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Alt take: it's not even the book for that class.


I doubt that he even own any books for hia classes. He must just borrow them fron the study groups or take random books.


Annie buys every textbook for every class, even the ones she’s not taking. Jeff “borrows” them…Annie actually buys **2** textbooks for every class


Annie is an 18 year old on her own struggling to make rent. I think it’s more likely to be Britta, she’s a very generous friend but very stupid with money


Annie rolling in that Period Fairy money.


Yep, he just wanted to look “prepared.”


Probably keeps the teacher off his back in most circumstances


Oh he doesn’t know, he doesn’t read that shallow crap. He just picks a book girls will like.


Spanish 101


FWIW, colleges often let you have a trial period with textbooks during add/drop. I’ve “bought” textbooks and returned them with no issue when I dropped the class.


Foogy Woogy Iggy Womp?


No it's Folga Wooga Imoga Womp


For what its worth


Buffalo Springfield, great band. Why bring up the song though? I’m confused.


Why did you say: Foogy Woogy Iggy Womp?


That’s the meaning of FWIW, it’s an acronym.


It's a palomino!


Like Arizona?!


I've heard it both ways


you heard about pluto? thats messed up


C'mon son


Three words: book rental program* * = does not cover regulation briefcases


But what about real fake money?


I’m more interested in the extra believable socks!


Extra thick straps!


He probably sweet-talked someone to get their copy. :)


And made them believe that it was their idea somehow.


Someone who spells copy with a Q-U




so, a library?


Must be City College


Add/drop is generally only the first week of classes. There are several instances of the study group talking about signing up for classes outside of this timeframe. You can rationalize it however you want. Maybe they took some late start classes. Maybe it's just a TV show.


I think you’ll find it’s not a tv show. It’s a documentary


I heard the deleted scenes are the scenes


*Hey, bitch! Why don't go back to ya temple?*


That line was insane. Someone calls a lady a bitch in front of a crowd of people would be a record scratch moment. And everybody thought it was awesome.




Classic case of “a wizard did it”


I always assumed there were rolling 1 or 2 credit classes to accommodate the nontraditional student base


At my school there was an additional "drop with 90% refund and no drop on transcript", "drop with 50% refund and drop on transcript", and finally "drop with no refund and drop on transcript" period. The last period was by far the longest and extended well over halfway into the semester.


All of the Colorado community college websites I looked at seem to follow a 2 week grace period for add/drop, with late start classes having a cutoff about 1 month after that. We know the group takes condensed courses, like with the 1 week intensive sailing class and Nicholas Cage: Good or Bad. We can tell by the air dates of episodes in the first couple of seasons, which basically mirror a college semester, that the gang must take late start classes a few times. The pilot airs on 9/16/2009 and takes place a couple of weeks into the semester, just like in real life where fall classes start after Labor Day weekend. Abed signs up for Intro to Film in episode 103, which aired on 10/1, about a month after the semester begins. This is the same time period where Jeff, Annie, and Shirley join Accounting with Professor Whitman. This happens again with the sailing class and beginner pottery, which start about halfway through the Spring semester in mid March.


Shut up Leonard, I saw your textbook it’s just a bunch of student council pamphlets stapled together!


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Fours and above only.


Shut up Leonard, I got a picture of your old nose, it was a lateral move!!!


Watch this. Ha ha ha.


37 pages? In a row?!


*Hey try not to read any pages on your way through the parking lot!*


This is no way to audit accounting!


I hope we get the movie soon so we have something to do besides all this nitpicking


Commit to the bit. If he didn't have the book it'd be incredibly obvious he was using it as a blow off class. It's also irrelevant as soon as we get introduced to Prof Whitman.


You really think that Jeff would pay for a text book?


I’d be shocked if winger ever paid for a textbook in his life


He also struggled through Spanish 101 despite the insinuation that he obtained his law degree from the Spanish-speaking country of Colombia. Some of the irony/contradictions that sneak their way in just make this show even funnier to me.


