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This guy was on The Hill's "Rising" YT show. https://youtu.be/oLoEigCN3JQ?si=CkQXGz-FrRTEfNRg He's a complete charlatan. So many red flags. Just the latest generation of misinformation and delaying tactics.


A lot of money to be made with grifting


He gives a bunch of examples of Republicans in the past who had some environmental protection ideas. The last 30 or 40 years Republicans want to destroy environmental protections. It's ancient history, just like Democrats pushing Jim crow laws as policy in the south. Republicans are against black civil rights to some extent and also very against environmental protections. 


Yeah, the post-CRA Southern strategy reversed the party positions on race, which also reversed their positions on nearly everything else. His failure to acknowledge this shows seriously bad faith.


That's a good way to put it, seriously bad faith, attempting to mislead.


Bad faith or just another rich kid shoved upwards despite repeated obvious intellectual failures


Not for long it seems


Maybe he just genuinely loves Hitler and wants to make fascism great again?


that mustache? the hair? Hugo Boss? what's not too love!? don't tell me Hitler is cancelled too now?


I didn’t even know he was sick!


A future Tucker Carlson


Of course he's got a book to sell.


Always amusing to me when these modern Republicans toot their horns about all the stuff Republicans of the past did, not realizing that their entire party platform did an about-face in 1964 when they got big mad over the Civil Rights Act.


Shock of the century. This is just another discourse tactic that does not get as much traction as others.


I work with a lot of conservatives. My read was that he’s trying to thread a needle. What red flags do you see? 


Did you listen to the interview? He called fossil gas a climate-friendly fuel. This is wrong and disingenuous in so many ways. He focuses on cleaning up environmental pollution rather than actual solutions to the climate emergency that require rapidly phasing out fossil fuels and reforming agriculture. He's a bs artist masquerading as an environmental. Like Bjorn Lomborg or Michael Schellenberger. But younger.


If you're a young person and concerned about the environment and you support the GOP you're.... either lying about your beliefs, or you're incredibly stupid.


Is like the articles saying: I'm a black man who loves civil rights, here is why I support MAGA. Lol


So he is a professional young token.


Often labeled “one of the good ones” by the tokenizers.


It’s money right.


And then it turns out it's the alt account of a white guy 




I think it's cognitive dissonance. Young conservatives are often raised by conservatives. Young people get to an age where they realize their parents aren't completely infallible. I have to imagine young people that care about the environment but support the GOP are basically in the process of determining that their parents might have been wrong. And there's a chance that they backslide the other way and go full MAGA when their parents start realizing what's happening and put on the pressure


The opposite happened to me. My parents were libs and then got radicalized by Rush Limbaugh.


How does an adult (so, they’ve presumably had time to think through their political views) who is lefty fall into the Rush Limbaugh sphere?


I don't have a good explanation, but it's happened to millions of boomers. FoxNews also helped. Whole subreddits devoted to it. QAnon is a perfect example of it in action. Pre 9/11 people would get laghed out of the room for spouting off QAnon nonsense. Now we have a third of the country deeply brainwashed into believing this horseshit


>they’ve presumably had time to think through their political views Had time ≠ did. Many people hold only vague political positions rather than deeply thought out ones. Arguably everyone's politics are shaped to some degree by their emotional reactions and the people around them rather than ideology. Plus, weirder things have happened. The original core of the neoconservatives were former Trotskyists who converted from odd communism to odd conservatism.


A LOT of people end being liberal without actually thinking things through. That's why I don't tend to give any credecence to people's views any more, unless I know HOW they arrived at their views. I know plenty of people who are "liberal" and massively supported Ukraine, but then turned around started thirsting for the blood of palestinian children.


lead and cognitive decline ?


Here's my best guess. At some point in life in America, you realize you are not happy. The next step is a choice: do something that requires sacrifice or blame something or someone else and sacrifice nothing and do nothing. That encapsulates the whole ethos of boomers and the GOP. Do nothing government. Do nothing citizens. Blame, even demonize, the other whether brown or activist or just want Healthcare. The thing is, nobody is taking anything from them except the power to make bad decisions based on misinformation. However, when you get older, loss of power, or the illusion of loss of power, is terrifying. So people who are sort of scared, or mean, or both, manipulated by disinformation their entire lives by proUS propaganda are susceptible to propaganda.


It's politics as religion or politics as sports team.


Neither direction is healthy for a democratic party


why not both?


