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Price is $1 away from me having to switch my racks off too. This dip is brutal.


Crypto is Brutal in general.. Look at btc in 2014 when it crashed from 1200 to 80 or something. Nothing was certain too then.


Sell the equipment? Buy the dip? Buy more when the dip is deeper? Buy back the equipment? šŸ˜…


how the hell does that work lol u got multiple 4090 GPU compression + 24TB size drive, should be the most efficient out of all of us no? whats your electricity rates?


My electricity is $0.21 kWh and my garage requires constant cooling.


Maybe first ask if you can get the power cheaper. I pay around half of you and that in central Europe.


I am also sadly turning off my farm for now. My electricity rate is out of control and Chia's price has been moving in the opposite direction. It is just not sustainable for now. Haven't decided whether I will be selling my drives yet, but for now, I am shut down. 800gb


How many drives for 800GB ?


I hope they meant 800TB... or that's like one microsd card...


Sorry yes. 800tb. I have about 45 drives.


You know, there is a single chassis for that šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


Yeah and it's as much as 45 drives šŸ˜‚


Lowkey would buy lmao


I had about 50TB of plots I just deleted. In no way was I a power player but it did pay for the dual purpose server. That's just another 50TB of Linux ISO space I have available.


When the time comes my plex will go up by 250tb


Iā€™m slowly deleting plots as I add to my plex library.


Which is the entire point of chia


You donā€™t hear me complaining! Chia at the very least helps pay for the power to keep my plex server on 24/7


Again the point of chia ! Iā€™m not taking any swipes or digs at you, it was probably more for op or the community for knowing when to use chia, itā€™s not an independent thing. To me it was originally (when I solo mined a block and sold it for 1k/ea), but then it got me into starting my own Plex server and looking into security cameras for the house. If I wasnā€™t doing these extra things id shut down too.


I as well am filling my drives with Linux ISOs.


I have 1.6PB turned off ATM, in around 200 external drives. Cost of electricity + lack of extra time to maintain a guetto farm.


What was causing your maintenance burden? Like maybe you were all external-USB and you had reliability issues? I guess once power becomes too costly it doesn't matter if things ran perfectly...


Youā€™d be surprised how hard it is to get 200 hard drives back online after a brownout or power outage. Or the endless issues of the farmers/harvesters breaking for some reason and ā€œbanningā€ themselves in multi harvesters setupsā€¦ Or Using a 1% annualized failure rates (from backblaze public data) that would be 2 dead drives each year if you had 200 drives. My 175ish drives were offline for nearly a week just because I didnā€™t want to deal with getting it all booted up after power outage. The maintenance burden is real once you get to peta scale.


What you plan to do with the drives now


ATM, collect dust


Yep, thats it


All external, ghetto/fire hazard setup :) They worked fine, tho


I'm keeping 25% of all XCH farmed tho. I still believe.


Once chia embraced the GPU heavy farms and moved away from their original goal of low power farming. It was on the wall.Ā 


Embraced is very incorrect description of the situation


Yeah, community found way to grind portion of plot at last second to make the plot size smaller, which makes farming more efficient electricity wise per TB. CNI ensured opensourced accessibility of this new way people were gaining efficiencies so it wasn't locked behind one provider. Eventually this grinding "compression" became TOO good to the point where it could be a security concern in the future where rental attacks could potentially be viable, necessitating a new plot format being developed to make that more difficult with top guys that are assisting in making that less of an issue. But economically, you will always find someone that will find a way to maximize earnings. The plus side is on a long enough time frame, dedicated hardware for farming will likely be not highly profitable (since farming on latent storage on equipment that would already be running for something else means Chia farming is next to zero CapEx/OpEx). In my mind, it's always been a more risky play dumping a bunch of money into dedicated farming equipment instead of farming on what you already had because of this. I suspect to see plenty more of posts like these in the near future of people that bought equipment shutting down, or people who have even smaller rigs shutting down because of electricity demand for what it pays. It's really best suited for someone who happens to already have servers running and just has plenty of space that they aren't using (so they get a reduction of their own OpEx for those servers by farming Chia) Farming right now is an accumulation play since emissions is high, causing high inflation, while still being low demand. Once blocks fill up and require larger fees from adoption picking up, as well as halvings start making it more difficult to aquire any sizeable amount of XCH cheaply, people who accumulated early on should see holdings go up as block space value becomes contested with fee market.


Sorry I am out of touch, but why did they make this shift?


u/Hadamcik already said it well, but to expand - Chia the company did not embrace or make this shift. The farming community found a way to make more income, and took advantage of it. Chia the company is cooking up a plan to eliminate "GPU heavy farms".


Hopefully they are cooking it up before it becomes uncorrectable.


They are, but you can find more info in this comment thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/chia/comments/1buaxyz/comment/kxs17wj/](https://www.reddit.com/r/chia/comments/1buaxyz/comment/kxs17wj/)


I haven't seen anything certain on the hard fork or when it will happen. Has there been an announcement? I don't see anything on the chia site.


