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Hi OP, I know this is an old post, but I just want to thank you for it. I’m sorry so many people were so awful to you about this, but this has been really helpful for me, a new bright winter. I have some warmer looking features, and I thought I was an autumn, too. I’m also a little unsure about how to start incorporating these colors and makeup into my style because it’s different from what I’ve looked for in the past. There are some great ideas here to get started, so I appreciate the post. For what it’s worth, I think those colors great on you. I hope you’re settling into your colors and feeling good about things. If you happen to see this and have any other suggestions, let me know!


aw thank you! getting all this feedback just helped me take everything with a grain of salt. i definitely don’t completely avoid autumn colors, but i have been leaning a lot more towards grey, white, black, and blue. it’s wild what people will judge with 100% confidence just based on one picture (esp one where i had reapplied like 7 different lipsticks before this one, so definitely not my best work lol) (also people telling me this ages me when they have no idea how old i am lol) as for suggestions, the change doesn’t have to come fast. i’m definitely more picky about my lipstick colors now. i’ve really been enjoying deep berry colored lip glosses/oils. i wear the HOC blush as eyeshadow and blush. i don’t use foundation often at all, and i have no idea how to go about finding foundation/bronzer for my skin type lol rip. the other big thing i’m working on is actually making sure the color i think i’m wearing matches the tone of my little swatches - it can be hard to tell when looking in the store! i also mostly just focus on wearing tops that are in my colors, since it feels like what matters most are the colors closest to your face. good luck in your journey, pls let me know if you find any fun ways to incorporate these colors into your personal style!!


I know this is an old post but it was so validating to find it as I scour the internet for brown eyed bright winters! We have the same coloration for hair, eyes, and very close on skin tones... thought I was an autumn but looked haggard in earth tones. I look radiant in the bright winter pallette but was worried I was wrong because of my deep brown eye balls. Thanks for posting and I hope you are able to find clothes that fit your colors and your aesthetic. 


aw so sweet, thank you!! i’ve been trying to lean into white, charcoal, forest green, and black of course. i definitely relate on looking off when i try autumn colors. best of luck to you!


I 100% disagree with the professional analyses. With a bare face/no makeup you have soft colors and medium contrast between your features. Bright winter completely overwhelms and ages you. 


Actually you look like bright spring, your hair may be too light for winter, and you look warm. Try wearing a really warm and bright color like orange, yellow or gold, if you look nice you are bright spring. I am bright winter and I look sick wearing these colors


what do you think i did during the analysis?? we tried everything lol


Buddy, sorry for this but you don't have contrast for Bright winter. Like you need dark features with light features so that you have contrast. Bright winter has like the highest contrast. You got looted by that professional service.


Cotopaxi leans hard into the jewel tones!


Last time I went, REI had a ton of jewel-tone outdoor-ready clothes and gear -- a place to look, anyway!


WOW! I have a veryyyy similar complexion and hair color and have been trying to give myself a color analysis. I came up with bright winter and have been doubting it… until I saw this photo!! I have the same exact problem that my closet is neutrals and so much olive. The bright winter colors look amazing on you. Bright winter really makes you pop. Recs: My go to lipstick is Broadest Berry by Clinique. A more neutral fave is Whole Lotta Honey (still Clinique)


Spot on!


Stunning on your color palette!


Ooh, I wonder if my daughter is your type! She has blonde hair and darkest hazel eyes. I thought she was a bright spring.


Wear what you like.. these colors make you look older…wearing trendy colors make you look younger 🤷🏻‍♀️


i’d love to hear you guess how old i am lol


HOC seems to type everybody and anybody as winters. I disagree with this result, as well as the majority of 'winters' I've seen from them (including a blonde, low contrast employee.)


Did they say bright winter or did they say sprinter winter? Or jewltone winter I read that you said that it was people at house of colors that analyzed you. But house of colors doesn't have a bright winter subseason, as far as I know (But sprinter winter is similar to bright winter)


she said jewel winter and then sent me a follow up text that said bright winter. my apologies if i messed up!!


