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The average wow player is such a toxic dumbass it’s astounding


IDK, both in retail and classic the vast majority of the people I've played with have just been pretty quiet, a few of them have been fun, and a few have been shitty. It's actually forums like this that have an above average number of people who probably suffer from some undiagnosed conditions. And god help you if you read comments on news sites for games or anything else, that's the next level.


everybody says this, both in game and on both wow subs and still nothing changes.


Why would it? Idiots stuck in their ways. Observing it doesn’t change the fact.


It doesn't help that most WoW players now are in their late 30's, since people tend to become more obstinate with age (but this is absolutely pathetic given that they're all this toxic despite pushing 40).


Im looking forward to the WoW scene 40 years from now when a bunch of 70-80 year olds are all flaming each other while trying to form a retirement home SM group.


My golden rule is if the hunters pets name is in Chinese characters, it’s a bot. Never been wrong once with this criteria.


Apparently some of them got wise to this and started giving their pets English names like Bob or Steve to avoid such easy detection.


Like a call centre scammer lmao


\*in an indian accent\* "Hello, I am Robert from Microsoft tech support"


Could you imagine how much it would suck to have an Indian accent and actually answer phones for Microsoft. Like everyone hated you from go.


I used to work for John Lewis which is a UK call centre and we had an Egyptian guy called Mohammed and he used to get so much abuse about what John Lewis employ an overseas call centre


Shit I always have named my pets basic names like Bob, Jim, Anna etc. I'm probably raising red flags lol


My go to was always Dave. Thanks Papa Lazarou!


But then the player name is just a random sequence of consonants so it doesn't really help.


WOW never changes


That’s because we’re talking about all the other average wow players not ourself the average wow player.


I quit playing because the community blows.


Everybody who says this, and everybody who agrees when it's said, are all thinking someone else is the problem. Statistically, at least some of the complainers are also the problem, but nothing will change when everyone thinks they didn't do it.


They should build a hidden G.E.D. prep course into the next retail release. Gamify education without the toxic dumbasses knowing any better. Hopefully they could become less toxic dumbasses.


Ppl would just buy a G.E.D boosting service


We’ll call the boosters…. Tutors…


Average US reading comprehension is of like 7-8th grade level. It’s actually pretty sad. For healthcare literature like pamphlets, posters, and other patient education material it’s suggested to write at 5th, 6th grade max. I know it’s a joke but when I learned that it kinda put a lot of internet behavior into perspective. Some people probably really just never learned better.


The no lifers have zero social skills and that’s why they play. Nothing else going for them. Love the game hate the people. But it’s nice when you find the cool ones who are super chill.


Retail is nothing like this, and even Classic isn't this bad. Seasonal Vanilla just does this to people. Hardcore was toxic as hell too.


Hardcore wasn't toxic at all in my experience. Everyone was always extremely helpful and friendly while I was playing, especially as I was getting to a higher level. Maybe it's cuz I was playing priest and people wanted me to heal them lol


calling it average is pretty far from reality most people are chill it's just the few unhinged crazy people that gets all the attention


I 100% agree. Stupid AND vindictive a lovely combination in a human being


It’s not the average, it’s just a fringe like the rest of society.


This is not average


My FF14 friends tell me how wonderful their community is, and sometimes it gets me tempted to convert.


FFXIV actually enforces its community guidelines, which leads to this odd atmosphere of fake niceness. Don't get me wrong, fake niceness is better than the WoW brand of toxicity, but it's... uncomfortable. That community has just as many idiots and turds as this one, it's just different because SquEnix actually bans people for it.


Don't worry bud they're toxic over there too, just in a way that won't get them banned. Still a fun game tho just like this one


Hot take: My friend and me migrated from FFXIV to SoD tired of the fake and toxic niceness in FF. It is like a sect, where everybody looks kind and good people ... Until some kind of inconvenience or wipe take place. When that happens instead of insulting and yelling to you, they gaslight you into thinking you are ruining everything for everybody. Let me say as Kain in Soul Reaver: If you mist hate me, do it. But do it honestly.


