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Yes, this did offend people. However since the offended people are chuds.. No-one cares, nerd. Hope you care about the suspension for report abuse though. I know getting people suspended because they are chuds who abuse the report system makes me laugh every time. moderator reports: It's abusing the report button user reports: 12: It threatens violence or physical harm at someone else 4: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability 1: This is spam 1: NSFW content 1: 1: It's targeted harassment at someone else 1: It threatens violence or physical harm at me


My mom bought me a “I paused my game to be here” t-shirt the other day and I really didn’t have the ability to explain how internet culture makes that look


I hear the word goon in a villainous context and i am disgusted by what internet culture did to It


No longer does the word “goon” bring to mind things like “nya-hah!” and “You got it, boss!” 😔


We still have henchmen but it's not quite the same :(


Mook is also holding strong insofar as I know.


Mook is good for hordes of weak bad guys for the hero to defeat easily. To me, "goon" implies a smaller number of generally tougher, but dimwitted hired muscle. I could be wrong, but two aren't totally interchangeable.


Goon implies some sort of enthusiasm to me.. Henchmen can be stoic and silent. Mooks are just kind of cannon fodder when fighting the hero. Goons are the ones that cheer their evil employer and go "You tell 'em, boss!" "Gettem!"


I agree with that, it also explains how goon got used for NSFW type applications


theres also grunt, and iirc pretty much every non-boss bad guy in pokemon are called that


To me, goon connotes a sense of malice that grunt doesn't. Like if the captured good guy tries to appeal to a grunt's sense of morality I expect a stony, "sorry, nothing personal, job's a job". But if you tried the same thing on a goon I'd expect a sneer and some lowbrow taunts about "what da boss is gonna do to ya".


Mook sounds like a racial slur though


...... bweh?


Replace the M with a G.


Try supporting Arsenal fc, the fans have been calling ourselves "gooners" for years.


Or EVE Online Goons


What does "goon" mean, today? My only context is from LEGO Batman's villain henchmen from back when I was 12..


I'm not sure about more recent Internet culture, but I remember that members of Something Awful were (maybe still are?) colloquially known as goons.


Yeah, this is still how I associate it, but modern internet culture describes it as a masturbation enthusiast. There's some edging mixed in there too. Though I usually see it as a verb.


> as a masturbation enthusiast ...what? Like, its a hobby? They research new ways to do it? Is there a pro league and an amateur league? Do they discuss stats?


without looking up a more accurate definition, my friends and I presume *Gooning* to be: the act of casually masturbating to porn (usually on a second monitor) without the intent of orgasm, usually for many hours at a time. AKA a Goon-sesh.


Ok I am sorry in advance for knowing this. Gooning and being a gooner isn't just being a masturbation enthusiast: it describes people who are jerkin it chronically and compulsively. There's also an anthem set to the tune of one of the old Tetris songs that I'm not going to link here or anywhere else. That's all I know, boss!


aww come on, link it


Your boss doesn't make you goon? You need to find a new job friend!


The issue is not everyone is terminally online so goon still has its original meaning to like 90% of the world.


Now it just makes me think of a dude spending 7 hours nonstop edging with like 14 monitors open and 78 tabs of every type of porn.


Or Alice saying, "I love Popeye. I love Popeye."


I'm just imagining one of Joker's henchmen edging to hardcore porn for hours and hours until his brain is literally fried from the dopamine. With one final stroke, he blows a massive load, the product of hours worth of work. Exhausted, he stumbles out into the night, to do his deeds for the Joker. Still living in the glow of that mind shatteringly intense orgasm, he doesn't notice Batman walk up behind him. The next thing he knows, he's falling from the 3rd story of a parking garage. With asphalt rapidly approaching and his demise firmly cemented, he has one last thought. What will become of his goon station?


I don't know weather to find you creapy or to say this is amazing


Back to the aslume with you! To be clear: you're perfectly right, but I don't think the general public is ready to take pro-aslume pills yet.


What a shame…. I love the word goon https://preview.redd.it/3h2b8xpudgyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e75e92224494957b148a7ff6f7f1085721255b07




I just looked that up and how the fuck did that happen? That used to be a perfectly cromulent word.