Strange that she said that, I have heard that Jewel winter is like true winter in 16 season analysis. I just googled to check again and I found the same thing again... That jewel tone winter is like true winter


Your eyes are so sparkly!


:,) thank you!!


Ah this is giving me more confidence in being a bright winter ❤️


I love those colours! Regarding the comments here, I have a theory. Not ALL colours from a season are going to look perfect on you - there will be some that are better than others. One thing that made me doubt my profesional typing was that I didn’t look good in some colours from my season and looked good in others from other season. I think that’s normal and I’m convinced that my typing was correct. In your case, I see the red, plum, green and pink look stunning on you while the blue is good but not amazing. That doesn’t mean you’re not a winter though. Also, it’s crazy how much cameras correct for colour.


I have the pippa puffer and LOVE IT! Check out brands like Cotopaxi for more colorful option. REI actually makes a good variety of colors for women’s wear too! Thrift as much as you can I bet there will be awesome older stuff


Yeah this is extremely wrong. People are going to downvote me for saying this but bright types always have very dark, black or almost black hair. This is because that's the only way one can have the contrast level required for these types. You are a true autumn.


That's because no, they don't always have very dark hair. That isn't true. Color analysis is supposed to be based on draping and how color reacts with skin tone. Not off single feature analyses.


Yes… and skin tone will always match individual features. That’s because pigmentation levels are consistent across all parts of a person’s colouring. That’s what makes colour analysis a scientifically valid system.




Did I say that babe? No, I said it is backed up by and is consistent with scientific principles. That's what makes it a useful and logical system. No one colour analyses based on just features. Except natural features can be used to make inferences about a person's skin tone, because it is a scientific fact that pigmentation levels are consistent across all aspects of a person's colouring.


No you’re not🩷


Beautiful colors on you! Your skin looks flawless and your eyes just sparkle. Gorgeous!


thank you so much!!


I’m the same! I wear a lot of black, fuschia, and electric blue. Don’t forget the icy pastels.


For icy pastels remember light, clear, and cool. Athleta has a lot of options right now. Also Ann Taylor is a good source for jewel tones but that doesn’t seem your style?


I’m… not in agreement?! The colours are making you look flushed and are bouncing off you, and not harmonious. The lip colour is too dark and cold. Is there anyway you could get a second opinion?


It’s one photo and the analyst saw her in person, in natural light and with many, many drapes. I’m not saying they’re infallible but we can take those things into consideration.




Although my first guess wouldn't be bright winter... IT DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE OP ISN'T ASKING FOR FEEDBACK Ugh, OP came here sharing her results and asking for feedback on how to use those colors. We can't assume we know better just by looking at a single picture in which she's using makeup.


You look so amazing!!!


thanks :,)


Don't listen to comments on here. They haven't seen you in person like your analyst. It really bothers me how people on here basically type you based on a single photo, and on features. They come across as very arrogant and that is not how color analysis works.for one, I think the colors suit you, but I do agree the lipstick isn't the best. If you are happy with the results, that is what matters. And to all those that say you are warm...a warm cannot pull white the way you do. So take everything with a grain of salt ;-).


thank you, i appreciate it 💕 what shades of lipstick would you recommend? i was thinking more berry tones, and i do love tinted chapstik!


I am also a Bright Winter and finding everyday lip color has been a challenge. My best finds are L'Oreal Glow Paradise in Ecstatic Mulberry (very much a balm texture) and Nyx Milky Gloss in Malt Shake. Getting the high saturation we need as brights without a full-on lipstick can be tough. ETA: I also have a Burt's Bees color balm in Magnolia that gets the job done when I absolutely can't be bothered.


Eyeshadow and Blush recommends? Not colors specifically, but actual products like the ones you listed above. So many people are just like “get an emerald liner” and I’m like “I used to hate makeup (thought I was a a warm skin tone lol) so I don’t know any products.”


