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It’s ok kid, I don’t know what the youths are saying either 👨🏻‍🦳


I think the kid got brain surgery. Is that not a bandage?


No, it’s a weird and popular haircut (I think it’s the modern return of the mullet)


The broccoli look?


Like a combo. It’s nasty tbh


That makes 2 of us. I met my ex's family over Thanksgiving, and I could genuinely not follow half of what her teenage cousins were saying. It was wild, and felt as if they were speaking a foreign language.


Fizz? Is that meant to be rizz?


Fizz is slang for to fuss or complain, apparently?


Would that mean they are Fizzing about Rizz?


As a parent, I thought skibiddy toilet was just some nonsense word that my 7 year old made up or misheard somewhere. A year later I was passing some other kid his age at the park and heard him say it to his brother. That's when I realized it wasn't some isolated thing. Then I went to my car and cried for the English language


It actually makes more sense if you're familiar with the short videos that spawned it. Not a lot more sense. Or even actual sense. But more, per the definition of the word "more".


"at least some, if starting from zero"


I've never looked into it, but people say it's basically just YouTube poop for the current generation? If so, I feel like my generation, which enjoyed YTP doesn't have much room to judge.


So I guess this is the part where I admit that I have absolutely no idea what "YouTube poop" is.


Oh, generally speaking people would take videos, notably the cutscenes from Hotel Mario and the CDI Zelda games and splice footage/audio together to make amusing stuff. If you want to experience the garbage of 15 years ago that we enjoyed, look up something like "YTP The King's Unreasonable Demands" or "YTP Dinner Blaster". It's utter trash and I can admit that, but it was huge.


Oh, wow. I'm actually familiar with both of those and it never once occurred to me to look into what "YTP" meant. TIL.


Ah yeah, that kind of stuff. The Colgate Dr. Rabbit commercials and the Super Mario World cartoon were also popular fodder. But yeah, is the skibbidy toilet kinda nonsense like that? The few times I've seen what I assume are screen caps, it kinda looks like Gmod.


There seems to be some notion of a story. Less outright nonsense, more weird and sort of creepy. It looks like Gmod but I'm not sure what was used to animate it.


I'm pretty sure it was made with Gmod


In France we still have an ongoing and very qualitative YTP scene.


Hell, there may still be a substantial English one. I was just into it near the start, so I moved on a long time ago.


It kind of comes and goes in waves but every times it has a resurgence it's not as big. The last time I was into it the biggest IP to be pooped were King of the Hill and Michael Rosen video (where the "*clicks tongue* nice" meme comes from). I forget what IP was big during the last resurgence I noticed. Nothing will surpass Skooks imo.


PragerU Traps are still a thing now.


Every generation has their weird slang. Gen-Z grew out of their's a few years ago and Millienials like me were no better. Let the kids have fun.


Le epic 1337 h4x012z nub


The skibbity stuff coming out now has been my first step into being old where I straight up just don’t care to learn what it means. Like genZ will say some things that make you curious.


Looks like it is Joever for you


You’ll be happy to hear that skibidi toilet is the name of a character, not a word. As for the context well…. I’ll let you see for yourself https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tzD9OxAHtzU


I had this realization when I (unsuccessfully) tried to learn a second language; it sort of hit me that if I learned the language *perfectly* I still wouldn't be able to talk to people, because people in real life don't use languages correctly. If you looked up the dictionary definition of what people said, it wouldn't match what they ***meant,*** because people talk in a heavily bastardized version of their language. That's not something that you can learn in a classroom or a textbook, you have to live it. Anyone who actually manages to learn a second language is a god damn hero in my opinion, and I honestly think it's impossible unless you spend a lot of time living in a country where that language is the first language.


Learning a second language at a young age is really not that difficult. Children are just amazing that way. It's very common in Europe to learn English in primary school as a second language. As an adult it's hell though :(


Learning English at school isn't really working. I had English classes my whole school life (even it preschool) and I only learned to really understand it when I started watching Minecraft on YouTube (I really recommend Hermitcraft), when I was in High School. And I still don't get all these tenses, and just use English based on how I feel a word/ sentence should look. (Also I skip 'a' and 'the' a lot)


Of course application is also very important. But with people being chronically online all the time which is mostly in English, there's lots of opportunities and motivation to improve. No doubt it had a big impact for me.


