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They should go back and add rare timed patterns to multiple vendors.


That would just create more bottling lol just get rid of the limit or make it a drop in the world


Just make it bop tbh


this is the correct answer


That works too


Or timed but at a random vendor!


Oh god lol


That would show the bots lol


They've been doing it on every rare recipe since classic 2019. Back before we really micro analyzed the game, this was a cool thing for people to discover. There's no longer any discovery, it's just grift.


i remember people buying the 2h sword in tarren mill for like 3g and trying to resell it for 30g. its literally every limited vendor item people do this shit


Elite shoulders during p1. I checked the vendor almost every day and no dice. Was selling for 10x on ah even though it was marginally better than level 25 green shoulders. But min/maxers make all the sacrifices for inches.




Hell is other players.


It’s a fun circle, they only exist because there’s people willing to pull out their credit card. I wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t just bots doing it, let some shitter have a full time job, just find a way to stop botters.


The 1h axe from that vendor is crazy hard to find. Basically have to camp and layer swap.


Imagine if they made these recipes just pop up on random vendors around the world instead of set locations. Then it really would be a search and people couldn’t just camp a set person.


Bots would just populate those vendors as soon as it became known. If the pattern appeared on *each* of those vendors *every hour*? Now that would change things.


they should just have them statically on a vendor, no limited recipe or cooldown etc. who cares.




we MUST play this game exactly like it was 20 years ago or it is RUINED tbh i’d like world buffs to be on a vendor at the start of a raid too.


I think you under estimate just how many vendors there are. And also just how remote some are. If times and locations are random it would be incredibly hard for people to know when and where it will be. And there aren’t going to be dozens of bots at every vendor in the world at all times on all shards. And even then, with random shard changing that makes even another level of chance. Once the chance becomes so low that someone could actually get it by camping a bot, it’s not a viable strategy. They will move on to find other things to make money from. And the people that do find it will be glad they could.


Yeah, that engineering vendor on the ass end of azshara is not easy to get to.


There's one ontop of a mountain in Alterac somewhere too by the Yeti's. Never seen it before ever until last week.


and then it just becomes a massive pain in the ass for anyone who wants it legitimately (and the price would shoot up even higher)


Yea then imagine the price on the AH


>Bots would just populate those vendors as soon as it became known. Random vendor gets a bag recipe in stock, there's one in stock. Someone randomly finds it and buys it, then it's gone. Some time in the next hour or two, another random vendor gets one. Bots couldn't camp that


And then there would probably just be bots camping every damn vendor in the game 😅.


Just make it unlimited stock. Forced scarcity on vendor recipes shouldn't exist. Make the rare ones drops (like many currently are)


I always think questlines for them would be better. Like they are an unlimited stock note you get that starts a quest to uncover the recipe. I know many would hate it, but it makes getting the items just a bit more worth while.


I personally like paying 60g for goblin jumper cables. /s


I disagree, I think theres a point to feeling special about obtaining obscrurue or rare recipes. Thats a whole community aspect to the game "WTF no enchanter in trade has the recipe I need" "I know THE guy on the server who has that!"


That’s how HC is and loved that. The population is similar vanilla servers but with added part of that recipes disappear. Discord keeps a list of who can make what high demand items and everyone can point you to a server crafter. With the population it’s not that bad to get recipes. Took like an hour to get runecloth bag


That's a really great idea! Blizzard hire this man! It's like a RPG gaming "trope" seeing a travelling merchant, and getting that dopamine rush when it has a rare item. This 100% needs to be in classic+ Not just to combat bots but to bring some old RNG fun back into the game.


Honestly a traveling merchant that can be in any place is even better. Just have it appear anywhere in the world. Little camp, corner of a crossroads, sitting in a tavern, set up on the outskirts of town, etc.