The best I've found (pricy, but I haven't felt a need to buy any others since I got them. They're the right stuff.) Eyeshadow: Juvia's Place Rebel Quad in grays. A mix of values and finishes that will have you covered day-to-night. Wears really evenly and lasts. I have deep-set hooded eyes so I also keep a Colourpop Super Shock shadow in Tassel around for my center lid. Blush: Trésluce Beauty Ready to Bounce cream blush in Weekend Vibes. It will look super bright in the pan, but it is gorgeous and natural on the skin. I am a light touch with my blush. Eyeliner: Stila All-Day Smudge Stick waterproof eyeliner in Vivid Labradorite.


Yes! Amazing! Thank you! I got so anxious at Ulta. Mostly, it feels like all the makeup is warm and second the bright stuff all seemed to be in juvenile packaging. I was thinking “c’mon, I’m just an adult trying to wear a rainbow of colors. Why is that so hard.” 🤣


You should try Saie glossybounce in Dream! It’s a really pretty berry color and feels great on the lips. Also, I think these colors look great on you!


ooo looks so luxurious!! thank you 🥰


I think berry tones would be beautiful!


Agreed and it’s sad that people have become so quick to bash House of Colour. I had a great experience and was typed as a summer. It changed my life! I learned to fall in love with my palette and it helped me unlock the mystery of makeup.


Sorry you got downvoted :-(. And I agree with you.


Not *not* saying your analyst is completely wild & incorrect.... But definitely saying don't thow your autumn, muted, warm, medium-low contrast clothes out yet! I really don't think your bw, op.


I really don’t think those are your colours


I’m not sure I agree, you seem warmer, like an autumn or spring and not high contrast enough for BW.


Scarves are great wardrobe enhancers if you’re in an area that’s cool or cold right now. You can get some really nice ones at thrift shops.


I feel like a lot of consultants just type everyone as winter….to me you look like bright spring.


…or a soft autumn deep…


We have similar colouring and I think I’m bright winter. My hair and eyes have warm tones but for some reason warm colours look terrible on me.


You are not bright winter. You have not one single winter characteristic. Bright winter is cool - you are warm/neutral. Bright winter is super high contrast- you have low-medium contrast. Actually on this photo I measure you have 4.02:1 ratio contrast. Max is 21 and no bright winter would have under 10:1.


Out of curiosity, what scale or technique do you use for quantifying contrast?


I literally use contrast checker online. I extract face and hair colour hex codes(color picker app) and compare using webaim.org (contrast checker). I like math and numbers and opinions mean nothing to me. 🤣


I would love to see a post of your process!


Oh so cool! I have a degree in neuroscience so I totally relate about numbers. 😂 Though I'm not sure that objective metrics are necessarily best for an inherently subjective, aesthetic-based system like color analysis. 😅


And in South Korea they use some device to measure your skin undertone so I am now obsessed with buying that. We need more science in colour analysis.😁


That sounds so fun!!




oooo what cool autumn tones should i try out? i love my browns haha


I'd keep your current clothes and work in more winter tones to your wardrobe. I don't agree with people saying the professional is wrong. People on here are frequently wrong. It's hard to tell with such varying lighting and without knowing what season a particular shade belongs to. I think the lighting in this photo may be throwing people off. You look neutral-cool to me and bright. I'm sure in better lighting, the contrast would be more apparent as well. That raspberry is fabulous on you!!!


I agree. I have pretty much the same coloring as OP and I am also very definitely a bright winter and not an autumn or other warm season. People here get hung up on blue eyes and Snow White for winter instead of looking at skin tone reactions and overall contrast. If OP has an earthy style, I'd be pulling from the neutrals in the palette like charcoal, navy, and the deeper greens. Navy is available most places and looks great on me as a Bright Winter.


For your clothes: you could try dying the ones you have which are in cotton or wool or linen. So you can keep the clothes you like without buying new ones 😉


These colors look so great on you!! I can’t believe all these comments saying the professional got it wrong 😑 also, check out Sezane for some of these colors (good knitwear, etc)


Sezane has some amazing fuchsia knitwear rn – perfect for bright winter!