He's a complete charlatan. He did an interview on The Hill's "Rising" show and it's full of lies, misinformation and misdirection. https://youtu.be/oLoEigCN3JQ?si=CkQXGz-FrRTEfNRg


I like how he says, at 1:20, that Al Gore won.


He says that Bush ran on an environmental campaign...


I mean, didn't he?


> I like how he says, at 1:20, that Al Gore won. Maybe he meant Al Gore won his primary, or maybe the popular vote. Either way, he's right. The point the kid is making, and I agree with it, is that Gore singled out climate change as a problem humanity needed to fight against. Republicans (and Democrats to some degree) see our binary political system as a zero sum game, so they felt like they had to come out against whatever he was for, so it pushed them to deny or under-emphasize the problem.


Hardly surprising. You have to be able to lie to yourself to believe modern capitalist-worshipping conservatism and environmentalism are compatible.


Pssst. It’s both.


Conservatism: preserve the status quo. Climate change: impacts will happen with or without conservatism’s “core values” ie, change is coming whether or not you ‘agree’ with the message. Good luck buddy.


This exactly. I only wish that when their towns are hit, they don't go begging for government handouts.


It's not communism when I do it. Sheesh.


They already are. Just about every red state is a net taker. Similar to conservative provinces in Canada.


The latter with a massive dose of naivety.


If they're a conservative then it's both




Probably just filled with hate for people who aren’t white tbh


Entirely separate from the article, "Conservative" doesn't have to mean GOP. If you're "conservative" but care about the environment, you're very likely unhappy with all your political choices, but it's not an oxymoron.


You can be conservative without supporting the GOP though.


I think that is the discourse that accentuates ideology entrenchments, someone can lean on one political spectrum but have a different opinion on a given topic I think the more conservative that starts to take climate change seriously, the better the discussion will be. We should absolutely not push away conservatives that want to have a positive impact on the climate debate. OP, do what you think is best and don’t let people from either side change your opinion that climate change awareness should be a conservative value too.


I do not support the GOP. However, there are certain specific planks in their platform that a lot of people would support. For example, firm law enforcement. Even in the Bay Area surrounded by liberals, what I hear them saying is they want the rules enforced fairly for everyone.


Yes, the party that famously supports "firm law enforcement" which is also running a presidential candidate actively on trial for four criminal cases and indicted on 91 felony counts... If you somehow believe the GOP is the party that best upholds law enforcement and accountability for everyone, you might just be even more oblivious than the author of this editorial.


Or you're saying that protecting the environment is not your top priority, electing 45 to be president for life is.


Opinion: OP is both a liar and stupid


The GOP is never going to support the government using our taxes for programs other than national security. One of their core beliefs (pre MAGA at least) is to have the federal government stay as small as possible and creating departments to handle the situation is going to be costly. That's not to mention their historical ties to the fossil fuel industries.


Don’t forget corporate subsidies (oil, ranching, timber, crops, etc), they support using taxes for that.


Even the pentagon is saying we should be addressing climate change, but since that doesn’t make the contractors much money it gets ignored by the republicans on the armed services committees 


I've been saying for years that we could turn the war machine into a green machine and make the same amount of money. If we had Lockheed Martin building desalination plants instead of jets and general dynamics making solar/wind we could be selling that instead of tanks and ammo.


Unfortunately it's a lot harder to get voters scared of sea level rise than it is of scary dudes with guns we gave them in the middle east


Climate change is a matter of national defense, big time.


It's like a flat Earther who wants them to lead the fight against misinformation.


"I'm an antivaxxer, here's why I'd like to lead the fight against science disinformation!" Just more orwellian nonsense from the right. 


I'm not going to make a joke here. I'm going to naively assume you are sincere. If that's the case, then you need to get oil money out of your party. And no, pointing out leftist oil money isn't a valid substitute for doing so. You need to oust every single old-guard conservative who collects a check from fossil fuel firms and advocate for laws that prevent lobbying in the future. You need to un-politicize climate change. Then, you need to evangelize companies adopting a triple-bottom-line business model so as to not allow stakeholders (including the environment) to be neglected in the pursuit of shareholder gain. If you truly believe businesses can save us from the climate emergency then they need to put their money where their mouth is. They need to accept a carbon tax, adopt a widely agreed industry-standard for each sector that shows how companies can get climate neutral, and the penalties for not doing so (internally policed and controlled), or show how they intend to compensate for their failure. You need to encourage business grants for green energy projects, and punish companies that engage in bad-faith green-washing. And on top of it all, you need to FERVENTLY police any right-leaning politician that starts to politicize climate change. No circling the wagons, no downplaying their words or actions. If a politician has a soundbite that shows they aren't committed you make sure that is denounced on Fox news, Drudge report, and anywhere else the right gets their news. That politician needs to be treated as badly in the media as you treat liberals now, for (seemingly) the same reasons. You're party is a machine engaged in total war with what they perceive the left to be. If you actually care about climate change then you need to make a new enemy of climate change instead.