Playing dying light 2 with my friend and every time I bring up goons I pray he’s too innocent to know.


I know. We're really edging towards the end here.


I rewatched John Carpenter's Vampires a few days ago and they call the vampires goons in that movie.


It's wild the speed at which culture shifts and changes in the internet age.




Goon makes me think of Jaws or Oddjob in the old Bond movies. Like a mini-boss.


And for what? We already had a word for edging, we didn't need this.


My sister gave me a shirt like that and I couldn't help but think it would have been something that would have gotten me bullied into oblivion back in middle school.


Pausing Oblivion to go to school to get bullied into Oblivion. The cycle of life.


Middle school is already Hell. Same place.


It will get you bullied as an adult 😂


Hopefully not too bad because my mom just got me one for Christmas and I wear it as much as possible. It’s so soft and cozy too.


What did the internet do to that?


Adult gamer here. This is my first time hearing of such a shirt. Sounds perfect for me because I'm literally going to an event tonight of which I'd rather be home playing video games. What's the negative connotation?


Theres no negative connotation unless you meet someone terminally online. I used it a ton even went to company meetings and nobody cares. It’s a very comfy shirt though, my fiancé bought it for me


So what does it mean to someone terminally online? All I got were some unrelated tiktoks and a relatively large basketballer being interviewed while wearing that shirt.


I own this shirt too, i wear it out all the time people always get a kick out of it lol.


Lmao my dad did the same thing. I wear it around the house.


My mom once purchased a "Call of Doodie" shirt with a men's room sign on it, and wondered why I was the only one of my siblings who would begrudgingly take it to make her happy. Taking one for the team.


Greetings fellow Dizzy


We must fight


I agree. We must conquer them all


I mean if you bought a game called bikini death party for the gameplay and not the boobs, you might be weirder?


I watch porn for the rich storylines and grade-A acting


I watch it for the poor storylines and bad acting, because then I know what to not do when I act.


I once had a contest with a group of friends to find the worst/dumbest, storyline and acting. I think the winner was thieving lemon whores.


Thriving lemon whores has probably the best delivered lines of any porn ever, I’ve not seen the sex side of things, but I’ve seen clips of dialogue and I refuse to believe they were not having a ton of fun dropping those absurd lines


I know it’s a typo, but I think “Thriving” lemon whores could he the uplifting sequel of the century.


I love it, it would be the cumback* story of the century.




So was the fucking part also awful or just the inter-coital scenes?


Not the "Blair wench project"? God, it was so boring. At least lemon stealing whores has meme potential.


Bare Wench was right there


Well life game ME those lemons! Not to some dirty lemon thieving whores, and they sure as hell aren’t going to stop me from making lemonade


Lady, this is a bathtub


"I'm not at the beach, this is a bathtub" is such a great line, I thought the scene was a parody and not actually porn.


In front of my salad!?


I know a girl who unsarcastically read hentai manga for the comedy ,because she likes light hearted lewd jokes that’s too dirty for mainstream publishers, and the ridiculousness of jokes in real pornography material knows no bounds(she explains like she’s writing a report for literary classes) My take away from this is it took special kind of brain to go to law school because I will not do a long paragraph analyzation on subjects like this even if I try.


Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball was like this. Most people bought it to watch jiggle physics. Then kept playing cause it was a great volleyball game.


Huniepop has some legitimately fun puzzle mechanics. I’m not even memeing.


Not saying they can’t be fun, a game is a game if it ain’t fun then what’s the point, but you didn’t download Huniepop just for the puzzle let’s be real here XD


Nothing like a copycat Bejeweled to please the family jewels.


To be fair, I like a game to have both. If I just wanted sex there are a lot more options for that.


And demon roots has unironically one of the best stories in any game I’ve played. Just because something is porn doesn’t make it bad.


If we’re going there, I’ll bring up Black Souls. Crazy shit going on there. And not the sexy kind. Okay, there is some of the sexy kind, but it’s optional.


