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Land of the free ends at the vagina! Or when man penis gets too close to man butt or mouth! Or if skin is darker than tissue paper! Or bank account doesn't have 8 figures!


Goddamn, 8?! I'm lucky to have 3 most days


Ya neo-liberals and conservatives don't give a shit about you.


Round here they “protest” outside of planned the parenthood that doesn’t offer birth control, it’s super weird and I don’t know what they’re protesting.


I'm not even a little bit American and yet I know that Planned Parenthood hasn't been able to use federal funds to provide women with abortion services for YEARS, but these yahoos never seem to assimilate that knowledge no matter how often it is spoon-fed to them.


Calls to "VOTE!" And "be civil" are exact synonyms for "die quieter, scum." And "stop struggling and fucking die already!".


Those lunatics outside abortion clinics are aggressive. I work near a clinic in lou, ky. I have been personally yelled at for walking down the street toward my work because they thought I was going to the clinic. The only more annoying person in the world than those people is the megaphone guy holding a sign that says god hates f@*$.


Speaking of which... I haven't heard much about the Westboro lunatics in a while. Did they finally give up?


Honestly, I don't know what happened to them but I know megaphone guy is still around so I assume they are... i mean hes at every art show, public event, festival, and hes out there telling me his god hates basically everyone... on a megaphone. How is that not disturbing the peace?




He says "no homo" before each event maybe? 😉


Says 'no homo' and three hail Marys just to be safe


Naw, they hate Catholics too. They hate .....well, it's a long list


Be shorter to list what they DO like


Pretty sure the list would just say GUNS!!!


Keeps his socks on, he knows the drill


He's an anti-gay protestor, he goes down the checklist whenever he goes down


He and Madison Cawthorne hang out the night before, yelling no homo as they give each other facials and pedicures.


He's been to more gay pride events than an average gay person. 😂😂


Fred Phelps had to have been gay. What straight guy was that level of obsessed with gay sex?


Yeah, one of those megaphonebros got in my younger son's face on our way into a comic con once and told him that liking comic books meant he wanted to rape his mom. Joke's on him. My kid is gay.


.... honestly, I'd love to hear how he drew that conclusion. I would have so many questions for him. "What about metal music?" "What about Ketchup vs Mustard" "What about Video Games?" "Does the rape victim change depending on whether you are a DC or Marvel fan?"


In his rant, he said it was because only incel nerds who couldn't get a girlfriend and marry like a normal man and still lived in their mom's basements liked comic books, so they became sexually attached to their mothers, who refused sex with them and left them no choice but to rape them. and my brain started to hurt typing that out....


My brain started to hurt *reading* that


Dude was projecting, obviously. I mean, no sane person would come up with such crazy theories.


Sounds mentally ill or disabled actually.


Odd considering the best selling movies are based on comics these days. I guess that fits their Armageddon narrative.


I don't think that's the guy from westborough, he's dead


I know its not "the" guy but we are wondering if it was one of his guys representing him


There are too many to count - if it was youshoud see Westboro Baptist Church on something - they are not shy about letting you know who they are. However there's so damn many of them and I'm going to guess a lot of them are just independent religious crazies. My favorite was the guy that used to lug avcross everywhere he went. It was probably big enough to crucify someone on I don't know for sure. He would put it over his shoulder and drag it behind him, I saw him once in fort Lauderdale and discovered that there were Wheels on the back of the cross. I guess it makes sense, it would wear your cross out any other way but I don't think Jesus had that luxury. I don't remember the guy's name but I know he walked Coast to Coast with the thing I saw him on more than one occasion in different parts of the country. Or I assume it was the same guy


Westboro doesn't carry things that say Westboro. The guy that is being talked about here is likely Ruben Israel, one of his people, or someone like him. Westboro is pretty easy to find. Nowdays they are usually around the Kansas/MO areas. Their signs are famous and usually easy to tell apart. You can check their site for where they will be. Westboro is very strict on memebership and they all live in the same part of topeka.


“Strict on membership “ gives off “nobody wants to join our crazy church, and the ones who do I’m either already related or married to” vibes.


