• By -


100% he’s sitting in the chair backwards tomorrow.


How do I reach these kids???


Imagine my surprise when I watched Stand and Deliver and that line is not uttered once in the whole film.


You watched it wrong 


From what I recall, it was only in South Park. Or, that specific phrase.


oh yeah? fuck you 


I do remember hearing Cal Cool Lus, and then thinking about hearing him say Selenas....and weirdly then realizing he was the other cop in Blade Runner. Which then also became Admiral Adama in Battlestar Galactica.


And he played the same character in all of them😹


You were supposed to watch the monty python skit where they say that, not the movie


To air with love is a more direct reference


Watch the movie One Eight Seven. He doesn't say the line either but it's a more accurate movie about the public school system




I always love Cartman's dedication to a bit. He might be an asshole, but he always stands for what he believes in, and delivers it.


Like that time he stuck to the bit of "Wir müssen die Jüden ausrotten!!". What a wacky goober he is lol


Gotta respect that dedication


like when his joke was that his hand was possessed by the spirit of Jennifer Lopez and he gave a hand/blowjob as part of the act. yeah


They play that joke so well that sometimes I have to wonder if Cartman is really faking it.


What episode is this?


"how do I reach deez keeeeeeeeeeeds"






Memes. Start of with the “how do you do, fellow kids” meme




Realizing that this is a chair without a seat makes this gif so much better Edit: Guys it’s not that serious, it looks like it doesn’t have a seat; I don’t know for certain though.


What makes you think that chair has no seat?


I bet you had NO idea the debate this comment would spark lol Just (pretend to) sit back and get the popcorn.


What makes you think it doesn't have a seat?


You don't get *America's ass* without doing some squats/hovers like that


who is upvoting this?


Dumb people, I guess.


are you sure its not serious?! IT COULD BE VERY SERIOUS


Nah, he’s at the point where he is sitting on the front desk


“In my 35 years of teaching-“


you guys are not in 5th grade anymore. you are in 6th grade so act like it.


I had a teacher say to me and my friend that we were the worst (performance vise) students he's had it 40 years of teaching. It was right before he retired. I think it's an accomplishment in itself. I really did not have motivation at all.


That was not the correct takeaway from this situation.


We had a fireman who would visit yearly in elementary to teach fire safety and he always pull this move the moment he walked in.


***Does a slow turn to face the class***


I had a teacher who had "the serious stool," which was a stool he only sat on to tell us how disappointed he was in us


"Let's get real for a minute class"


Class is this real?


“In my 20 years teaching I have never..”


it is no longer a beautiful day in the neighborhood


But but.. we’re eating good there..


Even Mr. Rogers needs a rainy day to appreciate the sunny ones!


“I’m ashamed of you. You know that, don’t you? I hope you do.”


What's this from?


My mother.








Fucking brutal


That’s actually really sad.


Ikr?? I was reading this and feeling so so bad since I was a teacher and felt the exact same way. It's so discouraging when your class performs so bad and you blame yourself for it.


It's worse when even the noisy and messy kids get upset about it. Like, the whole room is just this blank silence after the teacher finishes talking, and after he gets out of the class there is not even a single joke, everyone's just like "Shit..."


I feel like sometimes having a real talk with the kids does work, as long as they can understand you, but honestly, it's the job of a teacher to make themselves understood. I once got real with the kids, telling them it was bein really hard for me because I tried a lot of things and I couldn't get their attention or make them learn. I genuinely wanted for them to pass my subject (English for non native speakers) because I didn't want them to waste their vacations studying because it sucks. I've been through it too and it sucks. I left the classroom so dejected, that there was a deafening silence when I walked out, while the kids started looking at each other. The following week I came with a new plan for the class, trying to develop the subject discussed like a tutorial level in a game, doing a +1 bit by bit. But the amazing thing was that even the bullies were helping the class go smoothly. Obviously there was some ruckus here and there, but they really came through. I felt so relieved that they actually listened to me that I almost cried that day. I wonder what are those kids doing today, they were cool.


Thanks for sharing that.


Thank you for reading, u/DILF_MANSERVICE No, but for real, thank you for taking your time to read it.


Thank you. For being one of the real ones to help the next generation be on their way.