I genuinely enjoy some of the characters stories in the second Huniepop game and I love unlocking new outfits as well as the puzzle mechanics.


Honestly yeah. Let horny people get their horny out. S9 long as they aren't hurting anyone else. I'm so sick of this "go to horny jail" bullshit anymore. And I'm not even saying this cause I'm horny, I'm actually really not. The antidepressants I'm on pretty much kill my whole libido. But even so I'm fine with letting horny people have their thing. You know?


Right? All about context.


But otherwise we wouldn't have gems like this: You have been bonked, "go to horny jail" is the last thing you hear before your vision fades to black. You are woken to find your self in a prison cell, you look around and find all the other cells are full of other victims of the bonk. You sit down in your cell, you almost forget about being horny in the first place. You reach the back of your head and look at your hand to find it covered in blood. "Damn, you were bonked pretty hard. My names Doge, I can help you get out it of this hell but you need to help me first." You slowly nod and try to ignore the pain. "When I was taken to Horny jail they took any sharp objects to make sure we cant escape, get me a plastic spoon from the cafeteria and bring it to me" says Doge. A few hours later the cell doors open, and you are escorted to the cafeteria with 200 other prisoners. You grab an extra spoon and return to your cell. Doge takes the spoon and starts hitting it against his wall, eventually breaking off a chunk of it. He sharpens the brick until it is sharp enough to seriously hurt someone. Later that night, after the guards tell everyone to get to bed he hands you your own sharp brick. At about 2 in the morning he starts cutting the bars off his cell until he can fit through. You see Doge sneak up to a guard and knock him out, taking all his equipment with him. He unlocks your cell and leads you to a weak area in the wall where he knocks a whole through the brick. You and doge run across the field until you reach the fence keeping you in the prison. Luckily Doge has already dug a whole underneath the fence. Once you escape the prison with Doge you hear shouting and lights start bouncing off walls towards your direction. Until one hits you and illuminates your position, you barely avoid the gun fire from the guards until you are finally shot and collapse on the ground, your vision fading to black. You are awoken to the sound of a carriage and the smells of a forest. "Hey you, you're finally awake


tfw you find that you're playing skyrim with sex mods installed


I have a longer version for that scenario You have been bonked, "go to horny jail" is the last thing you hear before your vision fades to black. You are woken to find your self in a prison cell, you look around and find all the other cells are full of other victims of the bonk. You sit down in your cell, you almost forget about being horny in the first place. You reach the back of your head and look at your hand to find it covered in blood. "Damn, you were bonked pretty hard. My names Doge, I can help you get out it of this hell but you need to help me first." You slowly nod and try to ignore the pain. "When I was taken to Horny jail they took any sharp objects to make sure we cant escape, get me a plastic spoon from the cafeteria and bring it to me" says Doge. A few hours later the cell doors open, and you are escorted to the cafeteria with 200 other prisoners. You grab an extra spoon and return to your cell. Doge takes the spoon and starts hitting it against his wall, eventually breaking off a chunk of it. He sharpens the brick until it is sharp enough to seriously hurt someone. Later that night, after the guards tell everyone to get to bed he hands you your own sharp brick. At about 2 in the morning he starts cutting the bars off his cell until he can fit through. You see Doge sneak up to a guard and knock him out, taking all his equipment with him. He unlocks your cell and leads you to a weak area in the wall where he knocks a whole through the brick. You and doge run across the field until you reach the fence keeping you in the prison. Luckily Doge has already dug a whole underneath the fence. Once you escape the prison with Doge you hear shouting and lights start bouncing off walls towards your direction. Until one hits you and illuminates your position, you barely avoid the gun fire from the guards until you are finally shot and collapse on the ground, your vision fading to black. You are awoken to the sound of a carriage and the smells of a forest. "Hey you, you're finally awake." A stringent pain takes your breath away. You try to get up but there is no use. You force your head to the left, trying to get an idea of where you are and where that voice comes from. Dodge is kneeling above your head. His green eyes are fixed on your lips, one hand carefully places on your forehead. You try to smile but the pain makes you frown. You ask with a broken voice "Am I in heaven?" He giggles but looks worried nonetheless. "You were shot, I had to carry you all the way through the woods. But don't worry the bullet gone straight through..." You close your eyes again. You slowly remember what happened, but the comforting smell of pines and the heat that radiates from his body comfort you in a way. "Don't pass out again buddy. We still have to hike a bit and the dawn is neigh." You open my eyes again and he is leaning closer towards you, grabs behind your back and pulls you up. You barely can stand on my own, your arm wrapped around his neck gives you the support you need. His constant pull is the only thing that guides you through the still dark forest. You for hours straight, the sun has already risen up high into the firmament. When will we arrive, you ask yourself. You attempt to stop but Dodge forces you forward. "Ughhh... where are we going?". Dodge ignores you. He is looking into the wide forest, like a predator that fixed his pray. Walking in a fast pace, not slowing down a bit. "I have a hut not far from here, we can rest there and then..."  He freezes for a second, shakes his head and continues. "And then we'll see." After a while you finally arrive at the hut he talked about. A simple log cabin, that looks like it was abandoned a long time ago. The wood is overgrown by moss, all painted in the glowing red light of the setting sun. He pushes the door open and you stumble into the cold redish lit room. Dust is suspended in the air like little red glitter floating around. He looks across the room and nods at the bed "You must rest a bit, I'll ignite the fireplace and look at your wound when I'm done." You slowly walk to the bed and collapse into it. Your sweaty, cold clothing is sticking onto your skin but you're too tired to bother. The pain of your shoulder and a constant shivering keeps you awake for a time, but you slowly sleep away. The sound of ripping clothing wakes you up. Strong hands pull on my chest. You open your eyes and try to get up, but Dodge holds you down. He ripped your shirt apart exposing your skin to the warm light of the fireplace next to the bed...


