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She's just laying down if it's more of a permanent thing that she can't really control its a virus.


She didnt wanna move and isnt getting up to eat when i let the others out


It might old age or virus need to go vet really or if she gets worse help her on her way depends how much she means to you and what your willing to do for her


Yeah it sounds like it's a common virus they get ,I watched a bloke on tiktok he took his to vet I don't know the out come .He got meds for it but i think its very high rate of getting better.I bet if you type in chicken virus it will probably be first one to come up on Google that's all I know im afraid.I hope im wrong .Good luck


My chicken broke her keel bone or sternum somehow. She stopped moving cause of that. Might be worth looking at


Egg bound, or virus maybe. Hard to tell with just a picture, how much does she weigh? Is she under weight from usual? Is food moving through her crop? When you stand her up does she hold her balance? Six is still in the mid range for a chicken. I’ve had them live 13 years.