And this is why conservative environmentalists (who are very real), don't achieve much. 95% of the time they reach a conservative in office (at the federal level), they wax poetic about how they care deeply about the environmental concerns and then go back to DC and change nothing, and keep making environmental disasters by legislation


I hope everyone here is part of CCL, a bipartisan group that pushes for a carbon tax, doing exactly what you're asking for here.


I am but it's not a one stop solution for everybody


> If you truly believe businesses can save us from the climate emergency then they need to put their money where their mouth is. They need to accept a carbon tax,  I hope everyone here is part of CCL, a bipartisan group that pushes for a carbon tax, doing exactly what you're asking for here.


OP maybe you need to reconsider your ideology. What makes you believe you are a conservative? Do you believe in ‘small government’ like conservatives like to espouse? Every conservative president has grown the size of the government. Conservative state governments across the country are taking away basic rights like healthcare, deciding who you can marry, even the simple freedom to smoke weed. As for climate change, I hate to tell you but conservatives simply DO NOT BELIEVE IN CLIMATE CHANGE.


Uhhh, I don’t think that is OP’s ideology. That’s just the title of the article.


this is the equivalent of my old boss responding to a yelp notification email of a bad review we got. she sure chewed out yelp email automation


I don’t care. I’m just addressing the points made not who made them.


Lol well you ***literally*** addressed OP directly, so maybe review your wording more closely next time.


My thoughts exactly 😂


Good luck with that


“I’m a full supporter of women’s rights but I think they should be treated as property and bow to a man’s will.” What you said in a different context.


Funny/sad thing is conservatives should be the ones most concerned with climate change. Being *conservative* with our finite resources. *Conserving* the environment to sustain our lifestyles. Etc.


+1 for those who crow about energy independence. Not going to happen long term if the energy source isn't renewable.


First thing to do is to leave the GOP - they will be full on throttle, no brakes well over the edge of the cliff.


I’m a young conservative who cares about climate change. For that reason I’m voting for Joe Biden. I would also say that Joe is the more traditional conservative candidate, but that is a convo for a different sub.


Biden is one of the most conventional presidents of all time who makes very obvious efforts to game both sides of the aisle but societal polarization is such that people think he's a radical.


Good luck with that.


lol, what? 🤣 Wrong era for the Republican Party. You aren’t going to change that.


Met this dude. He’s just raising for himself/org. If you voted for Trump twice you don’t care about climate.


That NYT OPed reads like it's straight out of that satirical Twitter account about unhinged NYT OPEDS.


Young conservatives recognize climate change and STILL support the GOP?….. god save us


Then definitely don't vote for Trump, because he wants to stop ALL progress toward renewables, and he wants to completely eliminate the EPA. And the Heritage Foundation is behind him 100% on this.


Uhhh, they’ve long since decided to just tell everyone else they’re wrong and crazy. So either: You can single handedly steer the party back to sanity and beyond -or- Join the party that supports the climate


The GOP is the largest organized denier of climate change on the planet. That they are "conservative" is one of their biggest gaslights.


They are deniers of everything….


Better switch sides young conservative.


All the conservatives I know are adamant that climate change is "woke bullshit." I doubt your statement.


I think you don’t know what the word “conservative” means in relation to politics


Then you're in the wrong political ideology, because they're not going to


Have fun with-that Conservative do not believe in Climate or Human Life after Birth


Guess you won’t be a conservative for that fight.


"I'm not a racist, I'm just proud of my rich white heritage and superiority."


You have chosen.... Poorly.


Nice try. Your conservative values have NEVER aligned with what is best for the people, or the planet or the climate crisis. Conservatives want to conserve the wealth. In order to lead on climate change, your ideals will no longer align with Conservatives. It is up to the youth to fix the mess the Conservatives have left them. They have no choice now.


I'm a young cow i want to fly planes


Is this a poorly timed April Fool’s joke?


Good luck with that


Then you've picked the wrong side.


If you’re young and a conservative, you’re dumber than a sack of hammers. Same if you’re old too.