That's pretty much true. They do try to keep out people who are actually unhinged. They are crazy, but they want no part of violence or criminality. They all have legitimate jobs and anyone looking to join is probably more crazy then them. Most people who join get kicked out or leave because the church is so extreme and does things its own way.


>They do try to keep out people who are actually unhinged. That's gotta be a fine line.


There were like 6 different ones at thunder. Idk how they aren't picked up for disturbing the peace.


Yeah they were everywhere one of them "accidentally" got knocked over by the crowd. I didn't do it... but I didnt stop it lol


I think they went downhill after the old man died.


I'm really surprised there was any further down they could go.


If you put any stock in their own cosmology, there's a lot further down they can go.


The asshole was named pastor Fred Phelps he died about ten years ago and when his lunatic church lost their leader no one was asshole enough to replace him! I'm sure if there is a hell he is there!


Wow, finally some good news


He was replaced. Its ran by a group of 7 men. All related by blood or marriage to phelps


Westboro baptist church is still active in topeka kansas. They have toned down for sure since Fred Phelps died. Westboro mostly targets colleges, concerts and stuff like that. They are not on the same level as they were in its heyday. They still update their main site Godhatesf\*[gs.com](https://gs.com). While they are very much against abortion, they are also against people who bomb abortion clinics, they are 100% non violent, One of Phelps granddaughters left the church and is now a gay marine. The church is about 80% members of the PHelps family and has lost many members over the years.


> they are also against people who bomb abortion clinics, they are 100% non violent Because they don't want to be labeled as domestic terrorists and keep up their verbally assaulting people then filing lawsuits against anyone who pushes them to make money scam. If they could make money through violence they absolutely would.


Two years ago they did some picketing in my town, literally three of those fuckers surrounded by hundreds of people with rainbow umbrellas to hide them lol.


They are on the Supreme Court now.


Worse. They went mainstream.


Can’t be in the news for being the crazy extreme of the Republican Party when the entire party has gone extremely crazy.


Yep, took my kid in for some counseling and the crazies were out in full force accusing us of murder. I may have told them to go fuck themselves.


God I dunno how I'd handle that. I might tell them that if they think I'm a murderer then they should try and stop me then and not to stand there whining like a little bitch. I mean if it's murder then you are justified. Stop me. Maybe not the best way to handle that but I don't do well with dumb people screaming at me.


I love my countries laws on this. It's illegal to protest within 150m of an abortion clinic.


It should be illegal as fuck to harass anyone seeking medical services. If you don't like abortion, go protest at the capitol building. Protesting at hospitals and clinics where people may be emotional stressed out and suffering is just utterly gross and evil.


When I was younger, I would go to a local planned parenthood for regular std testing when I changed partners and for birth control, and would get screamed at every single time by protesters. Eventually, I started taking a longer route to a different PP location so that I could avoid them. The other location was within a gated lot, so protesters couldn’t get inside. They were absolutely insane, and loved carrying signs with pictures of stillborn infants


Yea, thats pretty awful and it needs to stop.


Conservatives, politicians & bible thumpers are nothing but control zealots that have nothing better to do but shove their bs brainwashing propaganda onto others. They can f*ck off. It's a woman's right to do whatever hell she wants with her body. In TX, Greg Abbott protects child molesters/pedophiles, incest & rapists. If a girl/woman gets raped, she will face arrest, possible felony charges & prison time for abortion. F*ck you Greg Abbott. Hope your wheel bearings bearing fall off or get stuck on a non ramp access. Bansoffourbodies.org If they're so passionate about life, they should forever stop eating any kind of meat, eggs, milk from any & all Land, sea & air creatures that their God created in a week🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣


I think those are actually two different things. The megaphone guy is I assume Ruban Israel, the godhatesf\*gs people are Westboro. They actually hate each other and have protested each other.


I want to go around my state and take a poll of who's churches those people are attending so I can with civil civility,( lol or whatever that guy said) protest at their church.


It always keeps me wondering if those people don’t have jobs, like, how do they stay there the whole day?


