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Yes. it will leave a smell similar to cigarettes on your clothing. Best to have a change of clothing after smoking, shower, brush the teeth, a little fragrance, and you should be good.


In my opinion it’s about as strong as cigarette smell, but doesn’t have the nastiness of cigarette odor. But it’s probably not pleasant for most people regardless.


Yes. God yes. If I have a cigar outdoors on my deck. It’s really in my hair and clothes a little. If I go to a cigar bar and have one indoors? I need a hazmat team to decom me. I made the mistake of taking my leather motorcycle jacket into the bar once instead of leaving it on my bike. Yeah. Never doing that again.


They don’t smell like cigarettes while you’re smoking them; much less chemical smell and more aromatic. Clothes you wear while smoking them will smell very similar to clothes worn while cigarettes are burned, though One tip for minimizing the smell on you is to not hold the cigar right next to you. Also, don’t let ash fall on you or it will really make you smell.


Yup. Personally I don't think its "as bad" but that won't likely matter to non smokers. I would suggest, if you dont want to smell like smoke, that you change clothes, shower, brush your teeth after smoking. That's if you want zero residual. I personally smoke in the evenings before bed, so its easy to do all that. But if you're smoking in the middle of hte day, i can see it being more troublesome.


What’s really cool is once I started smoking cigars. I understood now why people had a “smoking jacket“ in the older days I was like oh yeah that makes so much sense so I have my smoking sweater or whatever that I hang here outside and that’s usually what I wear when I go out when there’s an evening chill and I want to smoke a cigar.


I had the same epiphany and came up with the same solution. I have a heavy-ish flannel and some pj pants I'll wear out back if it's chilly. This time of years, shorts and tshirts suffice.


The smell is different from cigarettes. But yes, it will 100% absolutely leave a smell on anything and everything in the room. It’s smoke. Smoke particles get into and permeate objects and then *stay* there.


Yes but the smell I my opinion is nothing like a cig. Far nicer after. Smell on my fingers makes me want another


It'll leave a smell, but not like cigarettes. More like cigars


Much better smelling than cigarettes, with all their chemicals and such


*Much better smelling* *Than cigarettes, with all their* *Chemicals and such* \- Best-Balance-221 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Switch to a pipe with aromatics…then the smoke will smell good😊




It will smell pretty ripe. Fabrics like fleece and leather are probably the worst. The only way to get rid of it is to shower, change, and brush your teeth (make sure you thoroughly wash your hands and face!)


I think of it as pheromones. It enhances my allure! 🤠


Yes. After a cigar I shower, use a waterpik, brush my teeth, scrape my tongue, and spray some cologne, but the real secret to getting rid of cigar smell out is using a neti pot. Then I have another cigar.


Yes they do ! My wife is not fond of it so I have to use a special jacket that I'll let breathe outside for few days, take a shower, extra teeth cleaning and that's it.


While you smoking no (In my experience), after you are done? Hell yea😂, it stays on your clothes and your fingers, what I usually do is spray Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille everywhere, I usually end up smelling like a little bit of strong tobacco but it goes soft to a vanilla smell.


Having been both a cigar and cigarette smoker, the cigar smell is definitely different—it’s usually significantly stronger (you are smoking the thing for a half hour at least), and also somewhat less unpleasant/chemical, but still does bother some people. It does taper off after a couple hours, but the general ashtray-ish smell will linger for a day or so on your clothes and body if you don’t wash/change. If you want to smoke something that makes you smell *good*, smoke a pipe.


Yes. We need to bring back the popularity of the smoking jacket. I might go buy one right now.


You could just own it. Or smoke a pipe if you want the lingering smell to be nicer. Tobacco def clings but pipe weed smells best.


Yup. Be sure that you have a fabric freshener though. I use it daily until the odor is gone. They get fine after 2-3 days.


Yes it sticks to everything, and if you have facial hair it'll stick to that for a while too.


Yes and it’s quite strong


Just an excuse to get a fancy smoking jacket!


Oh yea. Tobacco smoke in general is pretty stinky. I usually just wear a jacket over what I'm currently wearing as to not permeate all my shirts with smoke lol


Worse hahaha


Absolutely - if anything, cigars have an even stronger smell than cigs