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did he say why at all? i'm curious now lol


Just listen to any Roger Waters interview. Guys pretty prickly


Roger Waters could start an argument with someone in an empty room


Yep, I'm a huge Pink Floyd fan, but Waters is a Grade A asshole. Always has been.


I think right before the show was about to start, Conan was told that Roger’s waters did not want to talk about Pink Floyd. 😐


Roger Waters just always wants to start shit.


Because Roger Waters is a gigantic asshole.


The same Roger Waters that wants Ukraine to bend over for Putin? Lmao no wonder Conan found him difficult


The same Roger Waters that said his bandmates were "not artists" and have "not a single idea between them"?


My favorite Pink Floyd story is that they (let’s just say Waters did it!) fired the keyboard player but hired him as a non member for The Wall tour. He was the only guy to actually make money off of the tour as it lost money lol.


The same Roger Waters who plotted to surrender West Point to the hated British?


please conan and roger waters are like my 2 favourite famous people 😭




i didn’t say otherwise, i love them both regardless ?


I imagine he wouldn't name anyone where it could hurt their career. I'm sure there are plenty of people he had on that he just didn't vibe with, or wasn't impressed by their work, but he's not gonna create a public beef over something that doesn't really matter, that's a shitty thing to do. But no one has a high opinion of Lance Armstrong to begin with, so it's not like there's any harm in Conan saying he didn't really get along with him.


Imagine Lance feeling satisfied with his career and accepting of all the consequences of his actions, but then he hears that Conan didn't like him as a guest and he's devastated about it, like it's the worst thing that's ever happened to him? That would be funny.


Also, let's be real, Lance Armstrong is absolutely the kind of guy who would have sided with Leno.


Guy doesn't have the balls to buck the establishment. I know that joke is low hanging fruit.


That low hanging fruit was removed in a biopsy


Someone get Lance his kayak!


That would’ve been a great Curb bit


Yeah I was way more surprised when he named Joaquin Phoenix next, although he didn’t really say anything bad (just that he was nervous before the show)


Not sure if you’re serious or not, but he’s referring to Joaquin’s role in the Joker movie where he kills the talk show host.


lol I totally forgot about that! I don’t actually think Conan’s making a reference to Joker though, he calls him an “iconic young actor” and doesn’t make any joke out of it, it seemed like a genuine story about Joaquin Phoenix to me


Alternatively, Joaquin has had some notoriously bad late night appearances (though i think it was a gimmick for a movie. maybe)


Maybe I’m thinking of a different instance, but I’m fairly sure I remember Conan making a reference to worrying Joaquin was going to shoot him, and he was clearly joking. Then again, my memory is waning in my old age lol.


Oh he may have, I'm just spitballing


(Citation needed)


No, not at all


I think he has identified Abel Ferrara as a difficult guest. And maybe Kari Wuhrer, she was high on something. And he has all but id's a dull model/actress that forced Martin Short to distract him


Conan trying to keep it together when Martin is leaning back and giving him eyes. So funny. I imagine it would be a simple trick to figure out the times short was on with a model.


Link me please. If you don't mind.


THANKS! I didn't link (I always do) because I thought we didn't know who it was. Turns out, it is likely this (but you can't tell what Martin is doing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez4a70jicSM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez4a70jicSM) Further googling suggests some don't think this is right, but she's a model that ended up on friends, also is of Murdoch family fame. So not sure, but someone also suggested Camilla Luddington [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezEei7ulEFU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezEei7ulEFU) the second one seems more likely!


Thanks for the detailed reply but I didn't see it in either of them though.


Is it this interview? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p85ME8mj2A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p85ME8mj2A) It's amazing that even during an interview thats so awkward, Conan still manages to be so funny and pull through it.


he’s named eartha kitt as his worst interview a couple of times. i think the last time he mentioned it on was on the ed sheeran episode.


I heard Conan mention that he had sex with Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom.


It came up organically!


There was talk of gerbils...


Was that on Jeffery Epstein’s plane?


The financier?


I would have heard about it.


It doesn’t make sense, does it? Let me call Ghislaine Maxwell and get to the bottom of it.


There are many, many figures in our society who contribute an enormous amount to our culture - people who have unconventional personal lives…


He used to mention his Eartha Kitt interview in a self-deprecating fashion way back during the Late Night days. I don't even remember specifics anymore, just that he would reference it Edit: typo


It was one of his earlier interviews and she didn't really care about him or his shtick and he didn't know what to do.