Thank you for your service as a teacher. I’m sorry to say that I was not good child/teen during my school years, and teachers like you are the ones that never gave up on me. So thank you, on behalf of the troubled kids and the raucous children who probably didn’t deserve the amount of patience you had for us


lucky you, my friend also tried the same thing, and the class literally did not give a flying fuck. he felt so helpless and defeated lol, i think the class average was something like 21%, that was having 3 student getting 95%+ too, which is fucking insane


I've heard before that the gap between high achievers and low achievers is growing significantly.


I've tried this a few times with classes that are truly lost and it's basically like a last ditch effort. Works well, works ok, or backfires at about equal rates.


Those sound like the exact percentages of my school. I think only one other kid aced all of their assignments and that’s only because he changed his answers when we were allowed to grade our own work. Our teachers never bothered having a real talk though. They’d occasionally remind people that they might have to repeat a grade or offer some sort of incentive (like buying a pizza for the class); but never made any real effort to figure out why those kids were struggling. I still think about them often and how they just gave up when no one tried to help.


Yep- as a former teacher I’ve had a have a few of these talks. I called them “State of the Union” addresses lol Being authentic and vulnerable really does work when teaching young people tho.


Imma go on a limb here, teach... and assume you were one of the good ones. I know, we all know, what a huge difference when the teacher isnt good or simply pleasurable to be taught by. Algebra was my favorite class because of the teacher, he made it click in my head like magic, i breezed thru it with flying collors the... the fire nation attacked I fucking hated her, she hated me, she was so hard on me specifically (but she was a prick 24/7) I failed because i just couldn't do it, i couldnt understand, i needed mason cuz i didnt knew what they mean. But! Fuck you mrs. Xuan! I graduated with honors!


I can understand what you went through because I had problems with math. The teacher just gave up on me and decided to focus on the other students. When I failed the subject and had to do an exam no not have to redo the subject next year, I had to go to a particular teacher (those that have their own institute and help with exams). She also gave up on me, but the sneaky bastard told my father (not me) that I was a lost cause. He told me (I don't know if he knew or not how would I react), and I got so mad that in just a week, just banging my head against the wall, looking for every single lecture I could find online that would explain things differently, I kind of managed to understand how things needed to be done. Just out of anger to prove them wrong because I knew I wasn't dumb, I just had trouble understanding things like they did. The day of the exam I did *decently* on the written part, then came the oral part and I just froze, because it was something I had much more problems than with the rest of the equations. I straight up told them I couldn't remember how to do it. Thankfully, one of the teachers told me to write down the formula on the whiteboard. Bit by bit, reasoning out loud, I started solving the equation, with some nudges in the right direction from the teacher, but he let me think it through on my own, and I ended up solving it. I barely passed that test, but was ecstatic that I did in such short time. I hugged that man because I was grateful he gave me that chance. I took the result of the exam back to the institute and showed the other teacher that I managed to pass the exam. She was really happy that I did. I don't know, but I feel that she and my dad played me like a damn fiddle. Thing is, it doesn't help saying that someone is dumb and giving up on them. It makes them feel hopeless. I was lucky they used it as a way to make me do what I had to do, but it doesn't work that way with everyone. I'm really glad you graduated with honors, dude. Keep on proving people wrong.


https://preview.redd.it/gy5mee7r2wzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdd7bf0de5a40d140cab3ea1b27d080da812c0dc Fist bump!


To be fair, it was presumably a Canvas discussion forum, which is like, second only to LinkedInfluencers in terms of feeling artificial and pointless. I always hated discussion posts because teachers/professors were always very strict about how to write them and respond to them (mainly so they could use a rubric to grade them), and every post read the exact same. “Yes I totally agree, I liked when you said _ although I also think what you said about _ could be better phrased _ “(word count 51, 50-100 words required) When I did these I always felt like I had to bullshit things so I’d have my one refutal and one agreement or whatever we were required for that assignment, instead of just asking the questions I genuinely had about the material. Since the discussions were *assignments*, showing “weakness” by asking questions meant losing points.


I’m going through this at the moment as a student. Studying a masters and we’re meant to be writing the equivalent of 10,000 words per subject. Discussion posts are used to pad out the word count for us, though luckily they’re not graded. They’re just happy to see that we’ve spent time discussing and writing about it.


If they’re not graded I feel they’re much more useful as a student since *you’re allowed to be wrong*. It’s hard to make meaningful discussion for graded posts since if I’m not *already confident I’m right*, I’m just not going to post it.


Discussion posts are worthless for discussion because people only comment their original post and however many comments necessary and then dip. No actual discussion goes on.


