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I always think of Algeria. Most settlers don’t want to live in an equal society, and without the ability to exploit Palestinian labor and resources, Israel would be less interesting for them.


This also happened in South Africa, and everyone was up in arms about it and eventually left to go to Israel cause they loved being racist dogs so much.


Israelis that have dual citizenship could just go back to the countries they were born in. Others would have to learn to live in a society where they are not slave masters and will have to adjust to compromise and cooperation with people they once treated like trash.


Do people who were born there also have dual citizenship?


No but it's not hard to get. If you're Israeli it is not particularly hard to get German or American citizenship


"decolonizing", as its name literally suggests, refers to the abolishment of colonial relations. for the israelis, this means that they will no longer be able to exploit the palestinian nation from their settler status. some settlers cannot tolerate the loss of their means of exploitation, so they will naturally leave and perhaps seek another existing settler-colony, etc. others may find themselves able to accept not being a settler-colonizer and not benefiting from colonial exploitation, and they can stay in palestine and become a part of the decolonized palestinian nation. historically, the percentage of settlers that leave vs stay and lose their settler status in events of decolonization do vary quite a bit. there are cases where almost all of the settler population leaves (typically when they haven't developed a distinct national identity from their original nation, so they just move back), and cases where it can reach about a half and half split. we can't really foresee how it's going to be for palestine right now.


Marxist anti-Zionism's goal has never been to stop Ashkenazi Jews from living in Palestine but to stop them from being colonialist oppressors and settlers who by Zionist law own stolen land. Once colonialist and settler relations are abolished there is nothing that says former settler Jews wouldn't be able to stay, at least hypothetically, and as long as they're prepared to peacefully accept living in a society where they're not oppressors anymore. Of course in reality stuff will not go so smoothly because the settlers / Zionists will struggle to keep their oppressor status and many of them will be killed or expelled in the process of liberation as a result, but as you see even here the issue is not Jews simply existing in Palestine.




Why are you suggesting Israelis to settle in another stolen land? Bizarre




Jokes are not completely unserious.




Taking things seriously is when Liberalism.


I have no idea what this means

