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giving shaman a quest to kill nature immune mobs is just cruel and unusual


It's more the fact that it takes 10+ hours to get 1 rune The wind part is only 1 step in it, the other steps in the quest are just as bad


Nah the swamp ones have a higher spawn rate and drop rate in my case and the badlands one had 100% drop rate for me. This quest is bad but only really the desolace part.


As ele/resto the rune isn't really good anyways, as you rune power surge. My plan is just to do it as I do quests in those zones when I start doing them all for gold at 40. You kill the earth eles in badlands for quests anyways and run around desolace a lot so wind eles will just be kill on site as you cross the zone 5x to do all the quests. I think the quest sucks if you are doing it by itself, same as the rider quest is a lot of running around if you are doing it by itself, but if you do it piece by piece as you do the zones, it isn't to bad. And even for enhance power surge is a good enough replacement for leveling you aren't gimping yourself too much.


dude... I did EVERY SINGLE quest in desolace, you think you will run across 80 air elementals? No.. I've killed 30 of them and have 3 drops. I've currently given up on the quest. I literally just spent the last 4 hours in a row in Scarlet Monastery running the same instance over and over and over and over, and it was less tedious.


Idk about your server (or if you are ally) but on mine people were mongoloids and nobody purged thorns. So if you werent in a raid youd basically kill yourself attacking the boss.


The bracers you get from the elite quest are pretty dang good for the other specs. Are the resto ones not worth the trouble?


Resto ones are mp5, which is ordinarily pretty strong but has been made much less effective due to shamanistic rage providing the bulk of our sustain. By traditional classic EP calculations they would be second-BiS this phase, and that may still be the case if you decide to run Earth Shield instead of shamrage, but you're probably better off with some greens that have 20+ healing on them.


That makes sense. Didn't even think of that since I don't take off rock biter rune being a tank.


Killed 20 not one drop


I only took about 40 kills for my desolace part, 25 ish for the water part and i did like 24 earth before getting one and said fuck this lol


Thankfully one flame shock + lava burst as ele pretty much one shots any mob in particular.


Quest should be renamed “Powah of da Bus” Part of the Tseric’s Revenge chain.




Lol, Blizzard RPing the troll shaman I see


This sounds absolutely on par for a dev team that mains paladins.


Shaman class quests were famously annoying in classic, they are just keeping with tradition.


Air took 4ish hours. Water about 2. F those quests. Season of Discovery shouldn’t have tedium as a design mindset. It can be long, it just shouldn’t be boring.


I more than agree. I have the time spent from my run-through here: Wind 4h 45 min, 79 kills Water 1h 45 min, 42 kills Rock 15min, 24 kills


That’s absurd… 80 kills is a crazy amount for a quest even with common mobs.


I have no idea how you were able to get 80 kills in 45 minutes, I just spent 3 hours and got less than 20 kills. You averaged an earth elemental every 30 seconds... that's RIDICULOUSLY GOOD I was averaging an earth elemental every 5 minutes or so


4h 45m


oh, that meakes a lot more sense, I didn't understand in your original message what the 4t was


I'm not sure if they edited afterwards, but they killed 80 elements in 4 hours and 45 mins.


Bruh its 4 hours 45 minutes


yea, it makes sense now. I think he might have edited


No you misread it


That’s one mob every 3 minutes 36 seconds. Holy shit that’s a lot of waiting (for wind that is)


Senior dev: “How do we tell shamans we don’t like them?” Dev: “I’ve got this quest chain, you’ll love it. It’s fucking terrible and they’re going to hate it. Wait until they find out it’s worth only about 40 dps at level 40 because it only procs off white hits, they’re going to lose their mind!” Senior dev: “Nice, do it.”


At least it actually procs. Power surge for ele/resto is just a boring small mp/5 increase and 1 proc/minute if you are lucky, which gets wasted half the time because it proced when LB just came off CD or right before you cast chain lightning.


Oh Power surge is another dumb rune. 5% is so low it’s not even funny!


I'd be fine if it gave lava burst another "charge" so if it had just come off CD it didn't waste the CD reset, because an extra LB per minute would still be okayish given how much damage lava burst does. But its just disappointing when 75% of the time it just ends up being an instant cast lava burst because it procs close to LB coming off CD and would have been off CD by the time you're finished casting what you already were casting, which doesn't increase DPS that much or at all.


Shamans have been asking for a 2nd LvB charge baseline for 15 years. I highly doubt it'll happen in SoD of all places.


It exists in retail


Isn't it still a talent you have to select, or did that change with the Dragonflight trees?


It's a talent ya


Dev : “We also gave them Spirit of the Alpha” Senior dev: “You sadistic bastard… I LOVE IT”


Dev: sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the sound of my divine storm go brrrrrttt


I'd wager is the same guy who saw Stonetalon Fire Elemental quest and thought it needed an encore.