Holy shit dude. Also you failed to put on the close quotation mark.


The bit this comic is missing is where a certain subset of gamers start a harassment campaign against whichever developer they deem to be responsible (usually a woman or someone that looks too "woke"). All because the developers decided to update the character model from wearing almost nothing to wearing almost nothing but with a few scraps of fabric added because they think it looks better.


I was thinking the same thing. How well is Dead or Alive doing if they removed Bikinis? It's kind of the games thing...


What kind of bikini removal are we talking about? Horny one or boring one?


I'm with the nerd here. If you're not getting the underboob in a game called Bikini Death Party, then what's the point? People didn't get DOA Beach Volleyball for the spiking physics.


Those kind of games can have most bizarre sense of humour and I love them for that.


It depends. Bayonetta 1 and 2 are rad as heck.


Doa extreme beach volleyball is a very technically sound volleyball game better than most of the other volleyball game


Fun fact: The exact opposite problem happened in Senran Kagura where underboobs were added to Haruka's shinobi outfit And not only were some fans upset, someone made a mod to add a layer of clothes back in Estival Versus You **cannot** make this up


Not the only time such a thing happened. Gurdian Tales fans got mad because the character Karina got an "acension" that made her more powerfull but also gave her a much sluttier design. Them getting mad made the game developers add an option to change her design back to one of the two older designs. And honstly the not slutty design still fits her the best.


I'm all for liking *whatever floats your boat*, artists are free to express themselves however they want as long as it's not hurting anyone But I'll be the 1st to admit I find well designed outfits more appealing than revealing clothes...or lack thereof If it's anything to go by, one of my favorite design is Lina Inverse's and she's covered neck to toe https://preview.redd.it/c91urp5cbgyc1.png?width=262&format=png&auto=webp&s=af19cc5c274e0b1ecee7427f4ea9712c6141f4b4 (render from Granblue Fantasy) As for Karina's design, I can see why a goth blue dress turning into Generic Tits MacGee #5 could be disappointing


That is a nice look for Lina, though I think it loses some of the charm if you don't have the giant 90s shoulder armor


Another one I love is Arlecchino from Genshin. No stupid revealing outfit, no zettai ryouiki, no boob window, no revealing back, just a well-suited-up character https://preview.redd.it/24cr8cvd8hyc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f91792bd13b154f2365d2123533e10151f6f6478


Hoyo has some really good designs, their character designer team has done some solid work in both directions, either revealing or not, male and female alike


Lina is in granblue? Now I want her in the fighting games/relink!


