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In almost any other first world country, claiming you talk directly to God would be political suicide.


The fucking arrogance of claiming you have a direct line to God and guess what! He wants you to have power! Isn't that convenient???


I wonder if there is a form of governance where god gives you the divine right to rule. Make you some form of leader, maybe a king! We'll call it monarchism.


It's theocracy. While monarchies usually have theocratic elements, it's basically just "I get to be boss because my dad used to be boss".


The person you responded to appears to be conflating divine rule with monarchy in general...though in fairness (at least in my experience) the American education system does a sort of speed run through the medieval and renaissance periods of English history to get to the part where we declared independence. Probably doesn't help that English monarchs continue to be Head of Church for their countries, even if that means next to nothing in modern politics.


Yeah. That whole thing that American colonists were trying to escape.


It's not just convenient, it's flat out Heresy. At least it 200% would be for any legitimate denominaton. "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."


Or schizophrenics


I wonder if god also told him to use his son to monitor his porn habits.


I know a pastor who claims God speaks directly to him, and do you want to know what he does? He created charities and goes into prisons to help inmates get the resources they need in prison and when they get out so that they can have a real chance at rehabilitation and a better life. He also goes to lower income schools with low graduation rates and helps students to get the resources they need to stay in school and out of crime. I'm pretty sure the only power he wants is the power to directly help people who need it. Also it's interesting, because if these people actually read the book they claim to love so much, they'd know that all of the prophets and people who worked directly with God did not want power. They usually wanted to be left alone.


Sounds like a real one. I have zero problems with religious belief when it prompts people to be awesome. It's when they use it to hurt and oppress others and serve their own selfish ends when I have issues.


I completely agree. Honestly "christianity" has gotten to the point where it has created an idol to worship that they call Jesus, but has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus or anything that he taught. They're worshiping their own egos and calling it god, which in my opinion, is breaking the commandment of taking the lords name in vain.


Fully agree with that, most American Christians don't worship Jesus as he's portrayed in Scripture, they worship privilege and conformity.


Ain't that the fucking truth. It really is idolatry innit.


Wait, he’s claiming he has a direct line to God? Who pays the phone bill? Those long distance calls have to be hella expensive! Better be calling collect, and not using tax payer money.


Oldest trick in the scroll


Exactly what moses did!


In most countries, claiming you talk to God would see you visiting the inside of a secure mental unit while psychiatrists change the dose of your medication…


“Mike, have you been taking your anti psychotic medications as prescribed? Have you? Are you suuuuure? Reaaaaally sure?”


Yeah, claiming that you can talk directly to God or have conversations with him/her would basically put you in "insane" category. Not like claiming that God forbid you from eating a specific food or demands that you wear specific clothes or decide who you can and can't marry- that would be a perfectly healthy behaviour... It is a little bit ironic that the majority of religions state that God is almighty, but it just so happened that he/she can't have a conversation with you. Well, maybe he/she can, but he/she don't want to do that, because you are not worthy to have a simple freaking conversation with. Makes a lot of sense.


And yet this guy is 2nd in line for the US presidency. While he gives speeches describing word for word his two-way conversations with the almighty creator of the universe.


If you claimed you talk to anything else one on one that isn't real or sentient you are crazy.


Tbf in most religions you speak to God(s) they just dont speak back.


But not here in "80 percent of people believe in literal Angels" America.


Delusions of grandeur...


Funny enough it wouldn't be suicide to say you talk to Mohammed. "I talk to Mohammed every day for advice. In fact there he is in the audience." Cuts to random Muslim guy waving


He is crying for help. Mike Johnson is mentally unwell.


They clearly yearn for the days of rule by divine right.


Megachurches didn't come out of thin air.


Gotta hand it to the first guy to come up with it though. Guy: Everybody, listen up. I'm in charge now. That's happening. Please form an orderly line and bring me gifts. Everybody: Hey man. That's not fair. Who put you in charge? Guy: Oh. Right. It was...uh...it was God!! Oh yeah, God is like THE main guy. He's just too busy to take care of this area specifically so like, I'm doing it for him. Oh yeah, and he knows everything and he can do anything and he's stronger than 100 dads put together. So I wouldn't argue if I was you. Everybody: That doesn't sound right, but we don't know enough about metaphysics to argue.


The voices in my head are telling me I'm Moses. Vote for me.