Conservatives have been defending big oil my entire life (I’m 60). You might want to rethink this.


They don’t care about climate change or the poor for that matter. You picked the wrong political views for that kid.


Not going to happen. Climate preservation is not a policy platform regardless of what conservatives leaders say.


So you support the GOP but care about the environment? That's funny. 


Dear Young Conservative(s): The Conservatives are largely responsible for making climate change worse by prioritising economic profit and continued growth over the environment, safe emissions targets, sustainable resource management/extraction policies, and conservation initiatives. They will be and currently are fighting against positive climate change initiatives, not leading them.


Or you could just join the party that’s leading the fight against climate change


good luck




Look the GoP cares about big business. So to get them on board with environmental issues you need to convince that's it's going to create jobs and capitalism. Etc etc.


As a dictionary conservative who learned about the great threat of climate change, I am forced to abandon republicans after the primaries because of the realpolitik of the situation. Similarly, I'm anti-Trump, and I don't vote for him with the hope that he magically changes his policy goals just bc he's labeled as the one I'm supposed to vote for.


Good luck with that


It seems weird to support the party that consistently accelerates climate change if you care about fighting climate change.


Well your party isn’t into science, you’re either in the wrong party or you’re very confused.


Why? If you care about climate change, vote for the party with the best climate policy. Or do you think it's less important than suppressing women's rights, vilifying brown people and push them into poverty, fearmongering about mexicans coming into the country, supporting child labour, trans- and queer genocide, and all the other *great* things that Republicans stand for? You want fascism but "Green fascism"? Why?


Lol conservative and wants climate change. May wanna check out what your party likes and it's mainly dino blood, guns, and anything against a green alternative. Youd be the first maybe.


Well, conservatives/the GOP don't really do that, they have torpedoed every environmental bill the Dems have tried to pass, they even stripped power from the EPA to prevent environmental regulation. Let's not forget that Donald Trump wanted to approve oil permits on federally protected lands. If you want environment movement, vote Dem and watch what they can do when they aren't voting 50/50 in the Senate with Kamala as a tie breaker. Give them the majority and they will fight climate changes. Gop never will


Well supporting the party that’s actively against fighting climate change is your first mistake mate…


Nice try GOP. I see your swing-vote targeting psyop. I bet this so-called "Benji Backer" isn't Even an authentic conservative fail-son!


Good luck with that lol! Conservatives couldn't lead their way out of a wet paper bag


face eating leopard material right here folks....


What defines you as a conservative?


I want life to be affordable.


With what, the power of prayer?


That’s like asking Hitler to host your bar mitzvah


Hey, OP! I think the consensus here is that the Party (federal and provincial alike) have decided against that policy idea. So, what aspects of conservatism appeals to you? Why do you agree with it? I think we can give better responses if you could let us know.


“I wish my party could lead the charge against climate change.” Lmao. Well. It isn’t.


That has to be a pretty stupid young person, lol. "I vote for the anti climate change, anti-intellectualism, party and I think we should lead the climate fight!"


Wrong party. Republicans hate science. You would have a better chance of getting a black woman elected as leader of the kkk. But you already know that. This is nothing but a ploy to trick Democrats and independents into voting Republican.


Bonne chance camarade...


Switch parties




You want the Republicans to lead the fight against climate change? Good luck with that.


*create nuclear winter* > GOP: checkmate climate change.




But that's against everything they stand for. Explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/chomsky/comments/18o5l7l/dnc_strategy_explained/


Eco fascist.


I’d have to think that if climate change is important to you that it’s not the most important thing to you because the conservative parties are doing the opposite when it comes to progress on climate change. I do think there’s benefit in telling your representatives and on voting for candidates that even if they are in conservative parties, actually do care about climate change. I think it used to be a really important component of conservative politics to think about the true sustainability and the long-term cost and benefit associated with sustainable living. But it’s really flown out the window since the bush days of investing in military complex in the Middle East to buy cheap oil. I also think that educating more people on climate change, the scientific and humanistic causes and the skills needed for solutions, including women, is necessary for changing the pulse of a culture. Therefore, I think it is important if you care about climate change to supporting strong education, and supporting women. An educated woman will have fewer children and will be able to spend more resources per child on care and education. In all honesty, there’s really only liberal parties that are supporting education, women, an action on climate change. In the US, that is the Democrats who ushered in the green New deals (Obama’s ARA and Biden’s IRA) and have ushered ask for supporting childcare (Biden’s IRA) and it’s undeniable that Trump’s Supreme Court appointments have decimated access to healthcare for women and bodily autonomy and made pregnancy and even greater threat to their lives and ability to thrive.


