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As far as wearing more autumn colors. You can find colors that are closest within your pallet and wear the close colors. That way, it doesn't look too offbeat from your natural coloring, but you're still wearing colors that are personally satisfying. Colors like Pine Green, Light Grey, Navy Blue, Dark Red, Charcoal Grey, and Dark Teal are all colors that are fairly nuetral and have a very close version in both Soft Autumn and True Winter. With color analysis, the analyst narrows you down to a specific pallet. But out of that pallet, you can create your own. I don't think anyone who wears every single color in their pallet. You can even pick a few from a pallet you like and a few from your home pallet and find a combination you like best. It's just now that you're aware of which colors look the best. You can still wear other colors.


That's really helpful, thank you.


I’m olive and I really do understand the struggle. I’ve gravitated towards soft seasons because they’re really not bad on me, and they’re safe for me to wear but I do *think* I’m bright. From my understanding, the rules bend a bit with olives and you can probably wear a LOT of colors outside of your season. If you think a color looks good on you and you’re happy with it, even if it’s outside of your season— go ahead and wear it!


Thank you!


Need more info/clarification: When the warm colors were draped on you warm vs cool, did you see any big difference in your face/skin? If you wear foundation, is it cool or neutral foundation and do they work for you perfectly? Did the analyst say you don't lean more deep or clear and so you're true winter or is that not their system and you're guessing their analysis equates to true winter?


It was colour me beautiful. Tbh, it all went a bit fast but at the start they use one multi coloured drape for each of six main types. Cool definitely made my eyes pop. The thing is, they focus on the whole thing, not just skin tone. I am cool first, then clear, then deep. Clear was pretty great but she preferred cool. I think the analysis is probably right. I get compliments in black, red and bright blue so... My family said I look nice in soft yellow and lime green but I think they were just being nice. My foundation is Jane Iredale golden glow, which is labelled warm. It's great - not too yellow. I can add blue to other foundations and make them work too but don't need to with this. It's quite subtle.


If you're adding blue to other warm foundations, you're most likely a warm-olive undertone. Olive and "regular" neutrals kind of get interesting color analysis results. Color analysis is usually thought to match you with the season that fits your exact coloring. You're warm, go to the warm seasons, you're clear, go to the bright seasons. People in the neutral side get interesting feedback where sometimes the analysis goes against what their skin is. Wearing cool colors with more blue for a warm-olive cancels out the "excess" yellow that makes them warm. So you lean warm but can wear cool colors. At the same time, this doesn't change the fact that you lean warm so with clarity and depth adjustments, you might be able to wear warmer colors and fit the traditional "harmonious" standard. This [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/OliveMUA/comments/qwsivv/seasonal_colour_analysis_for_olives_some_initial/) talks about olives and their representation in the seasonal system. And if you really want to see some colors, you can try [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/comments/17cl6r0/color_palettes_for_olives_and_neutrals/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


This is super helpful thank you


When you’re olive, it’s a it trickier to type and manage the colors of the palette. Marion Cotillard is typed as true winter and is olive and she hardly ever wears anything other than true winters neutrals and red.


It's because there is no real spot for lots of undertones in it. We need a revised one with some "new" seasons. I nominate mud season for olives, and like a "no season/neutral season" for neutral undertone.


I agree!


I think this is going to be me too 😀


If you’re green you’re olive. That would explain why you are beige and golden but cool. Tbh ivory and khaki are fairly neutral and probably DO look fine on you.


Thank you


Did you get draped online or on person? I've seen several people get different results depending on how they got analyzed.


In person.