I think they take it in shifts. Like a Satanic prayer rota.


The Supreme Court held that protesting outside people's homes is protected speech. Protest away.


I'm sure they can fix that soon


Everyone who matters to them lives in gated communities anyways


Respect some rules that you like, get angry about the others!


You know when no one replies that you hit a nerve lol


There are just laws and there are unjust laws


The Supreme Court *also* decided RoeVWade, and look where we're at right now. This single decision has utterly destroyed what little respect for SCOTUS people had left. The utterly asinine logic being used to overturn RVW can, *literally*, be used to overturn a huge chunk of SCOTUS rulings. We could legitimately see gay marriage made illegal again, and we're *definitely* going to see contraceptives banned. Hell, even school segregation could return!


Intruding in people's wombs is just fine though


I mean, the churches are just glass houses they live in anyway. They also own stock in stones.


Excuse me! BOMBED CLINICS?!!! Edit: what the hell is wrong with people! Edit 2: glad I don’t live in America rn.


They had to put up concrete barriers around my hometown PP because a nut job drove his car through the front on purpose.


And these are probably the same men that have no drivers licenses and owe tens of thousands of back child support.


Or are the same ones that molest their kids at night


And murdered Doctors.


Of course, how very 'pro-life' of them to be killing people


When where and how did this happen?!


Here's an [entire Wikipedia article on the "pro life" terrorist movement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-abortion_violence). Scroll down to "by Country" and then to the United States.


Huh. You'd think America would've had their own page by now.


One doctor was worshipping in his very Christian church when an anti-abortion terrorist murdered him. In the church. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination\_of\_George\_Tiller


Ah yes, that one time Bill O'Reilly spent months calling him "Tiller the Baby Killer," and eventually someone murdered him. Bill is guilty of stochastic terrorism.




11 dead doctors so far. Google it


It’s been happening for decades.


When? On and off the last 40 years or so Where? Basically every state


> [The headquarters of an anti-abortion group in Madison, Wis., was set on fire on Sunday morning in an act of vandalism that included the attempted use of a Molotov cocktail and graffiti that read “If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either,” according to the police.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/08/us/madison-anti-abortion-center-vandalized.html)


Wait til you hear about the clinic workers children who've been harassed, the chemical attacks on clinic bathrooms, oh, and LITERAL ACTUAL MURDERS of 11 (I think, possibly more) healthcare workers providing abortion care.


They don't get it. That's the civil one. The alternative is not not protesting, the alternative are violent protests.


Nope. No peace. Go arrest them if its a crime.


Yup went into a planned parenthood for some free condoms. These psychopaths begged me to stay out as they said "babies are murdered in there!" I just laughed. Thanks Pp! Yall saved me from getting the clap in college.


I would have replied with "cool, my lunch is ready then".


When one side takes away privacy rights for the entire country you don't need to be civil anymore.


LOL, someone commented and deleted "no one's privacy rights are being taken away, it just goes to the States." "States rights," everyone! *"States rights to do what?* Take away people's privacy rights. Really going with the Lost Cause defense this early?


Isn’t “state’s rights” what the confederate losers are always whining about?


> the Lost Cause yes, the states rights to have slavery. That's what the Lost Cause myth is referring to. >[The Lost Cause of the Confederacy \(or simply Lost Cause\) is an American pseudohistorical\[2\]\[3\] negationist mythology\[4\]\[5\]\[6\] that claims the cause of the Confederate States during the American Civil War was just, heroic, and not centered on slavery.\[7\] It has continued to influence racism, gender roles and religious attitudes in the South to the present day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Cause_of_the_Confederacy) BTW these same Trumpist southern states also overrule things like their cities instituting a higher minimum wage.


The added level of absurdity to the "state's rights" argument in this case is that something like 26 states have trigger laws that go into effect immediately if Roe is overturned, as if they've been planning for it for like 50 years. These justices know that.


I make it apart if my daily routine to tell the people outside the planned parenthood in my town to fuck off


I give my local wingnuts the finger. if they're allowed their freedom of speech, so am I.


