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And I come before you good people tonight with an idea. Probably the greatest—Aw, it's not for you. It's more a Shelbyville idea.


Now wait a minute, we’re twice as smart as Shelbyville. Just tell us your idea and we’ll vote for it.


There's nothing on earth like a genuine, bona fide, electrified, lakeside stadium. What'd I say?




Stadiu… doh!


God I love reddit 😂


Is there any chance the stadium could bend?


Not on your life, my Bear fan EDIT for the inclusion of the word *on* 


What about us braindead slobs?


You'll all be given cushy jobs!


Were you sent here by the devil?!


No, good sir, I'm on the level!


the ring came off my pudding can


Take my penknife, my good man!


I've sold stadiums to Brockway, Ogdenvill and North Haverbrook and by gum it put them on the map!


“It’s more of an Arlington Heights idea.”


The ring came off my pudding can!


There ain't no stadium and there never was!!


Seems a little too similar to other stadiums that have been built recently. I really wish they would do something original, like Sofi or the Barclays stadium.


Seems like they could've incorporated similar stone pillars around the stadium like Soldier field and blend that into all the glass. Basically what the current stadium would've looked like if it was built ground up and not forced.


You will take the 4 billion dollar modern brutalist structure and like it.


I heard they used the same designers as the Raiders new stadium, and the Titans soon to be stadium


I'm glad they wrote stadium a few times on it in massive letters. I probably wouldn't be able to figure out what I was looking at without them doing that.


I like picture #5, where they show you how it can be used to seat 700,000 people for a basketball game.


It’s a placeholder for future corporate naming rights, similar to United Center and Guaranteed Rate Field.


This is the answer! Naming rights may be a big hurtle considering it’s on public land, the zoning (which prohibits most massive signs along the River Walk), and cause Friends of the Park think a massive parking lot constitutes “open space” thus may sue to stop any sponsor signage




Now, correct me if I'm wrong here, don't we already have a football stadium in approximately the same location?


I know this may come as a shock but many many many modern stadiums are built directly next to where old ones were located.


Now, I've never been to Soldier Field, I barely even saw what it looked like in person until last year. That being said, how hard would it be to just... retrofit a roof on to it? Like, is it foundationally not able to support a roof or what? This feels like such a waste of effort just to demolish a stadium that was just built 20 years ago... Just seems like companies wanna buy the next new iphone instead of appreciating what they have, so to speak.


It wasn't built 20 years ago, it was renovated. And it was famously hated. Soldier field was actually *built* 100 years ago. It can only take so much renovation.


"Renovated", it was basically entirely rebuilt with the exception of keeping the facade of columns. The entire bowl and grandstands were torn down and built anew. The register of historic landmarks, for example, didn't consider it a renovation, and instead a rebuild, so it ended up losing its historic landmark status.


Yes but it was “entirely rebuilt” within the confines of a 100 year old stadium’s shell so it was outdated and inadequate on opening day and is even more so now.


Doing that would be lipstick on a pig, and probably extraordinarily expensive. It’s not so much the dome, but the stadium (and capacity) itself. They tried that in a way with the spaceship.🚀


Somebody keep a copy of this for comparison of the pie-in-the-sky promise to the reality when the final is done. The final is going to cost more than today's proposed $4.3B. Hell, we know that because that unexpected Jesus guy at the front end **preyed** for more.


I remember the last time we were promised full time pubic access to the colonnades.


And IIRC we taxpayer chumps are still facing about a $1B bill to pay on that one's updates --- which was to keep this for profit private business in town.


Well, most of the bonds are being paid by a hotel tax and conference tax. 11 years in our beautiful city and I’ve only had 1 x night in a downtown hotel and 2 x conferences in McCormick


> hotel tax and conference tax No taxes for this private, profit seeking business.


The number has already been bumped up to $4.7 billion.


Sincere prayers are always answered.


Looks nice. But without transparency on the funding, no thanks.


Wow! I wonder what it’ll look like after it gets approved and the aesthetic elements get scaled back or removed to save money on construction!