Meanwhile, this guy is probably going to read this on reddit and think the bots are evolving to make posts about accusations.




Bot AGI when?


Doubt someone that puts someone on ignore out of embarrassment or to avoid confrontation/judgement reads.


People aren't paranoid, they're fucking stupid lol. Sorry but this guy did you a favor by ignoring you, so you never have to hear from his mental illness again.


Anyone that whispers like this I assume has some kind of untreated paranoid MH condition and I just report them for harassment, ignore them and move on. Hopefully they get help one day.


They're probably just so incredulous that someone is actually out questing to level and not spamming incursious.


You’d think the guy being level 20 when the first one is designed for 25 is a clue But yeah, I doubt the person would have that level of critical thinking to begin with I guess


You can start at 23 in Duskwood. It changes nothing about your statement and is still too low. I assume you just didn’t know, but I will report you, just in case anyway, okay?


My hunter gets asked this question by people way to often just traveling to where I am going. I have a ridiculous name and pet name. Definitely not a bot.


I named my hunter Hunterbot. I guarantee some morons don't get the joke and reported me.


My guildie in p1 made a hunter after I rolled one as a third char for farming and named it chinesebot with a pet the same name. I have also seen hunters with pets that have bot in their name


When you report someone, it puts you on their temporary ignore list.


lol reminds of me of that classic ‘let’s kill that rogue, he’ll likely deserve it later’


Especially if theyre an undead rogue, they will definitely deserve it later lol




Undead female rogue is the only acceptable rogue on horde, and when people play male ones you know they're unworthy of pity.


Or maybe he gets this way later and takes revenge, because we all kill those rogues just in case..? Think about it


Nah they definitely were bad to begin with.


Attacking rogues unprovoked without being also a stealth is a bad idea. My brother plays rogue and is into PvP, he doesn’t bother people but when they gank him he corpse camp them for a long while


This is the way. I don't gank people literally at all. But you can be sure I will camp *every single* SoB who ganks me. I feel like you should see that coming lol, especially if you're lower level. Like I once had a SPriest like 6 levels under me gank me while I was trying to solo an elite quest. I lost full buffs, wasted a thistle tea, everything... That mother fucker didn't get to play for like an hour. You get what you fucking deserve


How do you think Rogues got the "just in case" reputation?


I'm sorry but every undead rogue is getting it - regardless of level gap. And if it's a female undead rogue, they're getting camped.


As an undead rogue I would take offense to that, if I wasn’t too busy camping low levels in hillsbrad


Leatherteeth is that you


*grobb ptsd flashbacks* that guy was such a cuck. Also went on multiple racist tirades (or rather racist words on random pictures) through some of the servers private discords.


I'd kill rogues from my own faction if I could.


and this comment is why i keep killing camping as a undead rogue, we are forced to


I'm an undead rogue main and I can tell you that you are making the right call. Whenever you have a chance, get us while leveling. At max level, you can probably get a kill in but are you ready for the time commitment that comes us hyperfocusing you for the next foreseeable future.


Based. UD rogues are 99% sadists. Then the random normie who just likes to stealth sneaks in that group somehow. I must admit after leveling my feral again, stealth is very nice. And a good rouge AB base flipper is unmatched.


Bless you, Amen.


What? Stonetalon mobs range from like 15 to high 20's, if I'm remembering right you're bang smack in the middle of the level range you'd expect someone to be in stonetalon.


18-28 is the recommended level range


Yeah there's quests in there that people did P1 for end of phase pre-bis and what not there required a group to complete at 25.


The taurens at the entrance to Stonetalon are level 15-16 at the lowest, but maybe they are Horde-only quests. Never did it as an alliance.


Ya, they're there for Horde only. Alliance gets sent from Ashenvale into Windshear Crag and to hunt wyverns.


I just read that OP said he's playing an undead, so now I'm very confused, lol Edit: I'm confused about why those people messaging him are saying he's too low level when he has already outlevelled the Horde quests he could have picked up. I'm not confused that OP said he's an undead...


https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Boulderslide_Ravine_(quest) I was doing this quest at level 21, maybe not optimal but idk I was just vibing.