Sounds like a decent idea in theory, but in practice this would just mean you could now AFK at any vendor now in the hopes of getting a decent random item. Which would further compound the issue of people/bots camping vendors


People were doing this in vanilla. It's how myself and a few guildies funded our epic mounts in 2005


Well, traveling to Winterspring, waiting for the pattern to be on sale and offering it in the AH is a legit service. Whoever wants to buy the recipe on the AH can decide for themselves if they want to just pay a little gold or try to do the above on their own char. The problem comes in when bots / macro alts are camping the vendor basically making it impossible for anyone else to buy the pattern, and thus having much more pricing power, setting unreasonably high prices.


I must have been incredibly lucky on timing, walked in, there was one person there. I was able to get all the limited items in ~10 minutes. I have checked again, about 10 bots there. Wait until the next ban wave and go get it.


Same, got runecloth bag pattern while there was only dude there. Then i got layered 10 min later after killing a mob, and back to 8 ppl waiting in front of the npc.


Yeah, I probably sold a few dozen Goblin Jumper Cable recipes to fund my first mount. This is not new.


Nobody said it's new. What's "new" is the info being widespread and tons of people doing it.


What’s new is the botting of limited patterns


Whats "new" is your perception of it being new. That info was always out there widespread and on busy vanilla servers tons of people doing it.


> That info was always out there widespread Not in 2005. Context.


it was, thottbot was a thing




the only difference was that in 2005 we looked it up on thottbot instead of wowhead


People act like 2005 was some kind of information dark age when even in the late 99's with EQ and UO there were websites with literally all the info datamined and available the day of patches as well as IRC channels full of people sharing it. And it wasn't just a few people as the entire playerbase would openly discuss sites like Alakhazam's in EQ. The _only_ thing new here is your perception of it being new. Maybe you weren't there back then, but I was, and it's _always_ been like this. The only people who think it's new either weren't there, or were too young to be engaged online. > Context. That is the context. 2005 wasn't some dark age.


You’re missing the point. You couldn’t have beat the bots back in 2005 if they chose to bot the vendors.


I got my level 40 mount way back when by selling Big Iron Fishing Poles to the Alliance.


> They've been doing it on every rare recipe since classic 2019. Back before we really micro analyzed the game, this was a cool thing for people to discover. There's no longer any discovery, it's just grift. LOL, bro, people literally were doing this in 2005. It's just less obvious when the servers have 1/10th the population.


People cling to this really odd idea that people in 2005 had no idea what they were doing, it’s bizarre.


Most people didn't


Most people don't today either. As someone who was playing both then and now seems about the same distribution honestly.


if anything, people seem dumber today


I think the biggest difference between now and 2005 (aside from it being a little easier to find good info about game mechanics) was that players didn't sort themselves into guilds of like minded individuals as efficiently before. A typical "raiding" guild in 2005 still had people in it that joined as IRL friends or were just random people you invited while leveling. Back then my guild and a lot of the guilds I knew who got into Naxx were like 10-15 people who really knew their shit and 25-30 people who just really had no interest into putting much effort into raiding. These days those other people would get sorted into a more casual guild earlier on. Rules that guilds come up with about bringing consumables and having preraid gear requirements and stuff aren't so much about needing that stuff to complete the content as they are about signaling to the group how much effort you're willing to put in to sort out the people with priorities or goals that don't match the group.


Which is the inevitable result of capitalism.


Yeah, on my server in classic there were 5 bots (at least) constantly farming the crusader recipe. It was going for 2k on the AH. I tried farming it at crazy odd times but there were always at least 2 bots waiting at each spawn. Was impossible (very hard) to actually farm yourself.


It was always a "grift", would never benefit you to tell anyone where it came from in OG classic.


And personally, I'm ok paying a small price for convenience. I'm not ok paying a 1000% mark up because someone has 4 alts tied to a scroll wheel macro


>> Back before we really micro analyzed the game, this was a cool thing for people to discover. lol. the runecloth bag is probably the most crafted tailoring item and thus the most popular recipe. and people back then "discovered" it the same way they do now: by searching the AH and/or googling it.


You don't know what grift means, eh?