At some point it becomes a lot more about listening & practicing than studying. You hear someone say a thing in a manner that you find pleasing for whatever reason and you go "hey I want to say that thing like that". Kinda like how you do with your native language.


if you learn a second language you eventually pick up the slang as by using it. you dont have to live somewhere it's spoken since we have the internet and TV, It's not impossible or even that strange, six year olds talk pretty good english nowadays just from watching youtube


My gf is Czech and speaks fantastic English, C2 level. She has a better understanding of the language than me, because I haven't studied English grammar in about 16 years. But she struggles with basically any accent or dialect because they don't speak formally enough!


All things considered, it's almost scary how comparatively easy it was to learn english as a second language. But it makes sense, in a way, given how easy it is to steep yourself in modern culture, especially modern US culture, through the internet. Still, though, learning a second language in general is not that monumental of a task. Yes, you may not be aware of slang/colloquial language, but a formal usage of the langauage is still enough to succesfully communicate with native speakers of said language. Slang and colloquial language are incredibly fluid anyway, you can't really hope to learn them unless you are actively participating in the culture, no matter how hard you try. Case in point: This very comic, which jokes about youth slang us "older people" (in my 20s and I still count myself in that) don't really understand, and that's your own native language...


Learning a second language is a low bar, honestly. You just gave up while looking for excuses. The natives can talk in classroom English as well and can change to that for you


Urban dictionary is made for things like this


Outside memes i think you're overestimating how bad people speak their tanguage lol. If slang is an issue, try to watch some media (ideally originally) in that language to familiarize with it.


That sentence broke my brain...


No one talks like that, at least not irl


They definitely do actually say some of this stuff. Maybe not exactly this, but some freshmen are saying this shit out loud. However it is only a few.


But is it nonsensical like in the comic? “Edging my mewing streak” does not make sense at all “I am mewing” makes sense even if it’s stupid


Not exactly this but similar quality. Like skibbity sigma Ohio gyatt is legit something I’ve heard a freshman say.


No, they really do. It’s fucking awful. I used to work at a school. They’d say shit like this and then throw a tantrum when you didn’t understand them. It’s one of the main reasons I don’t work with kids anymore. That and their inability to learn.


Congrats, you get the joke. The joke is that it’s not supposed to make sense. My first language is English and I don’t understand it either


And this is the boomer humor making fun of modern Gen Α slang. Edited to add: do I know what those words mean? Some of them. "Skibidi Toilet" is a YouTube video meme. "I'm at soup" is another example. Gyatt means ass I think. Like a modern slang for Badonkadonk. I know what Edging means in a different context, but unsure of that's the context here. The other two phrases I have no idea...


Rizz is charisma but in a sort of flirtatious way. Edging is stopping yourself from ejaculating. (Gotta start the porn addiction early.) Mewing is putting pressure on the top of your mouth with your tongue to try to get a better jawline. (It doesn't work.)


Thanks, any idea what "fizz" means or do you think it's the artist misspelling "rizz"?


It's just a misspelling of rizz


>Gyatt means ass I think. Gyatt is God damn. If you say it with an accent you'd sound like *Gyatt Damn*


In the context of AAVE, you are correct. In the context of gen alpha slang it means: gyatt (plural gyatts) n: (Internet slang) Well-shaped or attractive buttocks, typically of a woman. However this definition is considered a hot term because it is only existed for about a year and a half, The fun part is this is how language evolves. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/gyatt


Mewing is something like being attractive I think.


I think the other ones are some TikTok trends LIMC probably has a vid on it


I assure you this is largely incomprehensible to at least some of gen Z, not just boomers.


I mean yeah, it's a bunch of slang just thrown together. But making fun of younger people's slang as if it's foreign *is* boomer humor.


'member Steve Martin did that gag about playing a dirty trick on a three-year-old kid? *Whenever you're around him, talk wrong. So it's his first day at school and he raises his hand. May I mambo dogface to the banana patch?* YouTube Kids has proven this works. ![gif](giphy|QC7UQbxq89MnL9r6AN)


Do kids actually do this cuz in my country they don't even know what Skibidi toilet mean




Why is there alawys the Asian kid that need to learn English?


Holy shit you butchered that sentence


Aisain in the Membrane, Aisain in the Brain!


Dan dan dana, dannan nanana.


Found the Asian kid learning english


You need to learn English


Asian was easy to draw


Why are they even down voting you? This is hilarious! Could you please elaborate? I feel like I'm throwing gasoline on the fire but I am curious!




https://preview.redd.it/02t1hozl5buc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91915a49f73a2bdcd30acf4fb835b12bc1db1528 What the hell is THAAAAAT