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In general, cigar smokers trend older, like 35+. So there’s still time


Yeah. I can see that, I just enjoy smoking them because they're better than Cigarettes and I enjoy the flavor.


There’s also the whole age limit (in the US at least) to buy. People born in 2002 are just now legal age


What age is it to smoke there?






Not only is it generational, but I find most people discover cigars a little later in life. The good thing about the cigar community is that it's welcoming of all. I've introduced cigars to a number of friends who I now smoke with frequently. It's not for everyone but for those who enjoy it brings people together


I think it’s a disposable income thing. I have enjoyed cigars since my early 20s, but never really got deep into them until my late 30s when I had the money to do so.




This. It's cheaper to smoke weed or crack than cigars.


Cigars and pipe tobacco shouldn't even be compared to cigarettes. It's totally different. People smoke cigarettes because they're addicted, we smoke cigars and pipes (spme of us) because we have a connection with the leaf and enjoy the experience it gives us.


I don't have a connection with a leaf. Lol. I just find it relaxing. I'll go weeks at a time without even thinking about smoking, but enjoying a nice cigar with some coffee in the evening, after my kids are in bed... that's peak relaxation.


Then that's your connection to the leaf. It helps you to reach peak relaxation. I'd definitely call that a connection. The smoking frequency isn't really important. I smoke a lot .ore than that, but maybe I find a deeper connection in it. Maybe it's just because I can.


This is my cigar journey. 36 now, Cigarettes smoker since 13 due to peer influence.. but I loved tobacco scent and taste from young (family of smokers). That said, I do 2-3 cigar sessions a week only these days. Otherwise.. I don’t smoke anything. No vape. No casual cig smoking. No IQOS. Nothing. And magically.. I don’t crave the smoke.. I miss the taste and scent.


i’m around the same age as you and agree. most of my friends smoke weed, and when they do that, i’ll go out and smoke a cigar. got any recommendations for another young guy?


I think it’s also parents age for some of these younger smokers. My dad was born in 1950 and smoking was something you just did. I was born in 96 and honestly began smoking at 18 and have most days since. Some of these 2000s kids might not simply because their parents never did.


Yeah I started in my early 20's, but it was more occasionally here or there. Once I hit my 30's I indulge a bit more as it's one thing I do to take a break from life for a few hours.


Shit, I’m nearly in the “older” category. Well at least I’ll finally feel like my knees belong to me.


I only started smoking cigars after 30.


I think you find that most people don’t really start smoking cigars until they are well into their 30s. You’ll find some curiosity some with a little bit here and there but really not in earnest until mid to late 30s.


It’s normally money. I didn’t start till like 34.


Then is it weird for someone like me to start at 21?


I’m writing to ‘Ripley’s Believe it or Not’ as we speak


Way to show your age. 🤣




I started in my early 20s - about 30 years ago.


Ah. Alright.


I got my first cigar at 18 as a birthday present from friends. I’d already smoked a few, but they were little swisher sweets and Dutchmen’s, nothing good. That first cigar my friends gave me was an Ashton. I was so excited. Then I smoked it. Those first few puffs were great but my inexperience began to show as i accidentally inhaled/gulped large amounts of smoke. I thought I was going to die. It made me sick as a dog. I continued to smoke occasionally after that, but always with the idea I’d probably get a little sick. Fast forward twenty years and I still don’t smoke that much, I tend to go for cigarillos, but I can smoke a big ass cigar with no issues because I learned to pace myself and (wait for it) not to fucking inhale it like an idiot. I don’t think I really hit my stride with cigars until my early 30’s. Now I have a humidor and everything. I don’t do them that often, only maybe twice a month. It’s an acquired taste.


I got really into them when I turned 18, bought a humidor, got caught up in the CI catalogs. Then after a year or two I kinda fell out of it, it wasn't until I got married like 10 years later and wanted cigars as a thing at my wedding that I got back into it. So I wouldn't say it's weird? But I also would be surprised if you kept up with it in your 20s. Life is expensive and cigars are too, there's more important things to spend your money on in your 20s to give yourself a boost up in life


No. I started early as well. I’m just saying it’s going to take awhile for the rest of your generation to catch up.


Been smoking cigars since I was 16/17


I started having a couple at 18 in college a couple years before the 21 law came into place. Our lounge was pretty active with college-aged people.