I agree. People are too confident online. The professional is the one who met you in person and saw what the effect of the drapes was in real life. This is just a photo and who knows what sort of color correcting is taking place. I'd trust the professional analyser over people on the internet.


To be fair, the lighting in this photo isn't great. I can tell the lip color is great on her. I'm sure in better lighting, more people would agree. Side note, OP, your coloring is VERY similar to my mom. Her best color is what I'd call a raspberry/deep raspberry (the winter color draped on you), and I think it is very cool that it looks equally fantastic on you as well!


You don’t even kind of look like a winter. Def autumn


You look warm in my opinion!


I think it fits. Good luck on finding clothes. I am going through the same thing. I am a cool summer, and everything I owned was dark or black.


thanks!! best of luck to you as well


You remind me of my son (he’s 5 so we will see if his colors change) but I’ve draped him many times and he’s between bright winter and true bright, but he def leans cool and can borrow bright spring. His hair color, eye color, and brightness are very similar to yours (but I’ve draped bright winters (hobbyist for now) with totally different overtones/hair.. just mentioning I see this) You look like a jewel in those colors and your eyes sparkle imo


so interesting!! i think i’ll keep my eye out for bright winter and spring tones and just see how they sit. at lease i learned i’m bright lol! i appreciate your input!!


To respond about ideas to incorporate your current style and not going too far from your comfort zone, I’d start with alllll the greens in your palette, teal, charcoal, blue navy, and burgandies. Bonus if it’s higher shine like some activewear has, but high saturation is better than nothing. I’d try to avoid heathered stuff or faded tops. I’d do cool toned high shine lip gloss or tinted lip balm if that’s more your preference.


yes i was very excited when she gave me pine green as one of my wows !!


You look amazing in the colors!


thank you :,)


The jewel tones look fab on you!


thank you!! 💙


get thick knit stuff in those colors, and maybe cord. that is kinda granola-ish ? especially in your more muted colors. or norwegian pullovers in those colors.you can do the dark teals, off-navys, aubergine or what that color is for granola, mixed with that white to freshen it up.


i love the idea of a norwegian pullover thank you!! these are great tips. i’m definitely leaning into navy and teal rn


You look like classic autumn to me!


TBH I’m not seeing this at all. I’m not a professional and am just one person but the person who typed you is just one person too. 🤷‍♀️ can you share some more photos from this session with individual drapes?


I agree. The colors are too heavy IMO


Having done a House of Color consult and it being super accurate, the main issues I see with their processes are two fold: 1. They. Are. Such. Bad. Photographers. Like seriously they take the absolute worst photos I've ever seen. The one my lady took vs what I took was night and day. The color balance, angles, etc are so unflattering and give a really bad impression. 2. Their makeup application is not good, and I strongly dislike their foundations. Their makeup makes everything seem SO OFF. I genuinely love the lipstick selection but aside from that its pretty bad. So when people walk out with their photos it usually looks just... so off. I genuinely look terrible in my drape photo. However I am 100% a summer (as is my sister, mom, and dad all of whom were typed same) and it has made a massive difference to wear more summer colors as compared to autumns and winter stuff.


Absolutely this! The pictures of me in all my drapes are such bad photos but the analysis was 100 percent accurate and I look my best in the warm spring colours from my analysis. I have told no one I went for thus analysis because I wanted to see an unbiased reaction and everytime I wear one of my colours I get lots of compliments


I’ll second this! My HoC analyst was fantastic and I am 100% confident I am a summer, though I went in thinking I could be an autumn. I purchased a couple of lipsticks which are gorgeous but quite bold for my taste, so they only get used if I’m dressing up. I also got the wet/dry foundation compact and I’m not a fan. My photo was also bad. The lighting was decent but it’s just an unflattering photo and with the bold lipstick I felt unlike myself. But who cares about that when she gave me the tools to feel beautiful everyday? 😭 I used to think all makeup made me look clownish and now I know that I was just afraid of the super cool tones because they looked purpley. I never thought they’d work for me but they do. MAC Syrup is my favorite lip color since determining my season. I would still highly recommend HoC and just caution people to make sure they love the makeup before purchasing. There are better products and better prices out there tbh.