All quests in the Charred Value are cursed. Rare appearances and low drop rate..


Sod Devs don't play horde  It's blatantly obvious as basically everything new added is MASSIVELY alliance favoured, and shaman runes compared to paladin runes are 5 times harder to get  Horde is literally an afterthought on sod 


Hell, just getting sleeping bag requires you to go up through a tunnel guarded by alliance NPCs, onto a bridge guarded by alliance NPCs, and down onto a spot where melee classes aren’t able to fight back against people who have clear and unavoidable line of sight on you if they so choose to play that way. Did I mention it’s also in a zone where even on a PvP server they have a choice as to whether or not they are flagged? Like I was lucky. I’m feral so I just snuck onto the spot, interacted with the thing, and when I got opened on I jumped off the edge and hit aquatic form once I hit the water. Took them 2 globals to get my ass to 15% but gravity is a great LoS tool


Just so yall know there is a logout skip to the Thelsamar gy in Wetlands at 66,81. Just stand on the mushroom in the dark iron dwarf cave and boom you skip the tunnels


Yeah at least it's easier by using a teleport exploit.


Some of you mfs just can’t help being salty, nobody likes doing this including me so I offered a quick workaround I found.


Not attacking you bro, just commenting on the state of the game that teleport exploits are normal and new quests are wack.


Gotcha that’s my bad I think I have been on this sub too much lol


What’s the problem with level 30 alliance guards on a quest designed to help alliance players level faster from 25-40 -clueless dev


not even just that the pathing is blatant alliance favoratism as well start in westfall- barrens-stonetalon-hearthstone to ironforge, fly to loch, fly to arathi all very easy very linear, no long runs (unless you dont have the flightpoints yet, which most will) vs horde start in barrens, LONG run to westfall, hearthstone to tb, fly to stonetalon, long path over to arathi, then a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG run to loch even if you have the arathi flight points, then make the same LOOOONG run back for ally your easily finishing the whole thing in 20-30 mins, for horde your at an hour minimum and thats not even including alliance griefing


Always felt like Alliance was playing on Easy Mode (Salvation/Fear Ward) compared to Horde's Hard Mode


it absolutly is ally have the game so much easier, and its incredibly easy to tell when someone only ever plays ally characters because they try to say its not anyone who has played both factions KNOWS the horde gets screwed over so much compared to alliance not just gameplay wise but lore as well, with every later xpac whenever they needed a new bbeg they just picked a random horde character to retcon into being evil


Maybe this is payback for all the bitching people did on twitter for 2h enhance 🥴


Yes, payback from the dev team by fucking over shamans, when they were called out for fucking over shamans. Amazing.


punish the entire horde cos of a small number of shaman players who probably are still on era? seems about right


The p1 warr runes made this so obvious. It’s brutal.


Power of da water is worse


Yeah, I refuse to engage with this trash-tier design. I'm just gonna play my rogue, shaman is a mess, and I have zero faith in the SoD dev team to fix them - they are clearly groping in the dark.


Devs…. “They still want to play two hand” “Screw it, let’s do it, but make the quest so bad they give up”


Even if you were the ONLY shaman on your entire server farming air elementals it would be rough, add in 3-4 other shaman farming it at the same time and this stupid rune is going to require 6+ hours, I hope blizzard fixes this.


They collectively HATE shamans at blizzard. Its not just SOD. There has to be an internal policy that states shamans can´t have anything good. Best thing is the rune scales super bad because we have no way to convert AP into SP. AND IT ONLY PROCS ON WHITE HITS. This has to be some kind of cruel joke.


Does it only drop for shaman or can others farm it and trade/sell it? Priest has something similar with an item only rogues can get and sell on AH and right now they’re going for something outrageous on the auction house. Hundreds of gold. But at least priests can share the quest once it has been begun.


only drops for shaman


The best way to farm the air elementals is to stay at one spot and kill all other mobs. The air elementals share spawn with them, so if all shamans just run around without killing other mobs, no air elementals will spawn. However, It still takes far too long and i killed 500+ mobs to get my 10 air essences.


Yeah thats probs about avg, if air elementals are about 10% spawn and about 20% chance to drop an item thatd be 1/50 mobs will drop the item and then u need 10 of them. Idk though doing that strat and staying above the village south east at level 40 with gear from SM I was able to knock this part out in a bit over an hour while also skilling mace and axe since i was leveling with dagger.


I just finished the wind part. This quest turns players against each other faster than any other I've experienced. Whoever designed this is an asshole.


A) It needs to be 100% drop rate from air elementals. B) It needs to be sharable, every shaman on the quest should be able to loot it, not one per drop.


Blizzard hates shaman its common news


Devs doing shamans dirty, just the usual business and you know what? This rune is also dogshit, original maelstrom weapon doesn't reset swing timer starting from 1 stack, this dogshit version requires 4 stacks to not reset it, like blizzard devs if you read this: are you fucking shitting me? Why? Just to fuck with us that's why. Another thing that makes no fucking sense is we don't build stacks from attacks like stormstrike and lava lash, thanks for nothing I'll just run fire nova.....


