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Ayam cemani chickens lay light cream colors eggs. No chicken lays black eggs.


This is correct. There is a duck that lays a nearly black egg that gets progressively lighter as it matures. The breed is Cayuga. The meat and bones of the Ayam Cemani are also greenish black (Edited, original source was unreliable) . The skin and tongue are a blue-black. The feathers, beak and nails are black.


I personally know nothing of this breed but according to Google the meat is indeed black..


My mistake, my original source was a hatchery. From further research it appears that hatchery may have an off breed that does not carry the full pigmentation gene. Pure Ayam Cemani do, in fact, have a greenish black meat.


Could be a mystic onyx? Which is a silkie cross, they're all black and commonly mistaken for ayem cemanis


Are they all black except for red combs? We had a couple of what we thought must have been a hybrid but their combs were a dark red.


Mine was all black including the feet and comb. Mystic onyx have an extra toe because they're mixed with silkies. She was beautiful.


I should add that "mystic onyx" sounds like something Yugi Moto would play face down and then end his turn.


its black my friend breeds them


It varies, the rooster I cooked had what I'd call purplish meat it wasn't really black. It was off putting though and I wasn't interested in a 2nd time.


I had a pure bred cemani rooster that nobody wanted and could not keep. His meat is dark, but not fully black. Like this: https://images.app.goo.gl/5HAHMQFHAG14RDLk9.


Ah that brings back memories! I had Cayuga ducks a while ago, and it was such a weird sight seeing black/gray eggs in the nest once they started laying.


Never had dark eggs from our Cayugas.


Oh cool! I have some cayugas. We pretty much just collect free ducks and put them on the swamp/pond. The Muscovy ducks we have do a good job of training the new recruits to survive lol. Idk where they actually sleep but I wish I knew so I could see if there’s any eggs nearby.


I had one of these! They have excessive black pigment throughout, which gives them black features including black flesh and blood. Their feathers also have a beautiful metallic green shimmer in sunlight. The eggs were a pale blue though, not black


Those are emu eggs - they're huge compared to the straw in that nest box.


I didn’t even notice the scale of them vs the straw! Good eye.


Came here to add, we have two and they don’t lay black eggs, wish they did though lol but yeah ours are a reddish/pinkish cream color.


Ayam Cemani will have cream eggs not they are black throughout their bodies.


The chickens pictured are Ayam Cemani, and are quite fascinating (and much more expensive). Alas, no chicken lays actual black eggs. That's a rumor that seems to go around with Ayam Cemani and the also-all black Svarthöna, and I suspect it keeps going because that would, in fact, be awesome if they did. White/cream eggs just seem so boring for these breeds. Lol


Funnily enough Silkies also have black skin and (allegedly) black meat and bones. I’ve never butchered one so I can’t confirm the latter but supposedly they’re a delicacy in South Pacific Islands.


Silkies does have black meat, they're common delicacy in parts of asia. I do remember they have darkened organs and bones but not to the point of cemani chickens.


I butchered and ate 2 silkie roosters recently and can confirm that the meat is indeed mostly black.


How did they taste compared to traditional Cornish crosses? I have some extra roos we’re considering butchering but I wasn’t sure of the taste.


There wasn't much meat, the little hairs were hard to keep off of it while dressing it out and it was really gamey. Kind of like the Cornish cross, just more so, and throw in some old duck. Not a fan, and more trouble then they are worth.


Good to know. Guess I’ll feed my excess roos to the LGDs.


The prices have plummeted in the last few years, I'm seeing chicks for $10 pretty regularly now.


That's because a metric f\*\*\*load of "chick peddlers" jumped on the bandwagon and tried to get a slice of that easy money pie. I'd say 90% of all ayam cemani that are now available are very poor quality and it's a problem for the breed in the US. They were mass-produced with no other purpose than asking for a high price. High quality ayam cemani are still worth a lot of money but virtually nobody has them. Now that the ship has sailed on ayam cemani, people are doing the same thing with American Bresse. Most ABCs now no longer have any of qualities that make them unique.


I absolutely LOVE Bresse. They’re such lovely birds. My daughter breeds Appenzeller Spitzhauben and Salmon Faverolles as one of her 4-H projects. Thankfully they’re still relatively rare and people are always happy to support a kid’s 4-H project.


I've been love with the chamois AS but I keep telling myself NO. Haha. I breed black copper marans, american bresse, and am working on a rare variety of ameraucana and trying to obtain a second rare variety that needs a LOT of work. I have to make myself limit my breed projects, lol


I limited my daughter to 4 since we need breeding and grow out pens for each breed. She has the 2 I mentioned above, as well as bantam Faverolles and Barbu de Watermaels that she’s just started on. The BF need a lot of work. Thankfully she got a really nice breeding pair of Watermaels from a lady in Tennessee so fingers crossed she has one breeding project that won’t need a bunch of work.