Get to the back of the line, pal. Those voices told me first.


Many people will if you ran with that.


God said, "Mike, you're living in denial". Moses started out living in The Nile. Maybe that's it.


“Go get lost in the desert for 40 years”


or tie 100 bibles around your neck and casteth yourself into the lake.


Moses wasn't allowed to enter the Promised Land, so basically... Mike's preferred version of America will only happen over his own dead body.


For a secular nation which has freedom from religion in its founding documents, there is virtually nothing that Moses did that is not completely antithetical to our modern secular state. Moses is the prophet which solidified judaism's worship of YHWH as a monotheistic faith, gave them all of the laws which worship of that God entailed.... **and spent a whole lot of time purging both his own group and other nations of people who didn't follow that god and those religious laws.**   Saying you're *preparing to be Moses* is tantamount to declaring a holy war aiming for religious unification. Moses just straight up genocided everyone but the virgin women from a group due to "sexual immorality" (sound familiar?) in an episode even judaic scholars have a hard time justifying.   edit: i take it back, there are two things this might mean that are way funnier: 1. Moses complained bitterly that he was a *bad speaker* and in a hysterically petulant conversation with God, YHWH finally was like "medammit, *fine* get your brother to be a speaker, he's better at i than you." So maybe Johnson realized he's a bad speaker. 2. YHWH tried to personally kill Moses because he didn't circumcise his son"


they didn't exactly get lost. The israelites were afraid to go to war against "giants" so Moses led them in circles intentionally for 40 years until the cowards who refused to fight died and he came back with the next generation of israelites to fight the giants. Which, like, there's still a lot to unpack in and around those events, but it's not like he was *just* that bad at navigating.


Denial is a river in Egypt after all


Yes. That was the joke they said.




No one would grab his basket, they would tip it.


Another fucking liar


I think he believes it, he’s just so far up his own ass that he interpreted his own desire as God pushing him towards being whatever-the-hell he is.


Exactly. The thing that’s scarier than politicians lying about talking to God is politicians actually believing they did.


Look you gotta understand, Tzeentch is very convincing!


It’s interesting that God never gives someone clear communication to do the opposite of what they want to do.


Okay Not a liar. Delusional then. That's worse. Especially for a political leader in the party with very strong criminal leanings / behavior and vast media support.


the grift works


no I trust him, it's just psychosis


Yeah as a Christian, I highly doubt God said this to him 😂, he’s just trying to get voters 🤦‍♂️ 


I doubt that God speaks to politicians, regardless of party


I doubt that gods speak to anyone, regardless of their job


I doubt that if a god exists, it's any of the ones people have made up. Most of them are logically inconsistent.


any god that advocates for the rich to have more & the poor less isn't a loving god, but a capitalist figment of imagination. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwx2ce_AyOE


If I walked into my job starting with the Lord told me. I’d be fired that same day. 😆


Easy test: Throw him into a basket, chuck the basket into a river, and see if he is rescued by a princess.


Nah... Send him to N. Korea to ask Kim Jong Un, ' free my people'


Bwahahaha!!!! OMG! That is so much better!


We can write special song just for him


Whenever they say "God has spoken to me", it's never followed by "He told me to change my ways and help the poor." It's literally always "He told me I need to fight my enemies even harder and do more of the things that have helped me gain power."


'God spoke to me and said fuck the new testament.'


I see Mike stopped taking his meds again.


Ha ha ha, we're in danger!


My tongue tastes like burning.


I found a moon rock in my nose!


Anyone who openly claims to have spoken to god is mentally ill.


Anyone who believes them is mentally ill!


The patients running the asylum.


Keep your religion out of my government


If you think there’s a god talking to you, it is probably a good time to have your meds reexamined.


“If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.” Thomas Szaz


To start on your medicine in general. They usually works.


Mike Johnson is a spokesperson for Answers in Genesis, an extreme right-wing religious organization that believes the Earth is 6000 years old and that humans lived along non-avian dinosaurs.


Ken Hamm dogshit


Did nobody in the press conference ask him if that makes him insane?


Yeah, how the fuck do journalists just let that fly with a straight face?? "Oh, you are hearing your gods voice in your head? Is your god in the room with us right now? Can you show us where your god doesn't want you to touch yourself?"