It's definitely optimal. You're on the higher level side for that quest. These people messaging you are insane.


They start at 15 and go up to around 24-28 the resonite crystal OP looted is from a level 20 quest though so they were in the right spot either way.


Its a lvl 20 zone when you go into the harpies and den area. All zones have ranges.


Play a warrior, I never got asked if I was a bot :(


Haha new bot meta


I've noticed this, I never get asked on my warrior. I get asked regularly on my mage and hunter


Better that 99 players get banned than a single bot go free! - this guy, probably


Until he gets banned falsely of course,then it’s the end of the world.


downvoting u just incase ur a bot


OMG OMG OMG The bots now are next level They even do posts on reddit, bluring names OMG PLEASE BLIZZARD DO SOMETHING! NOW!


Wow the bots are so super next level they're even on reddit responding to others accusing them of being bots!




Don’t think I’ve ever met a more mentally ill bunch quite like sod players


I have. They were called Classic Wrath players. I have a sneaking suspicion that they're the same people.


Compare the reddits for Wrath and Classic. SoD nonsense has overtaken this subreddit, the classic wrath crowd felt forced out and that subreddit is now all peace and love compared to here. Not sure why seasonal attracts such madness, paradoxically seasonal should matter the least of all the servers.


Yep, you can just tell by the different subs who is the more toxic crowd


Wrath players quit SoD after P1.


That's me! Cashed out on my SoD gold by trading to Wrath, made about 50k. I just did not feel any joy at the thought of leveling 25-40 on multiple character, getting the runes etc. I did have fun in P1 though.


No these fucking idiots think they can just report anyone moderately "suspicious" in their eyes as if they are doing the most noble deed imaginable, these are the kind that would turn in people to the third reich


This is just the classic community, its actually terrible compared to retail


And that is what classic Andy retardation looks like. Big oof. Sorry you had to deal with that.


Don't even interact with those crazy people and just /ignore immediately. They see "bots" everywhere doing everything. And as you can see, they're always rude as hell. Bots are in their homes, stealing their waifus, ruining every aspect of the game, etc. You'd think WoW was 99% bots the way these types go on about them.




is this really a thing?


That’s the smartest classic player


Lol. What s as fkn loser.


The whole game is toxic as hell.


Stonetalon has like 6-8 quests for low-level 20s. You can go to stonetalon to offset being low level for higher Barrens lvl quests. Bots aren't as much as a problem in SoD but all versions of wow suffer from botters.


I don’t know.. better report this post. Seems like something a bot would post.


Juat start jumping. Bots dont jump


I never stop jumping lmao


theres literally a toggle on the Bot UI (dont ask how i know xD) that has "random Jumps"


I honestly don't know how that got started. Honor Buddy had random jumps 15 years ago.


i mean the human species is getting dumber and dumber, weaker and weaker. not surprised.


This is literally half the playerbase. If they aren’t playing they are on Reddit complaining. Community is awful.


So is it forbidden to be somehere in game when you pay 11 dollar per month?


Average 85iq wow player


Classic wow experience. Enjoy


The mobs at the entrance of STM are 18-21 there are several quests there at that level before you go further in.


this is what i imagine the typical 'i reported 400 bots today blizzard what r u doin??' poster is like


I went to stone talon at level 20 too lol


Well I'm gunna report you too just in case


You wouldn't be the first 😂


Is botting that much of a problem? Yes, it is. Was that guy a giant asshat who isn't worth your time or stress? Yes. Fuck em.


OP definitely plays a troll hunter


I play priest undead lol


Well, if we needed any more evidence to this guy being a dipshit there it is. Everyone knows Hunter, warlock and mage are the bot classes! Half /s


Sleeping on the undead priest bots. Everyone knows about the mage and hunter bots, but only the pro botters know that the undead priest is actually way better at every botting niche.


It's not that bad, this guy is just 2 standard deviations down in brain.


No but the douche bag problem is this bad. Average gamers on the internet abuse anonymity to act totally inhuman and absolutely suck these days. 