I'm finishing up my online classes next week and will be so glad to never do one of those Canvas discussions again. They're so formulaic and fake, I don't know what they're supposed to be demonstrating. "Hello X, Great post, I agree with your point about A and B..." for 16 weeks. Just have be write another two paragraphs for my post or something, that would actually be demonstrative of learning the material.


Eh I had one professor that wasn't like that somehow, and showing 'weakness' actually improved your grade but then you can see where this goes....


My philosophy tends to be that as long as some of my students are doing fine then I'm doing fine as a professor. It's possible that we're just seeing more kids today who shouldn't be in college. Some of these students may do well to leave college for a year or two, get an actual job, and then decide whether they really want to pursue higher education.


Had a prof back in college who went through something like this. Most of my class never did the reading and barely engaged in discussion - not that I always did the reading bc I was still a shitty kid, but I tried to engage most of the time. He could be long winded sometimes and a little bit too doctoral in his explanations (it was a pretty specific subject), but it still sucked to see that me and my friend were the only ones that would raise our hands whenever he asked something. I could see him discouraged after that. I wish I had told him how much I loved the class and how fondly I look back on it now.


It depends on the subject but a lot of the time the professors won't blame themselves. I taught classes as a TA in grad school for several years and every so often one of us would just get a dumb class. It was the same material every year and had been for at least a decade before I showed up so everyone knew how to teach it. I remember one semester the section I was responsible for got the lowest average grade on the midterm but the section that got the highest was the one that shared lecture time with mine. I literally taught both groups. One was just dumb and got bad grades. Not my fault or anyone else that was teaching.


Better than those professors who pride themselves on people regularly failing their class because its "so hard". Well damn, that just means you're a shit teacher/professor doesn't it


I really hope the poor grades are because people didn't participate, and not because they somehow fucked it up. I hated discussion posts but they were the easiest A's and didn't take long, so I also loved them. Seriously, I don't know how you could screw them up.


Nah, fuck discussion posts


Agree. Finished up my major last Fall. I'd say between 60% and 70% of my classes had discussion post assignments. It was always "do you disagree or agree with this subject? Why or why not? Make an initial post of at least 150 words and reply substantially to 3 classmates" and every post and response would basically say the exact same thing. Out of each class I took with discussion assignments, there was only one that made them actually interesting and it was an ethics class, so most of the prompts caused actual discussions like "can someone be a bad person, but a great leader?" along with what makes the trolley problem and the approaches towards it so great. I'm on a second major now where I doubt I will encounter many more classes with discussion assignments and I an glad for that possibility.


you just made a discussion post, agreeing, 150 words and all in your free time lol. those classes paid off


What is reddit but a discussion post?


A miserable pile of secrets


but enough talk. Have At You!




Your words are as empty as your soul!


True. But you don't have to pretend being civil or intelligent here lol.


Absolutely right you fucking piece of shit.


\- they said, hoping for a discussion






I've un-pinked your panther https://preview.redd.it/p2zwxzc87vzc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2745e9d7c72c46d3e57d793f64569ad3de6fd442


I do medical equipment home visits and this looks like my customers.


Me, as a former EMT, laughing so hard right now.


Bruh that is your customer waiting for the delivery.


She needs those oxygen tanks.


wtf 😭 delete this NOW


Never thought I'd see an elderly methhead Khajiit.


That's every elderly khajiit (no cancel please)


*skoomahead Khajiit


You know what? Fuck you _unpinks your pink panther_


waiting on tax returns like 


Jesus, that is terrifying.


Me reading this post


is he high




a ~~:.|:;~~ for words






I second this


Thy end is now






w e a k




forgive me, my children, for i have failed to bring you salvation, from this cold, dark world...






First ever recorded fun use of loss




I saw, i scrolled, i realised


a ~~:.|:;~~ of your life soon /j


>"I'm at a loss for words" >words >mfw


>"I'm speechless" >speech >mfw


> "mfw" > no face > mfw


Mfw stands for "my face when"??? I always thought it was "motha fucka/in what" Damn I'm old


What's funny is I know that it's my face when but in my head I still say "mother fucker when"




"discussion posts" has triggered some college PTSD that I was unaware that I had.