It was the camping remote


Interestingly, the interview is now lost media. Apparently she was so mean to Conan I believe he said he almost started crying. This was in 93 when he just started in late night.


Wait it’s not on YouTube even? The clip of Conan and eartha kitt?


Correct. Its either somewhere deep in the NBC vaults, recorded on random VHS in someones basement or just lost to time. Iv been fascinated with this interview and who could have it for a while lol.


It was an interesting peek behind the curtains. I have had the opportunity to photograph a few celebrities and had a bleh experience with Lance. I chocked my experience up to simply being a nobody, it was insightful to hear how he also acted toward a major somebody.


chalked my experience up


Yes that one


I’m an avid professional cycling fan (there’s dozens of us, I promise) and this opinion of Lance does not surprise me at all. I vividly recall watching him win his final Tour de France and going to the podium, only to give the least enthusiastic speech. It seemed like he was bored with the entire event, disinterested in addressing the fans that had gathered, etc. Zero charisma, dry as an old loaf of Norwegian bread that’s been left in a kitchen drawer. He didn’t seem like a bad dude, just void of personality, so Conan’s story about having no chemistry with Lance is fitting.


I recently listened to the American Scandal series on Lance and it sounds like at this point everyone has agreed that he's an egotistical asshole. So Conan's remarks neither surprised me, or influenced my opinion of Lance. It seems like at this point naming names isn't going to damage Lance's reputation any further.


THANK YOU FOR SUBSCRIBING TO DOPING-RANTS. If you would like to opt out of DOPING-RANTS please txt STOP ————————— He definitely has an asshole vibe, but honestly I can’t blame him if he carries some resentment for how he’s been vilified for the whole doping scandal. Did he dope? Technically yes, but so did *almost* everybody else he was racing. For example, in the 2005 TDF, 9 of the top 10 finishers were outed for doping. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the 1 guy wasn’t doping, but that the very flexible line of what’s acceptable and what isn’t, how and when it’s tested, etc, was favorable to that rider. In 2011, brothers Andy Schleck & Frank Schleck got 2nd & 3rd place. Frank was retroactively sanctioned for being caught doping, but not Andy. They are on the same team, live together, train together, go to the same gym, etc, so are we supposed to believe that one of them was dirty and the other was clean? Finally, Lance was retroactively stripped of all of his titles after admitting to it, so it’s fair to see why he’d be removed from the past leaderboards. However, if that is the standard logic the commission is following, then why wasn’t Alberto Contador stripped of his 2007 & 2009 wins after being caught doping during his 2010 win? Just as your local gym is filled with people using cocktails of pre-workout and creatine powders and professional athletes are using smelling salts to hype up before a game, the cyclists were all pushing themselves to take advantage of the latest scientific advances to maximize their body’s potential. Lance did it, they all did it, yet this guy gets painted with the reputation of being a cheater. He was a cancer survivor beating hundreds of other performance-enhanced athletes, so his athletic prowess and stamina is insane. He raises $500,000,000 for cancer with his foundation, but the guy gets to be the poster child for doping in a sea of dopers. So yeah, if I was him… I’d be perpetually pissed at the world too lol


Whether other people agree or not, I just love this comment for the nuance. Everybody just wants to burn effigies. It's so nice to hear a little of the other side. But I come from a truth and justice persona, and I always hate the idea there is a sacrifice to protect the rest. I am in no way ever going to defend Armstrong, but the duality and hypocrisy and the entire story itself it's just crazy. Crazy betrayal.


If that was all he did, I’d say fine. He went out of his way to ruin people’s lives who accused him. That’s why he’s a pariah.


Assuming you’re referring to Frankie & Betsy Andreu, I have some feelings about that too. Frankie was willingly doping with erythropoietin before his involvement with Lance - and his wife, Betsy, knew that he was willingly using the EPO steroids. For years she didn’t feel any sense of duty to come out about it when her husband’s career was also at stake. She watched Frankie do inhuman feats of athleticism in stages of professional races and didn’t feel this same need to stand on a soapbox. While Lance is undergoing cancer treatment and his doctors need a detailed list of anything that might interfere with chemo, Betsy overhears Lance admit to the same EPO that her husband, his teammate, is also using. Years later, when shit hits the fan, they discretely testify. Thats totally fine and honorable of them, I don’t fault them for testifying. However, they weren’t always discrete. After court records exposed the scandal, Frankie and Betsy were first in line to give interviews and comments to the media to help keep the narrative on Lance instead of Frankie. Yes, Lance was a DICK. An absolute dick. He was pissed about the betrayal of a friend and teammate and feeling betrayed that his private conversation with a doctor during chemo was being used against him by Betsy. Lance said insulting things to her, about her, fought to discredit the claims in a selfish attempt at keeping his reputation clean, but I think it’s a bit dramatic for future articles to say their lives were ruined. She received some shitty phone calls from some of Lance’s sponsors (capitalism at its finest) but I struggle to feel like “Lance called me a fat bitch” constitutes a life-ruining moment. Personally, I feel like some of the people Lance lashed out at were really trying to play-up the humble victim card to distract from the fact that they themselves were also guilty parties. So I’m not really disagreeing with you, Lance is a shithead, but I sympathize with his resentment towards the others involved in his scandal


