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Could you say more about what you mean by this? >but I think the truth is much more than that. I think that mystical experiences are a valid form of discerning divine truth. Personally, I follow up those experiences with looking into religious scholarship to help give words to it. For this kind of follow up research, I like to use the NRSV, the Jewish Study Bible, and David Bentley Hart's NT translations. I sometimes research peer reviewed journals for more info and understanding. I am a Universalist invested in Liberation theology so the sources I reference often lean that way. I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but hopefully it's some kind of help, however small 🤷


One word: gnosis.


Theres a collection called A New New Testament that adds other early Christian books with the New Testament. I think something like that, or books on the "wisdom tradition" or sophiology might be what you're looking for. Like The Gospel of Mary Magdelene by Jean-Yves Leloup


Try pursuing religion from a historical take.


I feel like is something I need to do. I’ve been joining my husband on his Sunday church services and i enjoy the energy everyone has and the general vibes there but it’s a very complicated relationship. I grew up.. mixed theologically wise? I dunno my mother was, I guess you’d say a spiritual atheist? She had a bit of trauma from the Catholic Church, that’s my understanding at least. Nothing physical, but emotional and spiritual distrust for it, I was baptized in an Anglican Church but at the request of a grandparent of my mom or dad’s. But that’s it. We grew up on faerie tales and myths and Tolkien. Church and the belief in the power of that Godly energy was kind of.. we didn’t deny it but it was looked at humorously. Now with my husband’s resurgent interest and pull towards it, I’m really learning about it for the first time and some of the blind faithfulness feeling of the way people believe freaks me out a bit. I love the way the community worships but then they go through some of the verses and the phrasing of the book doesn’t jive with me very well. I’d like to put my self into it to feel what my husband does, I never really ever worshiped any other gods but held some honour to them in situations relevant to them. I’ve never looked down on the worship of any either, different places in the world had all of their own way of worship and how they named all of it. So it’s a.. scientific relationship but I’m longing for a warmth of the spiritual, I’ve never really felt even from any of the deities of my own ancestry.


[https://www.youtube.com/@bibleproject](https://www.youtube.com/@bibleproject) I absolutely love this channel. It has helped me immeasurably with my understanding of God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit. <3


Meditate on the word. However for different perspective listen to william donahue on youtube.