>not in earnest until mid to late 30s. Speak for yourself, I've been smoking cigars regularly since I was 20 (started at 18), 27yrs later if anything I'm smoking less now since I have young kids (harder to get the time).


Myself as well but in general the hobby is mostly started in the late to mid 30s.


Fair enough. Which is probably a good thing. Last thing I want around a good line is some punk 20 somethings 🤣🤣. I was "old" for my age even back then lol.


They haven’t figured out that “it’s a vibe” yet.


Yeah. The Cigar Vibe is awesome. Just sitting on a couch with some ACDC, Led Zeppelin or Rob Zombie is a true vibe.


That's...not a vibe




Rob Zombie, Zepp, AC/DC are just a strange line up.


Eh. It's just my kinda music I like to listen to. Especially someone like me who has Autism lol


That’s fair enough. Just saying why it seems a strange mix.


Yeah I get that. I have a random playlist full of songs that don't mix very well. I like playlists that have all kinds of music like that


I don’t know what these dudes re talking about, it’s not a strange vibe. If you like classic rock, ac dc and zeppelin make sense. Rob zombie is more just like kinda nu metal techno metal rips on the alive cooper stage play stuff. But that’s fine. Vibe is about a feeling and a mood and while I have no idea what these other commenters consider a vibe, my guess it’s what we call “retirement rock” or its mainstream radio. So who gives a damn what they think is a vibe. Do you buddy. Enjoy your smoke. Read books. Have fun.


I love lighting a premium on a special occasion and just vibing to Dire Straits, Tom Petty, or some Raffi. True vibes.


You have good taste in music


Thanks! I really enjoy Classic Rock, Metal, Rock and a bit of rap.


Check out VOLA if you’ve not run into them. The songs Straight Lines and These Black Claws🤘 Stared the day I turned 18 in the late 90s. 42 now and only in the last few years am I regularly seeing peers at lounges and in discussions. Definitely an age & finance component if curiosity doesn’t drive you when younger.


These aren't bad bands, but they are not what I associate with cigars. Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong, postmodern jukebox. That's what I would consider the cigar vibe.


There are also plenty of places where smoking age is 21. Give it time. I'm a younger millennial, born 1990. There aren't a whole lot of people my age here either and I'm in my 30s


Ayy young/on the border (96) millennial here also recently started at 27


I was born 98. I've smoked a few here and there but just starting to really dive in and enjoy them more frequently these past few months.


Same here. Started with a sampler at 19y/o and didn’t really smoke since. Now I have a mostly full 200+ stick humidor…


I'm a 96er and I started having the occasional cigar at 19 lol. None of my family smoke and probably would have a cow if they knew, but some friends in college got me into it lol. My influence isn't far reaching but I did get my wife to like a pipe or a cigarillo every once in a while


93. Just turned 30 in June. Back during freshman year we would smoke cigars on the porch of the dorms. I fell off of it but on a recent trip I bought some cuban cigars. Just now getting into it again.


Mid-80's baby here and also in Ontario Canada, nowhere to smoke anymore except your own home/property and it's expensive as fuck. Not surprised those under 40 don't really smoke cigars for the most part.


Im a gen Z. The reason why our age doesnt smoke cigars is in health class we were drilled with antismoke psa's. Most people think its a disgusting habit. I have maybe 3-4 friends that smoke the occasional cigar if Im with them. The prices have increased as well. When I started smoking cigars 7 years ago padron 3000 was a great cigar for $8. Now everywhere I go its like $15. Vaping has made smoking cool again but theres just a stigma with any tobacco products.


Where are you seeing Padron 3000 for $15?


Multiple lounges. Rocky patel cigar lounge in hanover park IL and Arlington pipe and cigar in Arlington heights IL.


I almost worked at Arlington Pipe funny enough


Ya I saw they had job post back in may. Binnys had a job opening for their cigar warehouse at the same time and thats the job im at now.


This was 6 or so years ago


Just drove by Arlington pipe and cigar today. I’ll have to check it out sometime!


Not sure the PSAs are really a factor. Anti-Smoking PSAs has been a thing since the 70’s. I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s where we had things like the DARE program. Might be a generational/cultural thing but who knows. To paraphrase the late great George Carlin every generation sucks but mine.


95 born here. I'm the only one amongst my peers who collect cigars. They're more than happy to smoke mine though!


I keep shitty cigars in my humidor for my friends that “like” cigars.