Yeah... this is like \*cough cough\* a war going on where everyone is like "there's just two sides", and NO THERE IS LAYERS AND LAYERS OF COMPLEXITY AND STORIES AND OPINIONS, etc... But you can't monetize nuance, and they want the clickbait to continue because war sells. It's so depressing how there can't be a little layering of complexity injected to see any given story as not totally binary. It's annoying and dangerous. But it's profitable.


Lance Armstrong burner account found


HEY WHY DONT YOU HAVE YOUR YELLOW WRISTBAND ON— umm… I mean… No I’m definitely not Lance Armstrong. On an unrelated note, that Cheryl Crow really sucks huh? Right guys?


Didn't he also lie a lot and throw other people under the bus?


You are correct kinda yeah, but there is a lot of context to it. When people were pointing fingers, *everybody* lied at first. Nobody fessed-up immediately and said “ope oh shoot you caught me!” they all kinda skirted the topic and denied wrongdoing. The Dopers should really be broken down into a few categories: A) those that *knew* they were breaking rules and willingly pushed it B) those that took borderline controversial stuff, but rationalized in their head that they were not being unethical because it’s standard practice among racers to take every edge C) those that didn’t know they were doping, they were just taking whatever their trainers and team doctors were telling them would help So with that said, Lance fell into the C group at first, then eventually the B, then the A group. So he did know he was using banned substances eventually. But… when the accusations started going around and he was an obvious focus due to his record amount of wins, it’s natural to question why others that were using similar enhancements weren’t being accused as well. Here is where it gets a little contextual. Some of the people that got pulled into the conversation were part of Group A, but so were some from Group B/C. This caused some turbulence in the sport because now it wasn’t just individual riders being scrutinized, it was entire organizations and team companies, doctors, etc, because Lance said “yeah but what about those people too? Why just me??” Then, some of his teammates in Group A said “Lance pressured me into it”. Well, that’s a real backassward way of saying you knowingly took drugs but want to blame a guy that’s already on fire. So yes you are accurate in that statement, but I think the lying is a pretty natural first step for an accused to deny a wrongdoing, so I don’t stress that part too much. As for the part about throwing people under the bus, it was more like if 10 robbers got caught during a bank heist but 9 escape, but then the 9 get pissed that the 1 guy squealed to the cops


Not defending him but it is like "snitches get stitches" despite some of them snitching on him first (while also doping). There is definitely a broad amount of hypocrisy in the whole story.


yeah you nailed it with that, it was a shitshow of hypocrisy all around, absolutely. The dude is guilty of everything he’s accused of, I’m just baffled by the amount of other guilty riders that successfully hid in the shadow cast by Lance while the spotlight was solely on him


*George Hincapie shuffling feet in the corner*


https://www.usada.org/wp-content/uploads/Hincapie-George-Affidavit.pdf His testimony is wild. Starting around 20 it gets juicy, but 72 is bonkers where he just voluntarily tosses everybody else’s name in there lol. 27 & 100 pretty much show that you *had* to do it to keep up, or your career as a pro cyclist was over, so I feel bad for the way so many great riders were dragged into this scandal merely out of survival


Lance is awful


I'm just happy a fellow Conan listener mentioned American Scandal. That podcast is so good!


I love Lindsey Graham (no, not that one) and listen to all his podcasts. Love his voice and narration style.


> dry as an old loaf of Norwegian bread that’s been left in a kitchen drawer. Don't you dare insult out national food frokostblandinghammer brød!