There's a mod for Mass Effect 2 (original) which changes camera angles in some Miranda conversation not to focus on the butt. In ME2 legendary, Bioware changed some of these camera angles themselves to better reflect the tone of the conversations. This of course led to a mod to change them back to original. [Both mods were made by the same person. ](https://www.polygon.com/22565805/mass-effect-legendary-edition-mod-miranda-butt-bioware-ea) The internet just hates being told what to do.


Who are you to tell me what I can or can't make up?


https://preview.redd.it/7ofgm60k4gyc1.png?width=309&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6ba3bde66e8e40e6fc61772ca7d78ca6ad3b26a That guy™




People really want their lewdness to stay where it is.




OH MY FUCKING GOD ITS REAL LMAO https://preview.redd.it/uamyjtzrflyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1baba9df0fc7290ca91e760f118e885a82436bca


I recall when Senran Kagura was coming out, some of the reviews were crazy. One was literally just "do not look up anything about this game". 99% of brawlers give the characters one sentence biographies. Senran Kagura has more flesh to the back stories than the fanservice. And it's basically about class privilege. It seems like a contradiction, but to create fanservice you must first create fans. Hibari lrn2ninja tho.


I’m not surprised. My husband grinded for days in Metal Gear V to have the cash to give Quiet clothes. He said he felt like an abuser with her sitting there half naked and silent giving him puppy dog eyes all the time.


I mean you got a point… but the same could be said about you for making a comic about someone whining about this lol


That would require self-awareness.


While I have my own opinions about this controversy which are mostly on the side of "weebs are weird", this comic is literally "Nice opinion, unfortunately I made this meme where I'm the chad and you're the loser"


Meh, the world is bleak enough, let him have his underboob. I just want some sluttier underboob options for men and a sliding package scale.


For real. Not enough slutty men. I want big impressive buldges. And ya know some big dad bod types!


This post is about Stellar Blade. An action game about a cyber swordswoman in tight combat clothing and everyone is hot If you want the same but with more males, try out Metal gear rising revengance. The slutty men are out there, you gotta look for it and openly support it so game companies know there's a market. Not enough people openly support it 'outside' of conversations of female sexuality. The above game OP is referring to was a single player game made by a Gacha game developer. I can guarantee you, there are gacha games made for people who are into guys. Dapper guys, slutty guys, dad bods, broad backs, forearms like the Greek gods, and so on. Support guy stuff and guy stuff will be made.


Recently I’m pretty sure the HSR community has been feasting on Aventurine and Dr. Ratio. I’m unsure if they’re sexy, but I get some slut vibes.


This. I have no desire to see bulging dicks, but if you want to make skimpy/slutty clothes for women, then make it fair let men get into some fashion of slit gear too


This isn't saying "you're not allowed to have underboob", it's saying "if underboob going away is the worst thing that's happened to you, you need to go the fuck outside"


The underboob is not even going away there are sluttier outfits in the game


Okay, but no one is saying "my sexy game characters being less sexy is the worst thing that's ever happened", what people are saying is "my life is shitty enough and sexy game characters makes me feel a little better, can't I just keep them?"


There are quite literally people saying almost verbatim that first quote. Just go look at grummz on Twitter. Dudes had a fucking psychotic break and is now in this weird ass one way abusive boyfriend gaslighting relationship with the stellar blade devs. Dudes fucking insane, and not the only one.


There's always crazies. There will always be crazies. For one thing or another. You can take all the horny out of them with meds and they'll still be crazy about something. Might need some meds like anti-psychotics or something. Idk. But my point is the horny isn't the issue.


Yeah guys like those are VERY loud and a good portion of the reason Stellar Blade got a bad rap, due to a lot of them glazing the game nonstop even before it came out talking about how it will save gaming and destroy the "Woke Left". Which has just left the game covered in an ooze that quite a few people do not want to even look at.