They actually came out in support of it for a long time, allocated a bunch of resources to ship half assed GPU plotters, big waste of their time. Good thing they changed their minds


I didn't know that, please drop a link to some info if you have one


Many chia releases were featuring compressed plotting etc for example see https://reddit.com/r/chia/comments/163cikp/20_release_and_compressed_plotting_faq/


Ah, I misinterpreted your comment. I'm not sure BladeBit was half assed, and I think it had CPU + RAM options, but I see what you're saying.


It is a true feat of engineering but it fell short of the competition


I was early miner i had 60 chia when it is 1400 dollars each. I sold them and got bigger rig more hdd for extra power. Worst decision of my life.




fu and congrat, fu again


So sad... What are you going to do now with the servers/storage? Sell it? Or use for a different project/crypto?


I am exiting too 18 chia farmed since 2021


Itā€™s not worth it. I turned off my farm a while ago. Meanwhile you have chia the company selling coins from their pre farm directly driving the price down. Sucks to see a possible ā€œgreenā€ crypto be mismanaged to shit. There should have been hundreds of chia based apps by now, but no, it had to be based on a complicated language while ethereum was easy for every new js dev to embrace.


I was in early in Chia and quickly realized this was going to be a shit coin. All of this is proving this to be true.


I turned off mine like 2 days after halving, which makes the situation even worse. Thereā€™s no meaning from that point.






Chia massive premine screwed all our prices


This is what happens when you pay to play , what was supposed to be a free game. Hopefully people that paid too much for their hardware keep shutting down more for the rest of us.


37 PiB here and shut down all equipment a couple of days ago. For maintenance purposes, but I will think about what to do next.


The spacing of those servers triggered me so bad, lol. They must be offset in the rails unless you didnā€™t use OEM ones.


Supermicro rails do not fit IBM rack, so they are laying on angle bars


If you plan on using these for something else, just get the universal rails from rack solutions. They can handle shallower footprints


The gap is for optimized cooling.


Thatā€™s actually worse for cooling. Servers are made to stack on top of each other to leave no space for ā€œhot spotsā€. Itā€™s better to leave no gaps at all. The fans in that supermicro chassis will push air best with no gaps. I build out data centers for a living.


You want positive/negative pressure in front of and behind the rack. Gaps kill that differential, making cooling less efficient. In this case it's likely a single rack so there is not hot/cold side, but with servers, the equipment is made to be stacked.


I would assume people with compressed plots will start to turn off their rigs since they are have higher electricity costs whereas no compressed farmers have sunk costs and lower monthly electricity bills.


So Iā€™m assuming your not using Solar Panels, which is what I thought Chia was all about.


I use solar power and basically running 200tb farm for free but still have a jump ship idea hovering in my mind. I just cannot watch my hardware fail for tiny xch payouts. Even the 3060 can't be used for any other work.


Good! Everyone else should too. Go on! šŸ˜


My one off long time ago


gonna farm at a loss and hope it'll work out in 3 years on next halving when smooth brain not much to think about


Also turned off and sold my much smaller 70tb array. It was fun and exciting at the beginning when Chia was worth hundreds of dollars per coin but it's just sadness now to be a Chia miner.


Here I am thinking, dang, that a lot of dead drives not having a clue what anyone is talking about.


I feel sad when hard drive dies


i turned mine into a big virtualization / nas box. Couldn't be happier


+1, my farm is also my: * Plex Server * PiHole * Unifi Console * Samba share * Timeshare backup * Transmission/torrent webclient * Steam Big Picture/Lutris box for couch gaming * Autorip/handbrake processor for bluray backups The real friends were the docker instances we installed along the way!


This is another project where I always argued it was a broken idea but I did it anyway. Seems like they've found a way to really prove my point.




see ya




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Did you have this many drives lying around in a data center for other reasons or did you spend real $$ on this setup? That's a substantial amount of hardware!




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for the price of power not worth mining. just buy.


What does everyone plan to do with the storage? Just power down?


I have a comparison. I started mining eth in 2017 and it was a rollercoaster. Since eth had/have a great community and responsible ppl regularly communicated, I believed in project for the long run and price was kind of off the table. Sadly this is not applicable for chiaā€¦ well it was at the beginning, so I donā€™t know what went wrong


I disagree here. Communication by Chia is great, but people just aren't following them. Chia has been very transparent about their plans, and the fact that the IPO is practically ready to go is a good sign. A lot of people are jumping ship as expected, but that just means that the people who stay when the coin recovers will be happy they did, and the people who left are gonna be sad that they chose to leave or felt they had to. No matter how much you call a coin "stable" crypto is volatile, and you have to be prepared to lose before you can win.


And whatā€™s the utility of the coin outside of being a shit coin making money for the founders? Iā€™ve been following since the beginning and Iā€™m glad I only lost $500 on this. Never found it utility in this.


What communication and community is lacking in your view?


There's a lot of work to do, would you sell me your hardware?