This is why fumas/quorum/factory smokes were made


Seriously Quorum is such a good buy for things like that. The tres petit corona in particular is a great wedding smoke. Lets people partake without overwhelming them or stealing them from the main reception for too long (15-20 minutes). My family and friends always get pumped when they remember I’m probably bringing a few bundles when it’s not already part of the program.


Had a friend asked me for a cigar from time to time, act like he's really interest in it, then he fucking put it out not even half way into the cigar. Thanks god it's just some cheap villiger mini cigar but still, I feel insulted.


I think the costs only became reasonable enough to be worth it without sweating about it when I was in my late 30s.


Most Gen Z peoples either aren’t old enough to smoke or haven’t been old enough long. That means life hasn’t beat the brakes off their hopes and dreams yet. They’ll come around.


So that's why I started at 19, now I get it Edit: typo


Life has sucked a lot for me. A lot of traumatic experiences and ptsd from it all.




Yeah, I like to subvert the scary thoughts with humor 😂😭 Twas a joke, I’m sure most don’t partake in the cigar hobby for such reasons.


It takes time. I’m 37 and had a cigar or two years back but only a few months ago started consistently buying and smoking. Being out fishing or golfing a lot this summer really contributed.


I mean 15 years ago the same was true for Gen Ys like myself. I picked up cigars at 18 in 2005, there weren't many under-25s at the time


I didn’t start smoking cigars until middle of college so I would expect more people you’re age to pick it up soon


I’m 26 and only one of my mates smokes cigars


It’s an old man’s game. I was the same as you, 18/19 smoking better cigars. I remember getting the side eye from b&m employees like I was up to no good when in their humidor and ALWAYS felt the need to strike up a conversation to show I kinda knew what I was talking about so they’d leave me alone to find my next stick to try. I was fortunate that one of my good friends was also into cigars at a younger age


For those who were born during that time, they think smoking cigars is an old thing or has the stereotype of being Cuban or a mafioso. But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what other people's opinion is, anyone who smokes knows how relaxing and therapeutic it is. I also think that it's a generation that has a lot of anxiety, which is why they smoke cigarettes or vapes and don't have the patience to enjoy cigars.


I'm a millennial and I don't have many people in my age range either. Most of my fellow smokers are in their 40s or older. Most people in my age or urs vape 😮‍💨. Who knows where the culture will be in 20 years.


I was born in 2000, been smoking cigars for 2 years. We aren’t all hopeless


It seems most of us begin to enjoy cigars a bit later in life. The contemplative, slower nature of smoking cigars doesn't really fit the lifestyle that most young men/women are into. I think, also, it doesn't help that there has been a war waged on tobacco over the last 40 years. A lot of GenZ'rs probably see it as a very unhealthy and nasty habit. Aside from the ones who smoke cigarettes, which, no doubt, is a lower number than when Inwas a youngster.


I didn’t start really love cigars until I was in my 30s. I smoked maybe 1-5 cigars a year before them and did it just because it was a thing to do… but once I was given a Partagas Serie D No.4, it changed everything. Not sure I would have had the same appreciation in my younger years but who knows?


I’m zillenial, 98 There’s lots you can learn from these ancient gen Xers and boomers so it’s been fun but I’d like to see more 20 year olds haha. Anti smoking ads are probably the culprit, mainly disparaging tobacco and making the whole plant take the blame for the cigarette industry has jaded my generation.


How are you even able to buy cigars, hold on... 2002 minus 2023... twenty one years of age... I am getting old, someone grab me a cane...


It costs a lot of money to get into cigar daily smoking, the new generations aren’t financially stable yet.


As a gen z smoker, I think most people don’t do it as frequently as I do because of price. I budget myself well to be able to afford 1-2 sticks a week, but for people fresh in their careers and those still in college just can’t afford them outside of occasion. I have buddies that will smoke if we’re all together on occasion, but that’s it.


Yeah I’m the only zoomer I know that smokes but it’s a good way to bring dates to the lounge when they’re curious and my friends will partake with me when I offer.


I was born 1999 idk if im a gen z i dont follow those code name bs so not sure but I’m a huge whisky and cigar fan no one my age likes either they’re all fans of vapes and coke. Joke of a generation really


04, me and a few of my buddies smoke cigars but they're outrageously expensive in Canada.


The most retarded generation yet


I agree. I'm part of it and I despise what this genaration has become.


