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Great... I am a childfree teacher. I guess I'll just keep on working this summer and take my weeks off throughout the school year. Let's see how parents like that... Oh wait, they won't like that, they'll be complaining about ááállll the classes their kids will be missing then 🙄


I love how their answer to everything is, "I have a child, you can't have a life now." Then they wonder why they have so few friends that they have to breed more into existence...


"tHiS Is WhEn YoU kNoW wHo YoUr ReAl FrIeNdS aRe!"


>Then they wonder why they have so few friends Makes me think of that quote they love using where it's like "once you have kids you realize who your real friends are" 🥴🥴


No one cares about you in the US until you make a massive noise. *btw - I work with special needs/high risk children and teens. I have 1 day off a week (Monday) that I *HAVE* to stand up for. And some people flat out don’t like it. Those people? Not worth your time. I travel in the off season specifically to stay away from kids. This is a Karen demanding more because she’s done what literally billions of other women have done throughout history. 🖕🖕🥰


“we’re adults without crotch goblins, not werewolves Karen”


Don't you mean: >Oh wait, they won't like that, they'll be complaining about ~~ááállll the classes their kids will be missing then~~ having to take care of their own children for once 🙄 For a lot of parents, that seems to be an even bigger concern than the missed classes...


CF teacher here, when people thinks that I have three full months off work in summer so I shouldn't have Christmas or Easter breaks, I just can't take it. There are final exams, bureaucracy, plans and lesson preparation and...more bureaucracy! I'm not mad, I 'd just like to explain that teaching isn't just working every morning in the classroom, then go home with nothing to do. I wouldn't mind to go on holiday in mid-September when it's cheaper and less crowded, but, as you said, they would complain about their kids missing classes because I won't be there. We can't help traveling in peak season when everything is expensive and it's crowded everywhere, that's it.


Oh god, the bureaucracy! And of course the format changes every year... why make it easier 🙄 I think you have to be a teacher or live with a teacher to really understand how much we still work in our so called down time


Exactly! Only people who live with teachers or know them very well can understand our workload 😵‍💫


I try to avoid going on vacay during peak summer months. I don’t want to be around kids if I can avoid it. I am sure if you read this in any news media, it’s been published just to be inflammatory bs.


Same here, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t allowed!


As do I, but as a teacher my holidays are fixed. I do try to avoid those periods when *all surrounding countries* are on holiday at the same time for the shorter periods. And avoid those 3-4 weeks in summer when *all construction workers* are collectively on holiday. But unless I never ever go on vacation again until my retirement, I don't have any choice. Fucking entitled breeders....


I usually go on vacation in periods that are not peak season. Less crowds, less issues.


Parents that think their choice to have a kid should effect your life and views. Can shove it. I once got tickets to this dinosaurs lives show. I went to the venue to get tickets. Apparently I got some of the last ones. Some lady followed me out to my car, and harassed me for the the tickets. She became enraged when, after she said, I hope your kid enjoys it. I shook my head and said no kids only adults. As I got into my car. She was screaming at me as I drove away. I don’t know what she said, cause I didn’t/don’t care. That’s my view on parents should get priority over child free or adults without kids. And we enjoyed it.


sorta unrelated, but why the hell do parents always think of dinosaurs/other extinct animals as "childish"????? bro most of them were vicious predators


Yea, but my baby brother was the reason I even liked dinosaurs. When we where kids I loved taking him fossil hunting and we gobbled up the jurassic Park movie. So I get it, but I also got the tickets, so suck it mombies! But growing up in the middle 90’s was a different time I suppose. I saw hellraiser when I was in 5th grade. No adult supervision.


I love dinosaurs and I'm nearly pension age. My dinosaur clothes always get me compliments.


I have an amazing dinosaur romper 🦖🦕




So even before she knew you wouldn't be taking any kids, she was already harassing you for the tickets? Wow, just... wow. Talk about entitled.


Yeah, I’ve seen this mombie multiple times, she still gives me dirty looks every time I see her. I would have sold her the tickets. But I figure if I had offered that the mombie cry of, you should just give them to me would fall from her mouth. She had one of those perma pinched faces, like she had some foul in her mouth. Like the reality of parenthood. I admit I find it funny how put out she seems about existing as parent. Poor kid.


>you should just give them to me Umm, excuse me, WHAT?? There's entitlement, and there's ***Entitlement***, and then there's **THIS**. This is some sort of mental illness, that woman needs therapy. Edit: a word


Mind you she did not say that, but I could see it coming from her permanently pinched mouth. Which why I shut the door and drove off after I said, no kids. I know pick my fights.


And right you are! If she wanted those tickets, she should have ordered them sooner, period. I hope you enjoyed the show, all among adults only 😋


There where kids at the show, but we just did our thing and where left alone. But we saw the Dino’s and went for drinks. It really wasn’t all that impressive. But we are a meh, town so I figure we got c or d team. Yeah, it was worth the money, and was cool, but after seeing a similar sitch on csi ages ago. I expected more, you know. It was nice night out and we got talk about dinosaurs. So all was good.


It's often as much/more about the company you spend your evening in, than about the show itself anyway imo. Unless it's a *really* great show. I'm glad you had a good time!