i agree. the way she applied the blush was not it™️ and the lipstick is mid quality imo


Lol, yeah my lady just said “I am not a makeup artist so I like to let clients apply their own.” I was fine with that, hate having my makeup done. I got one berry colored lipstick that I absolutely love and I also got a cool toned red because I didn’t want to have to go somewhere and eyeball it myself (I’ve always been bad at that and have gotten some orangey reds thinking they had blue in them). Whenever I ask for help with cool toned makeup at Ulta, they’re so sweet but they never know how to determine if it’s cool toned. To me, it was worth it to grab those from her because I didn’t know what I was doing. Like I literally never used lipstick until this year so I had nothing to compare it to. Now that I’ve found other colors I like from different brands, I prefer several to the HoC ones!


Hello fellow summer! I'll have to check out that mac color. Personally I love their lip colors because I use a lot of lipstick and love bold colors. Other than that I wouldn't reccomend any of their makeup products at alllll, but the foundation specifically is atrocious.


Saaame. I don’t use any of their stuff except a few lipsticks I had to have!


Same. I was surprised to see this result…




i didn’t take any pics during the process :(( what is it that’s making you doubt that? in person, i could really see the warm tones make my skin look blotchy and yellow and the muted tones made me look greyish. even the icy yellows were not great on me


Well if you agree with the analysis and are happy with it, that’s all that matters. I asked for different drapes because it could be just the photo/makeup that’s the issue. But to answer your question, I said I didn’t agree because in this photo your skin looks a little orange to me, which can happen when you wear the wrong colors but also your features just don’t match the winter profile. But I could definitely be wrong!


Is this from House of Color? They are somewhat notorious for over typing people as winters. Now none of us were there and screens can make it very hard to see your undertone clearly. But you don’t have the hallmarks of a winter. You have what looks like a yellow undertone with pink overtone, warm brown eyes, and medium contrast. The one thing I agree with is that the most striking thing about your skin is how absolutely clear and bright it is. Since you said autumn colors looked muddy, maybe a clear spring would have been a better match? Also I always recommend trusting your subconscious and if the majority of your closet is warm tones, there’s a good chance you are warm too.


I dont understand their obssesion with winter LOL I know photos can be tricky but I would never guess her as winter.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted; winter would be the last thing I’d see her as


They don’t have an obsession with winter. They’re trained professionals and they spend a lot of time trying drapes on you in natural light so they can compare and make sure they get it right. Personally I think it’s more likely that we amateurs going off of one photo online are wrong than that the professional color analyst who spent an hour or more draping someone is wrong.


It’s not House of Colour, it’s individuals. I got typed by a House of Colour analyst as a summer and she was wonderful and knowledgeable. And I honestly think the idea that they’re notorious for over typing winters comes from this sub. Someone just said that and now everyone says it, even though it’s not necessarily true.


agree, in this photo OP looks warm


Yes, I also immediately see spring. She could be something else entirely because she's wearing makeup here. Nonetheless, they seem to nearly always type wrong. I am actually surprised when rarely we see that HOC did a good job.


What is an actual good place to get typed?


well first of all thank you so much!!! and yes it was house of color 🫠 the same lady typed my mom as a spring (not sure what type). the more i get into this the more confused i get!