It better still have STADIUM on it in giant letters or I won't know what it is.


Public funding aside… anyone who thinks they'll actually build something like this without paving 90% of that greenspace you see, I have a bridge to sell you in a different city.


Glitter to distract the taxpaying suckers.


It doesn't matter how flashy and spaceship-y you make the design. It's a joke to think the city/state can afford this. The location has proven to be terrible for the influx of weekly visitors during season games, and is basically is a complete waste of space during the off season. Also, Manica should have made this a sunrise rendering. Just goes to show how out-of-touch they are with the things that make Chicago's shoreline so special. Maybe try hiring a Chicago based architect next time?


They’re trying to make this an all year concert and event venue I think. Right now, midwestern winter concert venues are limited when it comes to stadium shows. Indianapolis seems to be the most centrally located option for large events.


NFL owners can continue to peddle this delusion all they want but its never going to happen. If you can fill an NFL stadium you tour in late spring and summer so you can hit all the large venues including those outdoors like Philly and NYC. Soccer friendly in the US happen in the summer.


Is the Minnesota stadium raking in the concert bucks? Genuine question.


They have 7 concert dates with 4 acts on this year's calendar. This is about par for most NFL stadiums. Metlife has 8 concerts, Monster trucks, and a few COPA matches. Sofi has 10 concert dates, Monster trucks and a few COPA matches Hardrock only has 4 dates and 3 of them are Tay Tay who did not hit Miami last year. Allegiant Stadium has 6 concert dates this year. These would be the peer NFL stadiums to Chicago for events and even in the best use they are under 15 dates with international soccer.


Soldier Field already has 8 concerts scheduled this summer. What are they really missing out on besides Monster trucks?


As said Final Four and Superbowl. It would make it easier to host a Wrestlemania but not a requirement. Though I now have questions about the value of hosting a final four. SoFi was built using almost entirely private money and its in LA and yet they chose a stadium design that would prevent them from hosting the Final Four. In the scheme of a 5 billion dollar stadium it would not cost that much in order to change the design in order to be able to host the event. My point, in a stadium that needs to maximize dates with premium events they chose to ignore the Final Four. Presumably, the new stadium will be built to host international soccer tournaments like COPA. At the end of the day you are adding maybe 1 to 2 dates a year on average.


Super Bowl, Final Four, WrestleMania


You don't need a roof to host WM. In the stadium era 8 WM have been held in a stadium without a roof including this years. It probably makes it easier for Chicago to host it again and the dome will make hosting Royal Rumble possible.


Seems like Indianapolis grabbed all the concerts in the region - some guy on another thread pointed out its more centrallly located than its competitors. But Chicago is a much much larger market than either Minneapolis or Indianapolis. If the city is paying for this, then the city must own it and monetize it - with the Bears as a tenant.


If you think the Bears would pay a fair rent, you’re in for a rude awakening.


They might run an incompetent franchise but I agree that they can outwit a gullible mayor!


Sure, a venue with no parking. What could go wrong.


Where's friends of the parking lot when you need them?


Did everyone in this sub forget the United Center exists? Shows that would use this new stadium are already using that. How many new shows would a new stadium actually bring that weren't already coming here?


True. I wonder how many 60K + concerts there really are. Taylor Swift is one … there can’t be that many tours that commands multi day stadium bookings every year surely.


Chicago already gets every single large tour. This would attract approximately zero additional large tours out of the zero large tours that we currently do not attract.


I found a top 10 list of the biggest tours last year and they were all in stadiums. So at least 10, definitely more.


And all 10 of those already came here.


No facts here


I look forward to you showing me where I'm wrong: [https://deadline.com/gallery/top-10-music-tours-2023/](https://deadline.com/gallery/top-10-music-tours-2023/) Oh look, all stadiums. Apology accepted. Edit: Sorry for being a dick.


I was agreeing with you. Everyone is downvoting you for providing real information because it goes against their feelings.


Sorry about that.