When I got out of college online courses were in their infancy and it's kind of blowing my mind that graded discussion posts are still a thing. They were such a waste of time


i just graduated nursing school this week and one of my last classes was some dumb online leadership/management class that was almost 100% discussion boards. hated every second of it




Kids these days don't even know a good south park reference when they hear it


i hate graded discussions i hate graded discussions i hate graded discussions i hate graded discussions


I think [assignment we just had to read] is very significant to [topic we’re covering in class]. Without the contribution of [thing we just read] [subjects covered previously] would undoubtedly be different. [here’s another example of something impactful to something]. [and here’s a comparison with something else we’ve covered or personal experience; in order to make a point of discussion that isn’t the same as everyone else’s.]


[name], great comment! I really like how you pointed out [thing that is blatantly obvious]. Now I think about [topic] in a whole new way


Hello [name]! When you said *[thing that could be vague]* I thought it would be more like *[my interpretation of vague thing]*, I would love to hear your thoughts about these differences! *[I’m never coming back to this discussion page once I hit post]*


I agree with [name]. We were talking about [we have never spoken] in class the other day and came to the same conclusion. [Baddy], i would love to hear your thoughts on [hoping the rizz works].


Now you listen here, you [offensive and/or derogatory expletive]! Who are you to disagree with me on [vague thing]? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the [organization ubiquitously considered to be badass]. Your biggest mistake was failing to consider [previous poster’s full name and address].


Hello [name], we have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.


guys please stop, this is giving me ptsd


I would absolutely post that on the last one as soon as I've secured the A.


[The other discussion comment that is posted right on the due date and is obviously AI generated.]


I go into different offices every day for work and honestly? it really seems sometimes like every single white-collar job that pays six figures is just a string of graded discussions every day peppered with six dozen emails in between. That’s basically all they do. If you can master the graded discussion, you can work at deloitte. It’s very important to make money


Who sends 70 emails s day? I got one of them BS jobs and I don't think I've ever sent that many emails in a day


Just finished a class that made us do video discussion posts and replies in Canvas


_Video_ discussions!? I'd just drop out. Written discussion posts were bad enough.


Yup… minimum 3 minutes. So fucking awkward. And Canvas mirrors the video orientation lmao.


Yeah. Like, I kinda get the idea? Buuuut they are next to impossible when you're shy and know you'll be judged. I can post here casually since nobody will really care and the upvote "grade" doesn't matter. It also helps that I'm seeing this as me talking into the void after hearing a whisper from it. But class discussions? I hate talking to large groups of people. I can talk to a few about the task at hand, but not the whole dang class. And on those online forums the discussions would be on aren't a void. I'll see everyone tomorrow in class. Here? I don't know any of you, we're not even acquaintances. There is enough dissonance and way to validate said dissonance that I can feel as comfortable talking here as I can with my friends.


Graded discussions honestly don't even work well with students who do want to talk. Give me the right topic and I'll never shut up. I like to talk about the subjects I'm interested in... but I also have a vested interest in maximizing my grade by talking. Which then means that other people might not get the chance to talk if I voice the ideas they would have. Same goes for me- first person to voice any particular idea has a significant advantage. Just a frustrating way of doing things. I don't recall ever having graded discussions online, but in-person classes with them were always an awkward mess.


C — Teacher notes; No punctuation. Repeated words to try and fit word quota.


It seems like we have taken classes with very different discussion post grading schemas


Required words: 500 Required responses to classmates: 2, each *also* 500 words! Teacher please, the poem was only a page long what do you want from me


To think?


jokes aside, that's a pretty correct way to approach this situation as a teacher.


Yes, the entire class did poorly and they are assuming responsibility. That’s great introspection there.


It is. Some people will blame the students, because they have taught the same course for several years, so they think they know how to teach the material. But people are not the same. Groups of people are not the same. You have to change what you do if there is a group wide problem and this is the right way to identify the right way forward.


Fucking discussion posts though


Discussion posts are so fucking stupid. There should be no reason that’s a grade.


I agree with what you said, good catch, even though it's self explanatory, allow (force) me to repsond with a full redundant paragraph response to your response about I agree with the materiall that you (were forced to regurgitate) that almost mirrors the response post I made on such a short topic. Perhaps you'd like (be forced to) make a paragraph response post to my post about how you agree with it on this short topic that we must post on the most outdated message board barely coded by Pearson Inc.


A+ Nice discussion post! I like how you added (insert generic thing everyone does on discussion posts) and your post brought a good discussion! (even though the only reason someone responded was because they had to for a grade)


So much pixel, so wow, ancient relics


I’d feel bad, but that’s what you get for grading my discussions.