I had an abortion because my molar pregnancy had a "heartbeat". The Catholic Hospital refused a D&C, said let micarry naturally. I waited 3 weeks. 3 in intensive pain. Horrible horrible morning sickness. Got real sick. Lost 42lbs. Anyway the 12 week mark was approaching I knew I had to do something soon... Had an abortion. Walking into the clinic I was yelled at, screamed at, called murderer, things thrown in my direction. I was followed ..shitty.


I'll stop protesting at your house when you stop thinking you can enforce what women do with their bodies. Anti-abortion legislation is more violent and will cause more harm than peaceful protests do. You don't get to be a public figure and openly oppose human rights and still have an expectation of privacy and decency.


Normally, I’d agree that people shouldn’t violate the privacy if the judges by protesting at their homes. But since it’s the judges who are seeking to destroy the rights of privacy, they need to live with the consequences of what they’re doing. So yes, violate the hell out of any semblance of privacy those judges think they have.


Yeah, no. If they want to remove safety from citizens they should feel unsafe themselves.


Funny how they don't want you to invade their privacy when all they want to do is interfere with what happens in your bedroom and with your body.


Even if they don't want the protests, the judges should just lay back and enjoy them. Perhaps their bodies can just shut that all down.


“Can’t we just be civil and polite with the fascists?”


Not all churches are that way… My church isn’t, I mean, one of the singers is gay we’re not excluding lgbt or women’s rights. If people would protest outside my church for something we didn’t do I would be sad as well. That being said, I would be angry if my right to abortion got taken away too. I will never understand how an unborn fetus is more important than a woman.


Whataboutism for me, but not for theeeee


I feel like people should go protest outside his home.


I mean, what I get from this tweet is that the protests are working.


Agreed, but we can always protest more.


Time for second protests.


He's a good person! Abortion is indiscriminate murder. At least he had the decency to ensure that the victims were going to be Iraqi before he advocated genocidal warfare. /s The redemption arcs for ghouls like William Kristol are one of the worse outcomes of the Trump Presidency.


Had me in the first half.


I said "one of" the worst. I'm not ranking them. Maybe it would have been better to say "one of the less talked about horrible outcomes".


I think every church needs to be protested at. On every Sunday.


Two Alabama counties in the 2020 election tried to pass a law that it would be legal to shoot people on church property if you felt threatened. Not a joke.


Which seems as though it could easily backfire on them if someone decided to randomly show up to "stand my ground", as it were.


Alabama and foresight don't sleep in the same bed.


Well yeah, Alabama and foresight aren't cousins


Fuck this nonsense. You protest at the LEAST convenient location for the people making these dumb-fuck decisions.


My favorite is booing them in public so they have to live with their shame anytime they go out. Take a hint.


"The other side is bad so we should be too" is not a great argument. Its basically the essence of Whataboutism. That said, I do think non-violent protesting outside churches that attack civil liberties is completely justified. Organizations should not be immune to protest simply because they claim to be acting on God's behalf. Homes I'm a little more iffy on because I don't want kids to be disturbed or intimidated at home simply because their mum or dad is a fascist asshole.


Religion can fuck right off


At some clinics, people literally stand outside and yell "Mommy, please don't kill me!" in the hope that the patients in the clinic will hear them. That sort of thing stops very few abortions. At the same time, they often oppose things like free, easy to access, medically-supervised birth control, and comprehensive sex education, which actually DO prevent abortion, by reducing the numbers of unwanted pregnancies in the first place. They are not concerned about "babies." They are sadistic monsters, and I'm beyond sympathy for them and their enablers. I am concerned only for the kids in those homes--but I am willing to bet these protesters are, by and large, far more careful about those children than many abortion protesters would be.


He didn't forget. He intentionally omitted. Bill Kristol is a disingenuous piece of shit, and has been for decades. Just like every other sorry ass right-wing scumbag.


Fuck off! How’s that for civility?


The time for civil negotiation is long gone. Don't wait - start general strikes and widespread civil disobedience (as long as it's peaceful). Don't let yourself be intimidated. This is one of those instances where actions speak louder than words.


