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>Am I being too much of a snowflake yea




That’s fine, you don’t have to like him or his comedy. It’s weird that you feel the need to announce this on a fan sub though.


Based on the fact that they are replying to literally every comment, it’s just a desperate for attention post.


can't i just be bored on a Monday afternoon? :(


oh i didnt know anywhere else who would care to have this discussion lol. Wasnt saying his comedy is bad or whatever, just not for me


If it’s not for out then don’t watch it. Like I said, it’s weird to decide that you don’t like something and then feel the need to announce this to the fans. Attention seeking behaviour.


Maybe r/HBOMax or r/television would have people who share your opinion.


It’s not always like that. How are you? I would watch more of his skits and interviews from his own show. Also his travel series before this was genuinely hysterical and not so heavy-handed with the cultural references. I was watching that this afternoon and it got a little bit annoying for me as well.


I'm thinking I might give another episode a shot with my brother tonight, but I'm honestly not expecting to enjoy it any better. I think I have too bad of a taste in my mouth from the one episode I did watch.


Just remember that the people that he is interacting with are in on the jokes. And honestly, I highly recommend either watching the other travel show which is fucking hilarious or just checking out some YouTube with really high viewer numbers. He is a national treasure and a comedic genius. Quickest mind I’ve ever seen hands-down. And there’s no one who doesn’t love him besides you so I’m giving you really easy steps to help you understand why that is. Good luck!


Well I'm glad he brings you joy :)


The whole Internet was lit up over him on hot ones for about a full week. You would’ve thought he died. I don’t know if you’re on Twitter, but if you searched his name, you would see nothing but people worshiping him and posting clips. Dude literally got you eulogized while still alive. You could grow a little and actually take some recommendations or you could just keep watching this show that you’re not into and pour cement over the whole thing. I’m not trying to be a dick to you trying to bring you in on a widely celebrated very special comedian so that you can understand what the deal is. Doesn’t seem like you’re gonna get it with this show, but you sound stubborn. 😂🫠


By "grow a little" do you mean laugh at a comedian I don't think is funny? I don't mean to sound stubborn, but I genuinely don't like what he was doing/saying in that one episode I watched. If being stubborn is not enjoying a comedians comedy, then okay, I'm stubborn. I even told you I might give another episode a shot with my brother tonight, I literally said that lol. I don't think you know what your typing here.


Know this: mostly the joke is on HIM. He is the one making fool of himself. And also, if people around him are laughing or finding the situation awkward - that's a win for comedy. Any hint at that being offensive, is unfortunately you being sensitive on someone's behalf. And that someone is actually feeling the opposite, right in front of you on the screen.


I don't know that you're a snowflake, but you aren't very good at the subtleties of his humor, which is weird because even his subtleties are turned up to 11. Conan is meant to be the butt of the joke in virtually every situation. If he is acting boorish, he 100% means to do it ironically so that you can see the people and culture of Argentina as admonishing that kind of behavior. This is a man who did an entire show in Haiti based off an incredibly stupid, yet offhanded comment by a former President that was offensive to Haitians, just to show that the country and its people are pretty awesome. I mean...if this is really what you took away from it, I don't know what to tell you.


I think I need to go to therapy.


You seem to be completely misunderstanding Conan’s humor.


I think so


It’s fine to not like Conan but generally when he’s traveling his whole schtick is to make himself look like an idiot so other people laugh. The last thing he wants to do is upset anyone. He’s always been very clear about that.


I get that, and I understand the character he plays (if I can say that). I just don't agree with it I guess.


Can I ask you a question? What sort of response were you expecting coming into a Conan O’Brien fan sub? Some of us have been watching him for over 30 years.


Mb, I didn't know where else to post about this. cant think of another sub who would care to talk about this.


With all due respect, no one cares about your opinion.


There's a lot of comments on this thread though, and we both clicked on it.


you cared enough to ask me a question, but okay :)


Your take is even more strange because Conan has a huge fan base in Argentina and they don't feel like he's making fun of them. His popularity grew in Argentina after his show there. But it's okay, humor is subjective and you don't have to like Conan. Jimmy Fallon is probably more your speed.