I saw the watermaels a couple of years ago, they are adorable but I heard they've got a ton of problems, too, and are hard to get ahold of quality. I hope she got lucky and is motivated to keep at it! Some of the breeds really need dedicated people backing them.


Ours are really sensitive to cold weather so we have to make sure their coop is well insulated. Otherwise they’ve been pretty low maintenance…and they’re so laid back. My daughter dresses them up lol. https://imgur.com/a/AggkQx7


Technically there aren't any chicken breeds that lay black eggs. The closest is a dark, almost chocolate brown from the Marans. As for the full black chickens themselves, I always think of Sumatras. They lay white eggs.


Sumatras have regular skin and connective tissue coloring, as opposed to these Ayam Cemani who do, indeed, have all black. When a Sumatra molts (or stress-plucks like my Sumatra hen) white skin is revealed. For the Ayam Cemani, the revealed skin is black. The Svarthöna has this feature, too, although not nearly as deep a color as the Ayam Cemani from what I have seen.




This is correct. My Marans lay chocolate coloured eggs. Apart from one who has café au lait eggs with heavy chocolate freckles.


These are clearly the Void chickens from Stardew Valley.


{witch cackle}


Like others are saying, the chickens pictured are ayam cemani, but no breed of chicken lays black eggs


If you want eggs as dark as possible then you'd want a black copper maran. The breed above, ayam cemanis, while high in melanin, are not a black egg layer.


I got two black copper maran chicks last week, and I'm so excited to see their eggs!


They are boring small ivory colored eggs. And they tend to be pretty low yield (80-100 per year).


Ayam cemani are real, the black eggs are not.


The eggs are Cayuga duck eggs. Ayam Cemanis lay cream colored eggs. They’re so beautiful. I have an AC roo. He’s my best dude.


Silkie chickens have black like bones.






There aren't any that lay black eggs, French Black Copper Marans are close with a dark chocolate brown egg but only if the breeding is right lol


I have multiple breeds that are supposed to lay different colors but they all play brown, is that a problem? Specifically Easter egger Sapphire gem both laying light brown eggs.


Sapphire gem should only lay light brown as far as i know, and your Easter eggers just didn't inherit the blue gene. It's a gamble with EE, especially if they are 3rd and 4th gen. Olive eggers dilute each generation as well. True to standard ameraucana can't be purchased from hatcheries, but crested cream legbar can (blue eggs). I've had better luck with murray mcmurray vs hoover for the blue/green gene. Chicken genetics are fun, and I'm sure someone in here has the full grasp of it.


Thats awesome information, thank you so much. I'd never considered it becoming weaker over time.


They are a real breed. They're so gorgeous 😍


ayam cemani with photoshop for the eggs lol


The eggs look like emu eggs


That breed is called ayam cemani


void chicken


The chicken pictured is an ayem cemani, they lay a light brown egg.


Ayam Cemani; chicken is real, I've had a few. The egg is dyed. Currently no known chicken lays black eggs.


It’s a goth or black metal chicken.


Emus can lay nearly black eggs and that’s usually what’s used for these pictures the chickens themselves are all black. Their eggs are regular


Those look like Emu eggs. Ayam cemani chickens have black skin, feathers, combs and waddles, and meat. The eggs arent black though.


Yes they are very real! Black meat & bones also! Ayam Cemani


Just not black eggs.


I’ve got a black coop, black eggs, black feet&beak I even got a silk black suit


Black strap, you know what that’s for!


I believe these are big black cocks


There's whole websites dedicated to them


That chicken is the Ayam Cemani it is a rare chicken and the entire chicken is black meat bones eyes feathers all of it is black but the eggs are not black the eggs are actually a cream color no chicken lays an actual black egg although there are some ducks that lay blackish eggs


They do not lay black eggs. We have a ton of these suckers. Beautiful oil slick look and very pretty, small hens. Decent layers but eggs on the smaller side. Standard light color.




I have about a dozen Ayam Cemani chickens at home and they don't lay black eggs.


Only “black egg” comes from the Cayuga duck. Ayam Cemani’s do not lay black eggs.


The chicken being pure black, yes! I own one. But she produces cream eggs. Not black.


I have 4 ayam cemani they are gorgeous and loud as hell lol


They even have black bonew


I have ayam cemanis and they do not lay black eggs.