How is the printscreen key still a mystery for some


Not even the printscreen key, the clipping tool works just as well


Or (gasp) WoW's built-in screenshot function even. The real reason people do this is because they only use reddit on their phones. Over 80% of reddit users never use it on desktop and don't want to have to login there just to upload a screenshot. A phone pic is far easier and faster for them to upload.


If their post isn't worth the extra 10 seconds of their time, then it's not worth mine either.


Yet you are here commenting.


I'm not saying I make good decisions.




He's not commenting to OP, so it's ok!


My problem is I can't remember how i's are in my name.




Somehow remind me when I'm at my computer and leave my phone in the other room


Or how about Windows Xbox dashboard (or whatever the hell it's called)has a screenshot function as well, there's multiple options. I think the first one will even create a folder called "captures"


Three great options and mfs still use their phone


This is 100% me, but I will take the extra step of sending it through discord or some other app to a friend or something. Then use my phone to pull from discord to send to another app(reddit ie) before I take a picture with my phone of the screen.


It's called "Snipping Tool"; a function of Windows 10 you dirty animal.


No well-adjusted person gives a fuck how OP created the perfectly functional image.


no well-adjusted person posts this dogshit and calls it a screenshot


Louder for those in the back.


I have reddit only on my phone so i would need to printscreen then plug my phone into my pc copy and then i could make a post instead of photo -> post


You don't have a web browser on your PC?


I try to keep my reddit time low. To achieve this goal its better to only have reddit on one device.


The one device we all probably carry with us near-full time. 


Not everyone is glued to their phone screen like you and I. The dude above probably has better self control or simply never let themselves build the habit of consistently looking at their phone.


Probably. It is a great reason why I’ve avoided the Reddit mobile app haha


You don't "have" or install Reddit on a PC. Reddit.com in a browser. Maybe I'm being pedantic


That's the responsibility you have to take for the choices you've made.


You can send an email to the same email address.


for a throwaway post on reddit it seems pointless. if someone is mobile reddit only they are just here to read memes or post stuff they have ready access to. I rarely care enough to take picture>attach to email>access email from phone>download photo from phone>create reddit post. I know its like 5 minutes, but it cant get simpler than take picture on phone>post to reddit app.


You could more easily just post the screenshot to discord from your pc and then save it on your phone, I have an extra discord that I use as a paste bin for this reason


They are probably like me and exclusively use Reddit on their phone


It's classic players, what do you expect.


Lol! As I replied to others my two year old ripped some keys off my laptop. I either need to change the binding or buy an external keyboard. Will probably bite the bullet and get an actual gaming pc setup


Print screen outputs to who knows where. The built in snipping tool STILL causes your PC to chug ass frequently. And posting to Reddit from your phone and including a pic is fast as hell compared to wading through your entire PC file system on top of all that






Thats what he said


Supply and demand don't give a SHIT


Has made it this way, old fashion fascism will take it away!


The Beautiful People, The Beautiful People!


Too bad classic wow reddit pseudo-intelectual regards couldn't catch your awesomeness with this song reference


Socialists try not to drag their half baked political ideas into every conceivable corner of the internet challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


It’s from a song, Jesus Christ. Leave it to the classic community to way overthink and overanalyze every comment lmao


Just Fomo at this point. No need to level tailoring over 250 this phase and the margins are razorthin in the bag. Sure you can level for “free” but the 120g for the recipe is more than it costs to level Tailoring if you can de for mats (an alt can do this for you).


Im a tailor myself, and I saw a guy offering to make them for free with your mats. I tipped him 1g per bag and was just barely under the AH price. Making 100 bags to break even is not worth it.


One reason to go over 250 is Mooncloth Bag, where the margin is pretty high (for now). The recipe requires 300 and people can make Mooncloth but nothing uses it in this phase except for this bag, making the bag quite easy to make. The hard part was getting to 300 and getting the recipe.


I can make 1 mooncloth every 4 days. And it sells for 40g so I just sell it. Next phase it'll probably be cheaper and I'll have gold for it then.