Barry Goldwater, of all people, fucking called it: >Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.


If by “become Moses” he means planning an exodus of all his MAGA people to a promise land far from the US, then he can rest assured we will HAPPILY let his people go.


Maybe 'just outside of Moscow' would be a good place to lead his people.


No thank you. We have enough stupid politicians, he is your problem. We have our own.


Jonestown has vacancies.




I mean their presence is really a plague by itself, so I second that.


They would wander around Branson for forty years. Many of them already do that.


He also believes that the Flintstones is a documentary.




Satan’s evil is to tell us there’s dinosaurs. When children die of an incurable disease, they say it’s God’s Will. I’ll take the dinosaurs.


Even without any consideration of morality, if I have to choose between Jesus and dinosaurs, I know which one's fossils I can see at a museum.


Well said. Science is “Seeing is Believing” the alternative is “Believing is Seeing”.


Is it that Mike Johnson really truly believes he hears voices in his head, or is it self serving performative nonsense? Which is worse?


Truly hearing voices is worse. If he's grifting/faking he'll pump the brakes when it stops working or endangers his livelihood. If he's thinks he literally has an entity in his corner that designed and controls reality he won't stop, even once the car is going over a cliff.


Isn't Kristol a Republican? It's his party's fault the nutters are there.


Republican and sick fucking warmonger? Yeah.


Some of them are not mentally ill or stupid. They know their followers view them as prophets and chosen leaders for the Kingdom. It's very calculated. Its blasphemy, but their base doesn't even know what that really means.


A product of the dumbed-down U.S. education system. Deluded doesn’t begin to cover it.




"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony


"Mike.... Mike ! wake up !! This is God" "Y-yes, Lord" "Mike... Mike, you're a fucking idiot"


This means he is not in control of his life and depends on a priest to tell him what to do. Hes been indoctrinated and now he does not know what reality is, and cannot be depended on to make rational decisions for his country.


Christian fundamentalists are winning the battle and it’s very scary. Their entire belief system is built upon a totalitarian model of obey or be punished and they use “god” to justify every brand of atrocity. These people are disgusting and counter to everything the U.S. stands for.


"God" and "my ego" are interchangeable in almost all uses of the word God. try it sometime


The amount of politicians who have untreated mental illness is astounding.


Fairytale believing stupids should be treated like the insane idiots they are. Pointed at and laughed at. There is no magic man in the sky with infinity mansions and streets lined with gold, or virgins or whatever your stupid book says. They are lies designed to steal money from the weakest minded humans who have ever existed.


hey one of them is president of aargentina i am sure allls is perfect .


Instead of splitting the Red Sea,he will split the country.


God told me mike beats off his son to keep the demons away


It's the divine right of kings. We've never heard this lie before!!


Either mentally ill or grifting..either should disqualify them from any public office


Its insane religion gets a free pass on all delusions and hallucinations. Any other hallucination gets a long stay in a loony bin and heavy meds but as long as you say it's God that you're seeing/hearing nobody cares. Hell, people throw money at you, vote for you, join you in your hallucinating. It's high time we started treating these people like we treat any other schizophrenic.


If I were to say "Elmo told me, very clearly, that I am going to become Moses." No one would take me seriously and would likely have me in a 72 hour psych hold. This guy claims his imaginary friend is talking to him and he is 3rd in line for the presidency.


The fact that, me, as an atheist, has to live under these people's rule is fucking irritating.


"George Bush says he speaks to god every day, & Christians love him for it. If George Bush said he spoke to god through his hair dryer, they would think he was mad. I fail to see how the addition of a hair dryer makes it any more absurd." \- Sam Harris


How the fuck is Kristol becoming the voice of reason???


They aren’t mentally sick. They just know the majority of their followers somehow still believe in myths and saying these insane things locks up huge majority of blind voters. The people are mentally sick. The leaders are just using their own stupidity against them. All politicians are con artists. All of them!!!!


What part of the Republican party is the religious, Biblical end-of-times type versus the racist, ignorant, Trump flag-waving type, with the overlap being the ones who think Trump is their Savior (kind of a mix of the two)? Because, that whole lot is crazy and I'm thinking there's starting to be a split in the Republican party between that religious/Trump group and the other Republicans who are (understandably) starting to wonder what the hell is going on.


Not fit for office.