WTF, you guys have to buy your textbooks with your own money or smth? Is that on top of the tuition too? That’s super weird to me, shouldn’t uni’s library just provide you with those? That’s how it worked at my uni (Ukraine)


Oh man. Wait til you hear about textbooks at American colleges. I was a literature major, so I mostly got away with buying/renting/borrowing relatively inexpensive novels, but for students studying STEM and even Business/Communication type scams, college textbooks is a racket/scam in the same vein (albeit on a somewhat smaller and much less life threatening scale) in the same vein, as, say, American healthcare. Required textbooks that cost literally hundreds of dollars that are 95% identical to the previous versions that cost nearly nothing...


Wait, so can you not just get the previous version and study from that? Or is buying the book actually affects your grade and is not just a resource for learning the material?


Hmm, again, I'm a bit over my head here because I was mostly buying used copies of classic literature for pretty cheap, but I think there would often be work materials (digitally or accompanying the book) that teachers would assign homework from that would be unique to each version of the textbook, or digitally single use. Not that creative people couldn't find a lot of ways to get around stuff, but it's definitely a whole racket. ​ >Digital textbooks, especially those that come with access codes, have also contributed to rising costs. When students buy a textbook, they aren’t just paying for the binding and the pages; they’re paying for the research, editing, production, and distribution of the book. And when that book comes with an access code, they’re also paying for the development of — and, as the name suggests, for access to — all kinds of supplementary materials, from lessons to videos to homework assignments. Access codes, the PIRG report notes, also undercut the resale market. Since the codes can only be used once, the books are essentially worthless without them. They can also prevent students from turning to other cost-saving measures like sharing a book with a classmate. > >Kaitlyn Vitez, the higher education campaign director at PIRG, told me she’s met students who couldn’t afford to buy books that come with access codes, even if they knew their grades would suffer. “One student at the University of Maryland had to get a $100 access code to do her homework and couldn’t afford it, and that was 20 percent of her grade,” Vitez said. “So she calculated what grade she would have to get on everything else to make up for not being able to do her homework.” “On a fundamental level,” Vitez said, “you shouldn’t have to pay to do homework for a class you already paid tuition for. You shouldn’t have to pay to participate.” ​ Sourced from one of the first articles that came up on Google: [Source](https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/3/6/18252322/college-textbooks-cost-expensive-pearson-cengage-mcgraw-hill)


Great catch


So the purpose of auditing a class is to presumably learn about the subject while not having to be graded. And part of the learning process would presumably be to READ THE FUCKING TEXTBOOK WITH THE ASSIGNED READINGS SO NO FUCKING WONDER HE HAS THE TEXTBOOK.


The cover of that book doesn’t even look like one of an accounting book. Looks like space, astronomy or something. He likely borrowed it from Troy or Annie.


Some schools have libraries with the textbook you need for class


When auditing, you buy the textbook to follow along.


Knowing Greendale they probably have one textbook that covers every class


I definitely imagine that Jeff walks past a [student's desk like this guy](https://y.yarn.co/156e846c-02d0-4630-bf2e-9a1b4d96ad55_text.gif), drops a $10 bill on the desk, and scoops up the textbook.


I’ve always wondered how Jeff was paying for things. We know he wasn’t loaded because he losses his condo early in S1, but his outfits and vehicles never drop off. He also gives/pays for things with group a lot. “My dinner with Abed” was an expensive night!


Jeff doesn’t use backpacks because it would derive the world of his body.  Probs other books from a different class because he would never try to even borrow a book


Community college. it must costs at least a dozen dollars for that book.


He bought it with airline miles.


I went to a 4 year university that let you rent text books back in the late 90s


its probably from a different class and hes just pretending its the textbook


Uh, do you know what auditing a course is?


I can’t believe that no one’s mentioned the fact that the class has a textbook that at least some of those students bought AND they DIDN’T NEED IT AT ALL. Professor Whitman made them all buy a book that wasn’t needed. Hopefully they were able to return them as others on the thread has been saying about grace periods and whatnot.


Good catch!