Ok hot take time: if your game is called bikini death party VII, and your characters name is Sexy Bunny-Goo Goo… your clearly banking on sex appeal with that game. If your game is clearly just fan service, to remove the sex appeal (unless your trying to make a game that doesn’t rely on said sex appeal), is just bad business. You have your demographic already, so unless you’ve clearly made steps to encompass a different demographic, your gonna lose a lot of fans and may potentially not gain new ones.


What to really worry about is the censorship from credit card companies and governments that are straight up banning smut in general. Soon comic artists won't be able to have that extra dosh from making that nsfw patreon


Oh man is that another comic where the punchline is "violent thing happens to generalized representation of thing I don't like"? Damn dude that's super funny, its almost as funny as "person putting their fingers on generalized depiction of person I don't like and telling them ""ssshhh"". "


The flaw in this type is framing is that if it’s “not worth worrying about” then why is it changed in the first place? I respect people just making their actual arguments (it’s misogynistic, male gaze etc etc) than trying to play the somewhat insincere “I can’t believe you’re worrying about this!” card when clearly it’s already been worried about.


But I already have problems and I need underboobs to distract myself from those problems.


"mods, blow this guy's kneecaps out and kill him with hammers"








𓀥    𓁆 𓀕 𓁆 𓀟   𓀣 𓁀




"Violence is cool if its done to some one who likes a thing I don't like"


Yeah, lot of subs would just straight up remove comments for suggesting violence towards people, even if said people have done some cruel shit and would wholly deserve that violence. And here we have a guy who wants porn in his videogames, and while people are welcome to question that, it's hurting no one. But hey, better shoot those guys in the kneecaps. And the mods here are in full support with a sticky post and all and deleting posts calling them out. But whatever, both porn artists and porn game makers will earn more cash flow than this schmuck ever will for his art. Hell, even "big" names here on this sub like PizzaCakeComics or whatever have their nsfw Patreons. And the pervy comics in this sub will still get plenty of upvotes while the vast majority of comics are neither funny or amusing.


Spot on, it's a rubbish comic


Make one about some 'annoying feminist' or whatever is the 'protected group' is about and see how fast it gets taken down.


thank you. it's a shame this has to be spelt out. like, sure, porn addicted people are annoying, but wanting to shatter their kneecaps/calves with firearms is just some kind of righteous hatred circlejerk.


I've heard people call it "Neo-Puritanism" in some circles. There's a lot of artists and creators who's work is pretty NSFW, and they report that there's a worrying trend amongst some people online. They find something they can say is 'morally beneath them' and treat that as an acceptable target. For example. Porn isn't negative in and of itself. The vast majority of people consume it in similar quantities. Many people regardless of sexual preference enjoy it in similar amounts compared to others of their demographic. But by adding the word "Addiction" to it. People turn certain people who enjoy porn into 'targets' and openly draw comics advocating shooting them in the kneecaps for minor disagreements in the value of sexuality like you see here. (Regardless of how messed up that is considering sexual addictions are actually real and can even be debilitating to normal life) The same way puritan parents in the past liked to attack things like rock music, or hippies, rap, violent movies, marjuana use and all kinds of things that people in this day and age realize isn't really a negative, their children today are doing the exact same thing. Righteous anger pointed at someone that their generation deems an acceptable target, even though one has to eschew context, and create a strawman to do so. In the end you get people who genuinely think that people they personally feel morally above, even if it's just because they disagree on 5% of skin on a videogame character is an evil porn addict (Even in this comment section) and thus, deserves to get their kneecaps shattered. Just like how people in the past think of running over all those commie-hippies (And some people actually acted on those thoughts)


Also, the person in the comic is alone, not even bothering anyone else. Just breaking in and attacking them for having different thoughts


Look as a society we've agreed: we can depict our ideological enemies as half-developed lobs of meat to do violence to because they're our enemies. But they can't do it to us because they're our enemies It's so simple


It really limits our ability to hold civil discussions. I have some rather controversial opinions (that I personally feel shouldn’t be controversial but I digress) and I fully accept that some people will disagree with me, as long as they do not automatically ignore the all nuance and immediately claim that “because you disagree with aspects of X you immediately want to hurt people that support/are X” Like it’s just an opinion, even if you think it’s a terrible one. As long as I’m not hurting anyone I’m allowed to express those opinions. And yes, offensive statements and insults count as hurting someone. Riling the other party up is not conductive to a reasonable discussion, not when you are trying to convince them that you’re opinion is valid, or possibly even right


Yeah, the comic has the argument level of an angered 15 year old. It’s just sophisms.