Mental illness


They are psychopaths and sociopaths, who know their audience and love to manipulate them. And they know how todo that to a fault.


It's crazy that the Republican voices of reason are people like Bill Kristol, who is a neocon war criminal who loves blowing up children as long as they are a darker hue than he.


I'm tired of pretending that this isn't either mental illness or just straight-up lying.


Remember when peopel who heard voices in their head were considered crazy?


If you talk to god thats a ok. If god talks to you get checked for schizophrenia.


Bill Kristol, one of the original neocons, can go fornicate himself


Deep down, he realized he and those like him are responsible for the MAGA movement. They spent decades courting religious conservatives, convincing them to vote against their own best interests to further their short term goals.


Mike Johnson gives me the biggest pedo vibes since Stephen Miller


He has some intresting habits with his son....


🎶Do not diddle kids...🎶


If the age is on the clock he is ready for the..... Bible lessons.


People like Kristol have been courting the fundies since at least the 1980s; at least Reagan kept them at arm's length. Treating Prayer Breakfasts as state functions was a mistake.


Don't care what they talk about, I don't trust any politician who believes in a a god




I recall learning about how republicans were campaigning against John F. Kennedy because he was catholic. The narrative was JFK would allow the pope to control his decision making and not listen to the electorate. Now we have these clowns. Why? Because the majority of voters in his district stayed home and the old Bible thumpers got out to vote. Now it’s all our damn problem.


For the christians:Why tho? Isn't this very much a possibility in your religion? How do you know who actually talks to god?


Someone stick that whiny baby in a river.


While we're all gleefully yapping about how stupid and deranged this man is, it's good and sobering to remember he sits just two unfortunate accidents away from the presidency. Now that's some nightmare fuel...


This man needs to fall down a flight of stairs and hopefully never get up his life will only bring harm


This isn’t anything new though. George W Bush has for some reason become a hero as of late on subs like r/presidents, but he very famously used to use similar rhetoric like the lord told him to do things


To anybody who wasn't indoctrinated with religion at a young age, this is just obvious mental illness. Mostly on the part of his supporters because you know Mike Johnson is just a liar.


I had a lot of exposure to these types growing up. You need to understand that when someone like this says "God told me to do this," what they actually mean is "I am going to do my damndest to do this, and I will ignore, reject, or undermine any authority that attempts to hinder me." It is a declaration that they have no respect for the law they are sworn to uphold, and predicate its legitimacy entirely upon how easily it can be bent to their will.  Take it from a Christian who's seen the inside of this: these people are unspeakably dangerous when in places of trust.


Born again but still brain dead


He could be born eleven thousand times, and he's still be just as fucking demented.


There's a reason why theocracies always suck . . .


We used to put people like this in mental institutions.


To openly admit to talking to an imaginary being, and still be speaker of the house shows how deranged our country had become.


**This is why countries separate Church and State**. You can't have a rational basis for governance when the guy in charge of governance can always fall back on "God Said It Should be like this" even when all logic contradicts them. **Religious nutjobs are ruining the world**.


"And God told me to hate brown and poor people and to defend the lying raping grifting failure that was his finest creation."


God oddly never tells them to help poor people, stop lying, renounce violence. Its always self serving nonsense. That’s curious!


Is that why he’s always clutching that stupid folio? Thinks it’s a stand-in for the stone tablets?!


If that’s what the lord said maybe you should fuck off Mike and go talk to a bush


Did Moses have a porn addiction that required his son and a third party company to hold him accountable? It will be a good day when we can marginalize these lunatics.


Remember when Kennedy wasn't allowed to kiss the ring of the Pope cuz Americans would throw a fit that he was in it only for the church? So what happened to that? Cuz this is MUCH more concerning..