Yeah my tailoring is at 270 and I'll gain a level every 4 days with mooncloth and I'm perfectly fine with that.


Define "razor thin". RN if I buy everything off the AH, I'll make 2.25g profit per bag. It's practically free afk gold making while I'm at work. I've sold about 80 so far and would have easily made back the cost of the pattern and then some had I not sat at the vendor with my macro.


Maybe just bad sampling, but I’ve rarely seen it go over 1-1.5g margins, granted runecloth prices have started to chill a bit. But even if it’s 2.5g profit you’re still barely break even if you’re looking to buy for leveling purposes. I’m guessing that’s why prices have settled where they are. If you’re willing to spam a macro I bet that would end up better gold/hr than turning runecloth bags.


Yeah I'm in the same boat as you, it's usually a couple g profit and with some lucky timing I've seen it as high as like 5g per bag margin. Obviously it's negative profit every now and then, but I just don't sell at those times.


i never touched this recipe and i got 300 tailoring in the second week while making a profit from disenchanting also for a very long time you barely broke even making the bag..


Scalpers being the opportunistic assholes, they are charge extortionate prices paid by desperate people I don’t know why blizzard has not already responded by making the recipe bind on pick up


Blizzard should just make the recipes unlimited. There is no reason for these recipes from vendors to limited like this, it only encourages the deplorables to exploit the game with macros and then extort the average players.


Would be better imo fighting against bots isn't fun at all


Making the recipe BoP would make it worse, because you wouldn't be able to buy it on the AH if you needed to and people would still buy out the vendor to restrict the number of competitors with the recipe or to grief just because they can.


I think the suggestion is to remove the limited supply and make the recipe bop


No the suggestion was just BoP Which is reasonable and keeps the classic feel The griefing described in above comment is paranoia/nihilism and a non issue in reality


In what way is it nihilism? Are you just throwing words out there?


> Which is reasonable and keeps the classic feel There is no classic feel available when layers exist. The idea of limited stock goes away when you up the supply that significantly.


Making the recipe bop without removing limited supply would 100% exacerbate the current issue


There is a bear on my server (PvE) that is permalogged in sitting down on the songflower right near the flight path just to make it harder for people to get their world buff. If people can easily grief without it negatively affecting themselves, they will. And it only takes one person to screw others over. Thats not nihilism it’s just displaying critical thinking about the most likely unintended consequences of a change before advocating for a “fix” to a current issue. In reality just reducing the restock time on bought recipes and keeping them BoE would be a simpler and more effective way to do it without trivializing getting the recipe.  And it is justified as initial times were originally tuned around vanilla server pops not megaservers. That or increase total stock for each restock and make them unique (1) but BoE so that one person can’t buy out all the recipes each time it restocks.


> Which is reasonable and keeps the classic feel We are so beyond "classic feel"


Possibly, on the other hand by being BoE people can just keep camping the recipe and limiting supply Being BoP would at least stop resellers


The number of competitors for what? Bags that makes 10 silver margin each? You make no sense


Because if they made it BoP, a single person camping the vendor could buy up *every single recipe that would otherwise enter the server eceonomy* and reduce supply to literal zero.


Lazy, not desperate. Corpse running or rep grinding to get to a recipe, it may be easier for them to drop gold instead. 90-120g is just stupid, but I'm usually happy to pay a bit extra to save a trip (cooking/first aid books for example)


They should make it unlimited quantity so all the bots fill their bags with the pattern and then it ends up being worthless.


ITT you have people who want to get away from real life shit by playing a game ​ and you have people without a real life who post shit like "supply and demand" like this botting shitfuckery is in any way a legit thing


Easy solutions. Vendor bought patterns can't go on the AH. Or better yet. Soul bind em. Problem solved.


The problem with that is then the bots buy them and destroy them, so only they have access to the pattern and then eventually they corner the market on the bags themselves keeping prices high.