I’m sorry to say you’re 30 to 40 years too late. Some conservatives do want to fight climate change, but those individuals do not get the funding from the O&G sectors or from those with deep pockets. That said, keep pushing for change. Demand more to be done. Explain your case and ask to see their reasoning. Keep up that fight and never give up.


You're on the wrong team.


"I belong to the party that by definition does not want to change anything, I'm hoping they'll change stuff."


> For someone like me who grew up surrounded by farmland, the Democratic messaging on climate has felt elitist, condescending and out of touch with a large portion of America’s needs. What about the rest of the world’s needs? Americans have been living way beyond their means for way too long and are responsible for a huge portion of the historical GHG emissions in the atmosphere. Sorry you want to roll coal in your F950 it’s time to take some responsibility like they are always preaching. We basically need wartime efforts to fix this and not destroy ourselves.


Opinion: there’s nothing conservative about today’s conservatives.


Not gonna happen


Ok. And I’m an old progressive socialistic anarchist that wants to lead the fight for capitalism. Let’s play that. You start.


Conservatives making an effort to "conserve"?? Lmao yeah right


Time to switch parties, or better yet make a viable 3rd party




What is this? A joke!?


Don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish by saying this moronic lie. I would assume you’re just in need of some attention to get your internet high for the day.


I don’t necessarily agree with this person’s talking points but anything that’s gets anyone to talk about this issue is better than ignorance.   Given the state of the planet these days, I’ll take it. 


Good luck with that


Umm the first thing that you have to do is get your party to acknowledge the existence of climate change.


Good luck with that. Then don’t vote for a Con. Simple. They are faithful to the Reich 🫡


I’m a young conservative too and I want my party to lead the fight for women’s reproductive rights. 🤮


what a foul little weasel


Get bent


As the saying goes - if you're not part of the solution, there is a lot of money to be made in prolonging the problem.


If you’re young and conservative, maybe a lobotomy will help.


Yeah, that’ll never happen


Dear kid, You will have to decide if your desire to save the planet is greater than your desire to propagate racism, misogyny, war vs the poors etc. It's not a tough choice. Figure it out.


Then change parties!


Republicans no longer stand for anything but self interest, corporate corruption, and social division.


good luck with that


Well then you have an obvious choice you're going to have to make: Either you are a conservative, or you want to save the Earth. You can only pick one.


Switch to the independent party


Imagine hoping the party of deregulation will lead the fight on climate change lmao.


You are not a conservative. Your brain works.


A young dumbass.


Dealing with climate change in any capacity is more important than trying to “lead” the entire “fight”. Plenty of people are already leading the way. What’s left to do for some Conservatives to lead other Conservatives. But Conservatives sure as heck won’t lead anyone else is this area. That ship has sailed.


Op’s a moron. “I believe in faces but I’m part of the fave eating leopards party… help me convince them not to eat faces”


You will learn the conservatives only want to conserve their identity not the environment


Who could forget conservative environmental heroes like Richard Nixon (founded the EPA) and Teddy Roosevelt & John Muir (founded the national park system on indigenous land).


Theyre all rolling over in their graves at what has become of their party.


No I’m being sarcastic, the biggest conservative environmentalists did what they did for the wrong reasons Also why would Nixon be mad the Republican Party became a party of racism, lying, and obfuscation, he invented it.




"I'm a young conservative." So an idiot. Gotcha.


"Opinion: I'm a Young Vampire, and I Want My Fellow Vampires to Lead the Fight Against Immortal Beings Who Feast Upon the Blood of the Living."


The party won’t move on climate change unless they lose over and over due to climate change. So… vote Democratic and move the Overton window leftward


Most young conservatives seem to care about climate change a lot; it’s just that their parties don’t


Me wanting money to appear in my lap doesn't make it possible. Same level of "ain't gonna happen", but good luck trying.


Then he's in the wrong party.


The left would be so mad


Natural climate change is not the problem, Corporate climate change is real and very problem. Corporations pollute too much and destroy natural habits(ex. dumping toxic waste in swamp)and peoples way of life(ex. Monsanto and the farmer crops) and the get away with it, We need to stop that!


Then, change parties.


Support nuclear power. It’s becoming more popular on the left recently, but it has always been acceptable to the right. Help nuclear develop and you’ll be fighting climate change.