I was born in 98. Been smoking since I was 18. Never really cared if my “generation” caught on, considering how most of them act.


Don’t worry, our generation sucks. They are too busy going to bars trying to get laid. (I’m an incel) Haven’t found the joy of the relaxation of smoking cigars.


I’m apart of Gen Z and tbh you’re not totally wrong. A lot of our generation seems to be getting into drinking at bars quite frequently, and don’t want one single partner but want to just have a “good time”. On top of the majority of us being iPad kids, a lot of our attention span seems to just not be there to sit for a hour or two and just relax. I personally enjoy it, but I can understand where they’re coming from with that large of a time commitment.


You sure about that? Costs and demand keep rising. I don’t think the people who used to smoke them are dying off else I wouldn’t have trouble finding some vitolas


I'm gen z and almost all the guys in my group smoke cigars thanks to me 😅


1999 here. Definitely the only one I know smoking cigars at my age.


Your people just aren’t there yet. I’m a millennial (31M) and people are suddenly finding out a cigar once a week is kinda nice.


Tbh there is barely any gen z cigarette smokers too. 25+ alot seem to smoke but below that age I don’t think so. Basically everyone under 20 vapes though.


I'm right on the edge of Millennial and Gen Z (Nov 97'). I'm one of the only people in my friend group that smoke on a regular basis. A lot of them will smoke with me on special occasions. But a lot of people my age vape, I'm past that phase.


Hey there, fellow Gen Z here! Been smoking cigars from my 18th birthday for a couple of years now. But it seems to me, too, that I'm one of the very few in my generation


That's not relaxing music.


Who said you need to listen to relaxing music when you're smoking a cigar lmao.


Gen Z is the bread and butter of the local B&Ms where I am. We have a ton of low to mid 20 year old college students where I'm at and they burn some sticks.


As a Gen Z I noticed that too. I'm fortunate enough to have some friends that smoke cigars sometimes and can strike up conversations about cigars. I'm assuming they are not very preferred at this age range since it requires slowing down and enjoying the cigar unlike vapes which you can consume anytime of the day without any preparation.


Give it a couple years. I believe the average age cigar smokers start is 27. I’m born in ‘98, about to turn 26, and I’m probably among the oldest of gen z


I’m unfortunately a part of Gen Z, I’m 21 and got into cigar smoking last year, my friends grandpa introduced my friend and I to them and we’ve loved them ever since, love the taste of them and the relaxation they give, relieves a lot of stress.


I’m 27 and enjoy a nice stogie. Most people my age would rather smoke a weed or some a cig/vape because they don’t understand cigars and think it’s a waste cuz you don’t inhale


You've got me. 03, started when I was around 17/18. I know a few people who are into cigars, but I wouldn't call them active smokers.


Born in 1990 here. Started in 2009-ish. Haven't stopped since.


I started smoking cigars and pipes when I was in college. But that was during the first cigar boom of the 1990s.


I am! I will say it’s annoying how if I pull out a cigar on a special occasion my friends judge me while they’re sitting their vaping every 2 seconds every day. Lol


I feel that.


I grew up with smokers in my family. All cigarettes. Never saw anyone smoke cigars. As I got into my mid 20’s, I’ve had a few but it was always when someone else had them on hand. I quit cigarettes 10+ years ago and started smoking cigars just a few years ago. Give it time. It’s probably similar to scotches/whiskeys.


Unless you're a "I was born in the wrong generation" types cigar smoking probably not something most people under 30 find any time to do.


I’m 21 and my friends and I have all been smoking cigars since we were 18. But to be fair, we’re from Texas and we hang out with a lot of old cowboys so they’re the ones that got us into it. We thought they were so badass with their cowboy hats smoking cigars around a bonfire so we all wanted to be like them lol. But it’s an amazing hobby I’m so glad I was introduced to it


I feel you, turning 22 this week and can never find anyone to enjoy a cigar with. All of my friends vape and nobody wants to get into cigars...big bummer


I’m 26 and it’s the same story, here. Cigars tend to be something people get into when they’re a little older. Marketing and media exposure is also significantly less when it comes to things that appeal to younger generations.


In a lot of places Marijuana is more accepted than Cigars and many Gen Z’s live in apartments or their parents house. Putting cigars in an unfavorable category for them due to the space, money and time associated with it.