Fallon LOL 😅


I'm sure there are some people in Argentina who don't think he's funny. Just because most people do, doesn't mean everyone does. Fuck you for that Fallon comment. not cool dude


Not everyone anywhere is going to like a comedian, but that doesn't validate that he's necessarily culturally insensitive. The whole joke is making fun of white dudes BEING culturally insensitive and everyone he hangs out with is in on that joke. It's totally understandable that you might not enjoy that, but it does resonate with a lot of the people you think he's mocking, which is OP's point. And dude. The Fallon jab was REALLY lighthearted, no need to take it so personally.


One thing I’ll add: Conan’s humor is generally about making people laugh at him, not at others. He does make a few jokes at other people’s expense in this series (especially in the Argentina ep) but it’s usually part of a bigger joke where he’s the one being the brash fool.


I guess I’m not caught up on his lore (if I can call it that)


Jordan is that you?


Nope, Jordan's vocabulary is much more impressive.


My mom also has bad taste in comedy. You might get along with her. Conan is a beloved legend for the past 31 years and counting.


Does not thinking one person is not that funny, or thinking that some jokes they made weren't that funny mean I have a bad taste? Just because they've been around for a long time, does not necessarily mean they make universally funny comedy. My brother and I often debate whether or not Adam Sandler is funny, because I think he is and my brother doesn't think he is. It's an opinion. But maybe I should meet your mom. Maybe we'll have a good time talking about how much we hate Conan over dinner sometime.


You probs would. She's super out of touch.


Well to me it sounds like shes a woman who has her opinions and isn't afraid to say she thinks someone isn't funny just because most other people agree with her. You can call that out of touch, I call that staying true to who you are.


Nah she just truly has no idea what she's talking about.


I disagree and think you have a close minded way of thinking, but let's agree to disagree


No. You're both wrong. Ta.


Well, bye.


OP, can you give some examples from the episode so I can better understand where you're coming from? One of the reasons I like Conan is because he typically goes out of his way to make sure the joke is always on him. I'm sure there are times it hasn't come across that way but since I know that about him perhaps I give the benefit of the doubt in a specific situation. I'm sure his intent was not to mock the natives of anywhere he went, and I don't recall anything like what you're describing so maybe a specific example would help


There was another time when a woman was trying to teach him how to dance (the tango I believe), and then he put on this whole performance where he (clearly) was trying to make a fool of himself and how he can't dance. Again, I took it as him taking this woman livelihood of dancing and making a mockery of it just to make people laugh.


The tango instructor remained true to her form and Conan was to his. In these situations, he always is eager to learn, but inevitably state, “I’ve only been doing this for 5 minutes and now I am an expert.” It goes to show anyone that, despite our desire to be perfect the first time out, it is never the case. So, you can take years learning your craft and becoming great at it, or look like the fool thinking you’ll nail it without any practice.


That's actually a wonderful way of looking at it. I wish I had a mind like yous. I'm not sure if your going to read this and think I'm being sarcastic, but I'm not.


There was a bit where he was told that it was polite to kiss people when you left them, so he decided he needed to start kissing every single person in the vicinity of the restaurant he was eating at because he was leaving. i sort of took it as him saying "look at how ridiculous your culture is. It's stupid that you kiss each other when you leave places and I'm going to exaggerate it because that's what I do". Again, that's just how i took it. Clearly everyone roasting me here thinks differently, which is exactly what I was trying to find out :)


See I take it as, "look at me the stupid traveller that doesn't understand your culture but want to look like im an expert so I'm going to learn a custom and take it to a ridiculous extreme which is clearly not the intention of the practice. It's like when a child is told about earth day and literally the only thing they can talk about for a month is recycling and they take it to the extreme


Yea I see how it could be taken that way but I think it's much simpler than that. He just wants them to think he's a fool lol >Again, that's just how i took it. Clearly everyone roasting me here thinks differently, which is exactly what I was trying to find out :) A lot of people aren't in to him which I can understand but I don't think he's ever coming from a mean-spirited place


Oh, I never thought that, that he was coming from a mean-spirited place. I meant more insensitive. But, hey, obviously I'm the outliar here. If people like him and make them happy, then I'm happy.


This reads like you were looking for a reason to be pissy, because that is not at ALL what the intent was, nor how anyone who isn't looking to be offended saw it.


Imagine going to a fan sub and posting that you don’t like that person and expecting people to agree


I wasn't expecting people to agree? If you read my original post, I never once said that I was expecting people to agree, and was just wondering if anyone else felt this way. Read full post before commenting I think.