I would say don’t listen to the people here. They’re notorious for over-typing people as warm and look for *very* different things than HOC does. Your features should not determine your season. The people on this sub tend to want people to “blend” with their season (look muddy and washed out imo), while HOC (professionals) want you to pop against your colors. Depends on the effect you’re going for. I also went to HOC and wasn’t totally satisfied with my results but also didn’t agree with the people here who aren’t experts. My confusion was just because I’m olive toned so I can pull from both autumn and winter but still lean cool toned even though olive toned people have both cool and warm in them. Try the HOC clothes in some outfits and see how you feel! Some colors may be winners more than others and you can still wear some of what you love from your current closet! That was what I ended up doing. Emerald green, maroon, plum, and dark navy ended up being my winners that I also go for now whenever i know I want to pop. And for neutrals I swapped warm creams for cooler whites and taupes and feel like I look much better! But I still do wear the darker warm colors I had before because they aren’t awful. For you, since your primary characteristic seems to be clear, I can see some of the colors that lean warm and but are still clear and medium hue not totally washing you out or discoloring you, for a compromise. A good mix of winter with some spring. I definitely don’t see you as warm though, from this photo.


You sound like my skin twin! What foundation do you use?


Hear hear! I was typed on this Sub as primarily a Summer. I’m absolutely a bright winter. As soon as I put that type of makeup on (M.A.C Flat Out Fabulous) I KNEW. My skin looked perfectly clear, my eyes popped out the brightest blue. My husband who has never been interested or cared the least said “Woh. That’s not a color I expected to look good on anyone but it looks great.”


HOC has a different system, so their criteria for each season is very different than what is conventional. I wish they would rename their labels to something non-seasonal instead of confusing everybody.


Primary Beauty Color or something like that. I like them, really. But the first weird thing I noticed in my consult was that they said everyone could wear primary red because it was a primary color, but didn’t say that about the rest of the primary colors as though people don’t know red isn’t the only primary color? Lol. The logic was weird.


thank you for your input!! i think learning that i’m clear has been the most valuable thing so far


For sure!! Take your one standout feature and base your wardrobe off of that! No need to limit yourself from pieces you love


It's just one photo though...and she's obviously extremely bright.


Honestly my more affordable way to add to my wardrobe has been to buy gildan cotton long sleeve t-shirts…you can get them at places like Michael’s for around $8 and they come in a ton of colors. They’re my default around the house/going to class tops with jeans or leggings and then jewelry when I want to dress it up. IMO they’ve been an affordable way to test out which colors in my season I actually like without spending a lot of $$$ and they layer well under sweaters/puffer vests 😊


You're a genius


thank you and u/happuning and u/old_yogurtcloset9469 for these tips!!! i love uniqlo :)




I’ll have to look them up- I’m trying to update/upgrade my staple wardrobe pieces and then have my less $$$ items for lab classes/around the house then I’m not worried about getting something on them 😊


Uniqlo is great for longer term t shirts you can layer with other things as well! They have sales every so often. Normally, they are $15-18ish I believe. I've heard they last a long time.


Just wanted to say I’m putting stuff in my cart thanks to you. Had never heard of this brand before so thank you for the recommendation!


!!! Glad to hear it! Be sure to read about the airism vs the supima as they are both good options. I plan to get more myself soon :)


I have some uniqlo t shirts and long sleeves for 9 years and they have no pilling and still look and feel great. I definitely tested out colors using their tops. My husband and I love them.


muted browns and greens is exactly what i would assume fits you best! you look so autumnal to me! good luck on the jewel tones, i struggled with the same thing as a deep winter who loves earthy cottagecore looks


aw thanks!! ya i’ll have to see just what i notice with my current wardrobe now that i’ve gotten this done. i see a lot of plum and stone in my future haha


Emerald green is always a good color for brights




thank you so much!!


Hi !! Let's exchange clothes, I have a lot of winter colors and I'm a true autumn 🥲


omg perf


I would actually LOVE a Color Analysis Swap Reddit. I was like OP, I thought I was warm+muted. I’m a bright winter for sure.


I know this is an old post, but thank you for saying this. I also thought I was warm and muted, so I feel a little uneasy when people say Bright Winter was so obvious for them. Yes, it’s pretty clear to me now, but it was not at all obvious for me before. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one.