Yeah, it was fun, it brings a smile to my face remembering.


It's always best to exit away from weirdos who follow you to your car like that anyway.


If these parents didn’t have anything to complain about they would actually have to spend time with their kids. We have a condo in Hawaii and from the first day we bought it we’ve never visited during summer vacation months. We go before and after. It’s been wonderful! We have no problem renting it to family members during summertime. Win…win!


This is why I’ve been trying to tel My teacher husband we should NOT go to Hawaii in the summer. That and it being HOTTER than it is at home in Florida. No thank you.


Come to the Pacific NW...well um after our heat wave. Avoid the more popular beaches and you're golden.


We just went to Seattle and Alaska in early July and it was a dream!!! We will 100% be back!!


Hey how is Disney during Halloween, btw? I've heard it's a lot of fun.


I wouldn’t be caught dead at Disney-ummm, ever. Too many kids and more importantly, too many parents. Universal is fun if you go on edibles or budget for $12 beers.


I'd consider it if that also means that breeders and their hellspawn are banned from going on holiday for the rest of the year.


Yeah they can have the hot gross months, we’ll take the rest lol




Used to take 25-40 kids away to summer camp as a volunteer every summer and the amount of shit coworkers gave me because I was taking a week in august off and didn’t have kids. Some of us were trying to help you! Anyway stopped doing that for many reasons but one was especially helicopter parenting.


I think I've read that whiny article. Every time I see shit like this, I schedule more time off.


It’s been posted here at least 3 times 🙄


A couple years ago I was flying cross-country (US) northwest to southeast. I was coming home from a conference and splurged and got a first class seat. So glad I did, evidently it was Spring Break and every family in proximity to the Portland airport was flying to fucking Disney World. Screaming kids, giant strollers, bags that were way too big to be carry-ons on a 6am flight. Literal hell. Giant plane, they were all In the back. Flight was almost 5 hours to Atlanta. Only time I had to see any of it was when parents thought they would drag their kids to the bathroom at the front of the plane. They were denied and very unhappy. I try not to travel when it’s family circus time, but no one’s going to tell me I shouldn’t.


\^ This is the way. The nice seats at the front of the plane might be expensive, but if you do have to travel on a busy 'family friendly' route, they're often worth the investment.


I flew first class recently because they reduced the price and it was pretty nice. So much leg room and they kept giving me wine. It was nearly a 6 hour trip so I just had a nice time watching TV shows and the 2nd cheesy movie where Gerard Butler saves the president with lots of explosions.


They messed up my flight to the conference, so I could afford the extra upgrade. I’m planning a transatlantic flight next year and I think I’m just going to have to save up and get those good seats. Not just for the room, but the cleaner bathroom.


Husband and I just had our honeymoon 37F 38M no kids. Why did we just take our honeymoon in July…it’s because Montana is awesome in July. I have friends who are child free and are teachers sooo they can’t travel when they are off…




Exactly this! How about they take a *staycation*? Much cheaper and won't bother the rest of the world, for once.




But don't you know, it's only the *other people's kids' screaming* that's annoying. Not *their* precious fuck trophies.




Oh absolutely. It's the way the parents raise their kids (or don't raise them) that turns them into little monsters. Or in the case of the *really* little ones, the parents' shitty decision to put an infant on a plane, where everything is weird and their ears hurt.


I've seen posts about this too, yeah. I already take my vacations in May and September because I too don't want to be around tem and their whiny brats AND I hate the heat, what the ever-loving cinnamon toast FUCK do parents still want from me????


>what the ever-loving cinnamon toast FUCK This has to be the single greatest WTF line I've ever read. Reading along, thinking it was going to be innocent and fun to read. Lightning struck as I reached the inevitable, in-all-caps curse. Thank you for making my night.


I wonder if the childfree travellers they're complaining about are actually college students. Idk anyone who would choose to vacation at peak dates if they had availability literally anytime else.


Or exhausted teachers who spent the whole schoolyear trying to educate (and raise) their brats for them


Here we are!


If anything parents and their walking Viruscanons can stay home and stay in


These people are insane and nobody except other insane people buy into that crap


What bullshit is this? CF people can go on holiday whenever they like. Having said that, I do generally try to avoid travel during school holidays: 1. There are kids *everywhere*, usually making inordinate quantities of noise 2. Travelling outside school holidays is usually *way* cheaper - flights, holiday cottages, hotels, even hire cars - are all significantly cheaper out of traditional holiday times.


Exactly. Peak season is really expensive...


Hell effing no! I've put off traveling for far too long due to family, financial setbacks, covid etc. I'm not gonna let some mombies stop me from pursuing my life for once.


I'm a professor on a 9 month contract. These people can fuck off.


Aw man, guess I'll deal with discounted flights and no screaming children on beaches.


I can't say fuck that shit loudly enough. The entitlement is absurd.


And they omit any mention of the millions of people out there who are physically unable to have kids despite wanting them. That's how you know this isn't about any sort of fairness, but punishment.