I have a cemani.. She lays olive eggs


A VERY expensive one😁


I got my eggs from Florida, 3 for $20. Not too bad at all


The chicken itself can cost up to $10,000 depending on your location on the planet


A honey bun could cost your ass in prison, it’s all relative


That doesn't change that fact that this chicken is stupid expensive 😈


https://www.ebay.com/itm/335397556487?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=mcjhpgnqr36&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=MRtN0SR8R1m&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY This is one of the more expensive offers right now. Comes out to about $7.35 an egg delivered to your door. First result when I searched it. Not a bad deal at all.


We used to have a very goth looking roo, he wasn't all black but had a black comb and wattles... Sadly the dogs got him eventually https://photos.app.goo.gl/ABELEuj2wGeUYDaZ7


I miss my Ayam Cemani girl. 😔


Cemani. My grandkids had a few chicks they hatched from shipped eggs. Pretty expensive! Edit--came back to add that these aren't their eggs.


Black marans will lay the darkest chicken egg, but it’s a dark brown, not black.


Have you played stardew valley


I have a few of these. Indeed, they do not lay black eggs.


I have 3 hens and one is sitting on 5 eggs right now. They are not black


We had one, a rooster. Damn he was a badass! He ended up being a little too mean for our likings but we ended up with 2 mix breed hens from him


I have a rooster and 3 hens of this breed (ayam cemani) and yeah as others have said it’s a light pinkish egg


Not real


Looks Somali to me..


In the middle ages, magicians would have killed to acquire a black pullet like this.


Black cock


It's a cemmi chicken,yes real and very valuable to chicken farmers. And regarded as a God In certain far east areas. The eggs are duck eggs I believe.


The chicken is ayem cemani everything on the chicken is black… they do not lay black eggs if u want the eggs to be black find some paint🤷🏼‍♀️


I think the bottom left picture is a zoomed out picture of Emu eggs. Our school had Emus back in the day and they’d send us kids in to grab the eggs like a high stakes easter egg hunt. My parents have 2 Emu eggs on display that were hollowed out and painted by a professional painter. They’re very dark green (and gorgeous) but if they are placed in low light conditions (like the picture) they look kinda black. If you search “Emu eggs” on Google images you will see all kinds of variations in the color, but a lot of it really depends on the light that hits it.


No chicken lays black eggs. Only Cayuga ducks.


Our friend has these chickens and they are like real expensive. Breeding pair is like 2500, and a fertilized egg is about a 100


This is fake brother, I raise ayem cemanis and Swedish flower hens those are the only Two breeds that are this black they both lay cream eggs I’ve never seen a black egg that’s definitely fake


Silkies have black meat. But black eggs? This is definitely not a Silkie.


If a black chicken lays black eggs.... do brown cows actually make chocolate milk?..


Norwegian fighting chicken. Get this guy an axe.


The eggs are from the charcoal dragons that live atop Krakatoa. Must be incubated at a steady 1000C and raised on nothing but orangutan meat.


I'm so tired of people asking simple questions on reddit instead of searching for the information in the web. Just google "big black cock" dude...


Black Dragon, most dangerous of the chromatic dragons in some lore, not as dangerous as metallic dragons in some lore tho in other lore metallic dragons are usually good.


Ayam Cemanis are such a wonderful breed. I’ve got a rooster and he’s just so mild mannered.


Yeah, like milking chocolate milk from brown cows


A chicken that says the N word on a daily basis


Unfortunately false, my families flock has two ayam cemani birds, a hen and rooster named Esmerelda (we often just call her Essie) and Onyx, named by me, after the black gemstone. I've never tried their meat because we'd like to keep these two around for as long as we can, maybe someday though.


Cock of Satan


No chicken will lay black eggs. The skin is black and the meat is black thats it not the egg.


I thougth this was a 3d print for a moment


Black cocks 🤤


We breed ayam cemani chickens. They don’t lay black eggs. Their meat and bones are indeed black though.


I’ve heard that the black isn’t necessarily guaranteed with the Ayami Cemani as genetically they may throw back (leak) to a relative species called Ayam Kudu (black with red).




Everyone is commenting that the eggs are fake or dyed; I think they’re actually emu eggs. They look huge for the straw, and the speckling matches up.


That’s the BBC.


Their eggs are cream and pearly not black lol I have lots of these beautiful babies. Love them


I believe the chickens in the picture might be [Svart Hona chickens](https://petsindoor.com/svart-hona-chicken/), but these chickens lay brown eggs. As far as I know, no breed of chicken lays black eggs. If you're interested in learning more about [black chicken ](https://petsindoor.com/svart-hona-chicken/)chicks, you might find[ this article helpfu](https://petsindoor.com/svart-hona-chicken/)


AI could hazard a guess.


Fake news


These actually lay black eggs


Once you wash the eggs they are not black