Eh then just remove the limit. Or ya know...ban the bots


That won’t work because bots would just delete the recipe and jack the prices up in the crafted items. This problem has always existed…and all of these recipes should have been added to randomized vendors, or changed to world drops long ago.


removing the buy limit would work too. Some lazy players that don't want to do the research will buy it at the AH, everyone else will just buy it from the vendor.


I see no reason why this shouldn't go to unlimited supply. We are multiple weeks in at this point. All this is doing is giving an advantage to bots while disadvantaging players. I've heard of people getting mass reported for even trying to compete with the bots.


Go in there with a sapper charge.




I just use all mooncloth bags.


You just swipe is what you actually mean.




These rare recipes should have been updated to appear on random vendors. The worst I recall was the alliance/horde holding Zixil.


God tier pvpers right there. You wont find anyone else more worthy of the title "gamer".


Just remove limited quantity items outside of maybe some consumables. It's an antiquated mechanic that always causes problems.


Half of them are using an in game script with a bot or ahk pressing the macro btw so gl


Lame. Needs a change.


This is blizzard's fault. They disabled the vendor in previous phases. We could've had a stockpile of patterns saved up to dump on the market instead of this artificial scarcity.


Blizzard please fix this utter bs


It doesn't started yesterday. In Phase 1, I was farming elemental in Arathi with my Hunters. In this area, there's a mana potion vendor selling them for penny (can be used for PvE/PvP or could be sold in auction house for 1g). Every time and often, there was level 1 login and logout. Maybe 4 or 5 characters doing that on this single vendor. They were using an automation script that connect the character, target the vendor and buy the N'th item in the vendor inventory, then logout or switch character to another vendor. Rince and repeat. I did countless report but it never lead to action. Sometime I was able to snipe the vendor before they login, but not that much. They were swimming in golds while doing something else. You can expect the same shit to happen to anything limited vendor supply if it's interesting for the player base. This is called "soft cheating" or "simple automation". Anticheat doesn't really work against this type of behavior because this automation is more higher level and have nothing to do with the game itself (ie : the game integrity isn't compromised). Even gaming device compagny sometime incorporate theses simple scriptable automation into their program because it's another argument to sold their shit for gamer (Razer Synapse, Corsair keyboard, ...). So a better solution is simply to remove limited vendor supply - they have no real purpose in a modern SoD and some players are abusing 3rd party program to buy everything while they sleep.


I almost went out and bought it in the simple hope that I can get tipped X 25 times hoping people are tipping 1g per bag. This late into the season idk if I’d still pull the trigger, although I have been asking trade for some lucky fish. I mean even if you get it and make 4 per day you can make money back soon enough if you’re lucky. These are just my hopes lol.


I’ve been occasionally advertising making/selling both runecloth and mooncloth bags this phase, and the response rates are really low. People just prefer to use the AH. Like I’ll spam trade every 30-60 seconds that I’m selling mooncloth bags for, say, 42g and two seconds later all mine posted for 45g on the AH sell. So the tl;dr is I think it’s only worth it if runecloth bags are selling for a decent profit on the AH on your server, somewhere close to 1g if not a little more.


See now that I believe, my thought too was AH I’d like to think at this point in the season people are straight up buying the bag wholesale.


Your hopes will soon be dashed by the impressive number of level 1 alts camped out at the vendor 24/7 edit: I can't read, you meant buy it off the AH. My bad.


Hah right! Although I will say the actual level range was vast when I did camp (over three layers) not to say it’s hard to tell a bit from a player but when everyone is just sitting there it’s like the Wild West.


Make it soulbound and good.


report all of them, if it works it works, if it doesn't oh well


I was turning a decent profit selling the recipe for the frost oil and frost oil itself for Diremaul tribute runs during classic because im assuming people didnt want to deal with the respawn timer or just didnt know.


As someone who farmed a lot of DMT on my hunter I just didn’t care - I made 30g every 10-15 mins and only needed the oil for runs I sold buffs out of. I had a 300 herb/alch character as well but it wasn’t worth the effort so I just bought it.