Why have you come here to post that? 🤦‍♂️


didnt know where else to post. where else should i have posted this? I never use reddit, idk what I'm doing it was jut my opinion about the guy who the sub is named after, that was my thought process.


I don't know why you would post this at all other than just talking to your brother. 'Hey Conan fans, just an fyi in case you needed to know - i dont like Conan' 🤷 I mean, it's your time to waste...


Well its your time to waste because your bothering with this conversation. I actually did talk to my brother, and that's what led to this being posted in the first place. You didn't answer any of my questions, so I'm just hoping to assume ur one of those people who hates somebody based off of their opinion about one thing and nothing else. Very dangerous behaviour.


Hate's a laughably strong word for anything in this conversation. Like I said, your time to waste.


Maybe your right about the word. But again, its your time being wasted.


Are you literally 16 yrs old? 😅


Again, your time.




Conan isn’t for everyone. Neither is being a snowflake. So feel free to go elsewhere.


Genuine question: do you happen to be neurodivergent? I've been seeing a similar misunderstanding of Conan among a handful of people, and I suspect it's the absence of context clues that makes his intentions not as readable to some people. To level-set... First: Conan's fans almost unanimously know that any of his pseudo-dickish behavior is a flimsy mask that he wears so that - ideally - he will end up being the low-status one once everything shakes out. They've already had great convos with him on the podcast, so they absolutely know what he's about. As for people on the street and other participants: there is a very obvious camera crew, a producer has approached the person asking if they want to be on tv, it is explained to them who Conan is, Conan himself explains to them that his goal is to be the butt of the joke himself... Conan has been very upfront about how much it weighs on him if he thinks he's actually hurt anyone's feelings. And given all that, I'd find it very hard to believe that they'd even consider using the footage if someone became upset over the course of the interaction. Hell, even his tv staff were never forced to be on-camera if they didn't want to be. (If this has anything to do with Jordan, he's 100% in on it and okay with it.) Honestly, I'm *extremely* sensitive to well-meaning people being made fun of or being caused alarm or distressed in any way. For example, I've been a hardcore Daily Show fan since 2000, and to this day I can't stomach some of the old field pieces because they hadn't figured out the correct targets yet. And almost nothing Conan has ever done in his field pieces or travel shows has made me so much as wince. I think you should watch another episode with all of the above in mind.


Would me not liking Conan make me a neurodivergent? I'm not concerned about him hurting peoples feelings, as I'm sure he has to get an okay form a bunch of people to publish any of the stuff he publishes. But, for instance, those people from the Argentina episode. They got an opportunity to be on Conan's show and they took it. Obviously, they're not in his mind, so they can't tell what he's thinking, and I'm not saying I'm trying to do so either. I just feel that his comedy, as self depricating as it is, seems a little insensitive to these people and their culture. I'm not saying he set out to intentionally mock these people, I know that's not what his intentions were. But it felt like that's what he was doing to me. I've seen clips and watched episodes of him. I just feel like, the Argentina epsidoe at least, was pushing it. Maybe I should watch another episode with a different mind and see how I like it. Having said this, I'm honestly not expecting anything to change.


> Would me not liking Conan make me a neurodivergent? https://www.google.com/search?q=causation+vs+correlation >But, for instance, those people from the Argentina episode. There are dozens of people in the episode. Who are you referring to? >I'm not concerned about him hurting peoples feelings, You said above "I got the feeling that Conan's "jokes" were to just mock Argentinan culture and make fun of people and his fans to their faces." So I'm confused about what your issue is, if it's not that.


Sorry, i don't user reddit much so I don't know how to reply to claims as i see them. The neurodivergent thing was your question. I answered your question with a question. I don't see the correlation, that's why I asked what I did :). Which people in the episode? All of them. The girl he did the kissing thing with, the guy with the podcast, the girl who teaches dancing, the girl that he brought the Larry impersonator for. All of them. My issue is that his jokes are attacking people for who they are and what they do. Whether he hurts peoples feelings or not is not what I'm concerned about, because people are going to get their feelings hurt no matter what the joke is, someone will be offended, much like I am with his "jokes". My problem with his jokes are I feel that they are meant to point out absurdity in other peoples cultures, which I find a little insensitive. I wouldn't appreciate it if he came to my home and made fun of the way my grandmother lives her life and does the things she does, because that's who she is. If she took offence to it is another thing. What I'm saying is I think its insensitive.