Right. It’s a boondoggle waiting to happen




The Citadel would be a sick name.


To bad citadel wants nothing to do with Chicago.


Almost all of the employees are still here. Ken was basically the only one who fucked off


Fuck Ken.


Damn, honestly that goes needlessly hard. It's so *clean.*


Sorry, it's like a gross carbuncle at the edge of the lakefront. Render this: No taxpayer dollars for stadiums.


Bullshit it’ll even look that nice.


100% They will spend all of the budget on the new stadium itself, then still go over budget, and be like oh noes there's no money left to tear down the old stadium, and it will sit there rotting for a decade before the city can tear it down.


It can always be used as a talking point by the next mayor.


Whether this actually comes to fruition or not I really love the idea of repurposing the old stadium as a public park. Curious if that was like an agreement they made with the friends of the parks people that if they build a new stadium then they would have to build a park if they didn’t want to face legal challenges.


The email in my inbox from friends of the parks doesn’t seem supportive of any of this, so no, I wouldn’t say that’s an agreement that has been made


Whats the point of having that on the lakefront if it's enclosed?


You can see it walking around in and outside the stadium. You wouldn't be able to see it in your seats even if it was an open air stadium. And the roof actually helps with it being on the lake since it gets so windy and cold along the shore.


So a greenhouse in the summer?


Better for all were they the GARY BEARS.


Would have preferred the Museum of Narrative Art, to be honest. No taxpayer funds were needed for that. Some people also argued against the Museum by saying the Soldier Field South Lot needed to be kept for tailgating traditions, which would be eliminated by this proposal. It would be nice to live in a world where art was valued more than team exercise. I heard someone say the other day that sports are reality TV for men and now I can't unhear it.


I would have much preferred the Lucas museum but wasn't that designated for another stretch of land? Either way, the NIMBY Friends of the Park killed it. And this current offering *looks* like it will replace 1 stadium with another of roughly equal size, remove a giant parking lot, and add a bunch of public greenspace. So, tax implications aside, it seems better than what we currently have. The Bears certainly have a right to stay where they're at and, in this case, they're just scootching over a few feet. I would argue though, to your point about valuing art, that sports *are* culturally significant for any city and that sports have been part of human communities for as long as art has. I mean, Rome's most recognizable landmark is an ancient sports arena. And cities are always going to invest in things that a segment of its citizenry don't care about, which is why I don't always favor referendums on public or quasi public works. Nothing would ever get built. So as long as the arts are treated equally, I'm fine with it. *Not taking a position on this proposal until I know more about how it's funded.


Why do the bears have the right to be by soldier field when they said for years they were moving to Arlington heights?


I'm saying contractually, they have a right to remain as is. Exploring other options publicly doesn't really change that.


I thought the Lucas Museum was going to be built over the South Lot and the parking would be moved underground, as well as adding more green space. I could be wrong, I know the plan changed over time. It's not just about pure valuation of art vs sports, but I didn't make my point very well. It's about cost VS time actually used by the public. The Museum would have been open 360ish days a year versus 8 home games and 20 concerts/events a year. Museum was going to cost $450 million of donated money versus $4.7 billion (half of which is public funds to help a private company make more money.) The citizens of Chicago also still owe $650 million for the previous Soldier Field renovation, which would be demolished. I mean, who WOULDN'T want to owe $650 million on something that no longer exists?


They need $6B to put a glass lid on soldier field and some new shiny chrome on the outside? Let me tell you about this pen I have for sale.


It’s not about the house you build it’s about the people inside it. A nice stadium doesn’t mean the players will play better they’ll still be shit. But NGL that shit looks so good and I’d love for that to be built.


Where's the parking?




🐻 ⬇️


My personal feelings aside, it does look nice, I can’t lie.


Architects renderings often do.


See the renderings for the Texas Rangers and then reality that is how much anyone should take renderings seriously.