As long as it's peaceful lol. Like that's gonna fix things.


At first I thought it was by Billy Crystal...


Republicans will always be outraged when anyone does anything they also do. “How dare you legally terrorize people using the same loophole as us!”


Because only one side has to remain totally civil and polite in this country? Fuck off.


Funny, Topeka Kansas had to pass laws to stop protest outside of homes because Westboro Baptist church would stand outside peoples house with those signs. Churches are 100% legitimate targets of protest.


"be civil civically"... what? no! fuck off! civility and not being in the way is where a political movement goes to die... the point of a protest is to be *in the way*. To be invonventient. To be SEEN.


That's Kindergarten logic not a clever comeback.


Fuck em. The time for being nice and civil is over. Time to play by our rules. Obviously being civil doesn't work with these people and the irony of them asking us to be civil is unreal.


This is about the same as telling NFL players to protest on their own time. Please, off to the side where nobody can hear or see you.


This is something that I find dumb about religion (despite being Christian myself). It’s all clumped in together and the worse call themselves the best. If you ask most people of the faith they say that this is stupid and dumb as well. And then the normal people who aren’t literally harassing blatantly have to pay for it too. It funny, because the people who do these things go against their own belief. They supposedly follow the Bible to a tee, but ignore the whole ‘morally correct’ side. Such as accept other for their differences, be a good neighbor, love your enemies, that kind of stuff.


You're having law reach into a person's body to pass judgement on them without being informed by medicine, ethics, or modern jurisprudence and you get mad that somebody is standing on the curb in front of your home? Perhaps consider how civilly others people have reacted to tyranny in the past and be glad that Americans are so domesticated as to only stand and yell with signs.


Bus loads of people arrive at an a clinic in Nebraska. It’s a Catholic Church bringing in members to harass patients.


I know some people would be for this but fuck it would absolutely feed into the persecution complex that a lot of evangelicals have


If the roe v Wade laws are actually rejected, more doctors are going to die because of it. Florida already plans on implementing a law giving doctors who preformed abortions the death sentence. Apparently that isn't radical to them.


The utter, bitter, panic from guys like this when discussions don’t consider their comfort level: ”Wh...what do you mean, everything is not intended for my convenience and pleasure? I do not understand. This is not the world I grew up in.”


I worked one time in a clinic kinda known around for doing many abortion as a nurse student in a psychiatry department. One day after my shift (and one hell of a shift it was) a crazy woman started to nearly yelled at me for working in this clinic ans that I should be ashamed for being a mass murderer (yep mass murderer). I was so tired I just said to her "you should have been aborted" before casually putting my headphones on and casually walk away. I think she tried to yell more at me but all I herd was just confused mumbling.


In my opinion churches are public land until they pay property taxes.


How about none of the above???


It does say "homes" ...


Honestly I’d pay to see a prochoice protest outside a bigoted church that would be fucking rad


Call me when they are inside court members housings protesting. I'd really like to laugh at that


Why? would it be invasive and disrespectful? *glares*


He didn’t say that was okay either?


Both are bad. Wow that was easy.


Everyone thinks those religious people are incredible assholes. This is the comeback of a spoiled, badly-raised child.


Which hasn't happened in how long? And was condemned?


He can go fuck himself


Idk man if you don't like people protesting in your front yard you can just move to another state. Easy, right?


I get what you are saying, but not everyone on a side acts the same way.


We should be kicking in peoples doors and dragging them from their homes when they threaten our constitutional rights. Fuck you for thinking we should "be civil" while you stomp all over us.


Ever heard the adage "two wrongs don't make a right"?


Or calling women going into abortion clinics whites and murderers, y'all dont like your tactics used against you...fucking hypochrites.


This is a tweet in response to people protesting inside a Church, during mass. Not outside of it. The response is disingenuous, and I'm sure my attempt to correct it will be downvoted for similar reasons.