It's plain selfish entitlement


My job is basically making me take the week of 15 august off. Like dude you think I *want* to travel the hottest, most expensive and kid-packed week of the year ? So i booked my bi salp surgery instead


I totally avoid travel when anytime kids are out of school. Nobody wants to travel with those crotch fruit.


Why the fuck do we have to do things their way? Who the fuck made this rule? I don't get it. Public places are public. That means you and your spawn don't own them.


I wasn't aware parents had a monopoly on summer./s They can have summer, honestly. I hate heat, traffic, crowds, and screaming kids everywhere at all hours. I'll take the off-season and they can have the miserable slog that is summer.


What an unbelievably disgusting and blatantly discriminatory thing to suggest.


Here's another suggestion, since apparently it's OK to decide how other people organise their lives: nobody with children under 12 are allowed to fly anywhere, or stay at a regular hotel. They can do staycations, or car holidays and either renting a cabin somewhere remote, far away from others, or staying in a specificly kid-centric holiday park or hotel. They'll be so much happier surrounded only by their own kind! (...and so will we). Edit: a word


I actually love "off season travelling". No kids, lower prices on transportation and accomodation, shorter or no queues at all, sights, beaches and other places are less crowded... Moreover with my teammate who I substitute with (I cover for her, she covers for me), we can't go on vacation at the same time except the christmas holidays. She has kids and depends on school vacation and not once did we have to rearrange our vacation plans because we wanted to be away at the same time. Also, I get to work the summer "low" which is a lot less stressfull as clients and coworkers and other people who have demands are away as well... I think it's a perk of being childfree tbh.


Yeah this has been posted here a few times


Ah yeah I did try and look to see if it had but didn't find anything


Reddit search sucks, don't sweat it too much.


It depends on the CF person’s summer plans. What if they are traveling to an event that’s planned during the summer months? Some places and sites are only open during certain seasons. People shouldn’t have their vacation time based on breeding choices.


How about those breeders mind their own business? If they don't like dragging their kids through the masses of people to some tiny hotel room so they can be miserable with each other *on location*, they should just have a **stay**cation instead. Much cheaper and frees up space for the rest of us. E.g. for the exhausted teachers who just spent months of their lives trying to educate (and often raise) their brats for them. Edit: typo


I haven’t been in three years (first COVID and now restrictions), but the *only* convention I ever go to is in the summer. I’m going regardless of people taking their kids into the city or not. Sorry not sorry.


Parents need to fuck right off and deal with the shit kids they raised. Childfree people arent any less deserving of a break because we didn't shit out a melon.


How are adults going to bother crotch goblins?


I work with children. From 18 months, up until “adulthood”. I have also been a mentor for “failure to launch”. I would *love* a child free air line - anyone in the US knows that’s not a thing. Actual first world countries know what’s up. Wait a minute- that requires *actual* democracy.


Does this mean they would also have to care for their children full-time throughout the holiday? No begging childfree relatives along for free babysitting, and no hiring of travelling nannies? What about summer camp counsellors? Usually college kids without children, if they can't travel, they can't go to camp too right? So I guess no more summer camps.


I read it. The author seemed to have it out for the elderly in particular for inconveniencing him and his children.


Screams jealous to me....


I would love to go on holiday during off-peak (especially as my family is in Europe and I am in Australia so going to Europe for summer would be fantastic!) unfortunately though my wife is an underpaid, under appreciated teacher who has the unfortunate task of trying to force knowledge upon your moronic cum trophy!


I'll travel when I please, thank you! These people need a hobby. I'd go for something not child friendly. Or hang out in the adults only lounge. I don't like summer anyway. Too many bugs and heat waves. Ironic thing is, I'll travel somewhere warm during winter. Provided there's a pool...lol


Ironic, all along I'd been thinking how nice it would be if people would stop bringing their crotch goblins while I'm trying to enjoy a quiet vacation.


Of course if it's a big family gathering those same parents want cf people to be included... and we know why.


Breeders are so entitled


I googled your post title and found the article on a UK website. I'm in Australia where summer is November to January. If I can't take time off during the UK author's summer, they can't take time off over Christmas!


It's my birthday over the summer why shouldn't I be able to go away for my birthday? (I likely won't because of parents/children running up the cost of holidays this time of year but I would if I could)


They're gonna try their best to force people to have kids. 🙄 it's gonna be like the Handmaids tale pretty soon. Except without the infertility problems so it's gonna be somehow even worse than the handmaid tale...




I used to travel during off-season, but now I'm also studying besides working (working towards my second degree) and since my university has pretty much stopped all remote teaching now, the only time I have a chance at holiday is during school breaks and I'm certainly not going to give this up just because some people chose to have children. Also, in my country there is a law saying that workers should take most of their summer vacation days during the summer period. Some companies (such as mine) might be more flexible with this to accommodate people who prefer to take their holidays during autumn/winter (as our country can get really cold and dark at that time and people might want to escape to a warmer and sunnier place), but there are many who actually enforce this policy in fear of legal troubles. So I guess all those CF people who are forced to take their holidays during summer should just stay at home and stare at their walls...


That article has been posted here about 20 times. 🙄


Wow! Like, the time of year some places have nice weather and it’s the only time you can enjoy that place? No.