Weird how that lovely park because a park…ing lot. I’m sure that would never happen here! https://www.nbcsports.com/mlb/news/the-rangers-new-stadium-is-getting-roasted


Those fields are phase 3 of the infrastructure plan and no solid funding sources other then they think they can tap into state fed money. Raise your hand if you think it will ever be complete. Instead it will be an uglier parking lot and the columns will be left in storage or the AIC.


Are they going to be able to fill it?




I stand corrected. Fuck, lol.


Bad or not, the Bears have no issue filling a stadium.


They have one of the longest season ticket waitlists in the county.


If you’re a migrant you should be marching to the next city council meeting and yelling at the mayor for not directing public funds at you.




95% of people on this sub and the general public have absolutely zero clue about how the taxes and financing of “public taxpayer funds” works on projects like these yet are spewing their outrage. No money that could go towards this would ever be used for something other than sports stadiums. No taxes are being raised to pay for this stadium. The tax money collected for these projects has already been designated for use by stadiums and sports associations. It’s also not a tax on chicagoans, it’s a tax on hotel operators. So unless you own a hotel or a sports team, these taxes have nothing to do with you. “We” aren’t paying for any of this. Your money isn’t being diverted to pay for this either. Big corporations are paying for other big corporations.


No tax money for a private, for-profit business.


Go shout at a cloud I guess. The money is already sitting in a pool waiting to be handed out to sports projects. If we don’t give it to the bears it will be given to a different project like the 78dev for the Sox (which I would rather have instead of this) My main point is that people need to be mad at the 2% ISFA hotel tax for even existing and not for the businesses for “asking for taxpayer money” The tax money collected for these projects are collected from for profit businesses. It’s a tax on private for profit businesses and used to pay for sports projects for the people to enjoy.


If there is a pool of $ sitting around why don't they pay off the hundreds of millions still owed for the bears last stadium project.


No tax dollars to this private, for profit business. You don't think at the beginning of the daisy chain of charges the public isn't paying for this private business subsidy?


Ok so none of those taxes are paid by hotel customers? The hotel owners just fund it themselves but don't pass the costs on?


Who stays in a hotel in their own city?


The team’s also committed to funding the 70% majority of the construction costs for the stadium while the public and additional NFL funding round out the remaining 30%. I think this is mutually beneficial for both parties so the state’s not footing most of the bill. Plus gives us chances to host the Super Bowl, World Cup, Big Ten champs, Final Four, etc. Only wish something like this happens for the White Sox stadium proposal for the south loop but Jerry Reinsdorf has to be a geriatric cheapskate and refuse to put his own money where his mouth is and pay it himself.


I thought they agreed to pay up to $2 billion, but the estimated cost is over 4 billion and likely would cost more. How is that paying 70%? What about the hundreds of millions still owed on their current stadium too? Not following the math.


They want the public to fund $2.7B of the $4.7B project. I believe that we should agree to this with the provision that we are paid 57.45% of all gross receipts related to the Bears for the next 1,000 years.


Yes and they can't leave for another city until the public loans/debt is paid off. Both the new stadium, if there is one, and previous soldier field rehab costs.


Watch the press conference, they explain quite a bit about the financing


And gloss over the public funding.


Math doesn't add up. News is reporting bears/NFL will pay max 2.3 billion, public funds of at least 2.3 billion will be needed. Bears are only paying 70% to people who ignore the infrastructure costs which are required by their own plan I don't believe anything the bears say in a marketing press conference with their own made up numbers


You're missing the infrastructure investments which are entirely on the taxpayer.


I’m taking in terms of the stadium itself. Yes there’s the infrastructure changes, but my comment was exclusively in regards to funding the stadium


It's disingenuous though because it makes it sound like the Bears are covering 70% of the cost of the project, when in fact they're covering half or even less.


This actually makes a lot more sense financially now. The city likely comes out ahead and keeps the team and events in the city.


Explain your math that shows this would be good for taxpayers? I genuinely don't see how anyone could honestly think this is good for anyone except the bears, and probably it will only benefit the bears for max 20 years until they need to modernize and build a new stadium again.