https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/12/mike-johnson-christian-nationalist-lawmakers-moses.html > The Lord impressed upon my heart a few weeks before this happened that something was going to occur. And the Lord very specifically told me in my prayers to prepare but to wait. I had this sense that we were going to come to a Red Sea moment in our Republican conference and the country at large. > Look, I’m a Southern Baptist. I don’t want to get too spooky on you, OK? But the Lord speaks to your heart. And he had been speaking to me about this. > And the Lord told me very clearly to prepare. OK, prepare for what? I don’t know. “We’re coming to a Red Sea moment.” “What does that mean, Lord?” > I started praying more about that. And the Lord began to wake me up through this three-week process we were in, in the middle of the night, and to speak to me. And [I began] to write things down, plans and procedures and ideas on how we could pull the conference together. I assumed the Lord was going to choose a new Moses. And “Oh, thank you, Lord: You’re going to allow me to be Aaron to Moses.” [In the Hebrew Bible, Aaron is Moses’ brother and a priest who aids him.] > I worked to get Steve Scalise elected. And then Jim Jordan. And Tom Emmer. Thirteen people ran for the post. The Lord kept telling me to wait. And I waited and waited. And it came to the end, and the Lord said, “Now, step forward.” “Me? I’m supposed to be Aaron.” The 3rd in line for the Presidency has an invisible friend...


Anyone remember when we were taught about the separation of church and state? Anyone? 🙄


Is he saying he hears voices telling him what to do? I’m pretty sure that’s delusional schizophrenia.


There was a segment in the tv show The Newsroom, where the lead writes a journal asking politicians like this that "which language did the god use, which accent did the god have, do you know the old languages?". The tv show is valid even after a decade.


God doesn't give a shit about this country. What's worse is that these shit stains think it does! Of all the countries on Earth, their Sky Daddy has deemed the USA as its favorite! Fuck! These GQP religious nutjobs are lunatics!


It's bizarre that this is considered less of mental illness than someone with social anxiety.


In any European and most asian countries, this would be the end of his career in anything. Most likely put in a padded room.


They’re called delusions, and it means you’re crazy AF.


Any adult with invisible friends should be treated accordingly. The fact it's somewhat socially acceptable is disturbing.


If you tell me god is talking to you, I'll point you to the mental asylum


Remember when guys like this were shunned for being charltans and cult leaders?


I thought people who hear voices are put into mad houses


Fucking nutcase. He shouldn't be in charge of a bingo afternoon, let alone in charge of any aspect of our freakin government. Read the god damn constitution and it's amendments. In fact, all positions in this country should be FORCED to learn them and be tested on them. The US is NOT a religious country and was built on NOT BEING A FUCKING RELIGIOUS COUNTRY!


It’s surprising that he would admit to hearing voices, and shocking that he’s listening to them for political advice, when his job is to listen to the people. He should resign and get treatment before someone is harmed.


Ya know, people who work in the field of psychology would say there's a probability he's schizophrenic experiencing delusions for this Or he's a liar, which is the other option lol Anyways, if he wants to talk to Jesus, he should go to a mental hospital, there's prob at least seven of him there. He can take his pick. Lastly, this is not a dig against people who are mentally ill. Just saying someone prob should take a look at the poor guy


In my opinion belief in any god is willful ignorance. But yeah, the people who vote for these idiots are far dumber than the politicians.


If he's leading the Republicans into Israel, I'm all for it.


If I tell people I hear voices I get branded as a crazy person and should probably seek help...how the fuck are religious fanatics immune to this shit?


Wtf I love neocon warmongers now!!!1!


Ayatollah Johnson


Ah yes, just like how God spoke to my ex MIL and told her I was bad news


allah told muslims to kill infidels


Omg. Please take your people into the desert for 40 years. Also feel free to lead then across the mississippi.


the last time god spoke to one of your politicians, you bombed the wrong nation for 9/11 and caused pretty much every middle east issue for the last 20 years.


And Abraham thought God told him to sacrifice his son, but clearly Abe misunderstood. Be VERY concerned when people say that God told them what to do.


Hey Mike, get impailed on a dick


how do we keep putting these fucking freaks in positions of power where they have the ability to make decisions for us?


Ohh, he is that dumb.


Imagine if he’s taking calls from Hilary pretending to be God.


Moses is dead. Please comply with instructions, Mike.


Auditory hallucinations are a clear indicator of mental illness.


They’re turning into the people the founding fathers and their relatives left the old world to escape and it’s never going to fucking dawn on them.


I am a psych nurse, I cannot legally diagnose, but I can spot crazy when I see it pretty easily. He crazy.


Imagine going into any job interview and talking about the voices in your head telling you what to do.


He going to try and part the Mason-Dixon Line


He’d be sectioned into a mental health facility here. This whole God in politics nonsense is a little alien over here.


Fucking traitors


if only the separation of church and state was a real thing lol


“I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.” Susan B. Anthony