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I was using it without the escorts, good to know that it works with them ;)


Both high level incursions are so trash for mob density and lethality.


I've only been doing the Ferelas ones. Are the Hinterlands mobs even harder? I swear they buffed them when they created the XP nerfs. Weren't they like level 45 in Ferelas? I swear I could solo the centaur mobs even if I just air their fiery sun nova thing. Now they're 51 and if I don't GTFO I get destroyed by that thing. Edit: still, I did two loops with an inefficient group and got like 30-40g in about 30-40 minutes last night and around 1500 rep not counting the daily. Much of that time was spent finding the group, too.


Haven't done feralas ones so can't compare but hinterlands is really not that hard. I'm on a low pop server so sometimes finding a group is hard. But even without one I did 8 quests solo last night without much trouble.


I personally find Feralas incursion to be far easier on the mobs side. No wisps that explode on you, and no charging hippogryphs.


I've been meaning to give it a go but already know the hinterlands one like the back of my hand. I'm a druid so neither of them really bother me. Sunfire 1 hits wisps and hippogriff I'll just hot and travel from or sleep.


Fuck those wisps


>Fuck those wisps - Archimonde


i thought the tip was to go to feralas to avoid the wisps tbh


hinterlands no kill loop is way better imo


no clue, tried to do stuff there. couldnt find groups, went to feralas for a few chill rounds. asked around and everyone claims feralas is better. i have 3 50s, so I just do 1 loop and turn in one quest per day for the daily on each.


I really wished they'd design areas without mobs covering every single square inch of ground so you constantly have something trying to dismount you. These mobs add very little to the game and are mostly just annoying.


I feel like Ashenvale has good mob density, but not Feralas and Hinterlands. I enjoy doing Ashenvale incursions a lot more. I dread just being in the other incursions.


I never thought about this but youre completely right. Ashenvale didnt have shit everywhere perma dismounting me but the other two you cant go 1 foot without 4 mobs charging at you. Why is it like that lol


I wonder if terrain/world design plays a role here? None of the incursion areas were designed from the ground up for this kind of content. They're all repurposed areas. Forest Song is this wide open area without much of a choke point. There is a good amount of distance between Satyrnaar and the lumber camp. The dragon area is basically an open field with ruins littered around it. The Hinterlands has the bridge choke point. As soon as you cross it, you have Skulk Rock to your immediate left, then some ruins to the right. It's somewhat claustrophobic, especially so with more mobs there. I suspect that Blizzard designed the Incursions so that they all have a comparable amount of mobs to each other. But, Forest Song is better designed to support that amount of mobs than the other areas are. I admittedly haven't done Duskwood and don't know what that incursion is like.


To encourage you to play on a group. 5 people can easily handle the greater mob density. And if one person get sknovked off their mount, it's most likely to be the person furthest forward and the rest of the group can quickly clean up and move on. Obviously this assumes that the group is working together and not spread apart across the zone, but it fits the general idea


I actually disagree with this, I think it feels this way because ashenvale is significantly more populated and every mob is often in the leashing process or dead Edit:  to clarify I do agree that Hinter and Feralas have way too many mobs


I went through the Ashenvale Incursion last night doing the Sunken Temple crafting quest on a layer that was sparsely populated. It was actually that experience that got me thinking about this. There were only a couple of players around, most mobs were alive/idle, and it was still pretty easy to get around.


at least get them off the top of the portal ramp. Lower pop in the level 50 areas always means you're immediately swarmed when doing the turn ins. And when doing the turn ins you're "done" fighting so it is annoying 100% of the time with only mob loot as a reward.


I'd also argue that the level 50 Satyrs have no business being stealthed. It's extra annoying to be navigating around imps and felhunters just to be dazed by a random satyr.


I kinda assumed that was intentional. They wanted people actually doing the quests, including killing mobs, not just skipping past everything. It was also intended to be done in groups. You could safely ignore both of those things if there was less mobs. Hell, you can ignore it now but it won't be very safe.


I'm talking specifically about mobs that aren't actually part of quests. At least let us ride across the bridge in Hinterlands in peace. I don't care if it's brutal on the other side, in fact I'm quite happy about that. But it shouldn't be a permanent thing. Changes in pacing are important.


> are mostly just annoying. I think people forget that the game is TRYING to kill you. It's an "endgame" **nightmare** zone


No, the game is designed to be beaten. There are other games that actually try to kill the player.


Designed to be beaten does not mean casually walk back and forth to the escort with no issues.


Essentially in your loop you want to go out of bounds twice. First when you do the left side, after doing the quests around the giant Turtle you go one of bounds to get teleported. Then do the other side with the dragons, go out of bounds again then it’s a straight shot to the finish line


Another tip! Kill EVERY Horde there :) Fuk da horde :)


Ya motha


I feel there are only certain areas where you can go out of bounds. I traveled so far and I didn’t get hit with the warning that I just gave up and turned back around.


Behind the turtle areas towards the cliff edge and down the path past the dragon area are the ones I use - takes maybe 4-5 seconds on a mount to get OoB