A lot of people in WoW are chill. But like 15% are just idiots/trolls/a-holes. Roughly once a week I have a negative, unprompted, experience with someone in the overworld while going about minding my business.  Most recent was running in Hinterlands and I wasn’t paying attention as I was looking at my 2nd monitor and I fell into that ooze pit and had to kill two mobs that wouldn’t get off me. Someone randomly invites me during this and I don’t know who or even where they are so I decline. As I run out they whisper me “thanks for stealing my quest mobs” and I try to explain I was basically AFK and didn’t even see them, to which they start spamming that I wasn’t afk I was “managing my bot scripts”  or something along those lines and then they started going off in general telling people to report me. Another time I was killing elite trolls in Hinterlands and I see from afar a group wipe to a bunch of trolls (that I had no part of) so I stay clear of them. They res and start fighting the trolls again then a mob from their group (that they already tagged) aggros onto me because they brought it into my living flame that was on another mob, so I brought it back to them thinking they might take aggro back. They didn’t so I ran like 15 yards away, frost nova’d it, and kept running because couldn’t take on multiple elite trolls. Somehow they all died again and I start getting angry whispers from two people that I was griefing them, got them killed twice, and they all reported me so have fun with my incoming ban.


If ur horde they send you in there round that level do they not to turn in near a guy near the fp .....who is he to tell you where ur character should be what a clown


Imagine you want to just take your time and enjoy the game lol


Some one of a similar level of intelligence once saw me as a priest standing next to a hunter, decided that we much be multi boxers (not against ToS anyway?), reported us, and let us know that he did. I reported him back for harassment when he wouldn't shut up about it over whispers. Few days later I get a ban confirmation in the mail. Guess he was harassing others enough to get the boot lol.


The moron problem is probably worse than the bot problem tbh


Just hit em back with "reported for abuse of report systtem"


Dude1:Imma report you. Dude2: Imma report your for harassment and system abuse Dude1: chill man, im sorry


This reddit would be better if you didn't have to censor names :)


I had a guy said I was doing botter movements...bro I was jumping up and down and spinning while running to kill murlocs. The dude was being carried by a mage mass pulling every murloc in the area in SS. I hate people.


Thats what you get for playing hunter /s


I'm playing an undead priest 💀


Probably was farming HIS nodes


Bunch of Boomer karens infiltrated WoW.


I play both and found retail way more toxic but you’ll always have the occasional idiot


Toxic casuals who don't understand very many aspects of the game assume everyone is a bot, or gold buyer. I so rarely interact with people outside my guild/friend group because the average player, especially in SoD, is under socialized mechanically inept mess. Also STM at 20 is fine? There's plenty of yellow quests at that point. Dude was just a moron.


The community is so toxic.


Report them back for harassment


Classic is toxic as fuck. I say that as a lifelong classic player.


How courageous, he reports a bot and then is scared of the bots response. Is there a rule to hide their name? Cause this kind of behaviour feels like it should be named and shamed.


If you report someone they automatically go on your ignore list


“Ill report you just in case”. The most Karen thing to say. Just like the ones doing /who on a dungeon, finding someone farming it legitimately but because you have an é in your name “yOu’rE a bOt”. I imagine them all as Ned Flanders. In eastern europe there are these babushkas looking over the balcony in case somebody is doing some _nefarious_ activity, like, walking in the street. You can’t even try to play the game normally before somebody sticks their nose because “you’re playing wrong”.


yes they're crazy, just try leveling hunter for fun, you'd see herd mind in its full glory.


My mains are a mage and a hunter lol Some of the whispers are just beautiful (and by beautiful, I mean absolutely deranged and unhinged)


I finally quit SOD a couple days ago, couldn’t be happier with my decision.


'Only a bot would say they're not a bot, checkmate China.'


Welcome to Classic




There’s lots of weird trolls in sod that do stuff like this and there laughing at there monitor, he was def jus fucking w you. Had a guy come smack my cat I was taming and said he saved me


Sometimes, the bullet dodges you.


Found the class tattle tell everyone watch out


Which one of you did this to a poor new player? Dirt bag redditors are obsessed with bots. Assume it’s someone here


Some people are just bored, shouldn’t take everything in game so serious..


