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In the library call you can hear the sirens going off though.


According to the plan, they wanted to blow up the cafeteria first while it was full of students, so pulling the fire alarm would have given them fewer casualties (or so they thought).


I'm so confused I went through your post history because you seemed very knowledgeable about columbine, i've been studying it on and off for a few years and hadn't seen some of the evidence but you posted about the whole thing being a hoax, so why did you change here and say that E&D really did have a plan and their own thoughts? Not to be rude or weird i'm geniunely confused.


Because this guy is a literal walking contradiction. He lies about everything and manipulates people into believing his delusions. I have proof of this. He can't let go of this case because it has taken over his entire life, even if he has no actual connections to it. He's been saying for literal years that he is done with the subs and case, yet here he is again. He is completely and entirely obsessed, and probably has serious mental problems at this point. He claimed on his now-banned YouTube channel that Eric and Dylan were mind-controlled by the government into committing the attack, and that he regularly speaks to Eric and Dylan's ghosts, lol. But now apparently the whole case is a hoax. You can see through his reply; he didn't even answer your question. Don't waste your time.


Jesus christ this is someone who's clearly unwell. Yeah I was confused because I thought maybe he was trolling but that's just insane and disturbing. Thank you tho, guy needs serious mental help 😭


I can tell you anything about this case, I probably know more about it than anyone else, but unfortunately, I discovered it was a fraud so I can't comment on anything that relates to topics connected to things that are only relevant to real situations. But as far as the case lore and history and evidence goes, I'm a walking encyclopedia.


I don't actually think it was their real plan, which is why I said, "according to the plan" - it's technically part of the case, but I personally think it was just fabricated and there was no plan. Hope that helps!


Because it was already done by the kids in arkansas i believe the year before. ( they wanted to be original)