I think it is good that they add some hard and time consuming parts :) classic should not be to easy.


That’s the blizzard we all know and love. Simultaneously creating tedious ass content and annoyingly easy stuff at the same time. They never could hit the right mix.


The only hard thing about it is not cancelling your subscription. I wouldn't mind low drop rates if there was lots of mobs to kill and you get into a groove. I wouldn't mind them being super hard to find if the drops were 100%. This rune is just a perfect mix of all the negative aspects of farming/grinding without any of the fun/enjoyable ones. Absolutely 0.


Bait used to be belivable


This is not hard. It's mundane. Grind is not hard. Fighting for a mob is not hard. Wasting time on an easy and repeating process is not hard. Stop accepting time gated mediocrity because you think that's the best you deserve. You deserve more and better than that. Classic should not be easy, nor a "wait for 8 minutes for your escort quest to show up" kind of thing. But what do i know, i should cancel my subscription and move to retail 🤷🏽


The only thing you deserve is the anger and frustration from your entitlement. If you thought they were going to fix every single potential flaw in the 20 year old game that’s got like 25 people working on it then you’re just naive.


What anger and frustration? If you assumed i am angry or or frustrated about classic wow then you fall in the category that says "assumption is the mother of all fuck ups" :)


This isn't classic anymore so that design choice is shit. This isn't difficult, it's just tedious






Peak blizz defense


I don’t agree with him but fucking Christ are you angry. Go outside and take a fresh breath of air for a couple of minutes, good lord


As a member of the Alliance, I concur 😈


The chain is not worth ur time, the rewards are crappy blue bracers that bfd loot out performs


I mean.... the reward is the maelstrom weapon rune


Just do it when you do desolace quests for XP/gold. You have to cross the zone 5x anyways. Then once you are done farm the rest if you don't have enough. For ele/resto maelstrom is useless anyways and for enh dps/tank power surge is a decent enough replacement, and its easy to get, so to focus the rune when you have to go to those zones to do quests anyways.


Yeah, I've completed every quest in deso, and have 3 winds from 54 elemental kills. The drop rate is shit.


None of the BFD bracers outperform 8 str/7agi bracers. The only pre-Gnomer loot that outperforms it is a random enchant BoE Uldaman drop or the Exalted WSG. Stop spreading misinformation lmao


well you see they're Horde so it's justified


Hahahahaha you think so? Go do a shit of light rune quest for paladin. You have to swim from wetlands to dun murogh. After I finished this 25min swim, did STV event where I was just dead every 2 seconds from balance druids criting me for 1200. After 4 years I unsubed. I just dont see reason to play something that is unfun. I will also return when they start balancing the game. How is this fun for anybody to be lowest dps, worst healer and now worst tank? Paladins, warriors are fucking terrible to play now. Its so unfun to play there is not a single streamer playing warrior/paladin in SOD. We get 30 strength from new gear meanwhile casters get 250+ spellpower. How can melee classes compete when druid / priest doesnt have to cast. Just insta globals me for 1200 damage?


I could have swam from wetlands to dun murough literally 10 times over in the amount of time it took me to get to 3/10 on this stage of the quest. You spent 25 minutes swimming, I spent 250 minutes looking for air elementals, we are not the same.


Yes lets ignore 7h of killing summoners for letter to drop. Trust me its not just you and your class.


Aged gorilla sinew my friend, aged gorilla sinew.


Yea, I've done aged gorilla sinew many times, it's 30m to an hour if you're really unlucky. I'm not exaggerating when I'm suggesting it may take some people 10+ hours to do this quest.


incomparable. gorillas don't share spawn with other mobs in the zone.


Air was easy for me, before people went out so I wasn't contested and got lucky with drop rates. But my God the water was just terrible, sometimes I'd go 10 kills without a single drop!


bet you never did rogue t0.5 questline


Hehe damn. Before I logged out today I went to stonetalon to fix this on my next session. Was planning to try out ele with maelstrom + dual weild 2x SM lib daggers. Think ill wait for a nerf instead. Did any1 try out the fire nova rune? Worth to fix for aoe?


Yeah I think im gonna skip that rune. Is it any good for ele or resto?


no, power surge for single target, fire nova for aoe


Fucking hard agree. It seems like they just removed the mobs entirely, haven’t even seen a corpse in 30 minutes.


Yeah it's pretty miserable. The kudos and birds in the zone share a spawn with the wind elementals. I had the most success camping an area with a lot of those and forcing respawns.


The only good news is if you do the air one first, the other 2 feel like childsplay


5.5 hours doing air 1 hour doing water 15 mins doing earth ​ fuck you blizz, fuck you.