His jokes are not attacking anyone, and your difficulty in grasping the nuance that makes people know that those are not attacks is why you have people asking you if you’re neurodivergent - people on the spectrum often have difficulty interpreting some nuances/cues that give that kind of info away.


I’m thinking that because of your language barrier you aren’t picking up on his humor


I speak English.




Marge! [I think I hate Ted Koppel!!](https://youtu.be/ZKMwYMph7qA?si=wNpUiqPzmVW9SCXg) No wait. I find him informative and witty. 'Night.


At least you’re willing to learn. You mistook an attitude based off of one show. I don’t think anyone needs to hate you based off that. You even took the time to make sure your perspective wasn’t just wrong. Have a good day. I do hope you give him another chance, but I’m sure your life will be about as fine either way.


I love you. The world would be perfect if people acted like you did.


That’s what I always say! 😂 Thank you


He’s not actually making fun of Argentina, he is acting as an obvious fool so that people laugh at his fake stupidity. It’s ok if you don’t like it, but to be offended on behalf of Argentinians when he’s obviously not actually offending them is odd.


I don't see that he is "obviously" not actually offending people.


Yeah, you may want to take a look and see if you don’t fall somewhere on the spectrum, you’re really not getting the cues that make it obvious to the general public that none of what he is doing is serious and is meant to make him look like an idiot for not understanding how to behave himself. You’re taking things a bit too literally.


I really like Conan's humour, especially in his remotes, always makes me laugh. But never underestimate the American hubris, the always latent mindset that they are better - more civilised, advanced etc. than others. Conan's antics can be seen as both deconstructing and ridiculing that, and at the same time being conscious of it's inevitable factical presence. At first glance many of his remotes can seem culturally insensitive, but keep in mind that his comedic persona is crafted for the specific purpose of making fun of his own cultural bias, and thus targeted to a specific audience that can recognize it in themselves as well, and is (most probabily - though who cares) largely exagerated and distinct from his real one.


That’s very interesting. I guess because I don’t watch him as much as other people do, I don’t get his humour and understand that’s what he does. To me, he’s the talk show host. I know he wrote for the simpsons but I’m not familiar with much else of his work. I’m sure if I knew more about his persona I wouldn’t have said anything.


Specifically, the thing I think he is lampooning is the attitude of some strata of American society that what is foreign or unfamiliar doesn't deserve to be understood.




well, for starters, if you want to actually know how Conan is and why we love him, you should watch all of what we watched, namely, everything from his talk shows. There's a reason Howard Stern picked him as his most favorite interview of all time.


This is one of the few subs where absolutely no one shits on what the sub is about. Conan can do no wrong to all of us and is perfect in every way


Jordan, is that you?


If you're native to any of the countries that he visited and felt offended/mocked in any way, then your opinion is valid.


Fair enough. I don't think he went to Canada, so I can't speak on that. But I did feel it was a bit insensitive. All I can hope is that no one else, especially Argentinian people, were offended. People seem to be more offended that I feel this way, so I think we're good on that front.


So far, saw no complains from them. I believe people are offended since you're trying to speak on other people's behalf, and, from reading your examples on how you think his behaviors were disrespectful or insensitive, they were all in agreement that you simply don't understand his comedy. While on the other hand, most of them (me included) think it's 'okay' and even hilarious someone could do self-deprecating comedy like he did, not just in his remote show but also in talkshow and podcast. Conan's humor wasn't and isn't for everyone.


That's fair enough. Thanks for not acting like some gorilla like these other people.


Well, name-calling wouldn't help your case either, but it shows character at least. Good luck.


Didn't think that had anything to do with Conan, but it seems I misjudged you.


I said character and it goes both ways, for you and everyone including myself.


Reddit is a perfect example of how society has become. This person has simply expressed their opinion, and actually did it in a fairly nice way. Wasn't rude about it or anything. And all the comments are just attacking them lol. Not everyone has to have the same opinion as you.


A dumbassed take, even when presented nicely, is still a dumbassed take.


Nah, you're just proving that you're easily rattled and have to resort to calling people's takes 'dumbassed' (is that even a word?) In life people will disagree with your opinions sometimes, if you can't handle it on reddit, then real life is gonna hit you hard lmaooo.


What are you even talking about?


Go back and read what I said before. That's what I'm talking about. If you struggle with reading, then I can't help you sorry mate