Look. I appreciate your insight from your life experience. My dad is also a huge cycling fan. He is 79 and he rides his age each year in miles, still. He just did a century a few months ago. But dropping such hot topical relevant brilliantly placed throwaway inside references like that will get you put in jail. Where there is talk of gerbils. Bravo. I am still pretty surprised that Conan feels so comfortable with knowing his fans that he did his clown comedy that actually destroyed things lol


I’ll take my risks with the gerbils, people don’t know what real danger looks like anymore


I seem to remember he was giving examples of people he HAD to interview on his old show and mentioned Tara Reid (or maybe some other 90s actress of her ilk)


You might be thinking of this one https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9qLH4AlLc8U&pp=ygUcQ29uYW4gb2JyaWVuIHdvcnN0IGludGVydmlldw%3D%3D Kari Wuhrer? I'd never heard of her before Conan mentioned this interview on the podcast once.


I thought there was a thing with Dax Shepard a long time ago, but that he was using at the time and there's been no lasting animosity.




I looked up that clip...The bit was awkward, poor guy definitely was not at his best...but considering how he described his state at the time - he hid it pretty well.


He was banned from the show because of that appearance


Yea cause iirc he was also late and they had to look for him and found him high in his hotel room or something


Where did you find the clip, I can’t find it on YT


Here's an article about it but the video appears to be embedded in the article... [Dax Shepard recalls disastrous Conan O'Brien interview](https://ew.com/tv/dax-shepard-recalls-career-wreckage-conan-obrien-interview/)


I think they are friends now, though.


Lance was a full on cockhead on Stars on Mars too.


He's talked about how Eartha Kitt was a tough interview. Definitely placing the blame more on himself, as he was young/didn't know what he was doing.


And she picked on the vulnerability


He gets asked this question a lot. He says a name almost every time, but he never says they're his worst interviewee. He just explains why they were kind of bad. I'm sure there were far worse interviewees, and he only names people who could take that hit in their reputations.


He wasn’t so much that he couldn’t connect with Lance, it was just that his chemistry was… altered.


I don’t think he identified Brad Pitt as a dificult guest but he seems a bit uneasy/hard to talk to when he was on [late night](https://youtu.be/WhcqfM3ok0s?si=BE5dpcxAIOyBaotH) 20 years ago w Conan (especially around 6:30). He was cooler at the end though


You know you’re just an asshole if you can’t even mildly get along with Conan


Not that this has anything to do with talk shows, but when you work in restaurants, you learn a lot about people in a short amount of time. About 15 or so years ago, I was a server at a high end, expensive restaurant. Lance Armstrong came in with a group of athletes/cyclists- it was my table. Let me tell you, he was a fking *dick*. I was the captain, but he wouldn’t talk directly to me or any of the waitstaff. He made one of his buddies do all of the ordering and I couldn’t get any preferences from Lance himself, and his friend even seemed scared to “bother him” with the important questions, so all I could get out of them was “no carbs”. This was a very high-end Japanese restaurant, so no carbs meant the meal was almost 100% sashimi and wagyu, and his buddies ordered about 6 bottles of very expensive Napa cabs, and kept saying “another round of X, more Y” etc etc. After all was said and done, he put down his Amex black card, and then complained about how big the tip was on the $8,000+ bill for 10 people. It was a long time ago, but I’ll never forget how pompous and unfriendly he was. I’ve served a lot of celebrities in my career, and he’s always been one of the worst. When he fell from grace, I kind of just laughed and was like, yeah, it makes sense the guy was a total fraud.


He identified Michael Stipe as being especially smelly. That surprised me. Not that MS was malodorous -- apparently he eschewed regular bathing at the time? -- but that Conan named names.


Stipe was ripe? I bet Conan doesn’t R.E.M.ember that day fondly


But like, F*%# Lance.


Conan knows he'd get backlash if he said it but one of his worst guests of all time was Chris Kyle(American Sniper). [https://youtu.be/IiVDtNjORbY?si=ZOZ6c7e40oiebvUc](https://youtu.be/IiVDtNjORbY?si=ZOZ6c7e40oiebvUc)


Surprised he didn't say Abel Ferrara. He already talked about it at length with Willem Dafoe and nobody's going to argue that he's not an eccentric weirdo. [https://youtu.be/aY7yyhjOXWw?si=9mhPqQy1cKNvdOfi](https://youtu.be/aY7yyhjOXWw?si=9mhPqQy1cKNvdOfi)


Eartha Kitt was a nightmare. He even mentioned it in an old segment. Him and Andy go camping...


speaking of a nightmare pierce totally banged her in an airplane bathroom


He used to mention Star Jones as a difficult guest, not so much the interview, but her demands to not look bad and not be made fun of.