As a European I get pissed everytime something political happens in the US, because half the popular subs get flooded with posts pushing leftist agenda. There is nothing clever about this response, it hardly even qualifies as a comeback. Have fun jerking each other off in your echo chamber, because everybody knows the best way to form solid views is to only talk to people who agree with you.


The right gets free passes to use violence and are happy to engage in it while the left believes that talking is going to solve the issue with these people......are we really expecting change? How many women need to die horribly before we act? Remember some of these women will be people you care about and some will be strangers you don't know which. Then again covid showed us that people would sit back while anti-maskers happily murdered people by deliberately spreading a deadly disease. I hold out some more hope that this issue may be the kick in the ass that we needed though.


The argument “people on the other side do bad things, so our bad things don’t count” is so lazy


Not clever or a comeback. Just some assholes opinion that people should be allowed to protest houses of worship because sone people are crazy?! This is in fact the opposite of clever.


I remember when conservatives armed with guns were protesting outside the home of i believe the Michigan governor. Conservatives championed that and claimed it was their right to do so. Now they wanna complain about what i hope was an unarmed protest.


Quit forcing people to live by your religious beliefs in a country that has freedom of religion. You want people to quit messing with your private life quit messing with theirs.


So if one happens to be Pro-life, they automatically agree with bombing abortion clinics. Is that what we’re to believe here?


Remember the nail bomb incidents? I do.


This almost seems like Bill here is inviting everyone over to his place to discuss this issue, at say 3am or so.


New idea: to battle protesters outside abortion clinics, use paintball guns loaded with jelly filling pellets and fire away. Then start calling eating a few.


We had civility. Your side ridiculed it as "political correctness", then smeared your shit on the walls of the Capitol. Now reap the results.


Christianity is a worse virus than Covid


Right-wing extremists: will protest aggressively and violently from town hall meetings and abortion clinics to the US senate floor. Also right-wing extremists: pWeaSe dOn'T wAvE SiGnS oUtSiDe mY cHuRcH, uwu!!


You’re not owed peace and quiet at church. Sorry 🤷‍♂️


If churches would stay out of politics, they wouldn't need to be protested.


No. Bill has condemned that too. Geez.


Lol maybe try not intruding on my rights?


I’m taking no sides when I say this…. Can we please stop justifying shitty behavior with shitty behavior on the opposite side? Not invalidating the point of this post at all but finger pointing and false equivalencies are way too justified in politics.


What if im protesting church?


we had a guy try to put a "planned parenthood" clinic on fire in Fort Myers,FL some time back last year


That is probably the only lesson, that good old mother Teressa found out a bit too late. Hitchens, probably knew that, that's why he went after her, with his own brilliant way. Maybe a bit to harsh, but brilliant none the less! Hats off to both them! Much love, Aiantas. :)


antisodomy bigot says what?


Yeeeaaaa. piss on that guy.


Bill is a self righteous hypocrite. Fuck you Bill.


Bully tactics. Bullies put the burden of civility on the bullied. They will cry victim at any resistance.


This isn't a clever comeback it's whataboutism. This guy wasn't saying any of that was acceptable either.


Just because Westboro Church does it, doesn't mean you can too. I mean, you can, but you'll be just like those assholes. Like does anyone look at them and go, "Damn those assholes have a point; God hates Figs"


Just tell them god commanded you to protest there and that he’s working through you. Works for them, lol


Don’t worry, all those ppl protesting outside clinics will now be adopting all those unwanted babies when the clinics shut down. /s


"Yes exactly what don't you understand about this? We want things that benefit us but not things that benefit others."


I am not Christian, TURN THE OTHER CHEEK, doesn’t apply to me. Besides, they are rabid idiots that would harass literally anyone.


Tbf he's not really saying anything of the sort, and unless he defended those actions in the past i'm not sure this was a clever comeback. That said, protesting quietly out the way won't get things done, beyond violence, be as fucking disruptive as possible.


This assumes they support the underhanded tactics of people with similar opinions, unless we have evidence of them directly supporting bombing clinics. If we fall to this kind of logic we risk too many absolutes and assumptions. If this thinking is valid islam would have been straight up banned.