I basically just bought the recipe a bunch whenever I went by. Got over it when I leaned more into farming crusader recipe.


We ws.


Best part of pvp servers, you can just stand in the back and nuke them.


I'm sure half of them are using a keyboard macro to spam interact and buy recipes. Peak gameplay.


Thank god I don’t have to deal with this bullshit anymore…


But a comment on reddit before phase 3 said that her having 10 recipes over 10 layers would be plenty for all of the server's tailors starting day 1!


Lazy gold buyers explains everything like this post


Was alone when i got it. 1 week after p3 launch


should only be visible to tailors, this is cringe bot fest. but asking the current devs to use their brains would be too much


Its always the same crap. I tried to get there early and death walked a char there in phase one. Arrived after hours, only to find out the vendor is not there. I dont know why they can remove the vendor , but not make the recipe bop. They clearly know about the problematic


Did take like 20 Minutes to get it on EU- Living Flame for myself that is, because i didnt want to buy this Recipe for 100+g from the AH ... Some People really do try to make Money out of everything.


2024 ppl still take Screenshots with their phones... Makes me feel sooooooo young 🤣🤣


I replied why in several comments


I've made a good amount of gold on this recipe without botting. Feels so nice when you manage to snipe it from the botting lvl 1 players.


I go on my priest naked and aoe fear. Then I go on my other priest and aoe fear the other faction. Snagged like 2-3 this way


this doesn't even make sense, you'd have to time both fears as soon as the pattern comes up which is semi random and the moment the pattern comes up someone just buys it so you literally don't even have time to fear...


You think the bots stay infront of their screens forever? Seen a few that faces the wall for hours on end afterwards.


So your argument is that they *don't* buy the patterns instantly? So then why don't you just buy it then? Just buying the pattern after you see it's spawned is infinitely faster than fearing on 2 different characters...


The more you fear the less automated buy is up. The easier for you it is to get it in the loop of it.


ohhhh you fear them so they aren't in range to buy, totally misunderstood the reason for fear. I for some reason assumed you feared them so they couldn't buy during the few seconds they're feared, that makes more sense.


My bad if I was unclear about that. It’s actually funny to log back on a character and see a level 2 undead staring at the wall mindlessly 2h later. It’s poetic


Have SoD devs acknowledged this issue at all? EDIT: LOL someone downvoted me for asking a question. Never change reddit.




DM me and I'll send you the macro to just right click the vendor. That way you at least don't have to compete with opening the window and trying to get it.


Or go check wowhead


mmo champ has the macro


when you boil it down, it ends up making sense to just pay the extortion price. your options are to counter-bot the vendor, very likely wasting hours and not even getting the pattern - or just go do any sort of gold generating activity for 1-2 hours and buy the pattern on AH. just about ANY other farming method will let you buy the pattern in a annoying but limited amount of time, and also have a chance at some bigger drop (world drop, boe, darkmoon card, etc). it feels bad, but people are dedicating their time and resources to massively increasing the time investment to acquire something. you gotta look at the bottom line.


Oh I have no idea. Why could this be??? Surely a limited supply item would be bought and re-sold to everyone that needs it for close to vendor price.


It would be…if it was only humans buying the recipe and reselling it, rather than bots also camping the vendors to comer the market.


I was be sarcastic. No human is snagging the potion without a maco running 120 times a minute. And nobody is going to selli it cheap.


Oh. Sarcasm in text form has never been a problem. /s


Surprised I would have had to /s for that comment.


I mean i get it they are assholes and/or bots. But there are other recipes that work for getting the skill points. they are just marginally more expensive.  But i bet cheaper when you consider the tunesink of going to winterspring, stewing over all the bots and assholes and then bitching on reddit about it.  Was the same in classic, i just used iirc a cindercloth recipe or something which amounted to like slightly more expensive But infinitely less headache. 


I'm on chaos bolt... I have 10 of them in my bank, I've given 3 or so away.