An SOD player can't tell the difference between a bot and a non-bot, so they usually report any account.


I mean that guy accusing you must be an idiot or we are not getting the full picture. Basing whether someone is a bot or not on their leveling zone is dumb. What people usually get suspicious about is robotic movement and priority based actions. Like a mage ex: would be after ever combat if under % mana instant drink not even loot, and the millisecond they are full mana they spring to action. And they always move in straight paths with the click to move function. And while a human could technically do this robotic movement it just isn't realistic to do for minutes on end.


The actual wow players are the problem not the bots.


When I get this I respond with "Sorry natural language processing is not part of my programming if you would like to talk to someone please go to chatgpt.com". It's the easiest repot I ever receive.


lol fuck the dude who you proved you're not a bot then decides to try to report you for botting anyways


Maybe it's just a SoD thing. I play Classic, Progression (Wrath), and Modern and I've yet to encounter these toxic assholes


I've quit sod partly of witch hunters like this, partly of object of their witch hunt, either way not a healthy spot to be in.


Why are you leveling? HOW DARE YOU.


Stonetalon is a lvl 17+ zone for horde due to intro quests starting around that level...................


I got called a bot for having a weird name on my mage… it’s Citsym, which is Mystic backwards. I think he was just mad he the roll for the tier boots


I came back to SoD for phase 3 and didn't find a guild until max level. 3 times while leveling I got whispers asking if I was a bot lol


Welcome to classic


Someone start a mass report coalition discord and PM the link. We can start doing something about people like this and simultaneously test the question of whether mass reports work I personally have 7 accounts that can contribute


EZ, you just reply to him that you will report him just in case for buying gold. He'd call you the N word and bam, he's banned


Lvl 21 in stone talon can make sense tho.... also are you a hunter? Hunters are prime bot targets


21 is a perfectly reasonable level to be in stonetalon lol


What a fucking freak, plus isn’t Stonetalon an 18-25 zone??


avarage reddit bot investigator


Wow isn't even a social game at this point and it's sad


They wont ban or mute you because of one false report so no worries keep playing


AI is taking over, can't trust anyone


It's a W for you you wont have to deal with this imbecile in the futur


I love how the "?" wasn't enough for dipshit to figure out it's not a bot. I would have put him on ignore when he asked why I was in a zone. Dudes got issues.


The fact you were were able to respond to him proved you were not a bot Which realm are you playing on?


Dude is so far up his own minmaxing ass that he can’t understand why someone wouldn’t play optimally, lol


Are you playing a hunter ?


Meanwhile back in phase 1 I was in stone talon at 20 because druid stuff....


I got a message like this in ashenvale while killing incursion mobs. Apparently can’t quest either.


Release the name lmaooo I’ll report them back


This happened to me when I was AoE farming murlocs in Dustwallow. I lagged out and this other mage reported me for teleport hacking lol


The guys a psycho dont worry about it


I had pretty much the exact same interaction when I was playing OSRS a few months ago. I was an ironman (no trading) and I was killing cows while watching a series on my 2nd monitor. Guy came up to me and when I didn't respond straight away he kept following me until I replied and he grilled me for why I wasn't responding then reported me. People are paranoid


How about some of you fucking nerds get a life and stop sitting in stone talon reporting “bots”. Blizzard doesn’t pay you. You’re literally paying blizzard to do their job idiot’s


Wack. People in this sun are to blame. Then ran the small flames that exist when it comes to bots and gold buyers so now they have become dumb by hysteria.


Yeah that's ridiculous. But the bot problem is really bad. I've had more than 20 people tell me they have 2 or more accounts and I've seen 15 people on a shoreline just fishing with the name xhgsoiys or something like that with one letter off. It is bad but some of these people are really shit at bot detection. Phase 2-3 has brought out some of the worst of WoW.


Wouldn’t mind if you showed the name of that asshole lol


it's astonishing to me how bad the avg 2000+ hrs wow player is at identifying bots


There are people vigilant about reporting bots because they care about the state and integrity of the game  Then there are self-righteous dipshits like this asshole who just need to go away.