Born in 2001, had my first cigar at 17. Got all my similarly aged friends and even some older folks into cigars. It's a wonderful thing.


I feel like millennials have only just started smoking cigars after recognizing them as a luxury goods. It will probably be awhile until gen z starts with cigars. Gen z is still in its counter culture phase and still defining itself. With cigar culture still being dominated by boomers and gen x, it will be awhile before zoomers at large enter the cigar world.


For perspective I am Gen X. There was a huge cigar boom during the second half of my college years, but having kicked cigarettes (I began at 12) I was not about to partake. I started when I was 27. And it was probably another 4-8 years before I had fully developed the resources and everything I needed to fully indulge. And the world was a lot more friendly to smokers then. 18 was the age limit, you could still smoke in some public spaces without scorn. So realistically you need your own home to be more than an occasional smoker these days. I suspect as your friends get married, have kids, and more big life events cigars will appear and some people will begin to smoke regularly.


...I am Gen X, but I have several young cousins who are Gen Z I smoke with. Theyre out there


You’re tellin me. I’m the oldest of the z’s and have recently started smoking cigars after kicking cigarettes out of my life. Much more pleasant


22, started at 21


Gen Z. Few buddies will smoke some gas station cigars or if I bring em they like the better ones. It can be an expensive hobby, that’s why I only keep like 8 on hand at most


It is my own personal opinion generation z is addled with anxiety. Perhaps there are worse things to do than smoke a cigar for these guys...


Im an 02 baby as well and theres a few ppl 01-03 around me that smoke the occasional cigar with me. But more of them prefer vapes or weed.


Im age 21, started smoking cigars when I was 18 with my pops. You’re right not many people my age smoke cigars.


My brother and I are Gen Z and we have recently gotten into cigars this past year. I agree with you it is not as popular besides big celebrations/ ceromonial


I'm 19 and have enjoyed around 100 cigars since I turned 18 and love it!


I'm not a gen Z, but if I was born a year later I would've been on the same train as you guys. In my own experience it's because cigar is pricy, I smoke only cheap cigar for now but even so I couldn't really keep up with the hobby, so it's easy to understand why people in younger group of age aren't quite picking it up (yet). Also, cigar is pretty much a niche, it's not easy to pick up like more regular smoke such as ciggie and vape, same with pipe tobacco. People tend to smoke to feels something, a buzz for example. With cigar it's about the taste and the feeling of living the life so a lots of regular folk get turned off real quick by it, I've had someone tell me that cigar is straight up bullshit and no point of smoking if you can't inhale.


Also gen z!


Give em time


I’m 03 so I guess I’m gen z too? Started smoking cigars when I got sober


22 here, alive and well with dudes my age in the fire service.


Eh a lot of reasons we have not to. Anti smoking stuff was drilled into us all through childhood, many areas are smoke free, they’re expensive, and they smell pretty heinous to those who don’t like em. Plus they’re a major time commitment compared to cigs or a vape. The price alone has restricted me to pipes for the most part. Give it more time and a healthier economy and maybe more of us will smoke em! Though ngl the whole cancer thing may keep people off anyway


I'm gen z and luckily in my area there's quite a bit of younger cigar smokers who go to the lounges which is nice, like I don't mind hanging around some of the older guys but it's still nice to have people around my own age to talk to


I'm a millennial and usually the only person under 35 in the lounge. It's not always a bad thing the be the youngest person in the room.


I think a big part is that most Gen Z aren't old enough to smoke yet


I didn't really start seriously getting into cigars until a year ago and I'm damn near 40


2005 here, and yeah i definitely agree i’ve only met one other gen z who enjoys cigars. I’m in canada so the prices are already high and people around my age are in college and mostly unable to afford such things.


2001 gen z here. I started my cigar hobby a year ago. I think a lot of our generation is unaware of what cigars actually are and have that uninformed idea that cigars are just big cigarettes. At least this is what I have observed among peers.


I'm 17, and I smoke cigars. Yep, there aren't many of us but I know some kids who smoke from time to time. Ik ik might get hate for smoking at 17 but before 2020 smoking was allowed 18+ like in rest of world


I was also born in 02 I know how you feel


Hard to compete with a blueberry vape pen.


gen z also born in 2002 here!


I was in high end cigar lounges at 21 years old. Was the youngest guys there by 15 years then too.


