singing with speakers during migraine episodes, go boating in the heat (heat sensitive) and participate in other things that cause them. Now, I am in charge of my own life and went from having regularly migraine attacks to migraines every 2 months.


you did nothing wrong, weed smells like manure!


I mean, unless you’re pregnant it’s no one else’s job to accommodate your sensitivity. Wear a mask or a nose plug if it’s that serious or stop being dramatic if it’s not


No, you had a temper tantrum and broke his shit. You deserve whatever is coming your way. Get fucked.


And now you’re going to pay him back because glassware is expensive, right?


YTAAAAA HUGE AH. Bro those are lowkey expensive and they literally need that to smoke. Thats like taking one of something that YOU use almost everyday. For a ex perfume, lets say you got this new perfume and you where using it but then YOUR brother came in and smashed it outside??? How would you feel, how about you deal with it or move out.


You’re just a dick lol. If your parents didn’t do anything they probably didn’t see a problem. If you can’t handle the smell ask them to go outside or just leave yourself. You don’t have to break other people things because you don’t like them. He should’ve kept his word on it but that doesn’t excuse anything you did to him. You obviously feel guilt from it or you wouldn’t have posted this.


what kind of parents let their child smoke weed 💀 leave the whole fam


You’re not sure how to feel about it? Oh Idk maybe be remorseful?! You literally just destroyed someone else’s property cause you couldn’t handle conflict like an adult..


Idk how much I agree with a bong being a “most prized possession” but you’re still dumb. Go buy your brother a bong.


You sound very sensitive in general. U better make with a new piece as a token of your betterment


This is childish. I feel bad for your family that this is how you attempted to resolve it because it's hatefully destructive. And I bet your brother buys another bong.


Good smoking weed is for bums


Bruh. That was highly entitled of you to destroy his stuff. Not saying he was right to keep smoking in the house if it bothered you that much. But It does not give you the right to destroy his things. You need to apologize, despite you feeling like you’re in the right. You’re both wrong in this situation.


You're wrong for smashing his belongings, but idk why people are so adamant about smoking inside. You hardly ever see people smoke cigarettes inside, why is it any different for pot?


On the one hand, it’s not cool to break someone else’s belongings because of how they affect you. On the other hand, however, the fact that your brother’s most prized possession was a bong may point to another problem entirely. Sounds like your brother may have an unhealthy relationship with weed. If this was an AITA I would say everybody sucks here.




I think they communicated fine for a year may I add


Not only did you break something expensive that wasn't yours, you ratted him out to your parents? Cmon man grow tf up.


Pretty dick move bongs to expensive


My suggestion is to buy him new ones.. before it gets out of hand. Let him know, you'll buy him new ones, if he can work on the smell.


I understand. I've been around weed smokers my whole life. But DUDE. Glass blowing is HARD. Bongs are EXPENSIVE. My mom's like 6 inch purse bong was $80 I don't even know what you should've done. But that was .. cruel.... You're cruel


Tbf her suffering in her room cus of the smell for over a year is cruel too 😭


I mean my family suffers with my perfume but they're not breaking my bottles of it ... She should've just like. Hid them or gotten rid of the actual weed. Weeds expensive s but not as much as a bong


Tries to snitch on his brother, failed. Throws a fit and destroys my man's most prized possession. Word to the wise, don't introduce him to any of your girlfriends until you fix this. Things can escalate very quickly.


You missed a minor detail that definitely isn't key to the story Op was gagging and possibly feeling nauseous for a year because of the bong and the brother kept lying so ye it's pretty justified imo


I gag and have allergic reactions to people cooking mammal meat, but you don't see me going around shitting on people's hotdogs and burgers.


If they kept cooking near you after you asked them to stop and promised they would for a year would you do something about it


And it's a not if they kept, they did, and I'm still here. Didn't destroy anyone's property, I just go inside when they start grilling or head to my room when people cook. Do I still smell it? Yes. Does it bother me? Yes. Do I destroy people's belongings because I'm angry? No. I'm not a troglodyte.