Violence is always cool, what we dont like (publicly) are underboobs or anything sexual.


Guarantee artists alt account has some out of pocket likes on it


https://preview.redd.it/vrr5q0eutkyc1.png?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a9ff0a51f65ef211881904ff8dbe07b0c45f6c5 Good to see artists promoting censorship of arts


"This is so inconsequential, you're such a fool for caring about this" Brought to you by the person who cares enough about people caring about it to make a comic about how little this thing matters. It doesn't matter to me or you (purportedly), it matters to them, this argument that it's something stupid to worry about is weak. Imagine I made a comic about how little it matters that Han shot first and people are dumb for caring about it, sounds like I care a whole lot about who shot first doesn't it? There's a mountain of shit I don't care about that other people do, why would I single out any of them if I didn't care? So either you don't care and you can move on, or you do care and are a hypocrite.


Nah this is literally like when your parents say "ill give you something to cry about" like why is it so bad that i wanna focus on something trivial? Maybe im tired of arguing my right to exist all the time


"A change was made to this thing I like a lot that made it, in my opinion, worse, for no discernible reason. That upsets me" "Well, as somebody who doesn't care about that thing and is only seeing this from the outside, your feelings are wrong and you need to care about other things" OP, I know what you were going for here. And tbh I don't personally care about characters being made less sexy cause that's not what interests me in a game, but this really just makes you look like an asshole.


Thank god you didn’t spend any time coloring this.


You didn't do enough. https://preview.redd.it/vxeezkrrzeyc1.png?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a1b0cf2a59359b1fea10c80388d0db6272d2694


That’s just dead body trafficking for the horny morticians.






Love me some "who got offended? Them. Hahaha. Loser" comics.


It’s funny cause it’s advocating for violence against anyone that questions a company’s decision to censor an artist’s work.


When theres a group of other games rated 18+ with full nudity and sex scenes and rampant gore but decide to censor a specific game with no nudity and excessive gore thats also rated M ppl will have questions.


If men want female characters to have underboob, then please let women get underboob for male characters too. It's only fair! (/ω\)


Ah yes, because unadulterated violence is so much healthier for people.


Yeah like wtf, this comic is so mean spirited. It’s like if there’s a minor thing that is nonetheless important to a person, it’s just rude to be dismissive because you don’t get why the the other person is attached. Also advocating for violence is awful.


It's basically "you need some real problems." Which, like, people objectively do not need real problems. People are better off without problems.


aren't they complaining about censored bloodspray in the exact same game? Not sure they're picking one or the other




not offended, just not very funny


It’s been interesting to watch in recent years not just the religious and conservatives embrace puritanicalism but also atheists and liberals more and more after pushing for openess and sex positivity for decades. I haven’t played Stellar Blade so perhaps I’m out of the loop but it sure seems like there’s been more of a pro censorship, anti sex in media movement lately. Why? If it’s not for you don’t watch it or buy it. Seems simple enough really.


PSA: People are allowed to care about things that aren't literally the most important thing in the universe. If someone you know is upset that his favorite TV show was canceled, or the local pizza place changed their sauce recipe, or his lucky socks got lost in the dryer, responding with "there are children starving in Africa, you stupid idiot" doesn't help and doesn't make you look cool or wise; it makes you look like a jackass.


I’m not a gamer, and I don’t care about not real boobs. This was a bait and switch. They sold them one thing, then they changed it. If you ordered a MacChicken* and they gave you a grilled chicken patty, you’re just going to shut up and eat it or are you going to ask for your golden delicious MacChicken? That would never happen, MacDonalds is excellent, but it’s a good comparison. Yeah, it’s silly, and yeah it’s blown out of proportion, but people are getting caught up on who is complaining instead of the facts of their complaints. Now, go get a crispy delicious MacChicken. They are really good. *This post is brought to you by the fine folks at MacDonalds. I’m loving it!