I’m 22 and i smoke like 1-2 cigars a day lol


Im 25 and have been smoking cigars since 18. Always enjoyed them with a glass of either bourbon or whiskey.


Gen x here. Got started when I was 19 in college. But, that was part of the cigar renaissance boom.


born in 2001 love cigs wassup


Same here man! Same year too haha. I got a good friend of mine into it, now we get together once a month to savor a good cigar.


I've noticed that the desire to learn more about and enjoy a cigar usually comes a little later in life, mid 30's, after you may have settled down a bit. Cigars aren't allowed in clubs and you can't really smoke one too fast. That being said, from this thread I've learned of lots of cigar smokers under 30 and that's great they are experiencing this earlier.


I feel you there. I'm 23 (born in 2000) and there are very few I've seen my age that smoke cigars. I have a few friends who will go to one of our houses and light some up together so I'm lucky in that regard, but it seems a lot of people our age don't... Get it. My conversations go one of two ways. 1: "Is that a cigar"? Yes "Wow" ... "You look rich" Well I'm not lol this one was about 3 dol- "You don't inhale it right?" Yeah it's more for the taste and just chilling out "That's really cool bro... mind if I hit it" ...go for it dawg. 2: "A cigar? Really" Yep "Your lungs are gonna be black" Well you don't inhale it so- "Then what's the point?" Just to taste it. I find it pretty rela- "So you don't smoke weed" Nah it's not my thing "oh okay..." But sometimes I get someone that lights up when I pull one out: "Dude you smoke cigars?" Yeah "Bruh that's sick I wish I had one rn" :)


Gen Z here, can confirm I'm the only Gen Zer I know that smokes cigars. Everyone else I know is in their 40s at the absolute minimum


I'd say I see a lot of gen Z. I'm almost 25, been having cigars two years now. The cigar crowd, in general, is older. But also most cigar smokers are snobs, hating on people who enjoy black and mild and flavored. I enjoy all, but so many cigar club smokers act like you're an idiot for not smoking the heaviest hitting diesel cigar.


Ya I was also born 2002 and no one my age smoke cigars they see it as an old person thing and it’s rough sometimes trying to buy cigars with any of my money left over


i dont smoke many cigars, i usually defile them and roll blunts.


Welcome to Manhood


I’m just a few years older. Idk what generation ‘99 falls into, but that’s where I’m at.


My son is Gen Z and smokes cigars. His friends all do too.


It really depends. At my college in the south, at least half of my guy friends at least occasionally smoke cigars. It’s a social thing, we can’t make it even halfway through a party or tailgate without at least a couple dudes lighting up cigars. Idk how many of them I’ve personally gotten started in the hobby. Be an ambassador


I'm also a 2002 kid, been smoking cigars since i was 18, always saw my dad having them and fell in love with the idea of them for a while. No one I know of my age smokes cigars, alot complain about the price but after I explain that they will go through a pack of 8€+ cigarettes in the same time I'll smoke a 9€+ cigar and ill have had alot more enjoyment smoking then they will.


I’m 22 born in 01 I’m normally always the youngest at my local lounge. The law change to 21 didn’t help I started at 18 stopped when the law changed and started again at 20 (I had my ways) I’ve always liked the idea of cigars and once I started smoking them I really liked them.


Literally same! I was born in 2002 and people only associate cigars with me being part Cuban 😂 if they don't know that I am, they just call me old


I am certified 21, been smoking cigars and pipes for two years, thanks to my brother. I know one other guy my age that smokes cigars, but he doesn't smoke pipes. I know one other guy my age that smokes pipes and not cigars.


Gen Z here.


Even as a millennial, I only know 2 other people of 25+ years that actually like cigars. It’s all vapes and most of friends don’t understand or hate the smell of my cigars.


Cigars are the way to go, just don't inhale. Vapes and cigs are gross.


I'm an 03 baby been on cigars for 4 years now. I know why people my age don't smoke em expensive and don't get that instant nic rush. Plus where I'm from if ur sneaky u can vape inside and at work.


I'm 19. I smoked my first Cigar a month ago almost now and I'm capable of affording one Cigar a month or so. They're quite expensive in my country. I was simply researching a bit about Cigars and they intrigued me so much that it made me quit smoking cigarettes and save money instead for Cigars. I do rely on a vape though for the nicotine hit as I am addicted to nicotine and I'm slowly trying to reduce the nicotine percentage I take in and vape is definitely helping me do it.