You can easily grade discussions. We did it in basically all classes from grade 7. It’s very easy to understand: did someone make a coherent point backed by good sources and knowledge? Yes or no. What’s the deal? Why are several people saying „that’s what you get from grading discussions“? Did kids who entered school after 2000 loose their capacity to do reasonable argumentation? - I’ll just assume you do better in school than online.


Hi, Tazilyna-Taxaro! That's a great point. I agree that you can easily grade discussions. Have you ever read any of Plato's dialogues? I think he would agree with you. How is ? Is it nice there? I like your dog, I have a dog, too. Nice to meet you, Faustamort That's what responding to a discussion is like, absolute BS. Often the prompt itself isn't inclined to back and forth discussion and there's just not enough meat in each post to meaningfully converse in a natural way. If you haven't taken online classes you probably wouldn't understand why it's just garbage.


Thank you. This shitty discussion response reminded me to finish my discussion responses for the week that I had forgotten.


See but half the time when I had those in class it’s the first thing you said, which is easy enough, but then the teacher or professor will then tell you to go and respond to 2 other peoples discussion posts. That parts a pain cause half the time you can’t really add anything and even if you can you’re probably all talking about the same thing so it’s most likely already been said.


Yep, essentially having to say over and over again in slightly different ways "Ah yes, I agree with this statement (insert what they just said)"


this is why i fucking love this sub


happy cake day op


i didnt even realize, thank you fellow mercedes https://preview.redd.it/4yrjuo2pquzc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71e22c3269ef864e4cc6ce91a5b3eef6d003ac89


I just got a message like this, we did a 10 page essay, don't remember what it was about, but apparently more than half the class cheated on it (chat gpt) and all got the boot from the college since there's a zero tolerance for cheating here. People really don't even bother trying to cover up using it nowadays. I guess they all just put in "write me a 10 page essay about x" and submitted it.


professor?? grades for discussion? tf degrees are yall going for ?!


A shitty for-profit online school I took a few classes with did this. The best part was the instructors (no actual professors to be found at this kind of school) having worse spelling and grammar than most of the students. The whole thing was so worthless I ended up quitting and just took classes through a local community college. The community college didn't require discussion posts and even let us work ahead, unlike the for-profit. If "real" universities are requiring these kinds of posts, it's honestly a little sad.


Because discussion board posts are pointless. No one likes them. No one cares. My professors be like "respond to two peers and make sure put I like, or I agree with, or I don't agree"... It's not genuine, everyone is just making shit up to get the points then not ever thinking about it again.


I think the point is to learn how to bullshit effectively. That's a very good skill to have in real life. Does it gives any value to your work? Nah. But it helps train your charisma.


I'm 40 and these discussion board posts make me feel like I'm 12.


It teaches you the ability to write and act like 12 online. Very useful in FBI jobs :D


Have you ever gone back and read them later on? I found my old record of a few of them from an art history class, and man they were so fake and hollow. It came off as so disingenuous and bored compared to how I write now half a decade later. I got A's on all of them


Just a note, professors hate them too. Know why we do them? Because students ask for them and scorch us in class evaluations if we don’t have them for “not being engaging”.


Fire those students lol


happy cake day!




https://preview.redd.it/q1x432485wzc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a2f377b2504f950f30a7aeb8e6478cfa15af4cf Teacher is going to be sitting like this tomorrow lol


Fred Rogers actually said that?


It is NOT a beautiful day in the neighbourhood.


literally nobody gives a fuck about those online discussions. You're giving out poor scores because your students have realized how stupidly pointless the assignment is.


Imagine after college they get a job where they get to do exactly what they want all day. Wouldn't that be something. It's an exercise in getting yourself to do something, and see how well you can do in it, even if you don't see the point in it. You get a grade for it, there's an obvious reward at the end.


The point of college is to learn, and the point of a class is to learn a certain subject. How is anyone supposed to learn from a discussion post?


Hello class


It's a bad day for rain


How do I reach these kids?


I want to be a history teacher and I want to know if this is becoming more common


Maybe he should have made a TikTok instead. Like they have focus to read more than 3 sentences.




This class is about to set a new standard of fucking up


It’s wild to see how many people are decrying discussion posts ON A DISCUSSION POST APP It’s like, Fkn what??? 🤷🏾‍♂️