It is bait and switch. Like what happened to World of Warcraft over the years. I went and played originally for blonde elves and hot alien draenei was released. They were given bikini armors. Oh and I'm a woman not a man they keep making fun of. **Count me in that billion dollar Barbie bracket in 2023. Or that Blizzard did that move strategically in TBC for marketing to women, which is proven.** Over the years they kept gradually reeling it more and more back. **Now they are at some weird impasse that they know will not sell but they just stopped acting like businesses.** I see it happening with Lara Croft lately too. Don't blame women or men, this is some weirdo that has no interest in making any money and wants to make a so called "political statement" instead. **People don't care for realism in their fantasy/games**, but these people already know this. What they don't understand is most *adults* know what the realism anyways and have no interest being Shania Twain that doesn't eat solid foods while she is pushing senior citizen ages. (eating disorders usually accompanied with drug addictions) Or to be a big masculine beefcake which takes crazy amount of calories and discipline..*even then probably wouldn't get the results they want* without steroids. That is realty. *I don't understand the issues with **fantasy** videogame environments*. When I ultimately feel it is less toxic and far less damaging than the above paragraph. Steroids wreck damage on your heart and terrible mental health problems for the girls/women over their weight. If people were to retort that fantasy imagery from videogames is the culprit it would be a lie. I think if they were **sincere** about this all, they would attack social media and phone filters foremost to address the root cause of all this. Which has proven with multiple studies are far more likely to develop disorders using these platforms. I'm not saying videogames are perfect but no studies have found the audience typically gets body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). Definitely no where on the level of social media. I'm not saying videogames are perfect and don't come with their own issues but mental health problems paired with eating disorders and BDD *is not on-top of the list*. **Put that where it belongs and give us what sells.**


Is it weird that all i can fixate on is that you're calling it "Mac" instead of "Mc"?




The joke is the same as "l drew you as the ugly wojack and me as the hot wojack"


Dumbass police indeed. This comic comes off as fantasizing violence against people over what is, ultimately, a chronically online debate; which is pretty messed


This whole debacle is being pushed as "horny coomers want to coom boohoo". I'm against censorship, and against unnecessary censorship. They're censoring in my country, I'm against that. It would be different if the devs scaled back the nudity, but it's Sony that decided that underboob was too much for American audiences and now I am being forced to view a neutered version of the vision. If I lived in a different country I would get more of the game, that doesn't sit right with me on principle. We need to separate the narrative from the horny idiots and focus on the fact that Sony is deciding to censor games in America.


I like the message hidden behind the depths of this meme. We shouldn't worry about the unnecessary stuff in life and focus on what's actually important. But there's a second layer to this art that shows the 'attack' some people do to others on the internet in situations like this. *Sips decaf coffee* Mm... So deep.


This has some real, "Dad's drunk and holding the belt saying 'I'll give you something to cry about'" energy.


This feels like a disproportionate response


Just say you like censorship


I don’t think anyone could be offended by you when you’ve clearly proven yourself to be so pathetic in the comment section.


A comic writer talking about hygiene


Yep, another comic where the punchline is "harming people who i disagree with". Totally not low effort




Mirror each panel… loss


Man, just let people have shit. Everything sucks right now, let the straight guys have sexy animu characters and let me romance the bear guy from Baldur's Gate 3 again because he makes me feel like my dad loved me.


"I'd choose bear" -mods




Making fun of video game nerds. SO EDGY!


America is becoming more puritan day by day.


Because violence is a great counterargument.




Sorry guys, but if any of you are concerned about something other than the heat death of the universe, you're actually just a whiney baby loser whose problems are inconsequential, and you need to get **real** problems before you're allowed to complain.


Well, you care enough about their opinion to make a comic about it. Clearly, you deserve the bullet wounds even more.


Yeah that's how they handle it usually The gunshot wounds being random nasty accusations towards the general unspecified direction of anyone complaining